Sem, I'm going to take a few liberties with this post and see how it turns out. Just consider all the possibilities for character development and such!
Saidelora walked down the well-populated hallways of Da'ehl Ta. She walked past a room, taking a moment to glance inside.
The enchantress stopped. Backed up a few steps. And looked inside again.
By all that was unholy, was that. . . Bais? It was.
Walking inside, she said quietly, "Hello, Bais."
Bais looked up, startled, as did the woman next to him. His eyes widened, ever so perceptibly. "Said?"
And then they were face-to-face again. Less than a foot apart. Yet not touching.
Bais broke the silence. "It's. . . it's been a long time, Said. . . How are you?"
Saidelora smiled slightly. "I am well. And yourself?"
Bais grunted. "If being imprisoned in a divine arena for a thousand years is well, then I suppose." He thought of something. "Said. . . I hope you don't mind my asking, but. . . how are you still alive?"
Saidelora whispered, "I am an enchantress, Bais. As you are a mage. These different paths split us, once. But as enchanters emphasize the physical, so we also took pains to cast stasis spells on our bodies, so that we would not age."
"Said," Bais began, "I want this to be like before. . . but you and I both know that can't happen."
Saidelora nodded. "I know."
There was a silence. Then the enchantress said, "But perhaps we can still help each other. I need the power to cast a spell. And what of you?"
Bais was about to reply, when the other woman, an archer, Saidelora supposed, cut in. "Will someone please tell me what is going on?"
Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
[This message has been edited by Highemperor of the Force (edited October 03, 2001).]
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Saidelora walked down the well-populated hallways of Da'ehl Ta. She walked past a room, taking a moment to glance inside.
The enchantress stopped. Backed up a few steps. And looked inside again.
By all that was unholy, was that. . . Bais? It was.
Walking inside, she said quietly, "Hello, Bais."
Bais looked up, startled, as did the woman next to him. His eyes widened, ever so perceptibly. "Said?"
And then they were face-to-face again. Less than a foot apart. Yet not touching.
Bais broke the silence. "It's. . . it's been a long time, Said. . . How are you?"
Saidelora smiled slightly. "I am well. And yourself?"
Bais grunted. "If being imprisoned in a divine arena for a thousand years is well, then I suppose." He thought of something. "Said. . . I hope you don't mind my asking, but. . . how are you still alive?"
Saidelora whispered, "I am an enchantress, Bais. As you are a mage. These different paths split us, once. But as enchanters emphasize the physical, so we also took pains to cast stasis spells on our bodies, so that we would not age."
"Said," Bais began, "I want this to be like before. . . but you and I both know that can't happen."
Saidelora nodded. "I know."
There was a silence. Then the enchantress said, "But perhaps we can still help each other. I need the power to cast a spell. And what of you?"
Bais was about to reply, when the other woman, an archer, Saidelora supposed, cut in. "Will someone please tell me what is going on?"
Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
[This message has been edited by Highemperor of the Force (edited October 03, 2001).]
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel