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ForumsInteractive Story Board → The Shadows of Darkness.
The Shadows of Darkness.
2000-03-24, 4:52 AM #241
_-_-_ I'm going to write this, disregarding Gebohq's post about all of us running out the door. _-_-_

The new day dawned bright and cheery, at least around the Citadel. Were you to wake up anywhere else you would see a depressing, brown, bleak sunrise. There was a new magic surrounding the Citadel now, since Merlin's reappearance the previous evening. A long beam of sunlight fell across Shawn Templar's eyes, making him wince. Bug groggily sat in front of a coffee machine waiting for his first cup of coffee, and Ping_Me sat next to him in front of a computer waiting for his first dose of Java. [joke]

JK was nearly jumping out of his skin. He had been impaient since the night before. He could literally feel Gebohq's location. Something like this had never happened before and it puzzled him. He was especially anxious to be off and see if his intuitions were correct. He felt that the group was moving too slowly this morning. "C'mon! C'mon! What's taking so long?"

"Will you calm down? You know Ji'tory came back last night." Sakana said, pausing. "How late were we up again?"

"Speaking of Ji'tory, where is she?" Scout said.

"I don't know. Maybe sneaking around with Reyuan." [Note: Maybe some of you don't remember Reyuan. Read the latter part of "Saga" and the beginning of "Shadows" to get up to date on him]

To make a long story short (too late) everyone shuffled into the main hall. Ten figures stood around the eternally burning fire in the middle of the hall. Sakana, Scout, JK, bug, Shawn, Linna, Ji'tory, Reyuan, Ping and Pristine all watched the fire and waited for someone to say somthing. [Hope I didn't forget anybody]

"Bazaal is sure to have noticed our actions by now." Ping began. "It is unknown however as to whether or not he considers us a threat. That leaves us guessing what his actions will be against us. Since JK has a pretty good idea as to where Gebohq is, I suggest we split this group in half. Five of us will go to find Gebohq, the other five will stay here should anything happen to the Citadel."

"The Roc can hold three people." Sakana said. "Our travel would be much faster if we just split 3-7 and went by the air."

"But that wouldn't make much of a plot would it?" Ping said.

"Well, it makes the most sense."

"So when you get there you're going to make Gebohq walk the whole way back, or is he going to dangle by the bird's legs?" Pristine said levely. Sakana rolled his eyes. "I'll go." she said.

"Wherever you go I'm going too." Ping said looking into her eyes.

"Gag." bug commented.

"Hey buggaroo, how 'bout you come with us? I think a good dose of adventure would do you good."

"What!? Listen Greenie I ain't gonna stick my neck out for --OW!-- okay I'll come."

"One more person then." JK said.

"Shawn, would you be willing to come with us?" Ping said.

The dark man simply stood loking to Ping then to Linna and back again. He looked like he was torn between going and staying with Linna.

"Double gag."

"I'll go." Scout said. Shawn all but breathed sigh of relief. Linna looked at her and nodded in thanks, Scout returned the nod with a smile.

"It's decided then. Let's jam!" JK said.

_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ 2 days later _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

"Are you sure this is the way?" bug said.

"Of course I'm sure." JK said.

Evening was falling and the sky was a grey gloom. They were passing through some marshes on thier way toward some low mountains. Light was getting sparse and the trail through the marsh was becoming faint. bug swatted a misquito that was happily sucking in parasitic contentment, he rolled his eyes at JK. "Look, well be there in another three days, tops!" JK said in his defense.

They continued on in silence. bug swatted yet another misquito. "Dangit, Greenie how come you can't be like a bug zapper or something!!"

"And my first order of business would be to zap you." Ping said. "We're not going to get very much farther tonight, so lets just break camp."

bug muttered something about breaking someONE, but was suddenly busy rubbing his temples. Thunder rumbled in the distance as the sky grew darker and the group lit a fire. Bug, Scout and JK ate whatever provisions they had on them while Ping and Pristine tried to draw and restore as much energy as they could from the fire. It wasn't long before strange lights began to float eeirily through the ancient scraggily trees. They appeared in tones of blue and white appearing here and there, then winking out.

"The swamp gas is restless tonight." Bug said dryly.

"What is that?" Scout said.

"Basically what Bug said." Ping said. "Quite possibly methane gas is reflecting the light of the moon somewhere or the light from our fire. Legends say that they're the spirits of those who met thier end in the marshes. Or the spirits of those whose graves were swallowed by the marsh. Spirits, ghosts, the stories are about the same thing." Ping said quite calmly as the lights continued to float around them. Lightning flashed close by, as if to add it's own point to the story.

They continued to sit in silence. The air became very heavy and a strange sound was heard in the distance. It was awhile before they heard it again, a sort of squishing sound echoing lightly through the skeleton-like trees. The gloom increased around them.

JK suddenly stood up and looked beyond Ping into the trees. The others quickly noticed Jk action and did thier very best to mimic it. "I saw something. A light."

"You dipstick, we've been seeing lights all night long." Bug said.

"No, no. It was bright, like the campfire, and yellowish orange." They all continued to look on, unitll they too saw something. It was bright, but it moved slowly between distant trees, meandering aimlessly. The same squishing sound accompanied this new sight. They waited untill it came into a better view. It stood a little better than a man's hieght, and seemed to be made entirely of mud. It looked like the very floor of the marsh, furthermore it rippled with fire. Bight flames ran like snakes across it's muddy exterior. It lumbered sowly toward them each time is foot touched down in the swamp, it made that squishing sound.

"Pop Quiz! What is it?" Bug said.

"Well to take a wild guess, taking into account the mud, the fire and it's humanoid form, maybe a being brought to life from some corpse that has been perserved by the marsh. Perhaps reanimated by that last bolt of lightning or some dark sorcery. Methane gas could explain the fire."

"So it's an "Evil Undead Flaming Mud Monster". This story needs some new writers."

"I wonder what it wants." Pristine said. Everyone looked at Bug.

"What? I don't have a comment for everything!"

They waited and soon the creature stopped about three meters in front of them. Ping arched an eyebrow. It just stood there making a disgusting burbling noise. Everyone looked at the creature, then at each other then back again. Another pause.

Ping was about to suggest something when he was hit by a long arm of mud that shot from the belly of the monster. He flew through the air, the mud with a firm grasp on him. He landed in the stinking water beyond the camp. He fought to get up but the arm was holding him under. Pristines light sword flashed into being just in time to catch an arm that was directed at her. The arm met the blade and was sliced down the middle, mud flying through the air.

Meanwhile Scout, JK and Bug were not idle. JK and Scout drew thier swords and sprang into the ankle deep water. Bug ran back to the fire and grabbed his rail gun. Upon arming himself, he spun around to find that Scout and JK had aleady put two neat slices in to the mud monster. To his dismay the cut healed quickly. He leveled the weapon on the monster and fire two shots. Before the smoking charge could reach it, the monster swatted them out of the air, the charges exploding on contact with the arm. The arm was destroyed but healed quickly.

While JK and Scout faught through a hail of mud, Pristine ran back alongside of a great mud arm that was holding Ping under. With her sword she sliced it in half and soon Ping sufaced in the waist deep water. Together they ran back to the fight.

Whenever possible JK and Scout were making slices in the monster, they had to fight through a barrage of the "arms" that continually shot out of the mud monster, but for all thier work they didn't seem to score any damage. It seemed to be especially vigiant toward Bug's attacks. It swatted the rail charges whenever they were fired, whenever they could be fired, as Bug was constantly dodging mud right and left. Ping and Pristine soon caught up. Another shot nicked Bug.

"RRRGH. Hey you two cover me!" He said and dashed toward the mud monster. They looked at each other and hurried after Bug. They flanked him on either side, defending and slicing everything that came at them. When they reached the monster Ping and Pristine veered off to either side, slicing the legs as they went, thier light swords leaving trails in the darkness. The beast seemed to hesitate. Bug planted the end of his gun into the mud of the monster. "You're mine sucker." He said and fired the timer charge into it. The charge was absorbed by the mud. Bug turned and ran. It wasn't long before he was knocked over by the force of the explosion. Getting up out of the water he turned to see a great gaping hole in the mud monster. [see also that part in Terminator 2 where the liquid guy gets blown open]

Ping rebounded from his retreat and hurried back towards the monster. "Everybody, do him now!" JK, Scout and Pristine slpashed through the water as the ran back. Ping connected first slicing into the mud and like a natual pattern JK followed up with another slice. The mud creature began falling apart. Scout took another slice out of the creature's torso. Pristine followed up by slicing it down the middle to complete the hole made by Bug's attack. The mud monster collaped back into the swamp from whence it came.

Bug, Scout, JK, Pristine and Ping went back to the fire and sat down. Bug looked around at himself, JK and Scout. He found himself covered in mud along with Jk and Scout. However Ping and Pristine were spotless as usual. "How come you guys are clean and we're copies of that thing?"

"You can't change the appearance of a hologram." Bug looked sullen. "Chill out. Pristine and I will watch for anymore of these, while you guys rest."

"Well thank goodness for small favors." Bug said.

Don't stop baby, dreamin'
Don't stop baby, lovin'
Don't stop baby, believeing

2000-03-24, 6:01 AM #242
Earth...Air...Fire...Water...NATURE. The powers flowed through him, enveloping him in their protective cocoon. No evil, no wrong could pass through, no disturbance could come, the peace would remain. It was like a dream, and yet true, a paradise, and yet full of death, a blissful place, yet full or sorrows. The heart of the world was beckoning, and Orca had obeyed its call. Now, he was tapped into this flowing network of the entire planet, of everything. The trees, the grasses, the flowers, the shrubs, the ground itself, the animals, and even the self-loving humans were simple parts of this greater structure. And now he was at the heart of it, watching through this huge natural information network, seeing the world. In the center of it all was a strange thing, almost a soul of the entire planet, the central brain of nature itself, the one which dictated life and death, survival and extinction. And now this heart spoke to him, its voice soft and sweet, its voice sounding like a lullaby.
"Space Orca, you are the chosen. Nature's chosen. You have been called, and you have answered the call. First, I must tell you one thing: There is a "god" of sorts, Merlin is not entirely a fool. But he is only human, a human who was so confident in himself it came true, a human who, through evil means, elevated himself to greatness. What he is now does not matter. He could be as caring as Merlin says, or an evil maniac, but he is still not as nature says. You, friend, are my champion on the mortal world. You must find those who believe in my rule, those who will follow my order of things. You must eliminate this "god"'s support basis in the mortal world. Once that is done, I can bring him back to the natural order of things." the voice finished, and then cut off, leaving Orca with a sense of having lost something precious. He was in his throne room again, and yet he knew now his home was really deep in that network of nature. For now, though, he had a mission. To try and tip the scales in a battle of omnipotent powers.

(Note: I hope you don't mind if I start this plotline here, the battle with Bazaal should go on, after that I want to run a story following this plotline after the events of S.O.D.)
Another note I forgot: I don't believe a thing I mention in this in real life, don't worry...

[This message has been edited by Space_Orca (edited March 24, 2000).]
-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

2000-03-24, 7:11 AM #243
(non-story reply) Hey Orca, whatever you have planned, don't be too set on it. You never know what events will happen to radically alter them (remember, this story was only made because Saga of the 3rd War had a bad ending, and it was because of a post of yours if I remember correctly *though you should never rely on my memory, heehee*). As for your post, I personally have problems with your character being good AND wanting to wipe out our characters because they believe in God...unless this is leading to one of those Evil Luke twists ("really, II'm only on the dark side so I can destroy it from within, I'm actually good"..uh-huh). And off to that topic, where can I get Dark Empire comics 3-6? Or do they even exist?

As for Ping's post: WAY better than mine, so I'll be more than happy to disregard that post. And I wanted the mud monster to win--er, I mean, go Ping! Bad mud monster! No cookie for you.

And just to keep things straight in my head:

--Merlin is off to see Dragonfly
--Sakana, Ji'Tory, Reuyan, Shawn and Lina at Citadel
--Ping, Pristine, bug, JK and Scout off to see Geb (and out of this group, I'd have to believe Geb would only be friendly to Scout, since he still thinks Ping is dead, Pristine and bug were bad, and hasn't see JK. Ought to be interesting, this meeting.)
--Kogi telling Geb about past w/Avenger (and is Avenger at the Citadel?)
--bad guys taking a back seat...or not? *insert evil laughter*..haha-cough. Or not. Well, not by me anyways unless I can think of something good.

Things forgotten(by me anyways):

--C.E.D. is with good guys (and since evil people can use it, I'm seeing the sword as a catalyst for a vaguely described power of any force, whether it be Magic or a supreme being).
--Scout and Dirtbag are one and the same (never both at the same time)
--Bazaal had thrown away CED because it seemed to serve no purpose, then thought about giving it to Orca, fully knowing that Orca would try to get rid of it by throwing it in the Dark Lakes, which he could then get (maybe it had to be washed with evil before he could touch it?), but Merlin got to it first
--if a comedic situation is ever needed, have 2 elven warriors whom have soiled themselves run by
--Either Orca or Bazaal has fearblade
--Orca is still "allied" with Bazaal, has Nature guiding him (whether it is Nature talking to him I suppose we'll find out later). orca is 1 of 2 superforces (the other being Bazaal), and as far as I know, still is evil, but deludes himself in thikning he's good (since he has yet to try to help the party yet...I think)
--Yimir is 2nd in command, with Carnid (what did he do? I forget) in 3rd. Jason has control over Tessa (Geb's gonna get ma-ad...), and Orca killed Jezabba(Yimir not happy w/that either).
--Bazaal's power is humanly absolute: aka Daemon lords and being able to brainwash people (we can't kill villagers brainwashed, can we?) He wants the power of hell Dirtbag has shown him though.
--Dragonfly is with his people at Beuto city, leader of the people and probably has rebuilt it by now
--JK's sword has some power with it (what is it? I dunno)
--Ping and Pristine meet Kogi when he was still planning to go to Citadel. Do they think about why they didn't see him again?
--Geb can alter his appearance(reminder), and has already done a appearance change in himself(not a normal temp. change into a rock or something), and he look sa lot like Apathis (the hair)
--and more I'm sure I've forgotten, even though I just re-read the story []

And so everyone knows, I'm going back and copying the story posts from Saga of the 3rd war and SoD into a file, edit grammatical things, and put suggestions for plot/character/etc changes elsewhere. I can send it to you guys, and you can do the same, and then we can have a decent story. If you're not interested in doing this obviously that would be fine too. Anywhos, back to life and imagining this story as an anime movie. Oh yeah...

" got complicated. Well I can't wait to see this through."
(Third Eye Blind)


[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited March 24, 2000).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-03-24, 11:53 AM #244
pHeAr mY l33T sLaCkInG sKiLlZ....

Geb: lol. Just remember, if there happens to be the need for the aforementioned comedic situation, Ping should be present and try his best to avoid having to explain it.
- Hadn't thought about the whole Kogi incident. (whoops)
- Spy inside Bazaal's Palace (Frag) who teeters on the brink of insanity in the hopes of someday bringing about the end of Bazaal's rule. Even if it is at the cost of his own sanity.
- Jason isn't wholely evil. He's kind caught in the evil of his situation. Kinda tragic really.

Space_Orca: Ahem...

*COUGH**SPLUTTER**GAG*powergame!*COUGH**COUGH* *CHOKE*powergameing!*COUGH*


Boy those coughing fits sure catch up to me!

Don't stop baby, dreamin'
Don't stop baby, lovin'
Don't stop baby, believeing

2000-03-24, 12:49 PM #245
Ping, its called an overplot I think, its where you have a much larger thing going on that the real scope of the story the charechters are sort of involved in. And, Orca is "good" by his standards, he never was ordered to kill them, just convert them. I'm not going to get S.O.D. too tied up in this plot, I'm going to wait until it is over for that, unless anyone wants to kill me in this one, in which the next one will be substantially different.
-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

2000-03-24, 1:27 PM #246
*enters comic Geb, looking much like Mel Brooks from "history of the World: Part 1"*

Geb: "The Inquisition, what a show! The Inquisition, here we go! I bet you're wishin' that we'd go away...But the Inquisition's here and it's here to stay!"

Oops, guess that song broke out because that's what I think of most "convertings", heehee. Wish I had a better idea of how you plan to continue this story, because I would of thought the theme from both SoD and "Saga.." would be dead once Bazaal was defeated. Post lata.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-03-24, 4:45 PM #247
In the words of good brother Squall from FF8:

2000-03-25, 4:49 AM #248
Ahem. Powergaming? coooool...
Today is the day after the day before after the day two days before tomorrow, as of two days before yesterday.
2000-03-25, 8:27 AM #249
Powergaming is a term used on other interactive story boards. It means an author is creating a character who can exert an unfair amout of power without limiting that character in some way(s), or is making DRASTIC changes in other authors characters without the persmission of that author (i.e. character alignment(evil, neutral, good) and death). Powergaming is not allowed in this story. Merlin reserves the right to change a situation if a character is becomeing too powerful (see Deadjedi(Saga), Space_Orca(SoD)), or the situation can be changed by popular vote.

Don't stop baby, dreamin'
Don't stop baby, lovin'
Don't stop baby, believeing

2000-03-25, 8:38 AM #250
Actually, when Merlin "balanced out" my charechter, he was doing almost exactly what I was going to do very soon afterwards. Anyway, Ping, if you haven't noticed, I haven't exactly shown and god-like powers recently, just been endorsed by the godess of nature and given a really hard quest...And now, once everyone realizes my quest, I'm going to be hated almost world over. That balance enough for you, ping?
-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

2000-03-25, 10:21 AM #251
He got you there Ping.

Can't say I agree with what Orca wants the story to go, but this IS an interactive story board. And he did say that he wouldn't be focusing on this new quest of his until the next story (which I'm still waiting on an explination of your main plot Orca).

And I'll be writing soon enough for the story.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-03-26, 4:36 AM #252
Very good Orca! I'm happy to see that you've balanced your character. Anyway, on with the story!
2000-03-26, 4:20 PM #253
Hey, Merlin, my anime-loving friend and I created a new website for fanfictions and stories at:

And, with your permission, I'd like to post what you have of the Saga of the Third War story there. Speaking of which, whats the adress again?
2000-03-26, 4:54 PM #254
*JK_Meteor climbed the jagged rocks with determination, as he is followed by Ping and Pristine, Scout, and bug dragging behind.*

Scout: This is looking awefully familiar.

Ping: You know Scout, I think you're right. This looks like the Misty Mountains. A part we never walked, but it's that indeed.

JK: OH! I think we're almost there.

*With one final grab, JK pulls himself up onto flatter ground, where a entrance to a dwelling could be seen. JK helped the others up to where he was, then pointed his finger towards the dwelling with obvious excitement.*

JK: It's there! Right there!

bug: Hey...I think I've seen this before. Yeah, I have seen it, at ol' Bazaal's place. In that little swirlign pool of his.

Ping: And you didn't tell us this before?!?

bug: Well how was I suppose to know it was Geb's place?

Ping: *sigh* Well, let's check it out.

*The five of them walked into the dwelling. They take notice of the simple settings of the room: the two straw beds, the area where the cooking fire was held, and a table with two chairs, which were occupied. In the first chair was Gebohq, which they all had trouble identifying, and Kogi, which Ping and Pristine recognized and were thouroughly surprised. The two of them had been conversing when they had entered.*

*Gebohq turned to see who in the world would be entering in his dwelling. Gebohq's mouth nearly dropped at seeing Ping first, whom he assumed for dead, Pristine and bug, whom he thought were working for Bazaal, Scout, whom Gebohq had befriended with during their earlier quest, and a person he did not identify with. Gebohq spoke to Scout*

Gebohq: Who is that man?

Scout: He is JK_Meteor. He was the one who lead us to find you. *JK grinned with pride*

Gebohq: Oh. *looks at Ping with sheer amazement* I-I thoguht you were-

Ping: Dead? Hardly. I was just in my...pasive state. I guess you could say I was in a coma until someone had activated me.

*Gebohq stared at Ping with horror at the words he uttered. Gebohq stood up and backed away from the five, pushing the chair aside. He looked at all five of them with a sense of paranoia.*

Gebohq: Don't let them touch you Kogi. Pristine and bug must of came here to kill me, or brainwash me. *to Ping* You stay back Apathis!

Kogi: (looking very confused)What are you talking about Gebohq? I saw the ones you call Ping and Pristine as I was walking to Merlin's Citadel.

Pristine: Yeah, how in the world did you get here so quickly? And how did you find Gebohq like that?

Kogi: It's hard to explain, but when there's time, I'll make sure to explain it in full detail. Gebohq, where are you going?

Gebohq: They've tricked you somehow. I can't let them get me!

*Gebohq ran madly out of the dwelling*

Kogi: *sigh* Here I go again.

*The six of them attempt to catch up with Gebohq*

" got complicated. Well I can't wait to see this through."
(Third Eye Blind)

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-03-27, 8:15 AM #255
"Gebohq!" Scout yelled.

"I don't see him," Ping said as the hextet began to scatter across the mountainside in search of Geb. "Where'd he go?"

"And I thought I was making progress," Kogi moaned.

"So who are you anyway?" JK demanded of Kogi.

"Me? Who are you?" Kogi returned.

"Hey, hold on," Ping interrupted to two.

Scout watched the unfolding scene from where she had been searching for a moment, until, suddenly, she thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye. Casually turning away as if she'd seen nothing, Scout then went off as if to search in another direction, then began to circle around.

After a moment of sneakiness, Scout found herself behind Gebohq, who was watching the party nervously. Quietly, she crawled up beside him. With all his attention aimed at Ping and company, Geb didn't seem to notice.

"They still chasing you?" Scout whispered.

"Yeah," Geb whispered back. "I think they... hey!"

"Hey!" Scout replied cheerily, waving.

Cringing away, a confused look on his face, Gebohq seemed torn between running and staying to chat. "Scout! But... wait, you were with them... but..."

"You're right, Geb," Scout whispered to him. "We're all agents of Bazaal, because you are just such a threat to him, that he'll send innumeral agents out to try and make you feel bad. I mean, he's so afraid of your mighty abilities, that he's not even going to try and eliminate you once and for all, no he's just going to try and depress you for a while."

Gebohq began nodding. "Yeah, that bas...," he paused, his eyes narrowing. "Hey, you're making fun of me, aren't you?"

Scout grinned. "Satire can be a good wake up call."

Gebohq worked his mouth and motioned at the party further up the mountain. "But... them.... they...?"

"They're all genuine, I promise. I may seem weird... well, you know the old saying that truth is stranger than fiction?"

"Not really."

"Well, there's this old saying: Truth is stranger than fiction."

"Har har." Gebohq stared at her for a minute. "So what if it's true that you're all... who you say you are? What do you want with a pathetic wretch like me?"

Scout sighed and banged her head on a rock. "Geb," she said. "Why do you think you're worthless?"

"Ah, because I am?" Geb replied. "I've been hiding out here for years. I'm a coward. I've been sitting here waiting to die while Bazaal conquers the world. I am nothing. Can't you see that?"

Scout looked at him for another moment. "You're right, you are."

"No, no, there's no point..." Geb blinked. "What?"

"As long as you sit here on your ass, feeling sorry for yourself, you're worthless. To us, to the world, to yourself. You're not going to be worth anything until you start doing something."

"You don't get it," Gebohq insisted. "Even if I went with you, what's the point? I'd just drag down the group, maybe even get you all killed. I couldn't live with myself if that happened."

"Maybe if you don't help, we'll die because you weren't there."

"Do you really believe that?" Geb asked bitterly.

"Gebohq," Scout said firmly. "I didn't come out all this way to listen to you moan about how much you suck. I came here because I believed that you could and would help us. So did all the others. That's six to one in our favor. Maybe you're the one that's wrong."

Geb sat up and grabbed his head. "No, you're wrong, I... Can I be wrong?"

Grabbing Geb by the nose, Scout forced him to look in her eyes. "Okay, I'm fed up with you, buddy. There's two things you can do in this life, your best and your worst. Currently, whatever your potential, you're doing your worst by sitting here crying over past defeats. I don't know what the best you can do is, but I sure as hell know that it's gotta be better than that." She pushed him away, sending him sprawling back to the ground. "Decide. I, for one, am tired of this BS. And do something about that haircut. You look like a dope."

Geb stared slackjawed at her as she marched back towards the others in a huff.

[This message has been edited by Scout (edited March 27, 2000).]
2000-03-27, 5:00 PM #256
Gebohq: (to himself)Haircut? Since when did I get a--

*Gebohq strokes the top of his head to realize that indeed much of the hair he had was now simply not there.*

Gebohq: That's odd. I haven't altered my physical appearance permenantly for god knows how long. And I don't ever remember doing such a thing subconsciously before.

*He continues to peer through the bushes, taking notice of Scout. To his surprise, Scout had not appeared to have told the others where he was and instead pretend to continue looking for him. Gebohq looked down at his feet to collect his thoughts.*

Gebohq: (thinking to himself)I never knew Scout to be so straight foreward before. Probably for the better too. She pointed out some obvious things about me. Well, guess they hadn't been obvious enough, because my thick skull hadn't registered them. But am I going to just go help them; make up my mind, just like that?

*Gebohq's mind was beginning to clutter with repeating thoughts of worthlessness and failures. They began to cloud his mind.*

Gebohq: (thinking)You know what? I just don't care anymore. Not about them, not about Bazaal, not anything to do with this stupid war! I just don't care!

*Gebohq slinked away from the six and started to walk away from his dwelling, looking down at the ground the whole time. Just as he had walked several feet, he notices a pool of water on the ground, and caught an unfamiliar reflection in it. Walking back to look at it more carefully, he saw a thin and tired man with short hair. Gebohq thought how little it looked like him, and more like Apathis.*

Gebohq: Oh God, what has become of me? I've become what I've hated most! I can't abandon them, for I'd be killing off all that I've lived for. And Tessa! I have to go back!

*He madly ran back towards the dwelling, as if he didn't run fast enough, they might decide to leave him. He caught up and spoke to Scout, while the others took notice of Gebohq's entrance.*

Gebohq: I *pant* changed my *huff huff* mind Scout. (looks towards Kogi) I don't know why I backed off like that Kogi. I guess I was just overwhelmed.

bug: Yeah, well something messed you up these nine years. Your taste in hairstyle is just horrible.

*Gebohq smiled at bug's obvious remark*

Gebohq: Hold on everyone. I'll be right back.

*The six looked at each other in confusion as Gebohq ran back where he had just went. Several minutes later, Gebohq came back with his standard longer bowlish-hair and a bundle of thin sticks.*

Gebohq: Here, take these. (hands sticks to the six) You will find these very useful.

JK: Er...sticks? I think you've been alone for a tad too long.

Gebohq: Oh? Then try snapping one in half. Go ahead.

*Gebohq smiled as JK tuisted the stick into every angle possible, but could not break it. JK looked up at Gebohq with a confused look.*

JK: But how could this be possible?

Gebohq: Got me. All I know is that I've tried nearly everything on them: snapping then, cutting them, even burning them! I know they're not indestructible though, obviously, because they broke off a tree. Well, I'm sure we'll find some use for them, and if you'd like more before we leave, I'll show you where I found them. But if you don't mind, I'd like to stay here for a few days to collect my things, and go through a process of sorts that will help clear my mind and soul of all it's crap.

Pristine: (to Ping)Does he always talk this much?

Ping: *With a smile* Yeup. It'll be good to have good old Geb back.

Kogi: Er..Gebohq. I was talking to you about something before they came.

Gebohq: Oh yeah! Go ahead and tell the others too. I'm sure Ping and Pristine would be interested in hearing it.

*Kogi sat in his chair while the others gathered to listen. Gebohq sat farther away with his eyes closed, breathing purposely. The sky began to simmer to a starry night.*
" got complicated. Well I can't wait to see this through."
(Third Eye Blind)


[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited April 01, 2000).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-04-01, 8:18 AM #257
*In Merlin's Citadel, Reyuan twirled C.E.D. in his hands. The others preoccupied themselves with little things. Reyuan looked at the base of the sword, noticing the engraving on it.*

Consilium eX Deo

*Reyuan noticed how the letters that were capitalized looked like an infinity sign together. This little revelation was to be something of a high point for him, since most of the time was spent waiting.*

*The scene in the Citadel was reflected in the swirling pool of water, in which Yimir looked at. After becoming bored with the lack of action, Yimir turned away from it, and began to practice his magic in his privacy.*

*Elsewhere in Bazaal's fortress, Carnid and Bazaal walked through the endless corridors, talking among themselves.*

Carnid: I think it is time to take action against Merlin's rising party of warriors.

Bazaal: And I agree. Listen to me Cathar, and listen carefully. We will intercept the seven that are coming back from the Misty Mountains, then lure the other's in Merlin's Citadel out into an ambush. Then we can deal with Beurto City and cut my ties with Orca.

Carnid: As you wish your Greatness.

Bazaal: //As well as Dirtbag. That is, after I obtain his secrets//

*Bazaal smiled to himself.*

(NSP: OK, you can all post...possibley, maybe...don't worry about Arbiter. He can just say his post was to fit with earlier in the story. I want to see this moving on!)

" got complicated. Well I can't wait to see this through."
(Third Eye Blind)


[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited April 04, 2000).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-04-01, 10:49 AM #258
[nsp]If I posted anything it's be pretty short.......[/nsp]
"Maybe you like rainbows"
I can't remember what to say!!!!
Click here for my homepage.
2000-04-04, 2:38 PM #259
*In Gebohq's dwelling, everyone is fast asleep. In fact, so are the others at Merlin's Citadel. The whole face of the Earth seemed to of been suffering from narcolepsy. In the Dark Towers, Bazaal laughs outloud.*

Bazaal: Mwahahaha! Now that I've put all the people to sleep, no one can stop my reign of terror!

Carnid: You've reached a new low, you know that?

Bazaal: I know [] But nothing is going on! It's like as if the writers of destiny (coughhinthintcough) simply vanished. Wonder where they could be...

(if you didn't pick up my subliminal message through this badly written comical post, then here it is in English: POST! nurgh...I think it's becoming a lost cause now.)

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited April 04, 2000).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-04-04, 4:08 PM #260
Dangit Geb, we have lives too ya know.
2000-04-05, 9:19 AM #261
Shh! No you don't [] Lol, foiled again! Oh well, can't blame me for trying (angry mob: watch us!) *Geb is being chased by an angry mob*

I think I've most definately reached a new low [] I just meant that we didn't post as much as we use to Ping. You know its just FF8 getting in your way [] Maybe I'm just too in-love with writing, I dunno. Well, hope you find the time to post, but I understand if you can't.

And to Ping's post below: Bah, who needs sleep? I sure don--zzzzzzzzz...

If I wasn't afraid of making this story bland and uninteresting(which I've been told, and I'm sure they're right), I'd post more often.

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited April 05, 2000).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-04-05, 10:42 AM #262
Actually no. Now that I've beaten FF8 twice, my time is consumed with: studying for the SAT's, learning Java, making up work I owe to other editors, my "money" work and housework. Oh and I like to sleep too.
2000-04-05, 2:17 PM #263
(NSP: This post is to go after Arbiter's post about finishing his past history with Avenger *which I hope he posts*.)

*The night sky has been above for quite some time. After having heard the intricite past between Kogi and Avenger, and having talked about themselves and past events, the group was growing tired. Gebohq took a break from his ritual to get sleep as the others were.*

Ping: Well it's getting late and we should all get some rest. We'll talk tommorow about our future plans as Gebohq finishes his ritual. Someone should stand guard, just in case something may happen.

*Kogi stood to await Ping's voice confirming that Kogi should stand guard.*

Ping: Therefore, I will take the nightshift. Obviously, since I need no sleep...Before we all get to sleep, however, I need everyone's help in securing the dwelling. Kogi, would you mind getting more firewood to keep teh fire burning?

Kogi: Actually, yes. I know this place better than any of you, save Gebohq. I could be of more assistance here than doing such a menial task as getting firewood.

Ping: I'm sorry you see it as menial, but it is actually essential to keep me going. And--

Kogi: It's not right though! You should send someone like JK to get firewood (JK gives a "humph" at Kogi's comment). My potential would be wasted otherwise.

*Ping and the others sighed and were about to let Kogi do as he wished when Gebohq stood up in objection.*

Gebohq: I thought better of you Kogi! Thinking you're all high and mighty!

Pristine: Calm down Gebohq, JK can go get the firewood.

Gebohq: No! All the time you spent with me Kogi, I thought highly of you. But now I can see better. Pride has clouded your mind. A better person would do whatever lead to the good ends.

*Kogi stared at Gebohq with new anger.*

Kogi: I'm simply stating that I would be better suited here and not collecting firewood.

Gebohq: Yes, it has to be either do it all or don't do anything, isn't it?

Kogi: You're overreacting now.

Gebohq: Am I? Then why can't you do what Ping asked you to?

Kogi: I can! I just...*Kogi was at a loss of words* I can't explain it in simple enough terms for your simple mind.

Gebohq: Cutting me down. That's real low of you Kogi. Real low. I'll go get the firewood Ping.

*Gebohq paced outside the dwelling as teh rest look at each other in silence, and then looked at Kogi.*

" got complicated. Well I can't wait to see this through."
(Third Eye Blind)

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-04-06, 12:15 AM #264
Bug sat at the table in Gebohq's hut and whipped out a box of Wheaties. He foraged around and found a bowl and a spoon, much to his delight. He sat back down at the table and was about to pour the cereal when he came to the horrible realisation that there was no milk. He groaned in frustration. Nothing seemed to go his way. He looked up to notice Kogi eyeing him warily from across the table. Bug looked from Kogi to the Wheaties and back again. "You want some?" He said. The oriental man simply arched an eyebrow and said nothing. Bug grabbed the box, leaned back and opened his mouth so wide it would have made Dirtbag wince. He proceeded to dump most of the cereal into his mouth.

"Morning Bug." Bug promptly spewed the cereal across the room in a manner only akin to geysers. He foldered his arms on the table and laid his head on them in frustration. Out of one eyes he could see both Gebohq and Kogi looking at him with surprised expressions. Gebohq proceeded to sit down next to Bug.

"You were very aloof last night. Everyone told thier stories to me and mine to them. Not a peep out of you."

"I'm not the kind that shares in the warm fuzzy stuff." he said, trying to avoid having to talk about himself.

"Regardless." Gebohq said simply, keeping a level gaze on him.

Bug sighed when he knew there was no way out. "Well..."


Torches flickered in the dimly lit hallways. They did little to improve vision. You just went from torch to torch. That was how you found your way around Bazaal's palace. Frag supposed that it was a good metphor for evil. With nothing else to cling to you simply went from point to point without hope, purpose or reason.

Bazaal had made well known the plans he intended for a small group of rebels that opposed him nine years ago. Frag was but a small child at that time. Stories were circulated in his home colony of the deeds done by these heroes. Now according to Bazaal they had somehow arisen again and posed a major threat to him. Away from the torchlight in the shadows of darkness he wished he were with them. He also wished his revenge against Bazaal.

For a moment he struggled with himself over these issues. Could he just join these rebels without them knowing? Would Bazaal find out? What would be for thier good? Is his thirst for revenge just for his own glory of the benefit of his people and that of the whole world? Would he be able to withstand the constant attacks on his mind long enough to see any plans out?

A scuttling noise somwhere in the darkness brought him back. An endless hallway stretched before him and the only thing he could see were points of firey light. Frag made his way onward through shadow and light.

At the end of the hallway stood a door. But not just any kind of door. You come to expect the unassuming in this place. There was a distinct door frame but it's interior was but a smooth surface, like polished marble. Were you to come here at any other time you would find a shimmering "gate" as it were. This was the only one like it of it's kind. Bazaal had taken a considerable amout of time and his energy to make it. For good reason. This door would "jump" you to another specified point in space. More specifically, Bazaal's Tower. Where it was constructed to come out. It had taken Bazaal years to make it.

Frag could not enter, for, like a door, it was closed. Only very few times was this door closed. The times when Bazaal needed vast amounts of power to accomplish great tasks. Bazaal's tower was what you would call a "focal point". A point where the natural flows of earth, air, water and fire crossed. It was hard enough a concept for Frag to understand, but if a Wizard were to cast magic at this point, his power would be amplified to astronimical proportions. Ever more so, the more you concentrated. The result of which would drain the natural flows for years to come until they restore themselves. The reason for sealing the door would be for better concentration without the magical opening in time/space.

Frag stood staring at the almost mirror-like surface. The door was closed. Which meant that Bazaal was performing some astronomical feat. Frag got a sudden sinking feeling inside himself when he coupled this with the news of the rebellions movements. It was no small thing to say that there was about to be trouble.


The image before him rippled and swayed like someone jumping into a still lake. Bazaal cursed himself in his weakness. Power was verything and he had the power. But the image quality wasn't important. It was for aesthetics anyway. A little spare power for the pleasure of himself. The image was of a man, if this worthless creature deserved to be called a man. The only way he could be called as such was that he took on the shape of one. He hated him, as he hated the rest of them. It was going to be good NOT to kill them. A female came into veiw. He knew her too, for she was a part of the first rebellion. He would make sure there would never be a second. He paused for a moment and though about how good it would be to somehow transport her here and slowly torture her. But his prize was elsewhere.

But his break was over. The image flickered and winked out of existance. Bazaal looked out over the side of the tower into the distance. A perfectly positioned mountain range, a lake, a volcano, and the jetstream passing directly overhead. Nowhere else on this planet did such conditions exist. He grinned in spite of himself. It had been long since he harnessed all these powers, and it would be long before he did agian.

He fell into the necessary mediative trance and mumbled the tenth and final part of the incantation. In the part of his mind that was not concentrating, he laughed like a madman.


"So who's the leader this time around?" Gebohq said.

Taken aback by the question everyone looked around at each other. Soon enough people were looking at Ping.

"Well no one's really a leader. We've just been working with each other on what the whole group says." Everyone nodded.

"I think there should be a leader. Someone should be making the decisions rather than us being wishy washy and arguing amongst ourselves as to the best path to take next."

"Hmph. First he doesn't want to come and now he wants there to be a leader? You sure got your balls back in a hurry, pal." bug said.

A silent dicussion soon ensued. The group looked around to the other members, waiting for someone to come foreward. Attention was drawn to Pristine walkng toward Ping. She wispered into his ear and his eyebrows shot up. She wispered all the more and when she finished Ping nodded.

"Pristine and I nominate Gebohq." Ping said.

Gebohq practically jumped out of his shoes, socks, pants and shirt. "B-B-B-but... I...!"

"HIM!!! Are you nuts!?" bug said.

"It is no secret that you are unsure of yourself, Gebohq." Pristine said. "Perhaps if you assmumed a leadership role these inscure feelings will dispell themselves."

Gebohq fidgeted in place and said nothing. "It doesn't need to be for long. Perhaps only until we return to the Citadel. Just so you can maybe sort out your feelings." she continued.

"How about Ping? Why couldn't he-- ..... oh, alright.." Gebohq said, finally giving in.

Pristine clapped her hands. "Great! So whats the first move?"

Everyone eyed Gebohq as he scratched his head. "Well..uh.. Let's get back to the Citadel... I think?" he said.

"Great. We're now taking orders from Mr. Confidence. Remind me to review my life insurance policies." bug said.


The dead forest stretched on. Dead being an exremely descriptive term for it. As the desolation had long since spread to this area. Great trees once adorned all in green now stood bare, gnarled and twisted. A single dusty path ran through the forest. This was the quickest alternative path around the swamp. A path that everyone supported Geb's decision in taking.

A wind picked up the dust in the forest. The bare branches clacked together, and the air became heavy. Meteor fell to his knees, he held his head in pain and grunted under some strange force. Everyone looked around until they started dropping too in the same manner as Meteor. The wind around them intensified until it was a raging cyclone, the earth around them rumbled. Ping suddenly looked at himself and found that he looked less like a full sized human. It was like he was quickly being flattened like a cartoon character. The same was happening to Pristine. As for everyone else they had gone from being on thier knees to laying on the ground. They nearly writhed in pain. Ping surmiesed that gravity was increacing around them, this could be accounted for by the intense pressure they were experienceing. Trees were falling and the air vibrated and the world shook violently. Ping found himself nearly unable to move.

"Bug! Is there anything you can do!?" he shouted against the elements that seemed to be thier enemies. Bug mumbled some magic words. His voice seemed to be cast away by the raging storm.

It was like the entire world was suddenly bending inward on thier small party. The ground cracked and gave way. They soon found themselves falling at an incomprehensible rate. Reality shimmered and waved around them. Until it too tore asunder, plunging them into a darkness unlike anything known in the universe. And they knew nothing more.


If it was possible for a hologrammatic lifeform to be unconscious without total shutdown, this was it. Ping thought maybe some force was clouding his senses, back through to his projection unit, but that couldn't be possible. Upon getting up from his prone position he observed everyone else either sitting around or still unconscious. Ping looked around and saw, well not much really. It was like being in a negative of a black and white photo. Whatever they stood on was "striped" -almost- by white lines. bug got up as soon as Ping moved over to where all the conscious were standing. Namely Gebohq, Ping, Pristine, bug and Meteor.

"Well! You're probably wondering, "Where he heck are we?" huh?" bug said.

Everyone looked at bug in surprise. He ginned and continued. "So my years of study with Bazaal hasn't been for nuthin'. This is the shadow dimension!"

"Sounds like somthing out of a bad fiction novel." Ping said.

"You ain't kiddin "Greenie". Everything you see here on the ground is the shadows of what we saw in the other world."

"You mean we're seeing the shadows of the trees in the forest?" Pristine said.

"Right. We will see no living thing here also. Take that hawk over there for instance." he gestured to his right. on the ground there slowly moved a hawk's figure, white, dissapearing between the shadows of the trees. "As you can see, we only see the shadows but reversed. This dimension is actually two over from our own."

"So how do we get back?" Inquired Scout, who somehow managed to wake up along with Kogi.

"No problem." bug said. He reached into his pocket and drew out a handfull of black stones. "Oh wait. This only works for one person. Plus It only works for spacial travel. Not dimensional."

"SO WE'RE STUCK HERE!!!!????" Meteor said, grabbing bug by his collar.

"Hands off. No were not." Bug brushed off where Sakana's hands had been. "I can take a pretty good guess at how we got here. It would take an incredible amount for power to do what we saw back there, and since it was directed against us, it must have been Bazaal. Orca doesn't have access to that kind of power."

"So how'd he do it?" Gebohq said.

"'Thought you'd never ask. While you guys were out of the loop, Bazaal found a focal point on that world and built a tower there. From there he can cast a powerful spell there every few years. I've seen him do it, it's not pretty. I'm kind of flattered that he would use that kind of power against us."

"So what has all this got to do with us?" Ping said.

"Well there should be a similar point in this world/dimension since it is a reflection of that one."

"So you can get there right?"

"Well not really. I have a rough estimate as to where it is. You see we always used to go from the palace to the tower through a "door" in the palace."

"CAN you find it." Ping said.

"YES! YES! Jeez... It's going to take some time though."

"Well, leader?" Pristine said smiling.

"Oh. Uhh.. Well since it's only thing we can do right now..." Gebohq said

"Great. Lets split. Follow me gang!" bug said trotting off.

As the travelled they found that objects in the other world were very phsyical here, only somewhat invisible. "Don't worry. When the sun goes down and the moon comes out everything should become almost as clear as day." bug said

"So like how come Bazaal couldn't just open a portal and kick us through at any time?" Gebohq asked.

"You gotta be right there to make a dimensional portal. Remember Merlin made those dimensional portals? He was there and expended great energy to do so. And you can't just force someone into a portal. Besides, Bazaal likes effects."

They soon broke camp, the light of the fire a strange thing in this world, and waited for a cloudless night.

// Hope no one objects to this, it does seem a little radical.

/// nuts. Just remembered Sakana isn't with this party, he's at the Citadel. Revisions made to correct.

Don't stop baby, dreamin'
Don't stop baby, lovin'
Don't stop baby, believeing


[This message has been edited by Ping_Me (edited April 06, 2000).]
2000-04-06, 12:27 PM #265
I was gonna write something but I need to know who is in the citadel before I started. I'll write once I find out who is where.

"I can become enraged like Vegeta, if i smile, run...................very fast."

"Semper Fi"

-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
2000-04-06, 4:40 PM #266
There probably isn't such an empty and silent place in the whole universe as the shadow world. What always strikes people when they first visit is not the blandness and lack of color, but the total absence of sound. You never get used to it. The longer you spend in the shadow world the more it seems to get to you. At first it is disturbing, then it becomes frightening. After a long visit it can lead to total insanity. This was the fate of several of Bazaal's earlier wizards he recruted to fight in the war. It was when Bazaal had first come across from his original world and was still expermenting with dimension hopping. Appearently bazaal and some of his recrutes found themselves stuck in this shadow world with no way to get out. As the story went, Bazaal, it seems, found some way out, but left his loyal dark wizards stranded to die. Not a very nice thing to do but Bazaal has never been known for being a nice guy.

Gebohq was still suspicious of bug. Unsatisfied with bug's story, he began questioning bug after they broke camp.

"so, Bug, why did you suddenly turn from bazaal's side to join us?"

"I told you. Bazaal was holding an evil spell over me for all those years. He was controling me the whole time."

"And you just happened to run into Balthazar who conviently removed the spell. Right before you found me."

"Yes. What? are you questioning Balthazar's loyality now?"

"I don't know bug. I'm just not entirely convinced about bazaal controling you. I think you went over to his side on your own free will."

Ping: "we were all there Gebohq. We saw Bazaal control him the first time when we were crossing the channel, and the second time when he ran off 9 years ago. I see no reason to disbelieve his story."

bug: "THANK YOU. At least someone believes me. I was beginning to think I was sorrounded by paranoid lunitics."

Gebohq: "I still don't know bug. Everything fits together too smoothly. You suddenly showing up 'converted' back to the side of good. Bazaal teleporting us to this alien world. And you just happening to know your way around and having to be the one to lead us out. It's a damn set up if you ask me!"

bug ignores his comments, mutters something about paranoid hermits who've spent too many years living in mud houses, and goes to sleep.

Gebohq remains awake standing watch over the party. Long after the fire has died out and everyone has fallen asleep Gebohq looks over at bug and speaks out loud.

"I know you are up to something bug, and I swear I am going to find out what it is and stop you."
‹^› //‹{°;°}›\\ ‹^›
2000-04-07, 8:47 AM #267
(NSP) Phew, shadow dimensions--far out. Snifty concept and all, but I'm a tad confused (as I often am) about a few things:

-bug's character said that Bazaal had to be right there to make the dimentional portal. So does that mean he is nearby...or nearby in the living dimension?
-where is the party going exactly? to the gate-thing at Bazaal's place? or someplace else?

to Shawn Templer: Reyuan, Sakana, Lina, Shawn, and Ji'Tory are at the Citadel, and Avenger too unless said otherwise by someone else
note about my character: He's just went through the ritual process, so even though he hasn't changed dramatically overnight, he's a lot calmer than usual, being able to take many perspetives on a situation. His confidence (lack there of) will not get in the way as much either. He is also at the peak of any fighting abilities he has.

Don't have time to post a story reply even if I knew the answers to the questions above, so until later...(Geb the fearless leader anyone? lol)

" got complicated. Well I can't wait to see this through."
(Third Eye Blind)

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-04-07, 2:16 PM #268
--Thanks Geb.--

Bazaal sat in his throne room with a slight grin on his face. Trapping half of them in the Shadow Dimension would give him time to focus on the rest in the citadel. He sat in deep thought, thinking on how to kill the rest of them.

His warriors would just be killed like all the rest. All of Merlin's party were a great threat and nuisance to him.

He gritted his teeth in frustration,// There has gotta be away to kill the ones in the citadel. Bug is bound to help them find there way out of the Shadow Dimension.// Bazaal's eyes snapped open.

"That's it, hehehe, they won't know what hit them." Bazaal stood up and dismissed all of his guards, he walked to the center of the room and sat down. Concentrating, Bazaal sealed the doors shut with a magical incantion. Bazaal stopped and looked at the doors, they glowed a bluish color before turning black. Bazaal grin and closed his eyes, concentrating. Incanting the ancient words that would bring these warriors from the their dimension to this one.

A few minutes later their was a blinding flash of light and a portal appeared where one of the walls in the throne room were. Bazaal stood up as his new warriors walked through the dimensional gate. Bazaal held his hands out and the Dimensional gate closed behind them. Although he only had the power to transport ten to his dimension, the power that these "Bio-roids"(as their called) had powers superior to the warriors that he had.

The Bio-roids stood the height of a normal man. On the outside, they looked like a man in armor, the only difference was that they weren't men at all. Completely covered in metal, they were the perfect kill machines. Could detect anything before it noticed it, faster then any man on this world, and more cunning too. Their eyes glowing red in the shadows of darkness and their armor only hinted as to what was underneath.

Bazaal stood there, marveling his new weapon. He would waste little effort taking over this world now, and if Merlin's party got in the way, they would be taken along for the ride as well. Victory was almost in his grasp.

"State your objective!" Bazaal commanded as he looked at each of them. Their eyes flashed and and they looked at Bazaal. Although their appeared to be no way for any kind of sound to escape the metal covering these things, Bazaal heard them loudly in one consitant voice. "To serve you my master."

"Then you three head to Merlin's Citadel (pointing to a map) and destroy everyone there, starting with Sakana (Bazaal pointed to a swriling pool of water with Sakana's image in it), and then destroy the Citadel ." The three in the back turned and walked to the door. Bazaal walked with them and held his hand to the door, the door flashed and then opened. As the three Bio-roids left, he closed the door and sealed it again. Walking back to the rest of his troops, Bazaal had them stand around the throne room. Bazaal sat in his throne with an evil grin on his face, //Victory will soon be mine.//

--P.S. If you write anything about the battle between the three Bio-roids and the party at the citadel, then don't kill off any of the Bio-roids. I have that battle pretty well mapped out. thanks []

"I can become enraged like Vegeta, if i smile, run...................very fast."

"Semper Fi"

[This message has been edited by Shawn Templar (edited April 08, 2000).]
-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
2000-04-08, 6:21 AM #269
Geb- I wrote that whole thing out in because it's a nice change from monsters and undead. It's time Bazaal started getting smarter. I tried my best to balance the situation. We have 1. A Wizard who wants to waylay the group quickly and 2. they're in different parts of the world. When I said that a wizard could only make a portal nearby, I was decribing a limit. To break this limit Bazaal had to have more power than usual. To achieve all this I concieved a huge power source. But in order to have this huge powersource it must be justified. It can only be used once every few (3) years.

The shadow world party is on thier way to the Tower where Bazaal cast the spell that brought them there - ONLY in the shadow world where a mirror of that Tower exists. There, bug should be able to use the towers power (because it has not been depleted like it's counterpart in the other world) to form a dimensional portal nearby and warp back to the right dimension.

hehe. trouble with that is they'll be smack dab in the middle of the "light world" Tower when they come out. So I'll have to think of something to do at that time.
2000-04-09, 3:40 PM #270
*The seven heros continue to stumble through the darkness, using the few visible places to find their way around. They were only visible because they were casted by shadows in the light world, and the visibility here was limited to only white and shades of grey. The night in the light world fell though, and as the moon rose, more in the shadow dimension became visible. The small visible places from before grew, while the rest of the land became a dim grey. Gebohq was relieved that he wasn't going to go insane yet, at least not from the lack of visibility around him. Gebohq thought to himself as he walked next to bug, as the both of them directed the rest of the party to their destination.*

//This place is really starting to get to me. I have to stay strong though, if I'm going to be leading the group now. Heh, that's a laugh: me being the leader. As soon as a real situation came up, I know someone else will naturally take my place. But they really want me to lead, so I might as well give it all it's worth. Even if I'm just a sort of figurehead.

Which is why I have to find out why bug isn't telling me all that happened. I can't let him manipulate and withhold information from the group that could be vital. Maybe I'm just being jumpy, and this place is really getting to me. But one thing is for certain: I'll have to take initiative from now on. No more staying quiet when I've thought of something that could help the rest.

I'll have to talk to Kogi soon, about what happened back at my dwelling. Nix that: former dwelling. I really didn't mean to lash out at him, but especially now that I'm the leader, the group will need to count on him for doing whatever is needed, and I don't want to waste time planning who-does-what. I need to make sure that he will do whatever is nessesary, even if it seems below him.

I'll have to stay strong if I'm to prove worthy of leadership and action. If not to myself, then for the group. They came back for me when I had left them. And I don't intend to have made it a waste of their time.//

(NSP: Yeah yeah, no action here. Sorry, but I'm trying to formulate a situation where Geb manages to think of a solution *most likely involving disguising himself as someone else in the party* to the fight, saving them all by his action *kind of like what happened when they met Apathis for the first time in Saga of the 3rd war*. Maybe the seven can meet up with one of Bazaal's loyal wizards he had left there *all messed up of course...*damn! bug gave me the perfect situation and I didn't pick up on it until it was too late at night to post something else! NURGH! Well, unless someone else wants to do it, I'll try to think of a post involving that, and a bit about the wizard recruitees at Bazaal's place *possibly some fight with teh Bio-riods at the citadel too? did anyone else think that was a bit too technological? Well, guess I just have to keep thinking about Ping-Me and Pristine and how they're holographic. Guess bazaal wouldn't limit himself to just magic, eh? uh-oh, I rambled on much farther than I had intended. Better stop now. Post later!)

" got complicated. Well I can't wait to see this through."
(Third Eye Blind)


[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited April 09, 2000).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-04-10, 2:32 PM #271
(NSP: Thanks Arbiter for your help on this. This is truely his dark side, which I'm leaving for him to contribute his part and scare the hell out of you! Mwahahahahaha--*cough* anyways...)

*Gebohq and the group topped a rise. From the top they saw standing a thin man with black, unkempt hair. Like so much else in this dark, twisted reality, he had something about him that the eye didn't want to follow. His clothes were black and tattered, as if covered in permanent soot. He had a regal way about him, as if he expected people to obey him. He was an echo of a power long since excerised.*

*The group could hear him mumbling to himself. Surely the isolation and silence had long since broken the man's sanity. Everyone was aprehensive about whether they should approach him when, after screaming "Make the noise stop!", threw his hands towards the ground. As if his own mind had commanded it, the ground warped and bent into shapes only a truely demented person could think of. The pure sickness of it all could be felt, like a disease being spread about. Bug turned to Gebohq and said "Yeup, no doubt about it, he's one of Bazaal's former wizards. Better avoid him at all costs.*

"Agreed," replied Gebohq. Gebohq then motioned the others to follow him around the area where he was certain they would be out of his sight. As if sensing the presence oif living things, however, the dark wizard's eyes darted towards them, which could barely be seen by the heros. Yet that stare could be felt, as if his eyes had already sapped their life out.

Bug said with mock anticipation "Oh boy, we're in for a fun time."

" got complicated. Well I can't wait to see this through."
(Third Eye Blind)

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-04-10, 4:32 PM #272
Kogi assessed the situation quickly.
//This guy is no good. It's the shadow world. Of course he's no good.//

The figure shambled toward the group, a confident step but he moved like the muscles on his legs were barely used to moving. Kogi made ready--focusing on a small pin of light then widening it with his mind until it was a spotlight. The power of magic flowed through him, life permeating his every cell, the very life of all living things going into him, he was near to the zenith of joy--he hit a glass wall. Kogi's mouth fell open. He scraped at the wall violently, ran his will into it- but it would not budge. Kogi felt robbed. Violated. Stripped of Dignity. The dark figure looked up through his tattered robes, his glassy dark eyes fell on Kogi.
"You like that? Perhaps it will teach you humility." the stranger said, a bass voice with a slow and deliberate pace (NSP: Think Darth Sidious when he says "Wipe them out, All of them."). He lifted a hand and a thick hand struck Kogi at the midsection, bending him in half and throwing him a meter or two backward. Kogi landed on his chest and slid another couple of feet. Kogi looked at the man again, and saw the aura of magic around him. //So That's how he did it. A Knot of Air...I should've known. I need to break through this barrier. Somehow.// Kogi wiped a bit of blood from his lips and rejoined the group. Kogi opened himself again to magic, and this time there was no wall.
// Thank the Ancestors!//
Kogi created fireballs and threw them at this stranger. As he had quite expected, they richocheted off of an invisible wall in front of the man. Kogi unsheathed Kennan and created a spear of the darkest wood and metal.

"Where'd he get that thing from?" Gebohq wondered aloud.

"I've seen it before. A Spirit Weapon. Made purely of magic. Particularly deadly, too. You know the different Elements of Magic: Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Spirit? Spirit is a particularly hard Element to master, as it makes one walk a fine line between light and dark." Ping said.

"Oh. Remind me not to get on Kogi's bad side." Gebohq said, with a wry smile.

"Will do." said Kogi, teeth gritted in concentration.

Kogi charged the man, and struck repeatedly at the air shield, but to no avail. Kogi was sweating and his usually well kempt hair was a total mess by the end of the attakc.

"This is going to be a Long fight." bug said.
2000-04-10, 5:10 PM #273
*Antestarr opened his eyes. He had sensed a slight disturbance when the shadow world had been first opened, but he dismissed it as another temporal tremor. But this was more. The delicate balance was shaken apart by new forces. Some pure-hearted, some unsure of themselves, and some undeniably evil. But above all he could sense that his counterpart was stirring... the reason he was placed here was being disrupted... and he had to check the force that was about to be released.*

*Antestarr stepped down from the pedestal he had resided on for 37 years. His bare foot had scarcely touched the ground when a sandal materialized below it. As he took his first few steps a mist blacker than the shadows of the air gathered around him. As the mist swirled around his body, it slowly took the form of a jet black cloak that covered his naked body. He continued to walk, undaunted, out of his small stone shrine, contemplating his very existence. The blackest of magics coursed through his veins, yet his soul was as pure as the air high atop the mountains.*

*Antestarr's nostrils flared as he took a deep breath on the steps of his shrine. It was then that the aroma hit him like a steel bar. "Magic... fairly powerful..." he muttered. "Something big is going on... a battle.... If I'm going to understand what has awakened my antithesis, that would be the direction to start." Antestarr pulled his hood over his head and began walking in the direction of the scuffle. He could sense the runes of his cloak shifting around uneasily as he moved himself directly towards the danger ahead.*
Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt.
2000-04-10, 5:45 PM #274
// Welcome to the story Antestarr! //
2000-04-11, 12:42 PM #275
In another part of space/time a dark man sits on a black marble throne. Around him, blue energy swirls in a sphere, never quite touching him. 12 creatures stand by the wall, each looking uneasy. He reaches his hand outward and feels the texturing of the energy flow around him. With a small motion of his hand, he summons a creature. It has the appearrance of an elf, though taller than most that you could find.

Dark Man: You know your mission?

the Elven Creature bows "Yes my Lord."

Warlord: Good. All must go as planned if we are to restore our might. Take seven of the faithful and capture the forest of Elder. From there we may observe the powers from safety. Be sure not to be seen by the minions of Bazaal, for I am not yet ready to war against his kind of power.

The Elven Creature departed. The Warlord summoned the second creature. It had the body of a man. It's merry eyes and quick smile seemed out of place amongst the surroundings.

Warlord: Send an envoy to the Warriors trapped in the shadow realm. Take a Portal Seed, but use it not. I wish to see if they have the ability to thwart Bazaal in this small matter before I recruit them for my own designs.

The creature moves away. He motions two others to follow him; a black bird of prey, and a formless yellow cloud. The Warlord returns to regarding his aura of energy.

Though the Warlord may seem to be too powerful, I will keep him in check. He won't interfere to bad with the other characters.

[This message has been edited by SLC_Warlord (edited April 11, 2000).]
2000-04-12, 9:14 AM #276
(NSP: I believe Antestarr wanted to post after me, so if you could just wait until him Warlord to post next*and by the way, I welcome both Antestarr and Warlord into the story.* On with ze stor-ee!)

*The dark wizard stood unphased as Kogi continued to assult him. The wizard grew bored of watching Kogi fight in vain, so with a look of disgust on his face, the wizard swung his arm as if effortlessly batting a fly away. Obeying the neurotic wizard's motion, an unseen magical force shoved Kogi away several feet into the air before skidding on the ground.*

*Enraged by the action he had seen executed on a fellow warrior, JK_Meteor launched himself at the wizard, gripping his sword with both hands, ready to strike the wizard's head. As JK was in mid-air though, the wizard jutted out his arm faster than the eye could see and gripped JK by hte throat. The wizard used his other arm to restrain JK's arm, keeping him from using his sword. While JK used his one free hand at attempting to loosen the dark wizard's grasp, the wizard simply stared intently into JK's eyes. Bumps began to rise on the wizard's arm, which resembled boils or festering blisters. Continuing to simply stare, the grotesque bumps flowed towards his hand and into JK's arm. The dark wizard dropped JK carelessly and turned his attention elsewhere. JK crawled back, almost shivering into convulsions.*

*Right before the dark wizard released his grip on JK, Ping_Me, Pristine, and Scout began their attack. Gebohq had tried to motion them back, but not taking notice of him, Gebohq turned around to face bug and began quietly discussing a plan. Ping and Pristine each ignited double energy blades and swung at the wizard from opposite sides, hoping to cause enough damage simutaneously to short out the protective field. What the wizard did next though caught everyone by surprise: he had gripped an energy blade from each of them with his bare hands! The insane wizard should not have been able to hold them at all, nevermind bear the pain of it. Yet, in a split-second, the wizard had taken hold of each of their blades and swing his arms together, resulting in Ping and Pristine colliding with each other. Before they could regain their composure, the wizard's eyes rolled in opposite directions. The space around Ping and Pristine distorted, and when the distortion stopped, Ping and Pristine were bundled into a holographic knot. If the situation was not so grim, it would almost look comical.*

*Having witnessed what happened to Ping and Pristine, Scout attempted to run back. The dark wizard took notice, hoever, and shot a fireball towards her. Though the blast wave sent Scout flying, she landed at the wizard's feet unscathed. Taking a perverted interest in Scout's apparent invulnerability, the psychotic wizard lifted her body up, suspending her above the ground some ten feet. He then began twisting his hands as if twisting some imaginary wire. Scout screamed at the top of her lungs in agony as her suspended body contorted to match his hand actions. Growing bored with his lack of sucess at killing her, the wizard tossed her body aside towards Gebohq, where the others had regrouped.*

*Gaining a second wind, Kogi got back up on his feet and began to attack the dark wizard again, swinging his spirit weapon so skillfully, Gebohq was stunned. It was a futile effort though, and Gebohq yelled at Kogi to stop. Kogi said "I've almost found his weak spot though, if I had just a little longer-". Gebohq interrupted him though, and said "Kogi, stop and look at him." Kogi drew himself out of his battle-vision stance and saw the wizard stand with a malicious smile on his face. Taking an obsessive interest in Kogi, the wizard forced Kogi to his knees and addressed the others.*

"My name is Raivus, but you will all call me master if you expect to live," the dark wizard said in his deep and mysteriously regal voice.

"We will never serve your kind," JK protested. "We'll die fighting before submitting, isn't that right Gebohq?" But, after having looked at bug, Gebohq looked at JK with a staged sadness on his face. "i don't know if we have any other choice," Gebohq replied. He faced Raivus, eyeing bug, and appearing as if he was waiting for something to happen. Raivus began to cradle his head, then after screaming "Make the noise stop!", turned his abck against the others and taking a few strides away, shaking his head violently. Gebohq quickly turned to the others as the wizard was distracted.*

"I did my part Gebohq," bug said. "I unlocked his mental door, which he had erected to keep his insanity at bay. I don't know how long it will be before he collects his marbles back."

"Which is why you all have to listen to me carefully and quickly," Gebohq replied. "You'll have to trust that my plan will work."

"Fearless leader strikes again," bug mumbled sarcastically. Ignoring bug's comment, Gebohq went on.*

"Here's the plan. I figure the only way we can win this fight is to put a sleep spell on Raivus, which bug told me would be possible. He said that to make it effective though, he will need time to draw energy from himself and the rest of you." *The party members looked at each other uneasily.* "We'll need a diversion to give the group enough time. Since Raivus seems to take special interest in Kogi,*Gebohq looks at Kogi* I will transform my apprearance to look like you. That means you will have to stay out of sight, and since there is no cover here, I'm afraid you won't be able to fight. *Kogi was about to protest when Gebohq continued quickly. "There's no time to argue, we need every advantage we can get. Let's do it!"

*Stunned at the effectiveness Gebohq had delivered his plan, the group quickly huddled together in a circle. After touching Kogi's arm and changing his appearance, Gebohq jumped in front of Raivus, who was now regaining his composure, and attempted to gain his attention. Gebohq managed to defend himself from Raivus' onslaugts for a period of time, but swiftly enough, Raivus was gripping Gebohq by the neck, his feet dangling above the ground.*

*Raivus focused all his anger on whom he thought was Kogi. As Raivus was about to crush Gebohq's windpipe, he saw that the man he was holding was not Kogi, but in fact Gebohq, who was currently sticking his tongue out at him. Filled with fury, Raivus threw Gebohq with much force at a tree some distance away. All his anger that had been focused on whom he thought was Kogi had left him defenseless. So he was taken by surprise when he felt a magic attack from behind. He spun around to see a hazy pastel beam swirling towards him. It was coming from the other five, being directed through Ping. Raivus was preparing to attack the group, when his eyes began to close against his will. It was becoming increasingly difficult to concentrate, and after swaying some bit, fell slowly to the ground, fast yet lightly asleep.*

*Ping, Pristine, Kogi, bug, and Scout ran over to where Gebohq had been thrown. Gebohq had his back against the tree's trunk, his feet were reaching for the air, and his head laying on the ground. He looked at Ping with glazed eyes, and before passing out, he said in a cracked voice "Did we get him?"

*Ping looked at bug with a worried expression and said "Do you think Gebohq will be alright?"

"I wouldn't be so worried about Geb here," bug replied. "JK, on the other hand, looks like he'll need some help quick. We better carry these two and get amoving before Raivus wakes up from his nap."

*With Kogi carrying Gebohq and Scout assisting JK, the seven made their way to the Dark Fortress.*

(and bug, what do you look like? I keep thinking a 3 foot neurotic Jimminey Cricket, which I'm sure it isn't. At least I hope.)

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited April 12, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited April 13, 2000).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-04-12, 3:36 PM #277
*Antestarr smelt the use of magic grow stronger as the battle beyond him ensued. Continuing to walk at a deliberate pace, he could sense the runes continue to tense up. Walking through the gloomy forest, the scent of magic suddenly overwhelmed him, as if he had been engaged himself. Not 100 yards ahead of him, he could see seven adventurers as they struggled against a wizard. He chose to stop and watch intently. From his point of view, watching another person formulate a spell was truly amazing. He could see as they dug deep into their inner auras to muster the power to control the arcane forces. Suddenly, the runes eased. The wizard fell to the ground and the adventurers , helping one another, continue on their path through the forest. Antestarr followed.*

*The wizard was sprawled over snoring on the ground. Antestarr loomed over the body for a moment, then proceeded to prod it with his foot. The wizard made a slight grunt, but was far too out of it to be roused. Antestarr proceeded to walk over him, bringing up nothing more of a response than a faint moan of pain. He sensed something strange about the group of adventurers ahead of him. //Hmm... from the speed they were carrying their wounded, I should catch up to them in no time. There's something different about them. Perhaps I should see what they're after.//*

*Gebohq's party continued slowly towards the mountain pass. A feeling of nervousness swept through the party. With two wounded members, they were more susceptible to any other form of surprise attack.*

"Did you see something?" Ping asked the others. A few muttered "no's" and negative responses came from the rest of the people. "I'm sure I saw something. Doesn't the darkness look darker over there than the rest of this place?" Ping said, pointing behind them.
"Great, now Ping's comparing darkness to more darkness... what next?" bug commented in disgust.

*Kogi stopped and turned around. A patch of the darkness seemed to flutter in the breeze. Without thinking, Kogi dropped Gebohq to the ground, drew a weapon, and charged blindly at the darkness. Antestarr sidestepped the charging Kogi and continued on towards the group. Weakened from the last battle and unsure of what the newcomer had in store for them, he others froze in terror as the black figure of Antestarr approached them. Antestarr made his way to JK and held his hand palm forward to him. A pale light emanated from his hand as runes in his cloak, normally invisible, began to glow a pale green. The light extended from his palm to cover the body of JK. As JK sat there amazed, the bumps covering his body began to disappear and he began to feel normal once more. As he reached the state he was in before the evil wizard had cast the spell on him, the light entered his body, fading from Antestarr's hand as the light of his runes dimmed back to black.*

"! I'm cured! Who... what are you?" JK stuttered in amazement.

"I am Antestarr," Antestarr said as he pulled his hood back to reveal his face. With his hands, he pulled his long silver hair out from his cloak to let it fall down his back. "I have merely sealed the wizard's spell within your body. You will have to find a true healer to remove it completely. Now, might I inquire as to who you are and what your intentions are in this realm?"


*Several peons were hard at work creating a shrine of power within Bazaal's fortress. The archways had been completed and large glass windows adorned the southern wall. The peons spoke loose words to one another while they worked to complete the final etchings on the altar. Two peon trudged in, carrying a large stone.*

Peon 1: Wait a minute. Bazaal doesn't expect us to do the masonry here as well, does he.

Peon 2: Yeah, we thought we were almost done!

Peon 3: No, this is apparently the artifact that will empower this shrine...

Peon 1: Hmmph! Just looks like a rock to me.

Peon 2: Woah, there. Be careful. You know how Bazaal gets when people like us screw up! You better just put that stone on the altar and we'll get out of here. I'm getting the creeps already.

Peon 4: Come on, help us out. This thing is really heavy.

*Reluctantly, the peons, who had just finished the altar, all gathered together to lift the stone. They managed to raise it a few feet above the altar, and while attempting to lower it slowly, dropped it the last 4 inches, causing a loud crashing sound and jarring the altar.*

*Jaccik stirred. He sensed he was no longer in the same location that he had been placed so many years ago.*

(NSP: I won't be able to post again until Sunday, and although Gebohq knows a bit about the history I'm planning for my characters, I would like to write it out myself. If you could, though, it would be nice either for one person to introduce all the characters or for each person to introduce his character personally, as I haven't read the whole story, but have merely had a synopsis from Geb. Just a brief description would be nice. I'll be back Sunday.)
Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt.
2000-04-13, 12:22 AM #278
I had always thought of bug as this little bitty lady bug hefting and weilding a big honking rail detonator.
2000-04-13, 6:51 AM #279
Somewhere in the Forest of Elder, seven miles from Bazaal's Tower.

Several dark wizards of Bazaal's army, along with twenty shock troops move loudly through the wood. From high in a tree, an Elven form rocks silently on its heals, watching.

Dark Wizard Mour: This is the area that the magical disturbances where emanating from. Some black magic is afoot other than our Lord's.
Dark Wizard Acalak: Who would be so foolish as to enter these black woods, other than our estimable selves? It must be some mad witch or warlock. We should let the Elder Beasts finish them.
Mour: Our master will tell us what we should or should not do. Your foolish tongue will bring you trouble one of these days.

At this moment, two of the warriors bringing up the back of the entourage cry out. A silver tiger-like form crouches on top of them, claws digging into their backs. The other troops wail and break into the trees. Mour raises an oaken staff and screams a few words. Green mist raises from the ground and envelops the beast. It looks up in pain. With a spring, it falls upon Mour, killing him. Acalak tosses a fireball into its flank, and the beast is torn in two.

Acalak: Ha! Your foolish tongue didn't seem to be able to summon up enough power to destroy a mere Galfle. I'll relieve you of this staff if you don't mind.

Acalak takes the staff from his fellow and rolls him face down with his foot. He then looks nervously around for his minions. In the darkness of the forest, he hears a chilling scream. He turns toward the sound and runs face-first into the Elven Creature. The Creature whips a long crooked knife into his chest and Acalak falls without a sound. The Elven Creature slides the flat of the blade across his own tongue, licking it clean. He then disappears into the forest in search of other prey.
2000-04-13, 3:40 PM #280
*Inside the labyrinth of Bazaal's dark fortress, minions of his wander aimlessly through the dank and foreboding corridors, and even the more powerful of them seemingly lost in his maze of confusion. This was not really the case, at least for the regulars. Not logically anyways. Jason Argos was one of many, who was happening to walk to Bazaal's throne room.*

*He took his time, but only because he felt as if he was walking to his grave. He knew that he had always gotten that feeling though, anytime he was in Bazaal's presence. He knew that, spiritually, he was already dead. There was nothing he could do about it though, he thought. Before walking into the thronw room, he passed by an unfamiliar goblin. Disregarding him, he opened teh double doors to the throne room.*

*Seated in the blood red-carpeted throne was Bazaal. The back of the chair appeared to blend within the wall and ceiling. That, and the rest of the room, gave it a look of it having been coated to be all one smooth interior. It reminded him of what it might be like in a living animal, and he didn't like it at all. He noticed three dark wizards standing before Bazaal, all like himself: young and imprisioned within themselves.*

"I'm so glad you could be here," Bazaal said with a tone of appreciation. Jason knew that hidden underneath, there was no true gratitude. "Here before me are Rynard, Mason, and Siren. They are skilled in wind, earth, and water, respectively. Since you are the best with the magic of fire, and since I have personally trained you, you will be the leader of this group. Mason has been trained under the late Apathis, and he will be your second in command. Siren shall be your third, and Rynard to balance the group. The four of you will be my special team. When the time arises, I shall call upon you all, and after performing the task, be compensated very well. You are all dismissed."
*At Merlin's Citadel, Sakana, Shawn, Lina, Avenger, Ji'tory and Reuyan are sitting around the fire, talking among themselves. Silently, the Bio-roids flank the sides of the Citadel, their red eyes glowing in the night. While one stays in front, the other sneaks in the back and the third jumps on the roof to enter from the chimney. Despite being stealthy, the Bio-roid could not avoid making a loud "thud" on the rooftop.*

*The group inside stand on their feet at the disturbance. Not hearing it again, they mumbleto themselves as they get situated back into their seats. Suddenly though, the Bio-Roids charge in from all sides. The one that came through the chimney simply landed on the fire, putting it out. Unaffected, it ran to cover the open side, blocking the group's exits. They all draw their weapons, prepared to fight.*

*Being so caught off-guard and untrained for some time would be a problem for them though.*

(Warlord, I need to know what the two wizards you introduce can do. hopefully, they're not the same as my lesser wizards [])

" got complicated. Well I can't wait to see this through."
(Third Eye Blind)

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories

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