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ForumsInteractive Story Board → The Eternal War
The Eternal War
2001-01-30, 6:48 PM #81
Krig took another swig of the ale he'd been handed. He'd been doing so for over half an hour, and having a great time. Whoever these nice fellows were, they sure knew how to have a good time. There was good food being passed around, rowdy music, and all the ale you could drink. This was Krig's kind of place.

Two rather soused revelers crashed into Krig, engaged in a rather clumsy fist fight and uttering death threats. Krig joined in the merriment, handing out knocks to the head with great enjoyment.

After a while, Krig ran out of people to deliver knocks on the head to, and he returned to his spot on top of a small pile of cushions and sheets, beside the big fellow, the Overlord or whatever his name was. It seemed he was just in time, as the Overlord stood up and motioned for silence.

When a semblence of quiet had been established, the Overlord called out to someone outside of the room.

"Bring on the women!" As he spoke, the lute music changed from a lively jig, to a seductive siren-song.

On the far end of the room, a curtain was drawn back, and four rather nervous looking girls, clad in very little, the oldest not more than twenty-two, were ushered into the crowded room. The Overlord turned to Krig.

"As our honoured guest, you may choose first, Krig my friend!" he leaned closer and whispered drunkenly "I suggest the one on the left. Got fine legs on that one!"

Krig moved slowly towards the women, his joyful mood gone. He gazed deep into the eyes of each of them.

"Lady sad. Why?" Krig turned to the Overlord fellow.

The big fellow guffawed, and slapped Krig on the back. "You're a rare one, you are! Now hurry up and pick before I get anxious and pick before you!"

Krig frowned, and turned back to the women. They were glancing around the room anxiously, like frightened rabbits. Krig looked back over the crowd of men, who were eyeing the women like wolves. The resemblence struck Krig, and his eyes narrowed to hard slits. He took a step towards the women, spun, and unlslung his axe in one smooth movement. He gripped his axe tightly, facing the Overlord man, his fury and outrage rising slowly.

"What's the matter?" the Overlord roared. "You want them to yourself? I'm afraid you're going to have to share, my friend!"

"Krig not friend to dirt. Stay away." Krig could barely speak, his words came through tightly ground teeth.

"Why Krig, what has come over you? Are you ill?"

"Krig not let wolves kill rabbits. Krig rather die."

One of the drunken thugs, unable to restrain himself any longer, stumbled towards the women, who were clustered tightly together into a group. Krig lashed out with blinding speed. The man's left arm flew off, spraying blood over the other revelers. The room grew instantly silent, except for those who were too drunk to realize what was going on. The stillness shattered suddenly as the partiers clamoured around for their misplaced weapons.

Krig stared down the crowd, fire blazing furiously in his eyes.

"The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him." (Proverbs 18:17)
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2001-01-31, 2:29 AM #82
So what's the verdict? Can Noddo go as well? Or is it vital for him to stay?

Gebohq, I just thought it would be that bit better if we had a 3rd person...
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-01-31, 5:46 AM #83
Fine, sorry, just scratch all the posts in Ragnarok Malum and HEF's post about Saatch picking up Noddo and Amry. That'll work.

Hmm... is there any chance Saatch, Highemperor, and Kejis could go along on the quest with Diaszu (or whatever), Noddo, Kornaemix, and Amry?
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
2001-02-03, 5:16 PM #84
(NSP: I personally don't have a problem with it, but obviously it's up to TLTE to decide, since it's his quest-planning and all. Though if you wish, some of them can go with Jirverak so as there isn't too much clumping of people together. I just don't want all my guys together, that's the main thing. And someone move it on again, cuz I can't [] But try to make the transition out of Ragnarok Mallum (SP again? sorry if it's wrong) smooth, don't have them just abandon it. Hope to see somethin' soon []
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-02-03, 6:02 PM #85
(No problem, more is better, but this is a quest for God, so Saatch might be a little out of place. Never mind, here comes the quest...)

King Aesnor, Highemperor, Lady Melania and Kejis were seated in the Royal Throne Room, listening to a crippled old man named Saatch offering a prospective quest to Aesnor's greatest warriors, when suddenly a blonde-haired man in a white tunic glided towards them. Aesnor's mouth opened wide in protest, but the man gestured to him, and he was silent, staring in awe.

"Forgive the intrusion, noblemen, but this is a matter of dire urgency."

Everyone paused, staring at the intruder. There seemed to be a heavenly aura about him.

"As you have no doubt ascertained, I am an angel. I have been sent down, along with several of my number, to convince only the bravest and most courageous of men to take upon themselves a quest like no other. A holy quest. The word of God."

Highemperor's eyes sparkled. Maybe this would rally favour with God, and allow a meeting!

King Aesnor was beaming as well. "Tell us of this quest, noble angel."

The angel paused. His eyes were sorrowful.

"You are aware of the tale of the dark angel Lucifer, and his descent into becoming Satan, the Prince of Darkness?"

Collective nods from those present.

"When Lucifer was leaving Heaven, he challenged God to find an angel to stop him. None were bold enough to try, not even I. It is a shame we will bear forever.

"However, one angel did challenge Satan, the one named Kronaemix."

Highemperor's and Saatch's eyes were alive with recognition suddenly. They glanced at each other, and as quickly as he could, Saatch amde his expression neutral.

But Highemperor caught it. How do you know of Kronaemix, Saatch?

"Kronaemix was slain, and Lucifer defied God to become Satan. But Kronaemix had a son; that son grew up to become one of God's first champions in the decimillenial war, and a powerful warrior.

"But fate was against him, and the young angel fell from grace, becoming a prisoner that was required to work for several millenia to come to finally die and be at rest. Out of pride in his heritage, he renamed himself after his father, Kronaemix."

The angel paused. His face was bitter, even though he tried vainly to hide it.

"And now, he is a prisoner for real. God has reason to believe that Satan has resurrected a long-dead champion of his own, So'liq, to torture and kill the very son of the only angel ever bold enough to face him. He is holding him in a castle, Liberate Diablo embedded in a mountain face a few days from this place. We would be honoured if your best warriors come to free Kronaemix and vanquish So'liq."

King Aesnor considered. "Very well. Highemperor, will you be-"

"Yes!" Highemperor could not hide his excitement. "Yes, I will aid you in your task..."

Kejis stepped forward. "I shall help to liberate the fallen angel as well."

King Aesnor smiled. "Then go, and bring victory back with you..."


Everyone stared dumbstruck, at Saatch, who had leaped forward.

"I shall come. Amusing as it seems, I shall come in handy during a battle..."

To emphasize his point, he raised his hand, which crackled with energy and glowed with power.

"I would be...elated to help defeat a great warrior of Satan..."

Not too far from the truth, he mused. Actually, I'd rather get rid of any other great warriors of Satan, gaining favour on my behalf.

The angel nodded. "Then it shall be so. Let us depart now, while there is still time..."

[This message has been edited by The Last True Evil (edited February 04, 2001).]
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-02-04, 8:25 AM #86
NSP: Hold on, how does Highemperor know about Kronaemix? And how come Saatch is able to come along? He would love to vanquish So'liq - he would think of him as a rival for Satan's champion. Could you rework that last post so that Saatch can come along?
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
2001-02-04, 8:03 PM #87
NSP: He appeared to Highemperor during one of the very early posts, prophesizing of the wars to come.

And sure, now I think about it, So'liq would be a sure rival for Saatch. I'll fix the post...
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-02-05, 12:28 AM #88
At the same time, a similar angel was explaining the same quest to Noddo and Amry, who were listening intently.

"...and God would be indebted to you, shall we say, if you were to help to rescue Kronaemix from So'liq."

Noddo grinned his crooked grin, not missing a beat. "That means we're guaranteed a spot in Heaven and released of our past sins, right?"

The angel regared him bemusingly. "You could say that. You still have plenty of time to sin anew, though..."

Amry nodded. "We'll do it."

"Huh? Since when do you make my decisions for me, Amry?"

Amry laughed mockingly. "Noddo, I thought we were a team! Besides, you save this angel Kron-whatever-"

"Kronaemix." The name was revered to the angel.

"Yeah, him. You save him and God is bound to lavish you with all manner of earthly treats, right?"

The angel rolled his eyes. "Yes, I suppose..."

"Then we're in!" Amry's eye's glistened.

"We're gonna make a lot out of this one, Noddo..."
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-02-05, 2:54 PM #89
(NSP: OK, I just want to throw in my two cents if you all will listen. First off, it hasn't been too bad, and I know this is a epic-style story, but in my opinion, it seems that we're getting awefully close to powerplaying. I wanted to write this story to be entertaining, not to really see whose side will will (Dark Lancer, I know you already explained your intentions, but still keep it in mind). I know Krig will back me up on this one: this story doesn't seem to have the same feel that The Shadows of Darkness did. And I know right now my characters don't seem to be serious, but believe me, there's a point to my more light-sided writing, which you will all find out as we draw closer to the actual contest.

Second off, I've talked to some and realized that perhaps you may be ignoring one of our writers, Semievil, and I'm not interested in what those reasons are. I sure hope that you all, if you haven't already, look back at his posts (however hard they may be to read--I takled to him in tryign to improve on it [] hehe) and incoorperate them into your own ideas. He's kindly asked you all to list your characters' qualities according to his "recipe", yet I have been the only one to reply. I hope you all will soon add each of your characters' qualities to help our writer out. He has good ideas for this story, as do the rest of us,a dn I hope you respect him as you would me (I hope you respect me anywhos, hehe).

And last, about the story itself. First off, do you want Daiszu to be with Noddo, Amry and the rest? If so, I should keep him in mind when I write as we get tot he quest (like how he joins the group for one [] hehe). The other is, I want to know if I can make the castle Jirverak (and Krig soon) are at can be teh Ragnarok Mallum (yes, I'll check the spelling eventually), b/c if so, I have a good idea for it (since you didn't ive any details anyways).

Thanks for listening in. Hope I get some positive feedback, and hope everyone is having fun in this story.)

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-02-06, 8:08 AM #90
You know, Gebohq, you're right about Semievil. Hey Sem, I'm sorry.

Anyway, here are the qualities Highemperor has (bear in mind, he has no official alignment at this point):

Love (just a burgeoning one, for Melania)

Trust and Hope (in himself at least, I'm not sure if that counts)

Rage (some)

Zeal (a lot)

Charisma (a good deal)

Dexterity (a lot)

So, I hope that clears it up. []

All creation reveals the common theme of the glory and truth of God.
High Citadel - Visit it!
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-02-06, 8:18 AM #91
You know, Gebohq, you're right about Semievil. Hey Sem, I'm sorry.

Anyway, here are the qualities Highemperor has (bear in mind, he has no official alignment at this point):

Love (just a burgeoning one, for Melania)

Trust and Hope (in himself at least, I'm not sure if that counts)

Rage (some)

Zeal (a lot)

Charisma (a good deal)

Dexterity (a lot)

So, I hope that clears it up. []

All creation reveals the common theme of the glory and truth of God.
High Citadel - Visit it!
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-02-08, 2:24 PM #92
NSP: Thanks HEF [] And again, I'm kind of at a period of wait here, because I can't do anything with Jirverak until Krig has finished his bit and I can't do anything with Noddo, Amry, or Diaszu until the quest by TLTE starts up. Perhaps everyone blinked off the face of the planet...
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-02-09, 1:21 AM #93
Yeah, Semievil has been, for the larger part, ignored. Please accept my humble apologies, kind sir []

OK, here's Kronaemix's attributes, his alignment is good (holy);

Wisdom (a lot)

Humility (in his place in life)

Love (for God's will and all of his servants)

Endurance (almost boundless)

Experience (a LOT)

Power (holy, also in combat)

Faith (in God's will, his own destiny, and his allies)

I hope this helps. Gebohq, fear not, I'll be posting soon...ish []

-The Last True Evil (sir, some of you are forgetting!)
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-02-09, 4:24 PM #94
Whohoo! my new comp is online!
Ok, Storywise-

I'm still looking for a name for that last physical quality for evil- Frenzy is the best Geb 'n me can come up, I know you all can do better.

I like this new influx of volunteers(sp?), keep it comming, and I'll make a post regarding who I'm gonna use for what as soon I get my stuff in order- remember hope is the biggie- it's what (for my purposes) makes andamantite indestructable.

I'd like to get some more people for wariness and resolution (specifically resolve in one's own values) and start to collect the virtues.

I'm going to get to work on the second part of my recipie, regarding how to combine the virtues this week and next- I'm taking suggestions on this, and I'll leave some spots open for characters to participate in combining the ingredients for the finished andamantite.

I think that I'm going to use Krig heavily in this whole process (if it's ok, Krig) just because of his relative purity (read as: simple minds don't corrupt well).

The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.

Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2001-02-10, 1:17 PM #95
(Ok by me. I'm having a bout of writer's block in regards to this story anyhow...)

(Oh, by the way, some of Krig's qualities would be:


and others like that. I didn't put rage because it's listed under the "evil" category, and that's not what kind of rage Krig's is.)

"The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him." (Proverbs 18:17)

[This message has been edited by Krig_the_Viking (edited February 10, 2001).]
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2001-02-10, 5:31 PM #96
(NSP: Oh-oh! Do I get to lick the bowl? *Everyone stares at Geb* Whaaaat? I'm sure the recipe makes something tasty...)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-02-12, 3:40 PM #97
NSP: Er...really, if I had anything to post, I would now. Tell me, where are you all!??!? I know Krig's out there. You want to post Krig...

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-02-16, 12:56 AM #98
Alright, everyone, I'm moving TEW to my site ([url=]The High Citadel[/url]), with your permission, of course. So do not post here, as I will be moving it to my site.

BTW, Gebohq, do you want me to move "The Change" to my site as well, or not?

Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-02-17, 6:27 PM #99
*Searching for the source of the enticing aroma, Krig stalked down the uncharacteristically bright alleyways, stopping to sniff the air every few minutes. As Krig turned a corner, his head bumped into a person, who emitted an "oof". Krig tilted his head up to see a man with boyish blond hair, garbed in a white robe, and complete with angelic wings. The man bent down to level his head with Krig's.*

"What is it with guys like you?" the angel said in a sarcatic tone. "Honestly, I'll never understand His choice in champions. It's like some personal vendetta against angels or something. What do you think, small one?"

*Krig cocks his head to teh side, as if trying to make out what language the man was speaking in. Krig spoke after a few moments, saying "Funny man have food?"*

"," the angel replied. "But my name's Jim, and The Almighty creator of all that is good"

*Jim trails off as Krig ignores what Jim had been saying and continues his quest for food. Jim catches up to Krig, walking along side of him.*

"You, Krig, son of Krog (NSP: right?), have been chosen to be a possible champion of good," Jim began to tell Krig. "But first you must pass several trials, each testing--"

"Funny man talk to much," Krig interrupted him. "Help Krig..find food...?" he asked. The effort on Krig's face, followed by the child-like face of question made Jim stop. Not only because it was an angel's sole duty to serve humans, but because this man was asking him for help, which somehow touched him. Jim rationalized to himself that the could-be-champion would need to be at his best performance for the tests.*

*Jim folded his wings in his robes. Gesturing to Krig with his arm, Jim lead Krig to the nearest pub.*

(NSP: You can have a part here if you wish Krig. Talk to Jim, do whatever [] And Since Massassi is now NOT being closed, all posts should continue to be made here.)

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-02-18, 1:11 PM #100
NSP: Just getting TEW up from not being here for some reaosn (it has not been more than 2 days though, which is wierd...where IS everyone?)

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-02-19, 5:51 AM #101
I'm just waiting for The Last True Evil, Gebohq. We're all waiting on him to start on our quest. We're also waiting on Krig to finish up so he and Jirverak and get into Ragnarok Malum (yes, I'm a stickler for spelling - I do hope I got it right!).

Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ High Citadel
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-02-19, 3:49 PM #102
NSP: Due to the recent news that the Massassi Temple site and everything associated with it has a slim-to-none chance that it will continue to be running after March 15, I am ready to move this story to another site. When the date approaches closer, within a few days before the close, it will be announced where we'll move this too. I hope you all continue to write, as this story has the potential to be very good.

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-02-19, 3:59 PM #103
(You were waiting for me? Oops, sorry...)

Krig motioned to the women for them to retreat. He bared his teeth at the revelers, his low growl sounding loud in the silence of the room. As soon as he sensed that the women had exited the room, Krig turned and charged after them, his cloak fluttering behind him.

Krig could hear the room behind him break into chaos as the mostly drunk bandits got jammed into the door trying to chase him. Krig quickly caught up to the women, moving surprisingly rapidly for his short stature.

Krig and the women rounded a corner in the dank and dark passageway, and came face to face with more drunken thugs. Krig recognised several of them from the party, they must have taken another route. Krig yelled and motioned for another retreat, heading for a side way that he'd noticed going the other direction. As soon as they reached it, Krig stopped and spun around, letting the women run past.

"GO!" he shouted, gripping his axe and getting into the ready position. The women hesitated, then continued into the darkness.

Krig tightened his grip on his axe, and adjusted his stance. He could hear them coming... there they were! Large, sweaty men came running from the left, and then more from the right. All of them were twice the size of Krig, but Krig didn't even notice.

The first one approached, weaponless, throwing a rather drunken punch at Krig. Krig leaped up and sent a spinning kick into the chest of the thug, knocking the thug backward. On his way down, Krig sensed someone approachig from his right, twisted in the air, and smacked him in the head with the flat of his axe. Krig wasn't about to kill a bunch of drunks who posed no real threat to him.

Someone came at him with a sword, and Krig knocked it away with his axe, using the momentum to spin himself around and crack the side of the man's knee. Someone lunged at him from his left, and Krig twisted and dropped onto his back, extending a foot into the gut of the man who would have tackled him. Krig let the man continue his blind charge, the foot in his gut guiding him on his way.

Krig twisted around onto his knees in one rapid movement, jumping up to his feet and bringing his axe to bear not a quarter of a second later. Something loomed up to his right, and lashed out with the broadside of his axe, connecting with someone's side. The whistle of a sword coming at his head caused Krig to duck and spin around, his axe swinging out as a natural extention of that movement, and breaking a leg bone. Another noise behind him, and Krig continued the motion, allowing the weight of the axe blade to pull him around again. A loopy manouver later, and another body joined the others on the floor.

Suddenly there were no more attackers. Krig's vision began to clear, and he looked around to see the rest of the drunken thugs backing slowly away. Krig decided the danger was gone, and rushed after the women, into the dark passageway.

*** *** ***

An hour later, Krig was wandering through the streets of the city. He'd not caught up with the women, they'd lost him in the sewers' many passages. Eventually, Krig forgot about them, and discovered a way to the surface. He was greeted by blinding sunlight, and the smell of roasting meat. Krig's stomach gurgled, and he decided he had to obey its command.

(There we go, happy now?)

"The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him." (Proverbs 18:17)
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2001-02-20, 2:56 PM #104
NSP: Mainly just bumping it up, seeing how I can't do anything with anybody (excluding Jirverak) b/c I think TLTE has plans he wants to go with, and as far as Jirverak and Krig, I was going to let Krig post, but if he doesn't have anything TO post, then I'll go on with that side quest (and hopefully he'll join in). Also, this isn't any big deal to me either way, but I wanted to know if you guys would want to move this story to Merlin's website, b/c it seems he was rather liking the idea of having it moved there. Again, I don't think he is truely bothered by not having it at his site, but *shrugs* I have ta ask. Hope someone will post soon []

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-02-21, 1:56 AM #105
Finally, I take the time to do this =)
Sorry about the wait guys, I'll make up for it somehow...

Noddo gasped in another breath of air, straightened, tried to look refined in front of the procession of warrior angels that were leading them, then stooped and resumed his toil again. For the past week, he, Highemperor, Saatch, Kejis, Amry, himself and a small garrison of angels had been venturing through the plains, with strange landscapes that varied from an arid desert, to a bitterly cold wasteland, to a lush forest. Currently, they were trudging through rocky foothills.

That is, he was trudging.

Both Kejis and Highemperor lifted themselves high, striding like young boys trying to show off in front of women. Noddo despised both of them, for the simple fact that they were fit enough to do so.

Amry was not extremely fit, not at all, but she was enough so to keep pace with the others.

Saatch, to Noddo, was disconcerting. For a crippled, lame old man, he was easily holding pace with the others, even leading slightly ahead. How could he...?

"This is our contact."

The angels parted suddenly to reveal a figure in a dark cloak. The entire procession stopped, curious at the new arrival. The figure removed his hood to reveal an ageing man, with a warrior's tunic and an infinite sadness in his eyes.

"Greetings, noble holy warriors. My name is Kinn-Akan, Kronaemix's mentor. I will guide you the rest of the way."

(NSP: That's part 1. Part 2 goes up tomorrow, and it should be fairly self-explanatory for you guys to adapt to an start writing again.)
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-02-23, 1:59 PM #106
(OK, I've decided to make this 3 parts. I promise, just one more section and you'll be back on your feet again.)

So'liq lounged lazily on the grand throne of Liberate Diablo, toying with the crystal that had materialised in his hand after his brief meeting with Satan.

To say that it was brief was an understatement, considering that only two things had been said. Satan's unspeakably terrifying image had appeared in front of So'liq, as per his request.

"I need warriors."

Satan had grinned knowingly at him.

"Then warriors you shall have."

Satan disappeared. When So'liq looked down, a blazing red crystal lay at his feet.

So now So'liq was about to try to use it. He gazed around his throne room, at the dozens of magnificent warrior statues that decorated all of his castle. Now, if I had warriors of this caliber...

So'liq held the crystal above his head, chanted a common Demon battle cry, then tossed the crystal high into the air-

A deafening boom nearly knocked So'liq off his feet. The crystal was glowing so birghtly in mid-air, he had to shield his visored vision-

Another deafening boom, and So'liq glanced up just in time to see several arcs of electricity bursting out, flying across the room-

Into the statues-

Suddenly, the crystal imploded into nothingness, and all, for a moment, was deathly silent.

Then there was a groan.

And another.

And another.

So'liq glanced around at the statues. They were moving-

"Then warriors you shall have."

Under his helmet, So'liq smiled. An army of warrior statues would be more than enough to destroy the approaching invaders.

If not, he had one last surprise for them...
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-02-24, 5:30 PM #107
Krig sat on a wooden barstool, in front of a grease covered bar. His stubby elbows rested on the edge of the counter, and his hands held a rapidly dissapearing loaf of gravey-soaked bread. His horned helmet lay on the counter, on its side. Krig's bright red hair, usually hidden by his helmet, fell to his shoulders in an uncombed mass of knots.

Krig took another messey bite of the gravey-sodden mass before him, then peered up at the man in bright white clothing beside him. Krig wasn't entirely sure why this man had followed him or why he wasn't eating anything, but he didn't appear to be threatening anyone so Krig let him stay.

When Krig had finished his bread and several hunks of steak, the man in white clothing spoke up.

"Krig, you have been selected above all other men as a potential champion for the cause of Good. Have no illusions, this title will not come without its price, indeed you may be asked to pay the ultimate price for your actions. You will gain no glory from this, as no-one will even know about it. Do you understand?"

Krig watched the man in white robes closely while he talked on about something. He was a funny looking fellow, with his pure blonde hair and sort of bronze skin. Krig realized suddenly that he'd stopped talking, and was waiting for Krig to say something.

"Uh... " Krig glanced around. Maybe the man had been talking about food. "Krig not hungry anymore."

Jim's face grew serious. "Krig, this is very important. Do you understand what I just said?"

Krig stared blankly at the man. What was he trying to say?

Jim stood, and walked a short distance from Krig, his body passing through a table. He looked upwards, at the roof of the tavern.

"This will not work. He just cannot understand the importance of what is going on here. Why him? Couldn't we at least get someone who understands his surroundings? He doesn't even have any observable power, beyond the ability to consume large amounts of ale!" he paused for a moment, as if listening. He sighed. "All right, I'll try, but this is going to be much harder than the last one."

Jim walked back to where Krig was fitting his helmet back down over his head, making sure it was properly positioned so that it didn't fall off in an emergency.

"All right, Krig, I'm going to make this as simple as I can. We-" he pointed to himself "-need you-" he pointed at Krig "-to fight a battle." He imitated a swordfight. "Will you help us?"

Krig pondered for a moment. If this man thought Krig was some kind of mercenary, he was sorely mistaken.

"No," Krig said as he stepped by the white robed figure.

Jim straightened up as he watched the stumpy figure leave the pub. This was something unprecedented in all of history. No-one had ever refused to defend the cause of that which was right.

He sighed. Perhaps he'd picked an inoportune time. The five mugs of stong ale that the short man had consumed were probably affecting his reasoning. He'd try again later, when he'd come to his senses. For now, he had to make sure the little man stayed alive...

"The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him." (Proverbs 18:17)

[This message has been edited by Krig_the_Viking (edited February 27, 2001).]
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2001-02-24, 10:28 PM #108
Kronaemix shook his masked head, lying limply against the wall to which his arms were bound. All hope for him was gone. No doubt God had better things to do than save him, a disgraced fallen angel.

So Kronaemix did something he long thought he was incapable of doing anymore.

He knelt and prayed.

Prayed for absolvation. Prayed for his friends and champions to defeat Satan and his armies once more. Prayed for good to triumph over evil.

Then, his strength left him and he lapsed into unconsciousness.


The party cleared the last hill to a majestic site. Only a few miles away, in plain site, was a sheer cliff-face, with a magnificent structure embedded in it.

Liberate Diablo.

The Devil's Liberation.

Each warrior stared grimly at the foreboding castle. Somewhere inside the thick stone walls, Kronaemix awaited their rescue or certain death.

They were about to start down when an angel motioned for them to stop.

"I see movement."

Using his power, the angel enhanced his vision a thousand-fold to investigate-

"We've got problems. Stone warriors. All armed, advancing on us. No way to go around, we'll have to fight them."

Another angel turned to him. "How many?"

There was a brief pause.

"At least three hundred."
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-02-27, 5:55 AM #109
The heroes moved to engage the stone warriors. Highemperor was first, drawing and igniting his Forcesaber in one smooth movement that should have bisected one of the stone warriors, but instead carved off only little chunks. Staring in surprise, Highemperor decided to switch tactics, reverting to his more. . . esoteric. . . ability - the power to manipulate energy, the birthright of the Andor.

His mind probed the animated statue, grabbed its energy. He screamed in agony. This energy force was unlike any other he had felt! It was a demonic potency - beyond any earthly energy! The pain threatened to rip him apart, tugged at his sanity bit by bit.

Grimly he held on, dispersed the energy, wave by agonizing wave.

Then suddenly the energy collapsed, like a knot suddenly coming untangled, reducing the stone warrior to dust. The escaping energy pummeled the other nearby statues, disintegrating them as well. The storm buffeted Highemperor, and it took the last reserves of his strength to protect himself.

Sweating profusely, he collapsed.

As he slid down, he noticed the barest hint of a smile forming on Saatch's lips. . .

Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-02-27, 5:07 PM #110
I've thought of a slightly better ending to my last post, so I've edited it to reflect that.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2001-02-28, 3:45 PM #111
The stone warriors didn't even notice the death of their comrades, continuing to push the heroes farther and farther back from Liberate Diablo. Not even the Angel's weapons could penetrate their thick stone skin, and any cracks were immediatly healed by the demon-spirit within.

Orca, meanwhile, was sitting beneath a majestic redwood tree, the crowning jewel of the beautiful forest he called home. Around him was complete cooperation, the forest united around him, all animals in cooperation, feeding only off the food he magically produced. It was, to him, the most significant achievement of his life, and it was thoughts of this that flooded his mind when another one sharply cut into it.

This thought was a prayer. A prayer for help by a fallen angel. Orca felt confused at first. Why would anyone be praying to HIM? He was merely mortal. He suddenly realized what had happened: The prayer had been directed toward him by God Himself, knowing that a compassionate soul such as Orca could not bear to refuse. But had he strayed so far from the balance now that he took orders from God, as well as Nature? Orca scolded himself as soon as he realized what he had thought. God and Nature, Good and the Balance, could coexist, and would have to ally in order to face this powerful evil. There would also be great benefits for all to a balance heavily weighted toward good.

Orca slowly entered his hut, and unwrapped Nature's parting gift to him. It was an ancient sword, shimmering with light, blade forged of heavenly metals and hilt made of Nature's wood. It had been created the last time Nature and Heaven had allied, 21 conflicts ago. Now, Orca gently picked it up and admired the blade. New strength shot through him, and he felt himself become a young, righteous warrior once again. The blade seemed feather light in his hands, and his mind was as nimble as his body. Holding the beautiful blade tightly, he concentrated, and disappeared.

One of the angels hauled High Emperor back from the battle, though they could not seem to gain any large amount of distance away from it as the heroes constantly retreated. High Emperor's storm had bought them time, and they might still be able to escape with their lives, but reaching Liberate Diablo seemed impossible. That was when there was a brilliant flash of light, and someone who had only appeared in legend and in history was behind the stone warriors. Space Orca, hero of the third war, stood holding a most magnificent sword in his hands. The heroes saw hope once again, and charged. Though their blades still did little, lightning danced from Lightbringer's blade, and vines shot from the hilt, tearing Stone Warriors apart. The blade itself cleaved several in half, and the stone warriors were reduced to less than half their original number. There was a demonic howling, and then the stone warriors disappeared in a flash of red light, summoned back to the castle.

Everyone stared at Orca. He shrugged. "I thought you could use some help."
"Welcome to capitalism, where the wants of the few outweigh the needs of the many!"
2001-02-28, 10:05 PM #112
Kronaemix suddenly was aware that he was awake, being dragged by a stone warrior across a plush red carpet. The stone warrior picked him up, then threw him through a doorway, sending him tumbling down a flight of stairs to land at the bottom of a throne.


The fallen angel gazed up at So'liq, in full armour and battle attire. Obviously, he was expecting someone-

They were coming to save him!

The hopeful thought was dismissed, reluctantly. There were several more explanations than the one he longed for.

"Your friends seem eager to wrench you from my grasp, Kronaemix. Maybe they should have investigated your captor a touch more before rushing foolishly into battle."

Kronaemix struggled to speak.

"Are yet?"

So'liq's laughter boomed across the wide expanse of the throne room.

"Please! They haven't even reached the outer perimeter...I didn't even expect them to survive the initial onslaught of my stone warriors, but...we have a new visitor. A Nature warrior."

Kronaemix forced a smile.

"They're beat you now."

So'liq waved his hand dismissively.

"The addition of a Nature warrior is even better. This one in particular was a priority on my 'list'. Now, I can annihlate him as well, and save some time."

"So why'd you....drag them...die?"

Another deep laugh.

"No, Kronaemix."

His armour-plated leg flashed through the air, kicking Kronaemix through the air to land at the other end of the throne room. Before he could move, two powerful stone warriors grabbed his arms, and secured them to some kind of wood base.

Then, he was blindfolded.

Five seconds later, a stab of agony rocketed through his left wrist, then his right.

Shortly after, through both feet.

Then, he was being lifted high into the air.

He shook the blindfold off, and saw what he had been hoping against.

He was nailed to a cross.

So'liq stared at him intently from the throne.

"I brought you here to die."

[This message has been edited by The Last True Evil (edited March 01, 2001).]
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-03-01, 4:54 AM #113
Well, since everyones comin back, i guess i should too.


In his cloak of deception,
the lancer shall meet a reception
bent on his destruction.
But he shall use his card of deconstruction. . .

-from "Canticle of the Dark Lancer"


Dark Lancer, in his Saatch guise, moved in and out with speed that belied his apparent age. He channeled his own demonic energy through his wooden staff, which dealt deadly damage to the stone warriors.

But there were far too many. Saatch smiled. It was time to use the Claio.

Pulling the book out of his rough-hewn cloak, he took out the Stone Card - the Card of Matter. Holding it out before him, he willed one stone warrior after another to disintegrate, the matter that they were made of coming apart into separate atoms!

Everyone stared in amazement at Saatch. He smiled a bit and said, "I guess you could say I'm a wizard." He grinned a toothy grin. If only they knew that he was so much more than that!
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
2001-03-01, 5:03 AM #114
(Lancer: There aren't any stone warriors left, at least not outside Liberate Diablo)

Orca felt a sudden wave of pain smash over him from outside, the suffering of someone else. Orca turned toward the rest of the heroes. "I think your friend is in trouble. I'll create a distraction for those Stone Warriors and the other demonic creatures. Defeating the Demonic One...Well, that's your task." Orca started to walk toward Liberate Diablo when he stopped and turned back to the group.

"And beware. Darkness hides among you."

With that, the Nature warrior was gone in a flash of green and blue light, a small stream passing over the dark castle's walls, and rematerializing inside the walls.
"Welcome to capitalism, where the wants of the few outweigh the needs of the many!"
2001-03-02, 1:56 AM #115
"Did you know that you make a wonderful wall decoration?"

Kronaemix's vision was blurring. He looked down. The blood from his punctured hands and feet was dripping slowly down, congregating in a crimson puddle on the floor. Numbly, he stared back up at So'liq.

"Oh, I've got some more information about the party of would-be invaders. It seems the Nature Warrior is providing the others some support while they come for me. You see, Kronaemix? There's no strategy these days. Now, in our time, the party would have stayed together. These days, it's all about 'splitting up', 'dividing the group', and all the rest of it. Where's the strategy, Kronaemix? Where has it gone?"

Kronaemix mumbled an incoherent comment, going limp on the cross.

"Ah, yes. One last thing; Satan himself personally sends his regards. He thinks it appropriate that the son of Kronaemix, the legandary angel who had the honour of being torn to pieces by the Prince of Darkness himself, is destroyed by one of Satan's most promising spawn."

Kronaemix gazed up at So'liq, coldly.

"Oh, didn't I mention it earlier? I have a blood link to Lucifer himself. Explains a lot, doesn't it?"

"Yes." Their eyes locked. "It explains much."

So'liq laughed. "A tough suggestion from an angel that renamed himself as his father after making no name for himself!"

Kronaemix shook his head. "No. I am named in honour of my father before me. I don't expect you to understand the concept..."

"You jest, Kronaemix, but have no doubt; within a few hours, you and the band of holy ones who seek to destroy me will themselves be crushed. No one can defeat me with Satan's full might behind me..."

Kronaemix hung limp again. Once more, he took in his drying blood, and the reminder of his mortality, before losing consciousness...
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-03-02, 4:03 AM #116
"Well?" Highemperor gestured impatiently. "Let's get on with it. I have better things to do."

The party walked into Liberate Diablo. The castle was dark, not surprisingly, since neither the stone warriors nor their demon overlord needed light to see.

What Orca was doing, it seemed to be working, because no more stone warriors troubled them as they crept about the corridors. The party turned into one hall, and they heard voices from a room at the end. . .

Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-03-03, 12:15 AM #117
(Note: Don't think of this post as powerplaying, I just have a unique challenge for the writers here...)

The party approached the door. It was made of a finer wood and coated with gold.

"The throne room," breathed an angel.

Kinn-Akan, who had been virtually mute until that moment, stepped forward.

"Something's wrong. It can't have been that easy..."

Lancer scoffed. "This So'liq is a fool. Step back!"

Everyone moved away. Lancer raised his hand, which released a stream of energy that wrenched the door backwards, flying into the room.

"Let's go!"

Highemperor's outburst was unnecessary. The angels rushed in first, followed by the party members. Noddo and Amry entered simultaneously, a symbol of mutual acquaintance. Highemperor mimicked Kejis's stride. Saatch moved in next, grinning in bemusement at the anticipation of battle. Kinn-Akan entered last, sparing a final glance at the hallway before racing in after them.

They were in a majestic, rectangularly-shaped room. Beautiful adornments of silk and fine art graced the walls. The only illumination was flickering candles, placed few and far between on the walls.

"Where are they?"

Kejis suddenly felt a light tapping sensation on his shoulder. He reached for the dripping liquid, sampled it in his mouth-


Uneasily, he gazed upward-

"We have found the angel."

Kronaemix hung completely limp on the cross. His mask was no longer illuminated by his glowing teal eyes; on closer inspection, they had shifted to a pale blue.

The angels looked on, disbelievingly.

"Is he...dead?"

"You tell me."

At once, the room was illuminated by an invisible light source. The party spun round to see So'liq, at the other end of the room, on a twisted, majestic throne. The three words he spoke had to have been shouted to receive clearly from such a distance, but each party member felt as if the demon had whispered it in their ears.

"He was certainly alive half an hour ago. His certainty in you deftly slaying me and saving the day was so absolute it was pathetic. Look at him now. A gnarled, tortured waste of a life form. How much you and he are destined to have in common shortly..."

"Save your breath, spawn of Satan!"

Kinn-Akan strode forward.

"Your breath, that is wasted on us, could be put to better use surrendering to us and releasing Kronaemix!"

So'liq laughed, a deep, booming rasp.

"I shall do no such THING! In fact, you took so much time to arrive, I had my warlock prepare something just for this occasion..."

The party began toward the throne, unsheathing their weapons, just as So'liq produced a twisted staff from behind him. A flawless gem was embedded in the top. It was unusually bright, seemingly glowing.

Highemperor snorted. "A magical staff? This demon must be Hell's greatest understatement-"


The force of So'liq's outbrust forced the party back a few steps. They shook their heads, stunned.

"Oh yes, I've got a wonderful surprise for you all...I could simply tear you apart, but that would be pointless and boring. This is much more...original."

Kinn-Akan rushed forward. "NO-"

So'liq slammed the bottom of the jagged staff down onto the floor, which boomed a thousand times louder than it should have. Simultaneously, a multitude of electric arcs burst outward, striking each of the party members in their foreheads and knocking them onto the ground.

Kinn-Akan slowly opened his eyes, turning slowly to the party. They were writhing slowly on the ground, expressions of pain flitting across their faces, then they ceased to a comatose stillness.

Kinn-Akan spun around to face So'liq. "What have you-"

"-done to them? Not much."

So'liq started down the throne steps.

"All I've done is forced them to confront themselves."

"What do you mean?"

So'liq stopped, five yards from Kinn-Akan. They faced each other, dead still.

"In their minds, each of them is facing their most potent desire. The premise is simple; if they submit, and will the desire to reality, the brief moment of ecstacy will give to a sudden, excruciating death. If they continue to fight, and deny the mpulses that constitute their very being, they are worthy of me, and I shall do battle with them personally."

Kinn-Akan smiled bitterly. "And what of me? Why have I been spared of your sick game?"

So'liq produced his crimson lightsaber handle. "One last duel. I have fought Kronaemix satisfactorially; I wish to see if his tutor is as competent with a weapon."

Kinn-Akan nodded, removing his cloak and engaging his deep violet lightsaber with a gentle ease. So'liq's bright silver blade crossed his with a steep contrast as the two men summoned their experience and strength...

(Note: While this battle is going on, I was hoping that you guys with pick up on the refreshing concept I offered here. Basically, since you know your characters best, I leave it to you to provide them with their greatest 'temptation'. Some are obvious; Highemperor's Melania, Lancer's unabated power and glory, Noddo's greed in general etc. Some others, however, may be more eccentric and will be interesting to see. Meanwhile, I'll be finishing this duel up while you guys are 'sleeping'. Good luck...)

[This message has been edited by The Last True Evil (edited March 03, 2001).]
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-03-03, 5:41 AM #118
The demonic magic struck Highemperor's mind before he could use his Andorian ability to control energy to divert it. It stopped a moment, confused, as it find two great desires balanced equally in his mind.

Ultimate power. . . and Melania.

The demon, being semi-intelligent, moved on to Highemperor's heart, in order to discern which desire was the greater of the two.

The answer was obvious: Melania.

Had the demon inspected Highemperor's soul, he would have discovered that longing which resides in all sentient beings' souls: the longing for redemption, for salvation.

But as it was, the demon stopped at his heart, and attacked his wish for Melania.

The demon crafted instantaneously an illusion so real that it defied even reality itself. And Highemperor was drawn in, captured by the illusion as a fish is caught by the hook.

Melania lay in the revealing clothes that a member of a harem wears upon a bed, smiling seductively and beckoning sensuously.

The demon, being pure evil, could not understand Highemperor's holy desire to love Melania, so instead made a mirage appealing to Highemperor's more. . . physical. . . desires.

[/i]Highemperor was ecstatic. Drawing closer to Melania, he loosened his sash. . . Melania started taking off her clothes.

Highemperor frowned. Wait. Something was not right. This COULD NOT be right! Melania was pure, she would not do this. And if this was some dream he was having, he should keep his fantasies about her pure as well, so that he could purify himself for her.[/i]

And that belief shattered the illusion.

Highemperor gasped as he woke up and remembered where he was.

Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-03-03, 2:38 PM #119
Okee then, Nice stuff in here since I been gone, I'm gonna have to insert a plot twist =D I think I'll be able to post it tonight, but if I don't do you all mind waiting for me to get to it tomorrow? thanks

The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.

Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2001-03-03, 3:29 PM #120
Kinn-Akan backpedalled rapidly, fending off the demon So'liq's blows as fast as he could. He was doing a competent job so far, but he was old, older than even Kronaemix, and his strength without the support of the party was limited.

The ageing angel dropped low to avoid the magical blade, rolling backwards as it sparked violetly on the floor. He had run out of room to fight-

Suddenly, Kinn-Akan noticed the two stairwells on the points of the room. They obviously led to the roof.

That might give the party enough time to fight off the magic So'liq has casted...

Kinn-Akan wasted no time, cartwheeling with agility unheard of in an old man and started up the steps, So'liq right behind him-

At last, Kinn-Akan's age caught the better of him, and he lost his footing on the steps. Before he could bring his lightsaber up in a defensive block, So'liq's own weapon was pressed to his throat. Kinn-Akan closed his eyes defiantly-

There was a loud sparking sound, and So'liq staggered forward. Highemperor, the first to have conquered the demon's spell, leaped after him, but So'liq's lightsaber blocked the blow, and the blades locked, hissing venomously.

"You young people, so eager to be first, fighting so brazenly..."

Highemperor continued to press down, struggling to overpower the demon. His Forcesaber should have decapitated him with the first blow!

"Surprised? Your lightsaber may be composed of pure Force energy, but mine has been enchanted by powerful magic to prevent any...embarassing situations."

Kinn-Akan sprung to his feet, igniting his lightsaber once more-

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I ask you to wait your TURN!"

So'liq broke the lock, pushing hard on Highemperor. The holy warrior tried to recover, but lost his balance and tumbled down the steps, slamming his temple on the hard stone floor. It was hard enough to induce brief unconsciousness.

So'liq, however, turned his attention back on Kinn-Akan, who retreated up the steps to the rooftop...
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998

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