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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Terminal Testament (forum game)
Terminal Testament (forum game)
2012-11-14, 5:58 PM #41
From within the convenience store, another mutant with a huge gut lumbers out and towards Clovis.

Fat mutant: 3HP (1/3 turns before attacking Clovis)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-14, 6:17 PM #42
Lucky takes a stray piece of sharp scrap metal out of his pouch and flings it at the biker mutant to interrupt his attack. "Eat flaming shuriken!" he shouts.
2012-11-14, 6:32 PM #43
(Hooray, got subscriptions to work!)

The fat mutant advances more towards Clovis.

Fat mutant: 3HP (2/3 turns before attacking Clovis)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-14, 6:35 PM #44
A mutant with a third, limp arm growing out of its left shoulder exits from a gas station and towards Clovis.

3rd-arm mutant: 3HP (1/3 turns before attacking Clovis)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-14, 6:38 PM #45
The biker mutant yells in dazed frustration, then moves to try and attack Lucky again.

Biker mutant: 3HP (1/3 turns before attacking Lucky)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-14, 6:58 PM #46
Clovis glares sourly at the fat mutant with the distended belly lumbering toward him. A look of disapproval turns into a nearly rictus grin, "Lucky," he says "with your permission I would ask to make use of your immortal soul." Clovis enters a seemingly trance state takes a deep rasping breath and outstretches a hand toward Lucky. Lucky's breath catches and his eyes (eye) seem to dim as Clovis clenches his hand into a fist and hurls it toward the Fat Mutant, releasing a burst of "soul energy" directly at it. (<< this is of course pending Lucky's permission... otherwise i just sit there looking quite goofy.)

P.S. sorry im a bit late posting here.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-11-14, 7:49 PM #47
(Darth Alran: No problems, though I have a feeling both myself and Al will be asleep shortly if not already. I intend to check up when I can tomorrow during the day, and definitely during Friday.

I'm going to go ahead and say that, in both the interest of keeping the game from halting and to not make your action meaningless, a 'soul-sling' will be considered a standard attack (that is, a non-damaging interfering against the enemy) should either the targeted enemy or yourself take an action or have an action taken upon one of you before permission is given. A person can opt to give an 'open door' policy regarding permission (that is, give it once for a slinger to use whenever) at their own risk - for dreamers and other slingers, such an option would be most useful.

Also, should we get more people playing, while I am not currently going to institute anything official, please try to refrain from 'teaming up' (that is, two people on the same 'side' posting back-to-back) or exploiting the runner/machine's specialties during times when it's obvious the opposing side is asleep or the like. Call it good sportsmanship. Were we to have more people across the world, this would be a moot point.

I'm also going to clarify that the Slinger's ability does damage equal to half the 'soul's' health rounded up. So, for instance, if Lucky gets knocked down to 11HP, slinging his soul would still do 6HP, not 5.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-15, 4:41 AM #48
(But...but... bad sportsmanship ftw! :awesome: )

Lucky pumps his fist in the air - albeit a bit groggily as Clovis gathers his soulstuff. "Yes! Smite these beastly heathens with the wrath of God!"

(Darth Alran: You can basically assume an open door policy about the slinging. Without other players to support, it's always gonna take my spawns 3 rounds to do just 3 damage, assuming they're not interrupted. Or 2 rounds if we're indoors/militant/dark. So feel free, unless we have like two monsters nearly about to attack us, and we both need our actions for interrupts or something.)
2012-11-15, 10:35 AM #49
(have another quick "game rules" question... do I have to use a turn to put "Lucky's" soul back before i can sling it again?)
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-11-15, 12:47 PM #50
((I'm pretty sure you do...I was wondering if Geb would let you sling my mutant's soul lol too))
2012-11-15, 12:58 PM #51
(Darth Alran: Good question! I had thought of addressing it yesterday and didn't because I wanted to see how it might come up first. For game balance, I've decided that, yes, you need to return it to his body before 'slinging' it again. As much fun as the latter would be, I don't think it would be well-balanced the way the system is currently balanced.

Also, today was far busier at work than normal, so sorry for the lack of updates so far on my part.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-15, 1:32 PM #52
((This mechanic could make us very weak. In effect, it takes 3 actions to do 1 attack: clovis' slinging, my missed action, and clovis putting it back. Especially since my spawns take 3 turns to attack themselves. Without more people to support, I'm pretty ineffectual, hmm.))
2012-11-15, 1:53 PM #53
(Al: You are playing as a dreamer, and because of that, you do not miss an action when your soul is slung.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-15, 3:21 PM #54
((Ohhh! I missed that part ^^))
2012-11-15, 3:52 PM #55
((Anyway, moving on with the game, as I finally am free...))

With a silent scream, the fat mutant falls to the soul-slinging attack from Clovis.

Fat mutant: 0 HP (Clovis now has 3 spoils)

Hoarse groans and shrieks scrape through the air. An undead wearing a grey hoodie scurries to flank Lucky's mutant spawn.

hoodie undead: 3 HP
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-15, 4:20 PM #56
Clovis frowns at the newly arrived undead, and releases Luck'y soul back into his body.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-11-15, 4:24 PM #57
An undead in a formal black suit, covered in dirt, also scurries to clank Lucky's mutant spawn.

black suit undead: 3HP
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-15, 4:25 PM #58
The mutant with the third, limp arm growing out of its left shoulder continues towards Clovis.

3rd-arm mutant: 3HP (2/3 turns before attacking Clovis)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-15, 4:28 PM #59
The biker mutant continues to approach Lucky.

Biker mutant: 3HP (2/3 turns before attacking Lucky)

(Yup, I'm evil and wish to see who you will target next, unless Al is quick enough to post. ;) ...or unless someone else, good or bad, jumps in).
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-15, 5:32 PM #60
Lucky snaps, "Knight, ho!" and his mutant spawn chucks what looks like an ancient soda bottle at the biker mutant.

EDIT: That is, in an interrupt.
2012-11-15, 5:52 PM #61
A shirtless undead joins the formal suit and hoodie undead and attack Lucky's mutant spawn, killing it just after it interrupted the biker mutant.

Lucky's mutant spawn
: 0 HP
shirtless undead​: 3 HP
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-15, 6:00 PM #62
The biker mutant, disgruntled with its attempts to attack Lucky, decides to advance towards Clovis instead.

Biker mutant: 3 HP (1/3 turns before attacking Clovis)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-15, 6:46 PM #63
"Your sacrifice shall not be in vain, noble knight!" Lucky tells his dessicated husk, as he shines a light into the biker mutant's eye, reflected off a piece of stained glass, to interrupt him.
2012-11-15, 7:16 PM #64
The mutant with the third, limp arm growing out of its left shoulder attacks Clovis!

3rd-arm mutant: 3 HP (attacking Clovis)
Clovis: 9 HP
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-15, 8:13 PM #65

Clovis staggers back a few steps then regains his composure. (relying on Lucky's open door policy) He once again wrenches Lucky's soul from his body and flings it at the beastie with the third limp arm.

(will mutants and zombies fight each other?? or are they all directed against us?)
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-11-15, 8:41 PM #66
The third-armed mutant spins from the force of the attack before falling face-first into the ground.

third-armed mutant: 0 HP

(To answer your question, Alran, different Cursed might fight each other depending on circumstance and whim, and for the most part, they feel compelled to attack those who are Gifted. Also, to let you both know, after this first wave, I intend to see about instituting an unofficial stricter fudged rules on my end so that the rest of you have something more objective to gauge by and not feel my actions are arbitrary. Until that not-too-distant future...)

The suit-wearing undead spots Lucky and staggers towards him!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-16, 4:40 AM #67
(Ooops! Sorry, Darth, I should have interrupted the third armed mutant! I forgot he was there. :( )

Lucky bellows, "I'm going to pretend that never happened!" For just an instant, there is a hush as a tumbleweed rolls by. Then everything merely resumes as before. He sighs, and dreams a robot spawn into existence!
2012-11-16, 9:11 AM #68
The shirtless undead joins the black-suited undead in flanking Lucky!

shirtless and black-suited undead: 3HP/3HP (2/3 undead on Lucky)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-16, 9:55 AM #69
Clovis picks up a nearby plank of partially rotten wood. He runs full speed at the black-suited undead and smashes the board over its head. The wood easily breaks, hopefully at least distracting the undead.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-11-16, 10:59 AM #70
The biker mutant, seeing Clovis currently distracted, continues to advance towards him.

Biker mutant: 3 HP (2/3 turns before attacking Clovis)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-16, 11:08 AM #71
Not noticing the Mutant advancing behind him Clovis releases Lucky's soul back into his body.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-11-16, 11:20 AM #72
The grey hoodie-wearing undead scurries to flank Lucky.

hoodie and shirtless undead: 3 HP/3 HP (2/3 undead on Lucky)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-16, 11:27 AM #73
Clovis once again wrangles Lucky's soul and unleashes it upon the Shirtless Undead.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-11-16, 12:30 PM #74
Lucky's robot fires a warning shot on the biker mutant as an interrupt. "I've got your back!" Lucky calls. He crosses his fingers and mumbles, "But don't blame me if you turn out to be a red shirt."
2012-11-16, 12:41 PM #75
The head of the shirtless undead explodes, and the body falls to its side on the ground.

shirtless undead: 0 HP

Thebiker mutant is once again stunned.

biker mutant: 3 HP

The hooded undead scuttles towards Clovis!

hoodie undead: 3 HP (1/3 undead on Clovis)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-16, 12:50 PM #76
Clovis releases Lucky's soul back to him saying, "much obliged for your timely assistance."
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-11-16, 1:00 PM #77
(Man, Clovis is really polite, even after being called a redshirt, hah.)

The black-suit undead shambles to Clovis.

hoodie and suit-wearing undead: 3 HP/3 HP (2/3 undead on Clovis)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-16, 1:05 PM #78
Stirring awake from its electronic sleep, a humanoid robot with a toaster for a head rises from behind a fallen telephone pole. It begins to lock onto Lucky.

toaster robot: 3 HP (1/3 half hour until attacking Lucky)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-16, 1:23 PM #79
Having briefly malfunctioned (read: I missed the 10 minute mark, d'oh) ​the toaster robot recalculates its attack toward Lucky.

toaster robot: 3 HP (1/3 half hour until attacking Lucky)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-16, 1:31 PM #80
The biker mutant cautiously moves in closer to Clovis, building its confidence that there are not currently enough undead to pose a threat to it...

biker mutant: 3 HP (2/3 turns towards Clovis)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories

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