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ForumsInteractive Story Board → The Eternal War
The Eternal War
2001-01-13, 4:17 PM #41
(NSP: I'll try to do as much as I can. This is really just to introduce the characters)

*Jirverak Ironhands stood in the middle of a fenced field, with several blocks, pits, and obstacle traps surrounding him. Jirverak was clad in a white outfit, with flashy gold and silver aromor. To match, he had an impressive double bladed sword that no average man could hold with one hand (he was no ordinary man though) and a reflective shield. He was fit, to say the least, more near the buff side, but by no means slow or thick. He stood in a semi-crouched position, ready to begin his gauntlet.*

*Taking a deep breath, he ran, leaped up onto a block, ran off it and started to fall into a pit. As he fell, he grabbed a rope hanging in front of him, and swung over the nearby spikes. He released his grip, rolled onto the ground, and drew his sword. He swung his sword with purpose, as if every action was practiced many times before. There was nothing to hit however; this was merely for practice.*

*Jirverak was practicing because of what his father told him of an acnient tale. One that foretold the forces of good, evil, and nature every ten thousand years, and how each hose a champion. Nobody else he knew had thought about it, but he had. So all through his life, he trained himself to be the best, physically, and mentally. He studied from what was recorded of teh great heroes of the Years of Darkness: Ping_Me, Kogi, Gebohq, Scout, bug, JK_Metoer, and so on. And he didn't know how he would be able to do it, but he thought to himself that he would become the champion of good and win for what is right, and have his name remembered with teh great heroes.*
*Noddo found himself waking in a bed...not his own, with a foreign woman besides him. "Must of gotten drunk last night again," Noddo thought, "hope I didn't spend too much on her." He rolled out of bed, put on his clothes, and walked outside.*

*Noddo isn't what you'd call a temperate man. He could never keep his hands off of a good whiskey, or a good woman for that matter. And though he did sleep with many women in his life, he paid for most of them. He wasn't an immoral man, he knew he wasn't the big man in town or suave hot guy. The only thing he seemed to be good at, which nobody noticed, was that he had a seemingly infinite luck, which led him to a good amount of gambling.*

*And that was what interest him to go to a jousting show with Gatrin and two others, one a foreigner named Highemperor. He was betting on Gatrin obviously, that is, once he got there. After stopping by his place to pick up his money and his dagger, he hitched a ride to the tournament.*

(This means that he's there at teh tournament still, so if any of you want to do something with him, that's where he is right now.)


--Added thing: I have two more characters to introduce, but don't worry about it, you can go on, and I'll fit it in later. Somebody post though!

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited January 14, 2001).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-01-15, 12:21 PM #42
(NSP: My other two characters...)

"Get back here you pig!" Amry yelled outside the window. It was too late though, as Noddo was out of earshot. "I'm going to track him down and make sure he pays every last coin!" With that, Amry Embos quickly cleaned herself up, threw on some clothes, packed her things, and told the manager she had quit as she walked out the door.*

*She wasn't all too concerned about finding another job, because she seemed to always charm the big guys into hiring her. Sure, prostitution wasn't teh most glorious job out there, but it made quite a lot of money, and it meant she didn't have to convern herself with sticking to one guy. She wouldn't have any trouble finding where Noddo was going either--he told her in a drunken stupor. Amry hitched a ride to teh tournament.*
*Diazu Xerphoent sat on a large rock, blending in witht eh surrounding autumn trees. His tan skin, brown hair, and a cloak that looked like autumn leaves, he looked like one of the great trees. His staff layed beside him, and his kill in front of him. Using his hands, he started a fire and began to cook his kill.*

*Not too long ago he had studied at the White Wizards Acadamy that was founded by Bathazar some near hundred years ago. He was the top student in his class, and the school had suggested many positions that he could take. Diaszu felt that all his leaning would have been wasted on trying to control what the Earth could provide for him. Feeling he could not live his life happily and fully in civilization, he went to live on his own in a large and unexplored forest. And until now, he had never been disturbed by any human presence.*

*It might be more accurate to say that he still had no contact with any human presence though, as the humanoid presence before him revealed herself to be Gaia. Standing close to him, Gaia said to him "How does 'Champion of Nature' sound to you?"*

(Note: For character use, keep these in mind for personality: Jirverak is teh paladwin type who has trouble with pride and anger, Noddo Gyuilis a thief-type who has gluttony (can't control his desires--no fat), greed (wants more) and sloth (he's lazy), Amry Embos is an enchanter type and has lust and envy *she also likes to go against teh popular, but only because she wants to be popular herself*, and Diaszu is a magician who is liek teh opposite of Orca--can make decisions without thought, especially about killing innocent life for teh balance of nature, but is also really only after himself. He can also fight pretty well, as Orca can wield magic pretty well.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-01-15, 2:32 PM #43
If anyone's wondering, Krig hasn't responded in a while due to some problems regarding his computer. He seems to have the inability to get on to the Massassi forums. I sent him all of TEW since he last posted, so he may have something more written soon, and I'll post it for him then if he writes anything.

BTW, if anyone is still interested... *looks squarely in HighEmperor's direction* my story The Deridian War has a new site. Please check it out, Highemperor. I've noticed you have been ignoring messages concerning TDW. If you're busy with other stuff, I understand. I wouldn't mind an explanation, though.

The Deridian War- Witness the struggle that tore the Old Republic apart. Please read it! We're desperate for an audience!
Now with a newer and better site! Check it out!

[This message has been edited by Cougar (edited January 16, 2001).]
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2001-01-16, 10:39 AM #44
Okay, this is Krig's part of the story.
(OOC: What city exactly was the tourney held in? Does anyone know?)

Krig son of Krog wandered aimlessly through the dirty streets of whichever city he was in. He didn't know the name of it, and it hadn't occured to him that this place might have a name. It was a rather dismal place, he reflected. He couldn't see any grass anywhere, although there was a lot of little plants growing between the cobblestones, struggling for the distant sun through layers of dirt and soot.

The scent of baking bread wafted past Krig's nostrils. His stomach rumbled commandingly, and Krig changed course to seek out the intoxifying smell. Holding up a finger to test the wind, Krig suddenly bolted and took off through a nearby garbage-filled alleyway, in hot pursuit of the aroma. He'd nearly made it through the alley when two dark shapes loomed up before him from behind the piles of garbage, cutting off his path.

Krig slammed into the two bodies. Neither of them budged an inch. A large, meaty hand clapped down on his shoulder, followed immediatly by a similar hand on his other shoulder.

"Whur' d'ya think yer goin', shorty?" One of the massive creatures spoke. Spittle dripped from the man's mouth, into a scraggly beard clinging to a broad, dirty chin. He had rather small, close-set eyes, which looked especially strange on his massive shaggy head.

"Krig get food. Let go." The scent of warm bread was stronger now, and Krig peered anxiously past the two large thugs.

"So ye be hungry, are ye?" The other one had a full black beard and a deeper voice. "Well, I be sorry, but this-here be a toll street! Ye be havin' to pay us to go through our street!"

"Krig not pay. Krig hungry." Krig tried to push through the two, but the hands held him firmly in place.

"Hold 'im, Scrotch. U'll check whur 'e's got his money hid." The scraggly bearded man pushed Krig into Scrotch's arms, who held him in an iron vise grip. Scraggly Beard began going through Krig's belongings, what little had survived his long ordeal intact.

Krig hung limp in Scrotch's hold. A growl began deep in his throat. "Let go of Krig..."

"Whu'll, looky here!" Scraggly Beard held up the fastener on the end of one of the braids Krig's beard was in. "This here thing on th'end of 'is beard looks like it's got some real true gold in't! How much d'ya think we could get fur it?"

Krig's mind snapped. He couldn't get a hold of his axe, pinned between him and "Scrotch" like it was, but Krig didn't need it. He chomped on Scrotch's arm, hard, at the same time lashing out with his foot between Scraggly Beard's legs. Scrotch roared and clutched his arm, while Scraggly Beard silently crumpled to the ground.

Krig dropped to the ground, slipping on something slimy. He recovered his balance, and rammed headfirst into the big man clutching his arm. Considering that his helmet had horns on it, this was a rather effective manouver. Krig burst into the street, blinking in the sunlight.

Turning to his left, Krig continued to follow the scent of fresh bread.

The Deridian War- Witness the struggle that tore the Old Republic apart. Please read it! We're desperate for an audience!
Now with a newer and better site! Check it out!
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2001-01-16, 11:57 AM #45
[Krig, I never named the city that the tournament was held in. Anyway, it was the city outside of King Aesnor's castle.]

[Cougar, I'm sorry, but I HAVE been busy. I have two new classes this semester, which means two LESS study halls, and I am swamped. However, I do want to get back onto TDW, but why haven't you all been writing on it at all? Or have you completely scrapped writing it here at Massassi and are writing it at the new site? Let me know. [] ]

[Semievil, your post looks good to me, but I do have one problem with it: the champions are going to lead their patrons' armies against each other. An arena would be a little small for a battle of that scope. That's what the immortal battlefield is for.]


Angry at his humiliation in the tournament by Kejis, Highemperor determined to forget Melania and lose himself in his work. He stalked into the throne room, where the court of Aesnor was gathering to chat. Here was Lord Hornswoggle, the doctor of the castle.

"Lord Hornswoggle!" Highemperor called, his black cape billowing about him.

"Lord Highemperor," Hornswoggle replied. "May I help you?"

"Yes, I need to know if you have any hermicyll."

"Hermi-what?" Hornswoggle asked. "I'm sorry, I've never heard of it."

"Of course," Highemperor murmured, almost to himself. "This is Irgard - er, Aesheim. You undoubtedly have different names here. Well," turning back to Hornswoggle, "let me describe it. It is a plant which has a yellow-brown stem, usually four leaves that are deep red in spring and summer which turn sickly green in autumn."

"Ah, yes!" Hornswoggle said. "You mean ergash. We have precious little of it in store, but you are welcome to what we have."

"Thank you," Highemperor nodded. "I only need some." He turned away, to almost collide with Melania.

"Highemperor!" Melania said.

"Lady Melania."

"Highemperor, what's wrong?"

"I - I don't know," Highemperor confessed after a long pause. "I've been searching for a long time for something, I don't even know WHAT, and sometimes the need to have it grows acute within me. I try to squelch it through other pursuits, particularly my. . . mission."

"Highemperor, may I be frank?" He nodded. "I sense a void within you, a longing that can only be fulfilled by one person. . . by God."

Highemperor stared at her, then said, "Well, I said as much that I AM trying to find God. . ." and under his breath, he added, ". . . literally."


[Alright, I need some ideas on what to do with Highemperor now until the big finale I have planned for him. Please, feel free to write about him and his adventures with Melania, Kejis, Elayne, and the rest. [] ]

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, with the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-01-16, 2:28 PM #46
(NSP- at least it's not story yet: first off, I think that someone who oversees the 3 powers like little kids to make sure they play fair can make an arena big enough for the armies required <on the order of 500 miles wide or so>. Thing is <I thought> with an arena I could hide it, and make sure that no-one had an unfair advantage in knowing the battle field better than their opponents, and the results would be totally final- not like president elect Gush. That's what's gonna happen of course, but it makes it more interesting the more measures are taken against it.
Second- my idea for the playing out of the next 100 days in story time or so: I made a... recipie of sorts for andamantite- 18 virtues in sets of six for each of the 3 powers, and then divided into the physical and spiritual qualities. In order to make the Andamantite, I will clearly need to have these qualities, and thus will have to collect them from our hapless heroes. I think this will throw intresting knots into the story- they will regain thier virtues before the final battle <Sem will imbue them with the leftover materials from the arena>. The idea behind this is to open up new possabilities <a weakling Krig is an interesting proposition>, and who knows, they might even find they regain their virtues on their own. Them's my ideas, and I'll wait for some other suggestions b4 I make a story post. I'll put up my recipie for review tomorrow after me and Gebohq go over it.)

The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.

Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2001-01-17, 5:48 AM #47
NSP: Gotta make up for the time I missed, []


The dark lancer shall spill the blood of the saints,
Amber blood on the cosmic pattern,
And come to rule the chaos.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


There is a strange and wondrous world, full of magic and enchantment, called Amber, of which all other worlds are shadows. Here, the princes of Amber protect the cosmic Pattern from the High Lords of Chaos who seek to destroy it.

And it was here that Dark Lancer appeared. Holding up the Jewel of Alves, he absorbed the power of the Pattern, and of the royal Amberites, who could manipulate the shadow universes at will. He also took the power of the Chaos as well!


The one shall stand to challenge the antithesis,
The embassy of evil in his middle-world.
But he too shall fall, in the midst
Of jewel, lancer, and all.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer next transported himself through the castle in the nexus to Middle-Earth, in Arda, where Eru, the One, also known as Illuvatar, was the supreme ruler of the universe, challenged ineffectually by the fallen Ainur Melkor and his lieutenant Sauron.

The demon of Ravynya didn't care about the forces of evil in Arda; they were weak as far as he was concerned. But Eru... now there was someone strong!

He appeared on the summit of Utumno, the volcanic fortress of Melkor, to challenge Eru. Holding up the Jewel of Alves, he took his power!

Then Dark Lancer stepped back into the portal.


The land of the lion shall be next on the dark one's dark agenda,
And the king on the other side of the sea shall fall to him.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer came through the portal in his castle to the land of Narnia, ruled over by Aslan the Golden Lion and Lamb and his father, the Emperor-over-the-Sea.

Flying over the sea on his nightmarish steed, he shrugged off the arrows that guards shot at him from the castles on the islands. When he came to the other side of the vast ocean, he beheld a castle that seemed to be carved out of a single giant emerald.

The Palace of the Emperor-over-the-Sea.

His horse (which was called a Nightmare) trampled down the gates and came to the throne room.

A man whose bronze skin shone seemed to wait for them. As the Creator of the Wheel of Time had done, he seemed to calmly accept his fate as Dark Lancer held up the Jewel...


The universe and the plane
Of the gigantic great brain
Shall be assaulted.
The godly machine, the wondrous throne,
All shall be the dark one's when he is done.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer appeared in the universe of Isaac Asimov. First he took the power of AC, a computer that had evolved into a god with the ability to create out of nothing and rule supremely.

Then he attacked the Primum Mobile, the seat of What Is, What Was, and What Shall Be. The God of Asimov's universe, his power was next to be stolen...
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
2001-01-17, 12:37 PM #48
Thanks for responding, Highemperor. I was getting kind of worried when you haven't been responding. I even left a post at your ezboard site.

Anyway, I have posted a few new parts here at Massassi. It's going a bit slower now, however, since we're trying to work more on the beginning of the story. We haven't written much, but we've come up with some interesting plot ideas. We also got someone to edit the story for us. Whenever you get a chance, maybe you should just read the few chapters (I think it's just 3 so far) we have up on the site. I've added some new stuff to ch. 1 and 2, and made a whole new ch. 3. And they're all edited, except for ch. 3, which is still in the process of being edited.

I'm glad I'm not in highschool yet so I don't have to worry about missing study halls and everything. [] I will next year, though, so that's poopy.

The Deridian War- Witness the struggle that tore the Old Republic apart. Please read it! We're desperate for an audience!
Now with a newer and better site! Check it out!
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2001-01-18, 5:45 AM #49
The spheres resonate in harmony with the dragon,
And their melody drives that universe as a man doth a horse.
But the demon of the raven's domain shall disrupt that accord,
And take the spheres of the dragon for his own.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer appeared in the plane of the Dragonball Z, right at the location of the Dragonballs. Holding up the Jewel of Alves, he absorbed their power as well!

Then he returned to his castle to infiltrate another universe.


NSP: Short and not too good, I know, but I'm short on time.
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
2001-01-19, 5:49 AM #50
NSP: Um... is anyone besides me gonna post? Just wondering.


There are dungeons,
Full of dragons,
And things dark and vile and strong.
Yet the viler still lancer shall come here as well,
And the dungeons shall bow before him.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer appeared in the AD&D multiverse. Here the most powerful beings were the two overpowers, Ao and Highgod Chaos, who oversaw the gods themselves. Yet one human, Raistlin Majere, had the potential to overcome even them. And still more powerful than Raistlin was the metapower known as Dungeon Master Q.

And beyond that was the Source and the Great Unknown, from which all life and power stemmed in the AD&D multiverse stemmed.

And that power flowed into the Jewel of Alves as Dark Lancer muttered his magical incantation...

An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
2001-01-19, 2:22 PM #51
(NSP: Everyone point and laugh at Darklancer!!! hahaha, Ok I post too now)
Anyways- here's mah recipie

Spiritual: Fortitude
Physical: Stamina
Spiritual: Love
Physical: Strength
Spiritual: Rage
Physical: Dexterity

Anybody practice alchemy? I could use a last ingredient for evil. Any other suggestions would also be appreciated.

The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.

Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2001-01-19, 11:40 PM #52
Kronaemix's carriage raced across the forest track. It was near midnight, and inside, Kronaemix fought with his conscience. He had abandoned his host body Sir Gatrin at the last town, utterly confused and bewildered.

'I should have explained to him what happened.'


He shook his head. Sir Gatrin would manage. This was far more important. He had to find Dark Lancer-

A massive explosion right next to the carriage knocked it almost in a full revolution. Kronaemix was flung into the door window, smashing through it and rolling down the hill on the side, landing in a small bank at the bottom. Half-conscious, he gazed up at the stationary carriage, which exploded outward with blinding force.

Kronaemix got to his feet, climbing up to the road again. The remains of the carriage was a mess. The horses were nowhere in sight-

He snapped his lightsaber up, engaging it just in time to block a bolt of pure energy that shook his arms. Silently, he gazed at the man before him, some kind of mage. He was dressed in blood-red, and he possessed some kind of magical staff-

Two black-clad men, as soundless as they were ominous, raced out from behind the flaming carriage wreck, glistening blades in their hands. Kronaemix ducked as a dagger whistled over his mask, then connected with himself and angled a slash at the second assassin's arm, severing it with a sickening noise. A roundhouse kick to the now-disabled figure's chest ended his scream of protest.

The other assassin and Kronaemix circled each other, searching for an opening. Then, from out of the dark figure's free hand came a spray of silver dust, and Kronaemix shut his eyes just in time to avoid the incapacitating effects of the optical poison. But a moment later, the effects subsided and Kronaemix headbutted the man, sending him flying down the hill into the bank.

The assassins dealt with, Kronaemix spun to face the mage-

Who had been silently moving into striking range. With magic-aided speed, the sorcerer brought the mystical staff down on Kronaemix's head, which sparked with energy.

Kronaemix moved to counter, but a mind-numbing fatigue blanketed over his consciousness, and he dropped to the muddy track, struggling for words.

"Who.....are you?"

The mage leered at him.

"I am but a messenger here to reunite you with an old friend."

"You...can't do...thi-"

"Goodnight, Kronaemix. Rest easily. You'll need your strength tomorrow."

Before he could protest more, Kronaemix was halted by a tap on the head from the mage which sent him into an anguished, fitful slumber.

It would be ecstacy compared to what awaited him...
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-01-20, 4:16 PM #53
(NSP: Bad Sem! Laughing at Dark Lancer like that. Go back to your hole *aka NeS...wait, I write for that story too--urgh!* Anywhos, since nobody has yet to want to interact with my characters, I'll start putting at least one into a situation)

*As Jirverak Ironhands practiced his swordfighting skills, he continued to induldge himself in his dreams of gradeur. He could see himself now, being carried off by a cheering crowd after having defeated the other champions and their armies. "Jirverak the hero!" they all cheered. He began to loose concentration on his surroundings, and only when he heard a yelp from behind him did he snap out of his daydream.*

*There before him stood a man, garbed in white, with short, blond hair parted neatly on his head. If it weren't for the bird-like wings that were spread on his back, Jirverak would not have known that he wasn't human.*

"Watch where ya swingin' that thing, hotshot!" the winged man yelled in an annoyed voice. "You nearly took my head off!"

Looking dumbfounded at the winged man, Jirverak stuttered "You're a..a..a.."

"Yes, an angel," the winged man said. "You're a quick one. The name's Jim."

"Jim?" Jirverak asked. "What kind of angel is named Jim?"

"What kind of human is named Jirverak?" Jim retorted. "So I'm not one of those archangels. Deal with it, cuz you're stuck with me." After brushing his white cloak of dirt and wrinkles, he continued. "Ahem. The All-mighty Lord, creator of all that is good, has chosen you as one of his choices for championing his army."

"I knew it!" Jirverak said excitedly.

"Hold your horses, happy," Jim said. "I said you are one of his choices. I'm here to test you first."

"Go ahead, I can take on anything," Jirverak stated.

"Can you?" Jim said with a smile. "We'll just see about that. Now close your eyes."

"Why?" Jirverak asked.

*Before Jirverak could get a response or close his eyes, Jim snapped his fingers and a bright light flashed before their eyes. When Jirverak could see again, he saw a mountain before him. The mountain appeared to have no peak, like a volcano, but instead a mighty stone fortress jutted from its crater.*

"This will be one of your tests," Jim said to Jirverak. "Inside that fortress is a lady held captive. Yeah, I knew you'd like that. I will not tell you who or what is holding her captive, only that it is formidable. You may have a few friends to help you out, but for now, just head to the top of the mountain. I will meet you there before you go in. Peace out Jirv. Can I call you Jirv?"

"No," Jirverak said to him flatly.

"Well, get use to not getting everything you want," Jim said to him, and in that moment, snapped his fingers and dissapeared.

"Wonder why they need wings," Jirverak thought to himself as he began his trek up the mountain.

(NSP: I might take some of the other champions of good here too, unless someone else can do sometihng with then, shich I hope someone does.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-01-20, 5:58 PM #54
At first, Kronaemix saw and felt nothing.

Then, he was suddenly aware that he was bound to a wall. Still he could not see, nor move.

Finally, he opened his eyes to a dim, bare room with a single door. The walls were a basic grey and nothing adorned them, save for Kronaemix and the shackles that trapped him.

For a long time he was there. How long exactly, he could not tell. There was no light, no indication of day or night. If he had stayed for days, he was not fed or nourished. That wasn't critical to him, as his biological makeup could preserve its important nutrients four times better than average humans.

Still, he waited.

Finally, the door creaked open, and in strode a figure that had haunted Kronaemix's memory for eons. He was around his height, bearing a fine red sash that partly concealed his glowing silver suit of armour. Although his face was hidden behind the glowing silver helmet, Kronaemix's stare met his captor's eyes.

His captor's glowing teal eyes.

"Do you know who I am?"

Kronaemix snorted, forcing a smile.

"We've had the pleasure of meeting before."

The figure extended a hand. Billions of molecules glowed gold, forming themself into a plush chair and table. The figure sat down, staring at Kronaemix.

"Let me entertain you by telling you an amusing fable, old friend. Untold millennia ago, during one of the very first decamillenial battles, the champions of God and Satan were accused by Gaea of cheating. Of course, God's champion hadn't consciously been cheating, he had been framed by Satan and his champion. Do you know what the penalty for cheating in the tournament is?"

Kronaemix stared at him soundlessly.

"An eternity of suffering and agony, my friend. However, through a lot of luck and pulling rank, God was able to expose Satan's treachery. In a desperate move, Satan's champion took the blame, expecting his master to save him."

The figure clenched his fists, his teal eyes glowing with indignancy.

"But Satan never came. Instead, he countered by accusing God of cheating as well. By chance, God was indeed guilty as well, and managed to convince him that it was this champion at fault. Gaea, meanwhile, watched silently, amused, as her dumbstruck champion was declared winner by default, while the other two champions were sentenced to an eternity of agony.

"However, God's champion, in light of a life of good deeds, was awarded a deal; if he were to watch over the champions and generals of the wars, mediating the unnecessary conflicts and guiding them to their fates, he would eventually be given the gift of freedom, and ultimately death. He had to abandon his past life, and rename himself. His choice...was Kronaemix."

The armoured man slammed his fist down on the table, which shattered instantly.

"Satan's champion, however, was not let off so easily. For centuries, he lived in blind torment, until finally one day Satan was able to release him and reinstate him with a new mission.

"That mission, Kronaemix, is more or less the exact opposite of yours. Where you enlighten and guide the champions, he walks the earth with their defeat and humiliation in mind. He is So'liq the destroyer. He is me."

"What are you going to do to me, So'liq?"

The dark man smiled behind the armour.

"A great many things, Kronaemix. I shall return. I hope you anjoyed the story."

Then, without warning, So'liq strode up to Kronaemix and backhanded him viciously. Kronaemix's head slammed into the back of the wall, sending spiderweb cracks up it and knocking him unconscious.

So'liq strided out, grinning all the way.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-01-21, 7:54 AM #55
As soon as So'liq closed the door, he was blinded by an incredible light. As his vision returned he made out some dim outlines, and a very large, gem-eyed skull suddenly flew towards him. It bit deeply into his chin, and the eyes gazed even deeper into his. Then the skull let go and drew back, and So'liq could see that it was on the end of a staff. He very vaguely wondered why he wasn't bleeding- he was sure he had been bitten straight through to the bone, when a shield bearing a cross slammed into his face, stunning him quite severly. He watched as the figure stepped through the door without opening it, and heard muffled crunches and thuds that he assumed to be the sound of Kronaemix suffering the same fate. The staff and shield passed by So'liq once more, and this time he noticed they were bound together by an odd assortment of vines before the set finally disappeared and his vision fully returned.
Kronaemix watched So'liq go out and slam the door with the oddest sensation of Deja vous.

Back in the plane of power, Sem compiled a list of what he had seen. Later on he would go back and take what he needed, but he had other surveying to do...

The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.

Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2001-01-22, 4:06 AM #56
(Sorry for not posting sooner, but this post was on the hard drive at school, and I was at home. [] )

(OOC: Dark Lancer: Illuvatar in Middle Earth is the same guy as God in the main story world. There is no way Lancer could absorb his power, and if he did, he wouldn't need any other power.)

Krig son of Krog sat in the dark alley behind the bakery, munching on a loaf of bread. The baker made good bread, but for some reason he didn't like Krig taking it. Krig wondered why that should be, but he was unable to figure it out. He chalked it up to whatever makes people do the other strange things they do.

Krig popped the last piece of bread into the space between his upper lip and chin, and stood to his feet. It wasn't until he had begun to eat that he had realized how truly hungry he had been. It felt like it had been decades since his last meal. However, the bread had silenced his growling stomach, so he was happy. Krig adjusted his axe, and began walking again.

Krig wondered what he was supposed to be doing. Was he here for a reason? Krig didn't know, but he was pretty sure that this wasn't where he was supposed to be. As Krig wandered down the street, coming unconciously to a marketplace of sorts, he pondered the question. Perhaps his fellow Northmen would know what to do... but they weren't here, and Krig didn't know how to find them.

Preoccupied, and staring into space as he was, Krig bumped into a little girl. The girl couldn't have been more than eight, but she was still almost at eye-level with Krig. The scraggly looking calico cat that the girl had been tightly holding thrashed about and jumped out of her arms, onto Krig's head, and away. Krig turned to look at the rapidly receeding cat.

The little girl began to sob loudly. "Puffy! Come back, Puffy! Puffy!"

Krig started to run after the cat, then stopped and turned to the girl. "Krig get kitty. Little girl not cry. Krig get."

With that, Krig took off into the crowd of market goers, dodging waists and hips, in hot pursuit of the cat. He dashed around a particularly large man, and caught a glimpse of calico fur dissapearing around a corner. Krig put on a burst of speed, rounding the corner in a stuttering skid.

There was no sign of the cat. Krig sniffed the air and looked around, his eyes narrowed to slits. He stood stock still, not making a noise, although the marketplace behind him was loud enough to drown out the roar of the nearby ocean.

A plaintiff "meow" came from a set of stairs leading down to a cellar room, just barely audible over the marketplace din. Krig leaped over the railing, down into the stairwell. He nearly landed on the cat, and grabbed for it. He had the cat in his grip! But the cat was a wild one, its muscles rippling from years on the streets, hunting mice and probably rats, by the size of it. It clawed Krig's hand and slipped from his grasp, heading into the cellar door that was slightly ajar.

Krig pushed himself to his feet and bashed the door open on his way through. The cat was on the other side of the dark room, only visible by its glowing eyes. Krig dashed after it, only to have it vanish into another doorway on that side of the room. Krig let out a growling sigh of frustration, and continued after the cat.

(Don't worry, I'm going somewhere with this. It's not just a bunch of aimless rambling...)

"The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him." (Proverbs 18:17)
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2001-01-22, 7:16 AM #57
NSP to Krig_the_Viking: Illuvatar is the god of Arda, not the God of the main story plane. So there. []


They wish they may and wish they might,
Through song and magic and through flight,
With sword of truth and stones of elves,
They are nevertheless at the mercy of the lancer.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer appeared in the Four Lands of Shannara, at the time of Brin Ohmsford. He stole her power. Then he went to the time of Par Ohmsford, and stole his wishsong power and the Sword of Shannara, as well as the Elfstones. He had no need for the Black Elfstone, since he already had the Jewel of Alves, which was already immensely more powerful than the Black Elfstone...


God of gods and king over gods,
Great is Marduk.
He possesses the Tablet of Destinies,
Deciding the destiny of all,
Save dark lancer.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer appeared in the world of Babylonian mythology, in Babylonia itself, which was considered a ladder to heaven. Ascending, he arrived in the realm of Marduk. He stole the power of his supreme authority and also that of the Tablet of Destinies.


Love makes all weak,
And himself strong,
But against the lancer
He shall not stand for long.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer appeared on Mount Olympus. Eros, the god of love, made all others weak through his power and thus was supreme, even over Zeus. And so the demon took his power.


Fate is a mighty force,
For good or for ill,
Its threefold spirit
Rests on Yggdrasil.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer appeared in the world of Norse mythology, as the base of the World Tree Yggdrasil, where the three Norns, who determined all fate in their world, were. Holding up the Jewel of Alves, he stole their power...


The Destroyer of All is thus more than All,
With third eye of deadly sight.
Yet he shall fall before the demon's might.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer appeared in the Hindu world, where Shiva, who could destroy all things merely by opening his third eye, was. Holding up the Jewel of Alves, the Ravynyan demon took his power as well.


The first cause of good,
The second of evil,
Both shall collapse,
As did Yggdrasil.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer appeared in the Zoroastrian world, where the two cosmic forces that fought for control of the universe were Ahura Mazda (good) and Angra Mainyu (evil). He stole their power as well...


The way of all things
Determines all things
And, as all things,
Falls before the lancer.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer appeared in the Taoist world, and took the power of the Tao and the Void.


The way of death, the way of light,
Both shall before before demon of the night.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer appeared in the universe of Egyptian mythology. The sun-god Ra was supreme over all gods, except for Osiris, who ruled over all death, to which even the gods would return someday. The powers of Ra and Osiris were joined in Horus-Re, who became the mightiest in the world.

Dark Lancer took his power, too.


The land of the unbeliever
Challenged by evil most foul,
Is yet protected by whitest gold
And earthly law.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer appeared in the Land of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever. He took the power of the Staff of Law, which ordered that entire universe, and of white gold, which was the essence of the power of the Land's almighty Creator.


The immortal primal forces
Shall not have surcease of sorrow
When the dark lancer comes for them
On some morrow.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer appeared in the Universe of the Incarnations of Immortality. He took the powers of Time, Death, War, Fate, Nature, Good, and Evil.


The one with lightning scar
Lives in a world of magic potent.
Which shall fall to the demon.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer appeared in the world of Harry Potter and stole all the magic in that universe.


A raven of fate,
An amulet of power,
As the demon covets,
So shall he get.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer appeared in the world of Zorro. There were two powerful magic forces in this world: an amulet of tremendous force, which the demon leeched the power from, and a demon raven who could determine all things, from which Dark Lancer also took the power.


NSP: Whew! I'm finally done with all the power absorption. I just wanted to get that done so I could start with the next phase of Dark Lancer's story. Thank you for putting up with me! []
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
2001-01-22, 10:52 AM #58
Dark Lancer sat in the grand chamber of his castle. Ragnarok Malum, he decided to call his fortress.

He had closed the portals of the nexus so that those universes which he had plagued could not follow him. Naturally he had stolen their power, plus had the Claio and whatnot, but he didn't wish the nuisance.

Dark Lancer commanded a lonely throne. Time to make it not so lonely! he thought.

He communicated with High King Khaos, requesting that one thousand ogres be put at his disposal.

Ravynyan ogres were tremendously strong brutes, the product of demon-human relationships. Thus they were possessed of demonic strength and sometimes some other ability, but they usually lacked a great deal in intelligence. Nevertheless they were very useful as foot soldiers.

Soon, the ogre army was marching out of the mountains into the Kingdom of Aesheim...

NSP to HEF: Could you have King Aesnor be confident that he can repulse my attack? Cause I want to put in a plot twist here, hehe.
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
2001-01-22, 1:12 PM #59
[Sure, Dark Lancer. I'm waiting to see what this plot twist is, and I'm glad that SOMEONE has finally seen fit to involve my characters. [] Oh, and Dark Lancer, why didn't you have a "from 'Canticle of the Dark Lancer'" on that last post, huh? [] ]


Highemperor and Melania danced through the night, soles padding on the dew-sodden grass. Waltzing, they held each other, arm in arm. Then, under the light of the full moon, Highemperor pulled Melania close, and enveloped her in a passionate kiss. When he pulled away, Melania looked at him happily, then her mouth contorted as she shrieked.


Highemperor woke up in the chamber that he had been given upon his arrival in Aesheim. Sadly, he reflected that the dream had not been real. But what was wrong? Those bells sounded like alarms.

Hastily putting on his black tunic and trousers, he didn't bother to put on his shoulderpads or cape, though he did don his sash. In the glass he reflected that he did look a mite disheveled, but perhaps there was yet an air of nobility about him. Ah, well.

Highemperor rushed out into the hall. Heading down to the throne room, he saw King Aesnor X gathered with his lords and generals.

"Your majesty," he called, "what is the matter?"

At the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Lady Melania. Even with her hair in disarray, she's the most beautiful creature ever to walk the universe.

He shook himself back to reality as Aesnor replied, "Ah, Lord Highemperor. Nothing - well, a small matter really. It seems that an army, a thousand strong, is marching upon us. They are of no race that we can identify, but they cannot be too formidable, despite their size and obvious strength. We are already mustering men, and we should be able to muster about twenty thousand by tomorrow."

A battle? Bloodlust raged within Highemperor's veins. "Permission to fight in the upcoming conflict, sire."


Off to the side, he saw Kejis practicing with his force pike. . .


[Dark Lancer, I hope that's what you wanted about Aesnor being confident that he could repulse the attack.]

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, with the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-01-22, 4:36 PM #60
(NSP: I'll involve myself with your guys HEF. Sorry about that, guess I kind of forgot with developin' my own charcters and all that rot. And I'd like to involve Krig in Jirverak's side quest, but I'd like to get his permission first/when he's ready before doing so or going on)

*Having collected his winnings from the tournament earlier yesterday, Noddo Gyuil had spent it on an expensive whiskey and passed out at the edge of some nearby woods. Noddo, having woke with a massive hangover, cleaned himself up as best as he could (brushed off the bigger clumps of dirt) and headed abck into town, seeking a ride back to his usual place.*

*As he was passing King Aesnor's (sp? sorry, too lazy to look it up right now) castle, a familiar woman, dressed in a non-traditional outfit, was drawing towards him as a swarm of angry bees do to someone who disturbs their nest do. Noddo could see her shaking her fist wildly in the air, and a thought drifted to his head. "Is she that whore I slept with not to long ago?" Who knew, he thought, and continued on his way.*

*The woman apparently had other plans though, as she tackled him to the ground, grabbed him by the shoulders, and shook him furiously.*

"Pay you dirty rat!" she said. "That is how I get money you know, or at least I did get it that way..."

"What the hell?" Noddo said in a dazed voice. "Who the hell are you?"

"The name is Amry, no that it would mean anything to you. You should address me as Ms. Embos, but I wouldn't expect such desency from men."

"Sheesh lady, you really need to calm down. Here, take your money."

*Noddo digs into his pocket and spits it to her face.*

"Keep the change. Call it a tip for the extras. You happy now?"


"Excuse me ma'am, sir," a voice interrupted. The two looked up to see a man in a uniform/armored outfit. After clearing his throat, he continued.

"The king of this land has requested that everyone should prepare to fight in the battle soon to be at hand. You two can recieve your armor and weapons inside the castle grounds." He added in a more meanicing voice "If you don't show up, we'll make sure you volunteer, whether you want to or not."

As he walked off, he smiled and said "No hard feelings I hope. Just know you're doing it for the cause of a better good."
*With hands and feet gripped to the earth, Jirverak climbs the mountain, where at the top, he will have a better view of the castle. He had, after many grueling hours, reached the top rim, where he could see how truely ancient and imposing the castle really was. Jirverak measued up the castle and estimated it to be about a good seven floors.*

*As he was surveying the moat that surrounding the castle, he hears a tiny wail in the air. As he looks up, he sees a body having been catapulted from the insides of the castle. The body was skyrocketing, then began to drop like forgotten luggage of an airplane, finally making a small splash in the moat. Jirverak, in half-curiousity, half-heroic act, began sliding down the crater and towards the moat.*

*It didn't take long to get the moat, and not much longer after that to find the body and bring it to land. When Jirverak had done so, he noticed that the body looked a lot like him, only with dark hair and plain gray armor. Apparently on his last breaths, the man spoke to Jirverak.*

"Don't go in..friend--You won't...stand a chance....besides...the hot woman"

*The man lied limp in Jirverak arms. Noble action, Jirverak thought to himself, but a tad vulgar. Jirverak began to mae his way in front of the giant gate of the castle, where the angel told him they would meet.*

(NSP: I know all my posts have been light so far, but don't worry, as the story progreses, the serious parts will jsut become all the more effective)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-01-22, 9:56 PM #61
(Oh goody, the first major battle, time for me to cash in! [] )

Kronaemix hung limp in his bonds. So'liq had brought to his pain threshold, beyond it and into unconsciouness at least twenty times since he had been captured. Even with a mind stabled by the ages such as his, it would take little more before his resolve cracked-

The demon So'liq returned, striding into the chamber with his trademark flashing eyes and glowing armour. Kronaemix tried to force a smile, but the effort was too much.



So'liq seemed more elated than usual; maybe, Kronaemix thought, in vague hope, he's going to kill me at last.

But then, without my intervention, he will be able to silently assassinate every champion and leave the battle in hopeless turmoil.

God help me.

"No, this time, I have come for something...different. You might call this a game."

So'liq could barely restrain his joy.

"Yes, a game. A battle is looming, Kronaemix, one that will involve many important people and champions. So my lord, Satan, has...authorised, you might say, an indulgence on my part.

"You and I will be transported onto the battlefield. I will be disguised as one of Satan's men; you will be one of King Aesnor's. During the course of the battle, we shall find each other. Depending on the outcome of our conflict, several things could happen."

So'liq brought his masked face close to Kronaemix's.

"If I slay you, you will remain dead and by Satan's power, everyone on the battlefield shall die. If you slay me, then we will be automatically be returned here, unharmed, and your death shall be postponed for a time.

"However, I will be aware of your actions at all times, Kronaemix; don't fool yourself. If you try to alert anyone, everybody shall perish. Do you understand?"

Kronaemix nodded weakly. He was almost certainly too fatigued and wounded to fight, but he had to try.

"Good. Then let us duel, old friend, like in our day, when all was just in this land..."

Then, a bright light flared from nowhere and both of them were gone.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-01-23, 6:26 AM #62
The evil lancer shall
Blow the horn of horns,
Raising the dead and the living,
Beckoning them to his call.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer remained in his castle, a day behind his ogre army.

In his Saatch form, he took the Horn of Magus the Necromancer out of his robe. He stood in the center of Ragnarok Malum, in the center of the nexus. Reopening the portals, he raised the horn to his lips.


Jirverak was trying to find some place to bury the "tad vulgar" guy, when suddenly a shriek filled the air, like nails grating on a chalkboard. What the heck is a chalkboard? he wondered...


S'oliq was about to spirit Kronaemix and himself away when an earsplitting sound came. Puzzled, he wondered idly what it was for a moment, then dismissed it...


Highemperor was in his room in Aesnor's castle preparing for battle, when the whole earth seemed to shake as a resonating call rumbled throughout the room. Hastily he strapped his lightsaber onto his belt and rushed out of the room...


Krig was stalking the calico cat when suddenly a loud blaring filled the air. Loud noise, Krig thought. Krig no like loud noise. Loud noise bad...


Dark Lancer finished the horn blowing. Streaming out of the portals came the heroes and villains from all universes, whether dead or alive. For such was the power of the Horn of Magus - to summon the greatest warriors of all time to fight for him. Of course, Necromancer Magus himself had had no idea that other worlds existed besides Irgard, and would have been limited to the heroes of that one plane.

Dark Lancer had the heroes and villains from almost thirty universes.

Bazaal, Merlin, Gebohq, Apathis.

Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, Motaro, Goro, Liu Kang, Rayden, Kung Lao. Luke Skywalker, Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, Han Solo, Leia Organa. Picard, Kirk, The Whatsisname warlord. Spiderman, Dr. Strange, Silver Surfer, the X-men. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash.

Rand al'Thor (the Dragon Reborn), Lews Therin Talamon (the Dragon), Moiraine Sedai, members of the Black Ajah. Pel Brown, Shadow, Proserpine Thorpe, Lord Raven. Corwin, Merlin, Oberon, High Lords of Chaos, traitor prince of Amber. Bilbo, Sauron, Frodo, Saruman, Gandalf.

The White Witch, High King Peter, the Emerald Witch, Queen Lucy. Daneel, the Eternals, the Second Foundation, the Mule. The Dragonball warriors - Frieza and Goku. Raistlin and Caramon Majere, Steel and Sturm Brightblade, Highlord Kitiara, Highlord Ariakas, Lord Ariakan, Palin Majere, Magius, Fistandantilus. Allanon, Bremen, Cogline, Walker Boh. Babylonian heroes - Gilgamesh, Enkidu. Greek heroes - Hercules, Achilles, Odysseus.

Berek Half-hand, Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, High Lord Mhoram, Lord Foul. Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore, Lucius Malfoy, Lord Voldemort. Zorro, Captain Montesero.

All of these heroes and villains answered Dark Lancer's call, giving him an unstoppable legion!

Those alive were merely put under the Ravynyan demon's control. Those who were dead did not have the souls returned to them, but "merely" their bodies, life force, and powers.

Dark Lancer carefully replaced the Horn of Magus back into his robe. Then he took out the Claio. Taking out the Card of Space, he distorted space so that his "hero-villain" army had only a few paces to cover before catching up to the ogre legion!


NSP: I think that this should make a VERY interesting battle. By the way, whoever controls the Horn of Magus controls the heroes and villains summoned by it. If the Horn is destroyed, the alive heroes and villains are released from the mind control, whereas the dead ones merely disintegrate. Pretty interesting, eh?
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
2001-01-23, 6:55 PM #63
(One point: Bazaal, Merlin, Gebohq & co were this universe, in the past. They're all dead now. Even with all his power, I'm pretty sure Dark Lancer can't bring people back from the dead, after their bodies have long decomposed...)

Krig rushed after the cat, through the dank darkness of the sewers, his ears still ringing slightly from the ear splitting noise. Perhaps that was why he, upon rounding a corner, burst noisily into a highly decorated room full of sleazy looking thieves and dull looking thugs, never slowing down. The eyes of the entire room turned as one, and all more or less focussed on the person of one Krig son of Krog.

After a moment or two of confused silence, a deep, resonating voice spoke up from the back of the room.

"Who are you and what are you doing in the Hall of the Serpent? And how did you get past the guards?"

Krig looked around like a startled animal. He finally saw the speaker, beyond the the confusion of new people. The speaker was a big, dark haired man, seated on what looked to be a crude throne.

"Krig not like snakes."

The mass of people split before him as the big man got off his chair and began striding towards Krig. Nervous, Krig jerked his axe off of his back in one quick motion, holding it before him and hiding behind the blade. Immediately, the men nearest Krig backed up a few paces and drew their swords, pointing them at Krig.

The big man strode to within four feet of Krig, unafraid. He crossed his arms over his bare chest. He wore only leggings, boots, a fine gold belt, and a small gold crown. His skin was a deep bronze.

"So you dare enter the Hall of the Serpent without an invitation, then proceed to mock us?" The big man paced back and forth before Krig, slowly. "I am feeling benevolent tonight. I will give you one chance to retract your statement, and then maybe I will let you live."

The words buzzed in Krig's ears. He wasn't sure entirely what it was that the big man was trying to say. He didn't seem to be threatening Krig in any way with his body language. Perhaps he should explain why he was here.

"Krig come to get kitty. You see?"

The big man blinked, taken aback. Usually strangers would be grovelling for mercy at his feet by now, especially with the full contigent of the Order of the Serpent, the most notorious group of backstabbers and bandits since Bazaal, at his side.

The big man frowned, and then slowly the frown became a smile, then a grin. "You have a lot of guts, little one! You'd make a fine addition to our ranks! How about it?"

Just then, a small ruckus ensued in the back of the crowd, and a deep voice could be heard resounding over the rest. "That's him! That's the one whut beat up Scrotch an' me!"

Another voice, high pitched and nasal, sounded above the crowd. "That can't be him! You said he was over eight feet tall, you did!"

"Shut up, eggsucker!" The heavyset man with the scraggle beard that had tried to rob Krig pushed his way to the front of the crowd. He pointed at Krig. "He must be put to death, for attacking one of the Order!"

(OOC: BTW, Geb, check your email for about Krig/Jiverak)

"The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him." (Proverbs 18:17)
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2001-01-24, 8:49 AM #64
NSP to Krig: Of course Dark Lancer can't bring people back from the dead, it was the Horn of Magus the Necromancer that did it. And I know that Gebohq, Bazaal, and the rest were from this universe (which Highemperor calls Irgard or something). The Horn was sounded in the nexus, meaning that it went to all the universes. And besides, the souls are still in heaven or hell or wherever. It's just their bodies and life forces that are restored. That iswhat necromancy is, after all.

NSP to everyone: HEF and I worked on this post together, on the first battle between Aesnor's army and Dark Lancer's army. So we hope the quality is a bit better than usual. []


With legion of ultimate doom,
Dark Lancer shall lead to the enemy mortal kingdom.
But he shall be challenged by another great entity,
And they shall battle as titans doth stride the earth.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


King Aesnor's army marched grimly to Walker's Point, where the horde of Dark Lancer was heading. Led by former Royal Guard Kejis, who had put on full fighting gear, they prepared to make a stand.

Fortifications were hastily erected, and the army - twenty thousand strong - settled in to wait.

They did not have to wait long. An legion of Ravynyan ogres appeared on the horizon. Scattered among them were the mightiest heroes and villains of almost thirty universes.

Kejis sighted them first, peering with his sharp eyes through his macrobinoculars. "Here they come!" he shouted. He frowned. But who was their leader? Then he saw. A knight in midnight-black armor, with a horned cylindrical helmet that covered his face entirely, astride a nightmarish steed, equally black and snorting flames from its mouth, leaving scorch marks wherever its hooves touched the ground.

"Who is he?" Kejis wondered aloud.


Word was quickly passed down through King Aesnor's army that the enemy was fast approaching. Highemperor readied himself for combat. He gingerly caressed the currents of energy flowing through the air, ensuring that he could still touch and manipulate them, bending them to his will.

Suddenly Highemperor sensed an incredible suffusion of power. He cried out, and a few nearby soldiers rushed to help him. "What is wrong, milord?" one of them asked.

Highemperor said nothing, but mutely pointed to the horizon. He had felt tremendous power around Dark Lancer, for the Lancer had stolen the power of universes with the Jewel of Alves. Grimly he said, "Prepare yourselves, men. Today's battle will be hardfought."


After several tense minutes when the only sound was the grunting and marching of the thousand ogres, the attack began. Ogres charged up the ramparts, only to fall back down again, spears protruding from their sides.

Bazaal and Merlin led the other magic-users in casting destructive spells, calling lightning down from the skies, blasting knights left and right. The four-armed Goro rode the centaur Motaro, taking out half a dozen men with one fell swoop. Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker activated their lightsabers, cleaving through the weapons of Aesnor's troops. Superman flew this way and that, dispatching knights as though they were ants.

All was chaos, and Dark Lancer reveled in it all. He was gravely outnumbered, but King Aesnor's army was equally gravely outclassed. Though he lost many ogres, Kejis lost far more knights.

Suddenly a flicker of red caught the corner of the demon's eye. He turned to see what it was when suddenly Kejis's force pike impacted into his armor. Dark Lancer's armor scorched and melted the metal of the pike, but still it drove through. Angrily he brushed aside the Royal Guard's pike and prepared to trample him. . .


Highemperor's lightsaber was no ordinary lightsaber. Its blade was formed not of energy, but of sheer Force. Thus he fought his way through Dark Lancer's legion. He cut down ogre after ogre, sending his lightsaber pinwheeling through their ranks. He reached out to the energy that drove the world to subdue his foes.

Highemperor dueled briefly with Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, his Force-powered lightsaber cutting through their lightsaber blades, made "merely" of energy, then pushed aside Han Solo, only to see the foul demon who led the army about to kill Kejis. For a moment he thought, Yes! With Kejis out of the way, Melania will be MINE!

Then he saw an image of a grief-stricken Lady Melania, tears streaming down her face, as she saw the battered, broken, and bloody body of her friend, and reproached himself.

Kejis was nimbly dodging the Nightmare's red-hot hooves, but Dark Lancer was bringing his lance into play. The Royal Guard was tiring, and could not last for long, though he bravely fought on.

Just as the demon brought his lance down, Highemperor charged in, blocking the blow that would have surely killed Kejis. Much to his surprise, even his Forcesaber didn't cleave the lance! Dark Lancer was equally astonished that his lance did not cut through the saber. They both recovered almost instantly, and began fighting. Block, parry, strike, back and forth, as if there were no one else fighting on the battlefield.

Highemperor finally summoned the energy all around to push the demon off his horse. He struck the Nightmare, which dissolved into black smoke as his blade touched it, then brought the saber down onto Dark Lancer, who rolled out of the way, saving his life at the cost of his left arm.

Highemperor smiled ferociously. Dark Lancer looked at his stump, then - all of a sudden - a new arm, complete with armor plates, grew right out of his socket!

Dark Lancer said, "I have had enough of your interference." Highemperor shivered. His voice was silky and evil, the kind of deep resonance that gives you goosebumps for a solid minute or two. The Ravynyan demon raised his hand, and a sheet of power erupted from his gauntleted palm, formed from the power he had stolen from countless universes.

Highemperor used his Andorian abilities to get a grip on that power, bend it back towards Dark Lancer. Frowning beneath his helmet, Lancer focused yet more power into his strike. This duel of the titans went on for what seemed an eternity, before Highemperor found that Dark Lancer was applying more power to his beam that he (Highemperor) could control. Slowly, inevitably, the power beam inexorably pushed its way to Highemperor. . .

Suddenly a red laser bolt came out of nowhere, hitting the demon square in the eyes. The power beam vanished as Dark Lancer cried out and toppled to the ground.

Highemperor, sweating, turned around to see Kejis holding an Imperial-issue blaster.

He looked all around him to see fallen ogres and knights strewn about the grassy plain, now drenched in blood. When he looked back at Dark Lancer, he gave a start to realize that the demon had vanished.

The attack had been repulsed. . . for now.


NSP: Let us know what you think. HEF and I are actually quite proud of this post! []
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
2001-01-24, 3:30 PM #65
Waaaaaaaiiiiit a minute! The battle is over in ONE post??? What about those who wished to take part? Geez...
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-01-24, 3:45 PM #66
In the Plane of Power, Dark Lancer stood before a grey-cloaked figure, more than a little confused.

He was not at all accustomed to being shot between the eyes, and the sudden change of scenery didn't ease the shock any. What's more, he was now confronted with a creature that appeared... more than a little self-contradicting. Skull staffs and cross shields didn't go well together, and the undead look of his bony frame jutting out under his skin clashed seriously with the very much alive armor he was wearing. Dark Lancer recovered quickly however, and noticing that the grass was unstained by blood, he determined to remedy that situation. He figured that the staff (sign of a magic user) and the shield (sign of a fighter) canceled eachother out, and that the figure was of little threat. Finding that he had literally every weapon ever created at his disposal with a mere thought was to his liking, and he selected a rather ceremonial-looking halberd. Much to the dismay of Dark-Lancer, the figure caught the halberd one-handed, pulled the blade off, and decapitated Dark-Lancer. Dark was much dismayed at this, even to the point of confusion when he found that he was, in fact, not dead.

The figure siezed upon the opportunity to introduce himself: "I like your style-if it is a little poorly planned-I am Semievil- Judge of the Tournament of the Three Powers, and Keeper of Justice in the relevent universes" Dark-Lancer's head (his body had fallen away, and his head was now floating at Semievil's eye-level) blinked. "I am building an arena" Semievil continued, "and you are going to be part of my raw materials. I observed your arm regerating on the battlefield, and that indicates one of the qualities that I will need." The head blinked again, and tried to speak, but could only weakly ask: "What?" "Glad you asked." Semievil continued "The arena must be constructed of andamantite, a rare, indestructable substance from which all divine beings are made- the heroes must also be imbued with it to ensure that they will all survive. Safety first, after all, the contest is the alternative to all-out war. What I need from you is your physical durability. Mostly I don't tell people when I extract their qualities, but that laser blast to the eyebrows gave you a shock into an out-of-body experience anyway, so I just brought you here. You will no-longer be able to regenerate as a personal trait, and will probably be more debilitated by wounds. One of the perks of talking... well, listening to me personally however, is that you get a new body, as this one may not leave the Plane of Power. One of my minions will fit you for a new body, and we'll make it nice and durable to make up for your personal lacking. We also have an exelent transportation system and will drop you anywhere you like, within the appropriate universe." Dark-Lancer found himself suddenly staring at a seemingly endless row of lifeless bodies to choose from... he could tell he would have trouble making up his mind...

The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.

Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2001-01-24, 4:03 PM #67
(NSP: Last True Evil raises a good point- I'm going to have my character take stock of the action on the field and ponder it for a bit- anyone who wanted to write about the battle can do so here: just try and remember to be meditative in style and focus on my list of qualities... Also, many apologies to Dark Lancer for slicing you to bits, hope you don't mind to much, I'll ask first for the other characters, but Dark Lancer left himself in a perfect position...)

Sem, feeling a vague sense of accomplishment having filled out one of his virtues allready, slid the gems out of his skull staff and looked thoughtfully into them, where every detail of the battle was recorded in minute detail. He slid the gems into his own eyes and was filled with a vision of the first wave of impaled ogres falling down the newly, and poorly constructed fortifications... "Nothing promising yet..." he thought....

(NSP: Anyone who planned to take part in that battle, slip it in here...)

The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.

Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2001-01-24, 4:20 PM #68
Well, if you guys collaborate and end the major battles in ONE post, you'll have to wait for the others to catch up.

*Set during the thick of the battle*

Kronaemix staggered to his feet, bringing his knight's shield to bear and glancing at his sword. Glancing around him, he could make out Highemperor-staring at the horizon and readying himself, Kejis-staring in curiosity at Dark Lancer, and the thousands of brave knights assembled to defend their honour and King Aesnor's rule.

Scanning the horizon, Kronaemix tried to make out So'liq, but failed.


Shortly after, the battle began. On that unholy day, many brave men died. Kronaemix had seen good people die in battle before, but something about this day....the unjustness of it all made him sick. Still, with no other alternative, he leaped into battle with the experience and skill of many millenia. His standard blade was not the best he could have had, but still, many ogres fell under it.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Highemperor and Kejis, advancing as fast as he, slaying the mind-controlled heroes and villains with a harsh impunity. Kronaemix himself downed a few, but only because they were distracting him. He had to find So'liq-

Suddenly, he spun to see Kejis and Dark Lancer, locked in heated combat. Highemperor had already started towards them, and Kronaemix rushed to help-

A deafening clang sounded off his armour as Kronaemix was lifted off his feet and thrown fifty yards by a bone-shattering punch into a fiery steed, which brayed and kicked away from him. Struggling for breath, he gazed up-

At So'liq, in his normal form. His glowing armour was slightly blemished with the blood of Aesnor's men, and his fine blade was saturated in it.

"I always scored the first blow, Kronaemix."

"Yes, but THIS time-" Kronaemix staggered to his feet, leaping at his foe-"The last blow-"

The shriek of steel clashing reverberated through their heads as both strained to keep their end of the blade-lock.

"Shall be mine."

And so their duel commenced. Kronaemix's side was badly wounded, and twisting away from So'liq's powerful stabs was becoming an impossibility. Kronaemix knew his foe, and realised that the majority of So'liq's armour was indestructible, save the use of magic or a very strong weapon. He would use some magic of his own, but So'liq was not going to allow him the time or space that he needed.

So the battle continued. So'liq attacked, Kronaemix parried, countered, So'liq backed up, Kronaemix gave chase. The battle was reaching its close, and only a few climatic struggles dotted around the battlefield were transpiring.

Finally, the inevitable came. So'liq swung a hard left, Kronaemix blocked, So'liq shifted his stance, angling a slash right, Kronaemix tried to mirror his stance, but a fiery jab of pain arced up his spine, and roaring in pain, he staggered backward. So'liq laughed, leaped in and with a powerful upthrust, removed Kronaemix's sword from his hand.

Kronaemix crawled backwards feebly, avoiding the killing blow desperately. If he failed, then they would all die. Highemperor, Kejis, even King Aesnor!

"You were a fool to even entertain the prospect that you could defeat me. I am the destroyer, I am So'liq..."

Kronaemix snorted as disdainfully as he could. "You will be defeated; slay me now, it will give your victor yet another reason to kill you."

So'liq raised his sword, which arced down-

To be blocked inches from Kronaemix's neck. Outraged, So'liq turned-

It was a young knight! Kronaemix had seen this one before, he was quite stocky, but powerful. His suit of armour was tattered, and his visor was broken, but he was holding his own against So'liq!

Disgusted, the destroyer threw this blade away, reaching for his hip and producing a silver handle, which engaged into a brilliant silver blade.

His lightsaber!

In a detached corner of his mind, Kronaemix formed a plan. His hands fell to his sides-

With one blow, So'liq shattered the young knight's blade. With his second, he impaled him by his chest, and his third decapitated him. Snarling he turned back to Kronaemix-

Who leaped to his feet, flipped over So'liq, crouched and spun-

Kronaemix's golden lightsaber, which he had possessed all along, caught So'liq by his abdomen. Roaring, the destroyer gazed skywards, barely acknowledging defeat-

Then, the brilliant light that transported them to the battlefield flared again and they vanished.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-01-25, 5:34 AM #69
NSP to Semi: Now, I really don't like the idea of Dark Lancer losing both his body and his ability to regenerate. After all, he would still be able to do that with all the power he acquired. But I'll roll with it - just so long as Dark Lancer doesn't lose any of the power he stole from the other universes.


The dark lancer shall employ a weaker form,
Deceptive to his enemies,
As he is the son of lies.
His power he shall retain,
But unlocked within him it will remain.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer's head, floating at its normal height. Facing the being who called himself the Judge. He willed a new body to grow out of his head, but it appeared that Semievil had been correct: he had lost his natural ability to regenerate. Yet he should still be able to do it, what with all the power he had. But, though he still felt all that power from the universes he had absorbed, it seemed distant. He could feel its presence, but could not touch it, manipulate it. Obviously his battle with Highemperor had weakened him more than he had thought.

Resigned to his fate - for now, at least - he stared at the bodies Semievil was offering. Then Dark Lancer said, "I reject all of your bodies, Judge. I would prefer to have my Saatch body..."
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
2001-01-25, 11:41 AM #70
(NSP: psst! Dark Lancer! Sorry I wasn't more clear... the bodies I was offering were those of the fallen heroes of all the previous contests. While your character has lost the ability in and of himself to regen, all of the physical qualities are present in each of the bodies offered- meaning that they not only regenerate, but have unusual ammounts of agility, stamina, strength, ect.<see above list for physical qualities> being that there are a few traces of old andamantite left within them. It's up to you to pick a bod, but it seems out of character for your man to turn down the bodies of the greatest heroes of the past....)
(NSP: If anyone reviews my list and wants to voulenteer for any of the qualities <with a character that actually HAS them> it'd be greatly appreciated... I've got 17 more to collect b4 the big fight even starts to take shape... If I take any from non-voulenteers, I'll be sure to make up for it so as to minimize any disruption to future plans anyone has. Hope MUST be taken from a willing soul however- it is the most important ingredient, and I'd like to have more than one person loose hope.... Also note that any spiritual qualities I take can be earned back and physical ones may be practiced until they return <both under circumstances such as a major battle/disaster> that's about it- and I still need some ideas for that last physical quality under evil)

The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.

Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2001-01-25, 11:41 AM #71
[Alright, I admit, neither Dark Lancer nor I thought that other people would be able to participate in the battle. Well, here's more of Highemperor's part in the battle, before he fought Dark Lancer.]


Highemperor's Forceblade whipped in and out, cleaving ogres in half one by one. He started once he realized who the heroes and villains were (he DID recognize them, because he's traveled much of the multiverse), and also realized that THEY were the main threat to Aesnor's army, not these ogres.

Superman came zooming past. Highemperor timed a carefully planned Force jump, landed right on the Kryptonian's back. Superman twisted about, trying to throw his unsolicited rider off, but Highemperor drove his blade into his back, and he jumped off as Superman fell into the dirt.

Palpatine began blasting lightning at him as soon as Highemperor reached the ground. Stunned momentarily, Highemperor had the presence of mind to grab that Force energy, throw it back at the Imperial tyrant, who collapsed.

The X-men ganged up on Highemperor then. Cyclops fired optic lasers, which he all deflected, and Wolverine brought down his adamantium claws onto Highemperor, who blocked with his saber, severing the blades. As Wolverine looked in shock at the stumps of his claws, Highemperor kicked him back. Jean Grey used her telekinetic powers to lift Highemperor into the air and her telepathy to control his mind into not resisting, but Highemperor grabbed the power and flung it back at her, and she fell back with a cry.

Zorro, sneaking up behind him, deftly disarmed him. Highemperor called the sword of a fallen knight to him and began dueling with the Fox. The masked warrior was good, far better than Highemperor had anticipated, and he was disarmed again. Once more Highemperor called on the energy currents of the universe to knock Zorro unconscious.

Recovering his Forcesaber, he waded once more into the conflict, seeking out the heroes and villains. . .


[So, does anyone else want to help Highemperor with the heroes and villains under Dark Lancer's control? Because twenty thousand knights can certainly take on one thousand Ravynyan ogres. [] ]

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, with the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-01-26, 5:31 AM #72
[This is some of Kejis's part in the battle before he battled Dark Lancer.]


Kejis was everywhere at once, it seemed. Blaster firing, force pike swinging, legs kicking, his whole body flying, flowing with a swift grace that belied the grimness of the situation.

Quickly taking stock of the battle, he saw that, though the ogres were formidable, the knights were able to handle them, as there were twenty thousand of them and only one of the ogres. There were other strange and exotic warriors milling about, dispatching the knights with cruel efficiency. Kejis determined to stop these foreign warriors.

The former Royal Guard first confronted five warriors out of Earth's classical mythology: Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Oddyseus, Achilles, and Hercules. Kejis fired five quick blaster shots in quick succession. Four of the heroes fell to the ground, but Achilles seemed invincible. Achilles and Kejis fought. Achilles made hits on Kejis's armor, leaving black scores but otherwise doing no damage with his sword. Kejis made hits on the resurrected-and-turned-evil Greek hero, slashing through his armor, but his skin was so tough that not even the force pike could get through it.

Kejis employed an old trick of his. He left his body on automatic pilot, blocking Achilles's attacks with reflex alone. In his mind he stood back from the conflict and studied it. He noticed what seemed to be a tender spot on the Greek's heel. Knowing that that was now his target, Kejis feinted, then drove his pike deep into Achilles's ankle.

Achilles screamed in agony, and collapsed, his restored life slowly draining away as surely as his blood was. . .


[Like I said, is anyone going to help?]

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, with the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-01-26, 6:30 AM #73
While the battle raged far away, Krig stood confronted by a group of petty thugs, in the sewers of a city unaffected by the battle. He clutched his axe before him, tightly.

The big man, obviously the ruler of these thugs, turned to look down on Krig. "Is this true? Did you attack that man?"

Krig squinted in the direction of his accuser. "Krig bite man. Not taste good."

The big man roared with laughter, throwing back his massive head. When he stopped, he wiped his eyes and looked at the man who accused Krig. "This is the man who defeated you in battle?"

The man looked indignant "He didn' d'feat me! He run away!"

The big man turned back to Krig, who he discovered was walking away to his right, gazing intently at a small cat that had somehow gotten in.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

"Krig get kitty." Krig glanced briefly at the big man, an expression of annoyance on his face. "Keep quiet."

The big man again roared with laughter, his whole body shaking.

"You amuse me, little man. You will be allowed to live."

The man with the scraggly beard interrupted again. "You can't do that! He's gotta be put tuh death!"

The big man faced the accuser once more, a solemn expression on his face.

"Yes, you are quite right, someone must die."

In one fluid motion, the big man drew the large sword hanging by his side, lunged at the scraggly-bearded man, and lopped off his head. The man's head hit the floor with a muffled thump, followed shortly by the rest of his body hitting the floor like a sack of potatoes.

"Does any other dare question the word of the Overlord?"

Silence fell over the group of men like a thick, wet blanket. No-one moved, for fear of incurring wrath.

The Overlord turned to Krig. "Now, little man, we will continue with the festivities." He rose up and gestured. "Begin the music!"

Somewhere a lute began to play, and the crowd of thugs cheered, sounding rather strained at first, but building to the same level as it had been before.

"The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him." (Proverbs 18:17)
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2001-01-26, 12:33 PM #74
The lancer, stopped in battle
By two treacherous titans,
Shall employ deceit to trap these warriors,
Tricking them into thinking he is another...

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer, having been restored to his Saatch body, walked in the guise of the blind old man over Aesheim. He intended to find the two champion warriors who together had defeated him. One who wore a billowing black cape, and the other scarlet armor...

Listening to the rumors that were going around, he discovered some valuable information, such as that Kejis and Highemperor were back at Aesnor's court, and that he, Dark Lancer, was being referred to as the black knight, since no one knew what to call him.


Highemperor and Kejis bowed before King Aesnor in the throne room at his castle. "Kejis, Highemperor," he was saying, "you have demonstrated such bravery and courage in battle, driving back the black knight and his monstrous horde. In the name of the people of Aesheim, I make thee knights of the court." So saying, he tapped their shoulders with his sword. "I bid thee rise."

Loud cheering erupted from the crowd, and Highemperor was pleased to see Melania beaming from the crowd.

Suddenly, an uproar could be heard. Castle guards rushed into the chamber, chasing a blind old man in a coarse black robe with a walking stick who was scurrying ahead, just out of their reach.

"Your majesty," the Captain of the Guard said, grabbing hold of the stooped little man at last, "I'm sorry. He sneaked his way past us. We'll get rid of him."

"Now, now, Captain Ernst," Aesnor rebuked him gently, "what harm kind an elderly gentlemen do me?"

At this the old man cackled, then said in a scratchy, as if trying to cover it up, "I tried to tell them, sire, but they would not listen."

"Will, sirrah, what would you have of me?" the king asked.

The old man bowed and said, "I am truly sorry, your majesty, but it is not you whom I seek. I am in search of those two great warriors who defeated the black knight on the field of battle."

Aesnor, slightly surprised, said, "Why, here they are, sirrah. Lord Highemperor and Sir Kejis, newly made knights of the court."

"Thank you," the old man returned hesitatingly, as if he was unaccustomed to saying those words. "Sirs," he addressed himself to Kejis and Highemperor, "My name is Saatch. I am in need of two great champions such as yourself to go on a quest with me. There is a dark warlord who lives in a castle in the mountains to the west of your land."

"What is this warlord's name?" Highemperor asked, curious.

"None that anyone knows of," Saatch said mysteriously. "But the name of his fortress is Ragnarok Malum." The grim way in which he said it struck terror into the hearts of some in the room.

Highemperor would much rather have stayed here, close to Melania, but he agreed to go with Saatch when he realized that this would impress her...
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
2001-01-26, 6:58 PM #75
(NSP: I'll start my side-story with Jirverak as soon as Krig is ready. And Dark Lancer, I need to know if the castle you mentioned is the same as the one Jirverak is at, because if it is, we should collaberate some. And I still don't see why you didn't have your character choose a new body, it isn't like evil to deny extra power--especially from an impartial judge who isn't allow to rig or anything *though Sem does tell me that since his character hasn't really been able to use the power, he wasn't to throw a few wrentches to make evil (and the other forces) all the more crafty, intersting, whatnot. Now for my part in the battle.)

"Eep! Help me!" Noddo said as he swatted his word in front of him.

"You're such a baby," Amry replied.

"Shaddap and just help me out," Noddo said. "I'd like to live after this battle."

*What could these foreigners and legands alike be doing fighting us? Noddo thought. From the legends I do know, it seems that these people aren't themselves, and that the others he didn't know probably fit the same catagory. Perhaps they were all planes of someone's imagination, or even the plane he existed in--*

*Noddo's train of thought was cut off when Gebohq swung his sword down hard, aimed to cleave his skull in half. Noddo pulled up his shield in time, but fell down upon the force. Noddo attempted to scurry away as Gebohq continued to pounce on him.*

*Amry was having her own problems, for she was even more inept at handling a sword than even Noddo, if that was possible. She was at the moment about to charge at Apathis, but felt suddenly attracted to him. Holding her sword lax in her hand, she drew closer to Apathis, not knowing the stone hand that rose behind her, ready to grab her and drag her into the earth. Noddo was crawling backwards, stumbling up to stand, and backing into Apathis from behind. Gebohq swung in attempt to slice off Noddo's head, but Noddo ducked.*

*As the stone hand was about to grab Amry from behind, Apathis's head was sliced off his body, sent rolling to the ground from Gebohq's swing. Amry, still lost in her own world, began to stare at Gebohq now, where Apathis had been. Compelled perhaps by the feelings of attraction before, she beckoned Gebohq as she had with her bosses and clients in the past. Gebohq, driven by a new impulse, drew closer to Amry as she had done with Apathis. Noddo, gripping the sword as he would a dagger, plunged the blade into Gebohq's back, sending Gebohq arching back from being impaled. After pulling the blade back out, Gebohq's body flopped onto the ground next to Apathis'.*

"Care to take a break?' Noddo asked Amry in between breaths.

"Sure," Amry reliped in the same exsasperated tone. With the help of Noddo, the two made themselves less noticable as they slicked outside the major fighting grounds.

(NSP: I hope this clarifies Amry's skill as an enchanter and Noddo's skill at fighting/theif style *the backstab for instance*.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-01-28, 12:53 PM #76
(NSP: I'm waiting for Krig to finish up before going any further with Jirverak (since Krig's character is jumping in for the fun) and TheLastTrueEvil told me about a quest he wanted to start, and I offered for my other two characters to jump the bandwagon in it, so I'm waiting on you all. And if anybody talks with Nature_Paladwin/, I just don't know what to do with his character. I made an antagonist for his character, Diaszu, but I can't do that AND Orca's character at the same time. If anybody has any suggestions for that, otherwise Nature's side is going to kind of fall flat on its face, lol.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-01-29, 7:08 AM #77
[Gebohq, about that castle, Ragnarok Malum or whatever, I think Dark Lancer said that was his character's castle. I don't think an angel would have transported Jirverak to Dark Lancer's castle. Maybe he did. I don't know. But I would ask Dark Lancer about it first.]

Saatch led Highemperor and Kejis out of the castle into the town, and Highemperor was amazed by how easily the blind old man found his way. Perhaps he had some magic about him.

"Where is this castle?" Highemperor asked.

Saatch replied, "In the mountains far west of here. The going is dangerous, so we shall gather other allies to our banner."

The old man stopped in an tavern, and called out, "Noddo! Amry! Come out!"

Inside, Noddo and Amry had been enjoying themselves, but when they heard their names being called out, they instantly crouched down, trying not to be seen, afraid that some angry tax collector had come to make them pay their dues.

They heard their names again, and saw that it was only a stooped old man - and blind, too, Amry noted. She and Noddo stood up.

Saatch's head swiveled toward them, as if he could see the pair, though Amry knew that was impossible. "Come here, please," he called again.

This time, Noddo and Amry obeyed. The former flipped a coin into the bartender's hand as they walked out.

"Whatcha want, oldtimer?" Noddo asked. He stopped in his tracks when he saw two men - obviously mighty warriors, by their bearing - waiting for them. "Amry!" he whispered fiercely, and he knew the same thing was running through their minds. A trap! But it was too late now, and if the three strangers wanted to kill them, they could do that at any time.

The old man responded, "I am Saatch. These two are my. . . associates, Highemperor and Kejis. We are on a quest to the dread castle of the black knight. We would like you to join us."

Noddo was ready to turn the offer down, but Amry stayed him by asking, "Would there be any. . . monetary compensation, Saatch?" she asked.

The blind old man smiled. "Not from me, Amry. But there are mountains of treasure inside the knight's castle."

"We're in!" Noddo agreed excitedly.

"Excellent," Saatch said. "Let us be off."

As they went on out of the town to the westward peaks, Highemperor noticed a horn bulging in Saatch's robe. He started to dismiss it as a hunting horn, then stopped, getting a gut feeling that he should remember it, that it was vastly important for something. Nevertheless, he put it out of his head and continued walking. . .

[There, I hope that will unify some of our characters' course of action some. I hope you don't mind, Gebohq. I also hope that YOU don't mind, Dark Lancer, since I kind of took the liberty to have your character invite Amry and Noddo along. I figured Saatch would want them with him, so that he could trap as many heroes as possible. [] ]

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, with the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-01-29, 11:12 AM #78
NSP to Geb and HEF: Fine with me, guys. Jirverak Ironhands can be at Ragnarok Malum and Noddo and Amry can come along with Saatch, Highemperor, and Kejis.


The demon shall lead five champions into his jaws,
Trapping them like flies in amber sap.

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


The quintet - Highemperor, Saatch, Kejis, Noddo, and Amry - stopped in front of a foreboding edifice. Sheer black stone, it was of a blockish construction, with squared-off towers rising into the sky from each corner.

"Ragnarok Malum," the old man whispered, and the others stared at it in awe.

A man in gold and white armor stood in front of the castle, obviously thinking on what to do. A freshly dug grave was beside him.

"Greeting, Jirverak Ironhands," Saatch called.

The paladin spun at the sound. "Who- how did you know my name?"

"I know a great many things, Jirverak," Saatch replied coolly. "I know that an angel sent you here as part of a test. Your test is our quest. I suggest that you join us."

Jirverak acquiesced. "Very well, then. First we must get inside."

"Leave that to me," Kejis said, who was in full Royal Guard armor. Activating his force pike, he began cutting through the iron gate. Soon an entrance big enough to clear even the large Jirverak was made. They went inside.

It was dark and musty inside, with pale flames flickering on widely spaced candles on the wall. The black stone seemed to swallow all the light that the candles cast.

They heard a rumbling. "Noddo, control your stomach!" Amry whispered loudly.

He said, "That's not my stomach!"

They heard the rumbling again - louder this time. It picked up into a low roaring.

"Someone - or something - is definitely in here with us," Jirverak noted.

Highemperor held up his hand. A small light suddenly flared up and emanated from his fingers.

The suddenly incursion of light into the castle startled them all. But what startled them most was what the light revealed.

A gorgeous woman lay on a bed in front of them. Long silken red hair flowed down like a waterfall. Green eyes glinted beautifully. Large breasts completed the array.

And she was naked.

"Oh, hello," she said, surprised. "I was wondering when the rescue would come."

Noddo practically drooled. "Don't worry, I've got it under control now, Miss-"

"Florence," the young woman said, smiling. "I'm a little cold. Won't you warm me up?"

Noddo went to the bed as surely as though he were being pulled by a leash. The others seemed transfixed, as if mired by some invisible muck.

Noddo lay down on the bed beside Florence, and moved to kiss her. She returned his kiss, and suddenly a glow came from them. Noddo gasped, his skin wrinkling and withering. The woman was no helpless captive! She was a demoness - draining his life force!

Suddenly blood and gore spattered over Noddo, and he found himself kissing empty air. He looked down to see a headless woman falling back onto the bed, dead as a doornail.

He turned around to see Kejis, leveling a blaster in the now-dead demoness's direction. The Royal Guard had managed to break the spell that had frozen him and his compatriots and had rushed to Noddo's defense.

Noddo wiped the blood - which, he noticed, was green - off his shirt, and got up with as much dignity as he could muster. The bed dissolved into mist.

The six adventurers continued into the depths of Ragnarok Malum...


NSP: I don't care if anyone continues the adventure into the castle or not. Actually it would help me out a lot. Just spell the dang castle's name right! It's Ragnarok Malum, not Ragnorok! []
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
2001-01-29, 2:02 PM #79
Argh, now what am I going to do? Wait for Noddo and Amry to finish? Damn....
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-01-30, 4:27 PM #80
(NSP: Actually, sorry to mess this up for everyone else, but I had meant to post earlier. I had agreed with TLTE that I would have my characters go on a quest with his characters, so I'd like to pull Noddo and Amry out of the group with Dark Lancer and have them go with TLTE's characters. If you can't take both out (which is fine), just take Amry out. She hasn't done much yet, and besides, she wouldn't be around Noddo, not so friendly anyways, not yet (they were on the battlefield together b/c of familiarity with each other). And for TLTE, we can have Diaszu compensate for Noddo's place (have a balance anywhos). As for the castle ordeal, it seems to me that Ragnarok Mallum (SP? sorry if I messed up) seems to be a real rich and serious place, and not that I dont' want Jirverak's quest to be a joke, but it IS only a test, and after all, there's a damsel in it (whether she's a bi-otch or not is to be decided later). I also wanted it to kind of just be Jirverak and Krig, I had some very specific layouts on the castle, and I don't know how well they'd incoorperate with this one. Again, if this is a problem, I understand, and I'll let Jirverak continue in the castle (and try to incoorperate my other ideas) and Krig will just have to do his own little thing.

As for qualities for you Sem, Jirverak would have strength, hope (he believes good will always win), rage, dexterity, fortitude, zeal, possibly resistance, and stamina. Amry would have charisma, love and hope (not as much as Jirverak though). Noddo would have possibly charisma, but agility, resistance, serenity, and wariness. Diaszu would have fortitude, resolution!!!, focus, dexterity, and whatever we decide the last evil attribute might be (perhaps frenzy? but that's quite a silly word, isn't it?). OK, I gave my characters, time to give yours everyone else!)
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