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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Terminal Testament (forum game)
Terminal Testament (forum game)
2012-12-14, 5:22 PM #361
((Doesn't matter - whatever floats the fancy of you and the other players. :) ))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 5:26 PM #362
Lucky returns from dreamland in time to note everyone else mopping up. "Aren't y'all glad I was busy dreaming up victories for you?" xD

As he will be uninterrupted by the strange disembodied overseer of the Cursed (*cough*), he sets his robot to readying, aiming, and firing at the accountant for a kill! Or something.
2012-12-14, 5:27 PM #363
((Dang it.....that was not supposed to be an emoticon. I actually did want a colon there....))

Maybe something like:

As the remaining undead creatures reach out for our heroes, they retreat further down the road, making their way back towards a ramshackled house. Lucky's robot blasts at the feet of the rearmost zombie and stops at the wooden porch. Kyle climbs up to the second floor balcony, and reaches down for his comrades. Amy performs a wheel-house kick to the gardener's face, whilst simultaneously punching the IT guy, proclaims, "Shakalulu" and grabs onto Kyle's hand. Lucky commands the robot to target the accountant, turns to Kyle, reaches out and charges his attack, and yells, "What are you waiting for, roast the *******."
2012-12-14, 5:28 PM #364
((Of course two people manage to post in the time I made my mistake....hehehe))
2012-12-14, 5:29 PM #365
((and really.....that word gets blocked?))
2012-12-14, 5:47 PM #366
((all I would post for Amy would be more small attacks))
2012-12-15, 10:26 AM #367
((In candy making mode. May be able to play after 8pm.))
2012-12-15, 12:18 PM #368
((No problem, Voodoo -- today and tomorrow are going to have to be Merchant days anyway since I'm super-busy this weekend. Please review the abilities for the Limner and the Charger, as they are now both able to use their abilities to augment attacks made by players other than their class, as well as the new items in the shop. The Charger's special attack also now starts at 2, not 1. As always, please bring up any questions you may have. With that said...))

Amy, Kyle, and Lucky clean up the remaining Cursed present. Fate is all that remains behind at this time. Silent. Cold. Dark.


9/12 HP
8 spoils (3 given from cleanup)
Inventory: 10 credit

8/12 HP
13 spoils (2 given from cleanup)
Inventory: 1 Time Killer

12/12 HP
7 spoils (3 given from cleanup)
Inventory: 1 Lucidity

Lucky's robot spawn
3/3 HP

As the survivors walk down the road approaching the edge of Pandora, they see a tall and thin man leaning behind a tree, whispering for your attention. You recognize him as the rumored Merchant of questionable reputation -- the three of you can't be certain if it's the same merchant met previously or not.

Should you decide to approach him, he says the following to you:

"Welcome, gifted strangers!" He sneers at Lucky's robot spawn and adds "You know my policy. Keep that thing away. I'll close shop if I see any other cursed creatures about."

Assuming Lucky does so, the Merchant turns his attention back on the three Gifted with a sketchy smile.

"What'll you be buyin' then?" The Merchant shows them what his store has in stock.
A bottle of red liquid, tastes like syrupy, salty Kool-Aid.
Regain 1 HP for 1 spoils.

It appears to be a still-beating human heart, tastes like a rare-done steak.
Add 1 HP to your maximum for 2 spoils each.

For Dreamers Only
Lucidity (inspired by Dreamers' Addiction)
A one-time use drug which allows the dreamer to redirect any one attack to another target, including back at the attacker.
Cost: 5 spoils each

For Dreamers Only
A one-time use drink which for 3 rounds allows the dreamer to take control of a non-boss Cursed target. During this time, the Cursed must attack and can only attack its favored enemy (ex. if controlling a machine, it has to attack an undead). If its favored enemy is not found in any of those rounds, it must attempt to attack one of the Gifted. During this time, the Dreamer may not take any non-free actions. Multiples of these drinks can be used at the same time for a cumulative effect.
Cost: 3 spoils each

For Limners Only
Story Credit (inspired by Story Arcade: Without Credit)
A large credit card that, when used, displays arcane images similar to a tarot card. The card can store "credit" that a limner can draw from for their special attacks.
Cost: 1 spoil per 1 point

For Limners Only
Token Tale (inspired by suggestion from Voodoo)
It looks like a golden coin that was once used commonly in game arcades. Tossing this at at a target while using the limner's special attack negates 1 hitpoint worth of the target's last action. This item can be used in conjunction with other tokens as well as vote points received from spectators, story credit, or a dreamer's assistance to negate an equal additional amount (ex. if 1 story credit was added, this item could negate 2 hitpoints worth). This item must be used immediately following the target's attack. If the target's action was not an attack (ex. an interrupt), this item negates the action, though it is not considered an interrupt in itself.
Cost: 5 spoils each

For Chargers Only
Time Killer (inspired by Time to Kill)
A dense package that expands into a large, semi-transparent coffin-shaped box which can surround a humanoid target. If used on an enemy, it will trap them, and if used on a charger (including themselves), it allows them complete protection from any non-charger ability attack, allowing them time to charge their own attacks. The target cannot take standard actions such as moving and interrupting attacks while inside it, and it can only be opened (and thus destroyed in the process) by a charger's attack. The effectiveness of a charger's attack is not diminished by having to destroy the Time Killer.
Cost: 5 spoils each

For Chargers Only - ON SALE-
Battery Gloves (based on suggestion from Garlon)
While wearing these gloves, a charger can "store" excess energy from a charge attack for use at a later time (ex. if a charge up to 5 is made, and they attack an enemy with 3 health, the charger would have 2 stored for another time). The charger cannot store any charge without having made an attack, and due to strange interference, this item cannot be used in conjunction with the Time Killer.
Cost: 5 spoils
The Merchant motions to another sign and says "Or perhaps you'd like to be sellin'..."
1 HP of health given for 2 credit for store purchases*
*Credit cannot be used to purchase Health items

Heard any rumors? Have any nightmares you wish to tell? Credit given negotiable.

Stories already told:
  • "There are those who say that the Beast wears the guise of a man, hooded and cloaked, selling wares in exchange for little bits of one's soul, and that his mark is the dollar sign."
  • "Despite the Beast's monstrous ugliness, its reflection is even more disturbing - in its reflection it appears as a heartbreakingly beautiful creature, with a lost, mournful, confused expression on its face, and vacant, despairing eyes."
  • "The Beast, despite being a militant demon bent on war and strife, is a coward as well, for he lives indoors, hiding away from the sun in darkness. Whether this be an old government compound, dank caverns, or ruins of an ancient civilization, I do not know."
  • "Black clouds rolled across the sky that began to make red snow that left blisters and burns on on the flesh. And then this guy in a tacky suit stands in front of a cartoon map saying "and here and here you will have a chance of pestilence showers, back to you Tammy""
  • "Some say it has ghans bonkly and rubth/some say it has ghans weft and spurkang/some say it has a shurnikel like a dynamosaurus mex/Wurrr!/some say it has shurnikels nums avagadro to the tinee wer shlax by torik!/and yyip yyip snuts!/Whippp Whipp!"
  • "The beast lives within the weak, whether they be bereft of intelligence, character, or body. Those that lack sufficient wisdom will believe the lies told by the beast in their hearts; if one does not possess a strong moral center, the beast further distorts their desires to fulfill his ends; the individual that does not care for his body to a sufficient degree will find the beast accelerating his decline with disease. It also ensured that one could recognize the beast in our fellows and help prevent their decline. The key is to look into the eyes....those with specks of yellow have been influenced by the beast."

"As you can see," the Merchant adds, "I have many good bargains, certainly better than tryin' to help yourselves out. If there's something you want that's not listed, just ask, and I'll see if I can't get it for you. It'll be night not long from now, so prepare well, gifted strangers."

Ahead, down the road, what sounds like ominous chanting can be heard. The Merchant flashes his crooked smile once more, and you can't help but feel that giving him your business is a bad idea...

((As a reminder, if you wish to donate your own life to another character, they receive 1 HP of health for ever 2 HP you donate. Just say when you're done shopping. You can assume you've bought whatever you have the spoils or credit for, and asking for something he doesn't have is essentially you all suggesting what you might like to be able to buy, and if I decide it's good, I may have him have it in stock then or for next time. You may share spoils among yourselves as well, though you don't have to do so. Please let me know if you think your current health and spoils was not noted correctly, though it should be accurate.

Even if you all wrap up early, I won't be able to start the next chapter until Monday, so take your time. If anyone's looking to enter as a Gifted, now would be a good time. If you're looking to play as a Cursed, that'll start up again on Monday.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-15, 1:15 PM #369
Lucky asks, "I wonder if you might have something to aid my concentration - that I could charge and vote simultaneously?" Assuming the Merchant's negatory reaction, he purses his lips.

"This energy drink doesn't look like anything I've ever seen." He peers at the small print on the side of the can. "I don't like the side effects for the price. No thanks." He taps the sign. "I'll take one of these 'Essences' - funny name for a steak - I'm feeling a little peaked. And how about another Lucidity?"

He twists his lip, recalling a tidbit of conversation he overheard on the eastern seaboard. "I do recall another rumor I have heard, though I give no credence to it. This junk dealer said that the Beast doesn't exist, that the state of the world is due merely to the evil that men do." He eyes the Merchant. "Interestingly, this junk dealer wore a trenchcoat, if I recall correctly...and wore sunglasses, so I do not know if he had eyes or not."

He shrugs. "Anyhow, the truth is that the Beast is my archenemy, the spawn of my dreams, the hinge on which my destiny turns."
2012-12-15, 1:31 PM #370
The Merchant hums in thought. "I have nothing like that on me. Perhaps the future will hold that opportunity."

After listening to Lucky's latest rumor, he balks at Lucky with a single laugh. "Not exist at all, indeed! It's not good business for me to offer tales of the Beast if I start suggesting it doesn't exist at all, does it?"

Lucky receives another Lucidity and, should he consume the Essence now, he will feel a bit more fit than he has before.

((I was wondering if anyone was actually going to take any Essence. Despite its appearance, it does not, in fact, have some bad side effect. You know, other than eating something that looks like a human heart, hah.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-15, 4:35 PM #371
"Ok I'll offer ya a beastly nightmare.

So I was retelling a dream I had. I forgot other parts of of the dreams that night. It was like I was flipping through different scenes in my mind."

After the part with the reports of Human Lemmings leaping off cliffs because they had no way across the waters. It changed to a woman fully suited up in a spaceman suit why you need a spaceman suit I dunno, oh yeah it helped her do a live news report as the red snow fell down.

"yes the pestilence is really 'tick phisss' coming down heavy right now 'tick phisss' as you see there are some believers 'tick phiss' not taking shelter and continue to sing to their last breath, tick phiss' Back to you Jim."

"For those as home who are not up to date on the story, some are singing shouting and dancing because they believe God will whack the beast to the rhythm of their praise."

I dunno if it really does but perhaps you know what they said in that dream is true if some of us can fight with dreams and words I'm sure song could too.

And then Flaaaaam! The Beast took over all the channels "Seeeek Meeee!" and then I woke up scared.
2012-12-15, 6:09 PM #372
"I was certainly surprised to see that you did not have eyes; perhaps it is possible that you are unable to be controlled by the beast, and I would, therefor, be less susceptible than the common man. I am still shocked by the revelation; how is it that you are able to perceive the world then, sir?

As for additional rumors of the beast, after our latest experience, I now recall two others. First, the undead and the mutated were originally ordinary people who fell to the corrupting call of the beast, but their minds are not completely gone. We found evidence of this, quite recently, when the undead attempted to communicate. It may be possible that the process could be reversed, and that these people could be saved, but the source of the corruption would need to be cleansed. Second, the Gifted have resisted the call of the Beast, not because they are stronger, but because the call of the Beast is diverted in their minds, resulting in their abilities. By using these abilities, the Gifted are using the Beast's power in ways it never intended"
2012-12-16, 5:19 AM #373
As for purchases, Kyle will take 4 "Existence" to Heal up as well as the gloves, for 6 spoils + 3 store credit. That will leave 7 spoils.

"Do any of you want anything; I have a sinking suspicion that we'll need these spoils against the beast...."
2012-12-16, 9:11 AM #374
((Geb, I was talking about the R.E.M. drink when I said "side effects" :P ))

Lucky does indeed devour the Essence. Licking his fingers of grease, he says to Kyle, "Perhaps buying yourselves some Essence will be a good investment."
2012-12-16, 10:35 AM #375
((going to wait for merchants responce to first offer I have before considering what amy would like to spend the spoils on.))

((edit! changed my mind
I am going to also offer the merchant the rest of the poem about the beast while I have the chance to post this, enjoy!))

Amy when she has a chance offers the merchant the rest of the poem.

"I told you before the story where the beast has yyip yyip snuts.
There are more verses to the story." Amy announces.
"Mr. Kyle, Mr. Lucky, come close and listen carefully because I want you to hear this too.

"Ok, I'll recite the entire thing from the beginning." Her voice slices through the dark silence surrounding them.

"the name of the story is called The Appearance of the Beast."

Some say it has ghans bonkly and rubth
Some say it has ghans weft and spurkang
Some say it has a shurnikel like a dynamosaurus mex
Wurrr! (she stands on one leg and contorts her arms and fingers into a clawed form)

Some say it has shurnikels nums avagadro to the tinee wer shlax by torik!
and yyip yyip snuts!
Whippp Whipp! (She kneels and puts her hands up and acts like a dog begging for food)

Some say it has no ghans, shurnikels or snuts
none at all

Some say it has bretux khlyis and murp
Some say it has bretux abth and rynched
Some say it has a chamqhul like venpizamoose asper
Wisssss! (sticks her tounge out like a snake)

Some say it has chamqhulers num no nodda uns roostegg shivid by wee knatters!
And wwif wwif larts!
Phitt! Phitt! (she holds her nose and whafts away something smelly with her other hand)

Some say it has no ghans, shurnikels or snuts
None at all

Some say it has no bretux, chamqhulers or larts
None at all

Some say it has snjibes rkusky and gibrit
Some say it has snjibes tivat and smireg
Some say it has a eclawp like a vivsalsaulso wrapper
Wirrrr! (make another dynosaur pose with longer claws)

Some say it has eclawpers num difty hof vivyn gnask kak to gofinti difty point flhuern!
And ppus ppus zhits!
Popp Popp! (she pretends to sqeeze a large pimple on her forhead)

Some say it has no ghans, shurnikels or snuts
None at all
Some say it has no bretux, chamqhulers or larts
None at all
Some say it has no snhibes, eclawpers or zhits
None at all

Some say it has gherps splvynn and flird
Some say it has gherps rym and jieuh
Some say it has vjoefin like a snordvibby oat
Waaaaa! (she pretends to head butt like a ram)

Some say it has vjoefiklys numy zoom sine shlax oiky toky-ah to the nonstant!
and zzpap zzpap dwuts!
Buzz Buzz!( she mimicks throwing lighning bolts like javlins)

Some say it has no ghans, shurnikels or snuts
None at all
Some say it has no bretux, chamqhulers or larts
None at all
Some say it has no snhibes, eclawpers or zhits
None at all
Some say it has no gherps, vjoefiklys or dwuts
None at all

Amy then sucks in a bunch of air and says the following all in one breath.

"Some say it both has ghans, shurnikels, snuts, bretux, chamqhulers, larts, snjibes, eclawpers, zhits, gherps, vjoefiklys, and dwuts and does not have ghans, shurnikels, snuts, bretux, chamqhulers, larts, snjibes, eclawpers, zhits, gherps, vjoefiklys, and dwuts at the same time until the moment you see the beast for yourself. (gasp!)

What I think the moral of the story is, The beast is going to look like what ever it wants because it king of deceit and lies.

People perceive it in the way they want because they think they know the truth and go on their own understanding.

Or maybe the moral is? if you really knew what the thing looks like it would just blow your mind."

She makes a explosion gesture with her hands around her head.

"Poof! Kasplat!"
2012-12-17, 10:33 AM #376
To Amy's first recounting of her dream, the Merchant nods. "Song, you say...yes, that will do. A credit for that."

In regards to Kyle's question, he snaps "By keeping an ear out for rude customers." He then bows in a fashion that might ask for forgiveness, though he does not actually ask for any.

As for Kyle's rumors, the Mercahnt hums in dark thought. "I'll give a credit for the first, but I cannot give you one for the second, as I suspect you'll see why ahead..."

The Merchant pays his undivided attention to Amy's performance. When she is done, and adds her thoughts to the tale, he clasps his hands. "A credit for providing the message, and for your performance..." He places a Token Tale in front of Amy. "On the house."

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" the Merchant asks.

((Let me know when you're done with the shop, please. :) ))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-17, 11:36 AM #377
"Thank you! I thought this would be the best opportunity to tell the story, might be the last chance I got."

Amy grasps the token.
"back to business. I'll take....4 more of these. (10 credit-4 token tales=6 credit.)
And uh she looks as the pulsating chunk of meat, oh man well how could I tell someone what it is like unless I taste for my self. I'll try the essence. (6 credit-2 = 4credits)
And 4 shots of existance to wash the thing down please." ((4-4=0cred. amy is broke again and is finished shopping))

"Kyle, first make sure we have enough life let in us to fight ,then buy stuff for us fight with."
2012-12-17, 11:38 AM #378
((OK leaving for errands and shopping with family, back this evening))
2012-12-17, 12:38 PM #379
((Voodoo, I realize you won't be able to see this reply until later tonight, so when you get back, you should know that the token tales cost 5 each, not 1. If you wish to have bought story credits instead (1 for 1 each) then the math is fine. If you wish to buy a token tale instead, you'll need to knock 1 existence off your purchase list, which would work out for you since the essence gives you a health as well -- that is, using an essence raises you from 9/12 to 10/13.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-17, 12:56 PM #380
((Just in case it isn't obvious, I am in fact done shopping, as I have 0 credits/spoils.))
2012-12-17, 2:41 PM #381
((ah mis read.then drop one existence add one token.))
2012-12-17, 3:02 PM #382
OK....I suppose Kyle will buy 7 Existence for the road, giving 2 each to Lucky and Amy for the road.

"We may need these."

Kyle concludes his business with the Merchant.
2012-12-17, 7:44 PM #383
"Thank you for your business," the Merchant says before seemingly disappearing behind one of the trees. In the dark, dense woods, this is not a difficult task for someone to pull off.

Under the dark night sky, as the survivors can notice a humble, old home, they can see six figures in torn robes move out to circle around them, chanting unintelligible words. Even on the ill-lit road, strewn with some rusting pick-up trucks, it is apparent that these people are...
Collective HP: 42 HP
[Special Ability: Cover (inspired by Helm's Deep)
These hellish undead cultists cannot be 'interrupted', requiring the survivors to use cover. A Gifted player must, as an action, declare pro-actively which of the cultists they are attempting to take cover from, and the cultist must take an action to move around the cover first before they can continue forth against that survivor. When the cultist does, the player must repeat the process for the cover to be effective again. Cover can only work on one cultist per survivor at a time, and multiple players may cover from the same cultist, though they do not gain any special group advantage for doing so.

As the cultists circle, each speaks to the survivors in turn as if they were part of an unholy mass.

"Brothers and sisters, we are all weyuh under the Great Beast..."
Truman Cohen
HP: 7/7
Special Attack: Limner Gift
His insane homilies can invoke strength from particular watchers.

"...the Beast is wise and patient..."
Prudence Samara
HP: 7/7
Special Attack: Charger Gift
She is able to "power up" attacks of her own and others.

"...the Beast punishes the unbelievers who worship false gods..."
Faith Misra
HP: 7/7
Special Attack: Weaver Gift
She speaks words of power which manifest as potent attacks.

"...the Beast rewards those who give it praise..."
Love Stendahl
HP: 7/7
Special Attack: Dreamer Gift
He is capable of supporting the other cultist's gifts.

"...the Beast lays judgement upon the old world..."
Justice Afolayan
HP: 7/7
Special Attack: Slinger Gift
He can sling the lingering, dark souls of their group.

"...the Beast lifts the promise of a new world out of its ashes..."
Hope Xun
HP: 7/7
Special Attack: Runner Gift
She uses explosives to her speedy advantage.

In unison, the undead cultists finish with a final offer.
"...join us, and rejoice in the glory of the Beast!"
((I meant to have this up earlier today, and got distracted by various things. Unfortunately, I suspect my nights will now be fairly filled up until after Christmas. I'd still like to continue the game - I just wanted you all to know I won't be as quick in some cases as I've typically been. In any case, I won't be able to wrap the game up before the 21st, though I think it should still be fine to end before the new year at this rate. You may or may not see other hellish undead during this fight, or even other Cursed. The fight will begin whenever the first of you makes a move.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-18, 6:01 AM #384
Amy with out a word dodges behind the remains of an old C-series Dodge truck to hide from the dreamer. ((I understand I think I'm going to have almost non stop obligations Saturday the 23rd through the 25th. the 23rd will be the day that would be the hardest for me to find a chance to sneak in a post via phone. 28th, afternoon have something else. SO I usually have this window of time between 8am and 10 that I can play.))
2012-12-18, 6:18 AM #385
Lucky's robot aims at Love Stendahl!
2012-12-18, 6:28 AM #386
Lucky's robot calculates for wind and movement!
2012-12-18, 6:38 AM #387
((Woah, I thought we were still doing the 3-midnight window! Has that availability changed for you guys?))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-18, 6:38 AM #388
Lucky's robot lets loose a magnetic rail with a keening wail of electromagnetic friction, pulverizing the Cursed Dreamer for 8 damage!
2012-12-18, 6:40 AM #389
((Oh, well, I dunno. Voodoo posted, so I posted. Plus she said her availability's becoming extremely limited. Also, I have to admit I panicked upon seeing 7 hellish Gifted undead xD so my first thought is AAAAH KILL IT WITH FIRE!))
2012-12-18, 6:45 AM #390
((There are 6, not 7, unless you're counting your own spawn which is a robot. Also, her crunch time doesn't start until the 23rd in particular I believe.

I don't mind starting early for you guys, but before 10 is too early for me. Could I ask that we withdraw the moves you two have made please? Then we can figure out if we want to start earlier at any given time or not.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-18, 6:49 AM #391
((Oh. xD Sorry. Like I said, panic mode kicked in. And oh, if it's only 6, then that makes all the difference :P Shore, shore, moves withdrawn.))
2012-12-18, 7:06 AM #392
2012-12-18, 7:51 AM #393
((Thanks! As for starting earlier today, I'm not sure if I'll really be able to yet (squeezing in time right now), and I'll keep you all updated if I can (though for this boss fight, it's probably best to have all 3 of you anyway). In the meantime, it gives you guys time to formulate plans!))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-18, 10:01 AM #394
((OK, if at least 2 of you want to start prior to 3PM EST today, I should be able to do so. Just chime with the A-OK, and when the second of you says OK, then one of you can then start and we'll get things moving.

Also, just so you know, while I did give them names, you're more than free to just refer to them as "undead limner" or "slinger cultist" or whichever way is easiest to identify the bad guy you're targeting. Feel free to use names too, if you wish, and in the heat of things, names might add some confusion. From a roleplaying perspective, your characters could likely know these names, either by obscure history, supernatural insight, or noticing some giant mural on the side of their house with their names - I'll leave it up to you if you wish to have your characters be able to identify them. Otherwise, the names are just to note that they're special. :) ))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-18, 12:12 PM #395
((This one looks tough; I think we'd pretty much need all of us here for this. I have to make one errand, after that, I'll be at home the rest of the night wrapping gifts, so I should be able to keep up with everything. I'll try to return before 4pm EST))
2012-12-18, 12:56 PM #396
((I may be able to be available till 11 tonight. I will wait a little after 4 get going. the 23rd is going to be the big party for me. 24th evening have something too, but I might be bored at that gathering or need to slink away from drama, The 25th I know family is going up to my grandma and grandpas but no time set yet. 28th is an appointment at 1:00pm. weekend before new years I don't wanna party no more))
2012-12-18, 1:19 PM #397
((As for the weekend. The 21st I will be spotty, and after 8 or so, virtually non-existent. The 23rd, I will be able to post in the morning/early afternoon, but afterwards I will not be available until AFTER Christmas. Do what you need to keep the game moving, and if others are able to play, I'm all for it, but I figured it would be better to warn you now, since the game will proceed past the original end date.))
2012-12-18, 1:21 PM #398
((Ugh, going to be busy for the rest of the day. Sorry, peoples.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-18, 1:30 PM #399
witldrawn again.
2012-12-18, 1:32 PM #400
((Allright, Geb. Thanks for the heads up. We'll try again tomorrow. Good luck with whatever is on your plate!))

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