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ForumsInteractive Story Board → The Shadows of Darkness.
The Shadows of Darkness.
1999-12-16, 6:54 PM #81
--just a little note, for fun I've started a wizard patch that replaces force powers with magic, I've already replaced force destruction with Fireball! It will be easy to edit force lightning to fire just a mess of electricity (like Bazaal does), the do something as Merlin's sheild to replace force protection. And other stuff. Now all I need is a really good Merlin skin. (no hat. I don't where the silly pointed hat).--
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-16, 7:25 PM #82
What! no hat?!

well, it's no good then. []
‹^› //‹{°;°}›\\ ‹^›
1999-12-19, 5:00 PM #83
It doesn't look good for our intrepid heroes! Can they overcome the silence of their creators?
1999-12-19, 5:04 PM #84
Sorry, I've had writer's block for this story. I'm really stuck on how to continue(I know what I want to do, but making it sound good is another story....) Hopefully, I'll be writing soon.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-12-20, 7:28 AM #85
I usually wait around untill there's been a decent enough break between my own posts. I suppose now that there has been a rather large one (according to time) that I should post again.

Go on! I'll buy you a puppy!
DCM 51
1999-12-20, 11:19 AM #86
"And that's the way it is, well, to the best of my knowledge." Ping said. He sat next to the bed that Scout lay in, all the while filling her in on the details. She had eaten heartily yesterday, and now was almost fully recovered. Doncors were actually quite amazed at her healing abilites. Ping attributed it to her already mysterious powers. "I really don't know the whole story, because I wasn't here for about seven eigths of it. I've been out of the loop as long as you have really."

Scout stared into space, putting everything together in her head. "So what's the move?" she said finally.

"To be honest, I really don't know." Ping admitted. "Shawn Templar suggested that I find Sakana and bring him to the Citadel. I guess we'll just have to find everybody and bring them all together. After that we'll try and figure out what the heck we're doing." Ping walked to the center of the medical tent. "Bazaal has surely grown in power. This time he will not be so lax in his efforts to protect himself. Since he controls the better portion of this world, his following will be incredible. Surely people flock to his side fanatically to serve him. Deep inside his evil fortress it is certain that he brainwashes prisioners for his evil purposes. He captures the simple animals of the forest and plains and perverts thier bodies into horrible monsters designed for the purpose of defense and sport. He brings the helpless and poor to his castle to be tortured nearly to death for his own personal pleasure. The most beautiful virgins in the world are brought to him to become part of his harem in appeasement of his wrath. If people don't respond to his demands, his dark and malicious minions swoop down on the peaceful village that defies him. There they tear and rend the flesh from the strongest of men to the littlest of children, raping women, stampedeing live stock, burning houses and creating more undead soldiers. Thier magic corrupts the souls of those who happen to get in thier way. The souls become locked forever in an undead form, force to commit the same acts of desecrations that thier creators commited. ALL FOR THE PLEASURE OF THE MONSTER THAT PLAUGES THIS WORLD LIKE A FESTERING HEMMHRIOD ON THE ANUS OF HUMANITY!!!

"Uh... Ping?" Scout said.

Ping whirled around, startled out of his rant. "huh?"

She nodded toward the two soldiers that were gaurding the entrance to the tent. During the course of Ping's monolouge from hell, one soldier had jumped into the others arms. Thier armor rattled noisily with thier incessant shakeing. Both had most evidently soiled themselves.

"Oh, sorry guys. Take five." Ping said. Both immeadiately rushed from the tent.

"So what now?" Scout said.

"Will you be ready tommorow?"


"Then I'll try to convince Sakana to come with us. I haven't really mentioned that fact to him yet. It won't be easy. He is king now. He has an enitre kingdom to look after."


Randon and Sa'teyan rounded a corner of the camp. They walked hand in hand. They were a picture of happiness. They were nearly bowled over by two soldiers yelling incoherently at the top of thier lungs. Both had obviously messed in thier pants. As the couple picked themselves up off the ground, the soldiers continued to run chaotically through the camp.

"I wonder what that was all about." Randon said. He looked to Sa'teyan who shrugged her shoulders.
1999-12-20, 2:11 PM #87
Leaving the medical tent, Ping stood in the middle of camp, taking a moment to ponder the impossible journey ahead of him and his friends. With Merlin to guide them, the plan was easy to follow, their confidence in the wizard's guidance unwavering. But now that they had failed in the midst of their sure course, and Merlin was gone, it almost seemed as if they were lost, adrift. It was true that they now had to make their own way, but in a way, they were never alone, because Merlin brought them together, and forged in them a weapon of light. They knew what they had to do, they simply had to do it, and this time, do it right.

A whistle from off to the side diverted Ping's attention. "Thinking?" Dirtbag chittered. "Don't strain yourself!"

"Dirtbag?!" Ping exclaimed. "But the others said that you were dead."

The rat shrugged. "I would've wished it were true at the time, but now I've got an entirely new perspective on life, and that effectively doubles my interest in this oh-so-dramatic ongoing battle."

Ping simply stared at the rodent for a moment. "What do you want?"

"Just wanna let you know," Dirtbag answered. "That if you happen to see me around, I'm not pulling any mischief on your guys. Well, not any super-harmful evil-intent mischief anyhow."

Crossing his arms, Ping scoffed, "Yeah, I'll believe that when I see it."

"Believe what you want, pally-boy. Won't change the truth none." And with that, the rodent disappeared into the darkness.

Ping stared after him for a moment. "For the safety of my friends and the world I can't believe you," he whispered. "But I can always hope."
1999-12-20, 3:20 PM #88

Shawn and Lina walked to the ball room and stopped as they were greeted by Dragonfly. "Glad you two came." he said as he shook their hands. "Thank you for inviting us. I just hope that you'll change your mind and help us defeat Bazaal." Lina said as she looked around him to peer inside of the ballroom. "You never know, stranger things have happened." Dragonfly said and Shawn responded, "Yeah, tell me about it." "Ohh, by the way Shawn, nice suit." Dragonfly said as Shawn and Lina walked into the ballroom.

The inside of the ball room was well lit. Inside, everyone was danceing and conversing. Outside the Ballroom looked deserted. The only way you would have known that any one was here is if you were right outside of the ball room.

Shawn looked around and said to Lina "I'll go get us something to drink." "Ok" she responded. Shawn walked to one of the Bueto Ladies that was walking around serveing drinks and got two. He walked back to Lina and handed her a drink. "Lets dance" Lina said as she smiled. Shawn looked around and wispered into her ear. "What, sorry but your gonna have to speak up." she said and Shawn leaned to her and spoke softly into her ear "I....I can't. I can't dance." Lina took a step back and took a good look at Shawn. She giggled a little and then looked into his eyes, "Then I'll teach you." she said as she grabed his hand and dragged him onto the dance floor.

Lina took Shawn's right hand and placed it on her hip and took the other one in her hand and put her other hand on his shoulder. The began to dance, Shawn stummbled foward and almost made them both fall. Lina put their hands back into their postions and smiled, they begain to dance again but they bumped into two other dances beside them. Shawn looked at them and then at Lina. He begain to walk off when Lina grabbed his hands and put them back into their positions, Shawn and Lina begain to dance again.

After they finished danceing, they walked to the balcony of the ballroom and stood their looking at the sky. Shawn held Lina closer to him and said, "Thank you for the dance." Lina looked in his eyes and smiled, "No, thank you."

"I can become enraged like Vegeta, if i smile, run...................very fast."

"Semper Fi"

-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
1999-12-20, 4:38 PM #89
Ballroom dancing's gotta be interesting when you got them big ol' Beuto wings.
1999-12-20, 8:28 PM #90
*In the human village, Apathis stood before another crowd of young people. This time however, he would not be giving a speech, for young humans hardly have the patience to listen to words. Instead, he stood before them as a famous rock star would. He chanted some words only the order of wizards knew the meaning to. To an outsider not influenced by his magic, it would appear as if nothing had happened, but to the crowd, they felt as if they were at the best party of their lives. Heavy music played in their ears as they continued to be under the influence of Apathis' magic. With Yimir passing on the great word of Bazaal to the people, the music they heard and the experience they were feeling would turn them more than any words he could give. Apathis thought to himself that his mission would soon be over and he could return to Bazaal and do as he wished from there.
*Within the darkness that envelpoed the Misty Mountains, Gebohq and Tessa were preparing to go to sleep. Gebohq was singing a soft-melody song he learned early in his life while changing.*

Gebohq: "Only in your heart this thing that makes you want to start it all again, da-da-da-da..."

*He looked foreward and noticed Tessa changing into some night cloths that Gebohq had brought with him nine years ago. Though she had her back turned to him and was quite some distance away, he couldn't help but think that she was somehow tempting him. After changing, Tessa strolled over to Gebohq, who was layed out, back flat to the ground, and stopped to nudge him.*

Tessa: "Hey Gebohq, I just thought of something."

*Gebohq sat up, using his elbows to support himself.*

Gebohq: (with a tired look on his face)"Yes?"

*Tessa then stradled herself on his hips and leaned foreward, her arms on his sides on the ground supporting her.*

Tessa: "I was thinking...that you could teach me a few things."

*Gebohq knew all the implications that could be taken from what she said, but giving her the benefit of the doubt, responded cooly.*

Gebohq: "Well, I should tell you, I've never taught anyone before, but...I suppose I could teach you a few things in self-defense. Then we can move on to other topics of interests."

*Tessa got up with a smile on her face.*

Tessa: "I'll be your best pupil []. I'll make sure to get us up nice and early."

Gebohq: "Umm....not too early. Your teacher needs all the sleep he can get!"

*Tessa then went to where she sleep and dozed off. Before drifting off himself, Gebohq thought how his dreams were finally coming true, how he'd finally be able to pass on what he knew to someone else. He thought about how fortunate he was, then looking back wondered how she knew his name, for not once had he told her. He figured that he probably mentioned it sometime and just forgot, and hoped that if this were a dream, that it would never stop.

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited December 21, 1999).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-12-20, 8:47 PM #91
Back to bug...

bug is out near the human border investigating the dissapearence of some of Bazaal's troops. The 104'th set out a week ago and was supposed to meet up with the 209'th. However, 3 days later there was still no sign of them. The 209'th sent riders out to find out the problem for the delay. That was the last the riders were heard of. When the riders failed to return the Commander of the 209'th devided up his remaining riders to send message back to the fortress. Half of them went around a longer way, the other half were sent along the shorter path where the troops dissapeared.

2 days later the riders that were sent the long way returned, telling about the dissapearence of the 104'th. The riders that were sent through the shorter path had not yet returned. However, a day later one horse returned. On it's back was the burnt crisp of the Commander of the 209'th. He had already gone into the great rest. (the death of an undead) and was unable to give any information.

It seemed the 209'th was destroyed by the same thing as the 104'th. Bazaal, intrigued by these interesting events, decided to send one of his own dark wizards to find out what was going on. Bug, being lowest on the totem pole, and at the bottom of Bazaal's list of favorites was picked for the job.

"At least I've got a 'get out of hell card' if things go bad" thinks bug as he fingers the 7 small black stones in his pocket. Hell would be an accurate description for what visited here. Body after body of the undead litter the road. Horribly burned, some of them are little more than lumps of ashes lying on the side of the road.

"I wish they had told me about this when I signed up to be a wizard" mutters bug as he glides down the road.

Good pitching can always stop good hitting and vice versa.

[This message has been edited by bug (edited December 20, 1999).]
‹^› //‹{°;°}›\\ ‹^›
1999-12-21, 4:16 AM #92
-Well, I don't want to continue anyone else's plot, and Orca's is in suspension until the final battle. Heres my idea for what might happen: The party and a small, very badly hurt, army arrive at Bazaal's castle. Legions upon legions of undead defend it of course, since Bazaal's strength is even greater now. As the party puzzles over what to do, Orca and his troops suddenly show up, clearing the way for the party. They notice Orca has Concillium Ex Deo and so they follow him through the castle until he reaches the throne room. He then proceeds to throw Concillium Ex Deo out the window into the sea(Next Adventure:Retrieve it!) and then summons a force storm to kill Bazaal. But Bazaal manages to talk Orca out of it, saying that it will make power overwhelm everything else. Orca tries to stop it, and then it backfires, badly injuring him. In his last breaths before going uncouncious, Orca murmers his apologies and blesses the party with his force powers. Then its up to you to make the final fight.-

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

1999-12-21, 8:25 AM #93
--Sorry for the lack of posting, I've been busy working on the first Chapter. Also to Orca, you idea doesn't sound to bad, except you don't need to give everybody force powers to defeat Bazaal (actually I have this kinda plan that in the end he gets dragged alive into Hell by his own evil with the party watching on (in the end he discovers this incredible powerful spell that opens a gateway to Hell, thinking he will use it to unleash demons on his enemies, but he makes the mistake that demons don't work for mortal men, and the party and Merlin protected by God watch on, as Bazaal is dragged into Hell alive screaming for the mercy he never showed to others.)).

I'll post shortly.
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-21, 8:42 AM #94
-Well, the idea is I finally turn and help the party at the very end, I meant that they feel more energy, more quick and ready for battle. It dosn't need to be a major part of the story, just symbolic of Orca finally seeing the light in full.-

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

1999-12-21, 11:21 AM #95
I didn't know Orca HAD the sword. I was playing with the idea of Dirtbag getting it for us. Since he seems to be so good at moving in and out of shadows he could easily cross the distance to where the sword is, "swallow it" [] and hock it back up. I think it would have been quite comical.
1999-12-21, 11:37 AM #96
Tessa: "Wake up. It's a beautiful morning, and we wouldn't want to miss it would we?"

*Gebohq rolled over to look at Tessa.*

Gebohq: "...It's...barely dawn..."

Tessa: (with enthusiasum)"I know. But you know, the early bird gets the worm."

Gebohq: "Yeah..well....the worm that sleeps in late stays alive."

*Gebohq then rolled over, falling fast asleep again. Fustrated at her first attempt, she tried a more physical approach...and kicked him, just enough to disturb him.*

Gebohq: "OW! Fine, fine, I'll get up...*grumble*."

*...After waking up and proceeding through the normal morning routine, Gebohq and Tessa walked out into an area by his hermitage suitable for teaching. It was a fairly open area: on three of the sides were the rock of the mountains, the other side showing a panoramic view of a valley covered with mist. Several minature trees acted as a natural barrier between the open space and the valley. The ground in the area they were in was covered with soft moss that had a cusioning effect. Gebohq and Tessa stood in the middle of the area with a space of about ten feet between them, facing each other.*

Gebohq: "Let's start with self-defense. First rule is let use the enemy's power against himself. Go ahead, take your best punch."

*Tessa, though looking very unsure about hurting Gebohq, did as he said and made a quick jab at Gebohq. Instead of taking the hit in the chest, Gebohq sidestepped the punch, grabbed her arm and pulled it in the direction that she was punching. The momentum of herself and his pull made her loose her balance and fell to the soft moss. She got back up, with only her pride injured.*

Gebohq: "Don't be upset if you don't win all the time. I mean, I mdae a few mistakes when in training, and I still do. My mentor always told me that what doesn't kill you just makes you stronger. Now for the second rule..."
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-12-21, 11:49 AM #97
-I DON'T have the sword yet, I get it just before the final battle.-

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

1999-12-21, 3:12 PM #98
Sword-swallowing, eh? Might work. I was thinking of it like in an Arthurian, sword-in-the-stone type dealy myself. Imagine this battle: Bazaal fights the good guy. Good guy (who by some prophecy or somethingerother thinks he is the Chose One to pull the sword out) grabs the sword, but it doesn't come out! So he lifts the whole thing, sword, stone and all over his head, and bludgeons Bazaal with the impromptu mace. Yeah, I know it ain't fine literature, but it'd be funny at least. Hrm... Merlin's idea of a Hellish ending inspires me however...
1999-12-21, 3:26 PM #99
Anyone here seen the movie Ghost? I keep seeing Bazaal being carried away like the guys in htat movie....creepy!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-12-21, 4:27 PM #100
IT EXACTLY LIKE THAT! Just like in "Ghost"!
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-22, 9:03 AM #101
As bug continued his journey with the corpses of the "Burnt to a crispy dark cruddy stuff" undead about him he marched on into the mountian pass. Suddenly there was a rasping noise behind him. And around him the sun was covered by the shadow of two large wings. Bug slowly turn about face and came eye to eye with a large green scaled Dragon with its mouth open about to torch bug to cinders.

"OH SH. . ." Bug screamed at the top of his lungs with his eyes bulging the size of baseballs!

He froze in mid sentence suddenly realizing the dragon had closed its mouth and was now look at him more closely. Suddenly the sound of deep throaty laughter filled his head. Finally follow by a single word that popped in his head like a ballon exploding when touched by a pin, "BUG!"

Followed by another burst of throaty laughter as the dragon seemed to shake with telepathic laughter.

"PLEASE DON'T EAT ME!" Bug cried.

"Eat you! hahahaha! Why would I want to eat you! BUG! hahahahhaah!" said the voice in his mind. With the same disorintating pop when he said bug's name.

"It's ME! Balthazar!" the dragon said finally.

"Balthazar?!" Bug uttered in disbelif.

"Yes it's me. It's been a long time I know. I've been hiding out here in these mountians for the the past serveral years after Merlin's. . . .passing." the dragon thought telepathically.

Bug's mind began to race. It would be very advantageous to have a dragon on his side.

"Say. . . have you ever. . . .um. . .thought about. . . um working for Bazaal?" Bug blurted out.

Balthazar's features went cold and bug eyes seemed to expand in their sockets again as he visilbley shook. Now Balthazar leaned foward and sniffed at bug. Satisfied he shifted his serpintine neck and pulled his head away.

His thoughts now rumbled into bug's mind like a thunder storm. "I see from your smell you've been working with magic. I take it you now work for Bazaal. Meaning you betrayed everything I and Merlin and all of us stood for. But I will not harm you, becuase Merlin would have had me treat my enemies not so harshly. So I spare you in Merlin's memory. Now leave!"

And with a violent motion of his wings in a restrain act of anger the dragon took off into the sky and settled into his cave further up the mountian.
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-22, 10:16 AM #102
bug immeadiately checks his pants.
1999-12-22, 2:42 PM #103
Hey, I'm not a prophet for Bazaal, this is just a job (a fun one [])

Apathis can be the one who goes around trying to recrute dragons []

Good pitching can always stop good hitting and vice versa.

[This message has been edited by bug (edited December 22, 1999).]
‹^› //‹{°;°}›\\ ‹^›
1999-12-27, 4:12 PM #104
(non-story reply: Apathis may not be the best of the Dark Wizards, but he sure isn't stupid! I will be starting to write for the story again tommorow, hope you all do the same soon.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-12-28, 3:35 PM #105
Sorry for not posting in a while, but my comp is in the shop (im useing my dreamcast to post this which isn't easy btw). I'll resume posting when i get my comp back. []

"I can become enraged like Vegeta, if i smile, run...................very fast."

"Semper Fi"

-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
1999-12-29, 5:33 AM #106
(I should never say I'm posting by a certain time...urgh, well, I'm not getting as much time as I'd like to post so as far as I care, we should wait until after the holidays to start up again. Hope your break from school is as good as mine!)

"90% of life is the anticipation." (not a self-quote)

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-12-30, 2:12 PM #107
-Sorry I haven't posted for a while, I've been away on vacation. I would continue the story but my part is finished for a while!-

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

1999-12-31, 7:05 AM #108
The Dark Wizard known as Bazaal stood atop the pinnacle of his fortress, the zombified Ji'tory at his side. Due to a series of victories in all the right places, he could now say that he controlled everything within sight. Regular, human sight, of course.

What he could see with his magic was far less absolute, and that absolute power was what he hungered for more than anything. He looked down at the blank eyed Elf girl beside him.

"Hiya, boss," came a sarcastic remark from behind the Dark Wizard. Slowly, Bazaal turned, spotting Dirtbag sitting on his haunches in a nearby shadow.

"So you live, my minion," Bazaal said slowly. "It has taken you a long time to return to me."

"Yeah, right," Dirtbag laughed. "And yer waiting ain't through, neither. Eternity is a long time to wait."

"You defy me?" Bazaal asked the rat calmly.

Dirtbag stepped out of the shadows. His hair was starting to come out in clumps, leaving the dirty rat looking even more disheveled. Where the hair was gone, a flat black nothingness could be seen. "Oh, you betcha, Mr. Monotone Wardrobe. I may only be a shadow of my former glorious self, but I figure there's some damage I can do to you none-the-less."

Bazaal took a step forward. "Yes, a shadow of your former self. I can feel the strain on your form, the tremendous energy you're expending. Is this how you conquered death, Dirtbag?"

"You could say that," the rat answered. "Wanna see? It's real wild."

That said, Dirtbag seemed to reach into his midsection and rip open his stomach. But instead of cuts, the blackness of his skin parted, and a firey red glow shined from the hole, spotlighting a wide-eyed Bazaal.

"Is that..." Bazaal said in awe. "Is that...?"

"Hell?" Dirtbag finished. "Oh you betcha. They've been trying to get me for the better part of 9 years now. Anyway, it's been swell, Bazaal-baby, but I got to be going."

"No," Bazaal commanded, beginning a spell to dominate the deteriorating rat. But before he could finish, Dirtbag had vanished into the shadows.

"Curses," Bazaal snarled. He spun, looking at the decimated landscape around him. "That wretch holds the key to more power than even I have dreampt of." He smiled wickedly. "If I can summon the hordes of Hell, then this pitiful world and all who are in it will be mine.
2000-01-03, 5:51 PM #109
Well here is something. . . Here is some material from my work "Of Heaven and Earth". This is a section of Merlin's flashback back to a period of time before Bazaal took power on his world. This is still in the revision stages. Tell me what you think (moving enough)?

Merlin wasn't looking at the image now, it played by itself as a recording and didn't require Merlin's support, for it only played that few moments, not what Merlin was actually thinking or remembering at that moment in reality. For now Merlin was lost in his own thoughts, for replaying that old memory before the others called him back to a time decades ago, before any of this had started.

A younger Merlin, in his early 20's, sat next to the same blond haired woman that the party had seen in his replayed memory. They stood together, hand in hand, in the tall grass in a small grove, at a lake shore. There was a soft lapping of the water against grassy shore. The stars shone brightly over head. Beyond the lake the forest stretched all around them. It was a warm summer's night. She and Merlin stood together hand in hand looking at the stars. Now, finally, Merlin turned to face her.

"Beautiful isn't it." she said.

"Not half as beautiful as you." Merlin said with a smile.

Now Merlin paused again, now with his heart racing he gathered up his courage.

"Anna, we've been together for a long time. And there is something I want to ask you." Merlin said.

"What?" Anna asked.

Now Merlin withdrew a small box from his pale blue robes, he open the box in front of her and withdrew a diamond ring from it, he then knelt before her and looking up into her blue eyes, with that golden hair about her face like the sunlight, and the stars shining above.

"Anna, will you marry me?" Merlin said slowly pronouncing each word with all his heart.

Anna looked to him almost crying with joy, "Yes." she whispered.

And with his hands nearly shaking Merlin placed the ring upon her finger. Now after a moments pause he got up and held her in his arms, thanking God that he had found such love.

Now Merlin remembered a time in the spring of the following year.

It was another starry night, warm and pleasant as the night Merlin had proposed to Anna, they had now been husband and wife for several months. And Merlin often though about how lucky he was to have a woman like Anna. That she understood him. That she loved him as he loved her. He even loved those moments when she corrected him on his mistakes, showing her wisdom, he loved her all the more. For when he made his mistakes and she corrected him, it was not with a quick judgement, quick to say he was wrong as some might, but in a loving patience and with kind heart, gentle in correction, loving despite the flaws. For it was her loving heart that made her beautiful to Merlin. He was always thankful he had been given such a gift. Someone who was willing to be there for him through all his trails and joys. He felt as if she was part of his very soul and wondered how he ever lived with out her. Yes, Merlin felt himself a richly blessed man indeed.

Now he was returning home from the woods after gathering some materials earlier that evening, and he reached the edge of the small village where his and Anna's cottage was. He now stood looking down the main road of the town, his house being about a city block away. The lights were off in the surrounding houses, but the lights still burned in the windows of his house, welcoming him home.

Suddenly he noticed something strange on the horizon. A dark line had erupted onto that place where earth seemed to meet sky. Now he saw it race like the wind over the woods beyond the village. He watched in abject horror as the trees were blacked as if by fire. Then he realized it was coming toward the village.

"Oh God! Anna!" Merlin shouted out loud.

Just as he spoke Anna emerged from the house. Now she looked back and saw the shadow racing toward her. She ran from it and toward Merlin, and Merlin in turn ran to her as fast as he could. But he was too far away and the shadow moving too fast. Merlin saw if fall over Anna, and she cried out as if having been stabbed.

Merlin's heart jolted in his chest and screamed out in horror, "Anna! NO!"

Merlin saw her fall to her knees and then collapse to the ground and roll over onto her side. Merlin heedless of the shadow ran straight into it! The shadow felt deathly cold. Merlin would wonder latter why he hadn't been hurt by the shadow, as if something had protected him, but now his thoughts were only on her.

He raced to reach her. He felt he had to get her out of the shadow. Now he reached her and picked her up in his arms and turned and began to run in the direction of the advancing shadow's front. By now the shadow had reached the other side of the village and continued its advance. As Merlin ran with her in his arms he felt as if this all might be some terrible nightmare, and prayed he would simply wake up in her arms, but it wasn't a dream. Now suddenly the shadow stopped its advance and held its place at the forest's edge as if it had spent itself and could go no further. Now Merlin carried her though the edge of the shadow and he could feel the warm spring night again. He continued down the road and into the woods until after a few minutes he reached the grove, the very same grove in fact where he had proposed to her nearly a year before. Now he laid her down in the tall grass and knelt down beside her. He held her hand in his. Her hand was icy cold, but she was breathing. Her breath came in shallow gasps, as if she were out of breath.

Merlin then with one arm held her up a little and with his other hand stroked her cheek.

"Anna. . .Anna, please wake up. Please." Merlin said softly, but in a tone as if begging for mercy.

Finally after a few moments she slowly, tiredly, opened her eyes, her breathing was still shallow and being taken in gasps.

"Oh, thank God. I thought I had lost you. Hold on. I'll find some way to help you." Merlin said with hope.

"Merlin. . . .Merlin listen to me. . ." Anna said with some difficulty.

"What is it?" Merlin asked hanging on her every spoken word.

"Merlin. . . you know it . . . already. . . I'm . . .dying." she breathed.

"Oh God. Please no. There's got to be something I can do." Merlin begged.

"No. . . .I'm bleeding . . . . bleeding internally. . . .there's nothing. . . anyone. . . .can do." she said with difficulty because she continued to have trouble breathing.

"Oh God no. . .please no I don't want to loose you Anna." Merlin lamented as he began to cry, "I love you, please don't leave me."

Anna, with great effort on her part, and with her hand trembling from exertion, she weakly reached up and touched his face.

"Don't. . .cry. . .I love . . .you. . .and. . .will . . .always be . . .with you. . .somehow. . ." Anna breathed softly.

Suddenly her breathing became shallower. Merlin, helpless to do anything else, held her closer as if just by hanging on to her he felt he could keep death from taking her away from him. Now Merlin looked at her face again, into her eyes just as he had that day he proposed to her. Now she closed her eyes as if she was tired, then her breathing stopped, she grew still, and Merlin was alone.

"God!" Merlin screamed out, "take me instead!" said Merlin his voice breaking as he collapsed into tears. He stayed there crying and cradling her lifeless form for a long time.

Finally at one point he looked up and saw the sun begin to rise over the forests beyond the lake. He knew there was nothing more he could do. A breeze had picked up and blew from the grove out over the lake. Merlin knew there was only one last thing to do for his wife. Leaning forward he kissed her forehead.

"Goodbye Anna." Merlin whispered.

Now standing up with sad resignation, he stood near her with her lifeless form between him and the lake. Then stretching out his hands, he kept his eyes on her, her golden blond hair like the sunlight, the softness of her face. Now an orange outline appeared around her, now that outline became like an aura, and the flames engulfed her quite form and with in seconds reduced it to ashes. Merlin watched to the very last, tears falling from his eyes and through them he stared as it burning her appearance in his memory and soul. Finally, Merlin watched as wind carried the ashes out over the lake and to the forest beyond.

Now Merlin walked down that road toward the village again. He walked with a desolate expression and marched right into the shadow with livid defiance! He continued to march and kept walking deeper and deeper into the shadow on through the scorched woods. The remains of the trees looked like black spikes protruding from the earth. Merlin marched on heedless. Merlin continued on for some time until he finally reached the Academy. There among its Romanesque architecture and ivy covered walls, he headed to the headmaster's office.

Merlin knew that the headmaster's office was where some of the most powerful books on magic were kept. Merlin entered the room and went to the bookshelf behind the headmaster's desk. The sunlight entered the room through a skylight, but the sunlight was murky sooty yellow, tinted by that shadow. Now Merlin had many choices of books before him and he knew he could only take some of them. Remembering with sad fondness of Anna's studies in medicine, and also with pain about his inability to help her, he picked up several books on medicine and healing, he also picked up books on nature, some from other branches of magic, and one book that dealt with the magic that could warp space and time.

Suddenly Merlin heard the door to the headmaster's room creak open. Merlin turned, with all the books he was taking with him in his hands, to see who had opened the door. There in the doorway stood another student Merlin had seen at the Academy, but hadn't had a chance to talk with. Merlin remembered the students name was Bazaal. He wondered why Bazaal hadn't been injured by the shadow too.

"Bazaal, do you know what is going on?" Merlin asked.

"Hello, Merlin. . . how is Anna doing?" Bazaal inquired with tone of mock cheerfulness and a strange smile that mixed the superiority of a smirk with the coldness of a sneer.

Merlin went cold and realized what Bazaal meant. Merlin now felt Bazaal smile wasn't just strange, it was obscene.

"She's gone, but you knew that already didn't you. You created the shadow." Merlin responded.

Bazaal just smiled wider, "Why Merlin! I didn't think you'd figure it out so fast." Bazaal burst out laughing as if it were the funniest thing in the world.

"What kind of creature are you?!" Merlin said with revulsion!

"The best kind! The kind with power!" Bazaal said his face now suddenly going cold and his tone to that of contempt and finishing in a tone of wicked conviction and perverted pleasure, "and now you will join her!"

With that Bazaal stretched out his hand and a fireball formed in his palm. Bazaal hurled it at Merlin. But Merlin too stretched out his hand and the fireball was absorbed by a shield around Merlin. Bazaal, momentarily caught off guard that Merlin didn't collapse to the floor writhing in agony, revealed his shock that someone could have the audacity not to die at his command. For Bazaal was prideful, and since he had studied into forbidden arts deeper than any wizard before him, he thought himself untouchable. Merlin's resistance forced him to realize he still had much to learn.

"You can't touch me Bazaal." Merlin replied with defiance.

"Well see about that!" Bazaal shouted.

Bazaal livid with rage formed another fireball this time much larger than the first and hurled it toward Merlin. It struck the desk first, shattering it into splinters but still Merlin's shield absorbed it!

"I don't know how you survived my shadow Merlin. I know your pitiful shield might defend you from my direct attacks, but it couldn't have protected you from the shadow. But regardless I will see you suffer for your defiance." Bazaal said with fury and bleeding contempt.

Merlin didn't reply. He simply walked past Bazaal and out the door of the headmaster's office. Bazaal glowed with rage! Bazaal turned and out stretched his hands again. This time lightning arced from his hands toward Merlin, but the energy was just absorbed by his shield yet again.

Bazaal howled out in rage, "MERLIN! I will hunt you to the ends of the world and beyond! No matter how long it takes! I will kill you! MERLIN!"

Merlin continued on heedless as the Academy was now burning and collapsing around him since Bazaal going into a fit of blazing rage began to burn and lay waste to everything in sight! At one point, while Merlin was passing under an archway, Bazaal blasted it with a fireball, but the collapsing stones were held back by Merlin's shield as he hurried beneath them. Finally as Merlin now exited the Academy grounds, nearby a decorative steeple exploded and pieces of it fell onto Merlin's shield. Again the shield held, though it was getting to be a strain on Merlin to keep it up so long.

Once safely out of range of Bazaal Merlin put his shield down. Merlin again marched on back through the desolate woods and lifeless village without rest until he had again gone beyond the shadow's reach. Then he walked a ways into the woods and rested there. After a brief rest, for it felt good to sit down, he opened the book that dealt with warping time and space. He began to search through it for a spell he had heard about. Finally after some careful reading he found it, a spell that could open gateways to other "worlds" or other realities. So Merlin using it opened up a strange half real doorway and not knowing what lay beyond, but knowing he could not stay here, he entered that gateway and found himself in another world, a world it's people called Logress.

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited January 03, 2000).]
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

2000-01-03, 5:55 PM #110
ignore this. . .

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited January 03, 2000).]
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

2000-01-06, 3:52 PM #111
***It's little Ping here!!! I've shrugged off my mental block long enough to write somthing. //cheers and appluase\\ Thank you. Thank you. And now on with the "Ping Show"!***

A dark figure stood before the stinking pit of a valley. It stunk worse than his hometown. He was one of the few of his kind that actually took note of the stench his race made, the stench the Goblins sort of took pride in. He wore grotesque armor, as was the make of his people. In one of his hands he held a pikestaff, the blade on the end was hooked wickedly. With his other hand he drew back the hood of his cloak to let the light of the gloomy day fall on his face. One of his eyes was missing. He had recieved that in the war. All that was there was a scar marking the wound he recieved and his eyelids sewn shut. Otherwise he had a fair face for a goblin. His face was void of warts or pimples or wrinkles, he only possessed the trademark green skin.

With all of this he was considered an outcast from his society. He was different, it was true. There was more to him than his appearances however. That part of why the elders had called him. He wanted to be here. To serve his people.

He looked down into the valley of Bazaal. Everywhere there were camps. Camps of the Dead. They littered this valley like an infestation of rats, these abominations of nature. With a sigh he resigned himself to his duty and began the decent to his final destination. He didn't know what would await him here. Whether this would work or not. But it had to be done. None of the other races had tried this. Perhaps it was beyond them to do something like this. Soon the castle loomed high over his head.


"Nice to see you well again."

Scout nodded in reply. Sakana sat on the makeshift throne used for war times when the camp had to be moved quickly. There was a golden glow on the forest today. The elven lands were always like some dream because of the magic surrounding thier race. This same glow pervaded the tent Ping, Scout and Sakana were in. There had been silence after Ping explained why he was here. It was only interrupted by Sakana's comment to Scout. Finally Sakana shifted in his seat.

"Yes, I will come with you." The guard seemed to slump where they stood by the entrence. "I will have to appoint a Steward of the Throne while I am gone. That decision is not difficult to make. Randon came back from his duty on the front yesterday. He had a good head for things, he should do well." He turned to the hulking gaurd near the door. "Herudo, would you go get Randon for me?"

"Yes, your Madjesty." He quickly exited the tent. Once again Sakana rolled his eyes.

"Just between both of you and me, I never liked this king stuff." He sighed. "Where shall we go, and what is our plan?"

"Well, for the moment, we're trying to find out about the rest of our party memebers, gathering help... I suppose we'll return to Merlin's Citadel for now. I've been thinking that there may be something locked away in the books he has. Something he maybe forgot or was too dangerous to try."

"What about the Sword?"

Ping shook his head saddly. "That was lost to us during the final confrontation. We don't even know where it is. Bazaal could have it, someone could have picked it up, it could be at the bottom of the ocean. It could be anywhere."

"We could search for it."

"We don't have the time. You are losing the battle here. Since we have no contact with the other races we must assume that they are as pressed or worse than you are. This world is losing quickly. We should all discuss it when we're all together again, but for now I would commit my resources not in a search for an object but for an answer."

The flap opened and two elves clad in scratched and dented armor entered. The man didn't stand any taller than the woman. He had sandy blonde hair. The other a woman, her brown hair stopped at her shoulders. Sakana sprang out of his seat and embraced the man before he could genuflect. "It's good to see you Randon."

"Uh... thank you your Madjesty." Randon said, perplexed.

"URGH! I wish people would quit calling me that. I never feel like king."

Randon stood there in scratched armor and addressed Sakana, robed in fine gold and silk. "No king feels like king. A king is just a face for his kingdom. Act like a king and you will be king."

Sakana looked at him in surprise. "Since when did you get so philosophical?". Randon simply shrugged.

"Well, in light of that, how would you like to be a king?"

"Well... I..... um..."


The goblin walked calmly toward the bone gates. The gates stood at the front of the new "city" that sprung up outside of Bazaal's castle. It was only roughly called a city because of the fact that it was completely unstructured. Makeshift mud and brick buildings stretched from the gate to the great doors that were cut into in side of the mountain that Bazaal's castle stood on. His boots sloshed through the mud. He kept his head downturned as he approached the skeletons that guarded the gate.

They stopped him before he could go any further. They hissed something unintelligible from nonexistant throats and lunged at him. They didn't get far. The ground underneath them erupted and exploded. From out of the smoke and skeleton remains the goblin continued to walk unhindered. He finally reached the gate. There was no need for him to knock. The spell he cast made enough noise for the whole city to hear. He looked up to the parapet to see a dirty rag of a man appear, looking down at him.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"My name is Frag." He answered in the raspiest voice he could muster. "I have come to join Bazaal." The little dirty man paused for a moment then vanished from view. Frag, the goblin, was left standing before the bone gate.

Time passed. Immeasureable time passed. Frag was ready. He knew what was coming. The elders gave him the advice before he left on this mad quest. As he stood, the shadows of the day lengthening, he began to feel a tiny, miniscule and minute pressure on his brain. Immeadiatly he sprung into action. He filled his mind with pictures and emotions. Emotions of pure rage and hate. He pictured the sufferings of countless peoples. Men and women disembowled and dismemberd. Of souls writhing in torment. Of himself taking perverse pleasure in the act of committing these acts. Then as the pressure exerted itself even more, he mentally faught back, throwing off the pressure. It returned in greater force. He struggled again and threw it off. This time the pressure was immense, a raging fire inside his skull. He didn't even realize that he had dropped to his knees. Now he faught in desperation. He struggled now, not to throw it off, but to keep his own sanity. He focused and focused untill it seemed like a tug-of-war that would never have a victory. This seemed to go on for ages. Untill suddenly it all vanished. Immeadiately he composed himself and stood on his feet. It was evening now, where it was noon when he'd first arrived. Again he waited patiently. The dirty man returned with a torch.

"The Great Bazaal will see you." The great gates slowly swung open. Frag walked proudly and masterfully through them and into the city. It was important that he did so with arrogance. He again resigned himself to his duty now to his people. It hurt him to think of such terrible things as killing and torture. It taxed his sanity to do so. The chances were that he would have to do all sorts of unspeakable evil to accomplish his goal. He have to become evil itself. A total incarnation of evil itself, like Bazaal was. He would have to immerse himself in it and at the same time, try and keep some vestige of decency inside himself.

Now was the beginning of Damnation.


"You're a swordsman, right?"

"Swords-woman." Scout said sternly.

Sakana scratched his head nervously. "Oh, yeah. Sorry."

The camp bustled about them early the next day. They stood outside a small tent that Sakana wanted to visit before they left. "I wanted to come here before we left. You came here without a sword Scout. I wanted to give you one. One that I think may suit you." He walked inside. Ping and Scout heard many sounds coming from within. Banging, crashing, breaking and the occasional angry curse from Sakana. Moments later he emerged.

"This is a sword that was made a long time ago, when wizards native to this land practiced thier arts. It was made to cut through anything an undead weilded. From swords to armor to sheilds, if an undead is carrying it, you can cut it in half." It looked like a regular sword when she drew it from the scabbard, but on the pommel was an ivory carving of a badly cracked skull.

"Well that's that. Let's get moving!"

"It'll take a few days to reach the Citadel from here, we should get some supplies and..." Ping said.

"No, no. We're not going on foot."


"We're going express, by air!" Sakana said proudly. Ping and Scout looked at each other stupidly. "Come, I'll show you."

They marched straight out of camp. For about a quarter of a mile they walked through the golden woods until the came into a clearing on a hill top. There stood a number of elves in ornamental armor. On the crest of the hill there sat a huge bird. It's feathers were a rusty brown. It stood about twenty feet high. Upon seeing Sakana it squawked loudly alerting all the soldiers on the hill. They all saluted as they appraoched. As Sakana approached the bird bent down level with the ground.

Ping noticed a large package strapped to the bird's back. "Sakana, is that...?" Ping said dumbfounded.

Sakana nodded. "And feed for the bird." He said patting it. "It's a Roc. Not a full grown one. This one is quite young. Full grown adults are the size of cities." Sakana directed them to sit on it's back and to strap themselves in. Once they were settled the Roc screeched loudly and lurched into the air. They circled the clearing, the soldiers becoming smaller and smaller as they gained altitude. They sped off towards the north, over the battlefront and over the desert.

Go on! I'll buy you a puppy!
DCM 51
2000-01-07, 5:11 AM #112
Orca was awoken from his meditation by a knock on the door to his throne room. The throne room, very much affected by the spell, was now a tropical jungle, filled with all sorts of plants. Orca shouted to the visitor to come in, and was surprised to see Zatela, one of Bazaal's newest Dark Wizards(Or, in this case, Wicthes) walk in. Her long, stringy black hair reached almost down to her knees, matching almost precisely with the giant sword she carried. But more curious than this brute sword was the shining sword she carried in both hands. Orca had seen it before, when he was with Merlin. This sword was Concilium Ex Deo. Orca stared in surpise as Zatela threw the sword to Orca. Orca caught it in his grasp, feeling the goodness in the blade. But Orca did not let it get to him, no, he had a more imporant mission with this blade. "A peace offering." Zatela explained with disgust. She then turned on her heels and walked out. "Some diplomat." Orca mutered sarcasticlly, then picked up the sword. "Well, I think Bazaal has a point. A peace it is then!" He called after the retreating Zatela. She scowled at this, as if she had hoped Orca would continue the fight, then quickly ran away before Orca could say anymore. "You'll get your wish, Zatela, you'll get your wish. Before long, you'll get your wish. I may have curtailed my power to pervent being corrupted, but I still have enough power to rip your head from your body." Orca murmered, sheathing Concilium Ex Deo. "Now I must get this sword to the Dark Lakes, next to Bazaal's palace. Then I can destroy it. Noone, not even Bazaal, ventures into the Dark Lakes. And after a week or so, it should have reached the Great Ocean. Then, it shall be lost forever." Orca said triumphently, holding up the great shining sword that represented God. "We'll see what Merlin thinks when all his beliefs are tossed down the Dark Lake drain with this sword!" he then smirked as he walked out of his tower, setting off on the long journey. Before he did, he gestured toward his three companions: Hecklord the Goblin Archer, Horaya the Tiger Mage, and Baza the Basalisk Warrior. It was time for a mighty journey.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

2000-01-08, 2:25 PM #113
With his rail detonater strapped across his back bug begins to climb the side of the mountain. Balthazar sits up in the cave with his head dangling over the side of the cliff as he watches bug slowly begin his ascent.

"You're sure persistant, arn't you" Balthazar speaks out into bug's mind. "why do you want me on you're side so much anyways?"

"You're the greatest dragon in the world." yells back bug. "With you on my side we could get the help of all the dragons. That would be worth more than all of the undead armies combigned"

"YOUR side?" laughs Balthazar "I think you mean Bazaal's side"

Bug continues climbing up the cliff. He pauses as he tries to gain a foothold.

"I only work for Bazaal. I'm not a slave to him. Besides, it's better than when I worked for that idiot Merlin"

Balthazar's breath begins to rise in anger. "I could burn you to a crisp with one burst of my breath", he says coldly.

bug, indaunted, climbs higher up the cliff wall.

"I know magic. I could protect myself against that"

"I have smelled your magical abaility. You couldn't protect yourself for more than a dozen seconds."

bug doesn't respond. He continues climbing

"Look down bug. It's an alfully long fall for someone who can't fly"

Bug takes a moment to take a peek down at the ground. The jagged rocks over 50 feet below him don't provide much reassurence. Shrugging it off bug continues climbing. His's sneer remains unseen to Balthazar as he faces the rock wall. "You wouldn't kill me. You're on the side of good. You wouldn't hurt anyone unless they attacked you first"

"I might make an acception for you bug. Just because I normally don't like to kill people in cold blood doesn't mean I can't."

"Ha!" yells bug "you're just like Merlin. You're all talk, but you never can do anything. Merlin spent months orginizing, and planning the attack against Bazaal. He said we could kill Bazaal, our little party made up of freaks and misfits lead by an ignorant wizard could defeat the most powerful man in the world! If I hadn't realized what a bunch of fools we were I would be dead like him!"

Balthazar lashed out into bug's mind with anger, speaking almost in the dragon tongue "Merlin was greater than you will ever be. He understood things you cannot even begin to comprehend!"

"MERLIN WAS A FOOL!!!!!!!!" As bug screams out, he suddenly looses his foothold. "NOOOO!!!" he screams. He begins to fall down the side of the cliff when he suddenly grabs hold of a vine. Supported only by the flimsy vine, with no where to get a hand hold he remains dangling along the side of the cliff wall.

"Do not try to bend the spork, that's impossible. Instead, try to realize the truth"
"What truth"
"That there is no spork. Then you will see that it is not the spork that bends, it is you"
‹^› //‹{°;°}›\\ ‹^›
2000-01-08, 5:59 PM #114
Space Orca and his companions are travelling down the road to Bazaal's Citadel when they are stopped by a squad of Zombies. The ugly and stupid undead quickly accept the fact a treaty has been signed and shuffle away. However, as the leave, several bushes along the side of the road part, revealing a squad of Human Archers. They open fire, and the Zombies find arrows in their backs and fall dead. Orca looks over at the twelve dirty archers. They were obviously guerillas, left behind to cause trouble for Bazaal as he took the Human's territory. Orca shook his head and gestured to his companions to go on. But Hecklord stared at the Archers, who quickly muttered something and disappeared into the bushes. Orca watched one of them flee, thinking of their sorry condition. Suddenly, he was joined by a Lich. "Greetings. I have been sent to apprehend these rebels. Assist me by the terms of the peace treaty." the Lich crackled, its face twisting with each magiclly made word. Orca stared at the beast, watching its disfigured body move toward the woods. Orca suddenly stopped it with a kick in the back, and then followed it with a quick punch that sent the Lich reeling back, and it crashed into the foilage. Hecklord drew his Crossbow and prepared to fire a bolt at the creature, but Orca stopped him. Instead, Orca took out his long sword. He held it to the Lich's throat. "Our peace treaty means as much as your life to me." Orca said in a low and menacing growl, then slit the Lich's throat. He then once again gestured to his companions and they continued on their way unchallenged.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

2000-01-10, 10:46 AM #115
"Ah, this is the only way to travel," Scout said as she leaned back in her seat, the Roc's wings pumping rhythmically on either side.

"Ain't it though?" Sakana returned with a grin. "A body could get fat and lazy getting around this way."

Ping looked at the other two. "I couldn't."

"Er," Sakana frowned. Finally, he amended, "Then, I guess a body could conserve a lot of energy getting around this way."

"There you go."

"Then again," Sakana continued thoughtfully. "Do we need to amend that again for our changless lady-friend? Eh, Scout. Scout?" But she wasn't listening any longer. Sakana put a hand on her shoulder, asking, "Hey, what're you looking at?"

"I can't tell," she replied slowly, squinting down at the desert below. "But there's something down there kicking up a lotta dust."

Undoing his restrains, Sakana leaned over her carefully, to follow her pointing finger. Grunting, he turned to Ping. "She's right. Wonder what that's about?"

"No telling," Ping replied. "But unless they start launching SAMs at us, we probably don't need to know."

"SAMs?" Sakana repeated in curiousity.

"Surface-to-air-missiles," Scout replied absently.

Ping gave her a funny look. "How did you know that?"

Sitting up straight, Scout looked at them, a blank expression on her face. "I don't know."

"I think you'd better start working on getting your memory back," Ping told her. "Because it sounds like you have some stories I'd be interested in hearing."

Scout nodded, but Sakana sat up abruptly. "We've got trouble."

"What do you mean?" Ping asked.

"I don't know, but we've got trouble."

Before either could question Sakana any more, a screech from above told them all they need to know. Swooping down from on high was a sketal dragon, fire making up the spaces were it's flesh should be, an Undead rider on it's back.

As Sakana yanking the reins, the Roc screeched and banked around in a hard turn and began to climb, not giving the undead dragon or it's rider a chance to correct before the two flyers had passed on another.

"This could be bad," Sakana told his two companions.

(Don't know what you planned, Ping, but if you want to get back to the Citadel quickly with the Roc intact, then go ahead. As it is, though, I left it open to 'crashing' in the desert, and maybe finding out what was making the dust cloud. Either way, I hope everyone enjoys the medieval dogfight!)
2000-01-10, 10:46 AM #116
Oops, double post.

[This message has been edited by Scout (edited January 10, 2000).]
2000-01-10, 2:54 PM #117
(Sorry I haven't posted in so long everyone, I've had trouble on what to write. Hope I can get intot he swing of things again.)

*Gebohq and Tessa sat cross-legged facing each other. They were conversing with each other about many things, from topics taught that day to random thoughts like "How'd you get your name?". They sat like that for hours in the outdoor clearing that Gebohq first started to teach Tessa. It was now dark, most likely way past midnight, but neither of them tired.*

Tessa: "...And that's what my mother had told me about it snowing. My father had told me later and my mother got sooo mad at him!"

*They both laughed at the amusing episode she had just told. Then, after regaining their composure, Gebohq looked at Tessa with sad eyes.*

Gebohq: "I bet you miss your parents a lot, don't you?"

Tessa: "I was taken away from them at a very young age, but yes, I do...I remember everything about they looked, how they smelled, how they laughed...but most of all, I remember how happy they were together...*she tries to with hold a tear, but fails as it travels down her cheek, followed by another, and another. Gebohq thinks that even though he sympathizes with her, he wasn't ready for-*...hold me!"

*She half-leaped from her cross-legged position and sprung right towards Gebohq, who involuntarily in half-defense put out his arms. She buries her head in his chest and cries profusely at the life she's had to live. Gebohq, still holding Tessa to comfort her, think about how fast she must of had to grow up being a slave for Bazaal. Tessa the raised her head to look at Gebohq, her eyes still watery.*

Tessa: "You won't ever leave me, will you?"

*Gebohq never liked to answer these questions because in the back of his head, he always though he could never keep a promise. But he said what would be best for Tessa.*

Gebohq: "Of course not. You can stay with me as long as you like."

*Tessa, in a wave of joy, started to kiss Gebohq on the lips. All the sadness that had been in her but a few seconds ago seemed to disappear. The two continued to kiss under the stars.*
*Elsewhere that night, Apathis and Yimir had just reached the entrance to Bazaal's fortress. Apathis was quite glad that they had returned back to this place, the assignment he had been on had bored him. Here, he could do whatever he wanted...which was absolutely to do nothing. For mysterious reasons, lying around doing nothing seemed quite satisfactory with him. As Yimir took one way inside the fortress, Apathis headed for his chambers, when Bazaal appeared in front of him. He knew that Bazaal couldn't teleport in front of him, but it seemed that way.*

Bazaal: "Apathis, my dear friend..."

Apathis: //Oh boy, he's gonna send me out again. wish he'd go-//

Bazaal: "I need you to go to the Misty Mountains and....eliminate Gebohq. My first plan has taken too long to of had any effect."

Apathis: "I'm glad you have confidense in me sir, but why me?"

Bazaal: "Quite simple. You will have the advantage over Gebohq because he will fear you after coming back after he thought he defeated you. I hope for you sake you've corrected your flaw."

Apathis: "Quite corrected sir. //and just when I thought I'd get some rest. someday I'm going to get back at him, that I will...//
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-01-10, 3:13 PM #118

Shawn awoke in the royal room to see Lina watching him. "Whats wrong?" Shawn asked. "Nothing," She replied, "you just look peaceful when your sleeping". Shawn got up and headed to the window. "Shawn, we need to try to convince Dragonfly to change his mind." Lina said. "We can try but I'm sure we won't be able to convince him." He said as he turned to Lina.

"Why not?" She said as she stood up. "Because he is concerned for the safety of his people. He's afaid that if he gets involved that his people will suffer. they're all that he has left now and he doesn't want them to die." Shawn said as he walked to Lina. Lina nodded and then they walked out and went to find Dragonfly.

"Well, good morning my friends." Dragonfly said as he approached the couple. "Good morning to you as well." Shawn replied. "Good morning" Lina said. "So, what are you two up to today?" Dragonfly said. "We were planning to head back to the Citadel and wait for Ping to show up. Hopefully he was able to bring Sakana with him." Shawn said and paused for a moment. "We were hopeing that you would reconsider your desicion about not helping us defeating Bazaal." Shawn said with a lighter tone. "Sorry Shawn, but my answer is still no, but I'll be glad to give you supplies for your journy back to the Citadel." Dragonfly said as he gestured for the two to follow him. "Ok, I understand." Shawn replied as he and Lina followed Dragonfly.

After saying goodbye, Shawn and Lina were given supplies and a ride down to the mountain below. "Lets hope Ping had better luck." Shawn said as they begain their long walk back to the Citadel. "Shawn, before we head back to the Citadel, lets head to my home town. I haven't been there since I joined up with you and with everything going on I want to check up on everyone." Lina said as she looked into Shawn's eyes. Shawn nodded and they headed to Lina's hometown.

"I can become enraged like Vegeta, if i smile, run...................very fast."

"Semper Fi"

-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
2000-01-11, 4:44 PM #119
Sakana directed the bird quickly behind a cloud to avoid being noticed.

"Haven't seen one of those before." Sakana said.

"I wonder if it's anything like those flameing demons Orca used to keep around him." Ping mused.

"I doubt it." Sakana said. "It looked like it was heading straight for the battlefront. My guess is that it's some sort of over-glorified messenger. We could probably do my people some good if we we're to destroy it."

"Destroy it? I don't think we even could destroy a NORMAL dragon, let alone an undead one." Scout remarked. Her remark was soon punctuated by a dark shadow coming through the cloud. The dragon appeared and without hesitation let loose a blast of fire. Ping only had a split second to put up a shield for the bird and themselves. Sakana leaned forward and the Roc went into a steep dive. Ping's shield crumbled just as they cleared the fire blast. The dragon and it's rider followed.

The wind howled past them as they drove for the ground. "YOU WANT TO FIGHT THAT!?" Scout practically screamed into Sakana's ear. Sakana pulled back on the reigns and the bird leveled off before they reached the ground. The desert rocks shot past beneath them. From behind they heard a roar. The dragon was just finishing it's decent and gaining speed.

"Hey, c'mon. You haven't forgotten that sword I gave you yet, have you? If we we're to put you on it's back you could easily take out both the rider and the dragon. But before we go risking your life let's try a few things." Sakana banked the bird hard and soon they and the dragon we're headed straight for each other. Sakana stood up in the stirrups. As the dragon approached Sakana was wreathed in blue flame. With a roar the flame shot from him. It seemed as if the dragon expected his attack, for it emmitted it's own firey breath to counter Sakana's spell. Both exploded in mid air. From behind the firecloud the dragon burst through still spewing fire. There was no time to turn. Ping brought up another shield and they all crouched behind it. Luckily they were going at a high enough velocity to escape unharmed.

"Oh, nevermind!" Scout burst out impatiently. "Just set me on the back of that thing!"

"Easier said than done." Sakana said. "It's gonna be rough getting close to somthing that dangerous."

"Sakana," Ping said. "Do you think it's safe to assume that the rider has COMPLETE control over his mount?"

"I suppose. Why?"

"I want to try a trick I used a long time ago." They both looked at him. He wiggled his fingers around and small light particles danced between them. "Just get me as close to the face of the dragon as you can. It doesn't have to be long. A split second will do."

Sakana banked. When they came around they saw that the dragon had also taken the opportunity to turn around. "Cut across in front of it!" Ping yelled against the wind. As they approached Sakana yanked the reigns one way to begin, then another to cut across the path of the dragon. Ping made a quick calculation. "Don't look!" He said playfully and then proceeded to leap off the back of the Roc. He watched as he fell through the air, his freinds accellerate away. //Good.// The dragon loomed in front of him. Ping righted himself and charged up. As he came up close he let loose a brilliant flash of light directly into the eyes of the dragon. As he fell past, it roared and thrashed around in the air until it's rider had the chance to regain control. It wasn't far to the ground now. Above him he saw a brown spot edge near the dragon. Ping felt reassured that his freinds had gotten the idea.


"Ping!" Sakana shouted.

"He'll be alright." Scout said.

"How do you know?"

"If he knew he wasn't going to be, HE WOULDN'T HAVE DONE SOMETHING STUPID LIKE THAT!"

Suddenly the whole sky was lit up by a brilliant flash. When all was clear they saw the dragon thrashing around.

"He distracted it!" Sakana said. Immeadiately he took the cue and brought the bird around behind the dragon. With the distraction came decelleration, Sakana had no problem catching up.

"This is where I get off!" Scout launched herself from the Roc and landing hard on the back of the dragon. She grunted as she impacted with the hard bony plates. She immeadiately noticed the roaring fire of the beast around her. Even though they were in open air, it was as hot as a furnace. She fought to regain her footing on the speeding beast. Suddenly she felt something hit her across her back. She fell flat on her stomach, almost sliding off the dragons back. She grabbed a spine protruding from a vertebrae and held on. Taking a moment to look up, she noticed the skeleton rider looking down at her, hollow sockets staring meanacingly. With the lance it was holding it struck her across the back again. It's third strike didn't connect however. Scout managed to swing back up to a level position. As the skeleton tried to regain it's bearings, she drew her sword. No sooner had she done so, the skeleton's lance came down one her again.... and was cut in half upon meeting Scout's sword. //Wow.// she commented to herself briefly. Apparently the skeleton was thinking the same, for he simply stared stupidly at his broken lance. Siezeing the oppurtunity, she brought the sword down on it's head. It clove straight through helmet and skull. The remains of the skeleton collapsed and rolled off the dragon.

Suddenly she skeleton was the least of her concerns. The dragon's fire started to dissapear from around her. It all seeped from it's place straight toward the skull. When all the fire was gone the head exploded and the dragon fell apart. Scout instantly had the sensation of weightlessness she knew could only come from free-falling. The ground was quite close. Her invulnerability had gotten her out of some tight fixes, but never before had she been free-falling from the sky. She had no doubt that she would survive, it would just hurt like you wouldn't believe whenever she woke up. She thought to herself, "Sakana had better be on the ball here." as she neared the ground. Suddenly something gripped her all around her torso, holding her firmly. There was a sudden change in direction, causing her whole body to jerk one way. She lost conciousness.


Scout woke up. Her vision was a little blurred, but was quickly returning to normal. Before her burned a fire. She sat on hard rock, but she was propped against somthing warm.

"She's coming around." A deep, ethereal voice said.

A green figure came into her view. She could only guess that to be Ping. "How are you feeling?", came his voice.

"Little woozy. You fell further than me, how do you feel?"

"A little weak but I can function."

"Where's Sakana?"

"Feeding the bird."

"What happened?"

"Kind of ironic. To slay a dragon and then be rescued by one."

"Huh?" she looked around and found that the object she was propped against was moving slightly, as if breathing. It was white with a grayish underbelly. Long and serpent like, it was the epitome of an eastern type dragon. It almost looked like a giant ferret, sans the hair. Instead of massive wings, it had a series of fins with which it used to "swim" through the air. It had a dragon's face except for two long whiskers which looked like a thin mustache. Scout gazed up in dumbfoundment.

The dragon simply chuckled. "Rest now dragonslayer. You have done well." Scout immeadiately felt sleepy and relaxed against the white of the dragon's side. A blissful sleep soon took her.

The next morning they all stood ready to depart.

"Thank you, Rivanno." Sakana said.

"It is I who should thank all of you." Rivanno, the Snow Dragon's voice echoed in their heads. "That was the dragon's battle that should have been faught up there. We arrived almost too late. Had it not been for all of you, there would still be one of these abominations loose. We missed him, during the fighting. Bazaal has sent these "dragons" against us to wipe us out. How futile are his efforts. We have slaughtered them without any casualties." He spoke directly to Scout. "You are very brave. I can tell there is cloud over your mind. Underneath the cloud is a vast wall of time and forgetfullness that even I cannot penetrate. I will grant you healing. In time you will remember all."

With that the dragon lifted into the air and sailed away almost noiselessly as if something from out of a dream.


"Hey, Sakana. Did you ever find out about what that dust cloud was in the desert?" Scout said.

"Yeah, actually. You wouldn't believe it. It was two elvish soldiers from my command! They were yelling and screaming about something at the top of thier lungs. They smelled horrible as if they had relieved themselves in thier armor. I tried to stop them, but they took one look at Ping here and took off again at top speed. I couldn't keep up with them. I can't understand what got into them." Sakana said shaking his head while tying up the remaining saddlebags.

Scout shot a glance at Ping, who rolled his eyes innocently.
2000-01-14, 7:19 PM #120
(this was what I was going to post if I couldn't think of anything)

Shadows of Darkness outtakes:

*The audience sees a view of "Shadows of Darkness" being filmed. The quality that we're watching though isn't nearly as good though. As the technical equimpent is being set up, the actors, who play as themselves, are in various situations...

*Merlin is in a heated argument with teh stage manager. In place of a wizard's hat, Merlin is wearing a baret(and instead of a white mustashe and beard, he has an black Italien mustashe with matching goatee). Meanwhile, Tessa and Scout talk about their personal lives, Gebohq walks up behind Tessa to say something, she turns around and screams because his looming figure and silence startled her. As Gebohq was apologizing profusely, several of the Dark Wizards try to convince Bazaal to come out of his trailer, saying he is worth something. Apathis is laying on a nearby couch, being fawned by nearby women. Ping_Me, bug, and Space_Orca talk among themselves about Saga of the 3rd War. Merlin then gives call and everyone gets into their places...

Outtake 1

After the funeral of Merlin:

"Shawn, we're two of a kind." Dragonfly said, "I lost all of my family also." Shawn looked up at him with sympathy. "Dad would always tell me how special me and mother was." Dragonfly had said it a bit too hokey though and everyone laughs. "What was that mother? I'm coming mother! Haha..."


first scene with Apathis

"...Defy your elders and join Bazaal in the new era of freedom!"
Instead of the kids in the audience saying "Bazaal" they start chanting "Jerry".


first scene with Gebohq, talking to ghost

"Gebohq. . ." the ghost began.
"Gebohq nothing!" Gebohq finished and turned and marched with haste back to his hermitage. Gebohq then breaks out in laughter and the ghost says "Fine, be that way! See if I care! Hahaha..."


scene with Ping going to elven lands

"YOU WILL SHUT YOUR MOUTH NOW!" A very forceful woman came forward. Very imposing. She wore a forest green cape and nasty looking armor. "You are hearby sentenced to death for entering elven lands!"
Ping gives her a comical pity-look as she breaks out in laughter. Ping says "Geez, isn't that kind of harsh?"


scene with Gebohq and Tessa after walk

*Tessa then stradled herself on his hips and leaned foreward, her arms on his sides on the ground supporting her.*

Tessa: "I was thinking...that you could teach me a few things."

*Gebohq knew all the implications that could be taken from what she said, but giving her the benefit of the doubt, responded cooly.*

Gebohq: "Well, I should tell you, I've never taught anyone before, but...I suppose I could teach you a few things in self-defense. Then we can move on to other topics of interests."

*Tessa got up with a smile on her face.*

Tessa: "I'll be your best pupil...(breaks out into laughter)."

Gebohq: (in best Barry White voice)"I'll give you all the sweet lovin'!"

Everyone laughs even louder


*Scout and Ping_Me are being chased by teh skeletal dragon. As it flies towards them, it is preparing to breath fire, but we then see hte skeletal dragon 20 feet back to where it was, repeating the same action over and over. Panning the camera back, we can see that the background is a mere film backing. Ping then says "Hey, can someone fix that film?"*


*Tessa: "...hold me!"

*Tessa leaps into Gebohq's arms. After crying on his chest, she looks up and asks "You won't leave me, will you?"

Gebohq then breaks out into laughter, followed by Tessa and the rest of the crew on stage.

Gebohq: "God, this is bad! Who wrote this crap? Must of been watching a soap opera beforehand..."

(OK, I know you all can do better than this, serious or non-serious. Type later.)
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