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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Terminal Testament (forum game)
Terminal Testament (forum game)
2012-12-14, 1:00 PM #321
((Looks like you all are here, so I should pick things up a bit...))

The undead banker (3 HP), his eyes speckled with yellow, calls for Amy as he approaches her!

1/3 (banker 3 HP) on Amy.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 1:02 PM #322
((Whoops, I was slow. I'll edit my above post))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 1:04 PM #323
"Well....that's certainly new; I've never heard one talk before"

Kyle continues gathering ether (Charge 2).
2012-12-14, 1:06 PM #324
The undead accountant, stubborn and hungry for brains, lunges after Lucky again.

1/3 (accountant) on Lucky.

((Technically, it was an undead that called out for Kyle in the previous chase, though I'm not sure if I specified that offhand.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 1:08 PM #325
The undead I.T. technician shambles onto Lucky's robot spawn!

2/3 (construction worker, IT tech) on spawn.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 1:09 PM #326
((That's certainly creepy, though not as creepy as the eyeless Merchant. I was not expecting that one.))

Kyle gathers more energy (Charge 3)
2012-12-14, 1:10 PM #327
Lucky's robot kicks the technician off itself with an indignant whirrrrr.

((EDIT: I may be misunderstanding, but I thought a charger didn't have to wait an extra turn to unleash his charge. That is, if he fires off a charge in 1 turn, it does one damage, if he charges it up to 2, he can unleash it taht same turn and do 2 damage etc. So now that he's at 3 charge, he could have already unleashed it, not having to wait another turn to do so?))
2012-12-14, 1:14 PM #328
((Hrmmm......let me reread it; I thought it was separate actions))

Kyle fires upon the construction worker, and starts reading a journal entry.
2012-12-14, 1:17 PM #329
((Al, as the rules are currently written, I believe it should say that he cannot charge and attack with his charge in the same round, so in the above, he has to wait until his next post to use a charge of 3. It's the 'port' of the rules for the game it's based off of. However, I've been keeping an eye on how it's been working so far, and I may decide later (not in the middle of a wave) that it may need to be tweaked to allow for that)).

The undead gardener shuffles to flank Amy!

1/3 (gardener) on Amy.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 1:18 PM #330
((EDIT: Okey doke! Just wanted to make sure.))

Lucky's robot pops off a wild shot with his railgun, clipping the gardener to knock him away from Amy. "Hit the fireman," Lucky yells, "he's the weakest!"

(i.e. he has 2 HP)
2012-12-14, 1:20 PM #331
((I believe the fireman was already taken care of -- been keeping track on my whiteboard))

The undead banker looks forlorn towards Amy, and its baser instincts have it rush towards its currently better prey, Kyle!

1/3 (banker) on Kyle.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 1:22 PM #332
((The firefighter should already be dead.....I hit him a while back)

Kyle begins charging again (Charge 1)

((The Charger probably should not be able to charge and unleash in the same round, else they could Interupt for 1 damage rather than just interrupting an attack....that may be a bit broken. I do think the initial scaling of the attack seems unnecessarily slow, but I don't know how that could be fixed, and the potential for sending out a great amount of damage will be useful against whatever boss comes up))
2012-12-14, 1:23 PM #333
((Ah, you are indeed correct, Geb. All hail the mighty whiteboard!))

"For the love of Jung, man," Lucky says tersely at Kyle as he knocks the banker from him. "Get your nose out of that dingy notebook and charge with me!"
2012-12-14, 1:23 PM #334
"You need to compost some more!"
Amy "Runfs rrid into the shovlner"
2012-12-14, 1:24 PM #335
Lucky assists Kyle's charge! (2)
2012-12-14, 1:24 PM #336
The undead I.T. tech swoops in the gardener's place on top of Amy!

1/3 (IT tech) on Amy.

((Yeah, if it got changed, I'd probably just have the starting charge at 2. We'll see.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 1:25 PM #337
Lucky throws Amy a vote!

((EDIT: I can't vote for her more than once, can I? xD))
2012-12-14, 1:26 PM #338
"Thanks, man. My memory is better in the moment; I just needed to jot down a few notes. The world will need to know these events, I'm sure of it!"

Kyle continues to charge (Charge 3).
2012-12-14, 1:26 PM #339
((Kyle you can unleash now, if two chargers charge together, the final charge is double.))

EDIT: Lucky's robot clips the IT tech
2012-12-14, 1:27 PM #340
The undead banker, desperate to feed its hunger, tries its luck in feeding on Lucky's robot spawn.

1/3 (banker) on robot spawn.

((Al, that's a weaver, not a charger))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 1:28 PM #341
((What? You told me the other day it was a charger! Dangit, I'm getting everything wrong today xD So can I vote for Amy more than once?))

Lucky's robot punches the banker with a hiss of hydraulic muscle.
2012-12-14, 1:29 PM #342
((I just read the Charger again; it didn't say anything about that.))

Kyle fires upon the Banker, taking out one of its yellow tinted Beast eyes and the brain behind it.
2012-12-14, 1:30 PM #343
Lucky's robot draws a bead on the banker.
2012-12-14, 1:33 PM #344
((EDIT: I am getting unexpectedly called away. Don't know when I shall return.))
2012-12-14, 1:33 PM #345
The undead gardener attempts to harvest Amy!

2/3 (IT, gardener) on Amy
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 1:34 PM #346
Amy H4ckzorizes and spleebs ridd roddly into the debugechs klag!(attack IT tech undead)
2012-12-14, 1:36 PM #347
((I've an idea for the Charger, though perhaps this would be better as a merchant item. Something like Energy Gloves: the Charger could over charge for a situation, but store the extra energy [up to some reasonable maximum], retaining half the difference between the target and the current, if the charger got up to 8, and attacked a normal undead, he could store 2 or 3, depending on rounding rules, which could be used next time. Just an idea. I'm not certain about the Limner; the character was certainly the most interesting when looking at the ideas behind them, but without outside help, she does seem limited to credit and Lucky))
2012-12-14, 1:38 PM #348
Kyle advances over to Amy and kicks the Gardener off of her.

"Are these the last two?"
2012-12-14, 1:38 PM #349
((Well, good luck with your call, Al))
2012-12-14, 1:41 PM #350
The undead IT tech​ reels back, taking a point of damage (now at 2 HP)

The undead gardener is interrupted!

The undead accountant, giving up on feeding on Lucky and seeing an opportunity where it sees it, runs at Amy.

1/3 (accountant) on Amy.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 1:45 PM #351
Enraged, the undead IT tech rushes in again on Amy!

2/3 (IT, accountant) on Amy.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 1:45 PM #352
Kyle begins gathering energy (Charge 1) and continues looking around.

"We need to find a place to get away from these things"
2012-12-14, 1:48 PM #353
((Al, noted about your present absence, and this wave will be slowing down shortly anyway for a slightly more ominous tone before the end of the wave. As for votes, you can only give one per limner's attack, just like any other spectator, I'm afraid. As Garlon pointed out, a limner is rather limited in a certain fashion.

Garlon, that's an excellent idea, and you can expect something like that to show up in the store next time you encoutner the Merchant, which will be before you next boss fight! :D))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 2:06 PM #354
((Since that wasn't an action post, I won't charge at this moment....I figured I'd try brainstorming for the Limner. Perhaps she could recruit a personal enterage of 'Yes Men'.....but then that would effectively make her another Charger, particularly if she had to post their yes votes. Ooh, how about, like the Robot, she could gain votes from the Universe if she hasn't been interrupted in a set time, that seems kind of lame too. Maybe we could combo or something.....I unleash a charge into her described attack, say, she leaps up with a dagger, I shoot the dagger and she calls for lightning. That's still dependent on other people.))
2012-12-14, 2:13 PM #355
((Garlon, thanks for the brainstorming! I'll definitely look into something soon. :)

And I'm not making an actual post in part because work came up, hah!))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 2:25 PM #356
(('re still working? Oh, I suppose that isn't so strange. I sometimes forget that most of the working population doesn't follow my standard shift of 6-2! Since we've lost Al and Voodoo, and you have work, I'll pull off for a bit; I need to get laundry going anyway. I'll check back on in about 90 minutes or so.))
2012-12-14, 2:32 PM #357
((item one use, will allow limmner to be uninterrupted by one attack?))

((I will be unavailable till 8pm tonight))
2012-12-14, 3:00 PM #358
((We'll reconvene at 8 EST then.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 5:11 PM #359
((Ugh, won't be able to update tonight. Up to you guys, but if you want, you can pick off the stragglers and we can call it a night.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 5:18 PM #360
((Seems fine by you want to play it out or just roleplay it such that we take these down; now that there are only three (and we have four bodies between us), we shouldn't have any issue in taking them down. Maybe just write up a story to coincide with how we destroy them....otherwise:))

Kyle continues to charge (Charge 2)

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