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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Terminal Testament (forum game)
Terminal Testament (forum game)
2012-12-10, 3:24 PM #201
((By the way, let me know whenever one of you is done posting for the night. I have no intent on exploiting a win for the Cursed when you all sign off for the night, but so long as one of you hasn't said so, I'll assume you might be around to keep the chase going! Also, if one of you happens to post the wrong number while tripping over each other or the like, don't worry - it's just a means to help keep track, and it's ultimately decided by the posts, not the numbers people post.))

Scrambling. Pouring forward. The Cursed cometh.
The Cursed advance to 7.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 3:34 PM #202
The Cursed advance to 8​.

((As an arbitrary means of randomness, I'm rolling a 4-sided dice to determine the next time increment I'll be posting, with 1 equaling 10 minutes to 4 equaling 40 minutes. I rolled a 2, so I'll post again in approx. 20 minutes and continue as such, unless I feel like taking a break. If I think you guys start blazing through, I might make a new arbitrary method to pick up the pace even more. This is, as usual, not something any other random player who might be playing on the Cursed side is bound to do - they just can't post twice or more in a row.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 3:47 PM #203
Amy tries to give Lucky a nod in return but it a little bit too bumpy to do so gracefully. "Thanks!"

The gifted advance to 18
2012-12-10, 3:55 PM #204
The Cursed advance to 9.

((To keep the suspense, I'm going to refrain from revealing the number I've been rolling, though I can let you all know if you feel that's unfair.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 3:59 PM #205
((EDIT: That's just fine, Geb!))

Lucky zooms off, heedless of the rough terrain bouncing them around.

The Gifted advance to 19.
2012-12-10, 4:00 PM #206
Kyle seeing a downed tree-limb in the road ahead, blasts it with a charge.

The Gifted advance to 20.
2012-12-10, 4:10 PM #207
"Thanks, Kyle," Lucky laughs in the face of the wind as he accelerates.

The Gifted advance to 21.
2012-12-10, 4:13 PM #208
"No problem, bud. You may want to try the road over there. This one seemed heavily damaged when I was walking out earlier."

The Gifted advance to 22.
2012-12-10, 4:15 PM #209
Amy keeps her zik ready for some thwichapination!
The gifted advance to 23
2012-12-10, 4:19 PM #210
Lucky takes a sharp, reckless veer, and the jeep temporarily lifts off two wheels, just barely.

The Gifted advance to 24.
2012-12-10, 4:26 PM #211
The Cursed advance to 10​.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 4:27 PM #212
Kyle was unprepared for that maneuver and nearly falls out of the back, but manages to grab hold of the crossbar in time.

The Gifted advance to 25.
2012-12-10, 4:29 PM #213
"Hang on," Lucky says belatedly as he speeds down this new road, desperately trying to put the horrid yells of the Cursed behind them.

The Gifted advance to 26.
2012-12-10, 4:35 PM #214
((Yup, I'm never going to have a chance to catch up with my current arbitrary randomizer. New one - twenty-sided die, the digits equaling the minutes!))


The Cursed advance to 11.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 4:38 PM #215
Lucky tosses a glance behind them. "They've reached the jeep pool," he says tersely. "Hope they can't drive." He floors the pedal.

The Gifted advance to 27.
2012-12-10, 4:39 PM #216
"Keep going, dude....I'll stay with ya!" Meanwhile Kyle lashes some cloth around him and the crossbar as a makeshift belt. He knows this won't really do anything, but it comforts him none the less.

The Gifted advance to 28.
2012-12-10, 4:42 PM #217
Lucky nods. His bottom lip is tucked between his teeth as he concentrates on driving amidst ancient wreckage.

The Gifted advance to 29.
2012-12-10, 4:50 PM #218
"Though, since you seem to be a dreamer, I think it would be extremely useful for you to dream up level roads," Kyle yells into the wind.

The Gifted advance to 30.
2012-12-10, 4:51 PM #219
As the gap begins to widen, you all can still here one of them shout "They're getting away!"

The Cursed advance to 12.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 4:52 PM #220
"Hey, gotta make it interesting," Lucky tosses back. "Would you rather I dream up a fantasy world with no Beast and all beautiful women to serve me?" A split second. "Actually, I think I'll do that ne--" His last word is cut off as a bump in the road knocks him up into the air briefly before slamming him hard on his buttock.

The Gifted advanceto 31.
2012-12-10, 4:56 PM #221
Engines of the military vehicles rev as the fastest attempt to catch up.

The Cursed advance to 13​.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 4:56 PM #222
Amy focuses on the path ahead and not the horde of mutants and undead. "Expromaste! Expromaste! Expromaste!...."
gifted advance to 32
2012-12-10, 4:57 PM #223
Lucky comes on a level patch of road as Amy limns. "Thanks!"

The Gifted advance to 33.
2012-12-10, 4:58 PM #224
"Sweet! That's what I'm talking about!"

The Gifted advance to 34.
2012-12-10, 4:59 PM #225

The Cursed advance to 14.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 5:00 PM #226
Lucky, not about to be upstaged, dreams some extra horsepower into the engine.

The Gifted advance to 35.
2012-12-10, 5:01 PM #227
In a last desperate effort, the cursed in the military vehicles use some modified boost to try and accelerate:

The Cursed advance to 15​.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 5:02 PM #228

The Cursed advance to 16​.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 5:02 PM #229
Lucky laughs cockily as they start to outdistance the Cursed.

The Gifted advance to 36.
2012-12-10, 5:03 PM #230

The Cursed advance to 17​.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 5:03 PM #231
"Eat my shorts, mothaaaaaassss!" Lucky yells in exhilaration.

The Gifted advance to 37.
2012-12-10, 5:04 PM #232

The Cursed advance to 18​.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 5:05 PM #233

The Cursed advance to 19​.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 5:05 PM #234
Lucky espies an upcoming treacherous slope. "Kyle, Amy, think you can start a landslide behind us?"

The Gifted advance to 38.
2012-12-10, 5:06 PM #235

The Cursed advance to 20.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 5:06 PM #236
Lucky speeds under a tenuous rock arch.

The Gifted advance to 39.
2012-12-10, 5:06 PM #237
Kyle points out a tunnel in the distance. "Make for that, I can cover our escape, though I may need your assistance, miss" Kyle begins charging (1).

The Gifted advance to 40.
2012-12-10, 5:07 PM #238

The Cursed advance to 21​.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 5:07 PM #239
((hahaha.....I love how you had the same idea))

"Yeah, we got this"

Kyle charges (2)
2012-12-10, 5:14 PM #240
((I'm going to go ahead and make an assumption on your intended flavor, Garlon. Congrats on your teamwork!))

As Lucky, Kyle, and Amy enter the tunnel, Lucky and Amy conjure up some last speed for their jeep while Kyle hurls his charge at the entrance to the tunnel. The Cursed that had been chasing them are no longer able to pursue. Darkness begins to set as the survivors make the rest of their way to Pandora without incident.

((Tomorrow, I will post about the Merchant who will greet you just outside of Pandora, where you will be given the day to deal with him. Then, on Wednesday, it'll be back to the standard action! As always, please raise any questions, concerns, feedback, etc. you may wish to bring up, and I will do my best to address it.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories

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