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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Jedi Knight issues
Jedi Knight issues
2011-10-16, 2:11 AM #121

unrar that to steam/sourceapps/common

it has everything you need already set up aside from the launch options, but those are in the text file.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2011-10-16, 8:00 PM #122
Thanks, I tried that but still wouldnt start without renaming the exe, and the graphics still were corrupt. Sorry for all this trouble :/
2011-10-17, 1:13 PM #123
Renaming the EXE to what, renaming the EXE makes no sense.
2011-10-17, 1:20 PM #124
Maybe try this? It's impossible to run JK on modern systems without the menus windowed, but this way you don't have to use the command lines.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2011-10-17, 7:39 PM #125
Tibby, I renamed the exe to anything other than JK .exe, because it wouldn't run from Steam. Renaming it allowed me to run it without Steam interfering(I used the command line switches in Steam too). FastGamerr, the thing is, it runs fine fullscreen once I bypass Steam, but I'll definitely try that when I can.Thank both of you :)
2011-10-18, 11:18 AM #126
Disable steam community overlay.
2011-10-27, 12:10 PM #127
Sorry for this late response, but disabling the in-game overlay didn't work either :( to go into more detail, when I try to start it from Steam, the screen just flickers and that menu that comes up when you quit a game comes up, not sure why it won't start from Steam...
2011-11-18, 7:08 PM #128
Anyone have problems binding keys in JK on Win7 (64 bit)?

For some reason it won't let me bind the right shift key, but I can bind it in other games.

JK is running fine, only problem is the key binding as far as I can tell. Haven't tried JKE yet.

Unfortunately, JK Launcher isn't working. I tried installing DotNet Framework 2.0 x64, but it was already part of my OS.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2011-11-21, 8:05 PM #129
please keep this mans nice post
2011-12-18, 11:32 AM #130
I'm a noob here and I'm having issues with 2).
The game crashes when I'm trying to load it and forces me to close it. I read that its a gui issue with fullscreen but I don't know the command line prompts to fix it. If anyone could help it would be much appreciated. I'm running XP SP3 with an ati radeon 4870 HD card. Is compatibility going to be the major issue?
2011-12-18, 12:26 PM #131
It should work on XP just fine, read the OP and try the solutions there.
2011-12-29, 2:27 PM #132
Does the steam version of JK not have music?
2011-12-29, 2:38 PM #133
The JK music was encoded in audio tracks on the disk, so I'm assuming LA didn't take the effort in ripping it and saying no.
2012-01-01, 9:33 AM #134
Hey Tibby,
I bought the Jedi Knight Collection off of Steam a few days ago because it was on sale and I wanted to re-play Dark Forces II and Mysteries of the Sith. Thanks to your solution, I was able to get Dark Forces II running like a dream. However, what do I need to do to get Mysteries of the Sith running as well?
2012-01-01, 11:16 AM #135
The same steps should work for both.
2012-01-01, 8:43 PM #136
Thanks Tibby, you are a saint!
2012-01-01, 8:53 PM #137
Originally posted by OutRider2003:
Thanks Tibby, you are a saint!

I googled "theres a first time everything" to find a funny pic and post it for this quote, but instead the first page had a gif of a black man giving another black man a blow job so i dont think ill ever try to google anything again

sort of like that time i was trying to find a picture of the x-files character "deep throat" and naively googled images his name
2012-01-01, 9:40 PM #138
nominated for best post of 2012
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2012-01-06, 11:40 AM #139
Hi guys, need your help!
My Steam version of "DF2: JK" worked just fine by default a year ago,
System was: C2D E8400, GTX580, Win7 x64 with all updates.
VGA drivers version - don't remember.. =(
Since then system was completely upgraded.

But now it doesn't. Just after game launch Win7 says: "Jedi Knight main executable was shut down".
Current system: Core i7 2600k, 2xGTX580 (SLI is OFF now), Win7 x64 with all updates.
OS and all background software should be the same as a year ago, when JK worked fine.
NV drivers are the latest GeForce 285.62 Drivers.
Tried all the magic for JK, that I found here and in Steam forums, but with no use.

Any new ideas?
I see someone has JK running OK on Sandy Bridge CPU family.
GPU is the same.
Soundcard/drivers has changed, but no way to test with old sound.
Other hardware changes shoudn't be critical for the game.
So probably the problem is in VGA drivers (a year ago i used older version, but don't remember which one), so please advise - with which versions of NV-drivers JK works for sure?

Thanks in advance!

UPD: Crazy ****..
Just reinstalled it by Steam and it is working again by default.. :neckbeard:
2012-01-16, 4:14 PM #140
Having issues. Currently reinstalling to see if that's the problem, but I do have a relevant question.

What is the optimum screen resolution? I currently have it set on max, but that might be too big for the game to handle.

If it still doesn't work, I'll go through everything else and then post here again. If it does work, then I believe I'll be too busy to inform you all about it.

edit: Reinstalling didn't work. Time to go through the list.

interesting development: I turned off Aero. Now game only crashes instead of causing my entire system restarting. Tried everything else, except for compatability mode, which I can't figure how to turn on for a Steam game. A different resolution made it overlap with the bar at the top, which was annoyingly flashing. There's only one account on this computer. Very perplexing.

Windows 7 64-bit
Intel Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.4GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti
Only background programs are Steam and Explorer.
2012-01-17, 3:22 PM #141
Is it too soon for a bump? I certainly hope not.
2012-01-19, 2:13 PM #142
Exponential bumping times!

I'll be back in four days?
2012-01-19, 4:15 PM #143
Did you follow the directions in the first post, especially the DLL fix?
2012-01-20, 9:50 AM #144
Alternatively you could try out either of the TODOA TC releases, what with them including the latest unofficial patched versions of JK (includes a patcher for the EXE and a new DLL file). They do require the unpatched non-Steam JK.EXE so you can use this tool to retrieve it from the JK 1.01 patch. Further instructions are included in the RAR files.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2012-01-21, 3:51 AM #145
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Alternatively you could try out either of the TODOA TC releases, what with them including the latest unofficial patched versions of JK (includes a patcher for the EXE and a new DLL file). They do require the unpatched non-Steam JK.EXE so you can use this tool to retrieve it from the JK 1.01 patch. Further instructions are included in the RAR files.

Shameless self-promotion, a staple of the American cultural mindset! I salute you, good--

Wait a second. You're Finnish, not American. How dare you infringe on our shtick! :argh:

GAH, just realized I probably shouldn't post unrelated comments on a help thread. Sorry, sorry. Could CM delete this? I don't see an option for that when I'm editing it.
2012-01-22, 6:28 AM #146
bumping a sticky
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2012-01-22, 10:33 PM #147
Alright, so you start the game, and then get horrible sound issues? That honestly sounds to me like it could be a hardware problem, since I've never heard of that before. Try outputting sound from a different port or source, or whatever. As for display resolution, JK is oddly well designed in that it seems to support everything your monitor can, I've played in in 1080p just fine. Assuming your video card can handle it go for whatever your monitors native resolution is (Although I like to use a 4:3 res for it since in 16:9 it looks stretched. I can handle a little bit of black bars)

Wait, hold on a second. Do you mean Jedi Outcast? I just noticed you said "Sequel" in your steamforums post and thought you meant MoTS, if that's the case I can't really help you other then to say that Outcast and Academy run on the Quake 3 engine and you can probably find that problem fixed, somewhere, for Q3.
2012-02-17, 6:19 PM #148
Okay need a bit of help here.

I have the Steam version. It runs fine with no mods/enhancements using the 8 bit mode. If I try to turn on any graphics acceleration, either with or without mods, I get this...


I did eventually get the graphic acceleration to work by enabling the advanced display mode and going to RGB Emulation mode, but now there is a black box when I shoot and I am having frame-rate issues. This is with or without mods. I have tried the ddraw.dll file with no success. Any ideas?

I run...
WinXP sp3
intel core i7 2600K processer
geforce gtx 470

Sorry to respond to an oldish thread, but at my wits end on this one.
2012-02-17, 7:31 PM #149
Oops nevermind, reading failure. I got nothing.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-02-19, 1:43 AM #150
Have you tried using the ddraw.dll linked in the op? dont mess with advanced display settings it never goes right. Also try downgrading the .exe and using the unoffical patches.
2012-02-19, 7:25 AM #151
Originally posted by Tibby:
Have you tried using the ddraw.dll linked in the op? dont mess with advanced display settings it never goes right. Also try downgrading the .exe and using the unoffical patches.

Tried the ddraw file already. Also tried downgrading to 1.0 and using unofficial patches with no luck. I'll try it again from a fresh install and see what happens.

Edit: Tried with a fresh install and still no dice. Same issue occurs.
2012-02-19, 11:56 AM #152
Try updating DX9? Beyond that all I can think of is finding a retail copy ~somewhere~, even though I doubt that will do anything.
2012-02-21, 4:23 AM #153
Originally posted by Tibby:
Try updating DX9? Beyond that all I can think of is finding a retail copy ~somewhere~, even though I doubt that will do anything.

Yeah it must just be too old a game for my video card. I am just going to play it with the 8 bit graphics. No biggie it will still be fun :) Thanks for the help though!
2012-02-21, 11:17 AM #154
Thing is though I've run that on a Geforce 540 laptop, and a radeon 6950 desktop, without problems. This is probably some wacky edge case caused by your very specific build.
Could try running it in a Vmware virtual machine.
2012-02-22, 6:25 PM #155
There are several comments made on the Jedi Knight Enhanced tutorial that I have no answer for, so I have been referring commentators on the JK tutorial back to massassi. I am not aware of whether or not they have found their answers here, but I would like to re-make the tutorial with additional troubleshooting information since several people have not been able to get it running correctly.
2012-02-23, 1:01 AM #156
Thing is, even though that op and this thread should solve 99.9% of all problems, there will always be weird edge cases that will never be fixed. I did notice that the thread has a statistically larger amount of views then most threads though, so hopefully people are getting help.
2012-03-16, 12:37 PM #157
Hey everybody! Glad to see that there are still people who appreciate classics like this.

I've been trying to install the JK Enhanced mod. I was having trouble, but I followed many of the helpful suggestions in this very thread, and I am pleased to announce that they worked! But then when I fired up my game today, something else was wrong.

The enhanced version works great, except that my lightsaber appears far too thick. It looks less like a sword and more like a club.

I am running a 64 bit version of Windows 7,though I have already done work-arounds so that it has installed correctly. It seems to just be a graphical glitch with JKE itself, and I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions.

Thanks for the thread, and for keeping this community alive!
2012-03-19, 8:57 PM #158
Post a pic, could be because you are running it in widescreen, or that could just be the mod.
2012-03-19, 9:40 PM #159
Thanks for the response, Tibby.

I tried it in a normal (not widescreen) resolution and the problem is still there.

Here are some screenshots so you can see what I'm looking at.



Any ideas?
2012-03-20, 10:37 PM #160
ohhhhhh my, that's is something else.

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