Do you have ANY idea how easy it is to publish lies, rearrange words, misquote people, and put together many facts together? Witness Inc is obviously a Website DEVOTED to manipulating people's view on Witnesses. If you want ot believe it, fine, but I reccomend you meet and talk to Witnesses yourself and make up your own mind.
wikipedia some what agrees with what I posted, but it fails to mention that the house was bought for brother Rutherford, NOT with Watchtower funding, but by the closest friends and family of brother Ruthford. It was believed that the ones mentioned would be ressurected and they would need a place to live, no other better place than Beth Sarim.
Before I go on, let it be known, and the Watchtower Society even admits it, WE HAVE made MISTAKES. 1975 there were many suggestive and encouraging articles in the Watchtower, but IT WAS NOT FINAL. In fact, if my memory serves me right, some brothers took it over zealously and believed in it with out a shadow of a doubt, so an article was published that one should not be surprised if God's kingdom came, but it shouldn't surprise you if it didn't.
My father was back in 1975 as a Witness, and he said they were expecting the End, but speeches were given to not be surprised if such end didn't come.
I recently heard in a speech, that the only TRUELY inspired book from God is the Bible. The Watchtower Articles are made in harmony to this, and contain errors, but they are made to help one understand the word of God. They are not directly the Word of God.
EDIT:After exploring the "other" side of the fence, I realized that most anti witness documents are just copy and pasted with different URL adress, the same thing rewritten, or quoted here and their. I notice that alot of these people claim to have been former Witnesses, yet what they say about what organization teaches is not true. The truth is, the world doesn't like us because we are different. "We are not part of this world" but we all strive to be part of the next one.
EDIT2: Apparently the world ignores the fact that the Watchtower Organization admits its positive and negative aspects and apologizes for its mistakes, and that it is being runned by imperfect people who spend all their time and resources in not making mistakes. The bible, by itself, is perfect, how we see it, may not.
EDIT3: Whats even more shocking, is that there are websites CLAIMING to be part of the Organization, when all their teachings COMPLETLEY in way or another contradict ours. If you want to learn about Witnesses, the only true source on the Internet is
Nothing to see here, move along.