Sorry about the late reply I've been packing and moving back into uni. This is a response to Wolfy, back here:
So one woman sins and the punishment for it is visited on every single one of her decendants who happen to get a double XX in the big chromosome lottery that is conception? What a loving and benevolent god!
For an omnipotent and supposedly benevolent being that's a pretty heavy handed tactic. Wiping out not only the wicked but also any innocents and all but two of each type of living being. Meanwhile during the armageddon the same God will apparently rapture all the true believers away. Why didn't he just lightning bolt the individuals or do a reverse rapture on them and send them directly to hell?
He's still boasting about handing out the handicaps. The gist of what is being said is: "Is it not I, God, who makes the blind blind and the crippled crippled? Therefore it's within my powers to be nice to you and remove your speech impediment!"
It's still a "righteous" God imposing punishments on the innocent! Surely you don't think that it's fine to go round threatening and killing babies!?
God gives people free will to do things like not believing in him, right? So then he gets super-pissed and takes it out on a bunch of harmless cattle? What a guy!
Yes, you're right. That should've been
Exodus 12:29-30 My apologies.
That last "don't covet" commandment labels slaves as possessions. It says you should not desire the possessions of your neighbour. I'm pretty sure wanting to free them would break this rule.
In this case God's getting his own people to slay the unbelievers. What happened to the "Thou shalt not kill" part? That's a part of the Bible I really liked!
If say amongst these Israelites we rather unexpectedly had a bunch of converts to Hinduism, would you think it fine that God brings all his believers together to turn on their families and friends and kill 3000 Hindus? Just because they worshipped a religion you can no longer identify with doesn't make it any better.
Uh... Yes? It says it right there in the bible! In the link you made! Lev 19:20-22. It says if a man lies with a slave woman neither shall be killed. The woman gets scourged while the man makes an offering at the temple and is forgiven.
Uh... Yes? You seem to be quoting the bits mentioned and then saying "No" without bothering to read it yourself.
In that particular passage it says you may take slaves from the heathens of neighbouring countries and they and their families shall be yours forever. I'm pretty sure that's an endorsement for slavery if I ever saw one.
*Sigh* Yes. Read it! A man aged between 20 and 60 is worth fifty shekels of silver. Perhaps you disagree that it does not imply the value of slaves but it still definitely puts a price on the life of people which varies according to age and sex. That alone suggests it values the worth of a person upon the physical work they can do.
And since when was that just? We're all meant to be individuals with our own free will yet God still feels the need to punish the descendents of certain sinners? Amusingly this is then contradicted later in Deuteronomy 24:16 and Ezekiel 18:20, so I guess it depends on which part you decide is right.
Well, thanks for the ad hominem mate. Yes I'm guilty of quoting someone else who I felt put it in a manner much better than I could myself. I did check it. I checked about half a dozen quotes at random because I don't just read them and go "Christianity is stoopid LOL", what I did check was correct. My apologies that I don't treat posting on a forum like I'm preparing for a thesis. I've now gone and looked at your complaints and apart from a mistake where the wrong chapter of Leviticus was quoted you didn't really have much to say other than eventually just saying "No" in a childlike manner. You're welcome to critique the rest of that list if you want. I'm happy to concede if I've posted absolute crap. I've gone on and checked several further verses and have yet to find others that were misquotes or plain wrong. There's a lot of instances in the OT about God telling the leader of the Israelites to attack a certain city and then they destroy it and spare absolutely no one.
My main point is that the Bible is hardly the best place to derive your morals from. The god of the old testament in particular is a wrathful, petty god who decrees insane rules. To use this same book today to imply the immorality of things like homosexuality is laughable. The bible has been used in the past to justify slavery and racism (see the curse of Ham and the mark of Cain for example), it is not some perfect book to gain moral insight from.