Revised Andamantite recipe:
To be combined in the body of a pure warrior in as follows
Spiritual qualities will be combined by hammering on the HeavenForge, HellForge, and EarthenForge respectively.
Physical qualities may be combined on any ordinary anvil, but require a hammer crafted by an undead creature of good heart. (You’ll see where that’s going in a moment)
The resulting alloy is adamantium- it bears the unfortunate quality of not being indestructible, so in the last step, the adamantium is worked into a wire of sorts, through which the HOPEFUL(the whole idea here being that hope is what makes things indestructible- again you’ll see where that’s going in a moment) prayer of a being of pure mind (here’s to Krig) is to be channeled.
Sem was had returned to his place in the Plane of Power and had begun to look over and compile the information he had collected. He was only about half way through the first file (So'liq) when he became quite disturbed by an image of what So'liq had in store for Kronaemix. (NSP: the tense there is supposed to indicate a vision of the future taken in the past, it's referring to the cross, back to the story)
Donning his impartial outfit, Sem teleported out of the Plane of Power and into the throne room- this would never do. So'liq was breaking all the rules... well some of them... Sem was sure that he was breaking at least one, and was resolved to put an end to it. Besides, getting to use his power was the part of his job he liked, AND he needed Kronaemix for his own purposes.
The throne room was thrown into confusion as the portal opened into it and Sem, gray-cloaked, and rather plain for all his power, stepped out. Sem turned immediately to So'liq and streached out the head of his staff, the skull's gem eyes glittering with energy. So'liq brandished his staff in return, but it had no effect.
So'liq's eyes were filled with a memory that had been erased from his mind almost entirely
As soon as So'liq closed the door, he was blinded by an incredible light. As his vision returned he made out some dim outlines, and a very large, gem-eyed skull suddenly flew towards him. It bit deeply into his chin, and the eyes gazed even deeper into his. Then the skull let go and drew back, and So'liq could see that it was on the end of a staff. He very vaguely wondered why he wasn't bleeding- he was sure he had been bitten straight through to the bone, when a shield bearing a cross slammed into his face, stunning him quite severly. He watched as the figure stepped through the door without opening it, and heard muffled crunches and thuds that he assumed to be the sound of Kronaemix suffering the same fate. The staff and shield passed by So'liq once more, and this time he noticed they were bound together by an odd assortment of vines before the set finally disappeared and his vision fully returned.
So'liq was stunned into non-action by the suddeness of the image, and the others remained motionless out of a sudden, unnatural gripping fear that Sem was issuing from the cross on his shield.
Orca alone was unaffected by the fear, but took no action against Sem, rather seemed frozen by a bitter apathy as the hope drained out of him and into Sem's staff. Sem then took a small gem from his cloak and slipped it into the skull's jaw. the gem became energized with a hopefull-looking glow, and Sem stepped through the portal again, throwing the gem at the now dead form of Kronaemix, restoring it to a slavish immortality.
As the portal closed, a sort of new sense of profound order settled into the minds of all those present. The angel had ripped the cross to shreds as he climbed down, his eyes burning a bitter red. He stepped over Orca, who had become so overwhelmed by apathy that he was now laid out across the floor, not having the will to even lift his head.
Kronaemix, with his newfound indestructability, approached So'liq with a slow, deliberate manner, and spoke briefly, but powerfully in the monotone voice of the undead. "I will take from you every drop of blood that you have taken from me, every drop that you have ever taken from any living creature, and every drop of blood that you will ever take for so long as you may further live. You should be very grateful for your blood-link to Lucifer now."
Kronaemix pulled So'liq's arm out of his socket and stripped it to the bone. The bleeding stump left on So'liq's torso caused him to cry out in extraordinary pain, but it was cut short as Kronaemix beat So'liq into a bloody, writhing pulp with his own bone.
(NSP: So'liq is not dead, he'll recover pretty quickly when the undead angel leaves his presence. I'm thinking that the next scene should be something with Satan confronting Sem- he overstepped the rules a bit here, but it should come out as more of a pettition than a reprimand, because each of the three powers knows that if they get Sem going against them the other two will gladly join in and three on one are not good odds.
At the same time if they destroy Sem, then the Plane of Power has no keeper, and the power of the universe (now held by the three and Sem alone) would be redistributed among all the inhabitants of the universe, meaning alot less for the three. I'm kinda spent, so whoever wants to write it, please do.)
The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.
Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!
[This message has been edited by Semievil333 (edited March 03, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Semievil333 (edited March 03, 2001).]
well, that's alot of errors..=P please forgive any that I've missed
[This message has been edited by Semievil333 (edited March 03, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Semievil333 (edited April 30, 2001).]
To be combined in the body of a pure warrior in as follows
Spiritual qualities will be combined by hammering on the HeavenForge, HellForge, and EarthenForge respectively.
Physical qualities may be combined on any ordinary anvil, but require a hammer crafted by an undead creature of good heart. (You’ll see where that’s going in a moment)
The resulting alloy is adamantium- it bears the unfortunate quality of not being indestructible, so in the last step, the adamantium is worked into a wire of sorts, through which the HOPEFUL(the whole idea here being that hope is what makes things indestructible- again you’ll see where that’s going in a moment) prayer of a being of pure mind (here’s to Krig) is to be channeled.
Sem was had returned to his place in the Plane of Power and had begun to look over and compile the information he had collected. He was only about half way through the first file (So'liq) when he became quite disturbed by an image of what So'liq had in store for Kronaemix. (NSP: the tense there is supposed to indicate a vision of the future taken in the past, it's referring to the cross, back to the story)
Donning his impartial outfit, Sem teleported out of the Plane of Power and into the throne room- this would never do. So'liq was breaking all the rules... well some of them... Sem was sure that he was breaking at least one, and was resolved to put an end to it. Besides, getting to use his power was the part of his job he liked, AND he needed Kronaemix for his own purposes.
The throne room was thrown into confusion as the portal opened into it and Sem, gray-cloaked, and rather plain for all his power, stepped out. Sem turned immediately to So'liq and streached out the head of his staff, the skull's gem eyes glittering with energy. So'liq brandished his staff in return, but it had no effect.
So'liq's eyes were filled with a memory that had been erased from his mind almost entirely
As soon as So'liq closed the door, he was blinded by an incredible light. As his vision returned he made out some dim outlines, and a very large, gem-eyed skull suddenly flew towards him. It bit deeply into his chin, and the eyes gazed even deeper into his. Then the skull let go and drew back, and So'liq could see that it was on the end of a staff. He very vaguely wondered why he wasn't bleeding- he was sure he had been bitten straight through to the bone, when a shield bearing a cross slammed into his face, stunning him quite severly. He watched as the figure stepped through the door without opening it, and heard muffled crunches and thuds that he assumed to be the sound of Kronaemix suffering the same fate. The staff and shield passed by So'liq once more, and this time he noticed they were bound together by an odd assortment of vines before the set finally disappeared and his vision fully returned.
So'liq was stunned into non-action by the suddeness of the image, and the others remained motionless out of a sudden, unnatural gripping fear that Sem was issuing from the cross on his shield.
Orca alone was unaffected by the fear, but took no action against Sem, rather seemed frozen by a bitter apathy as the hope drained out of him and into Sem's staff. Sem then took a small gem from his cloak and slipped it into the skull's jaw. the gem became energized with a hopefull-looking glow, and Sem stepped through the portal again, throwing the gem at the now dead form of Kronaemix, restoring it to a slavish immortality.
As the portal closed, a sort of new sense of profound order settled into the minds of all those present. The angel had ripped the cross to shreds as he climbed down, his eyes burning a bitter red. He stepped over Orca, who had become so overwhelmed by apathy that he was now laid out across the floor, not having the will to even lift his head.
Kronaemix, with his newfound indestructability, approached So'liq with a slow, deliberate manner, and spoke briefly, but powerfully in the monotone voice of the undead. "I will take from you every drop of blood that you have taken from me, every drop that you have ever taken from any living creature, and every drop of blood that you will ever take for so long as you may further live. You should be very grateful for your blood-link to Lucifer now."
Kronaemix pulled So'liq's arm out of his socket and stripped it to the bone. The bleeding stump left on So'liq's torso caused him to cry out in extraordinary pain, but it was cut short as Kronaemix beat So'liq into a bloody, writhing pulp with his own bone.
(NSP: So'liq is not dead, he'll recover pretty quickly when the undead angel leaves his presence. I'm thinking that the next scene should be something with Satan confronting Sem- he overstepped the rules a bit here, but it should come out as more of a pettition than a reprimand, because each of the three powers knows that if they get Sem going against them the other two will gladly join in and three on one are not good odds.
At the same time if they destroy Sem, then the Plane of Power has no keeper, and the power of the universe (now held by the three and Sem alone) would be redistributed among all the inhabitants of the universe, meaning alot less for the three. I'm kinda spent, so whoever wants to write it, please do.)
The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.
Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!
[This message has been edited by Semievil333 (edited March 03, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Semievil333 (edited March 03, 2001).]
well, that's alot of errors..=P please forgive any that I've missed
[This message has been edited by Semievil333 (edited March 03, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Semievil333 (edited April 30, 2001).]
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!