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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Terminal Testament (forum game)
Terminal Testament (forum game)
2012-12-13, 3:06 PM #281
((I was thinking of that just now, and I've decided the answer is no - if the accountant jumps back on, he'll only do 1. You have to cease being surrounded by any enemies before they could reform and have the initial damage be 3. Ultimately, it's probably a stickier scenario I have to potentially revise at some point, but that's my call for now.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-13, 3:15 PM #282

Kyle picks up a loose stone, hyrls it at the accountant, and pushes him off, interrupting him.
2012-12-13, 4:01 PM #283
The undead hairdresser moves onto Kyle!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-13, 4:13 PM #284
((Won't that do damage then?))

Kyle pushes the hairdresser off of him.
2012-12-13, 4:33 PM #285
Lucky yells, "Another vote to the lady!"

((Does this count as my action, or can I do another one? My game tonight looks to have been cancelled, or perhaps it will merely be very very delayed.))
2012-12-13, 4:49 PM #286
Kyle pushes at the eyeball of one of the technician, wincing as he re-experiences a pain from his childhood.
2012-12-13, 5:02 PM #287
Lucky summons a robot!
2012-12-13, 5:07 PM #288
Kyle pushes off the last zombie, staunches the bleeding on his arm, and moves over towards Amy to assist her.

(We should probably wait for Geb to return)
2012-12-13, 5:14 PM #289
((agreed kinda need a recap as long as i do not lie down I can stay awake for a few more hours))
2012-12-13, 5:18 PM #290
((hahaha.....I'm still waiting to find out what you meant by the comment that Amy made regarding who the undead were))
2012-12-13, 5:19 PM #291
((For the record, I'll be good until around 9-9:30 EST))
2012-12-13, 5:23 PM #292
Undead accountant: 3 HP
Undead firefighter: 3 HP
Undead hairdresser: 3 HP
Undead I.T. technician: 3 HP

2/3 on Amy
Undead banker: 3 HP
Undead gardener: 3 HP

2/3 on Lucky
Undead construction worker: 3 HP
Undead electrician: 3 HP

0/3 on Kyle

Lucky pushes off the construction worker!

1/3 on Lucky
Undead electrician: 3 HP
2012-12-13, 5:44 PM #293
(Garlon, damage was done as should this next one. I just didnt have time as I updated from my phone as I am now.)

The undead firefighter moves to attack Amy!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-13, 5:46 PM #294
Lucky's robot readies!
2012-12-13, 5:47 PM #295
((That's a nice set-up. How did you manage that?))
2012-12-13, 5:48 PM #296

Kyle pulls off the Gardener from Amy sending it sprawling down the hillside.
2012-12-13, 5:56 PM #297
Lucky's robot aims! (at the undead electrician)
2012-12-13, 6:00 PM #298
Kyle kicks the banker off of Amy
2012-12-13, 6:06 PM #299
Lucky's robot fires at the undead electrician dealing 6/3 damage!

Undead accountant: 3 HP
Undead banker: 3 HP
Undead construction worker: 3 HP
Undead firefighter: 3 HP
Undead gardener: 3 HP
Undead hairdresser: 3 HP
Undead I.T. technician: 3 HP

0/3 on Amy
0/3 on Kyle
0/3 on Lucky

Undead electrician: 0/3 HP (Lucky's kill)
2012-12-13, 6:14 PM #300
"Well, at least they are all off of us now; how shall we handle this?"

Kyle, panting from the excertion and wincing from his wounds, begins to gather up energy (Charge 1)

((I am going to turn in for the night))
2012-12-13, 6:21 PM #301
Lucky plucks on the strands of the dream, pulling energy to Kyle (Charge 2)
2012-12-13, 6:30 PM #302
"I wish they would just stay dead though."
She pulls out her new story credit card and licks it once (( 1 credits ))
"whOOooo!" she clexpoms and neps and
ormcrates a S.C.R.E.F. class (second cousins roommates ex's friends)
Minorcky filled snice ball
with a "Hack Sthipppp" and a hand full of ithey avel
an make the sign of the cross and exclaims,
"in the name of the the father the son and holy ghost, the biggest hog gets the most!"
And horbs at the firefighter undead.
2012-12-13, 6:32 PM #303
((Edit: Voodoo, you only needed 1, as I gave you a vote earlier, and so did an audience member.))
2012-12-13, 6:38 PM #304
((Will be my last post for tonight))
2012-12-14, 10:15 AM #305
((Went over everything from last night, and the only thing that doesn't match is Al's question about Voodoo's last kill - her previous 2 point were interrupted when she was attacked - admittedly not as clear as I usually made it since I posted on the phone at that time. Here's the current status, bolding the parts not previously covered in Al's update:

Undead accountant: 3 HP
Undead banker: 3 HP
Undead construction worker: 3 HP
Undead denist: 3 HP
Undead firefighter: 2 HP
Undead gardener: 3 HP
Undead hairdresser: 3 HP
Undead I.T. technician: 3 HP

0/3 on Amy - 9 HP
0/3 on Kyle - 8 HP
0/3 on Lucky - 12 HP
0/3 on Lucky's robot spawn - 3 HP

Undead electrician: 0/3 HP (Lucky's kill)

I'll begin the first turn on my end at 3, at which point I'll wait for one of you to make the first post before I post on.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 11:50 AM #306
Kyle continues charging (3) putting Lucky's robot between him and the creatures, pulling Amy along with him.
2012-12-14, 12:00 PM #307
The undead dentist scurries at Lucky's robot spawn.

1/3 (dentist) on robot spawn.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 12:03 PM #308
Kyle unleashes the stored energy at the Dentist, blasting through its remaining teeth and out the back of its head.
2012-12-14, 12:25 PM #309

The undead accountant turns its attention and lunges at Lucky!

1/3 (accountant) on Lucky.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 12:27 PM #310
The undead firefighter (2 HP), now aggravated, hurls itself in rage at Amy!

1/3 (firefighter) on Amy.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 12:29 PM #311
Kyle begins charging (1), backing away along with the others, nearly stumbling upon some loose gravel.
2012-12-14, 12:29 PM #312
The undead construction worker moves to deconstruct Lucky's robot spawn... with its bare hands.

1/3 (construction worker) on robot spawn.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 12:32 PM #313
The undead hairdresser, fixated on Lucky's scalp, nearly trips to try and scalp Lucky!

2/3 (accountant, hairdresser) on Lucky.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-12-14, 12:35 PM #314
((Not certain if it would be better to take out the firefighter, or prevent three on Lucky....))

Kyle continues charging, focusing his attention on the Firefighter (Charge 2)
2012-12-14, 12:41 PM #315
Lucky kicks away the hairdresser!

1/3 on Lucky
2012-12-14, 12:42 PM #316
(( edited to direting this to the hair dresser coscalper instead of the firelighter.))
"I find it fitting that I callibout you with this."
tweebolicking the dictarny ( 3 credits )
zwallibouts zik
and kauqs it Bwammm!
in the coscalpers thern
2012-12-14, 12:47 PM #317
Kyle unleashes the charge (2) at the firefighter, burning its face in the process.
2012-12-14, 12:52 PM #318
"Don't use all your credits at once!" Lucky yells at Amy, and pushes away the accountant as well.

0/3 on Lucky

((EDIT: Remember, as a dreamer, I can help Kyle charge up or vote for Amy.))
2012-12-14, 12:53 PM #319
((does take a little bit longer to limm an attack than just directly describe what the action is))
aawww But the words are so yumliscous, Lucky. Amy tucks the card back into her pocket. "I'll help keep em off us."
2012-12-14, 12:58 PM #320
((Well, if the cost is consistent, she is getting two spoils for the cost of one. I do like how versatile the Dreamer is, particularly as an assist character))

Kyle begins charging, looks over at Lucky and asks, "Which one do you think we should focus on? Also, keep your eyes out for the advanced undead; it's getting darker out and I cannot judge distance quite as well..."

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