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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Terminal Testament (forum game)
Terminal Testament (forum game)
2012-12-10, 5:24 PM #241
((Without another enemy, you may need to have a random speed factor for the Cursed. After the three of us were reasonably present, we could pull away from the cursed without much threat. I'm sure this wouldn't be the case if you had more people. Or, perhaps, you can post at N-1, where N is the number of active hero players or something.

By the by, I very much enjoyed when Lucky managed to find the level road after my comment. Well played, sir!))
2012-12-10, 5:28 PM #242
((Or, alternatively, you could throw crap at us that we'd have to post to avoid, but would not grant us progress....things that we would actively have to shoot down or drive around))
2012-12-10, 5:34 PM #243
".....ibom col nak guna erant noit Nan nan nan na, nan nan na , hey hey Gooooddd BYE!"
2012-12-10, 5:54 PM #244
((that was fun!))
2012-12-11, 12:05 AM #245
The sore sun starts to set behind the gifted survivors as their jeep dies on the outskirts of Telluride, Colorado. The pale snow drifts down from the hellish heavens above. Even now, the shadow of the valley casts parts of the travel ahead in darkness, though the survivors are quite certain that it will be a bit of time yet before nightfall and can stay out of the umbras until then.

As the survivors approach Telluride, they see a tall and thin man leaning out of the door of what used to be a general store, waving for your attention. You recognize him as the rumored Merchant of questionable reputation -- Lucky can't be certain if it's the same merchant he met in Cortez or not.

Should you decide to approach him, he says the following to you:

"Welcome, gifted strangers!" He sneers at Lucky's mutant spawn and adds "You know my policy. Keep that thing away. I'll close shop if I see any other cursed creatures about."

Assuming Lucky does so, the Merchant turns his attention back on the three Gifted with a sketchy smile.

Lucky: 9 HP/19 spoils (you had 2 spoils left over from last time)
Lucky's mutant spawn: 3 HP
Kyle: 12 HP/2 spoils
Amy: 11 HP/0 spoils

"What'll you be buyin' then?" The Merchant shows them what his store has in stock.
A bottle of red liquid, tastes like syrupy, salty Kool-Aid.
Regain 1 HP for 1 spoils.

It appears to be a still-beating human heart, tastes like a rare-done steak.
Add 1 HP to your maximum for 2 spoils each.

For Dreamers Only
Lucidity (inspired by Dreamers' Addiction)
A one-time use drug which allows the dreamer to redirect any one attack to another target, including back at the attacker.
Cost: 5 spoils each

For Limners Only - ON SALE-
Story Credit (inspired by Story Arcade: Without Credit)
A large credit card that, when used, displays arcane images similar to a tarot card. The card can store "credit" that a limner can draw from for their special attacks.
Cost: 1 spoil per 2 points

For Chargers Only
Time Killer (inspired by Time to Kill)
A dense package that expands into a large, semi-transparent coffin-shaped box which can surround a humanoid target. If used on an enemy, it will trap them, and if used on a charger (including themselves), it allows them complete protection from any non-charger ability attack, allowing them time to charge their own attacks. The target cannot take standard actions such as moving and interrupting attacks while inside it, and it can only be opened (and thus destroyed in the process) by a charger's attack. The effectiveness of a charger's attack is not diminished by having to destroy the Time Killer.
Cost: 5 spoils each

The Merchant motions to another sign and says "Or perhaps you'd like to be sellin'..."
1 HP of health given for 2 credit for store purchases*

*Credit cannot be used to purchase Health items

Heard any rumors? Have any nightmares you wish to tell? Credit given negotiable.

Stories already told:

  • "There are those who say that the Beast wears the guise of a man, hooded and cloaked, selling wares in exchange for little bits of one's soul, and that his mark is the dollar sign."
  • "Despite the Beast's monstrous ugliness, its reflection is even more disturbing - in its reflection it appears as a heartbreakingly beautiful creature, with a lost, mournful, confused expression on its face, and vacant, despairing eyes."

"As you can see," the Merchant adds, "I have many good bargains, certainly better than tryin' to help yourselves out. If there's something you want that's not listed, just ask, and I'll see if I can't get it for you. It'll be night not long from now, so prepare well, gifted strangers."

The Merchant flashes his crooked smile once more, and you can't help but feel that giving him your business is a bad idea...

((As a reminder, if you wish to donate your own life to another character, they receive 1 HP of health for ever 2 HP you donate. Just say when you're done shopping. You can assume you've bought whatever you have the spoils or credit for, and asking for something he doesn't have is essentially you all suggesting what you might like to be able to buy, and if I decide it's good, I may have him have it in stock then or for next time. You may share spoils among yourselves as well, though you don't have to do so, though it'd be awful nice of Al to give his teammates something...

Even if you all wrap up early, I won't be able to start the next chapter until Wednesday, so take your time. If anyone's looking to enter as a Gifted, now would be a good time. If you're looking to play as a Cursed, that'll start up on Wednesday.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-11, 6:50 AM #246
Lucky taps his chin. "Seems to me that the Beast, despite being a militant demon bent on war and strife, is a coward as well, for I have dreamt often at night, that he lives indoors, hiding away from the sun in darkness. Whether this be an old government compound, dank caverns, or ruins of an ancient civilization, I do not know."

He peers at the sign displaying the wares again. "I will take 4 Existence, 3 for myself and 1 for the lady. Another Lucidity...that seems to come in rather handy. Where do you get these things anyway? I've never heard tell of these artifacts?" He looks suspiciously at the Merchant, but continues to shop. "Some story credit for my fine wordsmith friend." He looks over at her. "How does 10 credit sound?" He taps the sign where it says "Time Killer". "One of these as well."

Existence x 4 = 4 spoils
Lucidity = 5 spoils
Story Credit x 10 = 5 spoils
Time Killer = 5 spoils

19 spoils spent.
2012-12-11, 8:12 AM #247
"Thanks Mr Lucky!"

She moves the card to see all the holographic imagery sparkle
and soon her attention wains and she offers the the Merchant a bad dream and a rumor.

"I dreamed once that I saw black clouds rolling across the sky that began to make red snow that left blisters and burns on on the flesh.
And then this guy in a tacky suit stands in front of a cartoon map saying "and here and here you will have a chance of pestilence showers, back to you Tammy"

"Yes ah tis the season isn't Jim. Reports continue to come in that many continue to travel like lemmings jumping off cliffs because they have no ship to ferry them across the waters."

"If that aint good enough then how about this?

some say it has ghans bonkly and rubth
some say it has ghans weft and spurkang
some say it has a shurnikel like a dynamosaurus mex
some say it has shurnikels nums avagadro to the tinee wer shlax by torik !
and yyip yyip snuts!
Whippp Whipp!"
2012-12-11, 8:23 AM #248
((Voodoo, you have a natural talent at this! So much fun to read! ^^))
2012-12-11, 9:36 AM #249
((and equally fun to write!))
2012-12-11, 2:09 PM #250
The Merchant coughs a brief laugh at Lucky's offered rumor, more declaration than exclamation. "A thought likely on everyone's mind, and you're technically the first to have said as much for my ears to hear. Hardly worth the one credit I'll give for it."

As Lucky asks about his wares, the Merchant's mouth curls upward to one side. "Here and there, with a little help from my own gift. The rest is my business secret to success."

He then listens rather intently to Amy's offers, nodding as if perfectly understanding what she said. "Very imaginative, young girl, and I'm afraid these are stories I'll have difficulty making use of... I don't have your talent, after all. Regarding your first offer, remember too that I only wish to hear stories about the Great Beast... it's what sells. I'm feeling generous...I'll provide a single credit."

"Anything else I can do you for, gifted strangers?"
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-11, 5:46 PM #251
Amy raises her hand "me me! Um, I wanna say thank you for the generosity. Your advise is more valuable than credit anyway an I'll take a bottle of existence for the road."

existence x 1= one credit spent

Amy is broke and is done shopping.
2012-12-12, 10:09 AM #252

My intent is to get the next chapter up and going by 7PM EST. It'd be sooner except I want to a) give Garlon a chance still to do anything he might want with the Merchant and b) I have some notes I currently don't have access to right now.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-12, 12:49 PM #253
((Word of warning: I won't be doing any TT tonight. I'm hanging out with friends to play board games from approximately 6 to 9 CST, after which I will be going to bed >.>
2012-12-12, 1:22 PM #254
((Easy target, check. ;) I keed, I keed. Be sure to tell your friends about this game, Al!

If either Voodoo or Garlon are not able to play tonight either, I'll just update with the 'start' of the chapter and hold off on actual combat until tomorrow.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-12, 3:48 PM #255
((Sorry that I didn't jump back on until now; Christmas shopping, wrapping, etc....))

Kyle looks over the wares the Merchant has to offer; the idea of eating anything that even appeared to be a human heart doesn't sit right with him, so he'll refrain from making that purchase, but will go ahead and increase Amy Limner credit by four by spending two spoils.

"I figure we're going to need all the help we can get, Amy."

"As for your request for rumors, I have only this story from my childhood:

The beast lives within the weak, whether they be bereft of intelligence, character, or body. Those that lack sufficient wisdom will believe the lies told by the beast in their hearts; if one does not possess a strong moral center, the beast further distorts their desires to fulfill his ends; the individual that does not care for his body to a sufficient degree will find the beast accelerating his decline with disease. For these reasons, my village was ever vigilant in stressing that we all took care to strengthen every aspect of our being. It also ensured that we could recognize the beast in our fellows and help prevent their decline. The key is to look into the eyes....those with specks of yellow have been influenced by the beast. Might we see yours then, sir?"
2012-12-12, 4:45 PM #256
((I will actually be getting up earlier than normal tomorrow, so it'd probably be best to begin combat tomorrow and set up your scenario today.....unless time constraints will prevent you from finishing by the 21st. Of course, perhaps we are just hoping to get a delay on the seventh seal again!))
2012-12-12, 6:18 PM #257
((Not a problem. I believe Voodoo is unable to play tonight, and I'm pretty wiped today myself after some overtime at work, so I'm only going to update with Merchant stuff tonight. I'll start the next chapter tomorrow before 3PM, though I won't be able to do anything between 6PM-9PM, so I'm really REALLY hoping to convince some people to play as bad guys...))

At Kyle's request, the Merchant raises his head, and the shadow of his hat brim unveils his face...

He has no eyes.

Scarred pits sit in the sockets where his eyes would be. He offers no explanation. He lowers his head back down.

"Excellent! I'll give you three credits for that one, gifted stranger!"
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-13, 5:40 AM #258
((Should be able to play today))
2012-12-13, 11:22 AM #259
"Good luck, gifted strangers, and to offer some small advice..."

The Merchant opens a door behind the counter and walks through it, turning around to close the door as he finishes his advice.

"...don't die."

Stage 3: Left Ajar With False Hope

Traveling through Telluride, only the white noise of falling snow sifts through the dead silence. Upon reaching the northern road, the survivors can see that the colossal carcass of an avalanche has made it inaccessible, forcing them to detour south towards Pandora. As they leave the limits of Telluride and into Pandora, they pass by a cemetery...

The path to Pandora remains outdoors. Furthermore, the area seems devoid of the scars of military warfare and thus has no warzones present. The bruise of a sun is setting, so while it is currently not dark, it will be soon.

((Reminder: any Cursed within the environment conditions can appear, though as you can surmise, I intend to have one type predominantly appear...))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-13, 12:14 PM #260
The groans of the undead grow loud over the snowstorm...

An undead accountant leaps upon Lucky's spawn!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-13, 12:14 PM #261
An undead banker moves onto Amy!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-13, 12:15 PM #262
An undead construction worker shambles onto Lucky!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-13, 12:16 PM #263
An undead dentist shuffles onto Kyle!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-13, 12:30 PM #264
An undead electrician runs at Lucky!

(2 undead on Lucky - construction worker and electrician)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-13, 12:44 PM #265
An undead firefighter smables at Kyle!

(2 undead on Kyle - dentist and firefighter)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-13, 12:53 PM #266
An undead gardener jumps upon Amy!

(2 undead on Amy - banker and gardener)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-13, 1:04 PM #267
An undead hairdresser sprints at Lucky's spawn.

(2 undead on Lucky's spawn - accountant and hairdresser)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-13, 1:04 PM #268
"Whose tombs these are I think I know!"
She neps down hapling a minorky filled sniceball and swoosts it at the banker undead's head.
2012-12-13, 1:24 PM #269
"And whom might they be then?"

Kyle kicks the dentist in shin in order to interrupt its attack.
2012-12-13, 1:32 PM #270
((I'm adding a note for the limner's special attack to address a potential issue and will have to review similar situations since something like this came up with the slinger before:

Note: A limner's special attack will be considered a standard attack (that is, a non-damaging interfering against the enemy) should the limner takes another non-free action before at least one vote is given to a posted limner's special attack. The targeted enemy may not take an action until the limner's special attack has been resolved (either by the limner or having been attacked by another enemy). The targeted enemy may, however, "take" the damage prematurely by posting as much, in which case they take whatever damage the limner's attack is dealing at that time as well as be considered interrupted.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-13, 1:47 PM #271
((Hrmm.... will the undead gathering around us, cause us to be interrupted, or only when they reach the critical mass of three?))

Kyle begins charging (1)
2012-12-13, 1:50 PM #272
The undead dentist reels back from Kyle's interrupt!

An undead I.T. technician swoops in and on top of Kyle!

(2 undead on Kyle - IT and firefighter)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-13, 1:53 PM #273
((Garlon: Good question! Undead will only officially "attack" (interrupt or damage) once they've reached the critical mass of 3. Until then, they're just making you claustrophobic at best.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-13, 1:58 PM #274
Kyle continues charging (2) while trying to maneuver around the creatures.
2012-12-13, 1:59 PM #275
((By the way, before I forget, the Time Travel/Werewolf/Clue game seemed interesting....I hope that went well, though I suspect that the villain would have a difficult time being ultimately victorious))
2012-12-13, 2:12 PM #276
((Sadly, it never got played. With a board of some sort and markers, though, it could be played in person.))

The undead dentist flanks onto Lucky's spawn, and the three are able to deal the first 3 damage to the spawn, killing it!

(3 undead on Lucky's spawn - accountant, hairdresser, and dentist)

Lucky's spawn continues to be ripped apart by the three undead.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-13, 2:20 PM #277
((audience member to the rescue))

Amy "neps down hapling a minorky filled sniceball and swoosts it at the banker undead's head." (1)
2012-12-13, 2:21 PM #278
Kyle continues charging (3), moving closer to Amy. The eye begins to smoulder.
2012-12-13, 2:49 PM #279
The undead accountant shifts to sprint onto Kyle, and the three undead deal their first 3 damage to him!

Kyle: 9/12 HP
Enemies on him: undead accountant (3HP), undead I.T. (3 HP), undead firefighter (3 HP).
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-13, 2:58 PM #280
((Yeah.....I figured that would happen; if I had seen the audience post, Kyle would have attacked the banker instead. So, how will this part go? If I interrupt the accountant, could he then simple rejoin and deal three damage again?))

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