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ForumsInteractive Story Board → The Shadows of Darkness.
The Shadows of Darkness.
2000-11-21, 3:57 PM #521
Then he farted, twice
I don't care about your name, Red. I don't want to know your name. If you survive your first three or so battles, then maybe I'll learn your name. Not before. I used to learn the names, but it was a goddamned waste of time. Soon as I'd get to know a puke, he'd up and die on me. These days I don't bother.

-Horkin, Master-at-Wizardy
2000-11-28, 7:58 AM #522
So... uh... does this mean that I have earned the right to start making random posts expressing my disapproval with the lack of an ending to this story thus far? Just checking.
Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt.
2000-11-28, 11:41 AM #523
No, it means that you have to finish the story. Now back to work!

If at first you dont' succeed, lower your standards!
Visit my homepage.
Life is beautiful.
2000-11-28, 3:20 PM #524
So then he discovered that the mascot was not hiding a famous celebrity, it was the other way, all you had to do was turn left, but if you don't, you may end up going somewhere else, In this place there are many thingys like pieces of paper, if you touch the pieces of paper, you may catch the fish you have been searching for, but watch out, when he went to the store to buy some food, he was pleasently surprised by and then he at some more food because it was healthy and he wasn't so wait a minute in the place with the lava the monkey was "oh i see" said the desert merchant but where does that lead the "Its on fire! That babys hair is on Fire" Screamed the jar of jam.
I don't care about your name, Red. I don't want to know your name. If you survive your first three or so battles, then maybe I'll learn your name. Not before. I used to learn the names, but it was a goddamned waste of time. Soon as I'd get to know a puke, he'd up and die on me. These days I don't bother.

-Horkin, Master-at-Wizardy
2000-11-29, 10:10 AM #525
Sloop over to the web's unofficial home of insanity
I don't care about your name, Red. I don't want to know your name. If you survive your first three or so battles, then maybe I'll learn your name. Not before. I used to learn the names, but it was a goddamned waste of time. Soon as I'd get to know a puke, he'd up and die on me. These days I don't bother.

-Horkin, Master-at-Wizardy
2000-12-04, 3:48 PM #526
Finish SOD or be tortured! Or, if you will not, e-mail me the rest of the story...
2000-12-05, 3:58 PM #527
NSP: Krig! I thought you were the guy who had all this time in the world! What's happening man? Where are ya? Send an S.O.S. or something! If I can, I'll try posting myself this Friday, but I can't guarentee I'll be able to do so. And sorry to drag this story out for so long; if I had any chance to, I'd finish it myself, honestly.

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-12-05, 4:41 PM #528
Send it to me, I have plenty of time...
2000-12-05, 6:07 PM #529
I used to have all the time in the world, until the First Realm took over my computer life. I really would like to finish what was slated for the first post, but I'm having trouble finding extra time.

Oft evil will does evil mar.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-12-06, 9:48 AM #530
[Alright people, if you're not going to finish this, I'm going to have to. If you don't like my ending, fine. Write the REAL one, then, if you're not satisfied! But if you don't write something real soon, this will be the ending!]

Everyone held their breath for a few tense moments, but no traps were sprung by Orca's opening of the door.

Orca broke the silence. "Well - come on!" he gestured impatiently. He strode into the room, trying not to show his hesitation. Slowly the others followed.

It was a semicircular room, with the entrance on the flat wall. The chamber was made of grey stone that gave off its own, albeit pale and cold, light.

On the far side of the room was a throne carved out of an incredibly huge chunk of obsidian, with amethysts and rubies set into its base. The throne was facing away from them.

"Ha!" Kogi laughed, "he's not here! There's no one here! Merlin was wrong!"

"No," a sepulchral voice as deep as the abyss came from the far side of them, "for once, Merlin was not wrong."

The throne swiveled slowly around. Shawn couldn't believe his eyes. He could see no wheel or other mechanism that would enable the throne to turn. Obviously, an arcane device was at work here.

The throne turned 180 degrees, and the party saw in it-

Nothing. The throne was empty.

Or was it? As Jason and the others looked closer, there seemed to be two pinpoints of scarlet light in the throne. Slowly, as their eyes adjusted to the light, they saw Bazaal, clad in robes as ebony black as his throne sitting in it.

He seems more like a skeleton trying to pass for a human now, JK_Meteor thought. But of course. Merlin told us that he had turned himself into a lich.

"So, we meet again," Bazaal said, and a grim, cold smile that seemed more like a grimace than a smile stretched his skin taut across his cheeks. His eyes glowed as slickly red as fresh blood.

"Bad man," Krig muttered. "Krig get bad man." Giving in to his warrior instincts, the little Viking hefted his waraxe and charged Bazaal.

The evil emperor raised a finger, ever so slightly. Krig gave out a cry and collapsed to the ground. His axe clattered to the floor. Obviously, he was dead.

How were they supposed to defeat someone who could kill them all with a gesture? Dragonfly wondered.

Gebohq was thinking furiously. Bazaal can destroy us all in a heartbeat. But he's not doing that. Why? There must be something that he wanted desperately enough to let them live a few precious moments more.

His gaze panned around the room. His eyes fell on Scout. Scout! Of course. She had some sort of portal into Hell inside her. But could Bazaal possibly-?

He looked at the gleaming pinpoints of light that were the lich's eyes. Yes. Bazaal was mad enough to try.

"There is no resistance, you see," Bazaal addressed them. "You cannot defeat me. Why not simply give me what I want? And then I will let you all go."

"What DO you want, Bazaal?" Orca asked, defiantly.

"Why, simply Scout, of course," Bazaal answered. "Give me her and the rest of you are free to go."

"Never!" bug cried, then assumed a startled expression, as if surprised by his own outburst.

As if to emphasize bug's words, Ji'Tory rushed forward, Consilium ex Deo held in two sweaty fists.

Bazaal pointed at her. Ji'Tory faltered, but did not go down. Bazaal frowned, ever so slightly, then regained control of himself. Before he could cast another spell, though, Ji'Tory brought the great sword down onto Bazaal.

The lich caught it by the blade with his hand. Skin opened, but no blood came forth, nor any cries of pain. Bazaal was a lich now, inhuman as he could possibly be.

"So you still defy me, my pet," he spoke to Ji'Tory, who flushed angrily at the reminder of the years she had spent as Bazaal's slave. "Even if you silly sword protects you, it does not protect them," and he gestured to the rest of the party.

He pointed, again and again and again. Tessa, Jessica, and Lina slumped to the floor, dead.

"NO!" Jason screamed, and he stampeded towards Bazaal who merely raised his finger again and, almost lazily, pointed. Jason too fell to the floor, lifeless.

"You monster!" Gebohq shouted, before he, too, died. One after the other, all the members of the party died, until, only Ji'Tory, Scout, and Orca were left.

Consilium ex Deo was still held by Ji'Tory, its blade caught by Bazaal.

Ji'Tory, stunned by the deaths of those she had come to love as family, hardened her resolve and began speaking to Bazaal. "Bazaal, all you know of - all that you hunger for - is power. But why? What good will it do you? Your soul and where it stands with the Nameless One is all that matters."

As she was talking, Consilium ex Deo began to glow, casting its warm light over the room, spreading until its light even shone through the crack in the ground and shined as a spotlight into the now-night sky above the two opposing armies.

Ghostly forms appeared, first Krig, then Gebohq, then the rest, then more shapes that Ji'Tory did not recognize - the spirits of all those Bazaal had killed. They gathered, adding their strength to Ji'Tory's.

"You must face the truth of the Nameless One, Bazaal," Ji'Tory continued.

Even the imperturbable Bazaal seemed shaken by the manifestation of the ghosts of all his victims. Yet he mustered the strength to utter, "Why?"

Why, indeed? As Ji'Tory looked into the lich's face, she knew she must do the unthinkable - she must forgive this lich, this monster - she must love him as her neighbor.

"Because, Bazaal," she hesitated, then plunged forward, "I love you."

Bazaal broke down. He made weeping noises, though no tears could ever come out of those eyes again.

Ji'Tory continued, "Because we love you. Because the Nameless One loves you and sent His Son. Because the Nameless One's Son loves you and died for you."

"No - no," Bazaal screamed, in spiritual anguish. "No!" He leaped out of his dark throne, rushing for Scout.

Scout was so surprised that she tripped and fell over backwards. Bazaal uttered a magical incantation, and Scout's body was ripped open in a shower of blood, the life draining out of her.

The portal into Hell was opened.

"Yes - yes!" Bazaal cried. "Come to me, my legions, my armies of demons of Hell!"

Monstrous apparitions, unspeakably horrible in form and shape, rose up out of the remains of Scout's body. Clawed hands groped for Bazaal, who too late realized his peril.

"No! No! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Bazaal screamed in terror as the demons grabbed him and started pulling, pulling, pulling him down into their fiery domain.

Bazaal and the demons disappeared back into Scout's body - or rather, back into the portal into Hell, which was the same thing - and the openings in Scout's body closed, though she remained dead. The portal was closed - forever closed.

They had done it. Bazaal was defeated. The legions of undead outside fell into ashes.

But at what cost? Ji'Tory thought. Everyone was dead. Only she and Orca remained.

A warm hand gripped her arm. Afraid of who might be there, she whipped around.

"Merlin!" she gasped in relief. And then she fell into his arms, weeping, weeping until she had no more tears.

"Fear not," he said. "All is and shall be well, child. Behold!"

And the life poured back into the bodies of the dead members of the party.

And Ji'Tory found even more tears within her, tears of sheer joy.

[There, that's the end. If you don't like it, go write your own. But now we can start on a sequel - where I can have MY character involved, too! Ciao!]

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, with the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-12-06, 1:39 PM #531
NSP: Thanks for your initiative, but honestly, I have the day off on Friday, so I'm going to write what we had planned, though your post was very well done, and might help fill in the fuzzy areas I wasn't quite sure of before. Too bad next Friday isn't Good Friday, that'd be some irony right there for ya []
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-12-08, 2:06 AM #532
Idea: Let's name the sequel "Battle of the Ages", and it can be based on Orca's - er, excuse me, Nature_Paladin's - idea that the forces of Good, Evil, and Nature choose champions to fight for them on the immortal battlefield.

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, with the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-12-08, 4:53 AM #533
Well, at least we had sort of an ending, even if we're going to have another one.

If at first you dont' succeed, lower your standards!
Visit my homepage.
Life is beautiful.
2000-12-08, 5:02 AM #534
Remember, everyone, to write your epilogues!

[Hopefully that will mean that "Battle of the Ages" won't start until after the weekend, because I can't post over the weekend []]

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, with the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-12-08, 8:45 AM #535
*Merlin walks in clapping softly*

Merlin (in an old, quiet, voice): Well done.... Forgive my absence for so long. For my real life has been in semi-chaos, and happy. In short...and to be romantic, I've fallen in love. But unfortuneately we may be shortly seperated since she may have to go off to another college. Though seperated by space, I hope not in heart.


They traveled back to Merlin's Citadel, the place where all the stories began.

Merlin had traveled with them the rest of the way and now he turned to them and began softly, "It has been good having one last long adventure with all of you. And I am pleased we could bring this all to an end. But all good things must come to an end, till the kingdom which has no end. And so must I leave you."

Tears began to trickle down Ji'tory's face. "Merlin," she began her voice nearly cracking "Don't leave us." She came foward and hugged him.

She looked up and saw Merlin was crying to softly. Then he began to speak, "Fair and beloved Ji'tory, I am with you always. In truth I am with all of you ALWAYS. In your hearts and as He who encompasses all creation. I am with you always in your heart and soul, and when you remeber me I am there.

Merlin leaned foward and kissed Ji'tory upon the forehead. She opened her eyes and looked up into his soft blue eyes. Merlins stepped away, stretched out his arms, smiled with all his heart, and vanished with out a flash of light or crack of thunder... as silently as he had came, he was gone. And yet they knew he would not forget them. And they found it true...when ever they remebered him it was as if he were with them...and he was with them...always.


Ji'tory went on to lead the Elves and later rebuilt the nation of Elves and ruled as their queen. Merlin returned to the Heavens with his beloved and set themselves to watch over the world until everyone they loved was with them. And thus it came to pass...The Saga of the Third War and Years of Darkness came to an end.
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

2000-12-08, 10:39 AM #536
I'm going to write my epilouge only after I see the rest of the real thing.
2000-12-08, 5:50 PM #537
(NSP: Sorry about being so long, my dad was trying to hook up our cable connection to the internet (yay) so I'll try to do as much as I can now before I need to go to sleep (I have to wake up early, bleh), so if I don't finish it, I'm terribly sorry, I'll try to get to it as soon as possible.)

(Note: if I have an unusual wording for something, there's a good chance it has some deeper meaning. Or it's just late at night, hehe)

*As they passed through the doors, the first thing they noticed was how ancient the chamber felt. It was more of a crypt, they thought, than a chamber. The unnatural death white of the torch lights dimly illuminated the room, revealing only the gray, lifeless walls and a figure, simply sitting in the center of the pentagram shape on the middle of the floor. The figure sat with its back towards them in a semi-meditative position. Nobody had to be told the rebel figure was Bazaal.*

*The group continued to advance forward when Bazaal quietly sighed. "Not now," he said with an annoyed voice, "I'm busy." The fighters suddenly felt a force field keeping them from gaining any ground. In fustration, Jason attempted to destroy the field with his magic, but to no avail. Jason and the others stood waiting and watching, brooding over the hopelessness of their situation.*

*After a long and drawn out time, the silence was broken when the group heard a noise from Bazaal. It was his knucles cracking, which he kept doing, over and over. bug rolled his eyes and said to Gebohq "He's thinking of how to play with us before killing us off." Gebohq shot bug a cold stare, and bug crossed his arms and looked away.*

*Bazaal smiled to himself. His army had all but disintergrated the opposing army, and he had jsut finished ordering all his troops to start liquidating the rest of the lands. Having disposed of that matter, Bazaal turned his attention to Merlin's followers, scanning their minds out of simple curiosity. Most had thoughts of fear, depression, anger, as well as they should have. When Bazaal read Gebohq's mind though, his mind almost froze.*

*The foolish one, Bazaal thought, even as the last minute, Merlin had hoped to turn him to God's side. Merlin had told Gebohq that at all costs, they should try to have Bazaal ask for forgiveness. When Bazaal dug further into Gebohq's mind though, his initial thought of fear was justified. Before leaving them, Merlin had told Gebohq about personal conversations he once had with Bazaal, and for some odd reason, the childhood memories reflected his buried feeling of being a child of God. He would never admit it, even to himself, ever since the time when he rebelled in the Acadamy.*

*For perhaps once in his life, Bazaal saw his weakness. He knew, deep within himself, his pride was his weakness, yet it seemed to be the only thing he could hold on to. This God that Merlin showed him, this God would expose his weaknesses and make him feel small. That day back at the Wizard's Acadamy, he vowed that the only god in his life would be himself, and that power would be his ally. He was afraid now. Afraid that no power could keep hidden his weakness. Bazaal was afraid that, like a weak and pitiful child, he would strip himself of all his pride for God and ask forgiveness, and this God, in all his power and glory, would turn him away. Bazaal feared loosing the love he had and could be sure he had, even if it was his own.*

*Bazaal stopped cracking his fingers. He buried his thoughts, and armed with the shovel that buried them, set out to end the matter.*

*Bazaal turned to face the group of fighters. Gebohq reached out, and finding no power fielding Bazaal, stepped forward and began to speak. He never stuttered or wavered, and oddly, the quietness in his voice made his words all the more powerful.*

"Bazaal," Gebohq said, "Please listen to me, as a friend." Gebohq could barely believe what he was saying, and felt as if he was possessed or guided in his words. "You still have a chance. God will forgive you-"

*Gebohq's back cracked as Bazaal's knuckles had. Gebohq silently screamed as the rest of his vertebrae snapped afterwards, up his spine in a sudden shock. As quickly as it had started, his head shot unnaturally back. His body fell lifeless to the ground.*

*Bazaal stepped forward to Gebohq's body, prodded it with his foot, and smiled with childish joy. The fighters stood silent in shock.*

(NSP: I have to stop here, so I'll try to aim for Sunday, but I can't make any promises. Sorry again to keep you all waiting.)

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited December 08, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited April 30, 2001).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-12-10, 7:00 PM #538
(Woa... I am totally blown away. That's about fifty times better than what I would've written. The only word that can describe it is... woa.)

Oft evil will does evil mar.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-12-11, 6:50 AM #539
Okay, I haven't gotten any feedback about "Battle of the Ages". So what do you all think? Like it? No? Why or why not? I'm thinking it should be about two years after the SoD. Whaddya think?

And Gebohq, you had better finish this, and soon. I'm full of ideas for BotA, and I can't write any of them yet! If you don't hurry, I'll write the ending myself - and that's a threat! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (pause for breath) hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. . .

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, with the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-12-11, 9:00 AM #540
'Battle of the Ages' (What I'm calling 'The Eternal War') is MY story. You hear me, MY STORY! [] No, actually, you can all participate and write your own parts, don't worry.
2000-12-11, 6:30 PM #541
I had heard mumbles of a prequel, as opposed to a sequel... I dunno.

Oft evil will does evil mar.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-12-12, 11:34 AM #542
No, it should be a sequel, definitely a sequel. But when do you think it should be? I suggested two years after SoD. I'm still waiting for feedback. And, fine, Nature_Paladin, it can be "Eternal War". TEW has a nice ring to it, after all! []

My idea is that, at the opening of "Eternal War", evil has been scattered by Bazaal's defeat, and the land (btw, what is this world called, anyway?) is slowly healing from the Years of Darkness. The heroes have returned to their own planes.

Then we can show a sort of detente council between Michael, Archangel of Good; Satan, the Devil; and Gaea, Mother Earth, in which they all agree to each select a champion to fight for them on the immortal battlefield. They will gather several people onto this plane (whatever it's called, but it is the same plane as SoD), and put everyone through a series of trials to decide who their respective champions should be. Our heroes would not know that they are being tested, they'll think that it's a resurgence of evil or something. What do you think?

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, with the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-12-12, 12:34 PM #543
My idea is as follows:

The Eternal War has been going on, in one form or another for, well, eternity. But now it is time to decide who will be the ruler of the universe for the next 10 millenia, in a very rare Battle of Ages. Evil, Good, and Nature have each chosen a champion (Good should be one of the heroes (Besides Orca), Nature should be Orca, not sure about Evil yet though), but are attempting to convert all the mortal worlds to their cause, and the fighting spills over onto this world. So we have two fights going on, on one hand the champions and their legions are fighting the Eternal War up in the Heavens, down in the Hells, and just about any other immortal place you could think of, and meanwhile the mortals are busy choosing sides and fighting their own little mini-eternal-wars.
2000-12-12, 3:31 PM #544
(NSP: So not to confuse anyone, the idea of a prequel was mine alone,a dn more of a "what if?" situation. I haven't gotten a title for it, but the basic premise is how our world as we know it turns into this one of magic (though because of certain plot details, it's a moot point b/c this is a different realm than our Earth, but details details...). It would have an 80's style end-of-the-world theme and a semi-indepenent-movie feel to it, set sometime in our near future. None of the characters from the previous 2 stories (saga and SoD) should play a large role in the prequel, but can make cameo appearances (only because the prequel is set a while before Saga). And whereas these two stories have had mainly fantasy elements with a hint of sci-fi, it would be the opposite in the prequel. So you can think of soem ideas for that too, if you wish to join. I'll be glad to try and help out in the sequel (I'll take care of the "Good" side if no one else wants to--I know what kind of direction it should go in (I hope I'm speaking on Merlin's behalf when I say that).

(Note: I just rememberd that Scout had been seperated by Dirtbag, but if nobody minds, I'd like to keep that detail out and have them still linked together.)

*The decaying white flames from the torches casted a disturbing light on Bazaal's haggard smile. He rose his head to see Merlin's followers, watching their faces. Bazaal was feeling their fear and rage building, and he was enjoying it. For kicks, Bazaal knocked Gebohq's limp head facing them, as a child lightly kicks a ball.*

*Tessa suddenly broke from the group, running towards Bazaal. "Bastard!" she screamed as she ran, "Kill me too!"*

*As Tessa reached within Bazaal's reach, Bazaal simply grabbed her neck. With incredible speed, he lifted her off the ground and held her eye level with himself, her chest being forced upon him by his other hand.*

*In a deep voice, Bazaal quietly said "You would enjoy it too much, slave." Bazaal tossed Tessa aside, then turned his attention back to the group. Bazaal wanted to play before anything else. He focused his attention on Shawn Templer, whose anger and fear towards Bazaal and his unpredictable move in killing Gebohq was growing rapidly.*

"I'll make you pay, Bazaal," Shawn said in a tone that sounded as if it was being supressed to its full volume.

"Oh?" Bazaal asked. "I'd like to see this." Crossing his arms, Bazaal said "Go ahead. Give it your best try."

*Half confused, half angered at Bazaal's response, Shawn began to step towards Bazaal. An almost tangable aura of anger began to surround Shawn: an aura of misdiretion, of lost reasonings and loose ends, all centering in Shawn. Bazaal looked over at Shawn, who was walking behind him.*

"I know what you're going to do," Bazaal said. Then Bazaal looked at the others and said "And you should all know that what he's about to do will kill him. I'd suggest you talk him out of it before you loose yet another of your friends. Not that it'll really matter in the end."

"Don't do it Shawn!" Lina yelled out instictively.

"He might be our only chance to stop him though," Dragonfly said. "Why else would Bazaal tell us to stop him?"

"I don't know," Lina said, "but I'm not going to let Shawn kill himself in some vain chance."

*Lina tried to rush after Shawn when Kogi held her back. She struggled to escape Kogi's grip, but to no avail.*

"Let him go," Kogi told Lina. "The evil one's arrogance will be his downfall."

*Shawn Templer was now standing behind him, trembling now from the anger he was fighting to channel. Bazaal stood firm, but his face lost the amusement it had. Shawn started to growl, cletching his fists, and bent low as if his insides hurt from the newfound power.*

*Bazaal turned his head and was nearly surprised as Shawn leaped towards him and latched onto his back. Digging his fingers into his shoulders, Shawn curled his body, his feet on Bazaal's sides. Bazaal instictively tried to brush him off, but Shawn held firm.*

"I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise!" Shawn yelled out. Silence fell in the room. Shawn then shattered the silence as he screamed. He pulled with his arms and pushed with his legs, and his voice eminated as a huge explosion was released from Shawn's center. An explosion of magic and hatred surrounded the two figures, and the group turned their heads as the center of the room filled with light and heat.*

*The group turned their heads to see that a smoke cloud was left. As it dissapated though, the group could see one figure standing. Arched unnaturally, Bazaal stood unmoving, his skin appearing burnt. After a few moments though, Bazaal pushed his arms foreward, and his body reverted to its original stance. He brushed off the burnt skin as if it annoyed him, then smiled as he had before, as if nothing had happened.*

*Bazaal then turned his attention to Kogi, who he could feel was trying to get a "reading" on him since the battle with Shawn.*

"Ahhh," Bazaal said with a mock interest, "you have mastered the art of reading. Aren't you a good little boy?"

"You will not break me, Evil One," Kogi said with great control.

"Oh come now," Bazaal continued, "You can't deny that your hate against me is strong, can you? Listen to your father's words, follow the code of the assassins. Or are you your mother's boy, always doing as you're told? Go back home and cry, little one, and don't patronize me by standing in my presence any longer."

*Kogi stood, gripping his sword with his eyes closed and his head down. Bazaal smiled again.*

"Where are your ancestors now, boy?" Bazaal asked. "You don't have anybody to comfort you now! Not even the dead will help a pathetic and small child like you!"

*The doubt in his maturity had grown as Bazaal had spoke, and it had finally became too much.*

"Don't listen to him Kogi, don't-" the others were saying, but it was too late. Kogi bellowed in anger, raising his sword, which began to glow white. With skill and speed, Kogi charged towards Bazaal.*

"You are the Evil One," Kogi said in almost a prayer-like fashion. "You will fear the vengance of the honorable elders and the wrath of justice!"

*As Kogi was about to bring his sword down on Bazaal, Bazaal broke the strong barrier within Kogi's mind and stabbed it. Kogi stopped suddenly, dropping his sword and gripping his head. Using telekinesis, Bazaal dragged Kogi's body close to him.*

"As you said yourself, I am the Evil One," Bazaal said. "You can not defeat me because I am fear and anger." Bazaal tossed Kogi's body as easily as he had with Tessa. Bazaal looked at the group again, waiting for the next one to attack.*

*The group held their ground, waiting for Bazaal to attack. Becoming bored with their lack of action, Bazaal looked at Jason and Orca.*

"Jason Argos," Bazaal said flately. "You had such potential. And you wasted it by betraying the one who made you strong."

"I guess I'll see you in hell then--" Jason remarked sarcastically.

*Bazaal raised his hand as if to tell Jason "wait", then quickly moved his arm to his right, grabbing in mid-air. The others turned their heads, and to their surprise, they saw bug. It had appeared as if he was about to attack Bazaal, with magic or with his rail gun, they weren't sure, but was paralyzed in the act. Bazaal spoke, in Jason's direction still.*

"Honestly bug," Bazaal said, "did you think it would have worked?"

"No," bug replied in character.

"I have to admit though" Bazaal said with a smile, "trying to attack without pre-mediated thought was a good idea, seeing how I'm keeping tabs on all of you", tapping the side of his forehead.

"You tend to pick up a few things from people when you're around them long enough," bug commented with great effort just to breathe.

"So true, my friend," Bazaal said, starting to spin bug upside down, "so...true..." The others watched as Bazaal played bug like a puppet in mid-air. With a lack of expression on his face, bug involuntarily bobbed up and down, upside down. Then his body slowly did cartwheels in midair. For the others, this seemed to be dragged on for so long. Bazaal continued to control bug's body, now making him do a military march, closer to the ground. bug was then made to salute in a comic manner towards Bazaal.*

"Stop it," Ji'tory said loudly.
"But don't you want to play, little Ji'tory?" Bazaal asked with mock innocence.
"Are you too afraid to take what we are so willing to give to you?" Dragonfly inquired.

*Bazaal's face lost the playfulness that was on it, his face sinking with seriousness now. "As you wish," Bazaal said with a dark voice. bug dropped to the floor, and he, Kogi and Tessa recollected with the others. Bazaal could feel the anger in some of them, like Shawn, rise for not getting their chance to fight, and Dragonfly, for feeling htreatened against his people, the Beruto. If only they knew what a pathetic waste of time and space they were, that they were much more entertaining then what they feared they would loose. "Don't worry" Bazaal thought to himself, "You all, especially Dragonfly, are much more interesting than killing your loved ones". He could feel a sense of confusion within them, about being servile to him. Bazaal then stood with an impatient face, waiting for their offering.*

*From the middle of the group, Scout started to walk foreward. As she broke some distance from the group however, she was violently dragged, stopping on her knees and hands on the ground, right below a towering Bazaal. Sapring no time for dramatics, he dug his claws into her skull, tore it open, and reached into her insides. Pulling his hand out, he shook his arm, as if to turn a coat inside out. Scout's body was spread inside out on the floor, and in Bazaal's hand was Dirtbag, appearing as if the rat just woke up.*

"Leave me alone you *#@%ing pest," Dirtbag said in an annoyed voice.

"You aren't one to be demanding much," Bazaal said.

"Au contrair, Bazaal," Dirtbag began "I have every right. I hold the key to hell, which you desire so much, isn't that right?"

"And you're going to give it to me," Bazaal said, starting to grip dirtbag by the neck.

"WRONG mother &*^%er!" Dirtbag said with contempt. "You'll never get your chance, not from me anyways!"

*Bazaal laughed quietly. "You are the amusing one out of this lot, my furry friend. But this isn't the time to play. Perhaps another time--"*

*Dirtbag interrupted him in a serious tone. "You still don't understand. You still refuse to accept that you can't control everything. After nine years of keeping hell from taking me, I realized what I was really running from.....are you ready to accept your actions? I know I am..."

*Dirtbag waved goodbye as his black fur started to dissipate and become as real as a shadow. Bazaal, in a paniky state, clawed at the form that was dirtbag, but was too late as dirtbag ceased to exist in their realm of understanding.*

*An uncomfortable silence settled in, but before any of the group could absorbed all that had happened, Bazaal moved unnaturally quick to Ji'tory, and in a split second, the others could see Bazaal holding Ji'tory by the shoulders against a wall...several feet above them.*

*Bazaal stood there in deep concentration, staring a hole into Ji'tory's forehead. Bazaal threw her body to the ground.*

"Give it to me now!" Bazaal nearly screamed as he forced Ji'tory back into consciousness.

"You'll find what you want...inside this room...inside the pentagram..inside..yourself.." Ji'tory said before blacking out again.

*Bazaal stood, not quite convinced that he would find it as Ji'tory said. With a smile creeping onto his face, he percieved what Ji'Tory said, stood in the center of the pentegram, and closed his eyes. The group thought how much Bazaal looked liked Merlin at the moment, his aura having a perverted sense of wisdom in it.*

"I had it inside of me all the time," Bazaal said to himself. "I have the power, all withink myself!"

*Bazaal appeared to turn more and more inhuman, through a power the others figured was his own. The chamberreflected his apperance, now turnign into a vaccumn, devoid of any feeling of love, of miracle, of any privlege of life. Bazaal dug his claws into his chest, and with an explosion, he ripped his chest open, revelaing his insides.*

"THiS iS MY POWER! I AM WhO AM!," his inhuman voice spoke. The group stared at his exposed center, finding not the passion of red, but a shadow of his insides, taking form. As parasites crawl, so did the forms inside him. The group realized that these forms took the shape of his insides at times. At one point, his intestines began to coil around his neck, arms and legs. The dark blood that flowed within him began to flow around him. As Dirtbag had began to dissipate, so was Bazaal.*

*The fighters continued to watch as they saw Bazaal moving his arms, trying to control the forms that were surrounding him. The dark forms continued to encase Bazaal down, holding him as chains do. As Dirtbag had ceased to exist, so did Bazaal. Only a dark hole of the vaccumn they had felt in the chamber was where Bazaal had been, but that too soon dissapeared.*

*Dragonfly lowered his head, seeing the lifeless bodies of Gebohq and Scout.*

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited December 20, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited April 30, 2001).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-12-13, 7:20 PM #545
*drooool* Man, I'm lovin' this ending...

Maybe I'm a little biased, but I think it would be cool if Krig was the champion of good. I mean, the guy's never had a nasty thought in his life, and despite his apparent viciousness, he's as naive as a three year old. Plus, it would give me a chance to develop Krig as a serious character, rather than comedic releif.

I think we should do both the prequel and the sequel, at once. From what it sounds like, the prequel's gonna basically be a different story anyhow.

*Glares at poor, overworked Geb and tries to scare him into pumping out more story...*

Oft evil will does evil mar.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-12-14, 5:25 AM #546
*glares at poor, overworked Gebohq and tries to threaten him into pumping out more story while fingering his beloved whip*

If at first you dont' succeed, lower your standards!
Visit my homepage.
Life is beautiful.
2000-12-14, 8:49 AM #547
Sorry, Krig, but I don't agree. Krig is naive, but naivete isn't necessarily goodness. Of course, children are naive, and they go to heaven if they die, so maybe. . .

Still, I think either Merlin or Gebohq should be the champion of Good. Merlin, because he's the one who understands Christianity the best, or Gebohq, because God is all about redemption and second chances. Or maybe someone else all together.

For Eternal War, I'm going to create a human woman named the Lady Melania, who is going to show my character (Highemperor) the way to Jesus. Maybe she could be the champion of good. Or on second thought, maybe not. That might interfere with all I have planned for her. Whatever. I'm easy with what you guys think.

And, you know, I think Krig would be a good choice for the champion of good, since he's not a main character, and Christianity is not about being the main figure in the spotlight. My vote's for Krig! (So, Krig, you'd better get to work on those rules for Year Infinity!) []

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, with the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-12-14, 9:06 AM #548
Naive doesn't really equal good...
2000-12-15, 6:56 AM #549
Idea: How about we call the sequel "War for Eternity"?

Idea 2: How about the champions are chosen to lead the armies of each faction in a fight that determines who will rule the Universe for all eternity?

Idea 3: Because how about the end of the Universe is nigh?

Idea 4: How about the final battle is fought in this world (what is the land of SoD called anyway?) in a valley called the Arm of Geddon (get it? Arm of Geddon? Armageddon?)?

Idea 5: When I say the Universe (capitalized) as opposed to the universe(s) (lower-case), I mean the entire collection of universes, planes, dimensions, etc.

Idea 6: What do you think?

Idea 7: What about the prequel? What will it be about?

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, with the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.

[This message has been edited by Highemperor of the Force (edited December 15, 2000).]
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-12-16, 12:54 PM #550
It can't be either Geb or Merlin, because, well, they're both dead.

I suggested Krig because, well, he's the most unexpected person to be the champion of Good. Even picking the most evil person on the face of the planet would be more expected, because an evil person can reform. Nobody suspects the comedic releif.

I'm fairly sure that Krig's probably the most good person in the party now, with the obvious exception of Merlin. Even Gebohq has had his temptations, his moments of doubt. Everyone in the game has. On the other hand, it's never even occured to Krig to do anything evil or bad.

Krig's naivete wasn't my main reason for suggesting him. He's naive, but that's not the be all end all of his personality.

That's just my opinion. In any case, it's mostly up to Geb and Merlin.

Oft evil will does evil mar.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-12-16, 4:54 PM #551
High Emperor: No, nothing so dramatic...This is simply one of many crucial battles, though the balance of power may be tipped heavily.
2000-12-20, 10:00 AM #552
(NSP: check my last story post, I added up to Bazaal's end and edited a few things before. I'll have the rest up by tomorrow. Tell me what you think of what I have up now please [])
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-12-21, 10:41 AM #553
Excellent, excellent, excellent. Now hurry up and finish the rest!

And Nature_Paladin, I disagree with you. I think it should be the End of Time. Let's vote. Who's with me?

The metaphysical nature of this energy field commonly known as "the Force" is such that it is galactically pervasive, with the potential of becoming omnipervasive, or even modopotent.
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2000-12-21, 2:06 PM #554
*Dragonfly watched from aside as Kogi solemnly picked up Gebohq from the ground. He saw Kogi look to the others, then looking at Scout's body. bug stepped foreward, strapped his rail gun on his back, and picked up Scout. Kogi lead the procession towards the stairs, with bug trailing behind the group.*

"We won," Jason said, trying to sound happy. The only response was bug, asking "Did we?"

*The group trodden up the stairs in silence, not one of them thinking about Bazaal's fall or a celebration for their victory. When they reached to the surface, the afternoon sun nearly blinded their eyes. Once everybody had finished the last flight of stairs, Orca turned to them and spoke.*

"Today, an evil and unnatural tyrant has been defeated. We should be thankful that the natural order has been restored."

*The others nodded their heads in tired agreement.*

"But we all know that another could come and rule as Bazaal had," Orca continued. "That is why I, Nature's Chosen one, should rule from now on. I am the only one powerful enough to retain the balance."

"Why?" Lina spoke up. "Have you not just seen what power does to someone?"

"But this is different, because I will not judge by my own accord, but by Nature's."

"You're no different than Bazaal," Lina muttered.

"I am though!" Orca proclaimed, "I follow the right path and worship the true power."

"And who's to say what the true power is?" Kogi interrupted. "Who can judge who is right? Only now have I begun to question that on a new level. What is the right way?"

*The others fell in silence. Orca appeared as if he was about to speak when he suddenly drew his Fearblade from his side. The others turned to where he was facing, and in front of them they saw a wraith-like figure.*

"Yimir," Orca mumbled. "I thought I smelled something rotten," he said louder.

"You thought you could defeat me so easily Orca," Yimir said, laughing as if it was some bad joke, not concerned with intimidating. "I heard what you said to them, and I have to agree, you are just like Bazaal, needing to control what you want. You speak of being better, yet you killed my own mother."

"She deserved it," Orca said flatly.

"What did she ever do to you?" Yimir yelled. "You killed her in cold-blood, adn I wouldn't say that is the "natural" order of things, would you? Do animals go about pre-meditating murder? No, and you know why? I'll tell you. Because they follow the natural order of things, they follow on instincts, they follow on their own needs."

*Yimir drew closer to the group, closest to Orca, who stood there with his sword level towards Yimir. Yimir continued on.*

"I've discovered what it means to be human, I know what the true power is. It's rebelling against the absurdity of life. Against accepting the forces that inhibit your freedom, against people like my father, against tradition and chaos at the same time. To be human is to contradict yet accept your fate. I am my own true way, and I will rebel."

"You sound like your father," a voice from behind the group said. They all turned in surprise to see Merlin standing there, now walking towards Yimir, who was backing away instinctivly. Merlin continued to talk.

"Yes, you are human, despite what you have made yourself, as your father had," Merlin said, hinting Yimir's wraith form. "And humans do rebel against certain things, that is what sets them apart from God's other creations and in his image. Free will is indeed a great privlige, but as humans, we are held in our actions. We can choose to do what is right, what brings love. I don't think even you, Yimir, can deny that love is right."

"Stay away from me!" Yimir screamed, his voice cracking. "What good is love when you know its futility?"

"Love is not futile, poor child," Merlin spoke. "If only you could have known from your parents."

"You're wrong!" Yimir said accusingly. "I won't conform! I won't abide to law!..."

*As Yimir was saying these things, he was backing away from Merlin. With having only opened his hands, Merlin opened a portal behind Yimir. As Yimir continued to accuse, he fell backwards into the portal, yelling in surprise.*

"Where..did he--" Tessa began to ask Merlin, when he interrupted her.

"Yimir was sent to where Bazaal and I had once grown to love, now a wasteland because of Bazaal's hate and magic. The Nameless One wanted Yimir there, why I do not know."

*Kogi walked up to Merlin, holding Gebohq in his arms. Before he could say anything, Merlin stroked his hand through Gebohq's hair and spoke.*

"I can not bring Gebohq back, Kogi. I tell you that he lives eternally in love and did not die in vain."

"Why do you do this to us, Merlin?" Dragonfly said in fustration. "And don't tell me it's God's plan. I'm sick and tired of hearing that all this had to happen because it was God's plan."

"Have faith, Dragonfly," Merlin told him. "His plan is beyond our comprehension sometimes, but have faith, and love, and you will see that He will triumph."

"We will see," Orca interrupted, but before Merlin could tell him anything, Orca ran off into the distance. Merlin turned his attention back to the others and said, "I would suggest that the people of this land move elsewhere. I know of a place west of the shore, a place undiscovered by such evil. The people can go there and grow."

*From that moment forth, the heroes gathered the people and lead them to the new land. Bathazar brought Merlin's library with them, and when having reached the new land, began an acadamy for wizard. It was then that the story of the Saga of the Third War and The Years of Darkness were recorded.*

The End

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited May 01, 2001).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-12-22, 7:27 AM #555
*smiles widely*

Ah, thats how to do it!

If at first you dont' succeed, lower your standards!
Visit my homepage.
Life is beautiful.
2000-12-22, 8:32 AM #556
In a freak attempt to control the universe with a chainsaw, Merlin decides to buy a drink from Starbucks. seeing as that starbucks was bought out by, Merlin, in a fit of eeeeeeeeeevil rage, listened to some light classical music. As he did a little jig, Satan, along with Hitler and Bill Cosby, came out of hell and challanged Merlin to a Duel of the Fates. Merlin simply pointed to a four-pronged headphone device, and they all listened to classical music until the cows came home. When the cows DID come home, Merlin, Satan and Hitler (Bill Cosby died of Oldness) cut up the cows and had roast lamb chops. The lamb chops then attacked Hitler, but he defended himself with a pencil Satan found in his cloak. After that exciting adventure, the writer of this story died of unorigionalism, so anothe writer took his place and continued the story.

"The Answer to everything...Life, the Universe, and Everything, is...42!"
--Deep Thought
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
"The Answer to everything...Life, the Universe, and Everything, is...42!"
--Deep Thought
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Project Leader of RemRan Productions
2000-12-22, 8:08 PM #557
*stares slack jawed at Geb's last post...*

Woa... now that's the way to end a story. I would put Krig's epilogue here... but I guess that can't happen until the sequel is over, hehe.

Somebody should notify the news-on-the-main page posters that a monumentous event has occured. Hey, if a thread about making 3dos into paper things can make headlines, this certainly should!

*Glares at Xizor's post* Sometimes I wish I had moderator powers on this board...

Oft evil will does evil mar.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-12-23, 6:11 PM #558
(NSP: First off, for time setting for the sequel, I would hope it would be at least ten years after this event. It should also not take place in this land, by request of merlin. The final word should be left up to Merlin about the basics of the story (time, setting, previous character involvement such as his own, etc.) Also Krig, you could always put up your epilogue for what it would be excluding the sequel. Many of the writers for Saga of the 3rd War did so, even after we found out we'd be doing a sequel. I would hope everyone writes an epilogue if they can (for people like Ping, you can always do one for a secondary character, and Scout, if you'd rather be living, we can always change it so she lived. I'm doing my secondary character's, so behold, Tessa's epilogue.)

Epilogue: Tessa

*Tessa stood with Merlin as the multitude of people of all races gave their respects to the dead who had served in fighting against Bazaal's reign. People like Ping_Me, Pristine, Shawn Templer, Antestarr, and Frag. The bodies of Gebohq and Scout had been cremated earlier, and now Kogi and JK_Meteor proceeded to use the ashes to plant a memorial garden. All this time after Bazaal had been defeated, Tessa had not once cried. Now though, as the shock had begun to wear off, she turned away and began to cry.*

*Merlin wrapped his arm around Tessa's shoulders, and instictivly she hunched her back. She tried to speak, but each time, her sobbing kept her from speaking. Merlin waited patiently as she calmed herself down. Then, still looking down, she spoke, still softly sobbing every once in a while.*

"I..I know that he's in a better place and.. I know I shouldn't be sad.'s just not fair! He could have become, he could have lived on to do so many things, helped so many other people..."

*Tessa breathed deeply for a good time, then chuckled weakly.*

"I guess he wouldn't have liked the big crowds though. He always told me how he never liked feeling like a hero, that it always felt fake to him somehow...but Merlin, even if he hadn't done what he did, even if he was a common person, like me, I would love him all the same. He'd still be a hero to me Merlin...he made me feel so much better, in so many ways, and I don't have anyone. I fear I'll always feel empty Merlin, what can I do?"

*Taking a deep breath, Merlin guiding Tessa to the ground, where they both sat, before speaking to her.*

"Tessa, I know how hard it is. When Bazaal first turned against God and used his magic for himself, he had killed Anna, the woman I loved. She was very gifted and had a bright future ahead of her, and she too seemed to have died...before her time. I didn't know how to feel. She would have no doubtedly made a good difference in the world, a great one. If not in the world, than in me. And all I could think was how could I live now? I felt I could never be complete again without her. But you know what I found Tessa? I found if I lived my life to the fullest, I felt I was doing what Anna would have wanted me to do, and the life she had lived would always live through my actions. I won't lie Tessa, even this did not take away the pain's something you have to make a part of your life, something you have to hold on to your faith for. Gebohq is in good hands, and I know you'll be able to pull through. Do you understand what I'm saying, Tessa?"

"I thikn so, Merlin," Tessa said to him. "I know he would have wanted me to live on and live up to what he taught me. I wish I could have comforted him though. I wish I could have at least said good-bye..."

*Tessa quietly tried to control her sobbing, and Merlin continued to hold her.*
*Within the departing crowd, Lina hung her head low. Finding Lina, bug walked towards her and pulled her aside.*

"Hey, you going to be OK?" bug asked Lina.

"I don't know," Lina replied after some time.

"Well, I'm sure wherever Temp is, he's happy," bug said with doubt. "At least he went out in a blaze of glory though, right?"

"Right," bug replied to Lina's half-frown. "I know it's hard to accept what's happened to Temp, and--"

"I don't think he died, bug," Lina said without looking up.

"--and you're still in a state of shock, but there was only so much room where we were--"

"He didn't die, bug."

"--and he could have never survived that explosion--"

"Bazaal did."

"Look!" bug shot at her. "You're going to have to accept that Shawn's not coming back. You're going to have to move on, Lina."

"I'm not saying this because of how I feel," Lina said. "I say this because I know."

"How?" bug remarked.

"I don't know. I just know he's still out there...."
*With tears still running down her face, Tessa looked up at Merlin.*

"I still can't help feeling like I...betrayed him, Merlin. I never got the chance to really say how sorry I was, and now it's too late....Merlin, you know how horrible I feel, knowing I..I..had done what I did with Apathis. Merlin, I can feel a new life inside of me. And the only person I..was..."

"Tessa," Merlin spoke again, "Gebohq knows that you never wanted to give yourself like that to Apathis and forgave you and himself long before he saw you again. The new life you hold inside of you, the one that came because of Apathis, is no less because of the man. You can still raise the child as your own and as Gebohq would have had. may have been a meaningless slave to Bazaal, but to God, and to Gebohq, you have, and will be, a leader."

*Wiping away her tears, Tessa stood up slowly. Merlin stood too, and helped her walk to the memorial garden, where the last of the crowd was leaving to depart into the new lands. She looked at the small garden, and she saw a multitude of rocks circled around a tree just beginning to grow, a tree that wound live thousands of years. A small stream flowed past the garden, where many types of flowers had been planted. One smooth rock was placed near the tree, with a white rose lying by its side. Etched on the stone, it read:*

"In death, his voice shall live with us all."

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited May 01, 2001).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-12-23, 7:55 PM #559
Krig's Epilogue

Krig wandered through what was left of the vast battlefield, tired of the whole situation. His only wish now was to go home. He missed home.

Krig gazed around the battlefield, searching for his fellow Northmen. He hoped they hadn't been killed in the battle. They had been fairly good friends.

Krig saw some movement in the distance. He squinted at the figures. The big one kind of looked like his big friend, Stor. The figures were probably his friends. Krig looked around for a place to sit, and sat.

It was a few moments later that he heard a voice behind him.

"Ah, there you are, Krig! Did you have fun?"

Krig turned and looked at his friends. There was Gammel the Old, who had just spoken, the cheiftan Overhode, Øl the Drunkard, and Stor the Large. Krig grinned.

"Krig have fun. See funny man. He smell bad. He gone now."

Off in the distance, two elven soldiers who had obviously soiled their garments ran by, yelling their heads off.

"Krig want go home now." Krig got up. "Krig hungry."

Oft evil will does evil mar.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-12-24, 5:04 PM #560
I'm perfectly fine with the sequel taking place outside of this world, I was hoping for most of it to take place in the Ethreal Realm anyway. I was planning it to be about 100 mortal years later, though of course mortal years don't seem much longer than a few seconds to the Almighty Forces.

Highemperor Of the Force: I've always disliked stories which leave no room for anything else to ever happen. The End of Time wouldn't exactly leave any room open for further sequels...

Orca's Epilouge:

Orca walked through the woods, which were slowly regrowing around the place where Bazaal's Citadel had tainted the land. He had much time now to think things over, much time indeed. The people of the world had greeted his ideas of becoming a ruler with mixed feelings, and so he had decided to retire into these woods for the time being, training for the battle that he knew he would be called upon for. And now his mind wandered to that battle that would come soon, the battle that perhaps would decide thousands upon thousands of years of mortal history.

Orca wondered if he would see any of his old friends in that battle. Perhaps he would fight side by side with some, and yet perhaps he would find them on opposite sides, fighting against his old friends. But to see this he would have to wait for that fateful day when the Eternal War would commence again.

For now, he ran his hand over the bark of a dying tree, channeling the power of Nature and her life force into the tree, which slowly righted itself. Nature could be cruel and harsh, perhaps, but there was room for compassion. And even thinking that sent his mind into circles again: He knew part of his new duties was to make sure the weak would die and the strong would survive, to make sure that natural selection and the other cruel tools of Nature would still continue. And yet, Orca could not truly bring himself to let things die, unless they were truly evil, at least in his eyes.

Perhaps this would make him a worthless champion of Nature. Or perhaps this would make him all the stronger, allowing him to reform Nature to a kinder way. And like all things, for this he would have to wait. Have to wait until this great battle he was destined to be in. But for now, he might as well relive some old memories, and so Orca set off to Merlin's new wizardry academy, hoping to see his friends one last time before Nature brought him to her side...

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