Yelled "Help Me SUperNerd_IJ"
then the room suddenly came quiet, and a rodian, whering a bright green cape burst through the collapsable wall, and shout "IM BACK!!!" then....
Visit my site!
-If women don't find ya handsome, they'll at least find ya handy!-
Jed this, Jed enough to drive you nuts!!
Fools!! I'll Destroy them all!!!!
The Situation:
The Sv_SetBrushModel: Null error has occurred in my map. This means that somewhere in my level, there is a paper-thin prush that needs to be deleted. There are 2888 brushes in my level. That's chances of 1/2888 of finding the correct brush. The statistics say I have a .035% chance of finding it.
Did I find it?
You bet I did.