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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Terminal Testament (forum game)
Terminal Testament (forum game)
2012-12-09, 5:10 PM #161
Kyle charges (3). His eye begins to lighten and appears to be a light brown color now.
2012-12-09, 5:10 PM #162
The mutant commander hurls another of his tools of armageddon (the 4) at Amy!

mutant commander: 10 HP
level-5 tool of armageddon: 1 of 2 towards Amy.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-09, 5:14 PM #163
((Eh, we'll see if this works))

Kyle unleashes his charge at the weapon hurling at Amy, hoping to deflect it. The current charge is 3.
2012-12-09, 5:18 PM #164
((I...had not thought of that, and I should have, hah! It makes sense, so I'm going to say that you can damage its special weapons as if there were separate entities, with their 'HP' matching their damage. Since you hit it for 3, it now can only deals 1 damage.))

The tool of armageddon is struck by Kyle's attack, knocking its effectiveness down to 1.

The tool of armageddon hits Amy for 1 damage!

Amy: 11 HP

EDIT: I can't do math, doh.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-09, 5:21 PM #165
Lucky's mutant attacks the red-shirted mutant! Like the red shirt it was born to be, it dies!
2012-12-09, 5:23 PM #166
((That was pretty much how I would have ruled the situation as well))

Kyle begins charging again, siphoning energy from the world through his left eye and into his right. He turns towards the mutant commander, staring him down.
2012-12-09, 5:26 PM #167
The mutant commander lobs a fiery tool of armageddon (a whopping 9!) at Lucky!

mutant commander: 10 HP
level-9 tool of armageddon: 1 of 2 towards Lucky.

(EDIT: In case you're wondering, I just rolled a die to determine which one the boss will use, discounting ones he's already used.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-09, 5:27 PM #168
Lucky uses Lucidity to deflect the attack back at the mutant commander!
2012-12-09, 5:31 PM #169
((Wow, I totally forgot that he got that special item. Nice use!))

The mutant commander reels from having his own attack redirected back at him!

mutant commander: 1 HP

A blue-uniformed militant mutant enters teh scene and takes aim at Kyle!

blue m. mutant: 3 HP (1/2 towards Kyle)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-09, 5:32 PM #170
Lucky's mutant moves to attack the commander!

1/2 turns
2012-12-09, 5:32 PM #171
Kyle continues charging (2), looks over at Lucky, and asks, "How did you just do that?" He also looks around the terrain to see where he could potentially climb up onto and what the ground around the commander is like.
2012-12-09, 5:35 PM #172
Lucky's mutant slays the commander!

2/2 turns

EDIT: Lucky replies. "He is a dream, I'm the dreamer."
2012-12-09, 5:37 PM #173
Kyle shoots the blue mutant coming towards him for (2).

"I've seen some of you before, but that was quite impressive."
2012-12-09, 5:38 PM #174
The mutant commander groans before flopping with a ground-shaking THUD onto the ground.

mutant commander: 0 HP

Any other Cursed presence seems to make themselves scarce at this point. However, the blue-uniformed still goes to attack Kyle, when Kyle attacks, dealing 2 damage to it!

blue-uniformed mutant: 1 HP
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-09, 5:42 PM #175
Lucky's mutant moves to the cop mutant.

1/2 turns
2012-12-09, 5:43 PM #176
As Kyle surveys the area, he notes the terrain is rather flat. Cement barriers block some of the road immediately north as well as a good chunk of the surrounding area in that direction. Military vehicles and what appear to be landmines dot the area.

((Just to let you know, while I'm all for describing the area to set the mood and such, in general, this game will not be complex enough to allow for terrain to gain a gameplay advantage or disadvantage unless it's noted as a warzone, dark, or indoors. I am, of course, up for convincing otherwise on a case-by-case basis.

Also, an attack made on a bad guy also interrupts them. This only applies to non-boss Cursed.)).
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-09, 5:45 PM #177
The blue-uniformed cop mutant makes a move to attack Amy!

blue uniformed cop mutant: 1 HP towards Amy

((Go for the kill, gentlemen.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-09, 5:47 PM #178
Lucky's mutant goes for the kill! In a gory throat-ripping, as Lucky's subconscious spawns a deep baritone declaring out of the air, "FINISH HIM!" followed by "FATALITY"
2012-12-09, 5:50 PM #179
The blue-uniformed mutant gurgles as it flops over dead.

blue-uniformed mutant: 0 HP

The survivors sense that they are currently in the quiet of an approaching storm, and that if they do not leave quickly, trouble will fall down on them hard.

((Good work, people! Feel free to do any whatever for tonight, including questions and whatnot, and tomorrow, I'll do the first chase scene, followed by a stop for the Merchant on Tuesday and entering Pandora on Wednesday!))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-09, 5:59 PM #180
((OK. I'm sure I'll come up with questions later, but I've had a long day, and I need to get to sleep))

Kyle walks up to Lucky and Amy and introduces himself
2012-12-09, 7:16 PM #181
Amy scowls at the Miltant Mutant Leader and with an utsiferat full of imtempaunt says,
"Bampt! you nisched my plik!
With her rrid and her zik
She , ivvys, vishes, and thishes.
and with the words:
"Basdun Guilso!"
she forms a Vishnating Cwnado!
2012-12-10, 6:53 AM #182
Lucky lets out his breath. "One thing I don't like about these dreams is that people up and vanish without warning. That slinger was useful." As Amy comes in, he brightens. "I was just thinking about a Limner! Glad to have dreamed you up! I'm Lucky by the way. I was born here when the Beast was first summoned."
2012-12-10, 7:18 AM #183
She curtsies "xest Ayentingspla, treat me well and I treat you well."
"Lucky, indeed yes you are. And she turns to the charger, "and you, thank you for the jayshis what do you name yourself?"
2012-12-10, 12:27 PM #184
"Kyle Grayson, miss. I trust that the discus he threw at you didn't hurt you too much; I had hoped to destroy it, when I saw it hurling towards you, but it seems that I had not yet gathered enough of the ether to do so. There are likely more of those accursed things out there regrouping, but I would like to make sure that one is indeed dead." Turning to Lucky, Kyle says, "Could you keep one of your summons up for a look out; I may be pretty quick, but it is easy to get surprised nowadays."
2012-12-10, 12:31 PM #185
Stage 2: The Path of Distress

Ahead of you, past the military blockade, Dolores Road runs north-east towards the Rocky Mountains. Ashen snow starts to whip across the landscape, and howls which are not the wind rip through the dead air. From the depths which they had hid, a Cursed swarm approaches rapidly. The only hope of escape - and continued pursuit after the Great Beast - remains in stealing away with one of the military jeeps...

Chase towards Pandora (based off of Don't Sink!)
The gameplay for this mode deviates from the norm here. The objective for this chapter is to outrun the Cursed.

The "chase" will be represented by a relative measurement between 1 to 40, where the Cursed will start at 0 and the Gifted will start at 10. For either to advance, they simply have to make a post marking that they've advanced and note the number that they've advanced to. A player can only move one point per post, and they cannot post twice in a row. To succeed, the players for their side have to work together to alternate posting quicker than the opposing side. The chase ends either when the Cursed catch up with the Gifted or the Gifted succeed in either reaching 40 or evading the Cursed before the end of the day. If the Cursed succeed, all Gifted character's current health is reduced to half, rounded up.

((I will begin posting once every half hour for the Cursed, and may pick up the pace once the players start themselves. This, of course, does not exclude other potential players from jumping in to play for the Cursed side themselves. If there are any major questions about this mode, please ask them ASAP.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 12:54 PM #186
Amy runs singing "for every thing turn turn turn there is a season turn turn lala laaa a time hide a time to Ruuuunnn for it toooo Laaate!" ((One advance + 10 = 11))
2012-12-10, 1:02 PM #187

Cursed advance to 1.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 1:11 PM #188
((Are we able to assist other characters in moving? Without Al here, this could easily end up with him being left behind if Voodoo and I move forward.))

Kyle looks over the fallen commander, does he see anything interesting?
2012-12-10, 1:18 PM #189
((You move as a collective. No one person in your team will be left behind.))

Kyle looks over the mutant commander as the Cursed horde approaches before they begin to speed away. He looks unnaturally large, and perhaps at one point a highly decorated promising young marine. Now, though, the man is just another passing breath of this comatose earth. Any spoils the mutant commander had on him have been collected by Lucky, as were the spoils of the other mutants.

Screams of your death can be heard growing louder.
The Cursed advance to 2.

((I will go over official spoil count after the chase, but the short is that you get spoils equal to the damage you dealt to bad guys, and you'll be able to share among each other if you wish to do so.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 1:52 PM #190
Lucky hops in the jeep and hotwires the ignition!

The Gifted advance to 12.

((EDIT: By the way, Kyle has 2 spoils, and I have 17.))
2012-12-10, 2:00 PM #191
The buzz of the Cursed swarm grows closer!

The Cursed advance to ​3!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 2:10 PM #192
Kyle escorts Amy to the passenger seat and gets in the back, facing the swarm, telling Lucky to gun it. The Gifted advance to 13. With the hope of clearing out debris or slowing down the swarm, he'll begin charging (1).

((That is, if I am allowed to do that))
2012-12-10, 2:30 PM #193
((Garlon: This chapter is using a different mode of gameplay. While you're not forbidden to take other actions, they would be moot, as this game mode is designed to be more high-paced. If, after this time, you all wish for me to modify this mode to allow for things such as using your class abilities, I can attempt to include a revision for the other chase chapter I have potentially planned. For now, though, I'm unable to add such on the fly. If the game seems simplistic, that's because it is right now, hah.))

"I want the girl!" one of the Cursed screams in the clatter.
The Cursed advance to 4.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 2:34 PM #194
Lucky guns the engine, waiting anxiously as it turns over before it catches!

The Gifted advance to 14.
2012-12-10, 2:35 PM #195
((Suggestion: Kyle, you can "skin" one of your advances with a charge to clear out debris or something. That sound good?))

EDIT: Also, I now have 10% of Geb's post count, hah.
2012-12-10, 2:57 PM #196
"The slaver is mine!" screams one of the mutants.

The Cursed advance to 5​.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 3:01 PM #197
Lucky rolls his eyes. "Slaver, indeed. My paladins are noble champions who serve me willingly." The engine guns, and Lucky hits the accelerator, as they take off!

The Gifted advance to 15.
2012-12-10, 3:12 PM #198
"An a time to ride."
With zik she slins some sweebs ((help move debris?))

The gifted advance 16
2012-12-10, 3:15 PM #199
((And now that I'm off work, I can pick up my speed a bit at random :D Mwahaha...))

In the mix of the Cursed, a female undead's voice rings through like a tuning fork half-scraped across a blackboard. All it says is "Kyle..."

The Cursed advance to 6​.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-10, 3:15 PM #200
Lucky nods appreciatively at Amy. "Excellent word choice."

The gifted advanced 17.

EDIT: That is creeeepy ^

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