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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Jedi Knight issues
Jedi Knight issues
2010-11-12, 5:24 AM #81
just a heads up, I was working with LSF_Nick... not sure if anyone remembers him, but hes on the development deam for voobly. He wanted me to test it to see how JK would respond with their new port forward things... now my JK will not start at all it just crashes... DO NOT INSTALL VOOBLY
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community
2010-11-16, 8:29 PM #82
Okay, so without ddraw.dll the game has odd graphical glitches, which for the longest time it fixed, but now the game crashes when I used it. I can't figure out what the hell is causing it, but it seems like ddraw.dll is the culprint. Oddly it all worked fine on a fresh OS install, but then suddenly it stopped working.
E: Nevermind, ATi Tray Tools is trying to force some directx tweaks, so I just have to disable it while I play. Problem solved!
E2: It was ATT Shared Memory that did it.
2010-11-17, 10:47 AM #83
Hmm it decided to start working when I ran as admin this time. I tried it before and didn't work, perhaps I didn't try that with UAC on.

Thanks for your help earlier though Tibby.
2010-11-20, 7:20 PM #84
I got JKE running at least by editing the actual JKE.bat file to include -windowgui. The textures are not right. []
I think what it's doing is applying the wrong textures to objects. I'm using a pre-patched JK.EXE file. Do I need to install JKE_8bit.gob, and if so, where? I don't see how it's getting the textures mixed up.
2010-11-20, 9:40 PM #85
1- Try it using the default JK.exe from a CD or some such, and then patching that.
2- Make sure hardware rendering is enabled.
3- Try the ddraw.dll from the OP.
4- Redowload JKE.

Try those 4 and get back to me. Some more details would help too.
2010-11-21, 7:56 AM #86
One day, after everybody else quits, I'll be the best.
Sith Mercenaries
^My site.
2010-11-22, 2:19 AM #87
Originally posted by joel96:
The textures are not right.

That looks ****ing awesome.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2010-11-22, 6:22 AM #88
Does he have the unofficial JK patch? Looks to me like his texture index is offset a little there jaja.
One day, after everybody else quits, I'll be the best.
Sith Mercenaries
^My site.
2010-11-22, 2:38 PM #89
Sith, I'm using the regular old, freshly downloaded JK.EXE file now. What patch am I supposed to apply to it? There have been multiple patches listed. I'm not sure what kind of details I'm supposed to say. I've got a folder called JKE and it holds JKE.gob, and then I've got JKE.bat, sitting in the same folder as all the other JK files: the path is set to JKE, and it has the -windowgui thing in there too. I'm thinking maybe it is because the textures are offset, like texture0 is set to what texture235569whatever is.
2010-11-22, 4:26 PM #90
I never use that .bat file, I use JKE like any other mod, via a JK.exe shortcut. I'm not sure what else he does in the .bat file, so i can't say if anything in there is messing you up.

People have good success with the JK Unofficial Patch on

Just scroll to the FAR right and look for the pirate hooker and treasure chest.
One day, after everybody else quits, I'll be the best.
Sith Mercenaries
^My site.
2010-11-23, 12:44 AM #91
Originally posted by joel96:
Sith, I'm using the regular old, freshly downloaded JK.EXE file now. What patch am I supposed to apply to it? There have been multiple patches listed. I'm not sure what kind of details I'm supposed to say. I've got a folder called JKE and it holds JKE.gob, and then I've got JKE.bat, sitting in the same folder as all the other JK files: the path is set to JKE, and it has the -windowgui thing in there too. I'm thinking maybe it is because the textures are offset, like texture0 is set to what texture235569whatever is.

Patches are listed in the OP, and you still aren't providing the information asked for in the OP.
2010-11-23, 6:53 AM #92
He asked what patch I used mayne. I talk to this guy in IRC chat bro.
One day, after everybody else quits, I'll be the best.
Sith Mercenaries
^My site.
2010-11-23, 10:02 AM #93
You need the patch for JKE. The patch increases the resource loading limit, which is causing your problem.

This is the patch you want (latest officially released patch version):
2010-11-23, 4:47 PM #94
Turns out it was just the save game that was causing the trouble. I think he finally just used the skip level cheat and made a new save game. I assumed that non-JKE saves were not compatible with JKE saves, but some people disagreed that that could even cause the glitch.
One day, after everybody else quits, I'll be the best.
Sith Mercenaries
^My site.
2010-11-23, 5:10 PM #95
Saves? Yeah that could brick it. I think non-patched saves brick on a patched .exe.
2010-11-23, 5:42 PM #96
A bunch of people helped me get it working. I made a video tutorial to simplify the process, and uploaded a single .7z file with everything you need to get the best texture sets working. Here's the link to the video tutorial:

Install these:
Windows .NET Framework:
Your latest video card drivers with Steam
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II from Steam

The .7z contains these, so you can ignore the links and do what the instructions say.
Get smackw32.dll: -> your main jedi knight folder
Get jkpatch: -> main jedi knight folder

Get Jedi Knight Enhanced:
Get Jedi Knight Retexture:
Create a folder called "Mod"
Drop JKE.gob and JKR.gob into Mod
RMB JK.exe-> Properties -> Compatibility. Check Disable visual themes and check Disable desktop composition. Click Apply. RMB JK.exe -> Create shortcut.
RMB JK.exe - Shortcut -> Properties. At the end of the Target line, type in "-windowgui -path Mod" Click Apply.

Double-click JK.exe - Shortcut to start the game. Go to Players -> Single Player. Create a profile. After the game starts, hit Esc -> Setup -> Display. Check Enable 3D Acceleration. Check Backbuffer in System Memory. Set 3D Accelerator min texture size to 1. Select your screen resolution and bit depth.

If you have a save game you want to continue, then you will have to end the level first to get the textures working. Hit the t key -> type in thereisnotry and hit Enter.
2010-11-23, 5:46 PM #97
Adding that whole thing to the OP.
E: That post is number 95, I think that's funny in some way.
2011-01-28, 11:15 PM #98
Just found another glitch, make sure on newer systems to be running it at atleast 800x640 or it will crash.
2011-02-20, 11:59 AM #99
Hi everyone
I have been having trouble with Jedi Knight. I recently downloaded it off of Steam and JK would crash anytime I returned to the game from the pause menu. I need to download a patch that converts the 1.1 version from Steam back to the original 1.0 version. I think this patch has a glitch because it would encounter an error while downloading. So now I can't convert the game. Has anyone else had trouble with this patch and how can it be fixed? I think it's from jkhub. BTW I am running a Windows 7 64bit laptop. Thanks
2011-02-26, 1:46 AM #100
Originally posted by joel96:
A bunch of people helped me get it working.

Worked perfectly, first try.

Originally posted by quantum_power:
I think it's from jkhub. BTW I am running a Windows 7 64bit laptop. Thanks

A lot of 32-bit applications don't handle 64-bit processing well. I'm not sure if JK is one of them. Also the utilities in the post I quouted above might be the way to go.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2011-02-26, 2:44 AM #101
JK itself works fine under 64 bit, although the installer will crash (it's 16 bit) since you are using steam that's not a problem. I've never encountered a crash at pause screen before. Try finding ~a way~ to find copies of the disks and install it using the article posted, maybe it's steam doing it.
And yes, I can confirm the 1.1-1.0 downgrader working properly on my end.
2011-02-26, 5:03 AM #102
Originally posted by quantum_power:
I think this patch has a glitch because it would encounter an error while downloading. So now I can't convert the game.
Oh, if you're referring to JKversion or whatever that file is called, it errored on me too. I just used the stuff that was contained in as it has the required DLLs and the exe.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2011-02-26, 2:16 PM #103
I just used my own off a disk, whoops. Can we get that uploaded somewhere more permanent (Assuming it works for him) so I can add it to the OP?
2011-02-27, 3:49 AM #104
Yeah, sadly JKVersion seems to work on like 33% of machines (including mine) but it's unquestionably the most legal way to get the original JK.exe file.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2011-02-27, 5:16 PM #105
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Yeah, sadly JKVersion seems to work on like 33% of machines (including mine) but it's unquestionably the most legal way to get the original JK.exe file.

Unless you, you know, actually still have the physical disc.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2011-02-28, 12:18 AM #106
The entire problem stems from people using the steam version, so that's not really a solution.
2011-03-17, 8:57 PM #107
Oh that's rich
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2011-04-02, 1:28 AM #108
Course, you could just "Acquire" one I guess.
2011-04-02, 8:50 AM #109
Ok so.. what still hasn't been clearly answered here..

What about MotS? I want to try Ogel's City with him, but I have no idea how you would go about installing MotS, since the file system is completely different. Organized rundown if you will sir Tibby?
2011-05-04, 8:14 PM #110
The file system is exactly the same and covered in that same tutorial. A few files will be named different, and I think there is no res1hi, but that's it.
2011-06-25, 1:01 PM #111
My friend and I have followed the instructions in this thread to the letter and the game works splendidly TY. Only problem is when we try to join a TCP/IP hosted game, which btw loads fine when hosting, it sees the game and sends you to choose your character but when you hit OK you get an error

I am using a belkin router and I have cleared the ports for directX games both 7/prior and 8/post for both UDP and TCP

Anyone else encounter this and know the fix to it??
2011-06-25, 1:03 PM #112
oh and I tried using the posted redirects for servers and neither they nor the direct IP address worked for me, just get a never ending "(searching. . .)" notification in the list
2011-06-28, 3:50 PM #113
Use Hamachi
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2011-09-02, 11:16 PM #114
Hamachi will work.
Anyway new problem: The 2D sprite of the weapon you are using in first person mode has gone all weird for me, it's hard to take a shot of it, but as soon as I move it flickers out of/into view.
2011-09-13, 9:39 PM #115
Note to Windows 8 users as they trickle in: You will need to use the x64 install instructions, and possible the ddraw.dll, but the game works in fullscreen just fine so no need for windowgui.
2011-10-08, 12:50 PM #116
I've got an nVidia GTX 460 and an AMD Athlon64 3800+ (but running 32 bit Windows XP), and I've done all of this stuff with the patching and the ddraw.dll and all, and I had to rename the JK.exe in order to get it to run. It wouldn't run from Steam, and I'm still getting the graphics corruption when using 3d acceleration.

Thanks in advance
2011-10-09, 6:38 PM #117
Are you sure the ddraw is in the right spot (with the .exe)? I've run it on a similar setup without problems.Try an earlier driver set maybe.
2011-10-09, 10:09 PM #118
Yeah it's definitely in the same place, I thought it might have something to do with the renaming of the exe. Do you know if it would have anything to do with overclocking the GPU? Thanks for your reply.
2011-10-13, 1:47 PM #119
I dont see why overclocking would do it, And the EXE calls the DLL so that shouldn't effect it either. I suggest you ~find~ a retail copy and see if that works, or atleast find a copy of the retail EXE.
2011-10-15, 3:40 PM #120
What do you mean by a "retail" exe? I bought it off of Steam, and I also have the versions from the jkversions thing. Would one of those qualify or do you mean off of an original cd?


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