About the sequel:
First off, I'm pretty sure Merlin is OK with going with it, and if anybody wants to be on the side of good, talk to me. I'll give you my own suggestions along with Merlin's that he sent me. To get an idea of what the place after SoD is like, check out Merlin's website at:
Basically, the land that SoD takes place is but a island, small compared to the other continents of the world. The land that everybody moves to is called Ji'Toria, after Ji'Tory, who rules the central area for a good hundred years (elves in his realm live a long time--don't forget that Bazaal made dark elves mentioned in an earlier post, mwahahaha) and the acadamy is actually started by Bathazar, not Merlin (only his library is there). For more details, check it out-- and so you know, I think it's suppose to be like some 1000 years after SoD. And no, the D&D game is on standby rightnow, so nobody's playing or joining.
As for my sequel, I want it to be in OUR near future. I don't want it to be an epic story, but don't get me wrong, it can still be exciting with cool bad guys and all -- just no grand schemes like in SoD. The basic premise is going to be that terrorism has become a real threat, mainly because of one that goes by the alias [har (pronounced either as in "care" or as in "char-broil", depending on how his alias is implied), with no apparent plan or demands (this will be my major bad guy--you'll find out why he does what he does in the story
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif)
hehe). The world still goes on aboutits normal business though--and throughout the story, people's characters will reveal their own involvement in teh story (such as my "good guy" will be a politician in the U.S.) and at the same time, like in SoD, reveal whatever opinions the writer has about government, world affairs, etc.
Again, I stress that this be written as a
realistic story, with a hint of science fiction (since it IS the future) and only a bit of fantasy (mainly just the minor appearance of magic--I would suggest that only children show any magic abilities and therefore they will not have any major influence--no other races though) I want this story to have an feel like it was directed by an independant director (which really just means don't do anything too Hollywood if you can). So start thinking about what kind of character you want to do (one good guy and one bad guy if you wish--but PLEASE I stongly ask everyone NOT to powerplay. This is meant to be fun to read as much as it is to write). Characters can be other terrorists with their own agenda, government officals (CIA, NSA, politician), civilians that act as a sub-plot, anything you feel can add to the story. And just keep in mind--how do you think our world would react to an end-of-the-world situation such as this (nuclear weapons as well as other weaponry will be invloved, especially terrorists)? I'll start the new story somtime in mid-January (the end of my first semester) so just keep this in mind
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