Broadcasting an IP Address
Posts: 77
Actually, I'm not referring to the wiki at all. I refer you to my post, in which I listed my source as The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology. The information on the bowcaster reads:
"Twin polarities on either side of the crossbow create alternating positive and negative pulses, which power the weapon's tensile metal bowstring. When the bowcaster's trigger is pulled, the accelerated bowstring launches an explosive quarrel. As the quarrel travels the length of the bowcaster's launch shaft, it is enveloped in energy generated by the polarizers. When the quarrel emerges from the bowcaster's barrel, it resembles an elongated blaster bolt. The quarrel's energy sheath focuses the quarrel's explosive force directly into the target, making the bowcaster one of the most devastating personal weapons ever created. However, a Wookiee's legendary strength is required just to cock and control the weapon."
That makes it sound to me like the string does have an actual function, even if only to 'guide' the magnetic field that launches the bolt. The mention of the need for Wookiee strength makes me think that it's necessary to draw the string, though.
(Sorry, I know we've moved past that already, I just needed to explain what I was saying, and list my source material. I'm done now.)