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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Anything TV
Anything TV
2017-07-26, 7:22 PM #41
I don't even know what show that is
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-07-26, 7:27 PM #42
2017-07-26, 8:10 PM #43
oh nice i love vivaldi

also his daughter is in rick and mortaaaaaaay
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-07-27, 5:32 AM #44
Originally posted by Roger Spruce:
Dude, spoilers.

Brilliant. :cool:
2017-07-27, 3:53 PM #45
1) I was joking because I don't care about spoilers and
2) It's a plot point from the most recent episode
2017-07-27, 4:13 PM #46
Originally posted by Spook:
oh nice i love vivaldi

also his daughter is in rick and mortaaaaaaay

Jesus Christ, did you memorize every single piece of R&M trivia or something?
2017-07-27, 4:17 PM #47
Did you not?
2017-07-27, 5:18 PM #48
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Jesus Christ, did you memorize every single piece of R&M trivia or something?

I am Rick Sanchez
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-07-30, 1:38 AM #49
So apparently the Rick & Morty episode is gonna be based on the plot of Mad Max: Fury Road

I am thinking about seeing it. I liked the original and the sequel that came out back in 1980±1, and this new one got rave reviews.
2017-07-31, 2:13 AM #50
After watching tonight's episode, I gotta ask: what is Justin Roiland's relationship with his father?
2017-07-31, 8:56 PM #51
Skipped past Glow several times on Netflix. Glad I stopped doing that. Wonderful and short, easily consumable show.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2017-08-06, 11:18 PM #52
Episode #3 is quite a good one!

2017-08-07, 9:22 AM #53
The last Game of Thrones episode was ablazing quite good.
2017-08-07, 9:47 AM #54
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Episode #3 is quite a good one!

I have infinite daughters?
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-08-07, 7:49 PM #55
I will be picking up HBO Now again soon to watch GoT and Westworld sometime soon. Lately we've been plugging little by little through The Handsmaid Tale. It's a little too perfect and utopian but it has it's moments.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2017-08-07, 7:51 PM #56
Westworld was absolutely fabulous. Maybe we should get it on Blu-Ray. It's one of the best science fiction stories I'd experienced in any medium recently. Memorable and absolutely worth both time and money.
2017-08-07, 8:38 PM #57
Last two episodes of Rick and Morty have kinda disappointed me, especially last night's. I started It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, that is a good show.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2017-08-14, 3:08 PM #58
Oh man episode #4 of R&M was boring. At least the pickle one made me LOL.
2017-08-20, 11:50 PM #59
Episode #5 of R&M killed it. Finally a good episode this season!
2017-08-21, 12:06 AM #60
2017-08-28, 4:42 AM #61
Originally posted by Koobie:
Westworld was absolutely fabulous. Maybe we should get it on Blu-Ray. It's one of the best science fiction stories I'd experienced in any medium recently. Memorable and absolutely worth both time and money.

Is it though? Like, it looks nice and it's got some good performances but I can't remember it having anything actually intruiging about it.

[Hi, I'm here to nip in and out of the thread and dump on stuff.]
2017-08-28, 6:55 AM #62
Like most of these things, it pretty much only dabbles in interesting sci fi ideas, whereas its bread and butter is social/corporate intrigue, betrayal, sex, violence, etc. Not that a show about those things is bad, but I'd be happy for these shows that have a promise of interesting ideas to get into it a little more.
2017-09-09, 3:21 PM #63
Anything television? Been working on a 25 inch TV. Can't get it to work. I suspect a bad capacitor in the blacklight driver board.

Also, i do enjoy Rick and Morty. I've recently started watching Star Trek Voyager for the first time.
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2017-09-11, 1:28 AM #64
Geez Louise tonight's R&M was dark. Beautiful, I am speechless.
2017-09-11, 1:50 AM #65
It's pretty apparent to me that the only really good eps this season were written by writers who have been with the show for a long time. In this case Ryan Ridley (the other good one also written by Ridley, plus one by Tom Kauffman).
2017-09-13, 1:08 PM #66
So I used a free seven day trial inside of PS Vue to catch up with HBO. I like Game of Thrones but I thought this last season was just okay. And seven episodes? Westworld was fun. I don't think I've ever seen the old film it's based on nor do I know if that was based on any literary work.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2017-09-14, 9:49 AM #67
Come on R&M 7 was awesome
former entrepreneur
2017-09-14, 11:20 AM #68
so was Bojack Horseman
former entrepreneur
2017-09-14, 11:31 AM #69
Originally posted by Eversor:
Come on R&M 7 was awesome

...yes, because Ryan Ridley wrote it.
2017-09-14, 11:54 AM #70
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Geez Louise tonight's R&M was dark. Beautiful, I am speechless.

it was very good
I had a blog. It sucked.
2017-09-14, 12:31 PM #71
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
...yes, because Ryan Ridley wrote it.

um they're all like awesome so like if you don't like it then like gtfo
former entrepreneur
2017-09-14, 12:31 PM #72
former entrepreneur
2017-09-14, 12:59 PM #73
Originally posted by Eversor:
um they're all like awesome so like if you don't like it then like gtfo

*rubs hands*

Alrighty then! Time for some more classic Reverend Jones misogynistic ranting.

When you say they're all "awesome", you're forgetting the abomination that was the three episode bloc of season three (episodes 2 through 4), in which they decided to bring a bunch of new writers onto the show just because they were women.

Adult Swim's animated hit Rick and Morty has returned for its third season with one major change to its writers room: female voices.

Creators Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland, who debuted the sci-fi cartoon in 2013 on the overnight cable network, decided to shake up their show's dynamic by adding four new female writers to their staff. The move created a 50-50 male-female split. Harmon made a similar decision on his last show, Community, in 2011 for the NBC sitcom's third season.

The four newcomers — Jane Becker, Erica Rosbe, Sarah Carbiener and Jessica Gao — were given an intimidating task, joining a show that has already cemented itself with viewers and become a massive hit for Adult Swim, outperforming its competition in its time slot. To join a successful show as a relatively green writer (Becker, Rosbe and Carbiener have only a handful of writing credits on their résumés) poses challenge enough, but a female writer getting into a male-dominated genre, on a program whose viewership skews heavily young and male, that airs on a network where all 47 of its showrunners are male, is near-Herculean.

"It was a little nerve-racking because it has a crazy cult following and people love the show," Becker told The Hollywood Reporter. "I was nervous to be a part of it and **** it up."

Yeah, you kind of did **** it up. Sorry.

It might be for the better in the long run if they smooth things out, but those three episodes were below par (with the possible exception of pickle rick).
2017-09-14, 1:01 PM #74
In particular, the vindicators episodes was awful. I didn't laugh once.
2017-09-14, 1:08 PM #75
And for what it's worth, in case anybody thinks I am mouthing some kind of Reddit raeg a la Gamergate, I learned about this information for the first time for the sole purpose of researching that post, before which I had no idea about the gender of the writers. I literally went to the list of Rick and Morty episodes on Wikipedia that I thought sucked and looked for patterns, and saw that the bad ones were all female writers, and that this was the first time women had been writing for the show. I then found the article I linked to which sort of reveals that this was artificial, which is a good explanation as any as to the badness of those episodes.
2017-09-14, 1:10 PM #76
But I mean I could be wrong....
2017-09-14, 1:17 PM #77
it's probably unfair to call those episodes "abominations", actually. The new writers are clearly highly talented. It's just that the end product didn't feel up to par with the brilliance of the rest of the show, from my point of view.

In the long run, though, it'll probably prove healthy to have brought new blood into the writer's room, and I support it. They'll get better over time, and actually Pickle Rick was new and different in a good way, and was also well received by fans (unlike the other two).
2017-09-14, 1:48 PM #78
Women aren't funny.

Except for Pickle Rick.
former entrepreneur
2017-09-14, 1:59 PM #79
Christopher Hitchens was the one making that much stronger claim, not me. (I also get the feeling he was probably wrong, but I haven't thought about it.)

I only said: coinciding with what apparently was a direct attempt to increase the number of female writers on the show, there was a dip in quality. There are probably a million explanations as to exactly what happened.
2017-09-14, 2:02 PM #80
The problem is that the question of quality is highly subjective. To somebody who hasn't been watching R&M since the beginning, the episodes in question might not seem so bad. But to me they lacked something essential to R&M. If we really want to make this about gender, I might postulate that women are incapable of relating to the kind of male suffering that the rest of the show speaks to, but it's really pointless to think about.

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