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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Terminal Testament (forum game)
Terminal Testament (forum game)
2012-11-20, 4:32 AM #121
Lucky eyes the Merchant askance. "Rumors, you say?" He crosses his arms. "There are those who say that the Beast wears the guise of a man, hooded and cloaked, selling wares in exchange for little bits of one's soul, and that his mark is the dollar sign." He narrows his eyes at the Merchant. "As compelling as that one seems to be, the one I find most probable is that, despite the Beast's monstrous ugliness, its reflection is even more disturbing - in its reflection it appears as a heartbreakingly beautiful creature, with a lost, mournful, confused expression on its face, and vacant, despairing eyes."
2012-11-20, 5:18 PM #122
The Merchant hums in dark thought.

"Yes, those will do. A credit for each. Thank you, gifted strangers, and take care..."

He chuckles to himself as he pulls a metal grate down over the counter, locking up his 'Store'. Further investigation reveal no trace of the mysterious man, though in the grand scheme of the Apocalypse, a disappearing trick attracts little curiosity...

((I apologize to you gentlemen, but the next few days are likely going to be too busy for me to give the proper attention this game needs, especially when facing your first boss. If you wish, I can post its introduction so you two can start formulating any plans you might want to make, or if you're clawing for action, I can just try my best to eek out replies when I can. Otherwise, I'll be back in action on Saturday, and I'll have a whole week after when I should be able to reply a lot more.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-20, 10:35 PM #123
(whatever works for me. next few days il probably be fairly busy as well.)
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-11-29, 6:35 PM #124
((Just wanted to let you guys know I didn't suddenly forget about this game. My "stay-cation" just ended up becoming a lot busier than I expected - apparently trying to do all the things you wanted to do but couldn't because you were working fills up your time. I'm really aiming to get this going again before the end of the weekend. Thanks for your patience!))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-03, 10:42 AM #125
((So I had hoped to establish my unofficial rules on myself by this point, and in the interest of keeping things going, I'm going to hopefully have those after the boss fight - though I won't hold things up again if I don't.))

At the north end of town, the survivors enter a warzone. Within this blockage, a hulking militant mutant commander stands firm, his attire decked out in a variety of weaponry. Other militant mutants are likely to fight by its side.

13/13 HP

Special ability: Tools of Armageddon (based on Fight of the Century!)
When this enemy has the ability to take an action, regardless of when he could normally attack, he can assault one target with one of his nine (9) unique weapons. If this enemy uses one of these weapons, he takes his first action to use it and his second action for the weapon to strike. He may take other actions in conjunction with the second action, including using another of his special weapons. Each of the special weapons is a one-time use item, and they range in damage from 1 to 9 (that is, one weapon deals 1 damage, one deals 2, etc.).

Special Ability: Egomaniac (based on Bonus Minigame #1)
The mutant commander can only be interrupted if the interrupt includes some appeal to its ego.

((Let me know if either of you two have lost interest or are unable to continue this game at any point. I can either fast-forward or end it with a summary of what could have happened and ask you two for some specific feedback. Thanks!))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-03, 1:43 PM #126
Lucky's robot takes aim!
2012-12-03, 1:53 PM #127
Lucky's robot calculates for wind!
2012-12-03, 2:00 PM #128
The mutant commander uses one of his tools of armageddon (3) At Lucky's robot spawn!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-03, 2:03 PM #129
Lucky's robot fires, a deafening roar thundering out of his plasma rail, dealing 3 points of damage to the Mutant Commander!

EDIT: Dangit!

Lucky's robot explodes in a shower of sparks. Lucky sighs and summons another robot.
2012-12-03, 2:06 PM #130
A red-shirt militant mutant takes aim at Lucky!

red-shirt mutant: 3/3 HP (1/2 turns towards Lucky)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-03, 2:08 PM #131
Lucky throws a boomerang at the militant to interrupt his attack!

EDIT: P'rhaps we should wait till Alran joins us? :)
2012-12-03, 2:11 PM #132
The mutant commander grunts from the robot's attack!

mutant commander: 10/13 HP

The armageddon tool whistles as it flies at the robot before exploding in a fiery ball!

Lucky's robot spawn: 0/3 HP

The mutant commander charges towards Clovis!

Mutant commander (1/2 turns towards Clovis)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-03, 2:12 PM #133
((I can put a pause to the game on my end if you'd like to do that, Al.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-03, 3:00 PM #134
((Hang on, didn't the mutant commander destroy the robot before it fired? Or was that something that required two turns, so the first shot still got off?))
2012-12-03, 3:04 PM #135
​((The tools of armageddon require 2 turns, like a standard attack for a militant mutant. They simply have the potential to do a variety of damage and the commander can take another, separate action after the first 'turn' with the weapon. So yes, the robot was able to land the one attack before the commander's own special attack connected.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-04, 9:36 PM #136
I probably wont be able to be involved much for the time being :(
I up and joined the navy so that is kind of consuming large quantities of time.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-12-04, 11:22 PM #137
((Alright, Al, unless we can get another player soon, I'll have to end this game prematurely. I can give a "summary" of what could have happened through the rest of the game if I do end it, as well as ask you two for some feedback. I'm going to give until Friday probably before I make the call. Regardless, thank you both for playing what you've been able to play!))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-06, 7:52 AM #138
That's too bad, Geb. I really like this, and I'm quite impressed with, well, everything. The backstory, the nods to your older games, the cool game mechanics.

I'm eager to hear this summary! What is the secret of the Beast? What is the world's fate, and our heroes' fate? What's up the with the Merchant; I know he's got to have some sinister secret (assuming he isn't the Beast or an agent thereof, hehe).

I'm also curious to hear what the other parts of the game would have been: i.e. what areas and monsters would the other bosses/waves/chases have. Also, what other special items did you make up for the other "classes"...we only saw the Merchant's special items for Dreamers and Slingers.

2012-12-06, 2:37 PM #139
Yeah, I am really sorry i am not going to be able to finish this out. :( it was actually REALLY fun, you did a great job on everything.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-12-06, 2:48 PM #140
((Thanks! I may still be able to squeeze in some new people though before I arbitrarily close this off, in which case, the mysteries will have to remain until they unfold in the game.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-06, 3:45 PM #141
Name: Amy (Ayentingspla)

Gift: Limmner

Traits and


She still has a little pastel baby blanket she will not give up despite how nasty and ratty it has become. One would be more likely for her to loan out her soul than hand over her Bwaegis. She often uses the blanket like a hijab.

Her blond hair has turned to a matted tangle of dreads.
pair of green rain boots that have these raised frog eye looking things on them.

Pair of jeans frayed spots and little burnt holes from wear and tear and past combat.

She managed to salvage a belt off the remains of an undead law officer corpse. She didn't get any nice goodies like a gun, someone else had dibs on them, but with a few modifications the belt works great to carry a couple hatchets.

Blue and green long sleeve plaid flannel shirt that is noticeably a few sizes too big for her. Some times she even tucks her arms up into each sleeve as if she is in a designer strait jacket.

And she carries a black backpack over her shoulders to carry other things like extra clothing if the weather call for it.

History: When she was about 3 old her dad handed her over to a band of Mercenaries. It was some sort of trade that is all she remembers. The Child named Ammo, her soul her blood, she gave it freely. It was her way of providing for her new family, but soon is was clear what she was saying was not just baby speak. Once her gift really began to shine, she insisted that her name was Ayentingspla. and began to not let those older than her just use her. She is Ok using Amy for an alias. Eh,long story etc. She calls the shots now. In a world in the throws of it's death and all abuse her essence has gone through, she still has a spirit that is playful and ornery. Fifteen going on two. The world is what doesn't make sense, not her.

(just to make it interesting?) For a slinger to gain open door consent for use of her soul you are first going to somehow show that you are trustworthy.
2012-12-06, 6:22 PM #142
((Hooray! Glad you could join, Voodoo! Remember that, as someone playing a limner, you'll need to spread the word about this game so you can get random audience people chiming in with their support for your attacks. I'll do my part to get the word out too, of course.

So with at least 2 players (and at least 1 more on the way), would you like to restart the boss battle from scratch or just 'unpause' from exactly where we last left off?))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-07, 6:24 AM #143
I am leaning twards a restart. but unpause would be fine. I just wanna play :)
2012-12-07, 1:39 PM #144
((OK, well we'll just pick up exactly where we left off then, and anyone else who wants to join can just jump right in. I will, however, ask that we keep most gameplay hours between 6:00PM-midnight U.S. Eastern Standard Time just so we all have an expected time we can be around - this was typically the time people were posting anyway. Anybody can ask and answer questions, do the Merchant-related stuff, and do 'set-up' posts outside that time, though. There may be times, particularly on Thursdays (and Tuesdays to a lesser extent) where I may be less responsive, but I'm not holding the rest of you to that limitation on my part, though if you guys know of any particular days ahead of time you won't be around, just mention and we can work around it one way or another.

Since there are a lot of random times I may be less available, and since I still hope to wrap this game up by the 21st, I may shorten or cut out sections (I may only do one Chase for instance, depending on how it goes), and I will be sticking with a lack of 'official' rules on myself and simply try to play fair (since I'll likely be rather limited on a lot of days as it is). Also, I'm changing the rules on Chases so that, instead of the least-active player's character dying if the players are unsuccessful in the case to all player character's current health dropping by half, rounded down.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-07, 2:17 PM #145
((Hrm, 5-11 is a rather limited time for me (Central Time), simply because I typically go to bed between 8 and 9, and two nights out of the week I'm not even around from 6-9, but playing board games with friends...))
2012-12-07, 2:36 PM #146
((Al, depending on Voodoo's response and anyone else who might jump in, I can try to find a time that works better for everyone. I'm just trying to focus the gameplay window in some fashion so we all know when to expect each other to be around.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-07, 4:43 PM #147
Name: Kyle Grayson
Type: Charger

Traits, Appearance, & History:
Kyle is a tall, skinny, down right lanky lad in his mid-thirties with chestnut brown hair, closely trimmed, and side burns. One of his eyes is missing due to an incident when he was a child, though, at times, he believes he is still able to see images and energy through this missing eye. The right eye is a dark brown, but becomes brighter as he channels the energy he views from his left eye, turning violet and eventually a bright white light when he has stored a great deal of energy. After leading a group of people from a safe enclave, he had to strain to hold the energy to blast down part of a rock wall and close off their pursuers; this incident left him blind for a few days, but this eventually subsided thanks to his comrades. He, like most able-bodies survivors of this era, is more fit than one would expect, though having to climb up mountains and rock faces to elude mutants and other fauna tends to do that. His voice is extraordinarily deep, which does not match his figure at all, which surprises many that first meet him. Kyle typically dresses in comfortable, but practical material so that his movement is not impeded, focusing on agility rather than armor for defense. This has, on occasion caused him to sustain injuries that a properly armored individual could have avoided, but he maintains that his maneuverability has allowed him to survive as long as he has.
2012-12-07, 4:55 PM #148
((I take it that the double parenthesis is out of character exposition; if it means something else, let me know. As for availability, I will probably be quite limited; I work before the crack of dawn, so I typically attempt to get to sleep no later than 9pm Eastern. The plus side is that I get home rather early most days, and could probably be available by 5pm, traffic depending.))
2012-12-07, 6:33 PM #149
((Garlon - welcome! And to answer your question about paranetheses, though it's not a hard rule or anything that you need the double-parantheses. I adopted it when I think Al started using it just to be clear when I was speaking 'in-game' and when I wasn't, and it's not something I'm holding anyone else to do.

I apologize for holding things up - Voodoo, are there ideal hours for you?))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-07, 6:49 PM #150
((Usually by 9:30pm EST. trying to fight back the grogginess from night time medication is futile. After 3 in afternoon would be the most ideal for me.))
2012-12-07, 7:00 PM #151
((Alright, well since the three of you have earlier windows than I expected, I will expand the window to 3PM to Midnight EST with a focus between 5 to 10. While I know you all won't normally be up that late, I want to leave it out just in case you or new people decide to post later. I therefore generally won't post any later than 10PM judging by time frames for fairness.

Do you all want the same window for weekend days too?

We'll start up again just where things left off on Sunday -- it'd be tomorrow except that I'll be at a book club meeting during the afternoon and a company holiday party during the night where I don't think I'll even be able to check my phone.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-09, 12:36 PM #152
((You all can start whenever you're ready. I won't be starting (minus one thing) until you do, though I can't promise that other new people who could potentially jump in as bad guys (ex. other regular militant mutants, undead, or machines) will do the same.

As a recap, Lucky's robot spawn did 3 damage to the mutant commander (now at 10 HP) before the commander destroyed his spawn. A red-shirt militant mutant has taken his first of 2 turns to charge towards Lucky. The mutant commander then went for Clovis, only for Clovis to have gone MIA. Amy and Kyle have now joined the scene, ready to assist Lucky. For the mutant commander's special abilities, see here for details. For Amy's player, Voodoo, remember that your class ability is dependent on audience votes and help from Dreamers such as Al's character, Lucky.

Since Clovis is now MIA, and since we have at least 3 players, I will start off with one new action, as something of a reminder that normal Cursed could still show up in this fight in addition to the one red-shirt militant mutant approaching Lucky.))

A green-camo-fitted militant mutant begins to flank Kyle!

green-camo mutant: 3/3 HP (1/2 turns towards Kyle)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-09, 2:15 PM #153
Lucky dreams up a hornet, which stings the green-camo fitted mutant to interrupt his attack on Kyle! "New blood should always have a sporting chance," he grunts, eyeing the red-shirted mutant with a grimace.
2012-12-09, 4:41 PM #154
"Thanks, man. It seems I've walked into some crazy **** over here."

Kyle begins charging.
2012-12-09, 4:52 PM #155
The green-camo m. mutant has been interrupted!

The red-shirted m. mutant attacks Lucky!

Lucky: 9 HP
red shirted mutant: 3 HP (on Lucky)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-09, 4:55 PM #156
Lucky's robot takes aim!

EDIT: Lucky summons a mutant!
2012-12-09, 5:02 PM #157
((Al, your robot was destroyed earlier. Would you like to replace that action with summoning a new robot spawn?))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-09, 5:03 PM #158
((Ah, right. I had re-summoned it actually, but that was because I had thought Lucky's robot was destroyed before it fired, meaning he had that action free to summon a new one. Lemme edit it))
2012-12-09, 5:05 PM #159
Kyle continues to charge (2)
2012-12-09, 5:06 PM #160
Lucky's mutant moves to attack the red-shirted mutant.

1/2 turns

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