So there's this show called Lethal Weapon, I might have mentioned it here earlier. Clayne Crawford and Damon Wayans were the stars. Wayans and Crawford clashed and, I believe, Wayans managed to get Crawford fired from the show. They actually killed the character off, the one portrayed by Gibson in the films. Anyway, now Wayans says he's quitting mid-season. The show really grew on me and season two was really good. Hearing the stories about why Crawford was fired I planned to give the show a chance without him but I came across a lengthy interview a few days ago and I believe every word he said. I had already decided not to watch season three and now yesterday news comes out that Wayans is quitting. In my opinion he is responsible for ruining the show. First you're going to have Lethal Weapon without Riggs, the titular Lethal Weapon, and now no Riggs or Murtaugh? I know nobody cares but I was skeptical about this show from the start. There are so many examples of an old franchise being revived for a horrible remake but they really did good with this one despite all the turmoil behind the scenes. And this, Damon Wayans, is why we can't have nice things.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16