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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Let's play a text adventure game.
Let's play a text adventure game.
2011-11-07, 12:21 PM #161
You open the CLOSET door and take a look inside, there's a MOP, a trashcan, some assorted sanitary supplies, oh and-
A corpse.
The humming is getting extremely loud and you can hear it from around where the FIRESTATION is.
2011-11-07, 12:24 PM #162
EXAMINE CORPSE. EXAMINE sanitary supplies [any drain-o, bleach, ammonia etc for explosives, dangerous gases or Molotov cocktails?]
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-07, 12:30 PM #163
SAVE GAME, before EXAMINE CORPSE (if thats allowed.)
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2011-11-07, 12:34 PM #164
The CORPSE is in pretty good condition, it doesn't appear to have rotted too much. From the name on it's shirt you find out that it's the secretary Susan. You find that there is a bullet hole in her shirt, but no bloodstains. It would also appear something acidic got on her legs at one point. The sanitary supplies consist of an empty bottle of bleach, and a few bottles of ammonia cleaner.
2011-11-07, 12:34 PM #165
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
SAVE GAME, before EXAMINE CORPSE (if thats allowed.)

Oh yeah. It has been a while since I have played zork or any text games. Forgot about that danger..... Edit, Edit, Edit.
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-07, 12:35 PM #166
Too late :)
2011-11-07, 12:36 PM #167
SAVE. TAKE 1 bottle of ammonia cleaner.
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-07, 12:38 PM #168
You take a bottle of ammonia cleaner and shove it in your pack.
(I'm as of now doing away with the convention of capitalizing "items" or otherwise important things.)
2011-11-07, 12:43 PM #169
Read signs going upstairs.
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-07, 12:48 PM #170
You head upstairs, and while doing so notice that the humming noise is quieter but appears to be at the same distance.
Checking the signs on the rooms you see: Mayor Pete Sharks, Deputy Mayor Steve Southbell, and a third one that has a sticker on top of an older sign- Emergency Management.
2011-11-07, 12:55 PM #171
Sneak into Mayor Pete Sharks office. NOISE==0. IF windows in the room, slowly look outside WITHOUT drawing attention to yourself. LOOK at room.
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-07, 12:55 PM #172
search emergency management office
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2011-11-07, 1:01 PM #173
You try and open Mayor Pete Sharks office, you are successful although the door feels like it might fall off it's hinges at any time. You notice 3 windows, all pointing across the way to the fire station. You creep your way over to the windows and take a peek outside, the helicopter is hovering over the fire station and a group is rappelling down, they are heavily armed and one of them has a rocket launcher. From your limited military knowledge you think that the helicopter is a UH-60, it has rocket pods on the sides as well as dual miniguns, and door mounted miniguns as well.
You get down on the floor and look at the room. There is a book case along the same wall as the door, a desk with a computer on it, and a television mounted to the wall.
You leave and open the door to the EM office, which promptly falls of it's hinges. Before you even realize what's happened you are back in the mayors office having just looked around, the door is closed.
2011-11-07, 1:05 PM #174
SAVE. INSPECT books AND book case.[titles and perhaps a secret entrance/lever]
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-07, 1:06 PM #175
search desk in mayors office. taking care not to touch any exposed wires or other noticable hazards.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2011-11-07, 1:10 PM #176
Searching the bookcase you find nothing of too much value except a book detailing recent oil exploration in the region, and another book marked "EM Activity report".
The desk is mostly empty except for an unmarked binder, a calender with dates on it marked (No clear reason why), and a notepad with phone numbers. The computer appears to be missing components. While inspecting the desk you find a switch below where the computer monitor sits, not sure whether you should trip it or not.
(As a reminder I will never put you in a "No Win Scenario, if you do something as to make the game un-winnable I will instantly set you back)
2011-11-07, 1:13 PM #177
Awe heck, FLIP SWITCH (we just saved right?)
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-07, 1:14 PM #178
save game, flip switch.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2011-11-07, 1:16 PM #179
You flip the switch and a tiny disguised doorway beside the doorway opens up, a barrel pokes out and out comes what appears to be buckshot. You wonder what levels of paranoia prompted the mayor to install such a device.
There is a blur and you find yourself with your finger on the un-activated switch.
The helicopter appears to have taken off again and you hear footsteps outside.
2011-11-07, 1:20 PM #180
Pull out grenade/flare. Go to top of steps quietly.
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-07, 1:24 PM #181
I forgot a part of the last post, could you confirm that action?
2011-11-07, 1:34 PM #182
Taking the grenade flare from
You put the FLARES in your pack, one of them seems lighter then the others and on closer inspection is a GRENADE.

GOTO Dep Mayors office pull out grenade/flare as you pass the steps.
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-07, 1:38 PM #183
You make your way to the deputy mayors office holding a flare. as you creep around the edges of the walls the stairs, and the front door, come into view. It seems clear until one of the soldiers walks in, yells "GRENADE", drops to the ground, and puts a bullet in your face. There is just enough time before you die to notice that the closets door is closed again.
You are now back in the mayors office.
2011-11-07, 1:40 PM #184
YELL and hide behind DESK with FINGER on SWITCH on DESK.
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-07, 1:42 PM #185
You yell out your best war cry and duck behind the desk, your finger on the "trigger" so to speak.
You hear the soldiers run through the door and up the stairs.
2011-11-07, 1:44 PM #186
MOVE so that buckshot will not kill you in the blast. WHEN soldiers enter AND in the way of BUCKSHOT, PULL "TRIGGER".
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-07, 1:46 PM #187
With you finger still on trigger you duck down and wait for them to enter the room, one of them kicks open the door and enters, but doesn't see you under the desk. The other two follow. Once all three are in the area around the doorway you push the button and hit all three, two of them appear to have died instantly but the third one is still moving on the ground and reaching for something.
2011-11-07, 1:49 PM #188
SAVE. WATCH the soldier that is still alive to see what he is reaching for. IF reaching for weapon SHOOT with SIXSHOOTER. EXAMINE dead soldiers.
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-07, 1:53 PM #189
The living soldier appears to be reaching for his radio, he's probably calling the helicopter, you make the decision to shoot him and put a bullet into his head.
The dead soldiers appear to be wearing standard light vests, with a USMC tag, the shotgun has removed the names from the vests and destroyed their radios (except for the now dead one). Two of them have carbines and one of them only has a handgun with a rocket launcher slung around his back. They all have packs of assorted ammo and first aid kits.
2011-11-07, 2:01 PM #190
EXAMINE CARBINES (looking for bullets sizes 30/06 223 etc).

[I am not getting to technical am I?]
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-07, 3:36 PM #191
(I don't know too much about guns, so uhh yeah sorry)
You take a look a the carbines, and note that they are stamped with a date of 2020, model M5a2. The fire-mode switches and such seem easy to use and are marked. Each one comes with a full magazine of ammunition, you're not sure what calibre.
2011-11-07, 9:08 PM #192
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2011-11-07, 10:12 PM #193
examine rocket launcher
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2011-11-08, 1:07 AM #194
Originally posted by Tibby:
You examine the HANDGUN but you don't have enough experience to discern it's model.

Originally posted by Tibby:
From your limited military knowledge you think that the helicopter is a UH-60, it has rocket pods on the sides as well as dual miniguns, and door mounted miniguns as well.

error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2011-11-08, 4:03 AM #195
You leave and open the door to the EM office, which promptly falls of it's hinges. Before you even realize what's happened you are back in the mayors office having just looked around, the door is closed.

[The MC died again? I always get confused by these...]

(As a reminder I will never put you in a "No Win Scenario, if you do something as to make the game un-winnable I will instantly set you back)

[Maybe kill the MC off in such cases (eg., got shot by a sniper, tripped on a mine, etc) with a YOU HAVE DIED message after the post before the LOAD? :) The YOU HAVE DIED messages 1) help narrative BE LESS CONFUSING 2) help us navigate through the story and easily see where and how the MC died and 3) are just more fun!!!][/SIZE]
2011-11-08, 4:11 AM #196
2011-11-08, 7:49 AM #197
Yeah, I am actually confused, have we been dying every time we 'suddenly found ourselves' somewhere again? I thought that was some spacetime ****.
2011-11-08, 8:12 AM #198
Originally posted by Alan:

The PC basically has the same knowledge I do, I couldn't discern a handgun model but I could figure out a helicopters model.
It IS some spacetime ****, but you've also died. I never said I wasn't trying to be confusing. PC coming back from the dead with full knowledge of how he died is some weird ****, ever played Planescape Torment?
2011-11-08, 8:15 AM #199
You take the newer model handgun, note that the date on it is 2020, and that it has 16 rounds in a regular magazine that slots into the grip.
You also take a carbine, and for good measure as much ammo as you can put in your pack. You take the rocket launcher, and note that it is loaded but the soldier did not have any spare ammo. You get the feeling you are now a movie badass, and wish you had some shades. Looking at the soldiers it just so happens that one of them did have some sort of cool looking goggles, you put them on.
You are now standing with a rocket launcher slung across your back, a pack full of ammo, two hanguns, and some kickass military goggles.
The working radio chirps, and a voice comes through "You guys alright down there?".
2011-11-08, 8:39 AM #200
[This is getting good]
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:

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