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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Terminal Testament (forum game)
Terminal Testament (forum game)
2012-11-16, 1:33 PM #81
The toaster robot attempts to further its calculations to attack Lucky.

toaster robot: 3 HP (2/3 half hour until attacking Lucky)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-16, 1:43 PM #82
ZAP! The toaster robot strikes Lucky with a laser shot!

toaster robot: 3 HP
Lucky: 9 HP

Lucky and Clovis sense that, should they be able to rid themselves of their current enemies, they will approach the climax of their current wave of enemies... (Typically, this sort of thing wouldn't be something I spell out, and in these circumstances, I think it's best that I give you a heads up about these things so that you get a sense of fair progression.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-16, 1:45 PM #83
Clovis Finally sees the Biker Mutant and backpedals a few steps. "Lucky" he says, "after this I am going to buy your soul a steak dinner." He again slings Lucky's soul this time in the direction of the Biker Mutant.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-11-16, 1:53 PM #84
ZZZZAP! The toaster robot scores a hit on Lucky again!

toaster robot: 3 HP (attacking Lucky)
Lucky: 6 HP
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-16, 2:00 PM #85
Clovis looks at the robot attacking Lucky then at the zombies approaching him. He lets out an exacerbated sigh and slings his own soul at the toaster headed Robot.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-11-16, 2:01 PM #86
The biker mutant flies backwards from the force of the attack from Clovis, somersaulting and smacking against a wall.

biker mutant: 0 HP

The toaster robot, too broken to realize that its target has not died, attempts to calculate its attack on the hooded undead.

toaster robot: 3 HP (1/3 half hour on hoodie undead)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-16, 2:02 PM #87
(lol, can i retract my last attack on the robot?)
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-11-16, 2:02 PM #88
The toaster robot explodes in a shower of sparks and metal parts. Moldy toast pops out of its toaster head.

toaster robot: 0 HP
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-16, 2:04 PM #89
(Er, up to you. It'd probably be advantageous if you didn't though, since unless someone random jumps in with another undead, I was intending to close this wave up with a boss fight, and you'd be able to get your 'soul' back before then since the last two undead are still there for easy pickings.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-16, 2:22 PM #90
((Actually, once the remaining Cursed are taken care of but before the boss, I think I'll have the mysterious merchant show up for you guys first, as it'll make more sense overall.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-16, 3:25 PM #91
(Lol, sounds good!)

Clovis slings Lucky's soul back into his body, then spins back around to confront the two undead approaching.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-11-16, 3:44 PM #92
Lucky's robot begins calculating vectors on the biker mutant.
2012-11-16, 3:53 PM #93
((Psst, Al, the biker mutant is already dead. We can say you were targeting one of the undead instead, just say which one.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-16, 3:54 PM #94
Lucky's robot adjusts for wind and visual distortion and lines up his shot.

EDIT: ((Oh, oops, I completely missed the third page. Um, hoodie undead xD))
2012-11-16, 4:04 PM #95
Lucky's robot fires a deadly anti-intestinal slug at the hoodie undead! I.e. it will no longer process a desire to eat living flesh/brains/grains/trains/whathaveyou. xD

EDIT: ((Success!))
2012-11-16, 4:09 PM #96
The hoodie undead stands for a moment with the gaping hole in its gut before crumpling to the ground.

Hoodie undead: 0 HP
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-16, 4:51 PM #97
((Does your last post count as a post, and now I can post again? Haha. Also, I noticed that the robot scored two hits in a row on Lucky... is it possible for a robot to keep shooting over and over once it's locked on? o_O))
2012-11-16, 5:03 PM #98
((Al, as a robot, you are only constrained by posting exactly within 10 minutes of each other, so while my last post doesn't count normally, you can still attack with your robot.

As for continuous attacking, once an enemy is able to attack, it can continue attacking on that one target until attacked, interrupted in its attack, or the target is dead, so in your case, since your last target is killed, you would need to repeat the process for your new target before being able to attack it.

The only reason I'm not just saying "you guys defeat the two undead" in this case, by the way, is so that the two of you get a chance to essentially claim the spoils for yourselves. While you'll be able to share spoils if you wish to, you don't have to.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-16, 6:44 PM #99
((Oh, okay lol))
2012-11-16, 6:47 PM #100
((Just as a reminder, you two still have a black-suit-wearing undead to claim. If neither of you, or a random newcomer, claims a kill on it before sometime tomorrow (12-24 hours from now), I'll just post that it runs away and move on with giving you guys the opportunity to talk shop with the Merchant.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-16, 7:39 PM #101
​((Almost forgot -- Al, you also still have your robot spawn alive. You can opt to keep it up or let Alran kill it for its spoils.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-17, 12:48 AM #102
Clovis grins at the last solitary undead. He reaches out and one last time (for now.) and slings lucky's soul at the Black-suit-wearing Undead. "Good riddance." he mutters as Lucky's soul smashes into it.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-11-17, 5:50 AM #103
((It's up to Alran :) Spoils are nice, but keeping the robot would save me an action for when we face the boss. So it's a trade-off. Either works.))
2012-11-17, 1:57 PM #104
(lol, I'll leave your robot alone. I would rather you not have to use an action like you said.)
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-11-17, 2:28 PM #105
Lucky kicks the suit-wearing undead's body. "No sense of fashion or decorum at all," he mutters disdainfully. He scratches his head. "I've still got that tingly gonna give me my soul back?"
2012-11-17, 4:16 PM #106
((I presume Alran will, since not doing so would be disadvantageous to him.))

Wave Ended
9/12 HP
18 spoils

6/12 HP
3 spoils

Lucky's Robot Spawn:
3/3 HP

As Lucky and Clovis reach the crossroads between Main Street and Dolores Road, they see a tall and thin man hunched over behind a counter within what used to be a local snack shop, waving for your attention. You recognize him as the rumored Merchant of questionable reputation.

Should you decide to approach him, he says the following to you:

"Welcome, gifted strangers!" He sneers at Lucky's robot spawn and adds "Keep that thing away. I'll close shop if I see any other cursed creatures about."

Assuming Lucky does so, the Merchant turns his attention back on the two Gifted with a sketchy smile.

"What'll you be buyin' then?" The Merchant shows them what his store has in stock.
A bottle of red liquid, tastes like syrupy, salty Kool-Aid.
Regain 1 HP for 1 spoils.

It appears to be a still-beating human heart, tastes like a rare-done steak.
Add 1 HP to your maximum for 2 spoils each.

For Dreamers Only
Lucidity (inspired by Dreamers' Addiction)
A one-time use drug which allows the dreamer to redirect any one attack to another target, including back at the attacker.
Cost: 5 spoils each

For Slingers only
Myth Man (inspired by Myth Madness)
A black-suited figure who essentially acts as a "yes man" in regards to allowing you to use their soul for slinging. A myth man is incapable of taking any action apart from following you around and has 3 HP of health.
Cost: 10 spoils each

The Merchant motions to another sign and says "Or perhaps you'd like to be sellin'..."
1 HP of health given for 2 credit for store purchases*

*Credit cannot be used to purchase Health items

Heard any rumors? Have any nightmares you wish to tell? Credit given negotiable.

"As you can see," the Merchant adds, "I have many good bargains, certainly better than tryin' to help yourselves out. If there's something you want that's not listed, just ask, and I'll see if I can't get it for you. There's a blockade up ahead, so prepare well, gifted strangers."

The Merchant flashes his crooked smile once more, and you can't help but feel that giving him your business is a bad idea. You can tell that there is, in fact, a warzone blockade north, down Dolores Road, and whatever is there would impede you if you hope to reach the Great Beast...

((As a reminder, if you wish to donate your own life to another character, they receive 1 HP of health for ever 2 HP you donate. Just say when you're done shopping. You can assume you've bought whatever you have the spoils or credit for, and asking for something he doesn't have is essentially you all suggesting what you might like to be able to buy, and if I decide it's good, I may have him have it in stock then or for next time. You may share spoils among yourselves as well, though you don't have to do so.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-17, 5:06 PM #107
Clovis puts on a rather bemused grin, "Sorry 'bout that Lucky." he releases Lucky's soul back to him along with 8 "spoils".

Clovis looks skeptically over the Merchants wares... "Well, I suppose I had best purchase something to refresh myself..." purchases 3 small bottles of "Existence".
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-11-17, 5:35 PM #108
((Thanks, Alran, hehe. Geb, when redirecting an attack to another target, is it possible to redirect an attack to the person who originally made the attack? i.e. if we're only fighting one enemy or something))
2012-11-17, 5:47 PM #109
((Al, the answer is yes.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-17, 6:09 PM #110
Lucky eyes the Merchant suspiciously, feeling that gut instinct. But there doesn't seem to be a choice. "If you reveal yourself a Judas, then it shall be you fed to the Beast, Merchant," he says, but nonetheless purchases 6 bottles of Existence - downing them instantly to regain full health - and a Lucidity.

Spoils: 0

He nods to Clovis, "Thanks for sharing."
2012-11-18, 7:15 PM #111
​((You two done with the Merchant, I presume?))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-19, 4:20 AM #112
((Yes, sorry, I thought it was obvious >.> But thanks for checking! :D ))
2012-11-19, 8:54 AM #113
((While there was the option for you to sell, Al, I was also wondering about Alran, as I didn't know if he intended to save what he hasn't currently spent or not. Either way, I'll move onto starting the boss fight later tonight.

Also, to give you two an idea of your progression for this game, here's the intended journey (which your characters would know about):

Stage 1 - Cortez, CO:
Wave & Boss

Stage 2 - Travel between Cortez and Pandora

Stage 3 - Pandora, CO
Wave & Boss

Stage 4 - Travel between Pandora & Old Secret Govt. Facility

Stage 5 - Old Secret Govt. Facility
Wave & Boss

Stage 6 - Great Beast
Final Boss Fight

Ideally, this game will be completed before Dec. 22nd.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-19, 12:43 PM #114
((Okey-doke! And what? Sell what? o_O))
2012-11-19, 12:54 PM #115
((From my initial Merchant post, which can also be found in the Store post...))
Originally posted by Gebohq:
The Merchant motions to another sign and says "Or perhaps you'd like to be sellin'..."
1 HP of health given for 2 credit for store purchases*

*Credit cannot be used to purchase Health items

Heard any rumors? Have any nightmares you wish to tell? Credit given negotiable.
((As a reminder, if you wish to donate your own life to another character, they receive 1 HP of health for ever 2 HP you donate. Just say when you're done shopping. You can assume you've bought whatever you have the spoils or credit for, and asking for something he doesn't have is essentially you all suggesting what you might like to be able to buy, and if I decide it's good, I may have him have it in stock then or for next time. You may share spoils among yourselves as well, though you don't have to do so.))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-19, 2:22 PM #116
((Oh! yeah, sorry I was done with the merchant! ...Although i did have a question for him, if it is too late then just disregard it!))

After purchasing what seems to be quality wares, Clovis is a little distrustful of the merchant. "Pardon my inquisitiveness." he says tentatively. "But, I was wondering if you have or know where to find a, single use explosive device of any sorts??"
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-11-19, 2:58 PM #117
((Nope, not too late!))

Hearing Lucky's warning, the Merchant simply chuckles hoarsely.

Turning to Clovis, the Merchant bows slightly to him with his arms out. "Apologies, gifted stranger, but I typically only carry those that can be used by those called Runners." He holds out a finger. "Let me see what I can do..."

Turning his back, the Merchant digs through a giant black sports bag, making all sorts of clanking noises in the process. When he turns back around, he holds what appears to be a bundle of dynamite which he begins scrawling various arcane symbols on it.

"I think this may be of some use to you, Slinger, though you may not like it. You strap it onto yourself or another unfortunate soul - not a Cursed! - and will go off if that person dies, or if you trigger it to go off with a soul. Granted, if they're still living, they might not be afterwards! If I may say so, this would be an excellent purchase to go with one of my Myth Men. I'll call it... an Exsoulsive."

The Merchant seems a little too proud of himself for having come up with his new ware and its name on the spot.
For Slingers Only*
Exsoulsive (inspired by Clovis's first request)
A modified explosive which can be strapped onto any Gifted or Myth Man which damages both the one strapped with the explosive and any enemies currently successfully attacking it for a whopping nine (9) damage. Will either detonate when the one carrying the explosive dies or when a Slinger opts to do so by slinging a soul at it.
*The person with the explosive strapped does not have to be a Slinger, but only Slingers can purchase this item.
Cost: 5 Spoils each

"If you're hope is for something else, just tell me, and I will see if perhaps I can get you something the next time we meet."
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-19, 6:43 PM #118
((Geb: oh, you meant like purchasing credit. LOL nope, I ain't gonna. Be kinda pointless for me to buy healing potions and then get rid of them for more credit :P And I can't really think of any item lol))
2012-11-19, 6:54 PM #119
((If you think you can come up with an interesting rumor or whatnot for the Great Beast, there's the potential to earn credit that way too, though there's no guarentee.

Alran, did you want to buy the new item, or try specifying for a possible item down the road?))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-19, 7:09 PM #120
Clovis looks skeptically at the merchant for a moment the flatly states "I do believe you have yourself yet another sale." purchases one Exsoulsive device from the merchant.

((ok, I am done purchasing :D ))
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob

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