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ForumsInteractive Story Board → The Eternal War
The Eternal War
2001-07-25, 12:47 AM #241
I'd be more than happy to clear this up, but I think you're misunderstanding part of my post.

The line which you claim I wrote your staff breaks goes like this;

"The skull-capped staff sparked against the stone bridge, and suddenly, it snapped."

Now, I can see how this could be confusing, but what I meant was;

"The skull-capped staff sparked against the stone bridge, and suddenly, the bridge snapped."

As you can see, your Judge's staff is intact and well for any further fighting.

Your second request is...confusing, to say the least. What exactly and where exactly is my error? Let me know, and I'll change it immediately.


The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-07-25, 2:18 AM #242
(NSP: violet- as in purpley. Not the kind of thing you get from magma or weapons clashing. More like the flower.

Also, I know me and Geb didn't put up our next story post, but we had some connection issues and ran out of time writing. Anyways, I swear this time that the post is going up today... I hope.

Last but not least, I have decided to scrap the whole andamantite recipie, and Sem is just going to take it from... err... someplace else. I liked the symbolisim I had worked out, but it just doesn't fit into the story that well. If anyone has any objections, go ahead and post 'em and we'll work something out. Ohh, and thanks for clearing that bit with the staff up []

The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.

Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!

[This message has been edited by Semievil333 (edited July 25, 2001).]
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2001-07-25, 5:03 AM #243
Come on, Sem, that adamantite idea was GREAT! Don't scrap it; puh-leeze. . . . . . . . . []

Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-07-26, 7:51 AM #244
(NSP: I know, I know, but that just isn't where the story is going right now... we might bring it up later... or if you want to make a side-quest for yourself and take care of it, that's fine too, but it seems to me just to be more complicated than it's worth.

Ok... I'm going to put up some scraps that Geb and me worked out over the past few days... it's not much, but I'm going to follow up shortly)

"This looks like a good place…" said Lyana. They were standing on the northernmost point of the rift.

"WOULD YOU PEOPLE STOP DOING THAT!?!" Krystal shouted, more than a little exasperated.

"I couldn't agree with you more, my dear. Lyana, I'm afraid that this close to the battle, we must keep all the potential champions out of the ethereal planes." said Semievil. Lyana gritted her teeth, her eyes fixed murderously on the Eternal Judge. "Go get the others, and after that, no more teleporting!"

"But-" Lyana pleaded petulantly, "but they're fighting my djinn! And-"

"No, Lyana, your djinn is already dead. Or very near to it." He held up his staff, face to face with Lyana. It displayed a scene of Krig and Jiverak beating on the djinn's back, as it slowly slumped to the ground.

"But… how!?!?"

"Eh? Oh, I left one of the gems from my staff on the ground near Krig so he would find it. The djinn has to take orders from him now."

"Ooooo! Sometimes, Judge, you make me angry!"

"Yeah, I do." Semievil smiled gleefully, turning his back and facing Krystal. "Now, about those battles, you had some questions?" Lyana disappeared, and they were left alone.


Krig felt very disoriented. Just before a few seconds ago, he was fighting the kitty man, and now found himself looking over the edge of a really big pit, hoping to himself that he would not fall down yet another pit. He turned to the funny-dressed lady that stood by him, and recognizing her as the kitty-man's owner

"Krig not done!"

"Deal with it, furry man." Lyana was in no mood to defend herself to a talking dustmop. "I'm under orders. Besides it's not nice to kill ethereal beings. Now be a good little… thing and wait while I get your friend."

Lyana disappeared and a moment later returned carrying a nearly unconscious Jiverak.

"If you'll excuse me," Lyana said, taking the reddened gem from Krig, "I need to return this to its owner."

The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.

Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2001-07-26, 4:29 PM #245
(NSP: Hehe, Sem forgot to edit the one line in that paragraph. Basically, it was just going to say that Krig recognized Lyana from the fight he was in, and that she was in djinn's master and such. Anyways, I'll try to continue with it a bit more. I'll also be trying to e-mail you all soon with all the details Sem and I made up regarding characters and plot. Also, I'd have to agree with the rest, and if needed, I'll help or take over for the recipie, Sem [] Anywhos, Onward!)

Krig tries hard to think what the odd lady has told him all, but it was rather confusing for Krig. Being from one place to the other without using feet, cats turning into bald people, not knowing what was going on...

As Jirverak regains consciousness, Syc-jal makes a sudden appearance next to Lyana's side. The djinn is obviously as upset as Krig about not being able to finish the fight. Before Syc-jal can speak though, Lyana stops him.

"Not now, my pet," Lyana said to Syc-jal. "Go back now, I'll be there shortly."

"Can I at least take the short one?" Syc-jal asked. "He'd make a good artifact from the Years of Darkness."

"No..." Lyana said with dissapointment. "The Judge says we can't teleport mortals for now. It would be so much fun to drag a mortal through it without etheral protection."

"Krig confused."

"Yeah," Jirverak spoke up, still trying to snap out of his groggy state. "Could you guys maybe explain what was up with the floors of the castle? Or what the hell the thing we fought was? Or how I was suppose to save a damsel when there seemed to be none to rescue?"

Jirverak never had any of his questions answered though, as Lyana and the Djinn both dissapeared before Jirverak had asked his last two questions. Dazed, Jirverak turned to Krig, who simply gave him a look of shared confusion. The both of them then noticed the small spritish woman they had seen earlier. Trying his best not to sway, Jirverak walked over to the lady and presented himself.

"I'm not sure if I introduced myself. My name is Sir Jirverak Ironhands, of the order of the Reyuanian Knights. What was your name?"

"Uh...Krystal will do," she said. "And I think you did introduce yourself before," Krystal added, trying not to smirk.

Krig had simply walked up to Krystal, pointed at himself, and said his name. She seemed to understand and smiled. The three stood in silence for a few moments before Krsytal spoke up again.

" what now?"

(NSP: Also, I ask that nobody post until you get an e-mail from me or Sem regarding details for the story [] Thanks, I appreciate it.)

~Geb (I should really start doing quotes again...)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-07-27, 4:23 AM #246
Becomming rather uncomfortable being the center of attention, Krystal siezed an oppourtunity.

"Hey guys," she said. "Your adventurous types, right? Why don't you go find out what those ropes are for?" She indicated where the other would-be champions had already descended into the rift.

Krig took off running along the edge for the nearest rope, and with a "Certainly, Miss." Jiverak followed. She watched them until they started climbing down the ropes Amry had (and Noddo had not) used.

That taken care of, Krystal turned to go home. All the adventuring was fun and all, but- she ran straight into Semievil, who was holding out a rope to her.

"Your in this now, too far to turn back." He spoke with a degree of authority she had never imagined possible. What choice did she have? She began to climb down alone and wished she hadn't sent the guys off.

The obsidian sides of the rift seemed to grow smoother as Krystal descended, and a deep purple light surrounded her as she neared the lower edge of the rift. Krystal stood when she reached the lower edge, and looked over.

Therein, she saw the most beautiful thing she had ever dreamed possible. The light eminated from everything, deep purples, firey reds, enchanting greens, bright, lofty blues all swirled about, as a light shone through water.

This streached out, gently sloping towards her, for miles before her, and there in the center of it all, a makeshift alter, where the ground fell away from two sides of a triangle- or what would have been one. The point between the two sides where the rest of the floor sloped away emitted no light.

It was crumbling and seemed to be failing under the weight of a man bent in prayer before a skull that was bathed in a white, almost holy light.

(NSP: Guys, do not go ANYWHERE with the praying man, and don't let anybody besides Krystal notice him, this is really important to something I'm trying to pull off- and no, I can't tell you yet.)

Krystal watched for a few minutes in awe as the man stood, gray robes fluttering about him, and disappeared, leaving only the skull's gleam and the purple light to fill the massive Arena.

As soon as he was gone, Krystal gripped her rope tightly and jumped over the edge. On three of the six sides of the Arena there were massive windows, alternating with these were three sides made up entirely of doors.

She was hanging not far from a corner between two these walls, and a sudden inexplicable gust of wind blew her in the side of the windowed wall. She tumbled through three rows of chairs and through an open door into something like a reception room.

All around were stone columns, and the marble floor was brightly polished. Something gave her a chill though and she drew an arrow on her bow. Something moved behind her, and Krystal turned, pulled back and let go in the blink of an eye.


Krystal stared blankly at the arrow she had fired. It had gone through him. Not around, she was certain of that. There was blood everywhere, the arrow was sticking out of his back, yet he seemed absolutely unphased by its presence in his heart. Weird. She shook herself, and recovered her senses.

Krystal had to prepare to defend herself, for the man was surely very angry now. Yet somehow, she sensed he wasn’t. He very calmly looked up, gripped the arrow, and pulled it out. The arrowhead sliced deeper wounds on the way out, and blood poured. The sight of the ensanguined shaft of the arrow turned Krystal’s stomach, and she had to turn away. She heard a clatter, and turned around. The arrow was lying on the floor, bone dry. What’s more, the man showed no sign of injury whatever. Weird.

“Is this how you greet everyone you meet, or do I hold a special place in your heart already?” The voice was somewhat soothing, and the wry remark somehow put her at ease, though she could sense something unnatural about the man.

“Who are you?” she said, recovering her defensive pose.

“I am, that I am”

And then, echoing from across the expansive floor of the Arena:

“I am the Lord of Darkness and Pain”
“I am the Balance of Life and Death”
“I am the Mediator”

The voices filled the room around her, and filled her with fear, joy, and confusion.

“That’s not the right question exactly to ask in here; everybody thinks your talking to them…” The man spoke loudly to be heard over the resonating echoes of the voices. “In any event, I am the only one who has yet to answer your question, so I will, and we’ll all know each-other. I am Bais. I am a mage, focusing in the Element of Air, for it is the superior element. It feeds Fire, stirs Water, and moves Earth, and exists above them all. I have studied the others as well, but-”
(NSP- Bais is pronounced ‘base’)

“What’s a mage?” She blurted out, cutting him off.

He smiled patronizingly at her. “The use of magic became widespread long ago,” he began. “and the arcane scholars came from every background imaginable.” She rolled her eyes slightly, though she still felt something strange about him. “Basically it boils down to a difference of philosophy. A wizard, stripped of any personal attributes, is a scientist. Do the same to an enchanter, and you’ll find a politician.”

“What’s an enchanter?”

He continued, ignoring the remark. “Both people who use the Arcane for their own purposes. A mage, on the other hand, is an artist. Mages use their power- or perhaps it uses them- to create, the most noble aim any mortal is capable of.”

“But you aren’t mortal-”

“What makes you say that?”

“I killed you, and you didn’t die.”

“It happens. In any event, the effect is temporary.”

“How long have you been like this?”

“Nine thousand, nine hundred ninety-nine years and four months.”

“That’s an awful long time for something temporary.”

“Picky aren’t you”

“You didn’t die! I shot you and you didn’t die!”

“Do we have to go on about that?”

“I’m an excellent shot, I’ve never not-killed anything that I needed to make die. At least, not unless it was dead already… but my aim is perfect!”

“If only you had spent as much time honing your judgment...”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You shot someone who meant you no harm.”

“Oh, that.”

“I consider it an important detail, don’t you?”

“You didn’t die.”

“You are very perceptive.”

“You didn’t die.”

“I suppose I should explain. I take it your friends have informed you of the upcoming contest?” Krystal nodded. “Well, I was involved in the last one- sort of a guest of honor. Anyhow, as part of the whole thing, they imbue everyone present with andamantite- a very rare alloy. It’s the stuff they make angels, demons, and sprites out of. The stuff is super-durable, in its pure form it’s indestructible, and it also regenerates like mad. That’s what’s kept me from aging and just now from dieing.”
“How is that temporary?” Krystal hadn’t meant to speak aloud, but all this stuff was kind of awe-inspiring to her.

“The andamantite doesn’t last long, it needs to be re-charged constantly with hope. I consider myself a hopeful person and all, but I can’t hold a candle to the hope I need.”

“Then how did it last ten-thousand years?”

“You see this room?" Bais indicated the door through which Krystal had flown. "This was God’s box seat for the fight. There’s enough ambient hope in this place to keep me going for a million years. They put a lot of effort into this, and it means a lot to win.”

Bais would have gone on for some time thereafter, but an arrow flew in the door and pierced his lung, so he simply muttered “Oh do we have to go through all this again?”

The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.

Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!

[This message has been edited by Semievil333 (edited July 27, 2001).]
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2001-07-27, 5:43 AM #247
(NSP: So if Sem's gone off to conduct some business, am I to assume that Kronaemix is sitting down the bottom, twiddling his thumbs in anticipation of the battles to come?)
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-07-27, 7:05 AM #248
(NSP: Shh! No speculation for you! It's a surprise! Kron isn't actually in the rift itself, he and Sem, at least from what I can tell, were fighting over a volcano. The rift is surrounded by volcanoes, sure, but inside the rift itself (as seen in mah post) is plenty habitable. That puts Kron within about an hour's walk of the rift, not inside the rift itself. I think. Geb should post a confirmation of Kron's location shortly, because Geb knows all, and story revolves around Geb.)

The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.

Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2001-07-27, 3:30 PM #249
(You're the boss, Boss.)
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-07-29, 11:55 AM #250
Wow, great story! I loved the irony of Kron fighting against the one who saved his life, the dualism of Krig being both the most 'barbaric' yet probably the most compassionate as well... altough the story did get confusing at times...

(Superman and the X-men?)

I'll might post a part of the story either tonight or tommorow. If you want to E-mail me the details, or important plot thingummys, E-mail at

May the Windex be with you
-Janitor Jack (Salk Wars)
"Your entire base belongs to us."
"It would be highly appreciated if someone would set the bomb up for us"
"Launch all of our ships, christened 'Zigs', to insure that justice will be achieved swiftly and powerfully."
2001-07-29, 6:31 PM #251
[WHOOPS! Posted my rough draft. Sorry. Heres it, fixed up]

Several Hundred miles west of the craggy hulking mountains that hold the area known only as The Rift obliviously lies the hamlet of Cylerna. Surrounded by rolling farmland, Cylerna is a place inhabited by few. Consequently it is a usually peaceful place, and could even be considered be boring. But the average Peasant is much too busy working to be bored. Plowing the farmland, herding the sheep...

More recently, trade and communication between villages had been halted by a small band of highway robbers, who apparently, camped out by the main- and only road. Secluded by the dense forest, the robbers waited to ambush any convoy of goods or people. They left no survivors.

Some Desperate- or possibly foolish- villagers had dared to sneak through the thick and unforgiving woods... or rode for days on the endless miles of rolling hills. Few had returned.

The people of Cylerna shrugged this off. Maybe they had been attacked by the Highway Robbers. Maybe the wolves got them. Maybe they simply did not want to return to the tedium of Cylerna. The few that did return had not been successful in their quests. Some returned with no stories at all. Some returned curiously saying their destination had been raided, razed, and burnt to the ground.

There was however one who returned... with different news. He limped, had striking scars across his face, a broken nose, and a tunic caked with blood. When he had left he had been handsome and courageous. When he returned he looked like he had aged a decade. His hair looked gray- what was left of it anyway. He rumbled... muttering something... over and over.

As he stumbled into The Orc, a popular tavern and the gathering place of all men- young and old- in Cylerna, it was enough to make the men stop their jovial laughter and set down their iron mugs onto the stained wooden tables. The man dragged himself over to the bar, lowered his head down, inhaled, then looked up pleadingly.

The man let out a gasping wheeze, "They... are everywhere... they... the kingdom... something’s happening... something big… a fight... powers... betrayal... suffering... death... demons..."
A drunk patron dared to laugh and mock the man.
The man coughed, spitting up a mixture of phlegm and blood. The man then shifted his head towards the drunk, trying to make eye contact. He opened his mouth... for moments it looked like he was going to speak. Then, with a startling suddenness, fell stiff to the ground. His breathing ceased seconds later.

Nobody thought much of it. Robert certainly didn't. Robert was a single farmer on the far edges of the city. He didn't believe in Demons, or God, or angels, or Satan. While some took the increasing meteor showers of the last few days as an Omen, he laughed them off as simply change in weather. He only believed what he could touch, feel or hold. So he certainly didn't put too much weight on ramblings of a dying man.

He should have.

Robert lived in a humble house in the middle of his many hectares of farmland. While the nobles would call his house a shack, it was actually quite large for a simple peasant’s dwelling. After a long hard day of chopping wood, he enjoyed the fruit of his labors.
A crackling fire. As he stared into it he mulled over the events of the day. Sometimes he wondered why he ever went to The Orc. He didn't drink. For some reason, he hated the taste of alcohol.

I go there for the ‘conversation’, apparently. Robert chuckled softly. He didn’t have friends at the Tavern. All the patrons he felt too foolish, too simple; too gullible. Suddenly his laughter abruptly stop when he remembered the poor delirious man.
So hurt, so confused... I guess his misery is over now
But with the end of one's misery, another's would begin.

[NSP: If it seems divergent off the usual plotline, that's ‘cuz I didn't want to screw up the usual plot line. It will converge, I invite other writers to write on this plotline too. Also, please tell me if I screwed up in anyway.]
May the Windex be with you
-Janitor Jack (Salk Wars)

[This message has been edited by Janitor Bob (edited August 13, 2001).]
"Your entire base belongs to us."
"It would be highly appreciated if someone would set the bomb up for us"
"Launch all of our ships, christened 'Zigs', to insure that justice will be achieved swiftly and powerfully."
2001-08-09, 5:12 PM #252
(NSP: I feel I should post a little something before I go off on my week vacation *check your e-mails if you haven't already*, and hopefully the story will pick up while I'm gone. E-mail anything concerning the story, during the week I'm gone, to Semievil. Thanks.)

"This place is definately more interesting than the Acadamy ever was," Diaszu thought to himself. He was now under the southern part of the Rift, examining his surroundings. He noted that the floor, the walls, and the ceiling very high above gave off an unnatural multicolored glow, and though they were smooth and clean, did not have any recognizable markings. In fact, apart from the glow and the sheer size of the place he was in, there seemed to be no indication of what purpose this place had or who built it. Diaszu further examined the high walls nearest him. Closest to him, the wall was littered with doors, or rather, where doors could be. It was a fractal of triangles on the wall, and it was obvious some could open as doorways of any size, with something he deduced as locks on the outside(quite a few were open in fact). To the sides, where the massive wall made wide corners, he noticed what looked like seating boxes, large enough to fit armies. Diaszu turned the opposite direction, only to note that the wide floor space became more degraded the farther he looked. The parts that were falling apart matched the hole in the Rift above...

He could see something above him. A sillouette of a figure against the growing night sky, around the place where he had climbed down himself. The figure was falling, towards him. Diaszu took a defensive position, wary that the figure may fall on him. Amazingly enough, the dark figure did not smack hard onto the ground, but instead landed as if he merely jumped from a few feet above. Diaszu could now see the figure's dark blue and green robes, the sword in hand, the figure's hair black and skin copper. Before Diaszu could hold his staff in front of him, the figure spun, ready to attack.

"Identify yourself!" the figure demanded.

"Diaszu Xenophent," he responded, trying not to move or say anything that might make himself appear agressive. Thinking the figure might see him as prey, Diaszu added "I was taught by those at the White Wizard's Acadamy."

The figure dropped his agressive pose and nearly broke out laughing.

"Merlin's school, eh?" the figure said. "You don't know what you...well, anyways, I suppose I can tell you who I am now. I go by the title Space Orca."

Diaszu stood silent. He remembered learning about this man at the Acadamy when studying the Saga of the Third War and the Years of Darkness. A powerful person, one that rivaled Bazaal even. A person who came close to suceeding Bazaal's terror...

"You look afraid," Orca said. "What did that place tell you, that I was a traitor? That I was an evil monster?"

"No," Diaszu started. "The Acadamy taught us that you were a hero of that time. But the records are there--you were considered a threat. A potential to overthrow Bazaal."

Orca smirked and rolled his eyes. "Those were the days..." Orca muttered. Focusing his attention back to his surroundings, Orca eyed the massive room they were in. "Looks like the Eternal Battlefield I saw before, but..." Orca said to himself.

"What?" Diaszu probed. "None of your business," Orca replied, not even bothering to look at Diaszu. Orca suddenly snapped, as if suddenly sensing something. "Evil presence...ethereal and human...msut move quickly," Orca was about to dash off when he turned back to look at Diaszu. "Stay out of this, kid," Orca warned. "It's out of your league." With that, Orca appeared to have vanished, but Diaszu soon spotted Orca running unnaturally fast.

Orca then stopped, at least, from what Diaszu could see at his distance. Why did he stop? Could he have possibly grown tired from whatever far distances he traveled? He was mortal after all. Diaszu quickly decided that it was of no importance, and that he would stay as far away from Space Orca as possible. Diaszu disliked him very much, even after only being near him for such a short time. Turning the opposite direction, Diaszu Xenophent searched for more clues as to what purpose this place had, and why the powers of Nature hoped by sending him here...

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited August 10, 2001).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-08-09, 6:31 PM #253
(NSP: Hail and well met, Janitor Bob! If your work on NeS is any indication, you will be a welcome addition to TEW! And great post, BTW, both you and Geb.)

Small swirls of dust puffed out as Krig's feet dropped onto the ancient stone floor. Krig straightened to his full height - not an impressive sight - and took in his surroundings, as a gust of wind lifted his dingy, frayed tan cloak behind him and toyed with it. Behind him, two massive walls came in from the horizon and met in a wide angled corner. Throughout, swirling lights of many hues filled the place, making it seem almost alive. Squinting accross the open expance between the arms of the two nearby walls, Krig thought he could make out more walls in the distance.

Krig took a few steps and sat down on the dusty ground. The place smelled old, and unused. He'd seen no living things anywhere in here. His stomach growled in a gurgling rumble, he was beginning to get desperately hungry. He'd not had anything to eat for... How long was it now? Krig didn't know. He'd been shunted around, from unfamiliar place to unfamiliar place, surrounded by strangers more often unfriendly than not, he'd been attacked by things from nightmares, all without so much as a half-hearted attempt by anyone at explaining to him what was happening.

Krig's bushy red beard bristled as his lips tightened and he blinked away tears, his expression hard as stone. How long had it been since he'd been with friends, people who didn't sneer at him or scurry away in fear, people who would sit down and explain to him what was going on? The men he considered family, his fellow Northmen - he'd left them in that storm! How long ago had that been? Would he ever see them again? Would--

Krig looked over his shoulder as the man in silver and gold armour let go of his rope and dropped to the ground, looking around in amazement. The many-hued lights glinted off of his armour, giving him an erie appearance.

"May the Creator protect me..." Jiverak murmered, his mouth hanging slightly open, as if forgotten. "Creator protect me..."

The knight's eyes slowly took in the sight, travelling from impossibly long wall to impossibly high ceiling to impossibly empty room to the walls again. Finally they rested on Krig, sitting down and ignoring the aging splendor about him.

"Do you know where we are?" Jiverak finally spoke. Krig looked around. Of course he didn't know where he was.

"This must be the Decamillenial Arena! The place where the battle that is to determine the fate of the world for the next ten thousand years is to take place! I've found it!" He exclaimed. Krig wondered why such an important place would be so run-down looking, and so empty.

Jiverak paused for a moment, an expression of thought on his face.

"I wonder if this means I've been chosen as the Champion of Good?" He murmured, thinking out loud, and apparently forgetting Krig was there. Krig wished the man would go away. "After all, the tomes don't say how I'm to know I've been chosen. If I'm chosen, of course." The knight took a few steps towards the open expanse of the Arena. "Perhaps that's how the Champion is chosen, the man with enough commitment and drive to find the sacred Arena is the one!"

Suddenly Jiverak squinted at something in the distance, unconciously putting his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Something moved over there," he spoke to Krig this time. "Follow me, I'm going to find out what it is. It may be dangerous, so stay behind me."

Jiverak set out towards the centre of the open expanse, not looking back once. Krig watched him go, not even pretending to follow after the man. With a sigh that puffed out his bushy red mustaches, he got to his feet. At least he was feeling a little better. The man's talking - most of which Krig hadn't understood - had made him forget his lonliness, at least for now.

Krig looked around, his eyes falling on an old doorway in one of the walls, standing partly open. Maybe there was food within. It didn't smell like it, but maybe... Krig stepped into the dim doorway, turning his back on Jiverak.

(What Jiverak saw moving was undoubtedly Orca falling from the rift. Jiverak should continue on towards where he saw the movement, then find that Krig was nowhere in sight and, in light of the fact that he'd seen nothing move since, turn back.)

Read the Bible, it'll scare the hell out of you.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2001-08-10, 10:49 AM #254
The night was cool, the air was crisp. Yortz merrily meandered his way down the old south road with the reigns of his mule in one hand and a big mug of grog in the other. His nose a shiny red cherry in the middle of his face, he whistled an incoherent high pitched tune, much to his fuzzy companion's annoyance.

A bright light lit up the sky, and from one end to another a comet raced across it. Yortz's whistle lazily lost a few octaves as he watched it dissapear on the horizon. Taking into his calculations that he was probably too drunk to have seen what he just saw, he couldn't help shake the feeling that the comet he saw was simply a little too close to the ground for his comfort. Talking another slick swig of swill he sloshed his way onward. An hour passed in drunken merriment for Yortz and an hour of agony for his companion's ears. Yortz's whistling was soon drowned out however by another whistling, A constant high pitched whine. Feeling a strange sense of foreboding Yortz turned around and was treated to a 13-hour flick of his life in review. The comet he had seen before now streaked from the sky straight for him. In a later recollection Yortz could only remember doing two things at this point, one: opening his mouth and forcing lots of air through it, and two: picking up his mule (which he could never remember how he did) and promptly getting his drunken self off the road.

The comet, now a bright fireball, slammed to earth with a blinding light. For Yortz, in his drunkeness, it brought new definition to disorientation. The world seemed to split, turn over, upsidedown, inside out, spin, whirl, do cartwheels, jumpingjacks, chinups, and explode all in one instant. Then it was gone.

"THIS time I nailed the landing!" a feminine voice said in the forest. Yortz, recovering from Armageddon, crept through the brush toward the voices.

"Mmph!" came a muffled reply. This one masculine.

"Well it IS your fault we missed the planet and had to circle again. So don't blame me." The feminie voice said again.

"Mmphmmphmmph!" came the reply.

"Oh, you're always complaining."

Yortz finally managed to creep to and hide behind one of the bushes outside the clearing where the comet had landed. He expected a huge hole in the ground, however, no mark was to be found in the clearing, even the grass seemed undisturbed. In the clearing stood a luminuos figure clad in white robes. Her eyes were like silver, white and sliver hair flowed down her back. Another figure he could hardly see because it was halfway in the ground.

"You know it really was very nice of that man to teach us how to dimension jump and everything. He sure did thank us a lot for saving his world from that big shadowy thing. I wonder what was up with the dark guy and the weird amulet sucking up everything in sight." she said hurriedly like someone lost in idle musings. She suddenly became aware of her surroundings. "Hey wait a second! Why does this place look familiar?"

"urrgh..." her companion said in frustration, his head still stuck well into the ground. In front of the woman a picture appeared, Yortz wondered at this, a picture he saw but it wasn't that at all. It floated a twirled with lots of lines and dots, circles and ovals.

"Let's see..." She said. the picture continued whirling, twirling and glowing. Finally it stopped and a little circle was in the middle of the picture. A square blinked around it a few times and a look of horror passed across the woman's face. "Urgh! NO! We can't possibly be back here! What a place to be dumped for another two years! Do you realise where we are?!?" She walked over and pulled her companion out of the ground, grabbed him by the collar and began to shake him violently. "Do you realize we're powergaming by our simple presence here?!!!"

Between his frustrated grunts and moans of pain the man was able to say, "You shouldn't worry so much, that you shouldn't." Yortz could see this man had green eyes, green hair and strange green markings on his face, his robes were white and green. //what is this guy, some kind of green freak?// Yortz thought to himself.

"I shouldn't worry!?" She said dropping him to the ground.

"No," The man said getting up and dusting himself off. "It's been many long years since we've been here. Anything we did here in the past is probably at worst a ledgend and at best forgotten." Suddenly the man became as serious as death. "But, I smell battle here. That war couldn't have lasted that long could it?"

"No, this land is green and lush," the lady said. "When we left it was a barren desert. That is a sure enough sign that those troubles are long over."

//These people are talking crazy! Since when was this place a desert?// Yortz thought.

"We have a visitor." The man said. At about this point Yortz had had about enough. Both of the strangers looked directly at the bush he was hiding behind. Yortz panicked and bolted. He ran through the forest as fast as his legs could carry him, he decided on his way, that at the first tavern he came to, he was going to drink himself into oblivion.

I'm sorry Dark Lancer, I couldn't just sit by and let you trash The Wheel of Time.
2001-08-10, 6:33 PM #255
On some distant far-flung planet in some tiny unkown glaxy...

Pengun coughed lightly, and poured himself another drink. He swilled it gently in one hand and said softly to himself:

"Yes, this is exactly as it should be. Everything is unfolding to my plans..."

He stared out at the limitless depths of space and laughed. A cruel hollow laugh, that seemed to echoe on and on and on...

[This message has been edited by Pengun (edited August 10, 2001).]
"Rabbits will jump farther if you throw them..."
2001-08-11, 7:24 AM #256
As the rustlings fell away into the distance, Ping and Pristine chuckled softly. They could understand the consternation of whoever was hiding in the bushes. Seeing someone fall from the sky doesn't exactly happen everyday, and if these people seem not to be of your world or experience, well, one could understand how a person could be bewildered to the point of panic.

"Poor guy," Pristine said.

"Well, now that we're here, what do we do?" Ping asked, semi-rhetorically.

"Well..." Pristine brought up her display again. "I'm afraid that even as we speak the planes are slipping further out of jump alignment. To facilitate a safe jump we must have a safe corridor of travel and a secure point of destination. If we have only one or neither of these we could be sent into some plane of existence void of matter or life." She let her display vanish. "And we know how boring that can be."

"Yes." Ping said simply, rolling his eyes. "So our only other option is to stay in this world, see what we can see and do what we can do."

Pristine fell silent and cast her eyes to the ground. She walked over and rested her head on his chest. "This world holds many bad memories for me, and, I suspect, for you also. I really don't want to live in the shadow of those memories."

Ping wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. She reciprocated. "The world we knew has fallen away. All of those concerned are gone now. We can live... as common folk! Simple and restful lives until the planes realign themselves. Look." Ping tried to get away but Pristine held on tight. "Umm. Do you mind?"

She let go somewhat reluctantly. "I.. just like someone I can hold on to.. and love." She kissed him on the lips.

Ping smiled and took a few paces away. "Copy this form." Ping's image shimmered away and was replaced by the image of an elven girl. She was small but stout, brown hair fell only to her shoulders. Her eyes shone fiercely with agression and determination. Her clothes were simple, earthen colored tuning and trousers, mostly hues of brown and green. Pristine changed herself in the way her love did. She felt no different to herself but she knew she looked quite different on the outside.

"Now me." Ping said. The image of the elven girl fell away from Ping and another replaced it. This one was of a young elven man, handsome with sandy blonde hair. Being an elf he still was smaller of stature than a normal sized human. His eyes were gray and gentle. His clothes, a lether tunic, cloth undershirt and trousers. A great axe hung at a loop in his belt. "I am the great, however somewhat cloistered and shy, woodsman Randon. You shall be my beautiful wife Sateyan."

"Randon... Sateyan... Weren't they..."

"Yes, Elves of note during the war."

Pristine shook her head feircely. "No Ping, no. I can't do this."

"Look, I'm sorry if it reminded you, but it's the best I could do off hand. Besides, I suppose that it would be somewhat honorable to live in thier memory, even though I knew little of them and nothing of what they accomplished during the war." Pristine looked at him doubtfully. Ping cast his eyes about in a panic, tying to think quickly. "..Aaaaand it really beats waiting around in a formless vaccum for several years!" He finished quickly with a real stupid grin.

This Pristine seemed to buy. Ping openly sighed a sigh of relief. She laughed at him and began to walk into the forest. Laughing as well he began to follow her. his laughter fell away quicker than hers. //There is another thing as well.// Ping thought to himself. //Something isn't right around here and it bothers me. I'd like to find out what's going on, but I can't bear to see her in this pain. I'd take her pain if I could... Anyway, something big is going down and I want to find out what.//

If nobody minds I'll start up a new nature plot line.
2001-08-11, 3:35 PM #257
(NSP: Annother collaboration between Geb and myself, preceded by a note from our esteemed editor, TBNNH from NES- hope you all enjoy.

Due to the fact that we’re still working on the finer details of the looks of the Arena and that it was not clarified beforehand, we (Sem and Geb) will need to take some liberties on how Krig arrives at the point you’re about to read)

Krig peered over the guardrail, standing precariously on the uneven triangles that made up the wall beneath him, hidden by the multicolored semi-darkness. His target was temporarily blocked by a black leather tunic, but Krig was so hungry he could not wait. He lept foreward, using the figure in the tunic to boost himself, following by a split second an arrow that the figure in the tunic had fired.


Bais looked up from the most recent arrow embedded in his chest in time to see a mass of fiery red hair slam into him. Noddo stepped through the door, looking for all the world like he had just saved someone’s life, and the scene began to dissolved into chaos.

Krig got up and inspected the figure that he tackled, and finding that it was not a game animal of any sort, sat down, disappointed. Bais stood up slowly and took off his deerskin outer cloak, revealing a dazzling robe of red, brown, and two shades of blue with a sash matching the lighter blue. Krystal, all too use to such unusual events, began to talk to Krig.

“Honestly,” Krystal began, “to just tackle an innocent man like that. You should be ashamed of yourself, little man.”

Krig bowed his head in shame, and Bais said “Five minutes… just five minutes without being vitally wounded, is it really so hard for you people?”

Noddo recovered from his shock at seeing Bais not dead, and was at Krystal’s side instantly, with a “Are you alright, Miss?”. This earned him a firm smack from the broad side of Krig’s axe, as Krig, who now perceived Noddo to be violent, decided that Noddo was threatening one of his friends. Noddo retaliated by picking up Krig and throwing him at Bais, who in return conjured a gust of wind to return Krig to Noddo, knocking both to the ground. As they fell, Krystal shouted for them to stop, and all three looked up. (Krig with a part of Noddo’s tunic clenched firmly with both fists and his teeth and Noddo with half his face hidden under Krig’s beard.)

After a longish pause she continued: “Krig, let go, Noddo, stop trying to kill things, he doesn’t want to hurt anyone!”

“Oh, your one to talk!” Bais blurted out. Krystal shot a ‘I’m on your side’ look at Bais, and he sat down slowly. “You” Bais barked at Noddo “come over here and pull this out, since you were kind enough to put barbs on your arrow. Krystal, since you apparently know these ruffians, would you take care of introductions?”

Krystal introduced the three to each other, and the three grunted to each other in acknowledgement. Last to be introduced was “Krig, son of Krog”, and at the sound of the name, Bais jumped up and ordered them all to follow. Bais lead the others through a door, down a polished marble staircase, and into a large warehouse-style room. All around were piles upon piles of books, from every time, place and language imaginable. Some were recognizable, such as “The Medicinal Uses of Rosemary and Basil”, which Krystal recognized from her herbal training, but most were of a more exotic nature, such as “The Divine Comedy”, “The King James Bible”, “The Third World War”, “The Illiad”, and “The Holy Qur’an”. Bais picked his way among the books and stood next to his desk. Shifting stacks of papers aside, Bais took up a small translucent object. On closer inspection, it was a dodecahedron, crafted of adamintite. Inside, a small sliver of wood tightly held with one point at the top vertex, the other at the bottom. Bais then walked over to Krig, offering the amulet to him.

Bais said nothing until Krig took it from his hand. “Krig, son of Krog,” he began. “The Lord, out God, has ordered me to give this only to you.”

“You talked to God?” Noddo asked with a heavy skeptic tone.

“No. God talked to me. Mere mortals do not talk to deities. We stand in awe of the sheer power, unable to move or speak.”

“Oh,” Noddo responded, not sure exactly what to make of all Bais had said.

“Now on to more important matters,” Bais said. “We have to get to the transit system and get to Rome.”

“OK, follow me,” Noddo said, taking the lead.

“Do you even know what Rome is?” Krystal asked.

“I don’t even know where the door is…” Noddo said, then added with enthusiasm, “but I’m a natural born leader!”

Bais sighed and pointed to the door opposite the steps where they had recently descended. The group filed out, with Noddo taking the lead. As they near the door, the implications of what had been said dawned on Krig, who sat down and refused to be lead by Noddo. With a little coaxing from Krystal however, he consented to go along.

After the group exited Bais’ library, Noddo decided on an immediate left, following the wall around the Arena., despite Bais’ protestations that the fastest way to the transit system was to their right. Upon reaching the first corner in the wall, Noddo discovered a locking mechanism over the wall. Taking this to mean that their destination lay behind it, Noddo turned to Krig and ordered him to help undo the locks.

“That really isn’t such a good idea, Noddo… err, why don’t we just move on.” Bais said nervously.

“Bah! You just don’t want me to succeed!”

“No that’s really not it… err, Krig, you might want to stand back…” said Bais, edging away and pulling Krystal back. Krig, eager to be away from Noddo, whom he regarded as very hazardous to the health of all nearby, complied.

“Fine,” Noddo said, beginning to edge on frenzy, “I’ll open it myself.” He struggled with the heavy pin set in the center of one of the triangles, and finally pulled it loose. A blood-red glow emanated from the hole where the pin had been, and the triangle fell forward. Noddo leapt aside, and turned to face the others. “You see, that wasn’t so-”

Noddo was suddenly knocked to the floor by a figure that had leapt, almost poured, out of the three-foot triangular opening.

“Kupala” Bais said, borderline on skittishness, “long time no see…”

Kupala stood, bits of dried, dead flesh fluttering to the ground. He was armed heavily , with a massive set of claws strapped to one hand, and a bloody bo staff in the other. He wore an explorer’s helmet, but was otherwise clad in banded plate-mail armor, the cold steel a seeming continuation of the pale, dead skin that barely covered his rotting features.

“From now on, I listen to you…” Noddo muttered in the general direction of Bais, blood beginning to flow from a mark on his forehead that resembled Kupala’s bo.

(NSP: Just one more thing from Geb- if you wish to write for the story, Pengun, by all means, we like new writers, but send an e-mail to Krig (since I will be out this week and I'd like to take care of it as soon as possible) and he will fill you in with the notes for the story and help you with a character (for the story is very complicated and we're trying to plan as much as possible for it). Thanks.)

The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.

Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2001-08-12, 5:12 AM #258
Dhahn sat glumly by himself at the end of the bar. He peered wearily into the mug that sat in front of him on the well polished barcounter. He could see his reflection in the grog that was well past it's prime, but cheap. The reflection that stared back at him was haggard, a face that had seen a thousand difficulties, well, at least it seemed like it. His girlfreind left him, his mother died, he lost his job, he was robbed of all his money on the way to the bar, he found out that all of his freinds had been laughing at him behind his back, making jokes at his expense, it was raining and he had fallen facedown in the mud after being mugged. He couldn't imagine things getting any worse.

"Hello freind!" Came a chirpy voice. Coming in for a landing on the barstool next to him was a rather cheerful fellow with sandy blonde hair, gray eyes and ears too long to be human. Beyond him was a short woman with the same type of ears. She looked at the man with an annoyed look. The man was grinning like a complete buffoon.

"Can I buy you a drink freind?" The man asked. Dhahn looked from the man to the full mug then back. The woman behind him was rolling her eyes toward the raftered ceiling. "Oh, I see you already have one." Dhahn was wondering why this man didn't buy one for himself.

"Say, you look like you a fine upstanding member of this fine govenorship like village," Dhahn felt even more his mud slicked face and stained clothes. His empty pockets felt like leaden weights. He felt like trying to drown himself by placing his face in the small mug in front of him. "I must say you look like you the type who hears all the gossip." The woman behind him looked like she was fuming with rage and embarrassment.

The man seemed to notice that he wasn't getting much of a reaction out of Dhahn. His eyes darted around for a second as if thinking of something to say. "My, isn't it a nice day outside!" Lightning and thunder crashed outside. The lightning appeared to have hit the building across the street from the bar because it quickly brust into flames. A fire wagon soon arrived trampling a bystander in the process. As the trampled man was trying to get up one of the horses did something completely unspeakable right in his face. The woman looked like she was plotting her companion's imminent demise.

He man's bright smile quickly sagged and he sighed. "Look we're new around here and we were wondering..." He paused noticing at last his partner's livid face peering over his shoulder. "...if there would be any good work around for a woodcutter and his lovely, wonderful, charming wife?" his female companion brightened immeadiately and smiled warmly.

Dhahn figured that the question wasn't the real one the had man wanted to ask but he answered it anyway. "Zfen left town a couple of years ago to work in one of the big cities. He was a logger, the town misses his business, the council has had to import wood ever since."

The woman softly put her hand on her companion's shoulder. "Thank you, sir," the man said, "We are anxious to settle down in one spot." The man got up to leave. His lady freind was already halfway to the door. The man began to rummage through one of his pockets. He produced a fat gold coin and tossed it at Dhahn. "For your trouble," he said. The man was out the door before the coin hit the counter. Dhahn marveled at the gold peice as it rolled on it's edge around in circles on the counter. He watched it, mesmerized. He was about to reach for it when it hit a small notch in the grain of the otherwise smooth countertop changing it's course. With horror his watched it ramp off the lip of the counter and fall to the floor. Dhahn dived in an effort to catch the coin. He hit the floor, knocking all the breath out of him. Time seemed to slow to a maddening crawl as the coin rolled across a floorboard and slipped neatly into a crack dropping out of sight.

Dhahn simply lay on the floor. He did nothing for the longest time, until some of the other patrons began to think he was dead. He slowly got up, sat back down on the barstool and resumed peering into his mug. He was wrong, things did get worse.
2001-08-14, 5:30 PM #259
Krystal, of all of them, seemed the only even-headed one. Krig, in a state near shock, stood dumb-founded, Bais was nearly petrified, and Noddo was wounded. He was also Noddo. She didn’t think anything that could move Krig to a state of inaction was an encounter to be handled alone, so she shouted for them to attack, and drew an arrow.

She held her fire though… she needed to get a shot that would penetrate the armor Kupala was wearing, and that would not be easy. Krig was the first to recover, and leapt forward, axe poised, and delivered a crushing blow that send the creature reeling. Bais followed Krig’s lead and snapped into action next.

Performing a few sweeping gestures with his hand, he drew on of the heavy obsidian shards that were strewn sparingly across this part of the arena to his hand. As he grasped it, it lit almost instantly aglow, and fire dripped from Bais’ hands. He then drew his hands sharply apart, and the molten shard formed into an almost perfect staff, five feet long. Tossing it lightly into the air, Bais concentrated on the still-glowing staff, and readied a strike at Kupala.

At this point, however, Kupala had recovered from Krig’s strike, and he cut neatly through the staff with his claws, leaving four segments on the ground. A strike with his fist split the two longer segments lengthwise, and Kupala grinned.

Sweeping aside Krig’s next blow (and Krig) with his bo, Kupala picked up the segments and fitted each to the other until he had a rough approximation of a pair of skeletal legs, with the shorter segments serving as feet. “Attack!” Kupala’s dry word hung in the air for a brief moment, and the… thing leapt to life.

The eight-foot semblance of a skeleton kept Bais busy with a series of well-designed kicks, and Krystal had fired three times, each arrow piercing Kupala’s armor but doing no real damage. Krig was the only one now, really in the fight, parrying and attacking, Krig’s axe seemed a mere blur as the impassioned north-man flew deeper into his frenzy. Finally, Krig ended the stalemate, and as one of Kupala’s blows came down, Krig ignored it and cut into Kupala’s chest.

Both made contact, and Krig fell over, badly cut from Kupala’s claws. Apparently just realizing that numbers were not in his favor, Kupala fled, leaving behind a two-foot square of armor which Krig had cut clean off. As he ran off across the rift, the obsidian… thing collapsed for want of a leader and as it hit the ground, shattered into harmless scraps.

The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.

Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2001-08-19, 11:26 AM #260
What will happen now to our plucky heroes? What new dangers will they face? Will Noddo ever find true love? Who will win in the end? What--what? What do you mean "I can't narrate for TEW"? I'm a narrator, that's what I do! Oh fine, I'll go back to NeS then...

(NSP: I'll put an actual post up when I can. Oh yeah, and I'm back.)

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-08-20, 4:38 PM #261
(NSP: A Sem-Geb collaboration. Probably the last too *sniff* as I will be going to college the next week.)

As soon as Kupala had fled, Krystal bent over Krig to tend his wound. Realizing the extent of the gouge, Krystal immediately flew into action. The strike had been well placed cutting in just below his rib cage, exposing stout white bone among a bloody mass of fur and flesh. Reaching inside her belt pouch, Krystal pulled out a clump of ground leaves and pressed them over Krig’s wound to facilitate clotting. Reaching once again in her puch, Krystal pulled out some large bandages and wrapped them over and around the wound. Krystal frowned, not being content with her attempt at tending Krig’s mortal injury. She turned to Bais and saw that he was waving his arms in emphatic gestures. Sparks began to flow from his fingers, and coalesced into a ancient tome, the hard, faded cover still covered with dust. Brushing the layer of dust off the book, Bais began to flip through the many pages. Krystal looked upon Bais, wondering what he was planning to do, when Bais planted his finger on one of the pages and turned the tome over to Krystal. She stared at the ancient manuscript as if it were some practical joke, and looked to Bais for an answer.

“Second one to the bottom left,” Bais said. “It should do the trick.”

“I don’t know how to do this kind of…stuff,” Krystal protested. “This is your field of expertise, isn’t it?”

Bais paled. “You’re a healer! You heal!”

“I’ve never cast a spell in my life, you’ve cast spells for a hundred lifetimes!”

“There is more in common between an herbalist and a magical healer than a healer and a practitioner of the other Arcane Arts. Just read the spell.”

Krystal skimmed the sentences detailing how the spell was to be cast, and looked up to begin. Krig was taking off the bandages and getting to his feet. Noddo passed out. Bais smiled. Krystal flipped.

“What in the name of the LIVING EARTH just happened?” She demanded. And not without reason.

“You read the spell. Magic isn’t difficult. It just requires conviction. Wake up Noddo.”

“Owwww,” Noddo moaned. “Don’t touch my forehead. It hurts like hell,”

“You’ll be fine,” Bais grunted.

“What about my injuries?” Noddo persisted. “You’re going to cure me next, right?”

“Rub some dirt on it,” Bais said, then looking towards Krystal, he thought better. “I suppose you could use some more practice.”

Gaining confidence, Krystal focused her eyes on Noddo’s forehead. The red mark from Kupala’s attack faded away, and Noddo rubbed his forehead.

“Nice,” Noddo said to Krystal. “Thanks.”

(NSP: There’s a reason why this is left open, fellow writers. You all got da notes, now jump in the pool!)

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-08-20, 9:28 PM #262
(NSP: I was gonna post two days ago, but then I went to a friend's house for the night and went in to the nearest Big City the next day for a concertish thing. And just now I looked at the clock and it's 2:23 AM. Perhaps tomorrow...)

Read the Bible, it'll scare the hell out of you.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2001-08-21, 11:37 AM #263
The night grew dark and the hour grew late, but still Robert sat by his crackling fire. A depression over took him. He wasn’t married, he wasn’t seeing anyone, he had no real friends to speak of…

He had no purpose to his life. He had fallen into a tedious pattern of waking up, and then working till nightfall, then falling back asleep. And for what? Money. He didn’t need money, for his simple life. There was no reason to continue. He was just taking up space.

Subconsciously, Robert ran his finger along the dull edge of a crooked golden dagger with a jeweled handle. The knife had been his father’s. His father had had a purpose to life. He wasn’t a farmer, but rather a soldier, for the king’s armies. He had told Robert his adventurous escapades, his battles, even encounters with Demons and Angels and such. They were obviously exaggerated with hyperbole and lies, but they were interesting enough…

…until Robert’s Father died. The plague had taken his life like so many others of that time…

Suddenly, Robert felt something, a presence. As his neck hairs stood on end Robert whipped around and searched the room for someone. He stepped outside briefly and peered into the thick darkness. He saw nothing and stepped back inside and sat down again. As soon as he did we was treated to the mysterious sight of his fire suddenly diminishing and then disappearing, as if it had been snuffed out by a breeze that was not there.

Robert noticed that his heart was beating abnormally fast, and his breathing was becoming loud and quick. He nervously chuckled.

Ridiculous… I’m being ridiculous. I’m acting like a child, being immobilized by fears that are unfounde…

A crack penetrated the silence, and an entire wall of his house collapsed inward, slamming him to the ground and pinning him there. This probably saved his life. For a massive spinning bullet of black shot through the space where Robert had been standing.

Every action from there was instinctive for Robert. Not even thinking about the nature of a creature who would be able to smash down a wooden wall, and fly, Robert kicked up the wood that was pinning him down. The creature caught sight of him, but before it could attack him, Robert rolled and, aided by racing adrenaline, flung a large table at his attacker. The animal angrily snapped the table in two.

Robert used that distraction to hurl himself outside. Racing, he dove behind his cutting block, a massive stump from the remains of giant tree. Robert pried his gleaming axe from the block and tucked it behind the stump.

Seconds later, the monster stepped outside. It was there that Robert got his first real glimpse of it. It must have been 3 and a half meters tall. Thick rippling muscles bulged out from its sleek black skin. It had gleaming claws that were the size of daggers, and just as sharp. It’s teeth- or fangs would be a more accurate description, were equally sharp. The mouth foamed and snarled like a rabid dog. But this creature seemed much smarter, and more in control. The gleaming red orbs that served as eyes searched for Robert systematically, and it’s pig-like snout sniffed the air for his scent. Large tattered wings hung from it’s back- tattered but effective. But by far the most unusual feature on the brute was the way it seemed to take in light… and not return it.
Inevitably the creature finally saw Robert. It lifted itself into the air, and then lunged through the air towards Robert. With all the strength and skill that he could muster, he dodged the monster and at the same time brought the axe down on one of the creature’s wings, pinning the wing to the stump.

It was then Robert realized that he would be better inside his house, where the creatures size would give it a disadvantage, than outside where the Robert would surely be doomed.

The axe didn’t hold the creature for long. A flick of claw tossed the axe off of the stump and the creatures wing. It stepped back inside the house to continue it’s attack. It searched…

… a golden jeweled dagger was thrust through it’s chest. Robert has been wedged by the doorjamb and now held his father’s dagger. He turned the knive violently. Some kind of green fluid oozed out of the creature’s wound. The creature turned to Robert, and haggardly raised its claws. Then its eyes went dark, it wheezed, staggered and fell to the ground.

As soon as the creature died, time seemed to return to it’s usual speed. The sudden lack of adrenaline made Robert groggy. Robert collapsed on a wood stool, and caught his breath.

What was that?

Robert thought that it was probably some rare species of animal a reptile, or bear, that Robert hadn’t heard about. But while its manner seemed primal, its abilities did not. It seemed to have incredible abilities.
Unreal abilites. Supernatural abilites.

Robert caught himself. Supernatural? What was he thinking? But… there was no such thing…

Was there?

But if it was, what was its purpose. What was motive?

Why me?

[NSP: If you have anything that you want changed in this post, please say so! Thank you.]

May the Windex be with you
-Janitor Jack (Salk Wars)
"Your entire base belongs to us."
"It would be highly appreciated if someone would set the bomb up for us"
"Launch all of our ships, christened 'Zigs', to insure that justice will be achieved swiftly and powerfully."
2001-08-21, 3:15 PM #264
(NSP: Great work, J-Bob! Robert is shaping up to be a welcome addition to the TEW 'family' of characters. [] As per changes... so long as that creature that Robert did in wasn't a Demon, it's perfect. Y'know, 'cause Demons, for the purposes of this story, are eretheal beings that only take on corporeal forms when they feel the need to, and killing them by killing their corporeal form would be--unfeasable. Yeah, so long as the creature was something not-demon (perhaps the result of some twisted meddling with genetics and/or magic or something?) the story's clean continuity-wise.)

Read the Bible, it'll scare the hell out of you.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2001-08-21, 8:20 PM #265
On the horizion, the sun slowly sinks into the mountians. The only sorce of light is that being given off by the Rift. It's magnitude of colors make everything seem to come to life. Rocks seem to move from place to place. Shadows dance a long forgotten and ancient dance of pain and anguish. But the most noticable thing about the coming night, is the deafening sound heard overhead. The sound of a hundred men being put to their deaths all at once, a mass genocide. Above the Rift learks a dark figure, flying in circles.



and hoping....

On the side of the mountain where the rift resides learks yet another figure. This figure is working it's way up to cliff to the top. It looks up and realizes that the edge is close than thought. After a few more feet of climb, the figure is standing on top of the Rift and looks around. It looks up as it hears a very vicious sound from above.

"He's here, I knew I'd find him someday." The figure speaks as it steadliy gazes at the flying shadow above.



and Hopeing....

(Yes I'm also gonna write for this, just got finish with reading the past 7 pages, as Krig would say....Eyes tired....Goto Sleep....Talk later....)

"I can become enraged like Vegeta, if i smile, run...................very fast."
-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
"Semper Fi"

-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
2001-08-21, 9:35 PM #266
(NSP: Hoo-ray! Shawn's now officially in the fray. And I really have to wonder what the two characters are (if they are related to the events happening in the Rift, please e-mail Sem and I your plans, so as to make sure it can be worked in smoothly).

Also, because I believe there may be some confusion as to what the Rift looks like, here's the best description I can give. Imagine an isolated valley, with a tear/hole in the middle. The tear/hole itself is only most likely a mile to two miles wide and 5-7 miles long (running north-southish), and surrounding the hole is a mountain-range, mostly formed by volcanic upheaval from the earth. All because BELOW the Rift area is the former Arena (the arena used in the last Decimillenial Battle), which is in the shape of a star of David (hexagon being the playing field, each triangle a box seat and a prep room for teh respective Eternal Forces), and from point to point, is 15 miles long and wide. Correct me if I'm wrong on any of the measurements, Sem.

So anywhos, the Rift is simply the collapsed earth that was above the former Arena, which being made of the same stuff as angels and all, is partially embedded in the molten rock/mantle level, hence the violent volcanic mountain range surrounding it and such. Hope that clarifies it a bit better for everyone. If only I were skilled and patient enough to draw a good map...)

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-08-27, 12:56 PM #267
(The following is a Geb/Sem/Krig production. Yes, that's right, it took three people to write this one in-between type post. You'd better enjoy it.)

"We should make our way to the operational transit system now, before Kupala reaches it," Bais said.

"The what?" Noddo spoke up,still weakened.

Bais sighed. "The way out of the Arena, Noddo."

"Good," Noddo said. "The less time I have to be here, the better. I just hope we don't run into the others."

"Don't you care at all that there's an evil force that threatens us all here?" Krystal said in anger.

"Sure I do," Noddo said. "I just like living a little more right now."

"Fish man." Krig said, looking past them.

"Fish man?" Bais questioned.

"There," Krig pointed to a figure speeding towards them. "Fish man."

"What's a fish man?" Noddo wispered to Krystal.

"I guess we'll find out," she responded. The speeding figure halted in front of them, his dark cape swirling out in front of him. When the cape fell, they could see a man nearing the end of his prime, garbed in dark greens and blues, his hair jet black and his skin copper. The figure eyed each of them, noticed Krig, and stooped to his level to examine him.

"How'd you manage to live for so many years," the figure muttered to himself. "Unless you've gained some immense magic power while I was unaware..."

"Krig use axe," Krig said to the figure, holding out his axe to show. Krig then turned to the others, still speaking to the figure. "Krig help
friends, like Krig do before for fish man."

"The name is Orca, Krig" the figure said. "I really wish you'd stop calling me that."

"You're Space Orca?" Bais demanded, hands poised to cast a spell if needed. "You're one of the detestable characters who plotted against Merlin!"

"Do shut up!" Orca said, somewhat annoyed. "I'm here to stop the
evil band from upsetting our upcomming battle. An aim to which you are also driving, correct?"

"Perhaps..." Bais said warily.

"Then we should work together and put a stop to their plans," Orca stated. "Follow me,"

Orca began to walk towards the center of the vast Arena. Krig trailed after him, followed by Bais, Amry, and Noddo with not a little reluctance.

"Why do I feel an impending sense of doom?" Noddo wispered to Krystal.
By the western side of the Arena, Amry, Stanin, and Saatch searched for
Noddo, with Jim, their angelic supervisor, at their side.

"Why won't you just tell us where he is?" Amry pleaded with Jim.

"I told you," Jim said. "You have to trust me that we'll find him later,
and that it's for the better that we move on without looking for him."

"How can you be so sure?" Stanin asked him.

"I'm an angel," Jim said. "We're kind of... in the loop. You hear things."

"Look!" Saatch yelled. The group could make out a running figure, clad in
shiny armor. As the figure came closer, they saw that the armor was gold and silver, that the man had blond hair, and that he was wielding a sword and shield. The man seemed to notice them as well, Jim in particular.

"You!" the figure yelled. "I want to know what kind of test that was you
put me through. I never saw any damsel in distress!"

"Jirverak," Jim addressed the figure. "You obviously didn't succeed if you couldn't find the trapped woman in that scene." Jirverak was obviously furiated, but Jim quickly added "Nevermind that trial now though, you will be able to prove yourself better I'm sure in the upcoming trial. One we are all involved in."

"Which is?" Jirverak inquired. "And who are these other people?"

"These other people are being tested, jsut like you, my friend," Jim said. "Amry Embos, Stanin eth Calenb, and Saatch. I see the Northman is not with you."

"He didn't follow me," Jirverak said.

"No matter, we'll find him with Noddo, I should think," Jim stated.

"What now?" Amry asked.

"We'll be making our way to the center of this forum, in the Arena," Jim
said. "But before so, we need to wait for one more person."

"Who?" Saatch asked.

"Him," Jim responded, pointing south. Another figure was making his way
towards them, and as the figure approached, his autumn-colored robes could
be made out, as well as the staff he was carrying. Several grey, flat stones also hung from his neck. The figure stopped a few meters from the group, ready to defend himself.

"My name is Diaszu," the figure announced. "What is your purpose here?"

"To stop an evil force from carrying out their plans of sabotage," Stanin

"That is what the messengers of Nature sent me here to do as well..." Diaszu said.

"Nature..." Jim growled, his face dropping into a frown.

"What's wrong?" Saatch asked Jim. "I thought nature was a part of

"Half-breeds," Jim said in an angry tone. "They also dabble in Evil. Sly bunch, Nature is. And there's so many other complications... I have nothing against you yet, though." Jim said to Diaszu. "We'll need all the help we can get. We should be moving on then."

Jim and Stanin took the lead as they made their way to the center of the Arena, followed by Diaszu, Jirverak, Saatch, and Amry.

"Why do I feel an impending sense of doom?" Amry whispered to Saatch.

[This message has been edited by Krig_the_Viking (edited August 27, 2001).]
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2001-08-28, 3:58 AM #268
And somewhere close by, Kronaemix hid behind a rock, waiting for the forces of good and evil to collide so he could strut his stuff []

Joking, joking...I'll be watching for my cue though!
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-08-28, 8:52 AM #269
Well, I'll post once we actually get to the battle, since I still am not clear about what Stanin's role is, except in being imprisoned by the Ebon Skull. []

Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-08-29, 8:27 PM #270
(NSP: Yes, such a short post, but I just wanted to make sure that you all (the writers) got the e-mail regarding the upcoming (like right now) Rift battle (about requests for writing any certain parts, etc.) If you didn't get it for some reason, e-mail me, and I'll tell you, and if you have any questions, ask. But in intersts of keeping this moving along, I need your requests by Friday night--otherwise, I'll be posting the next bit with the start of the battle-ordeal. And not that I don't love NSP's, cuz I do, but e-mail me with any response you have--NSP's only needlessly raise the page and post count on this--this ain't NeS after all [] Hope the start of your school year has been as good as mine *I starting in college for my first year, as is Highemperor and Dark Lancer*, and also keep Sem in your prayers as he is taking a heavy work load his senior year, and most likely will be contributing to TEW more through me than himself--of course, any of you can feel free to do the same and I will give you credit for your parts. And for Highemp, check out Battle for the Nexus if you haven't already--it reminds me personally of an intriguing combination of Saga of the 3rd War and this story. Hope to hear from you all *emphisising on Krystal* soon!)

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-09-01, 8:08 PM #271
(NSP from Geb: This is a Geb-Krig-Highemperor collaboration (Krig and Highemperor editing and I writing the gist of it).
If any of the writers need the bios for the characters in TEW, e-mail me and I'll send you a copy (with no messed-up spacing either!) and you can each in turn reply if there are parts missing/inaccurate/etc. If someone could, make sure Krystal responds to whether she's going to post anytime soon (we like da female writers!), I'd appreciate that as well. With
that out of the way, here it is!)

Within the ancient expanse of the former Arena, two arrays of people were in search of an evil force, both drawing closer to the center of the vast, enormous chamber. Slowly, they closed in on the center, one group led by Space Orca, followed by Krig, Bais, Krystal, and Noddo, and the other group directed by Jim, with Stanin by his side, Jirverak, Diaszu, Saatch, and Amry keeping up behind them. Kronaemix watched both from a far distance, waiting for the evidence that he needed before making his move officially, in accordance to the H-sighting the Master Judge Semievil told him. What awaited them at the center would test all their character and ability.
Trailing behind Space Orca and Krig, who guarded against any danger ahead,
Bais kept a watchful eye between those in front, primarily Orca, and those close behind to either side. Krystal kept her bow nocked and ready at her side, her vision obviously focused on what had happened and what was to come. Noddo, having searched through the Evil preparation room before heading off, was focused solely on the exotic weapons he had taken with him.

Turning them over in his hands, Noddo was studying the detail of the
weapons. A sai-like design, each a little over a foot in total length, with the color of blood, yet shimmering like the Arena. As he fiddled more, Noddo held the two handles together at their ends and with a clink, the two weapons became one. Noddo allowed a smile for
himself, and continued to play with it, now using it like a one-handed staff. He also found that by pushing the thin hilts on each side of the blades, he could cover the blades with the hilts, and it seemed that it was also able to be used as a boomerang...

Noddo jerked back into attention as Bais' foot kicked his leg. When he looked up, he noticed that Bais looked upon the weapons he held as if it were something that could infect him.

" 'ey now!" Noddo said to Bais. "These babies are for a good cause. You
remember that."

Bais did not change his disapproving face though, but instead simply looked the other way. Noddo shrugged it off, and pocketed his new weapons with the throwing stars he had picked up as well.
At the opposite side of the enormous chamber, Jim and Stanin took the lead as the others kept their own guard. It was quite apparent that Stanin wanted nothing more than a one-on-one talk with Jim. After all, Jim was an angel, and who better to ask when searching for God? Stanin pulled out a dusty leather journal from his travel bag, along with a pen, and was about to open the pages when his face turned blank, as if he forgot what he was planning to do. Looking at the journal in confusion, he turned to Jim, ready to talk, when Jim interjected first.

"You're going to ask if what you're holding is the key to finding God and if that is what you have written or if it's someone else's, right?"

"Yes," Stanin said with enthusiasm. "Can you tell me?"

"No," Jim shot back. Stanin's high hopes plummeted back down to reality, and he shoved the journal back into his bag.

[This message has been edited by Krig_the_Viking (edited September 04, 2001).]
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2001-09-03, 6:57 AM #272
(NSP: Just a 'lil one though. A slight incongruity in that last post- Bais doesn't have a staff right now. He made one for the last fight, but it got broken.)

The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.

Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2001-09-03, 11:52 AM #273
A beautiful sunrise graced the sky above Cylerna, but Robert didn’t care. Instead he slowly brought his horse and his wagon to The Orc tavern. Fatigued and battered he slowly opened the door, and looked around.

Few patrons where in the bar at this early in the morning. But the one he wanted was there, predictably. The man sat in his usual secluded spot, at the far east corner of the bar, his face to the wall. His bow and arrow leaned against the knotty wood. He had a drink, but didn’t touch it.

Robert made his way over to the man, and sat next to him, quietly.

The man turned to Robert, looked him up and down and smiled, “Robert… I’m surprised to find you talking to me…”

Robert grimaced. He stayed away from the man usually, because of both his odd ideas and his odd smell. “Glarn… something’s happened.”

Glarn, instead of farming like most of the inhabitants of Cylerna, was an avid hunter. Every day he would go out in the forest with his bow, and return with loads of game. But instead of simply looking for the easy game- the rabbits, the deer, Glarn would search for the rare ones, the ferocious bear, the white stag. If anyone would know what attacked Robert, Glarn would.

Glarn again, stared at Robert- at the tears in his clothes, and at the nasty scar on his leg. “Yes… something has happened. What has befallen the ‘great philosopher’ today?” Glarn let out a hacking laugh.

Robert was not amused. “Glarn. I think you need to see something”

Robert pulled back the cloth on his wagon, revealing the twisted, morbid, form of the creature. Glarn leaned over, to look at it, and then jumped back- uttering a vile curse.

“Alright, Glarn.” Robert motioned to the creature. “What is it…”

Glarn mused, mumbling something. He touched the cold hilt of Robert’s Father’s dagger, still in the demons chest. “This Frederick’s?”

Robert nodded, choked up.

“I knew the man. He was a valiant warrior…” He trailed off, mumbling incoherently. Clumsily, Glarn changed the subject. “You seemed to have caught yer’self quite an animal.”

Robert chuckled nervously. “So what is it? Bird, bear, reptile?”

Glarn shook his head. “I’ve never shot… or even seen anything like it. But I’ve heard of them…”

Robert laughed “Don’t tell me you think it’s a Demon, Glarn!”

“Of course not. You killed it, quite easily.”

Lifting up his pant leg, Robert ran his hand along his scar. “You call that easily.”

Glarn ignored him and continued. “If my guess is correct. It’s an Imp.”

“An… Imp?”

Glarn explained. “A demonic pet. Not very powerful, but fueled by thoughts of spite and anger. It appears as if something commanded the Imp to play ‘fetch’ with you. And you were the stick.”
Robert turned to Glarn and angrily stuck his finger on Glarn’s chest. “Don’t give me that. I don’t want to hear that same mythical thing… something that doesn’t even exist, was the thing that attacked me and gave me this very tangible scar! I’m not going to bow to such stupidity, I’m not as gullible as the others! Just take your anachronistic beliefs elsewhere. Come back when your ready to be rational…”

Ignoring Robert’s outburst, Glarn turned his head to the sky. “Hmm… quick change of weather.”

The sunrise had been replaced by a blanket of dark clouds, and Robert felt a few drops of rain kiss his neck. Seconds later, the buckets of rain fell upon the two men… lightning flashed along the horizon, illuminating the fields of heather.

A chill ran down Robert’s spine.

The same chill he had felt last night.

May the Windex be with you
-Janitor Jack (Salk Wars)
"Your entire base belongs to us."
"It would be highly appreciated if someone would set the bomb up for us"
"Launch all of our ships, christened 'Zigs', to insure that justice will be achieved swiftly and powerfully."
2001-09-03, 1:52 PM #274
(NSP: This is a collaboration between myself and Sem. Feel free to have the rest draw ready for combat and have the Kron bit and all after this, and anyone's fighting. Just don't do anything with Jirverak or Noddo (unless Sem or myself ask you to) Thanks.)

“This is the center of the Arena,” Bais said. At the moment, only Space Orca stood by him, and by the looks of it, Bais was rather annoyed to be standing still.

“But where are the evil forces?” Orca asked himself. “I can sense they’re very close…”

Space Orca eyed his surroundings. The mile-wide triangle that they stood on appeared very differently than the rest of the Arena. The multi-colored glow that shimmered elsewhere was faded to a dull, brittle gray, rock and volcanic remnants from above littered the ground, and the area as a whole looked used and torn. He noticed that the ground that he stood on fell away on either side of him, and the edges of the ground met to a point south of him. He then immediately saw them.

Three figures, one demonic, one that seemed to be undead, and one in a violet dress, female Orca guessed from this distance. One could never make quick judgement on character, he reminded himself. They were the evil forces, Orca realized, and wasting no time, he charged at them, blade drawn to attack.
Krystal, now caught up to where Bais was, stopped next to him.

“How much farther do you think until we find the evil forces, whatever—“ Krystla said. She stopped when Bais continued to simply stare in one direction. Krystal turned to follow his eyes.
“So can we run the plan over again?” Kupala said to the demonic creature.

The demon was about to speak when he turned around and noticed a figure, clad in blue and green, charging at them.

“They’re here early…” the demon growled. He turned to the female. “Get ready Yarilo, in case the fool goes for you instead of Kupala or myself.”

The figure, now only several feet away, sped towards the demon figure. Just as the charging person was about to strike, the demon flattened to the floor. The charging figure halted on top of the demon, unable to determine what had happened. A moment later, the demon clasped on to the figures legs, stood and flipped him onto the center of a circle inscribed in the floor. Before the figured garbed in green and blue could stand up, beams shot out of the ground, arching above the center of the circle, each connecting to make arches surrounding him. From the center, a glow much like the Arena flickered down back to the points on the circle.

“The others will be arriving very soon now, Ebon Skull” Yarilo commented to the demon.

“Let them come,” Ebon Skull said.
On a side of the triangular ground, where Bais and Krystal stood, Jim and Jirverak approached.

“”Look Jim!” Jirverak exclaimed, pointing at Ebon Skull. “That demon must be behind the evil forces we want to stop.”

“Yes,” Jim said with a hint of depression. “Stay behind and help the others, Jirverak. Ok?”

Jirverak nodded, and before he could think about changing his mind, Jim began sprinting towards Ebon Skull. At a still good distance away, Jim skipped off the ground, now flying low to the ground. Ebon Skull only had time to turn around and block with his arms before Jim tackled him. Ebon Skull’s wings and cape closed around Jim and himself from the force, and the two seemed to disappear as they were reaching the cliff’s edge.
“Damn!” Yarilo yelled. “We need to find the other guy Ebon Skull told us to trap before the rest of them get here.”

“Yes,” Kupala hissed. “The party that I encountered before are waiting to attack over there, even the little furry one… They’re missing the pansy that unlocked the door for me. Too bad, I was hoping to repay the chap.” Kupala’s smile was hideously disfigured.

“There he is!” Yarilo said, motioning to where Jirverak was. A tall man with a travel bag and a sword that emanated blue and gold was standing by Jirverak now though, as well as a young man garbed in autumn colored clothes, carrying a staff. “The one with the bag,” Yarilo told Kupala. “Look, he’s even making his way towards the other group, by himself.”

“Let me take care of him…” Kupala muttered. With that, Kupala charged at the lone man.
“Stanin, look out!” Jirverak he ran toward him. Stanin turned to see both Kupala and Jirverak running towards him, their weapons out. Stanin didn’t have the time to defend himself as Kupala was closing the final few feet. Jirverak stepped in front of Stanin right before Kupala could stab Stanin with his claws. Kupala however, stabbed Jirverak through his armor and into his heart. Jirverak held his ground and kept Kupala from advancing towards Stanin. Jirverak slumped to the ground, his body still and facing upwards.

With no time to mourn, Stanin stood ready to defend himself. Fustrated, Kupala switches to his staff. Stanin took the initiative and swung his blade at Kupala. Ignoring the attack, Kupala used his staff and shoved it between Stanin’s legs, and as the blade came in contact with his shoulder, Kupala lifted the staff over his head, sending Stanin soaring towards Yarilo. A bit surprised, Yarilo quickly sent Stanin sliding towads a certaian spot using telekinesis. The bars surrounded Stanin as they did Orca. Kupala began to drag Jirverak toward the two cages, with Stanin’s travel bag hanging by a claw.


[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited September 04, 2001).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-09-03, 2:12 PM #275
Stanin cautiously brought one of his fingers next to the glowing bars of energy. The hairs on it were instantly seared off. He then sheathed his hands in magic and grabbed the bars.

And screamed.

This was truly demonic! A cage that could cause him pain even through a magical shield.

He quickly let go, and turned around to see Orca staring at him bemusedly. "Well, you try it and see how it feels!" Stanin retorted.

"Actually," Orca said, "I take it as something of a compliment. These three beings of evil recognize that we are the most powerful of the group and thus seek to contain us, preventing us from turning the tide of the battle."

Stanin replied, "But what do they want?"

"I think," Orca said, indicating with his eyes behind Stanin, "we are about to find out."

A woman in a violet dress sneered at them. Yarilo. "Stanin eth Calenb," she called out, "give us the information we desire and we shall set you free."

Stanin considered the possibility, then rejected it. They might let him go now, but what about later? "No."

Yarilo considered, apparently used to this kind of resistance, then turned a sultry glare upon him. "It's been a while since you had children, Stanin."

Stanin said curtly, "I have never had children."

"Oh, but you have," Yarilo said, "A beautiful young daughter. . ."

In the back of Stanin's mind, a vague vision of a girl appeared, a girl surrounded by flame, a girl with melting flesh, a girl screaming his name. . .

"Wouldn't you like to have more children?" Yarilo asked seductively. "I will bear yours if only you tell me."

But the grief that Stanin suddenly remembered, despite having no memory to attach it to, quelled any desire he might have had for the temptress. That, and the thought of Melantha.

Through tears for which he could not remember the cause, he said between clenched teeth, "Never."

Yarilo was shocked. Never before had anyone resisted her advances. "Tell me," she screamed, "or I will tear you limb from limb! Tell me - where is the matrix?!"

Stanin stared at her dumbly, and finally managed, "What?"

"The matrix, you blubbering fool! The matrix of Volsang!"

Stanin nearly laughed. "Ha! I remember that wizard. He had substantial power, but nothing like a matrix. What is this supposed matrix anyway?"

Yarillo glared at him. "Do you presume to mock me?! You and I both know what you mean! The matrix of power that Volsang gathered before the Second War!"

Stanin shook his head. "Sorry, but I don't remember anything of the Second War, though I've heard tell of it."

Frustrated, Yarilo turned away, seeking another way into Stanin's psyche. . .

Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-09-04, 3:21 AM #276
(NSP: The battle{s} going on right now are thick and confusing, so I'll wait before the post that goes something like, "Suddenly, Kronaemix stepped between them" before making my move.)
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2001-09-05, 10:45 AM #277
Ebon Skull falling down the cliff toward the magma spread his black leathery bat like wings wide, an impressive wingspan of 4 meters. Soaring away from the magma, he swooped back up to Jim who was already using his wings to soar toward the demon again.
The demon grunted as the angel pushed into him again, desperately. Yes... Ebon Skull could taste the desperation. Jim was nothing but an insect to him; the angel's only hope was to finish him off quickly.
Not that was going to happen.
Ebon Skull held out his left hand, spoke a word of dark magic, and, with a green flash, a hammer shimmered into existence in his hand. The Blackhammer. He swung it at Jim, who ducked and kicked him in the groin.
The demon merely grinned. "You've been around mortals too long, Jim. Have you forgotten that we ethereal beings have no vulnerable reproductive and excretory systems?"
Howling, Jim shot at him, but Ebon Skull twirled around, his cape enveloping him, and he simply disappeared. Cautiously, Jim looked around. Where could he be? He undoubtedly had a trick up his sleeve. It wasn't long before he saw a dark shape in the sky that could only be the demon swooping down at him.
The angel spread his wings wide to fly up to meet him in mid-air, when Ebon Skull hit him in the head with the Blackhammer from behind. The other Ebon Skull, merely an illusion, disappeared. The demon smiled a ghastly smile as Jim fell limply down toward the magma. Since he was an angel and made of adamantite, the lava would not hurt him, but he was out of the picture for now.
A head stuck out over the pit, a head with wispy gray hairs, a head with a frightened yet somehow determined smile.
"Saatch!" Ebon Skull roared. "You have something that belongs to me!"
The old man replied defiantly, "you shall never get it."
Ebon Skull rushed up through the air and grabbed Saatch by the throat, causing him to clucth at the demon's gnarled hands. "Yes, I shall, even if I must take it from your frail dead body, traitor."
"No," another voice came from above, "you hsall not."
Ebon Skull looked up to see a powerful angel with teal eyes swooping down upon him. This newcomer sliced his blade through the demon's arm (the one that was holding Saatchby the throat), cutting it off.
Saatch gasped in relief, as he began prying the stiff fingers of the dismembered hand off of his neck.
Kronaemix locked his lightsaber with Ebon's blackhammer, both growling ferociously. "What are you doing, fallen one?!" the demon demanded. "I heard you were working for the Judge now! YOu have no right to engage in this battle!"
"Oh, but I do," the angel replied. "You have violated Codes 13698.45.111 and 47093.87.329 of the Contract of Conduct of the Battle of the Ages."
"You are attempting to take away power from the other powers, which violates the first code. You are attempting to use this power for your own good. Just one of those qualifies as a H-sighting."
"No!" Ebon Skull screamed. "Volsang's matrix will be mine!"
They locked into a deadly battle.
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
2001-09-05, 1:35 PM #278
(NSP: Seems you have your opening now, officer Kronaemix. But what evil FBI agent will stop Kronaemix, I wonder...*coughSol'iqcough* Also, its my fault for not saying something, butKrig wanted to write the fight between Jim and Ebon (course, we can't really go back now), but I had hoped that Ebon would not fight the mortals (at first at least) and let Kupala and Yarilo (who are more than capable) handle it. If the "good" guys get the upper hand though, Ebon can step back in (and until then, he can interrogate Stanin or something). And I'd like to request if I could post after TLTE does his post. Thanks.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2001-09-05, 2:20 PM #279
In a fiery pit beyond time and space lay an immense monster. A dragon. A behemoth.

He lay in the flaming lava as he had for ages, since before Time began, as he would until Time ended. But, if he had things his way, he would get free soon.

He - or perhaps it was a better term - laid back - and remembered.

Back in the old days, before Time began, before Space existed, before Creation was, before being came into being, there were two.

One said, "I am that I am."

The other said, "I am all that I am not."

Order. Chaos. Two opposing forces that must inevitably clash.

The One, who called Himself God, created Lucifer and Gaia to assist Him in His neverending battle. But Lucifer and Gaia rebelled, seeking their own paths. But the Three came from the One, and all Three were of Order. But the Other was Chaos.

The Three banded together before Creation to battle the Other. The one time when they worked toward a common goal. They succeeded. They bound the Other, tossed him into this fiery pit, where he was cursed to remain for all time.

God being the King of Order, constantly used much of his power to contain the Other, though Lucifer (now Satan) and Gaia contributed. That was why God was equal in the eternal war. So much of his power was devoted to keeping trapped the Other.

The Leviathan, Master of Chaos.


Leviathan yawned in his flaming pit. The flames didn't hurt him, they just kept him from emerging in his full glory. He could possess someone mortal, one of his followers within the bounds of the Three's creation, but he would be at a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of his power.

His plan was to possess one of his mortal followers and somehow destroy the Three Eternal Powers of Order in the upcoming eternal war, in his weakened state. But, if he won that way, the world would resist his chaos, saying he hadn't rightfully won.

Thus, he would possess a mortal to enter the eternal war - as a champion of evil, their beliefs were easiest to swallow - and defeat them all on the immortal battlefield.

Then he, Leviathan, would reign supreme once more as Master of Chaos!

Saidelor woke up in a cold sweat. He was twenty-two, and ever since his twelfth birthday, he had been having that same dream every night. He wondered if it were true. What if he were Leviathan? Assuming that he wasn't even a myth? He had been exhibiting magical powers lately. All about turning ordered structures into chaos. Not extremely powerful, at least not yet, but it was there. . .

Two years later

Shaidelor stood at the entrance to the Rift. He was now firmly convinced that he was Leviathan in mortal form, destined to defeat the Three and take over the universe once and for all.

For now, he had to pose as a would-be champion of evil.

He walked in, up to the temptress Yarilo, flashed her a devilish smile, and said, "Need any help, sweetcheeks?"

The Lord of Shadows lives ...
The Lord of Shadows lives ...
2001-09-05, 5:12 PM #280
(NSP: MAJOR major conflict here Dark-Lancer: There is no lava inside the arena. None. The cliff ends in the floor. Not lava.

Also, as we have removed all the last vestiges of Star-Wars from the story (last time I checked) Kronaemix does not have a lightsaber.

I'm making this an NSP and not an E-mail because ALL of you need to see it *and* remember it! The volcanos are outside the people are inside!

There is no lightsaber (or spoon for that matter), and there are 4 (by my last count) likely heros who would not be likely to stand around watching all this with disintrest, but for some inexplicable reason have apparently just sat down to tea and biscuts while they watch their friends DIE!

If you all need questions answered before you post, e-mail me. e-mail Geb. e-mail Krig. e-mail J2P2 for all I care, but communicate with someone and get questions answered. Thanks.)
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!

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