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ForumsInteractive Story Board → The Shadows of Darkness.
The Shadows of Darkness.
2000-01-15, 6:41 AM #121
Baza scampers up to a clifftop as the morning light beats down on the sandy desert. He looks up at the sun, then letting his eyes wander across the desert that Orca would have to cross. Things looked bleak, giant legions of Bazaal's troops, which might or might not accept the peace treaty, patrolled the area, unbothered by the SandSnakes who didn't care for the taste of undead. (Who would?) Baza securly planted a foot down on a rock jutting off the cliff, then started climing down to where Orca stood. A slight flapping sound only Baza's sharp ears could pick up was the first alert that something was coming. Whithin only a second, the rest of the party heard the sound as well, and drew their weapons. The creature, however, was no skeletal minion of Bazaal. It was a giant Roc, its large, glorious wings spreading over the landscape. Orca gasped, and looked at the rider at the helm. It couldn't be, could it? Orca hadn't seen Ping in such a long time! Oh well, Orca thought, summoning a primitive lightning bolt and shooting it past the surprised riders of the Roc. The beast quickly landed and Orca came over to Ping. "Fancy meeting you here." Orca said, worried that Ping might pick up Orca's plans. Baza slowly slid to Orca's side, Hecklord drew his crossbow, and Horaya started chanting something, but Orca stopped them with a gesture of his hand. "Its nice meeting you here, too, Orca, but who are those companions of yours? And where have you been?" Ping asked.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

2000-01-15, 6:17 PM #122
Orca seemed to pause at his question. "Oh! These are my travelling companions.". Smileing grandly he put his arm across Ping's shoulders and led him over to the three humanoids. "This is Hecklord." Hecklord was a stout goblin who carried a huge bow in the crook of one arm. He nodded at Ping in greeting. Sakana and Scout walked up behind Ping. Sakana seemed preoccupied with something. Ping was about to ask what was wrong when Orca ushered him on. "This is Horaya," a feline figure looked Ping up and down and sneered at him. His eyes seemed to glow faintly. Ping couldn't tell if this was a trait of his species, or if it was a mark of somthing else. "And this is Baza." Baza's tail dragged in the ground, moving the sand around behind him. The lizard like humanoid looked Ping up and down. He offered a wickedly clawed hand which Ping accepted. Before Orca turned Ping away he noticed a strange bundle on the ground.

Ping felt like a customer at a used speeders dealership as Orca led him away from his companions. "I personally have been here and there." Orca said casually. "My power had increased tenfold every since our defeat. A hundred fold even! I am even greater then Bazaal!" He stretched his hands out scross the desert. "With a little meditation I could restore this wastland to a rich, fertile valley!!" He said almost triumphantly.

Ping looked on. "Wow Orca that sounds great! I'm sure Merlin rests easier knowing that Bazaal's time is soon coming to an end. Boy, if Merlin were here he would perobably allude to the fact that power corrupts, but it looks like you've got a handle on things."

Orca lowered his hands a little, like the wind was suddenly taken out of his sails. "Merlin was afraid of power. He never realised that it could accomplish so much."

"I don't know about that. Really I think Merlin limited himself because it would make him a better person. And he also placed his trust in God. How it would have broken his heart to know that Consillium Ex Deo was lost. Merlin placed his hope in God and that Sword. Consillium Ex Deo.... The Will of God."

"HA! GOD! Don't make me laugh!" Orca burst out.

Ping looked at him. "You don't believe in God?"

"Belief in some stupid superstition isn't going to win this war! It's power. I will win this war beacause I have power! I believe only in ME!"

Ping simply shrugged. "You sure have changed a lot since that day." //I'm not sure I like the change// Ping thought. "It's cool with me if you don't believe. I may have been created by human hands but that doesn't mean I don't believe. I think everyone should have a little faith..."

"So, you're just like that moron Merlin huh? 'oh! everything will be okay if we just believe!' And I suppose that you've taken over Merlin's role of leadership!"

"Man, Orca. What's gotten into you?"

Orca noticed himself and schooled his emotions. "So, where are you headed?"

Ping paused, unsure of Orca's mood. "Merlin's Citadel. We're going to wait for the others. Then we will decide what to do. You didn't have the same idea yourself?"

Orca almost went into a rage again, but stopped himself. "I have an... errand... away up north."

"I see..." Ping said. Orca walked away and over to his companions. "We have a long road ahead of us."Orca said. "We should be going." Ping walked over to Sakana and Scout. Sakana still seemed to be bothered.

"Sakana, what's wrong?"

"I don't know. Something about them is bugging me. It's like waves. Waves of something emanating from somewhere among them." He looked over to Orca nad his buddies and started to walk toward them. Ping followed. Orca, Baza, Horaya and Hecklord stood conversing around the bundle on the ground. Sakana walked like he was feeling his way in the darkness. He stopped in front of them and pointed that the bag. "It's coming from there."

Ping caught up to him and looked. "Hey Orca, whatcha got in the bag?"

"It's none of your business."

Ping was taken aback, "C'mon. Something's bothering Sakana about it..."


Ping and Sakana frowned at Orca. Ping didn't want to cause any trouble so he turned away and walked back to the Roc. Within minutes Ping, Scout and Sakana were high overhead of the four travellers. Sakana leaned over the front of the bird to look at them. Something still bothered him....

Go on! I'll buy you a puppy!
DCM 51
2000-01-16, 7:22 AM #123
Orca stared back at Ping. He really wished he could have been nicer, but if Ping knew what Orca was carrying, the mission would get a whole lot harder. Hecklord's giant crossbow was also shored up with undead bone fragments from a dead Lich, and then there was Orca's current sword, Fearblade, dreadfully enchanted to make all but the strongest-hearted of creatures run from a hostile wielder. Orca hoped Ping hasn't noticed either of these either, because he didn't want his old friends after him yet. No, he would prefer it if they only learned he had been responcible for the dissappearence of Concilium Ex Deo a long time afterwards, when Orca had the advantage. Horaya's glittering eyes stared after the Roc. "They suspect something." he whispered, his feline hiss mixing with the almost threatening hiss that always seemed to accompany powerful nuetral mages. Horaya stared up to the stars, letting his eyes wander, when he saw a star glitter strangely. "Up there." he said, gesturing to the star. Orca stared up, and the star started to materialize as something else. It was no star, it was a strange, shimmering being. It was Merlin!
"Good morning. It seems as if there was an afterlife after all. At least for you. But that will be no longer." Orca angrily told the oncoming figure. He then turned around and started walking. Merlin wiped tears away from his eyes. This hurt more than Bazaal, for it was one thing for a heavnly apperition to be attacked by dark magic that didn't do damage, it was quite another to be disbelieved. That, Merlin thought, was the only thing that could harm a heavenly apperition. That and complete betrayal. He had to warn Ping Me that his suspicions were correct, but even if he did, how could Ping Me and Sakana help? While Orca restrained his power greatly now, his anger could still drive him to amazing powers of destruction. Merlin sighed, then headed toward the Roc, still flying gracefully over the desert.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

[This message has been edited by Space_Orca (edited January 16, 2000).]
-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

2000-01-17, 1:46 PM #124
As the Roc flew onward towards Merlin's Citadel in the dark, a loud, burbling burble burbled from Scout's stomach. Looking over at her, Sakana asked, "Hungry, eh?"

"Not really," Scout said abashedly, holding her stomach. "Just some gas I... I..." A pain expression flitted across her face. "Augh!"

"Scout?" Ping asked in convern. "What's wrong?"

"I..." she wheezed. "Don't... know..." Pulling up her shirt revealed a colorless black void swelling in the middle of her stomach.

"What in the..."

Suddenly, the blackness began to bubble, and Scout started screaming and thrashing around. Before Sakana or Ping_Me could react, she had thrashed herself right off the Roc and plunged down into the darkness.

Meanwhile, Space Orca was just about to tell his three companions that they were about to move on.

"Wait, I hear something," Baza said. "It may be an undead patrol."

"Where?" Orca demanded. "Where?"

"Just over that dune," the other reported. "I think they keep saying... yes, it sounds like, 'mmm... brains... warm juicy brains...'"

"We'd better check it out," Orca said, always eager for a battle to increase his glory.

So, slowly, Orca and his three companions crept over the sand dune to see what was what. While they were distracted, the desert sands beside the Orca's mysterious bag shifted, and Dirtbag poked his head out.

"Heh heh, suckers. Now let's see what old Orcy has in this here bag." Crawling inside, Dirtbag realized that it contained the Consilum Ex Deo. "How'd he get this?" the rat wondered. "Ah well, better take this for safe keeping." That said, he opened his mouth wide and swallowed the sword whole. Somehow. H'rm... don't want to alert fish face as to it's disappearance yet, though." Opening his mouth again, Dirtbag pulled out another sword, this one about the same size and shape as the C.E.D. except it had Consilium Ex Rodentia scrawled on the side. "That ought to do it," Dirtbag said with a grin as he crawled out of the bag and back into the sand.

A few miles away, meanwhile, Sakana and Ping_Me finally found the crater where Scout had landed. "Hey!" Ping cried as he helped Scout out of the impression. "How do you feel?"

"Bad. What happened?"

"You mean you don't remember?" Sakana asked.

Scout shook her head. "All I know is that one minute we were flying along, and the next, I was in the bottom of this hole."

"Come on, let's keep moving," Ping advised. "At this rate, we'll never make it back to the Citadel."

"The sooner the better," Scout nodded. "For some reason, I'm exhausted all of a sudden..."

(BTW, in case you haven't figured it out, Dirtbag is not going to show up while Scout is unaccounted for. That means no pulling Dirtbag out of your hat, Orca!)
2000-01-17, 2:20 PM #125
DANG IT DIRTBAG! YOU JUST RUINED MY WHOLE PLOT! ARGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! Merlin, Ping Me, everyone, can we PLEASE say that didn't happen? Besides, Orca's different, more cautious, more evil now. He would have sensed you and had no qualms about slicing you into bits, Dirty Bag.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

2000-01-17, 4:10 PM #126

Nice monkey wrench Dirtbag!
Orca, it wasn't what I had in mind either. But this IS an interactive story board. I think Dirtbag just enlivened to story. Let's let it stick and see where it goes.

When plans are shattered, improvise!
2000-01-18, 4:54 AM #127
I know, Ping, but you captured my charechter in your post, what Dirtbag said was like my old charechter, but not my new one. Orca would not run to look for or fight an undead patrol. Remember, hes still pretending to have a treaty with them! And Concillium Ex Deo would never go with dirtbag, since his "void" is evil(It is a link to Hell as I remember from a previous post." If he tried to take Concillium Ex Deo there, it would kill him.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

2000-01-18, 7:12 AM #128
If you want C.E.D. so bad Orca you can go after Dirtbag. I'm sure with all the power you claim to have you can track down one dirty rodent.
2000-01-18, 9:15 AM #129
Sorry, Orca, but I felt that Dirtbag wouldn't be able to resist coming back and checking out what was in the bag. You just set yourself up to well with the whole Ping spotting. Besides, you've messed up my developing plot lines before. You just have to roll with it, because a multi-author story like this ain't gonna conform to any one person's view of how the story should work. Just look at how the original Saga of the 3rd War turned out :P

2000-01-18, 11:39 AM #130
Okay, how about we say this, Dirtbag looked inside and saw C.E.D. but he didn't take it, but instead he will go and tell Ping where it is and show a small bit of metal that fell off the swordblade to prove it. Sakana confirms it is from C.E.D. and the chase is on... (I'll write the chase, but you might want to write the part with Sakana getting the piece of CED and dictating plans for getting CED back.)

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

2000-01-18, 12:26 PM #131
hehe, nice job ratty []

I'm not posting anything right now because I'm feeling lazy, and I can't think what to do with bug.

BTW, interesting email address dirtbag.

BTW, do you post here at massassi other than in the the story board but under a different name?

"Do not try to bend the spork, that's impossible. Instead, try to realize the truth"
"What truth"
"That there is no spork. Then you will see that it is not the spork that bends, it is you"
‹^› //‹{°;°}›\\ ‹^›
2000-01-18, 12:30 PM #132
Ooh, one last thing. Fish head. er, I mean orca. [] can you leave your sig off. I've seen it enough times, and it's 10 lines long.
‹^› //‹{°;°}›\\ ‹^›
2000-01-18, 2:51 PM #133
(Can I join the story? Please tell me if I can't... I hope I understand everything well enough)

Meanwhile, in a different world, Meteor looking into the sky. "Somewhere, there's somewhere where I can help people." He said, "Somewhere...." A glowing ball appeared in his hands. He stood there for a second, then leaped forward. A portal appeared and he went through it.
Ping_Me looked up. "Hmm, a meteorite." He said. Scout said, "No, wait, it's a meteor!! It looks like it's going to hit right in this crater!!" It flew down, then hit nearby.
Meteor stood up. There were three people there!! Maybe they needed help. They reached for their weapons, but Meteor said, "Wait, who are you?" Ping_Me said, "Who are you?" Meteor said, "I'm, um, JK." He was about to say more, when suddenly the ground he was standing on started shaking. He jumped to the side, and Dirtbag jumped out of the ground. He showed a small piece of metal, and said, "This is from the Consilum Ex Deo. Follow me, I'll show you where I hid it!!"

   | |/
__| |\

[This message has been edited by JK [Meteor] (edited January 18, 2000).]
"Maybe you like rainbows"
I can't remember what to say!!!!
Click here for my homepage.
2000-01-18, 3:00 PM #134
Shawn and Lina continued their walk to Lina's hometown. The walk to Tikal wouldn't take long. Shawn was uneasy as he hadn't seen or sensed one of Bazaal's undead patrols. The more uneasy he became, the more he quickened his pace.

"Shawn, slow down." a voice came from behind him. "huh," he turned around, "sorry. Didn't mean to walk too fast for ya." he said. Lina caught up to him and said, "What's wrong?" Shawn turned to her and replied, "I haven't sensed an undead patrol since we left from the beuto capital. I'm a bit worried about your hometown of Tikal." Lina gasped, "You don't think it's destroyed do you?" she asked.

"Why else wouldn't their be any patrols around. If your hometown is gone then he would no longer need the patrols around here and would move them onward." Shawn said looking around. "Then lets hurry." Lina said and started running. Shawn looked ahead and took off after her.

When they arrived they found Tikal in one peace. Shawn and Lina walked into town and walked to Lina's tavern.

"Hello, how may I..... Lina, is that you?" the one of the waitress said. "Yep ,Jenny, I've come home for a short while." Lina replied and ran up to her friend. "After you left and never came back, I thought you were dead." Jenny said. "After I left here, lots of things happened," Lina said, " but, if it wasn't for Shawn here, I wouldn't be here." Jenny looked over at Shawn "Your the one who saved Lina from the those three idiots 9 years ago arn't you?" Shawn looked at her and nodded.

"Well, you do realize that you forgot something when you left don't you." Jenny said and smirked. Lina looked at her hard and shook her head no. "You forgot your mothers necklace, you know the one that you wore all the time before that incident 9 years ago." Jenny said and reached into her pocket and pulled out a silver necklace with a pendent on it. The pendent was a blue gem with silver around some of it with markings on the silver.

"I can't believe that I forgot this!" Lina said as she put the necklace around her neck. Shawn walked up to Lina "Sorry, to break up your reuion, we can't stay long, we're expected else where." he said. Lina looked at Shawn and then at Jenny, "Sorry, but it was good to see that the town is still here. I'll come back when I get a chance, I promise."

Lina said her goodbyes and left with Shawn. As they left the town, Shawn stopped dead in his tracks. "Shawn, are you ok?" Lina asked him. Shawn looked at Lina and said "They're coming." Lina, puzzled by what Shawn said just looked at him. Shawn pointed ahead of them and said "The reason we didn't run into any patrols is because he sent his Hell Riders to ravenge Tikal."

"I can become enraged like Vegeta, if i smile, run...................very fast."

"Semper Fi"

-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
2000-01-19, 1:40 PM #135
Sorry, Meteor, I don't think you quite got all the details down yet.
2000-01-19, 2:12 PM #136
(non-story: JK, I don't know about everyone else, but I'd be glad to see another person join in the story to write. But your entrance was a little out of place, I say join in as a native to the story(that would mean changing characteristics about you that are specific to the star wars universe, as many of our characters have. Anyway, I'm back from witer's block and have a whole slew of posts to string that would be worthy of Merlin!....or not. Here's to make up.)

*Several days had passed since Gebohq and Tessa made their feelings known to each other. Over that time, the bond between them grew. They were more open to each other, on the same plane of understanding. Gebohq continued to teach Tessa, but he felt he gained more from being around her than she had with him.*

*The sun drifted down behind the Misty mountains. The white misty sky permeated with orange, then red, continued with purple and finished with the dark blue of night. The hours passed, Gebohq and Tessa continually enjoying each other's company. Midnight came around, yet they were totally enthralled with each other. Inside Gebohq's hermitage, they carried on with their conversation. They were both sitting at the table, the chairs they occupied facing each other instead of the table. As Gebohq talked with Tessa, he felt as if his mind was drunk, the light buzz that makes you feel you can do anything. It may have been that it was late at night, but Gebohq thought to himself, it was probably because how he felt about Tessa*

Gebohq: //What a life I've lived! I've done so many things, but never have I felt so...joyous. I feel like I could fly; my mind feels so light and giddy. Listen to myself! I've become nearly obsessed with Tessa, it's illogical. Yet I wouldn't want the feeling to go away for the world! I wonder if she feels the same...// "...and sometimes I feel like I could stare into nothingness for an eternity, contemplating over trivial things."

Tessa: "Your wierd", she said jokingly.

Gebohq: "Oh you think that's wierd?" Using a mock-narration voice, he continued "you haven't even begun to understand the meesteries of life."

Tessa: (after laughing)"You crack me up. I love you."

Gebohq: "I love you too." He replied with more meaning than the words could ever convey.

*With her hands, Tessa took hold of Gebohq's hands and gestured for them to get up. As they stood, Tessa swung Gebohq in a half-circle, drawing them closer to their beds and at the same time drawing Gebohq's body to hers. Her chest and hips were against his, her mouth right next to his ear.*

Tessa: (wispering)"Let's make love then. Right now."

*On the outside, Gebohq showed no emotional change, but on the inside he almost felt like he was mentally hyperventilating.*

Gebohq: //What am I going to do? I love her, I feel ready, but is it time? I feel as if we should make some form of commitment. To just give in to our urges seems wrong somehow. Doing this would be giving her my most intimate self, my whole inner soul. Am I ready for that? I feel as if nothing could seperate us, but it's been such a short time. What's to say our feelings won't change? But what am I going to say to her, I'm not ready? Will she understand my need for such a commitment-//

Tessa: "What's wrong?"

Gebohq: "I...I...I don't know if I can go through with this."

Tessa: "Sure you can, you just need to have the right stimulation.."

*Tessa brushed her hips against his, but Gebohq backed off quickly.*

Gebohq: "I'm sorry. I don't want things between us to change, but you have to understand that I need to go through some form of commitment before I feel ready morally. Do you understand?"

*Tessa looked at him understanding, but then as if a horrible thought had entered her head, she snapped to a more pleaful look and walked to Gebohq.*

Tessa: "But you have to! I can't live without your love!"

Gebohq: "Why are you being so forceful about it?" Seeing that something was bothering her, he continued "What is the matter? Why do you feel that you need to do this?"

*Before she could respond, a voice all too familiar came from the entrance to Gebohq's hermitage.*

Voice: "Because if she doesn't seduce you, she won't win Bazaal's favor."

*Gebohq spun around to face the entrance. His face turned to horror as he saw a young man in his early twenties, lanky in appearance, but with an air of charisma surrounding him, his dark cloths blending with the darkness. His brown hair formed a natural V-shape, his hair coming to little points on his forehead. His head slightly down, his deep blue eyes were fixed on Gebohq, a malicious smile grew on his face. Apathis had begun his revenge on Gebohq. Apathis started walking towards him, continuing.*

Apathis: "If she can't turn you to work with us, she'll never hope to raise her status in Bazaal's eyes. She needed to use you to get what she wanted."

Gebohq: "Your-your not real. You can't be. I-I.."

Apathis: "Destroyed me? Hardly. I was a coma, so to speak. You could never defeat me so easily."

*Having been in a state of shock, Apathis previous words had only sunk into Gebohq's mind now, the mental cloud growing even more. Gebohq spun around again to face Tessa, who was nearly in tears.*

Gebohq: "How could you do this?"

Tessa: "I was going to-to tell you." Tears began to streak down her face. "But it's not how he explained it-*quick inhale*-at all. I *sniff* had to come here and-*sob*-try to do ask Bazaal ask or-*sob*-he was going to kill*sniff*-kill my parents and-"

Gebohq: "You said your parents were dead", he said coldly.

Tessa: "-I-I mean--*sniff*-they might as well have been dead. They've been held prisioners by-*sob*-Bazaal. I haven't been able to-*sniff*-see them since he took me. I had to do it, don't you understand? He was going to -*sob*-kill my parents if I didn't."

Gebohq: "And that's why you knew my name. Bazaal told you my name. How do I know your not lying again, huh? How can I base anything you've said to me to be true? Has our relationship meant NOTHING to you?"

Tessa: "No-I mean-"

Gebohq: "How can I take anything you say now to be true, huh? Answer me!"

Tessa: "Why would I lie to you now? What reason is there for me to lie to you? And our relationship has meant everything to me! I was suppose to turn you over quicker, but I couldn't bring myself to it. I love you."

Gebohq: "You don't mean that....Get away from me."

Tessa: "Geb-"

Gebohq: "I said GET AWAY FROM ME!"

*The volume of his voice, one that had never been heard before, scared Tessa into the corner of the room. Gebohq continued to stare at Tessa, all he could see in her was betrayal. Apathis' voice broke the silence, speaking very calm and cooly, almost hypnotic.*

Apathis: "She has turned her back on you. You have nothing in this world now. But not all is lost, I can help you. Take her mind, make her do as you wish."

*Even though the cloud of anger had covered his mind, he could still sense Apathis' true agenda, of trying to turn Gebohq to their side. No, invading her mind would not solve his problem. He turned his attention to Apathis.*

Gebohq: "I will never become one of you, no matter how much others hurt me."

Apathis: "Look here, I'm offering you a deal you can't refuse. Live a life where you mean something...or suffer the consequences."

Gebohq: "I'd rather die than join Bazaal."

Apathis: "Suit yourself. Just remember, what you did before will only deley the inevitable at most."

*Gebohq knew he was right. Gebohq would have to end this physically. Apathis and Gebohq faced off, Tessa watching in the corner. The air around them was stiff with their auras.*

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited January 19, 2000).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-01-19, 3:04 PM #137
*The room Apathis and Gebohq occupied felt so stiff now that any movement by either would cause the whole place to enter chaos. Gebohq stared at Apathis, head level, with a serious appearance on his face, almost looking sad. Apathis stared at Gebohq, head slightly down, pupils staring right at his. Gebohq felt so compelled to turn away in reflex of someone staring at him, but he held firm. Apathis' mouth started to form a half-smile, as if Gebohq was the most insignificant thing ever.*

Apathis: "I think it's time to give back to you what you gave to me. You don't think I haven't learned a few things over the years, have you?"

*Drawing upon magic he learned from Kircha the illusionist, Apathis looked to the ground, then lifted his head level with Gebohq's. Though Apathis did not look like Gebohq physically, Gebohq felt as if Apathis had changed himself. It was like looking into a mirror and seeing his soul. Gebohq was not nearly as scared as what Apathis began to do. Apathis began to speak, and he sounded exactly like Gebohq.*

Apathis: "Why do you try facing yourself Gebohq?!"

*Gebohq remembered all too well what Apathis was refering to. Apathis was delevering the same speech Gebohq gave to him when he had last faced Apathis.*

Apathis: "What do you do if you don't care about anyone but yourself? You become selfish and without direction."

*Gebohq cringed in digust of his own voice. It sounded so arrogant, so egotistical, and worse of all, so painful. It was a horrible voice Gebohq thought, how could anyone stand it? Gebohq forced himself to not cover his ears and retaliate.*

Gebohq: "I'm not selfish. I think about others before myself."

Apathis: "Don't delude yourself! You turned your back on your friends when they were willing to sacrifice their lives to try to stop Bazaal again. You ran away from your problems, thinking only about your own well being. And you know I'm telling the truth...because I am you."

*Gebohq fell to the floor, not being able to stand listening to his own voice uttering those words which were so true. Tessa looked on helplessly at Gebohq, then turned to Apathis.*

Tessa: "What have you done to him? How could he believe what your saying is true?"

Apathis: "How could he believe what you were saying was true? In his modest mind, he still can't cope with anything about himself being good. To him, hearing himself is the worst thing that could happen to him. Well, he'll soon find out that there is even worse indeed."

*Apathis then began to walk towards Gebohq. Realizing that Apathis was about to fight him, Gebohq raised up off the ground, readying himself in a defense position. But Gebohq was still obsessing over the words he had just heard, which left him vulnerable to Apathis' attacks. Apathis first took his right arm, brought it to his left, raised his fist and bent his elbow in a right angle to form an backwards L-shape. With a quick swipe, Apathis brought his arm to his right, connecting his fist with Gebohq's head, sending Gebohq spinning backwards. Apathis then held his hands to form his arms into a club and as if he was cutting down a tree, brought his arms to Gebohq's side, between his chest and stomach. Gebohq doubled over at the blow, which Apathis took the opportunity to use his arms again to strike the back of his head, sending Gebohq to the floor. Apathis started to bring down his foot to Gebohq's face, a mistake on his part, for Gebohq even in his condition was able to grab his foot and swing it to the side, flying Apathis to the wall. Gebohq got up from the floor, readying himself again.*

*Apathis quickly regained himself, now scowling at his minor defeat. Apathis charged at Gebohq, ready to deliver his punch in Gebohq's chest. But as even Tessa knew, you could use your enemy's power against himself, which Gebohq did. Gebohq grabbed his arm and pulled it towards the direction Apathis was running. The momentum threw Apathis off, leaving Gebohq available to extend his fist to connect with Apathis' stomach. Apathis doubled over and Gebohq took his head and lifted it up. With all the anger towards Apathis' face, which Gebohq still saw himself in, he let loose a flurry of punches. One particular punch though Apathis had bent backwards to avoid and trying to regain his balance, took a few steps backwards, which luckily for him lead him to avoid Gebohq's swing kick. While Gebohq was trying to regain control from his failed attempt, Apathis connected to Gebohq's head, sending him to near unconciousness. Apathis was in a position to finish off Gebohq, but instead walked away.*

Apathis: "I could kill you right now, but I'll do something much worse. Much, much worse for you."

*Apathis then jutted his hands forewards. Mimicking his action, a stone hand came out of the ground and grabbed Gebohq from behind. The middle finger lifted Gebohq's head into position so that he would have to watch whatever terrible act Apathis had in plan. Apathis then turned to Tessa, who looked at Apathis in horror.*

Apathis: "You know you want me. You can't avoid it."

Tessa: " away you monster!"

*But already the effects of Apathis' charisma and his hypnotic voice were working on Tessa. She was mentally struggling with him, but her willpower was slipping. Finally, when she couldn't hold on to her mind any longer, Apathis invaded her mind. Her eyes went vacent and she stared at Apathis.*

Tessa: "What do you desire Apathis?"

*Apathis grinned, drawing closer to Tessa's body. Gebohq watched in horror as he knew perfectly what Apathis had in mind. He had no choice but to witness Apathis take Tessa physically, to watch him take the action that was suppose to express your deepest self and warp it to a meaningless act. After watching Apathis carry out his act and then walk off with Tessa, he colapsed to the floor. Even though the stone hand was no longer keeping him restrained, he knew there was no use in going after her. He had failed, and life meant nothing now.*

*Thunder boomed in the distance and the rain began to pour down.*

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited January 20, 2000).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-01-19, 3:38 PM #138
(ns: OK, but what did I do wrong? Now I hope this sounds good..... And I don't know, but is Ping_Me a robot or something?)

Meteor looked at the night sky. The stars shone brightly. He took out a book and opened it. In it was 1 word:


He checked the time: about one minute till midnight.

Meteor lived in a house on one of the highest mountain within 100 miles. There were no trees, nothing to block him from seeing the stars. And that night, in one minute, he would see what he had waited all his life to see. He checked the time again. Exactly one minute. He had to see it!! He waited..... 45 seconds, 44 seconds....... 10, 5 4 3 2 1!!! The ground started rumbling. He looked up. The comet passed by..... No, it didn't!!! He kept looking.... It was coming closer!! He ran into the house and grabbed a tiny telescope. Wait, he didn't need it!! It was still coming closer. He started to worry..... Suddenly he turned around and started running. He kept running.... Suddenly the ground seemed to fly away from his feet, and he was flying forward. He hit the ground and turned to see his house destroyed. He looked up again. About five more meteors at least twice as big were coming down!! He turned to run, but he was thrown into the air and smashed into the ground. Then he was knocked-out.
He woke up lying on the ground with Ping_Me looking at him. He jumped and tried to get up, but his back felt like it was broken. Then he saw Ping_Me. "Ping_Me!!" He said, "You again!! I haven't see you since you saved my life 9 years ago!! It seems you've saved me again." He tried to get up again, but Ping_Me said, "Don't try to move. If you don't move, you'll be better tomorrow." Ping_Me got up and walked to Scout and Sakana. Meteor tried to listen to what they were saying, but he couldn't hear.

//I have to find out what happened!!// He thought. He looked carefully at the stars. //Where am I, anyway?// Then he closed his eyes. //I'll be better tomorrow.// He though, and he fell asleep.

(ns: "Meteor wakes up the next day and finds a sword called 'JK'." Whether he trips on it while getting up, or whatever, please add that. It's one thing that isn't SW that is a part of Meteor. Thanks.)

   | |/
__| |\

[This message has been edited by JK [Meteor] (edited February 18, 2000).]
"Maybe you like rainbows"
I can't remember what to say!!!!
Click here for my homepage.
2000-01-19, 3:39 PM #139
Good job Gebhoq!
2000-01-19, 3:39 PM #140

[This message has been edited by JK [Meteor] (edited January 19, 2000).]
"Maybe you like rainbows"
I can't remember what to say!!!!
Click here for my homepage.
2000-01-19, 3:59 PM #141
Ping_Me is a being made of pure electrical energy and light. He is completely computer generated, kinda like a hologram only more physical than that. He can modify any energy he absorbs and modify it for his own life force, and manifest it toward to generation of an energy sword and projectiles. He has the traits of a computer and (now) has a full compliment of emotions.

Oh yeah, about your post right there JK, Kinda funny finding a tree in the middle of a barren desert. []
2000-01-20, 2:24 AM #142
Just at that moment, Dirtbag bounded up to Ping, Meteor, Scout, and Sakana. "Hi-de-ho, creatures! Look what I brought!" Dirtbag announced, and with a mischevious smile, removed a small, gleaming piece of silver. Sakana stared in amazement.
"Its from Concilium Ex Deo." He said, confirming everyone's thoughts.
"Where is it?" Ping asked, eying the small rodent with anger.
"Uh, in Orca's bag." Dirtbag responded. "He's right. The dark emission was Concilium Ex Deo trapped in there... it is some kind of a prison for the sword." Sakana said, his brow furrowed in thought.
"If Orca is following the path he was when we met him and at normal speed... we should be just 3 kilometers behind! Easy distance to cover at the speed of a Roc. Come on, we have to get going! We can't let that sword be destroyed!" Ping announced, after having done some quick calculations.
"Quick, jump on!" Scout shouted, bringing the Roc down into boarding position. Everyone tunbled on, Meteor still looking very confused. He didn't really know what was going on in this world, it all seemed so confusing. Then he saw a long sword resting on the Roc's wing.
"Hey, whats that sword?" Meteor questioned, looking at the nearby Sakana.
"I don't know. I haven't seen it before, but it dosn't give off any evil signature. Its yours if you want it." Sakana replied.
Meteor carefully navigated over to the sword. Scrawled on its side were ancient insriptions reading JK. Meteor picked up the sword, and jumped back onto the Roc's back.
It was just a second later when Scout cried out that she had spotted Orca. Indeed, four figures stood in the sand, already alerted, weapons ready. "The problem with Rocs is that they aren't very stealthy." Sakana grunted.
The bird gracefully landed, its wings swept back. Meteor, Scout, Sakana, and Ping climed off the back of the Roc. Dirtbag, who had acoompanied them, scurried behind a small desert plant to watch the fight.
Orca stared at the four lightside warriors, then slowly withdrew his Lightsaber. Baza drew his sleek cutlass, and got ready with his petrifying gaze. Hecklord drew his long crossbow and aimed it toward the party. Horaya started chanting magical words, preparing his magics for battle. But Orca ordered them to stay back a bit. Scout and Meteor rushed forward, followed soon by Sakana and Ping. As the four charged, Orca slowly drew his red, glowing sword, and pointed it at the four. It shone with a red, glowing light, and then Scout, Sakana, and Meteor started to run.
"Where are you going?" Ping shouted, before realizing what Orca held was a fearblade, which didn't effect a computerized being. "It looks like we get a chance to meet on the field of battle." Ping said grimly as he set battle mode on double-double. Twin lightstaffs flickered into Ping's hands, seeming to twirl in defensive posture on their own accord.
Orca only smiled and swung his lightsaber. "I'm much more powerful then when you last met me." Orca hissed.
"Really? Prove it!" Ping shouted, charging at Orca. Orca said some magic words, and a fireball stopped Ping in his tracks. "Your powerful!" Ping exclaimed, before launching a flip and landing behind Orca. Orca spun to face Ping, letting his Lightsaber absorb all four blows coming from Ping. He then retreated back a bit. Ping, sensing his advantage, sprung forward. He found himself flying right into a wall of fire! Ping cried out, jumping backwards. Then Horaya and Orca started to chant together, and a giant ball of destrutive energy encompassed Ping. Ping tried to absorb it, but it was too powerful. Ping fell to the ground, but suddenly a Roc swooped by, and Ping was lifted onboard by Sakana. Scout and Meteor also sat onboard. Orca smiled.
"Retreat, while you still can." Orca announced, but there was no need. The Roc was flying up into the sky. "Come, lets continue. It is only two more days hike if we hurry. I hope those four won't bother us anymore." Orca said, gesturing to Horaya, Baza, and Hecklord.
-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

2000-01-20, 9:38 AM #143
Okay, if you're going to play that way, I have to make one correction of my own. Say Dirtbag appears to Ping and Sakana with the shard, then disappears before they find Scout. In case I didn't make it clear enough before, at no time are Scout and Dirtbag to be in the same place at the same time. Dirtbag can't even appear anywhere if Scout is accounted for elsewhere. If that's clear, then very good, onward and upward!
2000-01-20, 10:03 AM #144
*The rain poured down as Apathis and Tessa made their way to Bazaal's fortress. The two finally reached the huge double doors of the dark towers, Apathis shaking the rain off his cloths while Tessa stood there like the mindless drone she was. The two then continued to walk through the laberinth of corridors when they ran into Jason Argos.*

Apathis: "Hello Jason, have we met? The name's Apathis. How's your "lessons" been?"

Jason: "Errr....fine I suppose-"

Apathis: "Has Jessica been good for you?"

Jason: "Well....-"

Apathis: "She's getting boring, right? Here, have her." (Apathis pulls Tessa in front of Jason) "She'll show you a few more things about women." he added with a smirk on his face.

*Apathis exits Tessa's mind as if her usefulness was wasted. For most, letting go of control ofanother's mind is very difficult, often someone else has to invade their minds and push the other's out. Apathis however had never attached himself to the minds he invaded, so he could care less about seperating from them. Apathis then looks at Jason.*

Apathis: "What ar eyou waiting for. Go ahead, enjoy it."

*After his hesitation, Jason took Tessa's mind. Jason smiled at the new power he had and left with Tessa. Apathis continued to his quarters when Bazaal appeared in front of Apathis once again. Bazaal walked alongside him as they went down the corridors.*

Bazaal: "I assume all things went well."

Apathis: "Of course sir. We will never have to worry about Gebohq again."

*Bazaal was not conviced about how Apathis hadd worded his sucess.*

Bazaal: "What did you do to him?"

Apathis: "I completely crushed his will to live and-"

Bazaal: "IDIOT, he had no self-esteem to begin with! The whole point of going out there was to kill him! He's as much of a threat as he was before, the other members of Merlin's pathetic party could find him and drag him along to help."

Apathis: "But what use will he be to them?"

Bazaal: "Who knows? Their weakness in being compassionate to others always befuddled me. Eliminating Gebohq would have just been one less thing to think about. You couldn't even follow those orders now, so I'm here by decommisioning you. Leave now or suffer the consequences."

Apathis: "Sure, I'll do that. You won't stand a chance you old geezer, you'll die before your legacy can live on."

*Apathis then stormed back out of Bazaal's fortress, making his way to the dead forest surrounding the Dark Towers. The rain continued to pour down as the sun fell.*
*Inside Gebohq's hermitage, the rain outside could be heard. The muffled sound echoed in the empty room Gebohq called home. It was past midnight when Gebohq stepped back in.*

*Drenched by the rain, Gebohq looked more depressed than anything. The wet drops ran down his face, which still showed his rage and depression. He had just came back from fighting minions of Bazaal's that had infested the mountains ever since they had been renamed the Misty Mountains. Fighting the few bad guys did not make Gebohq feel any better.

*The rage building up from remembering what had happened last night, he took his sword and swung it chaotically. In his fury, Gebohq's word sliced the chairs and the table. He only stopped when he hit the stone wall, which physically hurted him. Gebohq sat down on his bed, brooding in his turbulant thoughts. He felt as if he was drunk, or perhaps drunk after a hangover. It was probably because it was late at night, but Gebohq thought it was most likely because of what had happened yesterday. Before falling asleep much later, one last mental thought was passing through his head.*

*Gebohq had played the vision through his head many times, but only now did it seem most vivid. What Gebohq saw was a mental projection of two figures battling between themselves. The first figure was a knight clad in white armor, which seemed to glow. In one hand was a double-edged sword and in the other, a simple white shield with a reflective surface. His enemy was very vague in shape, he was like a shadow that blended in the darkness surrounding them. The dark figure swiped at the knight all around and even though the knight was trying his best to keep up, he could not keep himself from being scathed. The fight between the two never seemed to end, and Gebohq felt somehow he was a part of it, so feeling the intensity of the battle made Gebohq weary.*

*Gebohq fell asleep, though he would not have a good night's rest. The lightning cracked as the rain continued to pour on down*

--Thanks Ping for the compliment (I try to please). And I'll probaby post more, but they will be just character indepth on Apathis and Gebohq. When(if, sniff) the party decides to come try to get me, make it interesting! (Let's assume that when they arrive, it has only been a couple days since Gebohq's episode with Apathis)--

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited January 21, 2000).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-01-20, 5:37 PM #145
(NSP(Non Story Post- duh) hey guys, I'm Arbiter. Some of you may've seen my posts on Sith Hell or the NES thread. I would like to join this one, if you'll have me. I intend for my character to have a japanese name and features that are have japanese origin. His name is Kogishunjun, which means to be in doubt and unable to decide. He's always called Kogi by everyone. His sword is called Kennan. I would rather you approve this character before I started in on the story.( also giving me time to fully form my thoughts))

[This message has been edited by Arbiter (edited January 20, 2000).]
2000-01-20, 6:28 PM #146
A general gloom now weighed upon the now four members of the party. Hours ago they had returned to Merlin's Citadel. They slumped in chairs and sofa's around a newly built fire burning in the bowl that ad long ago housed Merlin's fire. Ping's form was beginning to fade in and out. He had taken a little too much damage in the battle with Orca. Everyone was concerned, but Ping wasn't really caring. Meteor simply scratched his head in confusion. "What now?" Was the question that broke the silence. It came from Metoer.

"What do you mean what now?" Sakana said irritated. It bugged him that they had lost yet another battle, that and he was forced to run away from a sword he would normally pick his teeth with.

"Orca has the upper hand." Ping admitted sullenly. "There's nothing we can do now."

"But Orca's going to defeat Bazaal right? This is a good thing! So what's with this sword? Who cares about it?" Meteor said.

Ping nodded in thought. "But Orca has been corrupted by power. He may be as powerful as Bazaal, but he has nothing Good driving him. At this rate, if he defeats Bazaal, he will become as great or greater an evil than Bazaal."

"So we got to beat Orca?" Meteor said.

"We just found that quite useless. At least we got close to Bazaal. Well I say "we". I wasn't actually there. I was....." He trailed off.

"You know, we can still bring her back." Sakana noted. Ping looked at him and sighed. He continued, "We all ran away from that Fear Blade. But you didn't. Perhaps she wouldn't either since she's like you."

"I'm just afraid of what she will be if we do restart her. I don't know if she would still be under Bazaal's control..."

"I told you before that we can replace the person controlling her. But it will be contol. She won't have too much free will of her own."

"I don't know too much about this," Meteor interjected, "But Bazaal was evil and would desire more control over her. If a good person contols her wouldn't that person use none or less of that control. The way you guys talk it seems that all you've seen is that evil side."

Ping and Sakana looked at each other. "The kid has a point." Sakana said.


Ji'tory swam though an endless darkness. It was like a bad dream. One of those where you swim through pitch blackness with unknown slimy things gripping at you. She had entered this dream minutes ago, from what seemed like some fantasy land. A land that looked good, but felt wrong. Now she knew she was fighting to get away from all of it. Fighting to escape from somthing. In front of her flashed memories. Distant memories, almost like someone elses. An old man lying dead on the floor, an band of warriors around her. But then everything faded to grey, she had been there ever since.

She continued to swim for her life. Her lungs were burning, her legs were burning, her arms were burning. Burning with the pain of over exertion as she struggle to break free. She continued to slip and slip and slip....

She was cold, was her first thought. The next was the fact that a hand was wrapped tightly across her mouth. The room she was in was dark. Only a small fraction of a moonbeam slipped though an open window. The next thing she realised was that she was completely naked. She was in total shock. Summoning all her strength she fought against the hands that restrained her. She tried to scream, but whoever was holding her forbidded it."

"Please miss, calm down!" Came a whisper from behind her. The wisper was raspy. "I'm trying to help you if you'll let me!" The voice grunted under the effort to keep her calm. His hand was still clamped over her mouth. After a minute she lost the energy to struggle. She breathed heavily through her nose. "I'm going to let you go now, I'm going to get you out of here, I know you are confused, just trust me." She slumped in submission. The hands restraining her let go and the figure came around in front of her.

She couldn't see much in the darkness of the room. All she could see was a hooded figure adressing her. "Your reaction is normal and understandable. You have great will to be able to fight through the spell. There is no time to explain. Put these clothes on." He handed her a small bundle, which she took and put on. It was essentially a cloak that slipped on over the head. "Follow me and stay as quiet as you can." She got up from a bed of cushins and they left the room through a side door. She realized they were in some palace that she knew from some distant memory. She followed the hooded man though and endless series of corridors and staircases untill they reached what seemed to be a waste room. The man shut the wooden door behind them. He then proceeded to lift a heavy metal grate from the floor, revealing a pitch black hole. He pulled back his hood. It revealed a greenish face with a huge scar over one unusable eye. "You must follow this tunnel to the shore line where it comes out. There you must follow it untill you reach a small wharf. I've made arrangements for a boat to meet you there."

"Wait, what is all this? What's going on?" she said, her mind in an utter fog.

"There is no time to explain. All I can tell you is that you've been under the contol of the Dark Wizard Bazaal now for nine years. I'm sorry. It is vital that you go now, both of our lives are at stake." She looked at the dark hole in fear. "GO!" She looked at him in anger an jumped into the black hole. Her feet splashed in freezing cold water, about ankle deep. Looking up the strange goblin carefully closed the grate. "Good luck." He wispered down to her and was gone. She built up her courage and trudged through to waterway for hours untill she reached the outlet. A mild night wind blew across the rocky coast. Above her, towering peaks crested in unimaginable heights. Taking the strange man's advise she made her way along the sands until hours later, with the dawn, she reached a small dock. A boat waited there in the early morning fog. The oarsman gestured to her and she got in. Within minutes they were rowing along the rocky coast farther and farther away from that place.

"Frag told me to tell you about what's happened to you."

"Frag?" she said in suprise, the man hadn't said anything untill now.

"The goblin whom you met. I'm honored to meet one of the heroes."

"What?" she asked increduloulsly.

"Heh." The oarsman chuckled. He began to fill her in on all the details of the past nine years. Some of it gleaned from what the oarsman knew from his own experience, the rest from what Frag had known. As she heard the details the fog began to lift in the atmosphere and in her mind.


Frag, racing back through Bazaal's palace along with the other dark wizards and soldiers. An alarm was ringing in the distance. Frag knew his plan was going perfectly. They enetered the throne room to a fuming and raging Bazaal. Frag immeadiately became chaos and evil. Bazaal looked intently into all of thier eyes. He didn't need to ask questions. After surveying all of them (bug included) he found no explaination for Ji'tory's dissapearance. Bazaal growled deeply. "APATHIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed at nothing.

Frag secretly smiled. Everything went according to plan. He would see the end of Bazaal yet.


"So how do we start this thing?" Ping asked.

"Bazaal set it up so that the person who controls would have to expend too much energy in the contoling. Essentially it uses the person's basic personality traits to develop the connection."

"How do we break Bazaal's connection?"

"It's simple here because we're so far away from him. Just stand over there." He pointed and Ping stood there. Sakana did all sorts of weird things. He used a little bit of magic here and a little banging there. Finally he placed his hands on top of the device and squinted. Ping looked on as a light grew around both Sakana and the device. There was a snapping sound and the blinding light was gone. Sakana slumped with a little exhaustion. "There I've broken the connection. I don't doubt that if we were closer to Bazaal that he would feel it. But again were far away." He walked around it and examined the various components. "Okay, I have no way of knowing whether or not this will work, but here goes. I'm going to start the association." He fiddled magically with a component. A beam shot out and traced across Ping. When it reached his feet, it vanished.

"Looks like we've got it. Now we need to charge it. This is going to be the roughest part for me personally." Sakana stood for a long time with his hand son the device. Ping wondered at one point if he had fallen asleep. A constant glow passed between Sakana and the device. Finally the glow subsided and Sakana slumped to the ground.

"Sakana !" Pign rushed over to help him, but Sakana simply waved his hand. "I'll be alright... " He coughed, "I'm going to take a nice long sleep after this." he laughed. "Okay... all you need to do now is activate it."

"How do you do that?" Ping asked.

"Would you believe it's as simple as flipping that little switch on the side of it?"


"Just kidding." he said with a smile. "There's one last fail safe. You'll need to place your hand in that small slot in the side. If everything I know about this whole thing is correct, it should scan you and designate you as the operator. That means only you can turn it on or off."

Ping stepped over to one side of it and found the small hand sized hole to put his hand in. He did so and waited. A small pause and a jarring bolt of pain shot through him. He saw white for an instant and felt his energy level drop. He jerked his hand out and examined it. Finding it unscathed he looked at Sakana who was smiling sheepishly. Ping wondered if that was another one of his jokes untill he felt an soft hand on his shoulder. At the wrist and up it was robed in white.
2000-01-21, 9:32 AM #147
Great post Ping! Your involvement with Apathis makes my plans all the better. Let's just say his days are numbered...(Please, no one kill him, I have plans...mwahahahaha.... ). Now to see how this story goes on....

And I've edited my last 3 posts to make more you know.

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited January 21, 2000).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-01-21, 12:07 PM #148
I aim to please. []

Arbiter, you're welcome to the story. I guess there's two rules here... One no Godlike powers and Two, keep consistant with what's going on. If you haven't yet, go and read The Saga of the Third War (yes it's still on the message board [] )

I question though how much you and Meteor will be able to develop your characters. We seem to be doing a bit of winding down, and I don't know how much longer this story will last. Right now we have a lot of people after Bazaal's head. Perhaps you can develop your own sub or side plot if you feel that you might get lost in trying to defeat Bazaal. You're very welcome to join us though.

Glad to have you aboard.
2000-01-22, 8:52 AM #149
Kogi got up and looked around. The skies were an ominous and bruised purple of faint daylight. There was snow on the ground, and it crunched when he walked on it. The skeletal figures of trees dotted the landscape. His hand moved to his sword, and felt nothing. Incredulous, he looked down and saw the entire sword and sheath missing, his belt loop empty. Footsteps approached from behind. Spinning on his heel, he saw nothing.
//My mind must be playing tricks on me.//
The footsteps were there again, and this time, he knew evil was there, behind him. Taking off, he ran toward the horizon, thinking he could outrun the thing behind him. Cresting a hill, he saw a group of undead, staring with milky eyes, looking for a target
//They're looking for me, I know it.//
He skidded to a stop, and changed directions, still running away from the evil he knew was there, gaining on him, never relenting, ever. He was among a crop of dead trees, branches whipping at his face, feet near to freezing. While he was running, he saw how dead this land truly was. A desolate waste of death and decay. Trees were long dead, never to show the signs of life again. The dirt had no grass and a colour of the grayness found only in tundra and permanently hardened by ice. This whole places reminded Kogi of the feeling of despair, a despair so deep it permeated the land and changed it, changed to fit the emotion- dead, alone, and hopeless. Even though he was running as hard as he could, muscles screaming for respite, throat pierced by ice, he knew they were gaining on him. They would persue him if he could run from the Misty Mountains to the End of the world.
//No! Kogi never gives up. Never. I won't let- the ground came up and hit him hard. Grunting, he clawed at the snow for a grip, but it would give him not purchase. The moans of the undead were right behind him and the evil whispered in his ear- You are mine! Kogi screamed, not a scream of pain or despair, but that of rage- a gutteral roar.
"You'll Never get me, Evil one!" Kogi yelled, shaking his fist to nowhere. He knew the situation was near to hopeless, that there was no way out. He saw a great crevasse about 1000 strides ahead. He knew that it was the only way. He would rather die than become a slave to the Sightblighter. Running harder than before, he was at the crevasse and elpt into the darkness below.
// I've beaten you Evil one. You'll never have me!//
Kogi smacked hard into a dirt path. //What in the heavens?// He looked up and saw a citadel. One he knew- Merlin's citadel! He loped toward it, knowing it was his salvation- his haven. The wooden doors opened and he was near to joy. Stepping inside, he walked along a corridor.The doors shut behind him. "I've been waiting." Bazaal said.
Kogi woke up in a sweat.
//W-Was it a dream?//
He pulled his arm toward his body quickly, and the sword and its sheath were in his hand. Kogi was cold, but sweat was still there. By his chrono, it was near to dawn and he knew that he would start his journey again soon. After breakfast,which consisted of part-stale bread and a cold broth. He knew he had to press on to Merlin's citadel. After finishing breakfast, and pulling on his cloak, Kogi walked out of the cave he had been sleeping and continued on the path to the citadel.

[This message has been edited by Arbiter (edited January 22, 2000).]
2000-01-22, 10:22 AM #150
(NS: Kid? LOL!!! Meteor is supposed to be a guy that can throw rocks and make fireballs surround them, not very powerful though, they explode and at highest power they can knock a normal person out. (That's not ultrapowerful right?) OK how about this, Meteor isn't human, and when it seems he's a kid he's really alot older. But they think he's a kid and he acts like one. OK? Can that work? Thanks)

Meteor said, 'Who were you talking about? Who's 'she'? Please?!?' Sakana said, 'Just wait Meteor!!! You'll see soon.'

Meteor waited for a short time, then said, 'Where can I find a sheath for my sword, JK?' Ping_Me opened a shelf and took out a sheath. 'Here Meteor.' Said Ping_Me. 'Thanks!!' Meteor said. He took the sheath and attached it the his belt, and put his sword into it. After a few seconds he took the sword out again, and started reading the words. 'JK......' He said, 'I wonder what that means.' Sakana stood up and said, 'Will you be quiet Meteor?!?!? I'm tired.'

Meteor said, 'OK. BTW, do you think.......' Sakana glared at him and he stopped talking. Meteor turned the sword over and started reading the strange letters on the other side. He suddenly looked like he REALLY had to say something. Sakana looked at him for a few seconds, then said, 'OK, you can talk, just be quiet.' Meteor shouted, 'This sword says "Whoever owns this sword will not be so scared at times of fear."!!!' Scout said, 'That's not true, you were running fastest when Orca aimed his Fear Blade at us.' Meteor said, 'Well, maybe just calling a sword mine doesn't mean I own it..... Maybe I have to do more then that..........' Then he closed his eyes. After a few minutes it seemed that he was asleep. 'At last,' said Sakana. But suddenly Meteor was glowing, then the sword started glowing too, then the glowing stopped. Meteor opened his eyes.

Suddenly the window shut. Meteor jumped, and Scout said, 'It still doesn't work.' Meteor said, 'Well, usually when anything like that happens at my house, I scream.'

He opened the window and looked out. //Gebohq would know....// He thought, then wondered why he had. //I don't know what Gebohq means.......//

   | |/
__| |\

[This message has been edited by JK [Meteor] (edited February 18, 2000).]
"Maybe you like rainbows"
I can't remember what to say!!!!
Click here for my homepage.
2000-01-22, 11:18 AM #151
After two days of trudging through the desert, Orca and his companions had finally arrived at the Dark Lakes. Bazaal's troops had much more important things to do than watching four creatures come on with some sword. Bazaal, on the other hand, did not. He saw the sword in Orca's hands. "Concillium Ex Deo!" Bazaal screeched, looking at the sword. He wanted a weapon to wield, one that would suplement his magic. A darkly enchanted Concillium Ex Deo would do nicely! Bazaal gathered a small group of elite undead and then slipped outside. He caught up with Orca and readied himself. He could hold the Good energy of C.E.D. long enough to turn it to dark, he was sure of that. "HALT! I want that sword!" Bazaal screamed at Orca. Orca turned around, a calm look on his face. He whispered something to Horaya, who said a few words, then Orca snickered.
"Here you are." Orca announced without ceremony, hurling the magic sword to Bazaal. Bazaal caught it, and resisted the good energy that would otherwise have hurt him(read last posts of Saga of the Third War), but what he was not prepared for was a magic trap. Fire enveloped his hand and lightning shot through his body. Bazaal dropped the sword just in time, swearing in rage. Orca only smiled. "You get what you ask for, but there is always some fine print." Orca said with a snicker, then he picked up Concilium Ex Deo, which was now disarmed by Horaya. Orca picked it up, walked to the edge of the lake, and threw it in. The sword drifted out into the black waters and Orca twirled to Bazaal just in time to block a flurry of fireballs.
"You have deprived me of my sword, but you will deprive me of nothing else!" Bazaal cried, shooting fireballs, lightning, frost bolts, and magic arrows as fast as his damaged body could manage. Orca's force shield weakened under the barrage, and several undead moved closer. Suddenly, Horaya chanted something and a magic fireball grew in his hands as well. The Undead simply stood, watching in terror as the fireball grew large enough to envelop them all, and then Horaya let go. The eight elite undead became mere dust, but Bazaal's own shield held. Orca started firing Force Destruction back, but neither was really getting anywhere. Suddenly, Baza jumped forward and grabbed Bazaal, staring into the man's dark eyes. Bazaal gaped in terror, then his body slowly turned into stone. Orca spent only enough time to cast Stone to Flesh on Bazaal before grabbing his companions and running for the desert.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

2000-01-22, 3:31 PM #152
Next to the Dark Lakes the statue of Bazaal sat next to the shore. As the undead toops looked on the grey of the rock faded and returned to normal. Bazaal calmly brushed the dirty claw marks the lizard had left on him and looked on at the lake.

//No chance of getting it now.// he thought. But it was no matter. //That pinhead Orca can get away with thinking he's more powerful for now. He'll slip up soon enough. Then he'll know the darkness of his dungeons.//

Bazaal retuned to his castle.

Orca, Bazaal should never have been able to touch that sword in the first place.

[This message has been edited by Ping_Me (edited January 22, 2000).]
2000-01-22, 4:18 PM #153
Allow me to try and track this history, as I remember it.
1. Bazaal beats you guys, CED falls into rock at base of tower
2. CED given to Orca by a Dark Wizard at Bazaal's command
3. Orca carries CED back to Bazaal's castle to throw it in the lake
4. Bazaal suddenly decides he wants the CED, and fights weakly to get it.
So, to sum up, Bazaal had it for 9 years, gives it away, then decides suddenly he wants it? How bizarre.

2000-01-22, 5:42 PM #154
D*mn, Dirtbag, you got a point. I didn't even think about that. Obviously Orca didn't either. []
2000-01-23, 4:08 AM #155
(NSP:You are forgetting Bazaal's evilness and trickery. He knew of Orca's plans and was using C.E.D. to lure Orca to the Dark Lakes, where he could get C.E.D. back, already imprisoned by dark magic(Important!), and he could kill Orca.)
Orca, Hecklord, Baza, and Horaya stood behind a sand dune, the hot afternoon making them feel like they were burning alive. Bazaal's undead were unafected by the heat, and they were searching the desert far and wide for Orca. Orca knew he could destroy them all with a single gesture of his hand. Yes, he was the most powerful being here. But no, then he would have no hope of changing. Once he had killed Bazaal, he would only take his place. Orca knew he had been treading a fine line by the lake in his use of a barrage of Force Destruction, but he used it in protection, and Orca didn't feel any total lust for power... Yet. He slowly withdrew his Lightsaber, letting its glow comfort him. This was one weapon he could use. He suddenly heard the screams of undead warriors finding their prey. Looking up, Orca saw hundreds of skeletons coming over the sanddune. It looked like Bazaal wanted to eliminate competition once and for all. Hecklord looked distressed. Pure skeletons such as these were hard to hit with arrows, but he readied his bow anyway. Baza could not turn the undead to stone, but he also readied himself anyway, preparing to use his claws to his advantage. Horaya started to chant some magical words, but he felt some kind of dark tide coming over him! His access to magic was blocked. Horaya drew his dagger, deciding his old self-defense training might not have been in vain anyway. Orca, however, was the only one truly standing his ground. This turned completly true as a giant creature loomed over the rise. It was a Black Dragon, Bazaal on its back! Horaya realized this was why he was unable to cast spells. Then the evil dragon's fear auroa came over them. Horaya and Hecklord started to run, soon joined by Baza. Orca, however, calmly stood his ground.
"Bazaal, you'll never win." Orca stated flatly, staring straight into Bazaal's eyes. Bazaal was enraged! He had never heard someone speak and eye him so calmly! He jumped forward, but was repulsed by something strange, protection Orca. Orca was in a state of complete calm. Bazaal cried out again, and then the Black Dragon dove at Orca. Orca's calm was shattered. Orca drew fearblade, hoping it would work on the dragon. The dragon slowed, but did not stop. Orca grimly took out his lightsaber, and aimed it to impale the dragon as it came down. This would not stop the dragon from killing Orca as it fell on top of him, but it would give Orca his revenge. Suddenly, an arrow flew from a nearby sanddune. The arrow stuck in the creature's nose, and the Dragon recoiled in pain, letting Orca run. He grabbed Hecklord, who had shot the arrow, and then gestured toward Baza and Horaya. "Get everyone together!" he shouted, watching Bazaal gain control of the dragon again. The huge dragon made a lunge, and Orca ducked out of the way. As the dragon pulled up, however, it grasped Orca in its claws. Orca drew his lightsaber and cut the claw that was holding him just enough to fall. As he did, the lightsaber stuck itself inside the Dragon, and it cried out in pain. Bazaal tried to control it, but the Dragon hurled back toward its home at maximum speed. Meanwhile, Orca fell hard onto the sand. He managed to sit up and see the dragon and undead retreating, then collapsed into uncounciousness.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

2000-01-23, 4:19 PM #156
Well, it's about friggin' time! []
2000-01-23, 4:43 PM #157
Who's this Ji'tory? Or was someone just trying to be funny....

And about Arbiter: Wow! keep this up and you'll make us all look bad! And I'm glad for once there are some original names....what do the rest of you have to say?
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-01-23, 4:51 PM #158
Whoever you are, I see you decided to drag that persona back out. I have a very strong feeling that it is bug. Since that name was used in acociation with the bug character. That and under the Occupation secion of Ji'tory's profile is Rat Stomper. The other thing is Hobbies: Bugging Ping_Me.

Don't mess around with the character "Ji'tory", I have very important plans.

Gebhoq: What do you mean by origional names? I have yet to see an un-origional name yet. Anyway, good start Arbiter.
2000-01-23, 5:19 PM #159
// This can only get worse.//
Kogi stood at the crest of a hill, fingering the hilt of Kennan nervously. A group of Daemon lords stood about half a mile away. Kogi had heard tell of these monstrosities of the Evil One, even run into a few. They were half again as tall as a normal man, and whose glowing eyes could still even the most courageous man's heart. They had command of the undead- usually 1 per undead Hand, which consisted of about 40-50 undead soldiers.
//Where are their Hands? Lords never stray far from them.//
Despite their apparent weakness, Lords were strong in magic and could easily dispose of any single attacker. Surprise was the only element Kogi had, and he intended to use it. Daemon lords usually had dark, poisoned blades at their side and would readily use them, too. Their swords were magic, too, but dark and tainted. A swipe from that sword could cut a man in half, but a nick would produce a wound that would, at first, fester then debilitate. They could be overcome, however. If downwind and out of sight, a person COULD overcome one or two, if his blade were true and he had a will like a dragon. Kogi was facing 4.
//By Merlin, How am I supposed to take FOUR? Merlin! That's it.//
An enchanted sword, with a spell of light cast on it and with an almost inhuman speed, one could take down 5 or so. It was Kogi's only hope. Muttering the strongest incantation of light he could remember on his sword, Kogi's plan was set in action. Sword glowing with an almost unbearable white light, Kogi crept down the hill at a slow pace. The Lords still did not notice him.
//What are they doing? Conversing with the Evil one himself?//
Kogi was about 100 feet from them now. Unsheathing Kennan, he ran quickly toward his targets. Still they did not notice.
//Why are they not turning to face their attacker?//
"Die, Vile Ones!" Kogi screamed as he was right on top of them. The group turned to face him finally, and Kogi was frozen slightly by their stare, but the attack was on and there was no stopping him. Kogi brought down the first with a diagonal swipe to the right, the second one was caught in the head by the upswing of Kennan. The third was sliced in half vertically by the downstroke at the end of the Densatsu- a move that looked slightly like a V and an I right next to each other. The fourth was decapitated by a single stroke. The last, however, was going to be a harder kill. It had moved away from the group during Kogi's initial attack. It's right hand was in the shape of one who is palming a ball, and its left hand was holding the right wrist. Sure enough, a small ball of magical fire formed in its palm. Eyes wide, Kogi was frozen, entranced by the ball in the things had. It was not the orange-yellow of normal fire, but a sickly green colour one would associate with decay and sickness.
"MOVE!!" Kogi's mind screamed.
The ball was growing, now nine inches in diameter, and would soon be ready to fire. Finally, Kogi's legs unstuck and he moved just in time. The ball had created a six inch deep crater where his feet had been a scant few seconds ago.
//That would have blown my legs off.//
Kogi thought as he strafed to the right. Another fireball barely missed Kogi as he zagged left. The next fireball hit the ground right in front of Kogi, spewing up smoke and dirt. Now on his side, and the fireball on its way, Kogi threw his sword at the Daemon. It struck the thing square in the chest. Screaming, the thing clutched its wound.
//That's a mistake.//
The fireball was still in its hand, and when it clutched the wound the fire spread to the robes the thing was wearing. Kogi's ears were near to bleeding when the thing was dead. Kogi pulled the sword from the ashes. Kogi set fire to the rest of the dead Daemon lords, and when there was nothing left except for smoldering remains, Kogi summoned a whirlwind to spead the ashes, not for any reason other than that ashes of Daemon lords infect the land with disease and kill any crops that are unlucky enough to be nearby. Kogi continued on his journey and set camp over the horizon from where he had killed the Daemon Lords.

[This message has been edited by Arbiter (edited January 23, 2000).]
2000-01-23, 5:27 PM #160
During the following twenty-four hours, very little was to be seen of either Ping or Pristine. Eyes would roll however whenever someone heard a laugh or a giggle somewhere in a corner of Merlin's Citadel. But the time came when fun had to be put aside and business had to be taken care of.

Meteor, Scout and Sakana sat around the fire waiting for the couple to come out of hiding. The did appear soon, looking very business like. Pristine appeared as she was so long ago, dressed mostly in white. Meteor about fell over upon seeing the woman everyone was talking about. They took their place among those at the fire. "Orca is hiding something. Bazaal is ravaging the land. There are two pressing matters at hand. Since I was unaffected by his main weapon, the Fearblade, Pristine and I shall go after Orca and the Sword."

"Is that a real good idea? I mean, Orca was more then a match for you. He's probably more then a match for both you and Pristine." Scout observed.

"We have no choice. C.E.D. is the only hope we have of defeating Bazaal." Suddenly a wind filled the hall. A strong wind. Everyone began to brace themselves aginast it. From out of nowhere a large portal open with a bright flash. Everyone shielded their eyes. In the portal thay all saw a picture. It was Orca facing Bazaal and Orca was holding CED. Orca turned around and walked to the edge of a lake. When he reached it he flung the sword with all of his might into the pitch black lake where all present watched it sink to unknown depths. Ping sunk to his knees in defeat.

"What does this mean?!" Sakana said.

"Sword go bye-bye." Meteor joked.

"What are you doing foolin around at a time like this! Don't you know what that sword means!?" Sakana yelled.

"Well, no, not exactly." Meteor said

Sakana gave up. "What are we going to do now?"

"We have to get everyone together and at least try and defeat Bazaal!" Scout said.

"I know that place!" Pristine said.

"What?" Ping said.

"Those are the Dark Lakes. They are to the north. East of Bazaal's fortress." She said. "The Dark Lakes were created in an ancient time, perhaps since the beginning of the world. There are fierce currents in them. No boat can sail on them, no fish live in them. That's what he's doing. He wanted to get rid of the sword completely."

"There's absolutey no way to get it back?" Ping asked.

"The lakes drain into the sea via some underground channel. By now the sword must have been swept out to sea." Pristine's words obviously did not help to brighten the general mood. Ping got up from the floor and began to walk toward the door. "Where are you going?" she asked.

"I'm not giving up. If all you say is true about the Dark Lakes then we would have a better chance of finding it in the ocean."

"You're going to look in the ocean?" Sakana chided.

"It may be a useless pursuit but, somehow I know it needs to be done."

"I think our time would be better spent finding Gebhoq and the others." Sakana said.

"You don't need to come. I'll go by myself. And you're absolutely right. Our time should be spent looking and waiting for the others. But I'm still going."

"Allright, Ping." Sakana said. Ping started for the door again.

"Wait!" Pristine said. Ping turned to look at his love. "I'll come with you." Ping smiled at her. They left with Scout and the others looking on.

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