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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Let's play a text adventure game.
Let's play a text adventure game.
2011-11-09, 7:09 PM #241
Do an interpretive dance to explain your story up to this point.
My blawgh.
2011-11-09, 7:15 PM #242
ask why he prays no one follows the instructions on the flyer
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2011-11-09, 7:29 PM #243
You ask him why.
"Have you been under a rock boy? It's been 5 years of the occupation and Edmonton is the centre of their operations around here, nobody that goes there ever comes back out. Calgary is where the refineries are, we haven't even gotten intel out of there in months. Now I'm going to ask you exactly once more where you got your training."
2011-11-09, 7:39 PM #244
save game.
make up some excuse about amnesia and waking up not being able to remember who you are, but you suspect you were being trained by some sort of special ops program when something went wrong and poof no more memory...
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2011-11-09, 7:47 PM #245
You invent an excuse about amnesia, and also invent an excuse about Spec Ops experiments rendering you as such.
"Well... It's the worst excuse I've ever heard, but you don't seem like you're one of them, so I'll let you slide. Hell of a thing you did here, this squad was known for their brutal night time raids on camps down south, we have enough worrying about the bugs without these *******s. My names Patrick by the way, and this is Richard and Le'fleur -He gestures to the men standing at his side-. We're the last remnants of an infantry unit from Edmonton. Come with us and we'll give you some history along the way back to camp. First we have to get some intel in that town hall we came here to get and we can go."
At that moment you hear a noise in the distance, you turn and see another vehicle coming.
"****, that's not one of ours, everyone get inside the hall and get a firing position!"
2011-11-10, 3:27 AM #246
[Just want to note that I think you're doing a swell job so far, Tibby, this is great fun!]

Originally posted by saberopus:
[You crazy Russian. Where in the name of a dead dog's cock do you get a phrase like this :P]

[Probably Warren Ellis. :)]

SAY: "We gotta use your car to block the doors!"

2011-11-10, 5:06 AM #247
You say "We gotta use your car to block the doors!".
He replies "No time! Get yourself to one of the windows and get down, wait for my command to open fire!"
You do as he says and get down under a window in the mayors office.
2011-11-10, 8:28 AM #248
2011-11-10, 8:56 AM #249
Originally posted by Koobie:
[Just want to note that I think you're doing a swell job so far, Tibby, this is great fun!]

+1 for that.

EXAMINE CARBINE (scope or iron sights?)
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-10, 9:14 AM #250
The carbine has a fancy looking holographic scope, with the center reticule thoughtfully marked "Kill Zone".
You wait...
2011-11-10, 9:17 AM #251
Peek over the window sill. LISTEN.
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-10, 9:32 AM #252
2011-11-10, 9:37 AM #253
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-10, 9:46 AM #254
2011-11-10, 10:35 AM #255
You peek over the window and catch a humvee unloading 3 troops near the wreckage. You can barely hear one of them.
"Looks like those ****ing canucks got blackbird, search the area they must be around here. Han you get in the town hall and secure those papers."
They split up, you center the one that was talking in the Kill Zone.
Patrick whispers "Okay guys, wait for my order then open fire, New guy you go to the EM office in this building and get the intel in there,we don't know what it looks like but probably a briefcase with E-Paper. We need it."
2011-11-10, 11:03 AM #256
Em office, hmm probably boobie trapped or something :/

- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-10, 12:38 PM #257
You examine the EM office door, and notice that it's off it's hinges. It appears to be just propped up against the doorway. How it stood like this despite the quakes is a mystery.
While you are doing this Patrick gives the order to open fire and a firefight starts.
"Hurry the **** up new guy!"
Richard also yells at you "****, where did the third one go I only have two in my sights, new guy watch your back!"
2011-11-10, 1:02 PM #258
knock door over moving out of its way as it falls.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2011-11-10, 1:27 PM #259
You kick the door down and a bullet goes past your head
"Hold it right there buddy, you aren't going anywhere. Turn around with your hands on your head."
2011-11-10, 1:42 PM #260
... (damn. No one has saved in a while)
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2011-11-10, 1:43 PM #261
I keep telling you it's not a problem, saving is pretty pointless really.
2011-11-10, 4:13 PM #262

SAY " Man, I was wondering what I was going to do if those flipping canucks got their grubby hands on those papers. Things were looking pretty grim when they took down that chopper, if you guys hadn't shown up .........."

- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-10, 4:25 PM #263
You put your hands on your head and turn around.
You say "Man, I-
You get get shot a few times, as you die you hear him explain "**** me, that's the ******* we got off blackbirds sat link."
You also note his badge says "Han Solomon"

You have just been given the order to aquire the intel and have not left the window.
2011-11-10, 4:32 PM #264
Pull the pin on the grenade, count to 3 and chuck it around the corner down the stairs. FIRE a few rounds into the EM DOOR. GO TO EM ROOM. EXAMINE ROOM.
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-10, 4:40 PM #265
You chuck the flare you think is a grenade (It's marked HE so probably) down the stairs, a bullet flies past your head, it explodes and you swing around the doorway with the Kill Zone steady on the door, you unload a whole damn magazine that way and switch out for a new one.
In the door way is now one very, very, dead Han Solomon.
You shoot down the EM door and take a look inside, there is a briefcase and a first aid kit on a desk, the back wall is open to the world outside.
Someone from behind shouts "****, Le'Fleur took a pretty goddamn bad hit, he's not going to make it unless we get him first aid right goddamn now."
Patrick responds "I can't move I'm pinned, he's just going to have to hold on. New Guy that intel could save hundreds of lives, you need to get it and leave right now!"
Richard responds to this "Sir, We can't just let- " "You have your orders."

The first aid kit and intel box look far too heavy to take both, you have to choose.

You have 24 hours to make your choice Massassi collective mind, your choice will mark the end of this chapter.
Take the first aid, and save your allies life.
Or take the intel, and complete the mission.
2011-11-10, 4:51 PM #266

I say take the first aid kit. We will probably die on our own, with some backup we will make it further.
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-10, 5:19 PM #267
Discussion: The intel will probably be a huge asset, though. I wish we could run the first aid to Le'Fleur then get the intel. Do we know if the other two soldiers are still alive? If they're still a possible threat, I'd say take the intel and run. Tibby, is this strictly a one or the other situation? What happens to the intel if we take the first aid??
2011-11-10, 5:22 PM #268
You take the first aid and run, hoping the grab the intel too.
A grenade lands in the room destroying the intel.
You shoot yourself and are back in the room.
(The grenade is my helpful lazy plot device to railroad you into making a choice.)
2011-11-10, 5:26 PM #269
I'm more the passive follower in this thread than the active participant but I say-

Take the Intel and run. My selfish reasoning: We introduced ourselves as 'Jim Bob' and these paramilitary canadians insist on referring to us as 'new guy'. Disrespect not tolerated. So die.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2011-11-10, 6:05 PM #270
Originally posted by EAH_TRISCUIT:
We introduced ourselves as 'Jim Bob' and these paramilitary canadians insist on referring to us as 'new guy'. Disrespect not tolerated. So die.

That aside, the Richard dude did say that the intel would save a lot of lives. So I guess I would vote intel also.

[I knew I should have gone with my gut feeling when we killed those two soldiers. I was thinking "cr0wb4r, take a medkit along with the carbine." BUT NOOOOOO! I didn't.]
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-10, 6:41 PM #271
What, so are they behind the wall in the next room or outside and below the blown open wall?
My blawgh.
2011-11-10, 7:11 PM #272
They are in the same room, just to the side of you. To the right is the EM office.
2011-11-10, 7:46 PM #273
Assuming there's no third choice, go on, TAKE the INTEL and RUN.
2011-11-10, 7:46 PM #274
hoo hoo hoo!
2011-11-10, 8:01 PM #275
What Saberopus said.
2011-11-10, 9:01 PM #276
there is also the possibility that the leader may shoot you for disobeying his order and letting the intel get destroyed if you grab the first aid kit...

i would say go with the intel briefcase.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2011-11-10, 9:07 PM #277
2011-11-10, 9:31 PM #278
I have an alternative solution.
Say "Richard, if you care about your friend so much, get your thumb out of your ass and grab this med-kit in here. I've got the intel!"

(If the random grenade that flew into the room last time you made a decision kills Richard it will make it all the easier to take out Patrick, loot the bodies and take the badass Mad Max car. I love RPG's!)
My blawgh.
2011-11-11, 7:12 AM #279
Save Ashley, Kaiden can suck it.
2011-11-11, 8:42 AM #280
Originally posted by Phantom-Seraph:
I have an alternative solution.
Say "Richard, if you care about your friend so much, get your thumb out of your ass and grab this med-kit in here. I've got the intel!"

+1. Yep, I vote for intel as well.

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