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ForumsInteractive Story Board → The Eternal War
The Eternal War
2001-04-27, 2:15 PM #161
(Well that's too bad, isn't it? I don't mean to sound cruel or arrogant, but simple Black & White powers do NOT lead to a good story, and certainly not the kind I was thinking of. If you want to start a Christian story, feel free to. But this story isn't going to be bound by your religious beliefs, nor, in fact, by mine. And if your offended by my portrayel of your deities, then you can freely use your right not to read or post in this story. It will be a pity to lose you, but I'd rather see a not as diverse unusual story, as opposed to the usual 'pure evil vs pure good'.)

Orca nervously eyed the Angels surrounding him, knowing that what he was about to say could get him killed in an instant.

"You must end this conflict, this age-old fight." everyone would agree with that, hopefully, Orca thought.

Unlike a mortal, an immortal could carefully consider something in a split second, and so God wasted no time to respond.

"Yes, I suppose that would be in the best interest of all. Though this ending in my victory would be best for everyone."

Orca had to supress the instinct to roll his eyes and make a pointed remark back at the deity, but instead continued to say something far more dangerous.

"Then you must combine. You must become one deity, one power, one ruler over immortal and moral world alike. And, with any luck, you can have all of your good elements, and none, or few, of your bad."

Orca took a deep breath, and waited a few seconds to be slain by the angels, but the anticipated attack did not come.

God, however, was blunt in reply.

"No. To merge with either my evil fire-loving opposite, the Devil, or with the tree-hugging fool-power, Nature, would be blasphemous, treasonous, and foolish. Get out of Heaven, and do not expect any favors from Heaven again."

Orca didn't even need to step anywhere, he was unmajesticly hurled back to Earth by an angel.

Well, that went better than expected thought Orca.

[This message has been edited by Nature Paladin (edited April 27, 2001).]
"Welcome to capitalism, where the wants of the few outweigh the needs of the many!"
2001-04-27, 2:58 PM #162
Can't we all just...get along?
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-04-27, 6:12 PM #163
NSP: Oh boy. Times like this when I wish I had teh support of the old writers such as Ping_me and Merlin to help out. Ah well, I shall do the best I can to sort this business out.

Orca, first off, I want you to know that I am not against you. After all, you've helped started this story, and I DO think, as I did with The Shadows of Darkness, that you should have considerable say in what goes on. I like the idea that you've made the powers out to be equal in that they all have their own strengths and so forth. And yes, Highemperor, to reaffirm what I told you before, I am Christian. But I'm not about to jump into widening the rift between the writers in the process. I am after writing a good story as well, and I hope to enjoy doing so, as I hope for the rest of you.

What I must point out again though is that it is important to keep any pre-created characters accurate to their original sources. To say that the Devil or Gaia have powers and mental capacities within an easy realm of understanding is rather demeaning, and to say that God gets angry or quick to judge is, to say the LEAST, a very crude and fundamental outlook on the Jewish view of God. And at the highest non-religious degree, it's downright "copyright". I don't mean to make you feel bad, honestly, but if you ask Semievil333, who lives with a mother who has her master's in religous philosophies, he'll tell you something along the same thing. If you ask Krig_the_Viking or Merlin, who have read teh Christian Bible extensively (to a great degree anywhos) they will tell you that your portrayal of God, or Satan, are quite out of the ballpark. And I myself, having been recently exposed to many world religions such as Islam and Buddaism, I have to say that no supporter of any of those religions would agree with your views, because there is no support (just like those aweful research papers, gotta have the support and research. nurgh, hehe).

The point is that there is going to be some major conflicts if the present course continues, and even though you have a large influence for this story, it's not going to be much of one if you're the only one writing. And I don't wish for that to happen, so if you will hear me out, this is what I propose. First off, you have to realize that you can make the immortal powers equal without God, Satan or Gaia (or equivilant) physically do anything. Angels vs demons vs spirits can all fight equally and be messangers of their superiors, yet the readers and the mortals in the story will never know which power is truely the greatest, and it'll be up to teh reader to figure that out for themselves. You see, GOOD WRITING is being able to have the main characters of the story never say a word or ever show up. Ever heard the phrase "the greatest trick the devil ever did was makes others believe he didn't exist"? It goes with the other dieties as well. The only thing that doesn't fit is your character's actions. For being a mortal, ESPECIALLY for being a mortal, albeit a powerful one, he should NOT be able to see ANY of the personal deities (which I realize now that in one of my earlier posts I went against this, and if I felt it was a big enough post*more than 2 sentences*, I would go back and change it so that Diaszu DIDN'T talk personally with Gaia).

And just so your views of the three powers dont' go out teh window, I have to say that the views themselves aren't bad. From anaverage, non-denominational mortal, they would be accurate enough, and I think it's a good grounds for other mortal character's views of the Decimillenuim battle as it comes about into light. But for sake of keeping accurate with the original sources, and to challange ourselves into writing a war lead by leaders the reader only knows through second hand sources. Kind of like Suddam Hussain, hehe.

Also, I have thought of a concept for the story in general. For this story, as well as the others that connect to it, I have been thinking of basic symbols that best symbolize the theme. For this one, the story definately wins the equilateral triangle. It's the most naturally strongest shape, and it has a lot of snifty qualities to them that seem a tad uncanny to such a thing with few lines and sides and points. To elaborate, I will use the same concept Semievil has used in his receipe for ademenite to building the Arena: that there is good, nature, and evil qualities, but that the quality doesn't BECOME good or natural or evil, but is just labeled as such because it flows with it, liek masculine and feminine in foreign languages like French.

--note: Massassi doesn't seem to like to indent, so the triangles didn't come out, but I think you can all imagine them as they should be.--

(mind, affinity, Father, theistic, Islam)
/ \
/ \
Evil /______\ Nature
(body,communication,) (spirit,realtiy)
(Son,beistic) (Holy Spirit)
(Christianity) (deistic,Judaism)

Each of the above, in order with each other, are triangles within themselves. The mind, body, and spirit make up what we know as being human, affinity, communication, and reality are part of the ARC triangle that L.Ron Hubbard devised as part of his philisophy *perhaps the only part that didn't sound wacko*, all needed for "survival" that he considered the only real important part of living. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity that Christians believe God is (hence the 3 points, but make up one triangle, as do the others). For those of you that may not know, theistic is believing in one mind of it's own that is the greater power that one believes in(polytheistic, like the Ancient Greeks, is the belief in many minds), deistic is when you believe the greater power is not of a mind but more vague and encompassing (not that being theistic doesn't mean you can't believe in the mind being everywhere at once, but it's everywhere because of its power, not because it IS everywhere), and the last, which I sorta made up teh term, is beistic, witht eh root word "be". Being, or "stand out", to be, and being beistic, would mean to believe the greater power lies within yourself (and/or other humans). These three terms are being loosely used in teh fact that you can beieve in power within(beistic), around(deistic), and beyond (theistic), and each makes up the one basic belief triangle, that there IS a greater power. It's kind of hard to deny that, seeing how merely existing and thinking on your own is a greater power. Even if one thinks it's a fluke, it's saying there's a greater power that still brought it around, even if by accident (man, I'm starting to sound existentialist now. Urgh, hehe). It's not a concept even I can even fully explain, seeing how I'm just thinking of it recently, and involves lots of things that are hard to comprehend by themselves. Perhaps this little explination/example might help:

/ \
/ \
Evil /______\ Nature

In this example, Good is on top. Taking it literally, it means that Good is triumphant over Evil and Nature. In hte "recipe" concept we've been using in this story, it symbolizes the basic Christian message, or the greatest commandments: Love God with all your mind, body, heart and spirit (theistic) and love yourself (beistic) as you love your neighbor (deistic) (both are level with each other, but are a stepping stone to the first).

/ \
/ \
Good /______\ Evil

Turning the triangle (pretend it's equilateral) counter-clockwise, nature is now on top. again literally, this could mean Nature is above Good and evil. On our concept though, it symbolizes Nature's main point: Good and evil are at opposite ends of the spectrum, and nature is the middle point, the balance, the peak of two points of great distance. and if this triangle were flipped upside down, Nature would be the fertile valley between the conflicting mountains of good and evil.

/ \
/ \
Nature /______\ Good

In this example, yep, you guessed it, taken literally, Evil is dominant over Good and Nature. From our concept though (aren't you getting sick of hearing that now, hehe), this symbolizes Evil's basic premise: that Good and Nature are but means to climbing to the peak of Evil, much like building the tower of babylon to reach God (sorry, I can't think of a better example right now) or (sorry,a nother Biblical referance) using Adam and Eve against themselves for the serpent's own pleasure to watch in Genesis.

So I hope that helps out with where I'm coming from when writing this story, and I'll be MORE than happy to rant on if anyone wants me to explain anything I said. And Orca, I realize since what I've said previously that you might feel that this won't be a good story because we all want good to win against nature and evil. That's why Semievil introduced his character of the neutral judge, who will watch over the battle. And trust me, he'll tell you this too, he's NOT really in favor of good (he's not too supportive of Christianity's dogma anywhos) and WILL act as judge to make this not only fair, but suspenseful, even to the writers (no, he won't tell me who's going to win). This will let us all concentrate on playing for each of our sides and developing parts in the story to lead the reader to think why Good, or Nature, or Evil will win in this battle. But by NO means is this to be an open invitation to powerplay-- with ANY PARAT of the story, because it's not fun to the writer or reader for "I'm wearing lava-proof armor and shoot unstoppable Dragonball Z-style energy beams" mentality. If it has to be (which I really hope it doesn't need to be, as it limits creativity), I'll ask Orca and anyone else who is threatening the story with their own powerplaying to list what their characters will and will not be able to do.

Obviously, I don't have the final word in what happens in this story, seeing how I'm officially a "supporting writer" (if anybody, Merlin the creator of ALL it's beginnings, should have the final word). But even if we were to say that Orca has the last word, and all legalities were in place, we'd all have to ask ourselves if what we decided to do is the loving (I'm using this term loosely and as un-mushy as I can) thing to do to our writers in the experience of writing part of a great story and to the (few) readers who I hope get as much out of this stuff as I do. All I ask, Paladin of Nature, is to think all this over carefully before responding. Whatever your decision, I will continue to wish the best to come for all of us.

*phew* I need some more story writing now. Krig, where are ya? Do you need more to go on? Oh, and I have to ask again if you want me to start a new "quest" (liberal wording again) for our other characters. I still hope to pit my pride and joy, Diazu, the "resolute" one of Nature's champions, against the irresolute Space Orca in Nature's trials. []


[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited April 27, 2001).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-04-27, 6:46 PM #164
NSP: Well, I didn't bother to carefully read that whole thing, Geb, three basic things:

1. These aren't my views at all. I'm kinda...completely undecided on religious matters these days.
2. I like what Geb was saying about how the three Immortal Powers appear, and I'll addo n that what they really are is completely unknown to mortals, and most likely can't even be grasped by mortals
3. Orca isn't going to be participating in Nature's trials, he's off on his own little crusade of sorts, but I'm thinking of a new character sided with Nature to write for.

Anyway, back to the story.

Orca wiped the dirt off from his sudden fall down to earth. He certainly hadn't recieved a very pleasent reception in Heaven, which was likely his most friendly audience.

Well then, he'd need other people or creatures behind him. Only one group of mortal creatures would have any weight with the Immortal Powers, or would be wise enough to advise on this, and to act on it. These creatures, the Dragons, had sealed themselves away millenia ago, except for a very few.

It would be a long journey, so Orca hung Lightbringer by his side, gathered the food supplies he'd need, and packed up a few maps, then set off for the ancient lands where the Dragons were once said to live.

NSP: I just saw another thing Geb was saying, about not having the Immortal Powers there or speaking with them. Well, we could do it, but it would completely destroy my whole plan for Orca & his plot.

[This message has been edited by Nature Paladin (edited April 27, 2001).]
"Welcome to capitalism, where the wants of the few outweigh the needs of the many!"
2001-04-27, 7:49 PM #165
NSP: But that's what I made Diaszu, to be what Orca lacked (in the first posts, Orca was made out that he wasn't too decisive when it came to things like taking a life of an animal for "balance"). Nurgh...

"...involved and talked about. Here's the way I think of the Immortal Powers..."

When I talked about your beliefs, I was assuming what you had said when describing the above (at the end of page 4) were beliefs you held as well, so that's my bad I suppose. I just remembered what your standpoint on religion (back in the SoD days), and believed that you were putting your own values, beliefs, philosophies, and such, as I and other writers in hte previous stories have done.

Guess none of us paid much heed to the old addage "Two things you never talk/argue about: religion *this one* and politics *The Change anyone? hehe*" Oh well, just makes this all the more fun.

And yes, when I have a lot to type and it's nighttime (about the only time I post), I don't go back to check my mad spelling and grammar mistakes. So I apologize for putting everyone through such pain. [sarcasm]I know seeing "teh" is just the best[/sarcasm]

And Orca, for knowing your age (not that the age factor is terribly important), I've thought you always wrote beyond the normal skill level. I continue to have faith that your writing skills will only grow more. I know you can somehow incoorperate your plans, however little or large, into what I've requested. And trust me, if done right, this whole story could be another masterpiece because of it.

Peace to you all then, I'm off for some sleep.

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-04-28, 12:18 PM #166
Well, anyway, I think Gebohq did a good job of patching things up.

Here's an idea (and I think this is what Gebohq is saying in a nutshell): we have the three Powers, God, Gaea, and Gog (if you'll forgive the dramatic alliteration). Each one has their own different beliefs on the universal order, and it is left up to the reader to decide whose belief system is correct.

Here are the definitions of the three Powers that I think we should use (to simplify Gebohq's explanations):

God/Good: As defined by the Christians, He is Love Incarnate. Period.

Gaea/Nature: As defined by the "naturalist", Nature_Paladin, she is concerned with balance and letting nature take its course (am I interpreting your thing correctly, Orca?).

Satan/Evil: As defined by the Christians, he is the original sinner, the fallen angel Lucifer.

I think these definitions should encompass the beliefs of all the writers. Nature_Paladin defines Gaea, and the rest of us Christian writers define God and the Devil, since those are "our" concepts. Unless of course we have a Satanist writer. Which I doubt.

And Gebohq, I, too, have read the Christian Bible extensively. []

Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-04-28, 1:42 PM #167
Well, yeah, sorta. Not really any religion of mine or deity, but my 'character' of sorts. So, yeah, I can define her.
"Welcome to capitalism, where the wants of the few outweigh the needs of the many!"
2001-04-28, 9:13 PM #168
So, to summarise, depending on what your character believes in, you will unconsciously 'choose' to see the advantages and miss the disadvantages of each particular side, such as;

Heaven= The permanent, predefined love and goodness of existence,

Nature= The perfect, healthy balance of positive and negative,

Hell= Of the Immortal Powers, the most open-minded and unimpaired of tradition.

So, it comes down to a matter of perspective and a difference of opinion. Case closed. Can we get back to the story now?
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-04-29, 11:24 AM #169
(Good to see the conflict was resolved before I had a chance to post. This problem could have been avoided had we all been working from the same source material. That link is to a document that Merlin created a while back, detailing the various Planes and Powers of Sol (the name of this universe). It's not exactly the same as what we've already written, but I'd suggest we all obtain and read a copy of this, to avoid any future continuity breaks.)

(BTW, today is my birthday. I'm eighteen now. Being an adult in the eyes of the government and every advertising agency for miles around sucks.)

Krig stood alone in the long hallway, its oppressive silence only interrupted by the echoes of his slight movements, which only served to make Krig seem that much smaller. Dimly, he wondered where that arrogant man in armour had gone.

Krig peered down the hallway. He was definately alone. He remembered something about rescuing a lady in danger, but he wasn't sure where she was supposed to be. She certainly wasn't in this hallway. Perhaps that was where the man in armour had gone, to rescue the lady.

Krig looked around for a moment, then headed to the stairs and began ascending them.

(Ahh, feels good to be writing Krig again. Sorry for not writing more, I don't have a lot of time today.)

"The wicked flee when no man pursueth" --Proverbs 28:1
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2001-04-29, 2:47 PM #170
NSP: Nobody post just yet, I got a real good one in plan, and I'll be putting it up as soon as I can. Thanks.

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-04-30, 2:02 AM #171
Well, I am going to post, but not to add to the story. Happy birthday, Krig! And about the background information on Sol. . . oh, well, I'll look at it soon. []

Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-04-30, 5:40 AM #172
Gebohq and I have been working on some things for TEW. First of all, we're going to change some names. Following are the new names for the characters I introduced (first the old name, then the new name):

Highemperor: Stanin eth Calenb

King Aesnor: King Urston

Aesheim: Maygard

Lady Melania: Lady Melantha

Princess Elayne: Princess Elayne

Kejis: Teroc

Lord Hornswoggle: Lord Yar'bor

Irgard: Sol

You may not use any of the old names or characters (except Elayne, since her name stays the same), because I am using them in my own novel.

Here are some modified bios of the characters:

Stanin eth Calenb: A warrior wizard who has been wandering the earth for perhaps a thousand years. He is NOT an Andor and does NOT have energy-manipulation powers, though he is quite powerful. His sword is NOT a Forcesaber; rather, its blade is made of pure magic. He has white hair, brown eyes, and wears a hooded violet cloak and a midnight blue shirt and pants. More will be revealed about him in time.

King Urston: A dour king, as opposed to the jovial Aesnor. Slim as a stick.

Maygard: The kingdom of Urston, in which much of this story is taking place.

Lady Melantha: Hazel eyes and blond hair. Sweet, but has a mean streak in her. Different from Melania in some ways.

Princess Elayne: same.

Teroc: a warrior from an advanced plane. Wears red ceremonial armor.

Lord Yar'bor: paunchy lord of the court.

Sol: see Merlin's website for details on this plane.

Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel

[This message has been edited by Highemperor of the Force (edited April 30, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Highemperor of the Force (edited April 30, 2001).]
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-04-30, 6:40 AM #173
(Then I officially move this story out of Merlin's universe, and into what we decided on. Three powers: Nature, Heaven, and Hell. The existance of the powers themselves is unknown, but their servants and planes of existance are real. A "mortal realm" where the Powers rarely interfere, except to pull out champions. And I think we'd all agreed that the three powers everyone thinks differently about, and noone is really 'right' or 'wrong' about them, but that those who support them will see only their good sides, those who oppose them will see only their bad sides, etc.)
"Welcome to capitalism, where the wants of the few outweigh the needs of the many!"
2001-04-30, 4:00 PM #174
(I don't know about the others, but I don't want to move this out of Sol. Besides, I'm not sure we can, without altering a whole lot more. For instance, Krig and Orca were both in SoD, we'd have to write them out or change them. Also, we had stuff in SoD leading up to this story. I just don't want to take it out of Sol. Let's put it to a vote.


"The wicked flee when no man pursueth" --Proverbs 28:1
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2001-04-30, 4:44 PM #175
(NSP)I say Nay as well; Orca, the point of a story is not in the story itself, it is in the world the story creates, and that world, by any other name, is Sol in this case. We don't need to change the world to change the story, rather we change the world BY changing the story.

BTW Geb, it's Philosophy, Theology/World Religion Studies and Technology/Education. The philosophy/religion thing is a double major; not quite the same as a single major in religious philosophy.

Back to the story; there IS an ending, which I have discussed with Krig allready. As soon as I have it in a less fragmented form I'll start throwing out bits and pieces for you guys to check out.

As of right now, the idea is scattered in various wordpad docs across my C: drive, and I also think it's to early for any of us to reveal ideas that close to the end for fear of ruining the suspense.

Back to the present story:

The triangle thing noticably leaves out one part; justice. (I can't let my character fall through the cracks there)

That is, Nature is the balance of the status quo, situated between good and evil in a position where it is able to not take sides should it decide not to.

Justice is the balance of the ideal so to speak; a balance between the three, caught in the center. Any and all interactions between the other powers are just or unjust, one or the other, but justice or judgement being in the center, affectes them all somehow.

This model will also, I think, work better in the resolution, although I won't reveal any more detail than that. In the most accurate model, Justice would be opposite injustice, but the combination of the two in Sem (while using the generic term "justice") will come to be important to sem's development.

In the mean time, I LOVE what you guys have been writing for Sem. I'm a little upset that he's been taking such an active role, because the judge should be quasi-passive until the contest begins, but you guys have done better with making him seem passive than I did. Just remember Sem's major conflict is wanting to use his power vs. being just and fair.

I think Kronwhat's-his-name will be very useful in that end; I encourage you all to write for Sem so that I can go to bed now because it's almost 11:00.

I think where Sem is going next is to use Kron to go fetch the qualities he needs. Eventually I think Sem will kill Kron (see recipie about undead angel) but I like this turn of events.

The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.

Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2001-05-01, 3:20 AM #176
Note: KILL me? *Gasp* Where is this recipe, I need to take a look! I have some major ideas for my character, especially at Highemperor's including me in the climatic battle with Lancer. Obviously, I wouldn't be there, as a judge, unless a major transgression had occured. I'm theoretically working this into the story in the next few posts. I very much doubt Kronaemix will strike the defining blow, it isn't really his place, but certainly it will be fun, hopefully having a brief solo battle with Lancer himself. Anyhoo, back to the story;


"So, in the event of a irreversible violation in the rules, involving...?"

Semievil stared at Kronaemix, standing in the dim emptiness of the study hall, who racked his tired, numb brain for the answer.


"Magic, and..?"


" moral disregard for the sacred event, the violators involved will..."

"..will...will be..."

"Come on, Kronaemix, they will be-"

"They will be placed into combat with the other two teams of warriors at a slight disadvantage to their adversaries!"


Semievil clapped his hands. Kronaemix smiled, nodded his head.

"You learn fast, Kronaemix. It is time."

The Judge snatched up his skull-capped staff and pointed it at the angel. The skull's eye sockets flashed brilliantly, and then suddenly, they were in the main chamber of Semievil's fortress again.

"I'm going to go now? To judge?"

Semievil corrected him with a dismissive wave. "Leave the judging out for the time being. That will only come into play if something goes wrong. Unlikely, at best. Go out and search for unjustness. It may be as simple as petty theft, but you may correct it as you see fit. Also, make sure to question the warriors of the competition if they have noticed treachery on the part of others."

Kronaemix nodded, and offered his hand to Semievil, who smiled and shook it.

"Of all my students, Kronaemix, I think you have the most potential..."

"Thank you, Judge. I will make you proud."

Kronaemix moved to leave, then turned. He extended a finger at the mysterious blue sphere on the balcony.

"Judge, what is that?"

Semievil stared at it for a moment.

"My greatest possession and worst fear. I once justly saved a mage from a clan of marauding thugs, and in return, he awarded me with this, one of his most powerful spells. If you look into it, it will show you what was, what is, and, supposedly, what is fated to be."

An image sprang to Kronaemix's mind; him, in So'liq's armour, slaying his fellow warriors, and So'liq's voice...

Sleep, Kronaemix. Sleep.

"Go now, noble angel."

Semievil patted him on the shoulder.

"It is time."
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-05-01, 5:44 AM #177
Sorry, Orca, my vote is "Nay", as well. So now we'll have at least a tie (with six writers, and the three that have voted did so negatively. But I do sympathize with your situation.

Semievil, what is this ending you have proposed? See, I was thinking of some kind of ending where it's unclear who won and one in which the reader decides who wins. Hmm. . . []

Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-05-01, 5:55 AM #178
NSP: At last! I am free ... er, back. "happy days are here again ..."

Well, anyway, Highemp and I are writin' that novel togetehr, so I'm pulling out my characters and replacing them too.

Dark Lancer: Ebon Skull
Claio: nixed
Ring of Solomon: nixed
Jewel of Alves: nixed
Horn of Magus the Necromancer: nixed
New Talisman: Pendant of the Knell of Death
Saatch: Ihsaimo
Ragnarok Malum: Helonerth
Ravynya and everyone in it: nixed

Ebon Skull is one of the less powerful demons of Hell who has been wandering the earth a while looking for some way to be worthy of being satan's champion in TEW. Then he found the Pendant and thinks he can do it now.

So if yall could edit the posts with Dark Lancer in 'em and replace 'em with Ebon sKull, that would be great. Tahnks.

An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
2001-05-01, 12:06 PM #179
(Sorry, then, but I'm out of here...Having inaccesible deities I've just figured out a way around (which I think will be quite good), and now we have all sorts of new gods added. (There's also no mention of Nature in there, so then my whole side is out). Well, bye. Enjoy, but I'm not going to change absolutly everything...)
"Welcome to capitalism, where the wants of the few outweigh the needs of the many!"
2001-05-01, 8:03 PM #180
So now we have NO Nature writers at all....uh-oh.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-05-02, 2:55 AM #181
Nature_Paladin, WHAT new gods? We have done no such thing. And we have NOT left out Nature. Since you don't have a belief system to adhere to, it shouldn't be as much of a struggle for you to accept ours. Now, if you had an uncompromising belief system of your own, I would understand. But this - isn't it just stubbornness?

Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-05-02, 8:13 AM #182
(High Emperor, I'm perfectly content with the compromise we reached, what I'm talking about is Krig's "source material", or what he says we should abide by because it's what Merlin had for the universe. That's why I voted we move it out of Merlin's universe. You'll notice THAT is what ignores Nature (so there being no nature writers doesn't matter, since there is no such power anyway) and includes lots more gods on the evil and the good sides. It also seems to not have the 'equal immortal powers' idea which seems to set the whole mood of the story present.)
"Welcome to capitalism, where the wants of the few outweigh the needs of the many!"
2001-05-02, 2:47 PM #183
(It was my intention that we use Merlin's source document as a guide, altering it only to include Nature into the mix. We've already established as canon the existance of Nature in SoD, therefore it's the document that is in err rather than the story. We would be justified in replacing that Steward of nature or whatever with the third paradigm of Nature.

As for the three powers being equal: in this situation, they pretty much are. Sure, God, being Creator and all, could wipe the universe out in a blink of an eye, but being Good and all, he always must abide by the rules. That means he can't just cheat and make himself win, he's limited to the same things the others are. In this competition anyhow, things are even.)

"The wicked flee when no man pursueth" --Proverbs 28:1
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2001-05-02, 2:56 PM #184
(NSP: I really hope you change your mind, Orca. I mean, you, besides myself, has been the only one thruogh the other two stories, and if not anything else, has brought about the continuation of Saga of the 3rd War indirectly and The Eternal War on your own, both of which I think are prime stories that aren't just fun to read in my opinion, but can get real deep as well. You have to understand though, Orca, that people who follow a certain way of life, whether its Christianity or Judaism or Islam or Buddaism or whatever, tend to be biased towards their own religion. I'll admit, sometimes, especially back when he wrote the source, Merlin was an avid Christian who took a lot of the Bible as himself. That's why in his reflected universe, there's a powerful good and a bad side who's in the way of good, and that nature was just a part of the world. I know though that if he was keping up with this story and knew all teh neat and deep things we've gone into conserning evil and Nature as well as good, he'd support us. He'd tell us to go ahead and challange our thoughts of which is the most powerful force and why. As far as the other "gods" Orca, I remember when he first wrote that, and when he showed it to me, I was like "huh?" He explained to me that in his write-up, "gods" were called such simply if they were of a divine source: angels, demons, spirits, and whatnot. I think, for myself anyways, that we can still use the souce, especially for geological purposes (as I'm about to in this post), and when something isn't in the source, we can include it, and just use it as a guide. So please, come back and write. I'd hate to loose an old friend (I should challange you again in JediKnight sometime...))

In the realm of Eternity, the archangel Michael walked side-by-side with Jim. Surrounding the two were crowds of souls and angels. Each and every one of them was preparing to support for the force of Good in the upcoming Decimillenial Battle.

"I have to leave you soon, Jim," Michael said, increasing his pace towards a great doorway that was still some distance away from them. "After all, they're counting on me to lead this whole mess."

"Never any free time with you now, eh?" Jim said.

"Yeah, those were the days..." Michael said. "Before I go though, I'm to give you the sentence you are to carry out." He paused before speaking in a more formal tone. "It is ruled that you shall have to serve two humans, Noddo Gyuil and Amry Embos, personally, until called back."

"That's it?" Jim asked. "Doesn't sound too bad."

"Oh believe me Jim," Michael replied, "If you thought the Viking and the paladin were difficult...Better get going now if you want His forgiveness."

"Wait!" Jim said, but was cut off as Michael waved his hand good-bye. As Jim began to dissapear from Eternity, he muttered about how "humans don't need to work for forgiveness" and "humans think their jobs are a pain..."
Inside Sol'iq's stronghold, Highemperor, Saatch, Noddo and Amry watched as Kronemix dissapeared from their sight. The group continued to watch the empty space for several minutes. Highemperor the broke the silence.

"Well, it looks like we did what we came for."

"Now what?" Saatch asked.

"Guess we go back home..." Noddo began to say, when Amry cut him off.

"Go back home? GO BACK HOME?!?!? Tha-that guy just dissapeared in front of us! Since I met up with that creep," she said as she pointed at Noddo, "I've fought an army of undead, met some really whacko people. Like you," she said, looking at Highemperor, "What the hell are you? No, don't tell me, I don't want to know. And now we just killed a #*&%ing demon! A DEMON!!!"

Amry began to hyperventinate now, and the others simply looked at her with faces of pity and confusion.

"You know lady," Noddo said. "You need to calm down[/i]."

"Calm down?" Amry asked. "How can you say that after what we've..been.." she trailed off. She looked at the others faces and sighed. "Oh nevermind."

"You know, you do have a point there," Highemperor noted. "The situations are of an above-average level of supernatural events."

"I still remember when the Dark Lancer was posessing me," Saatch said. "i remember something about some divine battle coming soon. I think he was preparing to enter in the battle."

"A divine battle..." Highemperor muttered.

"Oh great, a divine battle. Right, I'm out of here--" Amry said, before Noddo cut her off.

"Hush up, woman. This sounds interesting."

"Well," Highemperor began, "if this is a divine battle, we've become a part of it now."

"I think I have an idea what we can do," Saatch said.

"Yeah, leave it to the divine," Amry added. Ignoring her, Saatch continued.

"South of here, on this continent, is a great rift, surrounded by volcanic ground. From what I remember..."

Saatch began to describe his proposal to the other three in the empty stronghold.

(NSP: I was going to post more, but I went over my time as it is, and I won't be back until Saturday. Hopefully I asked Krig if he could post my ideas and he'll be able to get it up soon. Many thanks to him. I feel like I'm forgetting something...oh well. Until next time then.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-05-02, 4:52 PM #185
(NSP TLTE: I should have clarified; I'm not going to kill you all the way, I just need Kronaemix to become undead, the recipie is on the top of page 4 if you want to go back and read it, although it is subject to change if the story goes in a different direction.)

Back to the story:

Kronaemix awakened in a cold sweat from a bad nightmare hanging several hundred feet in the air above a heated discussion between Amry, Noddo and Saatch. He was slowly becoming used to his new master's pension for the dramatic and was only a little surprised to find a small box in his left pocket.

Kronaemix was surprised when he opened the box and three vials popped out, each larger than the box itself and with it's own tag:
Noddo: Focus.
Amry: Rage.
Saatch: Serenity.

Semievil's skull had also been included; although the gems had been removed from the eyes. It seemed wise to remove the rage from Amry first, as it was certainly not a quality that would assist them near volcanoes, so Kronaemix fitted the second vial into the base of the skull and went down to observe the three more closely.

As extensive as had been his training, Semievil had never bothered to explain the exact proceedure involved in removing a quality, of any type, from a person. The only thing he ever said about it was to make sure everything except for the one quality was to be left exactly the same. This left Kronaemix high and dry now, as he pondered the skull and began to slowly examine it to see how it worked.

The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.

Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2001-05-03, 5:31 AM #186
Am I sensing some resistance to changing the names? Hmm. . . Well, anyway, I don't see what I can add to the story right now, so I'm just waiting on yoooo-oouuu. . . []

Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-05-03, 9:36 AM #187
Kronaemix farted

I don't care about your name, Red. I don't want to know your name. If you survive your first three or so battles, then maybe I'll learn your name. Not before. I used to learn the names, but it was a goddamned waste of time. Soon as I'd get to know a puke, he'd up and die on me. These days I don't bother.

-Horkin, Master-at-Wizardy
2001-05-06, 4:07 PM #188
(NSP: Sorry y'all. I thought Krig would post the rest while I was gone. I don't know if he was busy, or lazy or both, but I can't really crack down on him for either since I've been that way as well. I don't have enough time right now to post the rest tonight, so I'll try and do it tomorrow (use my whole hour and a half for it. Yeah yeah, I'm a slow typist). Thanks for waiting, I appreciate it. The next three weeks are going to be kind of busy for me as well as some others for the same reason, because I'll be graduating (yay) jsut so you all know. So until next time I suppose.)

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-05-07, 3:21 AM #189
Kronaemix was still examining the curious items Semievil had left behind for him when the Judge appeared on the ledge behind him in a large burst of glowing green energy.

"How goes it, Kronaemix?"

The angel sighed. "I'm still getting my bearings. Remind me again why I'm up here..."

They both looked down. Even though it was extremely hard to hear what was being said, it was obvious by the body language that Amry was furious and stubborn (as per usual). While Noddo was brushing his hair back, cracking his knuckles or massaging his temples irritably, tiring quickly of his reluctant partner's moodiness, the blind man Saatch was amiable and gentle, trying as hard as he could to resolve the conflict.

Kronaemix felt a stab of regret as he watched them; he was particularly fond of them, not just as allies, but as...friends?

He shook his head. No. No more friends. Kronaemix had given up on friends long ago, after he realised that his near-immortality would force him to lose those closest to him again and again, as they passed away and he kept on living...

"The truth is, Kronaemix, I came here for a reason. This lesson-"he took back his belongings from his pupil's hands-"will be concluded later. We have an unconfirmed H-sighting, and I'll need you for this one."

Kronaemix frowned. "H-sighting? What-"

But the green energy came again, enveloped them, and the chamber was empty once more, save the three warriors far below.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-05-07, 4:53 AM #190
(Yeah, sorry about not posting. It's not really that I'm all that busy, it's just that I don't have a whole lot of computer time, what with three little brothers who also seem to want to use the computer for useless things like homework and all...)

"The wicked flee when no man pursueth" --Proverbs 28:1
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2001-05-08, 12:32 PM #191
(Yeah, I see what you mean, Geb, and I decided to write again about an hour after making that post...unfourtunatly, I made that post just before we got my old computer offline! I'm on a new, non-continually-crashing computer now, but as I'm still working to get this up and running, and still involved in some other misc. projects, it may be a little while before I post again.
"Welcome to capitalism, where the wants of the few outweigh the needs of the many!"
2001-05-08, 2:38 PM #192
(NSP: Good luck, Orca. I need to talk to Dark Lancer and TLTE about the upcoming events. So expect an e-mail from me soon-ish. Oh, and Highemp, about the whole name thing--the only reason to change names is for legal purposes, which won't be needed until used for the book. For the sake of the progression of the story, it'd be simplest to keep the names as they are IMO)

"...from what I remember from what the Dark Lancer demon inside me had gathered," Saatch told the others, "the rift south of us is of great signifigance to the divine battle."

"Go on," Highemperor said.

"All I really know is that something inside the rift area, Dark Lancer had planned to...aqquire something. Some tactical advantage in this upcoming battle. I know personally that Dark Lancer harbored evil thoughts. Perhaps some great evil is one of the divine powers in this battle."

"Well," Highemperor said, "If this is about to favor an evil source, I would think it'd be in all our interests to get there and aqquire this..whatever it is, for ourselves, before it falls into the wrong hands."

As the talking between Highemperor and Saatch was taking place, Noddo and Amry both began to look distressed. When Highemperor began to suggest that they should do something about it themselves, Amry began to speak.

"Woah, wait a minute here! Why do we have to do anything about it?

"I have to agree with her," Noddo added. "Who knows what we're getting ourselves involved in here. Who's to even say that anybody else but us knows about this? The fact is, we don't know anything about this divine battle, and it would be pretty chance-y, even for me, to venture out into unknown lands, with what little and vague information we have."

"Do whatever you guys want," Amry said, "but the two of us are going back to what we were doing."

As she said that, she and Noddo had begun to walk down the hall. As she finished her sentence, the two of them walked through a door, turning around to close it behind them. When they turned back around to head out of the stronghold, a familiar man with mopish hair and white garbs stood in front of them, stopping their pace foreward.

"Go back to what you were doing, eh?" the man asked. "Wandering from town to town, living live on the chance you might hit big, and in the meantime, selling yourselves out to whomever has the money?"

"Who the hell are you?" Amry demanded.

"You two can call me Jim," the man said. He unfolded his wings, which stunned the two, and continued. "As you may have heard, there is a divine battle that will soon be waging between the forces of Good, Nature, and Evil. There's a whole mess of reasoning why it's all coming down to this, but to get to the point, I am to be your personal servant as you two journey to the rift south of here, during which you will be tested to see if either of you will be the Champion of Good in the upcoming battle. But I'm getting ahead of myself. All that should concern the two of you right now is to get back with the men named Saatch and Highemperor before they depart. You all would rather be one group, trust me."

Jim began to walk towards the door the two had just previously walked through when Amry spoke.

"Hold on there, creep. Run that by me again?"

"No time," Jim said. "Besides, if you walk into the other room, you'll both fall into a pit of spikes. Come on, this way."

Noddo and Amry reluctany followed Jim back into the room they had just been in.
Inside the mystrerious castle, Jirverak ran out a door and slammed it behind him, trying to hold it back. A stone sword broke through the wood door though, and Jirverak stepped back and held his sword out in front of him. The door soon shattered, and a large stone knight stomped through, swinging his sword from above. Jirverak blocked the swing with his shield, and parried. The two fought each other as such, with Jirverak being pushed back towards the stairs he had recently climbed up.

The fight looked as if it was about to end soon, with Jirverak on the winning side. The stone knight suddenly swung with teh blunt side of his sword like a bat, and though was blocked by his shield, pushed Jirverak perilously close to the edge of the pit. The knight was close to stabbing Jirverak with his sword when it stopped in mid-swing and collapsed on the ground. An axe was deeply buried in the back of it, and as it fell, Jirverak could see Krig stanidng where the stone soldier had.

Jirverak stood stunned as Krig climbed on its back and with no difficulty pulled the axe back out. As Krig was packing his axe back onto himself, Jirverak stood up and gave Krig a cold glare.

"Didn't I tell you not to follow me?" Jirverak asked. Krig gave him a questioning look, and Jirverak continued. "I could have handled that situation and--"

Krig interrupted him by holding a key he had found on the knight. Jirverak seemed insulted by having been interrupted, grabbed the key, and started walking towards the hallways. As he began to examine the key, he pushed Krig behind him. When Jirverak realized there was a few foot sounds missing from what there should have been, Jirverak turned around to realize that he had pushed Krig over and into the pit.

Soon before he looked over and into the pit though, Jirverak heard a distant splashing sound eminating from below. He concluded that Krig had landed in water, and judging the short time, decided that he wouldn't have been hurt. Not concerning himself anymore with where Krig was, Jirverak began to walk towards the other hallway that diverted from the stairs.

(NSP: I still have one small bit to do left, so I'll try to get that done as soon as I can. Besides, I have to have the e-mails sent out as well too. It shouldn't be a problem in my scheme of things though if anybody posts, all except for Orca *who seems won't be posting for a while anywhos* and The Last True Evil *with Kromemix anywhos*. Thanks for waiting out for me.)

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-05-10, 2:08 AM #193
(Note: Judging the terminology used by Gebohq and others, this final battle is creeping up on me faster than I thought! I still need to put in this damnable twist before I can commit myself to the climatic scenes, but that should be up soon, hopefully. Gebohq, I await your E-Mail...)
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-05-13, 11:47 AM #194
Just this thread up. But wait - this final battle's still a long time in coming. At least it better be! It's not long enough for a good novel yet anyway, and we still need to develop some of the characters. And I have an interesting twist of my own to throw in. Gebohq, I await your IMing me! []

Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-05-14, 8:30 AM #195
Yo all, I'm new here but I've been reading this story for a while and I've finally finished it. At the beginning, somebody said that it was the sequel to Shadows of Darkness. But where is Shadows of Darkness? Can I join this story?

The Lord of Shadows lives ...
The Lord of Shadows lives ...
2001-05-14, 12:08 PM #196
R.A. Salvatore is a good writer........
I don't care about your name, Red. I don't want to know your name. If you survive your first three or so battles, then maybe I'll learn your name. Not before. I used to learn the names, but it was a goddamned waste of time. Soon as I'd get to know a puke, he'd up and die on me. These days I don't bother.

-Horkin, Master-at-Wizardy
2001-05-15, 12:04 PM #197
=D new writer! and to judge the name with some interesting possible implications.... we could use some more development (character-wise) on the evil side, although nature seems to be the most suffering.

Dunno 'bout the rest of us, but I'm all for a new writer.

The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.

Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2001-05-16, 5:35 AM #198
Sure, we could use a new writer. Maybe it'll put some LIFE back into the story. []

Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-05-16, 3:13 PM #199
(Shadows of Darkness is actually a sequel itself, to Saga of the Third War. They're both here in the Interactive Story Board, a couple pages in the past.

I want to write, but I'm kinda busy with four ten page researchy essays due the end of May...)

"The wicked flee when no man pursueth" --Proverbs 28:1
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2001-05-17, 7:49 AM #200
(NSP: Krig, that's cool. School should come first and all that good stuff. Good luck on that. As for our new potential writer, if you do decide to want to write, e-mail me ( and tell me what you had in mind, especially if you wanted to be on the side of evil (which I hope you do), because we sort of have plans on what's going to happen in the story in the near future. Hope you decide to join. And I'll post my last bit with Orca's character soon enough, really [] Feel free Dark Lancer or Highemp to go on with journeying our characters to the rift).

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories

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