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ForumsInteractive Story Board → The Shadows of Darkness.
The Shadows of Darkness.
2000-06-04, 1:19 PM #361
//Is it true? It can't be true. It's impossible. There is no way that I'm like him.// Ping thought in his cage. It had been a few days now since he had fully woken up. He was exhausted. His mind and body had been very inactive since he had lashed out like that. He had debated with himself over what had happened and what I meant to him. What did he do? What had he become? How could he do that? Was the evil of this place infectious?

//No.// he thought. But what if what Bazaal said about him and Pristine was true? Did he REALLY control her? It was for certain that he never made any conscious command to her. He certainly could if he wanted to, but the temptation had never arisen. He would die before he would force Pristine to do anything. But what if the commands were not conscious, but unconscious? Meaning his emotions and other thoughts were controlling her? What if he had been controlling her ever since she had returned?

That sent a chill straight through him. That would mean that all of her emotions for him have been faked. She might deny that fact and say her feelings were genuine, but would that be an order from him too? Was his own subconscious his love's worst enemy?

That couldn't be true. He remembered before thier epic battle with Bazaal when Pristine first came to him, like in a dream. She said she loved him and she wasn't under his control. She was under Bazaal's control. That was even worse. It could mean that her emotions were faked then too, simply a trap for him to fall into.

All this thijnking made him very empty inside, and alone. He felt despair. There was a pretty good chance that the woman he loved didn't love him in return, but was simply a puppet of his subconsious. A figment of his imagination. A fantasy made real by a toy. If he kept thinking like this he might go insane.

"What are you so quiet for?" Like his cellmate. Ravius didn't do much except annoy him. Ping pretty much didn't say anything to him. It got on Ravius's nerves, even to the point where he started punching Ping's bubble-prison to little avail. Ravius's company kept him occupied, which was a blessing, something he should probably thank Bazaal for. Without him Ping would be left alone to his thoughts. We all know where that was currently going.

"What are you anyway?" Ravius asked. Ping supposed that he should start talking to the man since he had nothing better to do. He just had to make sure he didn't befriend him, in case they'd have to end up killing each other.

"Artifical lifeform." He said simply.

"Where do you come from?"

"Another dimension."

"Don't like to talk, do you?"


Ravius left it at that. Ping was somewhat relieved that he didn't press for information. He might later.
2000-06-06, 6:20 AM #362
Meteor said, "But couldn't you wait till I save Ping_Me's life?"

"NO!" said Jelmask, "By that time, they'd be at the citadel! Can you get Gebohq, alone, out of the citadel?"

"OK," said Meteor, "But I need my sword."

"No! I'll give it to you once Gebohq is dead."

"No!! You're joking!! You'll tell Bazaal all our plans!!"

"OK, I will."

"NO!! OK, I'll do it."

Meteor turned and walked towards he thought Gebohq must be.


He walked for a long time towards where Gebohq must be. Somehow, only one undead attacked him, and he destroyed it easily. He finally saw the area that he had left Gebohq. After looking around the area he found Gebohq. He was about to tell Gebohq that he had seen a meteor and if Gebohq hurried he could see it hit the ground, but he noticed Merlin.

"Merlin," he said, "You're--- alive?!?"

Then he fainted.

[This message has been edited by JK [Meteor] (edited June 06, 2000).]
"Maybe you like rainbows"
I can't remember what to say!!!!
Click here for my homepage.
2000-06-06, 11:28 AM #363
King Dorwain the Fifth of the House of Cromn tossed in a restless sleep, his first in many days. With the spiders about, he had not had time for such things as sleep, however, since the previous day's spider massacre, there had been no more attacks. He had unwillingly consented to get some rest by his staff, as well as his wife, the Queen.

After the madman had fearlessly waged war on the spiders, he had been briefly filled with a hope that not all was lost, that he could ally with the humans and perhaps deal with the terror aboveground, instead of cowering in the shadows. With relations with the goblins going sour, fighting an invincible army looked better and better each day. But surely the dwarves alone could not challenge the might of Bazaal...

In his dream, the King was in the throne room, sitting on his throne. Suddenly there was a soundless flash of light, and before him stood a towering figure dressed in a pure white robe and a wide golden belt. The King gasped in shock. The figure had to be at least ten feet tall!

It spoke, with a voice like distant thunder.


Dorwain felt something he had never felt before: fear. He instantly dropped to his knees before the figure. It spoke again.


Startled, the humble king did as he was bidded.


Dorwain fumbled for words.

"Me? I... what... me?"


"But... how do I... what about the madman?"


"What about..."

But it was too late. The king was awake, and found himself sitting up in his bed, heart pounding and sweaty. Eyes wide, he leaped out of bed, and started shouting.

"Where are my guards? Summon the council! We have a war to wage!"

* * *

Krig sat in the hallway, dozing. The room he had been offered was too fancy for his liking. There was a sound, and he looked up.

A massive figure in glowing white emerged from the king's room. Krig smiled to himself. He remembered seeing this one several times before. He gave a small wave, which was acknowledged only by a glance, and went back to sleep.

My mind is like a sponge, it soaks up a lot... but it leaks


So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-06-06, 3:35 PM #364
(NSP: Hey Merlin, can you do us a favor and tell us how long it takes to get from points in this world? say, from Bazaal's place to the citadel and such? Thanks, I'd appreciate it. And, erm...that's it. I'll post a story thing when I can think of something to post, heehee)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-06-08, 3:43 PM #365
(NSP: A little side adventure here, since I'm really having a problem thinking of a GOOD way for this closing resolution to teh story, which basically starts now in the story. If anyone has any ideas, pretty please suggest them [] Heh.)

*Treading through the Northern Forest to hidden Fairy dwelling, K'Jar an Alimsa made small talk with each other, having dispensed with their rank titles. They kept a wary eye out for any of Bazaal's undead warriors, however, and wondered if they really should have came out here in the first place.*

" are you feeling?" K'jar asked hesitantly.

"Fine," Alimsa said too quickly, then after a pause, asked "You?"

"Fine," K'Jar said quietly. After several more moments of walking, K'jar spoke up again.

"Do you ever think about Merlin and his warriors, Alimsa? I mean, how do they expect to win? They lost before, and who knows how much more powerful Bazaal is now."

"That's why we're doing this, K'jar," Alimsa replied with a half-sigh. "To help them fight. That was what our race did wrong before: when they lost, we didn't do anything to continue the war. We simply ran away and hid, just like the other races did."

"You have a point, Alimsa. You have a--WATCH OUT!"

*Suddenly, several undead warriors flanked their position from the left and right, several larger undead on horseback behind and in front of them, and a young elven woman, clad in white robes: a dark cleric. The two drew out their swords and shields, desperately trying to think of a plan.*

(NSP: OK, I want someone who HASN'T posted in a while to finish this situation, preferably. Let's hope my scheme works...)

"Hail to the King, baby." --Duke Nukem

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-06-08, 5:32 PM #366
(about Geb's sig)

"Hail to the king, baby" was not origionally said by Duke Nukem. It was in fact said by the character "Ash" (Bruce Campbell) in the movie "Army of Darkness".

That's all. Move along now, move along.
2000-06-09, 11:40 AM #367
(NSP: Does anyone know the URL to Merlin's site? I've lost it, and the links aren't working properly. Specifically, I need the link to his message board.Thnx.)

(Never mind, I found it.)

My mind is like a sponge, it soaks up a lot... but it leaks


[This message has been edited by Krig_the_Viking (edited June 09, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Krig_the_Viking (edited June 09, 2000).]
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-06-09, 5:05 PM #368
Mabey a character [possibly a new one] destroys a battle weakened Bazaal, taking his place and extending this thing even further... Mabey Merlin's life credited others enough that he could decide to return and deal an express mail smackdown on Bazaal. But he's not only dead, but also content to stay. I'de jump in the fray, but it's too late at this point. Almost over, isn't it?
The irreverant crapsayer strikes again!

"Only when you have stopped trying have you been defeated. Because you were defeated by yourself."

"Your life has no limitations, and can break all boundaries. Except that of those in your own mind." -Val Langley

"Hurts, doesn't it? It would have been a lot less painfull if you had just faced your fears" -Piccolo Jr.
2000-06-09, 5:06 PM #369
Ugh. Dumb thing did it twice.
The irreverant crapsayer strikes again!

"Only when you have stopped trying have you been defeated. Because you were defeated by yourself."

"Your life has no limitations, and can break all boundaries. Except that of those in your own mind." -Val Langley

"Hurts, doesn't it? It would have been a lot less painfull if you had just faced your fears" -Piccolo Jr.
2000-06-10, 5:37 AM #370
(Its not over quite yet, but it is kinda winding down to a close, sorta.)

The group made camp that night with the still unconscious JK among them. The shadows of the evening fell around them, Merlin thought back how much these shadows of the evening fell upon them like the shadows of that evening so long ago when they all first gathered here in what seemed like . . .a lifetime ago. He looked about at the others, his friends, his family and smiled as he sat by the fire. And Merlin's mind wandered in thoughts to a distant place. . .

Meanwhile Pristine still huddled in the fire she had built deals with her both hopelessness and sense of hope. Softly she thought she heard a sound on the wind. Listening closer she thought she heard a voice with in the wind and it seemed to speak with the tone of a wise old man. And she thought she heard it whisper. . .

"Take heart, young one. With Him all things are possilbe, and with this hope springs eternal like an everlasting ever burning flame."

Suddenly she found the fire she rested upon flared up and continued to rage, but the wood was not consumed.

Merlin sat there with his company, looking the the fire they all sat around, and a broad smile spread across his face and his eyes twinkled in silence. . .
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

2000-06-10, 11:09 AM #371
(NSP: From a director's POV, try seeing this post as when talking about one person, the camera looks at their face or what they're seeing(physcially and mentally), or the side of their head. Then, when it switches to the next person, teh camera either drifts to their side, or if the perivous one was looking at them, it zooms in. Hope you all got that.)

*Journeying to Bazaal's fortress, Merlin and his friends had decided to take the old tried and proven route. That is, through the Dead Woods, through the path that cut through the Misty Mountains, and to Bazaal's Fortress. They all had their worries about it: that Bazaal would increase his security, that they could have called for the other races' help, and, most of all, that the memories would be too great.*

*Gebohq was in front of the group, but, in an almost comical fashion, Gebohq looked in every direction but foreward, which he could sense where they were going, but wouldn't look directly foreward often. Gebohq still didn't understand why he was leading, only that Merlin said he was suppose to. Gebohq took his word, and tried to plan for any upcoming events, and that, whatever happened, he should stay confident in his decision. He looked behind him to see bug with Sakana and Antestarr.*

*bug had been thinking about his position within this group. Waves of deja vu rolled over him as memories of teh Third War came back to him. Serving Merlin and his pathetic band, then serving Bazaal out of sheer fustration of how Merlin was going about, then being tourtured to serve Bazaal, then cursed by good to serve Merlin again. Even fate, it seemed to bug, could not decide how to serve for good or evil, just as bug felt.*

*Antestarr was walking along side of bug. He was a living paradox: a wielder of the so-called dark magics but was compelled to use them for good. The conflict in his mind was just as polar, but not because of his palette of magic and how he painted with it. Rather, it was the fustration of not being able to use tehm to a larger extent, mainly because of Jaccik, and partially because of his good nature that told him that power corrupts the user. He also felt like an outsider, as did most of Merlin's friends, even within their own group. He would help these people yet.*

*Sakana looked from side to side, expecting a warrior of Bazaal's to attack them. His mind had wandered off too, though, like everyone elses. He thought about his life, his people, his place in the world. He never thought of himself to be anything mroe than an elven soldier, perhaps a captain at best. Yet here he was now, king of his people, and then leaving them to become a fighter for Merlin. And not just a fighter, but a magic-user, which he never dreamed of being able to do. He couldn't help but think how his people were, and if Randon was doing a good job. He couldn't help thinking if he hadn't been given too much, that he could handle all the resposibility and power given to him.*

*Lina thought almost about nothing but Shawn. She thought about how saddened Shawn always looked and wished she could somehow make him feel lighter, somehow carry his burden, whatever it was. She thought about Pristine, and how she must feel about Ping, wther Prisitine felt teh same way for Ping as she did for Shawn. Lina looked into Shawn's eyes and smiled within herself.*

*Shawn too thought almost nothing but Lina, about why she still loved him after he treated her, or didn't treat her. He thought about how he could make it up to her--then he thought about how he had to keep his mind on task. He was suppose to fight, not get lost in thoughts of romance. But he couldn't help thinking about Ping and Pristine--how they were in Bazaal's Fortress of course, and about Reyuan.*

*Reyuan kept looking at Ji'Tory, then at the C.E.D., and back at Ji'Tory. He thought how troubled she looked. She must have gone through a lot, Reyuan thought. He looked at the sword, and it didn't feel right somehow to be holding it. In fact, Reyuan didn't feel right being with the group. He felt that he was just another fighter, and anyone could replace his spot. What was his purpose, he thought. But even if he knew he had no purpose, he could never leave Ji'Tory with herself. Reyuan approahed Ji'tory and began to talk to her.*

"Are you feeling OK?"
"Yes, I'm fine," Ji'Tory said without the voice to support what she said. "Really"
"If you want to talk about it..." Reyuan began, starting to put his arms around her waist. She backed off, and turned to Reyuan with sad eyes.
"Please, don't. It's not you Reyuan, it's just that-"
"I understand," Reyuan said, and fell back to where Merlin, carrying JK_Meteor, walked with Dragonfly, Scout, and Kogi.

*Dragonfly kept looking up at the clouds, imagining Beuto City above them. He knew it wasn't though. He wish he knew why Merlin wanted him to come with him to fight against Bazaal. So far, he hadn't done anything to help out. Dragonfly felt he could just fly away now and the others would be perfectly fine with them. Merlin had asked him to come, though, so there had to be a reason.*

*Scout, unlike so many of the others, was actually thinking about what layed ahead, what monsters and minions they would have to face. She looked at hte others, who all seemed lost in their own thoughts, and shrugged, continuing to swing her sword in semi-practice fashion.*

*Kogi was trodding along behind the rest, reminisant of how Gebohq use to stay in the back of the group nine years ago. He thought about how much of a foreigner with these people and these lands he truly was. He looked at the sticks that Gebohq had given him, the sticks that couldn't break or burn, and thought about why Gebohq was their leader when he did no great deeds. How did he become so influential? Kogi looked at teh sticks and thought about the incident with the firewood at Gebohq's dwelling. He thought, Gebohq would do the lowest task if asked, but why?*

*The ten companions were drawing closer to the Dead Woods, where they had met Apathis, where, unknown to them, Apathis committed suicide, where the memories would be flooding back.*

(NSP: note: Apathis will NOT raise from the dead people, OK? And another point of interest, they're not there yet. And since Alimsa and K'Jar are near them, they could cross paths, technically. Off I go)

"Who's more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows?" Obi-Wan to Han Solo --Star Wars: A New Hope

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-06-10, 3:15 PM #372
(NSP: what happened to Jason and the other guys? Just thought I'd remind ya, since they were supposed to attack at night...)

My mind is like a sponge, it soaks up a lot... but it leaks


So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-06-10, 8:20 PM #373
*K'Jar and Alimsa stared in awe at the sight before them. Never in their wildest dreams had they thought they would ever encounter a cleric working for the side of darkness, let alone one leading a troop of undead warriors. The dark cleric spoke, a heavy accent surrounding her words.*

"Intruders! What is it ye would do in my master's wood?"

"This concerns you not. Let us be." Alimsa replied, mustering what bravery he had left within him.

"My concerns are what my master makes them. I am to patrol this wood and find those who would intrude and defy my master. Now, speak yer purpose lest I send these undead to make ye join them."

"Alright, you have us," K'Jar responded. "We seek to speak to the fairies. That is why we are here."

"Aye, ye know the location of the dwellings of the Faeries?! Then I order ye to take me there."

"Never!" Alimsa shouted.

"Ye are not in a position to cross me. Do as I say, or die."

"Fine." K'Jar said shortly.

*K'Jar and Alimsa led the dark cleric through many paths of the forest, but not on the ones to the dwellings of the fairies. As they walked, the two secretly came up with a plan to get out of their plight. They finally agreed on one as the cleric became fed up with not finding the fairies yet.*

"Where are they!" She cried, no longer able to put up with the amount of time it was taking.

K'Jar walked to the side of the cleric. "Why, they are right over... HERE!"

*With that, K'Jar slammed himself into the side of the cleric's horse, causing her to fall off and the horse to run off into the forest scared. Alimsa was upon the cleric with amazing speed, pulling a small dagger from his boot and putting it up to her throat while holding her in a headlock. The undead warriors began to close in on the two.*

"Turn them. NOW!" Alimsa ordered.

*With no options left to her, the cleric reached within her cloak to pull out a small medallion and, whispering a few words, caused the undead to sink into the ground.*

"Now, how did you, a warrior of the Dark One, gain the powers of the cleric?" Alimsa asked.

"Here, let me show you..." The cleric replied. She suddenly pulled out a needle from her sleeve and thrust it into Alimsa's neck. Saying a few more words, Alimsa's body went limp, yet he was still conscious. On top of that, more undead began to approach, called by the cleric. K'Jar stared in hopelessness, wondering if there were a way out of this predicament.*
Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt.
2000-06-11, 2:54 PM #374
(NSP: Val_Langley, first off, I should say I appreciate your effort into your post you put up: too many of our other writers seemed to have dissapeared *cough, hack, Orca--cough, other one-posters-cough* er, anyways, your post was very well written and such. However *this is all assuming that the character you introduced was planned to be a major character, played by you*, there were several major qualms I had with your post. Some of the more minors points include that you spelled my name wrong *heh, it's a Q, not a G*, and you wrote several of the character's reactions wrong *Merlin would not be confused in any state*. This is most likely because you only read the 10th page *reading the latter nine pages, plus Saga of the Third War would have most likely taken half of your life, heehee* and didn't get all teh info you needed to get it right. But the major problems include that you've introduced a major character into a story that's resolving *really, it is, heh*. The biggest problem is your character itself though: not only is it wearing contemporary clothes*minor detail* but it has too much power readily available to the newcomer. Several other writers powergamed *giving their character's too much power* in this story, and as we tried to write around them/try to tell them, they either ignored, took the story into a direction not wanted, or simply left. I'm assuming though, that the only reason why you did this is to help me out *I did complain a bunch about having trouble with an ending, but I think we've gotten it worked out for the most part*, so I have to thank you for doing so. I'm sorry to say though that, at least by me, your character should not be in this story. It simply does not fit and is in danger of taking this story into a direction not wanted. I hope you understand.)

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-06-11, 3:49 PM #375
(NSP: And Krig, you make a very good point. I was about to just get into that.)

*Having continued to follw them, the Elemental Group remains hidden in the trees.*

"Why can't we strike now?" Mason said with impatience in his voice.

"...It's not time yet," Jason said without support in his voice.

"When will it be time, Jason?" Rynard asked.

"We should have taken them when they had left the Citadel," Siren threw in, "but NOOOO, all mighty Jason Argos says we should wait."

"Yeah," Mason says with an evil smile, "Well I'm sick of waiting.

"No Mason, WAIT!" Jason wispered loudly.

*Mason jumps from his branch. Rynard follows him, and Siren grabs Jason's arm as she jumps down. Since they were ahead of Merlin and his company, they simply wait for them to walk up to them.*

*Meanwhile, as the others continue to abide in their deep thoughts, Merlin stops with a look of concern on his face.*

"Gebohq," Merlin says.

*Gebohq turns his head, while the other stopped. "Yes?"

"Be cautious," Merlin said softly. "There's trouble ahead."

*As the group took out their weapons, they continued to walk. Then, in front of them were the four dark wizards, Jason, Mason, Siren, and Rynard.*

"Give up now, Merlin," Mason began, "and we won't have to kill your friends."

(NSP: If there is going to be any physical fighting *which would be neat, since they each have a different element. It'd work nicely*, make it short and non-important to the end of the fight. Remember, Jason doesn't want to do this.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-06-11, 4:57 PM #376
(Thank you for joining us, but as Gebohq pointed out, there are problems with your character. . . partially a while back I asked (you probably missed this) that no more none native characters be added, that is to say, no characters that come from other planes of existance and then become major characters. Second, as Gebohq said, the minor detail (yet beautifully descriptive work) about the modern clothing very much contrasts with the story. Lastly as I've mentioned before the story is going toward its close, not branching more, I've been trying to push for limiting the addtion of new major characters, because when new ones are added, the story gets more and more complex, it is already hard to grasp and remeber all the details that have happened so far. Though this only applies to major characters (in a normal work of fiction all major characters are added in early in the story to allow full emotional development, esspecially of their weaknesses.) If you look at Gebohq's earlier post you will not the different characters display various weaknesses or weak points (love for another member (shawn and Lina), love of ones nation or people (Sakana or Dragonfly), or else dealing with a painful event (Ji'tory was raped earilier in the story), or else they are greatly limited in some way (Merlin is a wizard who was killed earlier, and then by divine interevtion was raised from the dead and now has a type of communication back and forth bettween God, who empowers him at key points, otherwise he can not act except to comfort and advise). My major problem with your character is, that the new addition (partially the modern clothes really make the character look out of place), and secondly the character just plain looks incredibly powerful (in good fiction characters with to much power kill drama and struggle, after all with tons and tons of power and no weaknesses, where is the struggle to just squish everybody and game over. There is no character growth or chance for human interaction which is what makes a story a story.

So I am just asking you to redo your character to make him more human (that is not all powerful and much closer to the other characters (stuggling with their problems inside and outside of themselves as they journey to fight evil they make the discovery of themselves or make themselves a new.)

Down to the story. . .
Ji'tory had held up well . . . so far.

Merlin hadn't told anyone what how she had acted after she found out what Bazaal had done to her. Even with out her memories of the event, she had already begun to feel the effects of it on her.

She noticed at first with odd curiousity, followed by saddening realization as the food she ate no longer had much of a taste, she had noticed that she felt tired easier than before. She had simply had explained it away to herself as battle fatigue, but she knew it was more than that. And as she looked around herself and found she couldn't appreciate nature as well, she simply tried to explain that way that it was because the trees had been destroied and her world wasted. But she knew it was more than that.

Then she began to think back to something she remeber from when she was a little girl. How one girl in there village had been raped too. Then she though of how she had seen the young woman woman cry. She remeber how the woman seems tired so often. How strange it was when she over heard her parents seem to try to give her a reason to live each day. Then she frighteningly remeber the one time she had walked in by accident and shamefully seen the young woman being fed like an infant with a spoon, and later learned that she was being fed, not because she was helpless, but because food and life had become so dull for her she had lost interest in eating. And that she had nearly lost her will to even live.

For it was only in hushed voices such things where spoken of and never to non-elves. How rape effects the Elven mind and causes it to loose its sense of appreciation for beauty and zest for life.

Now she realized how why Sakana once acted so pushy that she eat something when she wasn't hungry that evening a night or so ago. He thought she had gone down that far. She knew different people fell different distances in their loss.

Maybe she thought, "I won't go that far. I mean I can live with food being just a little blander. . . I mean. . . ." her thought failed into a flood of sadness. She knew each morning her food seemed a bit duller. Then fear seemed to grip her heart as she played in imagination.

And she thought, "How long . . ."

Then see imagined herself for just a instant there in that girls place. Reyaun having to feed her just to make her eat each day. How long before every morning someone would have to give her a reason to go on living. How long. . .

And silent tears feel from her eyes. And for a moment she was torn as to wether or not to risk touching Reyaun, then she was afraid if she did she didn't it would feel dull.

Abrutly Ji'tory grasped Reyaun and turned her face from the others so none could see her tears, but Reyaun could feel them fall upon his face. And he held her there as they walked on.
Meanwhile above the Beuto city a massive skeletal dragon approached the city. Citizens paniced in terror. As the Skeletal Dragon approached the city a being appeared.

He looked human, with a flaming sword in his hand, and floated high above the city. The being was what some groups refer to as Galadrel one of the steward gods that served the Namless One (this world's name for the same God Merlin serves).

"Halt! In the name of the Creator, you shall go no futher!" Galadrel called out to the dragon.

But the dragon proceeded unperterbed.

"So be it." Galadrel said softly, but not with anger simply with duty.

Galadrel opened his mouth and shouted, the roar seemed to shake the sky as its shock wave blasted the Skeletal Dragon to powder.

Thus was fufilled Merlin's promise, no evil shall harm this city until the war was done.
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

2000-06-11, 5:24 PM #377
I wasn't sending the story in any direction, I just moved a small text file here and changed the names while I installed my new harddrive. My harddisk storage handler has an annoying file number limit.

If anyone wants to read the whole thing, it will be at my site in a few. I just felt this would be the perfect temporary place. Hope you guys enjoyed that little snippet!

P.S. Striker_X, if needs Dragonball 1-6 back, it's with Nat.

What is the Hai Ya Soik, 3nd form?

A) Kendo Soik
B) Shin Hai Ya Soik
C) Brea
D) Heiwa Na

The answer is at

[This message has been edited by Val_Langley (edited June 11, 2000).]
The irreverant crapsayer strikes again!

"Only when you have stopped trying have you been defeated. Because you were defeated by yourself."

"Your life has no limitations, and can break all boundaries. Except that of those in your own mind." -Val Langley

"Hurts, doesn't it? It would have been a lot less painfull if you had just faced your fears" -Piccolo Jr.
2000-06-12, 3:28 AM #378
2000-06-12, 7:36 AM #379
So if I understand you right? you not adding your character to the story? Right?

Anyway, my last post involving Ji'tory happened just before the bit with Jason etc.
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

2000-06-12, 12:51 PM #380
To be honest it's not my character.
One thing is yet still missing- I don't recall having read about a single cat in this story! Like Sigmein Froyd said, "When you think your Interactive Forum Story has enough cats, that's just your brain telling you you need about fifty more cats." Swear.

Niku Niku! ^_^*

Meow! -Nat Decarlo

[This message has been edited by Val_Langley (edited June 12, 2000).]
The irreverant crapsayer strikes again!

"Only when you have stopped trying have you been defeated. Because you were defeated by yourself."

"Your life has no limitations, and can break all boundaries. Except that of those in your own mind." -Val Langley

"Hurts, doesn't it? It would have been a lot less painfull if you had just faced your fears" -Piccolo Jr.
2000-06-12, 3:38 PM #381
The two parties stood silently and stared at each other for exactly three seconds. Then all hell broke loose.

A blinding flash of light was followed by two streaks of lightning slashing from the palms of Siren, and cutting into Sakana, throwing him into the woods. The ground began to rumble, and two huge pillars burst out of the earth, knocking Gebohq towards the four mages and trapping the others on the other side. Gebohq tried to think quickly of a strategy, while Rynard prepared some type of spell that would undoubtedly hurt.

Suddenly, from over the pillars of earth, a blurred form rose. One big streak, Dragonfly smashed into Rynard, pummelling him into the ground, and sending them both into a tumble. At that moment, the pillars burst into tiny pieces, and the rest of the party, led by Sakana and bug, burst into the fray.

Like a clap of thunder, a sudden shockwave pushed everyone back behind the piles that had been pillars. As Siren clasped her hands and dissapeared into a few flashy sparkles, Mason thrust his arms skyward. Five enormous beings of pure stone arose from the earth, between the Elementals and the heroes.

Behind the Elementals, Jason stood, unresolved. He knew what the right thing to do was, but he couldn't act. What if the Elementals won, and he had tried to resist them? On the other hand, if they lost, and he did nothing, he would appear to be one of them.

A massive explosion sounded, and everyone but Merlin fell to the ground. Merlin merely stood there, unaffected by the chaos and explosions around him. Kogi was the first up, executing a rather difficult looking triple back spin. He charged at Siren, and just before his drop kick reached her head, he was propelled backward into an approaching Shawn. Bug saw his chance. He was directly behind Siren, and he could strike her down before she even noticed. Just before he struck, however, he crumpled to the ground in pain! Apparently, the spell he had on him that prevented him from doing evil had considered that evil.

Jason made up his mind. He could not stand idly by while evil was done. Especially not if it was done in the name of Bazaal. He summoned all the power he had within him, and thrust his hands up into the air with an elaborate swooping motion. With a tremendous roar, a blast of white-hot flame burst from the ground, completely overwhelming the other three minions of Bazaal. They were incinerated in a half a second.

As the ashes of the dark wizards floated away, Merlin's party slowly gathered themselves up, standing behind Merlin. Gebohq unconciously took a place beside Merlin. They all stood silent, their weapons at the ready, staring at Jason. Jason shifted uneasily.

"Uh... hi." Jason smiled weakly and waved.

(Behind him walked a cat. Happy, Langly?)
(Methinks Jason might want to join up with Merlin etc. and save his... er... lady friend)

My mind is like a sponge, it soaks up a lot... but it leaks

So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-06-13, 8:16 AM #382
*All but Merlin continue standing in a defensive position against Jason, who at the moment looked like he was in a state of uneasiness. Jason looked at Merlin, who in return gave him a deep stare, which was somehow non-threatening.*

*Then the others around Merlin began to be uneasy themselves, aprehensive for some grand scheme to unravel before them. When none seemed to, Reyuan spoke up.*

"What are you waiting for, dark wizard? We won't step into your trap."

"Er.." Jason started, wrinkling his face in confusion. "What trap?"

"Don't act nieve, servant of the Evil one," Kogi shot out. "As soon as we advance, the other three will ambush us."

"What are you talking about?" Jason asked. "I just killed them!"

"Oh please!" Gebohq broke in. "You really expect us to belive you'd kill your own kind? We all know it was some grand dissapearing trick. This is the worst deception from one of Bazaal's kind yet."

*The others added in their agreements, and then stared at Jason. Jason, appearing as lost as a child in the woods, looked over at Merlin for help. bug, having seen Jason before, thought this whole situation to be somewhat abnormal. bug turned to look at Merlin, and when he saw Merlin staring at Jason with those comforting eyes, bug spoke up.*

"Hey everyone, I think this guy here is telling the truth."

*Everyone spun to look at bug, wide-eyed as if he had three heads. Merlin simply looked at bug and smiled.*

"What are you talking about, bug?" Scout asked loudly.

"I knew it!" Kogi exclaimed. "He is still on their side *pointing at Jason*, and this was their scheme to trap us."

"Kogi, dear," bug started to talk in his normal sarcastic tone. "Shut up before you hurt yourself from your own tunnel-visioned stupidity. Now listen to me, y'all. This fella here, he goes by the name Jason by the way, he was at Bazaal's place when I use to be there. I use to talk to him. He was always questioning me about Bazaal and looking dejected. I think he actually did kill the other three, and not by accident."

*Jason looked at bug as if to say "thank you", but bug shot back a look of "you owe me one". The others still were puzzling the situation in their own head.*

"So, what you're saying here is...that...Jason over there...didn't want to be a dark wizard?" Dragonfly asked.

"He can be taught!" bug said, then sighed.

"Then why would he work for them?" Kogi asked to bug. Jason however took up the answer.

"I don't know. I wish I hadn't...I-I wish I could say why. I just felt like--like I was forced to...imprioned. That I didn't have a choice. Bazaal had offered me freedom to do whatever I wanted to do, but in the end, it was always what he wanted. It was confusing when I didn't know when I was outside or inside my prision, and then when I realized, I didn't know how to get out. I-I.."

*Jason began to cry in front of them, slowly falling to his knees. Nobody seemed to show outward sympathy for him, they were confused themselves at how someone could be in confusion to what was good and what was evil. bug, however, seemed to show a certain amount of understanding for Jason. Merlin drifted over to jason's side and kneeled down with him, his head level with Jason's. jason looked over at Merlin, tears streaking down his face.*

"I'm so sorry." Jason nearly wispered through his sobbing. "Am I forever to be the way I have become?"

"Jason," Merlin began. "You have found the key from your own cell that imprisions you. You are free when you turn the key. But remember Jason, your journey does not stop here. You must help free the others you helped to lock away. Only then will you be invited through the doors of eternal love."

*In an understanding that perhaps Jason only understood, Jason could do no more than shake his head weakly in agreement. Merlin helped Jason up, then spoke to the others.*

"Jason here will be with us, now. He will help in the battles to come. And if any of you doubt Jason's call, speak now. By forgiving others, you walk down the path closer to eternal love."

*After a few moments of silence, Merlin simply said "We live today as if it were our last. Let us move on."*

*The group started to walk with Merlin again.*
*While continuing on their journey, Gebohq, who had taken the lead again, stopped and raised his palm to signal the others.*

"Shh," Gebohq sounded. "Merlin, we have trouble."

*Merlin walked over to where Gebohq was, and peered through the bushes that Gebohq parted for him. Through the thin opening, they both saw two elven warriors, one unconscious, the other confronted by a female cleric. The elves were surrounded by undead warriors.*

"What should we do?" Gebohq asked. "We can't just leave them here."

"It's your call, Gebohq," Merlin stated.

"Damnit, Merlin, I need your help now. Will these people live if we let them be?"

"I can not tell you that, and you know it."

"Well...I can't leave knowing they might not live. I need everyone else here to formulate a plan."

*When the other fighters surrounded Gebohq, Gebohq had started wispering his plan.*

"To the darkside, fear leads. To anger and to hate. To suffering." Yoda to Anikan --Star Wars: The Phantom menance

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-06-14, 8:07 AM #383
(NSP: Anyone can reply to the last one. The only thing I ask is that the group go with teh two elves quickly to the fairies place. Hope someone can get a god post a-goin' [])
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-06-14, 12:13 PM #384
The Steward to the Elven Throne, Randon, sat in the temorary throne inside a tent deep in the heart of the elven woods. They had moved to this location two weeks before, with the approach of the army of Bazaal's undead, and it was now the last stronghold of the Elven Kingdom. The great city, Ten'Shuan, had been decimated before the undead troops, and though the entire Elven kingdom had shown up to defend the city, it had been occupied by the undead and was, accoriding to Randon's scouts, being destroyed building by building.

Randon was sitting silently in the position he had unconciously adopted since becoming Steward, massaging the bridge of his nose. He had been getting more and more angry with Sakana ever since he had took over the throne. What right had Sakana to just up and abandon his country when it was embroiled in the middle of the greatest war it had ever known? Sakana was the rightful king! In disgust, Randon rose from the throne, which was no more that a chair covered with a red cloth, and began pacing before it.

The tent's door suddenly blew open, and Dar'klein, one of the advisors to the king, hurriedly stepped in. He was stooped, his dark black hair in disarray. He quickly dropped to one knee, then stood up.

"Your highness, we've got trouble."

Randon leaned against a tent pole. "What else is new?"

"Your highness, the Legions of the Undead have discovered our camp! They are approaching from the south! We have no more than a few minutes to escape!"

Randon straightened and turned to Dar'klein. "Did I say we were going to run?"

Dar'klein looked mortified. "Er... no your highness, but there is nothing else we can do. They outnumber us more than twenty to one!"

Randon sighed. "I guess we'll have to run. Get my generals in here, we'll have to organize something to cover our retreat."

"Sir, there's no time! They will be on us at--"

At that moment, a loud shout went up outside. A messenger rushed into the royal tent, and Randon turned away, unable to face yet another problem.

"Sire, I mean, your highness, I mean--We're under attack! They--"

The messanger suddenly stopped. Randon frowned. "Continue..."

"I'm afraid he can't."

Randon whirled around. His eyes grew wide as he looked at Dar'klein. He was standing next to the messenger, his hand around the man's neck. The messanger was limp.

Randon gawked. "What have you done?"

"You don't get it, do you?" Dar'klein dropped the man to the floor. "You are going to lose. You've known that from the beginning, haven't you? Why do you continue to fight? Bazaal will only make your death more painful, the longer you resist."

The truth dawned on Randon. He knew what was up. "You're one of Bazaal's people, aren't you? You're one of the Dark Ones!"

"Yes, how cunning of you. We've been here since Bazaal took over, and you didn't even notice. We even killed your king, and you didn't have an inkling." Dar'klein chuckled. "Oh, this is going to be fun." He raised his arms, bolts of pure energy crackling from finger to finger. Randon closed his eyes.

There was a loud crack, and nothing happened. Randon opened his eyes to see Herudo standing where Dar'klein had been, Dar'klein crumpled at his feet. He was holding a big stick.

"Sir, we've got to get out of here! The camp is being overrun!"

Randon paused, then strode over to the throne and picked up his sword. "Let's go."

* * *

Outside Bazaal's palace, an enormous standing army of undead creatures creaked and occasionally moaned. They were doing just that, standing, in perfect precision, legions upon legions of them, totally surrounding Bazaal's castle. Not one moved, except when the wind rocked them slightly on their feet like a field of wheat.

Bazaal stood, looking out over the field of bodies, a dark frown on his face. That rat should have been here by now. He was getting impatient, and when he got impatient he destroyed things. Bazaal whirled, and faded back into the gloominess of his room.

My mind is like a sponge, it soaks up a lot... but it leaks

So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-06-15, 3:28 PM #385
(NSP: arbiter should get most of the credit for this post, and he credits part of this post to Wizard's First Rule)

*Ping and Raivus were at opposite corners of the crystal cage, Ping sitting with his knees drawn up to his chest, while Raivus paced back and forth, stopping at each end as if he was considering whether he had reached his final destination. More often than not, Raivus would stare passed the cage, as if he could simply be where he looked if he tried hard enough.*

*Ping noticed that several times, Raivus would talk to himself, much like Ping had seen him in the Shadow Dimension. He talked to himself as if talking to rebel subserviants, serfs in a kingdom only in his head. Raivus would get to the point of hysteria, to screaming at the top of his lungs and beating his hands across the bars. Ping merely kept to himself as Raivus continued to randomly act on himself.*

*At the moment, Ping saw Raivus with his eyes closed, the veins stood out on his forehead, and his hand closed in a fist. Raivus was clenching his fist so hard Ping could see blood dripping from his hand. Raivus was uttering "control" over and over. At first it was just a wisper, then it would raise so loud that his voice would become hoarse. Then, in a surprising turn of attitude, Raivus smiled playfully and ran across the side of the cage, letting his bloody hand slap across the bars. Disgusted at how much Raivus managed to push his buttons, Ping turned around and spoke up.*

"What is wrong with you?"

"Wrong with me?" Raivus said with that childishly demonic smile. "What's wrong with you? Are you finally showing care, even love, to me?" Raivus' laughter echoed throughout the crystal room.

"You're mad," Ping stated with a raised eyebrow. "You do know that, right?"

"It takes one to know one!" Raivus spat back. "For you see, one becomes closest to the creature they stalk when they start to think like it. And I would say this is as close as you can get, eh? In order to identify with the creature, one must empathize with it. So if I'm insane, and you identify me as such, then you must also be out of your mind."

//Could it be true?// Ping thought. //Have I lost my mind?//

*As if Raivus knew what Ping was thikning, Raivus said "There now, being mad isn't all bad. You can justify anything if you think hard enough. You know, most of the geniuses in our history were deemed insane by their peers."

*Ping turned back to face his corner, trying to shut out what Raivus had told him. After several moments of silence, Raivus slowly walked over to one of the jagged bars of the cage. He took his clean hand and gripped the bar, slidding his hand down it. Ping bit his lip, because simply seeing what Raivus was doing sent pain in his hand. Raivus released his grip from the bar, which was stained in thick red. He opened his now bloody hand to Ping, as if offering to hold hands. Raivus then licked some blood off teh big gash with his tongue.*

//What the hell is he doing?// Ping thought loudly. He then asked Raivus outloud. Raivus ignored his question. Raivus lowered his hand and began to slowly walk towards Ping.

"I'm taking control," Raivus simply said, enjoying the befuddled and near-frightened look on Ping's face. after letting the words sink in, Raivus went on talking.

"Fear is a great weapon. You can make people believe anything if you use it right. It's a simple rule, really. I read it in a book somewhere. People are stupid."

"What do you mean by that?" Ping asked.

"I'm saying that people will believe a complete lie as truth either because they want to or they fear it is true. And the first step in believing is accepting the possibility."

*Raivus stopped walking towards Ping. Raivus' eyes began spacing out, and he began to talk about his past.*

"Bazaal was trying to find a way to open a portal to take him to where Merlin was. Heh, that fool. Bazaal had opened a portal into the Shadow Dimension, and was sucked in. We were trapped in there for sometime, when Bazaal managed to open a portal back. He left his loyal dark wizards and I in there. The others could not handle living in such a place and killed themselves. I held on though, and soon, I discovered beings that dwelled there. Souls damned to spend their eternity in a void of sense, having pledged themselves to Baal and enslaved others in one form or another. They threatened to kill me, but I made a pact with them..."

*Ping was only half-listening now. He was fairly certain Raivus was in some delusional state, or just simply ranting. Raivus snapped back and began to pace towards Ping again. Ping was now alert once again.*

"You don't understand," Raivus said. "You never will. I shall show you."

*Raivus suddenly gripped the side of Ping's head, and Ping struggled to free himself. Ping could hear voices as he was struggling. At first, it sounded like a stream with a quick flow, where Ping could make out the indivudual voices, not saying anything audible. They became louder, more chaotic, flying through Ping's mind like icicles. The noise was becoming unbearably loud and painful to hear when Ping finally managed to push Raivus' wrist away. Raivus smiled broadly. Ping shook his head in disbelief.*

"It can't be..." Ping muttered.

"They dwell inside of me now," Raivus said. "And they're a million times louder, with a million times more force for me. It was part of the pact, that I would take them out of the Shadow Dimension. They try persistantly to escape, like some feral animal in a cage. Like the animal, they pace along side the fence, testing every point for a weakness, and if it finds one, it pushes and keeps pushing until the fence breaks and they are free again. Since I can not use my magic now, it is much more difficult to control them. They are that much closer to finding my weakness."

"And what would that be?" Ping asked.

"Heh, good try," Raivus chuckled. "Do you know what fear is? It's reality. It that thing in us that tells us when we're in danger, whether it be real or something we think is a danger. It's that part that reveals our weaknesses, our vulnerablilities. I control that fear by reshaping my reality. Being in a state of madness distorts the mirror that you see reality in. It turns the world into clay, and lets me reshape it to whatever I want. I control my own reality."

"You're truely insane," ping said. "If I had any doubts about it before, they're gone now."

*Raivus made his way to his own corner, slumped down and faced Ping.*

"Idiot, we're all insane at some degree," Raivus said. "We all shape our own reality, even at an involuntary level. You see what you want to see, hear what you want to hear-"

"-but you can always smell fear," Ping interrupted. "You'd have to not have a sense of smell otherwise."

*Raivus turned around, seeming to have fallen alseep, clutching his hands which were dried with blood. Ping looked at Raivus, mostly in pity, before fallign asleep himself.*


[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited June 19, 2000).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-06-17, 3:10 PM #386
"but how can I ever forgive myself . .. " Jason moaned to Merlin as the party continued it's march again toward Bazaal's castle, "after what I've done, how can anyone forgive me."

"'And even while we we're still enemies of him, he died for us.'" Merlin quoted from an ancient text from his home plane of existence, Logress. "Jason, when my master lived among men, he did not eat with holy men or good men, he ate with the most unacceptable people in his culture."

"Why did he do that?" Jason asked in wonder.

"Because he loved all, and forgave all if the sought it. Repentance means, turning to face God. You turned from evil and joined us to fight Bazaal, that is to turn from evil and face God. . .It is hard to face God with what we have done. I know I have faced God myself and known I have failed him in my time. You are forgiven."

Jason looked at Merlin for a few seconds while he paused.

"You wish to undo what you have done?" Merlin asked.

"Yes. . .but I can't" Jason said dejectedly.

"The past is the past and can not be changed. This is true. But what the story of the Son of the Nameless One, is about hope. . . .do you know what the Son of the Nameless One said in his last prayer to his father before he was taken to be killed?" asked Merlin.

"No." said Jason shaking his head.

"He was frightened Jason, for he knew he was to die. And he asked his father that if it was possible, that he should not suffer and die, but he ended his prayer in trust saying, 'Your will be done, not mine.' His faith was his greatest power, Jason. His faith was like a child having faith in his father. He faced death, and died, Jason. Still holding his faith. The faith which saved all men. And his return was not just a coming back to life, but a triumph over death which broke not only the rules of death, but of power. Where faith, his faith, faith enough to face death, was vindicated. His story is of hope, of a conquest not won by magic or power or strength, but won by having faith in his father. This is the story of hope. . .our story. . .. by which we have not only hope from merely death, but from ourselves and evil we have done. It is hope in the impossible and a triumph of impossible dreams. It will bring us from this war, it will bring you from your past, and will bring the world to . . .become a new creation. . . ." Merlin finished softly.
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

2000-06-17, 5:54 PM #387
King Dorwain of the Dwarves stood majestically in his war room, shouting orders. Around him, a chaos of diminuative figures, all dwarven with the exception of one human, swarmed with a singled minded purpose. War. Preperations were being made, and the Dwarven nation was being prepared for battle.

In the homes of the citezens, fathers got their axes down from the wall above the fireplace, and put on armour that had lain dormant and dusty in trunks. Mothers prepared food for their husbands' long journeys, and sons wished they could go too. Nowhere could be found anyone not willing to go to war.

In the war room, the King called to one of his servants. "You there, has their been any word from the Goblins? We may need their help."

The servant bowed and approached the King. "Sire, a messanger just returned. He brings news that the Goblins are not going to join with us. " The servant looked around to see if anyone was listening. "He thinks the Goblins may be allied with Bazaal."

Dorwain pondered this news solemnly. "Do you think he's right?"

"There's no way to tell, Sire. I can't really see why they would want to ally with Bazaal, but..."

"Hmmm... perhaps we should leave some warriors behind..."

"Won't we need all the warriors we can get to fight Bazaal's armies?"

"I don't know..." Dorwain put his hand to his head, thinking. "We'll just have to take the chance that they won't attack us. We've let them live down here with us, and I know their king. He's not really a pleasant person, but he's not insane."

On the King's left, Krig approached. "Dwarves scared of Goblins?"

"No!" The king retorted. "Dwarves fear nothing! There is no such thing as a Dwarven coward!"

Krig chewed on the end of his mustache. "Oh."

Another messanger approached the King. "Sire, the warriors await you"

Dorwain looked around him, and at Krig. "Come along, we must address our valiant heroes, and give them more courage than they already have."

As the King left through the war rooms side entrance, Krig followed, loosing his axe in his belt. He was uneasy with all these people around, and being this deep underground... he just didn't like it.

My mind is like a sponge, it soaks up a lot... but it leaks

So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-06-17, 6:46 PM #388
(NSP: Merlin's alst post would go right after the group accepts Jason into their group, so you all knew. And check out my last post, it should be edited)

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited June 18, 2000).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-06-18, 2:28 PM #389
Yes, muchly. Although Nat brought it my attention that there was a Tiger that was the general of an animal regeme a couple pages back. Get a life Nat.
The irreverant crapsayer strikes again!

"Only when you have stopped trying have you been defeated. Because you were defeated by yourself."

"Your life has no limitations, and can break all boundaries. Except that of those in your own mind." -Val Langley

"Hurts, doesn't it? It would have been a lot less painfull if you had just faced your fears" -Piccolo Jr.
2000-06-19, 4:01 AM #390
The undead stood around while their leader inspected the two bodies, trying to determine if they were alive or not. Since the zombies had very little sense of touch, this was difficult.

At that moment, from the bushes burst a crazed figure, rushing headlong past the squadron of undead and back into the bushes. The undead stood dumbfounded for a moment, something audibly clicked, and the undead rushed after the figure.

In the now deserted clearing, Gebohq and Sakana slipped out of the bushes. They quickly lifted the motionless bodies, and carried them back into the bushes.

A few moments passed, and Reyuan emerged from the bushes into where the zombies had vanished. He finished wiping off his sword, and strolled back towards the party.

"All clear" he called.

The party re-emerged into the clearing, and set the bodies down carefully. They all crouched around them, hoping to keep them alive. All but Merlin. Merlin faced the bushes to the north and spoke.

"You may show yourself. We mean you no harm."

As the rest of the party looked around in confusion, sixteen elves emerged from the forest, where none had been before. One was Randon, and another was Herudo.

Sakana jumped up. "Randon! What are you doing here?"

Randon looked around uneasily. "We are being pursued. We have been running for days."

Sakana sobered. "Why aren't you in Ten'Shuan? Who's guarding the throne?"

Randon looked at his feet. "No-one guards the throne. There is no throne. "

Sakana's eyes widened in disbelief. "What do you mean? Who is leading the people?"

Randon slumped down even further. "We are the people. I have failed you, Sakana."

Sakana gazed in disbelief at each of the sixteen warriors, then back at Randon. "This is all of us?"

Randon raised his head nobly."This is the remnant of the Elven kingdom. I have failed miserably."

Sakana looked at Randon for a long moment. "If you have failed, Randon, then no man alive could have succeeded."

Randon looked releived. "Thank you, Sakana."

My mind is like a sponge, it soaks up a lot... but it leaks

So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-06-19, 7:20 AM #391
Well, I've returned, but I don't want to read through, what, two pages since I last left? Could someone summarize whats been happening, please?
2000-06-19, 7:54 AM #392
(sorry. To much has happened in the last two pages for me to summurize it myself.)

Merlin replied to Sakana's remark, "It is true you fought well and hard, and did all you could, but you aren't the last of your race. A good number of other refuges escaped as well behind enemy lines seperate from communication with you which you didn't know about. . .there is still hope Sakana, though the nation has fallen the people live on."
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

2000-06-19, 9:19 AM #393
Actually, Merlin, that was what I was thinking. I just ran outta time []

[This message has been edited by Krig_the_Viking (edited June 19, 2000).]
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-06-19, 3:44 PM #394
*With Merlin, his friends, and the elven soldiers, K'Jar and Almisa lead them to the Fairies' entrance. They were all puzzled as they saw what seemed to be a line of fairies waiting to climb onto a dragon, who were flying up past the treetops. K'jar was about to walk up to the front of hte line when Merlin tried to stop him by gently pressing a hand over his chest. K'Jar walked around him, and followed by the others, went up to the fairie.

"Where are you all going?" K'jar asked, obviously violently confused at the situation.

"Haven't you heard?" the fairie asked. "All teh Fairies and dragons are going to Eversky. It's a place where bazaal can't hurt us. I'm sur eif you asked, the dragons would taken the elven race there too. Maybe even the humans."

"How can you do this?" Scout asked. "Just leaving from your problems, letting Bazaal do as he wished. He'll find you if he wants, you know."

*Merlin noticed that Gebohq looked at the fairies with a tone of sympathy. Merlin then interjected.*

"Everybody," Merlin adressed his friends. "These people have alreayd decided to leave, and there is nothign we can do to change their minds. We must be making pace quickly."

"I'll stay here with my fighters and see if we can't yet persuade some to stay," Raydon said. "You go on without us."

*The others headed once again towards Bazaal's palace.*
*The humans meanwhile heard no word from their messanger of any help to arrive, so, for once, they all agreed to move from their island and ask permission to dwell in the Merfolk's home. Perhaps, they thought, they might ally with Orca, or bring him down, whatever the case may be.*
*Bazaal, having lost his patience some time ago, ordered a vast amount of his armies to sweep the lands. His orders were to find and bring Merlin's party to him, alive or dead. He then sent out Jaccik and Carnid with the armies in search of them. He would find them yet. Bazaal then decided to make his way to the prision that held Raivus and Ping_Me.*

(NSP: Anyone can do the situation with Ping, Raivus and Bazaal, but I'm assumign ping will want to do it, so you might want to ask him first.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-06-20, 11:52 AM #395
(NSP: Nature Paladin, I'm too laz--er-- too busy to post everything that's happened, but essentially, everybody's been reunited and are headed towards Bazaal's place. Bazaal's got a huge army, and the dwarves are getting ready to go to war with Bazaal. And the elves have been all but decimated. And Bazaal looks really creepy now. And Jason has joined Merlin's party.)
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-06-20, 2:37 PM #396
Bazaal walked with sure determination toward the crystal prison. He laughed to himself. Soon Merlin would be brought to him and he will have won once again. He decided to enjoy himself for awhile and torture the two beings inside the crystal room. They were of little consequence to him now that he was the ruler of all the world, and soon the ruler of the whole of creation.

Suddenly he stopped. Why not kill them? He laughed to himself. The thought delighted him in the most perverse of manners. Yes, indeed. Why not? He no longer needed the being known as Ping, for he had as many dark followers as he would ever need, and would have little need for Pristine. Besides since Pristine was against him, it would be like killing two brids with one stone. Once Ping had died, so would Pristine. As for Ravius, the little worm, he was mad and was of no use to him. They were sport and nothing more.

An explosion rocked him and the whole of the palace around him. Getting up off the floor he snarled and faded...

...and appeared in the front foyer of the palace. Before him the huge gates were hurled and twisted. Sunlight streamed in the doorway. An entire legion of his undead lay in piles of dust before him, the walls and floor were scored as if from a huge energy emmission. Above him shouts of fear and alarm could be heard and then silenced in another explosion. Stones fell from the explosion and rained on him. They, however, bounced off the shield he formed around him. He looked up...

... and was in the hallway above. Here too the stone walls were blackened and the soldiers were simply gone; nothing but outlines of them left on the walls and floor. He heard footsteps and chased after them. He ran but it seemed that the being, whatever it was, was faster than him. Was such a thing possible? Eventually they faded into the distance. He stopped and listened.

Another explosion could be heard from the crystal room. Hoping to catch the perpetrator he teleported there quickly.

Before him lay the remains of the barrier wall, a wall he constructed himself and put spells on to keep people out. This was simply not possible that someone could break through. It was hard enough for himself to get through with his magic. Inside a blinding light was still boucing and refracting around the room due to the crystals. He stood cooly before the opening and waited for it to escape. When he was able to see properly he stepped through.

There was simply nothing there, save for Ravius. He sat in one of the corners with a strange smile of him face. Ping was gone. Bazaal growled and his growl turned into a yell of rage. He ran to the nearly oblivious Ravius, grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the wall. Ravius shook with the impact like a rag doll. Ravius began laughing hysterically.

"What. Is. So. Funny?" Bazaal said meanacingly.

"There's no way...!" Ravius said still laughing.

"What are you talking about you worthless piece of slug slime?"

"There's no way you will win. It's all over for you!"

Well it's nice to know he's still mad, Bazaal thought with a bit of humor. "What happened here. You will tell me now." Bazaal said. His grip tightened on Ravius's throat.

"*urk*.... the white girl came...."

"Pristine? That's not possible. She could have never have done all of this. You'd better start telling the truth."

"No... but there was someone else with her..."

"What!? Who!?"

Ravius looked at him and laughed again even though Bazaal was quickly strangling him. "Hell's ultimate enemy!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Lady... *urk* ... white... bright... like her clothes were the sun... *urrgh*... she was wearing... twelve stars... moon was under her feet... *ug* ..."

Bazaal loosened his grip a little, he was somewhat facinated.

"She appeared when the girl blasted through the wall. The light was pure, as if immaculate. The bubble around that other guy dissapeared. She helped him up, they spoke, but I couldn't hear anything. Then it was as if the whole room was bending and warping. They... kissed. And then they were gone."

"I won't accept that as an answer. 'They were gone' will not suffice!!!" Bazaal's grip tightened on Ravius's throat. His face was going red for want of air.

Suddenly something grabbed Bazaal from behind and cold steel was drawn across his throat. Black thick blood sprayed across the room, marring the clear crystal. Frag spun around in the follow through, daggar in hand, he stood before Bazaal and the dropped Ravius. Revenge!

Much to Frag's surprise and dismay, Bazaal stood up and began laughing. The laugh was deep and gurgling due to the blood in his throat. The blood sprayed out of his mouth while he laughed. "Did you think I didn't know?" He laughed again.

Frag stood alarmed, panic seized him.

"I've known all along what you've been plotting. I let you go, I laughed at the irony of the whole situation. I've waited for you to strike so I could see the priceless look on your face right now. Did you really think you could overcome me!!!!!!?" Bazaal stood to more than his full hieght and the wound on his neck healed itself, sealing as if like a zipper and the blood fading away into nothing.

Frag suddenly felt like he was locked in a vice. He couldn't move, nor could he think straight enough to cast a spell. He felt... somewhat hot.

"You and your pathetic race will vanish off the face of the earth like smoke on the wind, starting with you."

Frag became alarmed when blood began dripping off his feet and off his hands. Blood also came out of his mouth and nose. The heat increased. "It... doesn't matter... what you do to me... you-" *blargh* Blood shot from his mouth across the room.

"Oh yes, indeed. Merlin and his pathetic little band will destroy me, hmmmm? Tell me something Frag, do you feel hot? Like maybe your blood is boiling and your internal organs are melting?" Bazaal said to his mirth.

Frag screamed. He indeed felt like he was melting. Flesh and muscle was now pouring like a faucet out of his clothes. The skin on his face began to drip. "Eyegggg grwwwiiilll ssshiptilll hhhavgrgge mmmgyy rrreggehveengeee... kkkkrrghh" Frag tried to say as his neck and voice box boiled in his blood. His eyes exploded in thier sockets, his brain issued forth from his ears and spilled down his sides. His bones were now exposed and his clothing clung to them. Bazaal let the remains of Frag the Goblin drop with a disgusting squeltch onto the floor. There was nothing but a pile of pink and red organs suuronded by a sea of red blood. Bazaal leaned over and dipped his finger in the blood. He brought it to his mouth and savored it's taste. He glanced at Ravius who looked on indifferently.

Bazaal picked Ravius up by his clothes, brought him out into the hallway where there was a window. He proceeded to throw Ravius through the window and walk away.


Ravius plunged over cliff down to a level plain. He righted himself and, using a little magic, floated easily to the ground.

"Fool." He said. "He forgot that I have my magic outside that room." Ravius shrugged and began to walk in one direction, not caring which it was.


Sakana stopped suddenly. Gebhoq looked at him. Sakana shook his head as if trying to shake something off of it.

"What's the matter?" Gebhoq said.

"It's strange. The power I use that works Pristine's projection unit... well, it just went away..." Sakana said.

"Has something happened?"

"I'm not sure."

"She didn't die did she?"

"They are beyond our reach." Merlin interjected.

"What?" Gebohq said.

"Now is not the time for explainations, let us simply move on." Merlin said.

"C'mon Merlin, tell us. We should know!"

"If I told you, we would be here for a year and a day. Never you mind it. It should put your thoughts at rest if I told you they are safe, and so they are."

"'They'? You mean Pristine AND Ping?" But Merlin would say no more.
2000-06-20, 10:03 PM #397
(Woa... that's an "R" rating right there... [] Cool.)

The group of four Vikings hid at the crest of the dirty, brown-black hill, laying on their stomachs so as to not skyline themselves. Over the hill, and as far as they could see, was the waving field of the legions of Bazaal, swaying like a dark, grassy meadow in the non-existant wind. In the middle of this army rose the dark spires of Bazaal's stronghold, like a grotesque tree gnarled and blackened by lightning.

The chieftan, Overhode, glanced back to his fellow ship mates, Gammel, the old one; Øl, the drunkard; and Stor, the gentle giant. He looked back out over the swaying legions, and thought of the missing crew member.

"Where is Krig? I would have thought that he could have rallied the Dwarvenkind by now."

Gammel gazed out over the undead, a sage, although somewhat cantankerous expression crossing his weathered face. "Krig'll come through. Don't worry 'bout 'im. Bazaal's what we got to worry 'bout. We can take 'is army, but not 'is magic."

Stor shifted his massive weight to face the others. "Pray." was the only thing he uttered. An uncharacteristicly long speech for him.

My mind is like a sponge, it soaks up a lot... but it leaks

So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-06-22, 8:26 PM #398
Gebohq emailed everyone with his plans for ending Shadows of Darkness. As I have not been involved in SoD very much recently I have absolutely no idea what is going on.

Therefore I suggest a simpler plan for ending the war against bazaal. There's still that little back door into bazaal's fortress using the magical teleportation stones, right? Well, why don't we construct a *magical* bomb, open up the teleport, toss the bomb through the teleport, then make absolutely sure that we close the teleporter. It would sure save a whole lot of trouble and end the war a lot faster. Hey, I know some innocent people might be hurt when bazaals fortress is instantly vaporized by the explosion, but that's why it's called war. That Jason character could build the bomb for us if we hold him at gun point, but as there are no guns a rail detonater would have to suffice. []

Oh, and there's one more issue. Merlin's Ghost. He might not approve of the plan so someone will have to take care of him. I don't know exactly how you kill a ghost so you'll have to be creative.

Sound like a good plan everyone? []

[This message has been edited by bug (edited June 22, 2000).]
‹^› //‹{°;°}›\\ ‹^›
2000-06-23, 4:10 AM #399
But that wouldn't make much of a storyline would it? []
2000-06-23, 5:33 AM #400
My idea for the end:
The party and their small army attacks Bazaal's fortress. Bazaal's huge army attacks the small good army, quickly overwhelmig it, but suddenly Orca's army appears and clashes with Bazaal's army. The good party slips inside the fortress as the two evil armies clash outside, but Orca and some of his handpicked elite enter the fortress as well. This would lead up to a climactic confrontation in Bazaal's throne room. You can write it from there...But Orca should ruthlessly attack the first Holy being to enter, and use his powers to injure it, then he should see that things are getting out of hand and flee. (To be seen another time)

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