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ForumsInteractive Story Board → The Shadows of Darkness.
The Shadows of Darkness.
1999-12-05, 11:50 AM #41
--Orca, I've got a question. How close are you to your character. I am, or at least strive to be, like Merlin. I wondered how close you were to you character?
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-05, 12:23 PM #42
-I'm a lot like my charechter too, although DEFINATLY not in all ways. For example, Orca is middle aged, I'm only 11. A also don't hand peoples dried corpses on my walls. :-) Also, Merlin, in this tale Orca has as much evil power as Bazaal, but can be brought back because he loves Nature more than Power, so he does not value power above all other things. Also, I forgot to mention in telling about how I am like Orca, I am MUCH more like the good Orca than the evil Orca, although when you get me mad I get more like the evil Orca. Also, just like Orca, I don't believe in any of this religious mumbo-jumbo, no offense intended.-

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

1999-12-05, 12:31 PM #43
--I see. And as part of my own relegious beleifs includes respect for others beleifs. Just to point out, I don't apostlize (try to convert people), I only tell them what it has done for me, and what I have learned. A statement of faith and experince, nothing more, nothing less. My sig is just such an example of my what I have learned from my experince. Any way, I respect what your saying, though all that I am is my faith, quite a contrast huh, and part of that is loving others, and loving others means not trying to ask them to be something they are not. Thanks for the explanation Orca.

The kingdom of God is not a political movement or a city that descends from the skies. Rather it is a change in the human heart. For I have seen my dark side. I know I at times do evil when I do not wish to do it. But His presence in the Holy Spirit is transforming those who wish to serve him. So that we upon this long road of life, and by only His gift to us, not by our actions, are we remade to be like Him.

~Yours in Christ,
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-05, 3:48 PM #44
-Well, if you were trying to convert me, youd have to do it over my cold, dead body, and converting a body wouldn't make much sense, would it?-
*Orca and his troops are now approaching Merlin's Citadel. Orca steps inside.*
Orca-Oh, dang! They're not here!
*Orca troops promtly turn around and start heading back to base.*
Orca-No! Wait! Come on, into that patch of woods surrounding the dark mountain, Shawn and Lina will be coming through there.
*Orca troops enter the forest cautiously, and they suddenly bump into two figures in black robes.*
Orca-Wait! Are you Shawn and Lina by any chance?
Shawn-Why, yes we are. And might you be Orca, by any chance?
Shawn-Orca, what HAS happened to you>
Orca-Much beyond your imigination.
Shawn-I'll try to comprehend.
Orca-Why should I waste the time listening to you try?
Shawn-Because, Orca, you need to tell me WHY you have turned evil.
Orca-And why is it any of your buisness?
Shawn-Because I can turn you back.
Orca-I don't WANT to be turned back!
*Orca fires a fireball at Shawn, knocking him backwards, unhurt but dazed. Lina flings herself forward, knocking Orca down, but Orca rolls, landing on top of her. Shawn gets up and raises his sword over Orca's head. He is stopped short by another one of Orca's fireballs.*
Orca-I'm sorry, I... lost control of myself.
Shawn-I understand. Come let us journey to the Buteo City. Your troops can stay back at their base, they are not needed.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

1999-12-05, 4:51 PM #45
---Why are you so uptight about the whole matter Orca? You must really have somthing the matter with religion. What's wrong? Why are you afraid?---

//This forest isn't much different than the one around the citadel.// Ping thought to himself.

He walked through the withering wood. It was a scene of autumn. Golden leaves adorned the trees. Bright reds, yellows and oranges lit up the forest like torches. The grass and the underbrush also had taken on a golden color. Ping_Me walked on. He didn't know exactly where he would find the elven encampment, but he might as well look.

The day wore on. The sun shone through gloomy brown clouds. Ping could only guess they got their brown color from the dust storms. The sun seemed pale, trying desperatly to shine through the clouds.

He would have missed it if he wasn't looking right at it. In a brushy area not far off to his right he could barely make out a row of tents. focusing better he could now make out many rows of tents. They all almost looked like the bushes and shrubs around them. Ping stopped and started to head for it. He didn't go far though. He stopped in his tracks when he heard a rustling in the bushes next to him. He only blinked his eyes and suddenly he had at least twenty five swords at his neck.

Ping gulped nervously. "Jeeeezz, nice to meet you too." He looked around at the savage faces the stared him down. "Boy, the last time I came throught here..."

"YOU WILL SHUT YOUR MOUTH NOW!" A very forceful woman came forward. Very imposing. She wore a forest green cape and nasty looking armor. "You are hearby sentenced to death for entering elven lands!"

One of the soldiers reached out to grab him by the shoulder. There was a sizzling noise and the elf drew his hand back. It was smoking. The elf screamed in pain and horror. Immeadiatly the elves were on him. Ping drew up his full body sheild and deflected every sword strike. The sheild collapsed under the strain. He shot himself up in the air and landed behind them all, doing a graceful backflip all the time.

"What are you doing??" He asked.

"DIE, WIZARD!" She screamed. Suddenly fifty archers sprang up from their hidden places among the bushes, all with arrows pointed at various places on his body.

"This doesn't look good..." Ping said. The volley was unleashed. Ping again jumped vertically in the air, almost clearing the tree tops. Meanwhile the arrows sliced through air, tree, leaf, bush and other things found in the forest. Upon landing he found himself being charged down by sword waving elves. He thought of a quick plan. He bluged his out in mock panic and took off through the forest. The elves followed like an angry mob. He lead them deeper into the forest, their shouts and footsteps following him as he went. Once he had a good enough lead on them, he vanished from sight and rematerialised up in a tree. He sat on a branch, his legs dangling over the side, and watched the elves rush around in confusion below.

"Which way did he go?"

"I dunno! There are no tracks!"

"Hey let's all go this way and see if we can find him!"

"Good idea!" They all rushed off in one direction.

Ping fought to control his mirth.

"They're a dumb lot but they're good soldiers..." Ping's laughter subsided and changed into surprise upon hearing the new voice. He looked around him but saw nothing. He looked up and saw a figure standing on the branch above him.

"Hi Ping. Long time no see."

It was Sakana.
1999-12-05, 5:37 PM #46
-- Hey, how does this look for an opener to "Of Heavan and Earth" the title of the story I will merge "Saga the Third War" and "Shadows of Darkness", with rewriting of my own, I just kinda use the stuff we wrote here as an editable outline. Here is the tale's opening:

In the deeping shadows of an evening once forgotten, but never forgotten by those who lived it. Merlin stood their in his citadel, a homely furnished cavern, his place of refuge. He stood there now aware of the deepening shadows which now threatened to lay themselves upon his world of Logress. For his old enemy had found him at last. The enemy he fled his across time and space itself. From one reality, his former home, to this one, on a world called Logress. He had travelled not by a ship that sailed through the stars, not to from one earthly globe to another, but rather he had used door ways of magic, which transcended and perhaps transgressed space and time, through these he fled his dark enemy across the ages and beyond space to another space and another time. In essence another reality to itself. There he had lived in hiding, finding peace from evil, but now the day had come that he prayed to God would not come. His enemy had found him again!

Now this enemy, this mortal man of darkness, threatened to enter. . . No! Had already entered this world! Now this man, this what was once a man, now a darkness himself for all his evil, was gathering himself to enslave an innocent world. Merlin knew he had no hope against such an enemy, at least not alone. So he again used his magic, to open those door ways that transcended and perhaps transgressed time, to world yet unknown to him. He felt only in his heart, that there, beyond this place there were other realities, different from his, some very different indeed! But he knew only there lived the people who could perhaps aid him, for he knew not their names, not their faces, but he knew their hearts were good, or had good in them. They would be the champions of this world. This world of Logress depended on it.

What do you think?--
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-05, 6:01 PM #47
Good start. The cavern thing really shows how Merlin is hiding from Bazaal. Whereas the Tower/Citadel seemed very open and opposing.
1999-12-06, 2:01 PM #48
(Great beginning Merlin. Much better anyway than your previous beginning where you started with the members coming-it seemed too sudden. Anyway, on with the writing.)

*Gebohq watched with strage fasination at the fire that heated his meal. He didn't know why it fasinated him, perhaps living alone without human contact for nearly nine years had gotten the better of him. It certianly seemed that way when he saw the ghost appear in front of him by the stream. The apparition seemed somehow familiar...but where? He soon dismissed it as bad lunch he had earlier and continued to watch the fire, which now brought back vivid memories of the fire made by Apathis. Gebohq struggled to bury the horrible events nine years ago...*
*Apathis and Yimir were talking among themselves as they hiked to the next destination to continue the word of Bazaal.*

Apathis: "You did an excellent job back there. At this rate, we'll be back by the end of the week."

Yimir: "No thanks to you. I don't understand why Bazaal brought you back. Failures shouldn't be given a second chance."

*Apathis stared at Yimir, who reflected his father more than before, with a cold stare.*

Apathis: "Bazaal is smarter than you and knows my value. He knows I have a...way with the younger crowd."

*They moved on towards a town where some humans lived. Apathis wondered how much more of Yimir he could take.*
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-12-07, 5:54 PM #49
--Well since nobody's replied in a bit I guess I'd better post something to keep the story moving. BTW I made a correction, earlier I said Bazaal brough back Kricha, I meant Apathis, not Kricha? Anyway, where is everybody?--

Jason Argos, a young man about 16 years old arrived at Bazaal's castle. He had heard the news about Bazaal from that charismatic speaker named Apathis. He wanted to be part of that new order. He felt this was the way to rebel against his parents, and know freedom. But he was not an evil man, in fact he was caring about others as any of us are usually. But he was disatisfied with the limitation put on him by his parents and by his society. He wanted freedom. He had know idea of the fullness of what he was walking into.

He lead my two dark menacing eyeless skeletal warriors, entered Bazaal's throne room. He carefully observed the place. It had a gloom about it, like a dark cold misty morning, but with out the cold, dark, or mist.

He finally looked at the man siting on the throne. The man wore a black robe, under which Jason could make out he wore all black clothing and black boots. He could see the man's pale hand thrust from the long sleves of the dark robe. But the hood of the robe was up, obscuring the face. Not only that but the postion of the robe's hood, a downward tilt, made Jason wonder if the man was not asleep. He figured it would be unwise to wake him. Now Jason's eyes began to wonder again. Now noticing the other person in the room. An attractive youthful looking Elven girl. Jason knew Bazaal was at war with the Elves. He wondered why was there an Elven girl here. Now that he payed attention to her more closely, he saw that the girl was somewhat scantilly clad. Jason figured she was some kind of slave. Though Jason had never really though about wether slavery was evil or not, now didn't seem the time to question Bazaal's actions. Perhaps she deserved it for some reason he wondered. Now he gazed at her expression more closely. He noticed that she did see him. He wondered if she was blind. Though the longer he stared at her the more he found her attractive. At one point he realized the reason he found her so physcially attractive is that she might be some kind of sex slave to Bazaal. At which point he realized it would be unwise to ogle at her for fear of angering Bazaal. Though he found he continued to look at her. Then he began to think of the woman he was infatuated with and dreamed about at night. Her name was Jessica.

"You want her, don't you."

Jason suddenly realized that the man in the throne had spoken, further aware he had been staring at the Elven girl he feared Bazaal's anger.

"No. . . I, er. . . " Jason stuttered.

"No. I wasn't refering to young Ji'tory here, she is mine. No, I was refering to the other girl you where fantasing about. What was her name?"

"Je...essica. . ." Jason stuttered. "How could you know that?! What I was thinking! I mean."

"Your thoughts aren't hidden from me boy. I am a wizard after all. But let us talk about this Jessica." Bazaal said craftilly.

Bazaal felt in Jason the stirings of the desire he had embraced with power. Bazaal knew he could use this.

"Rather than talk about it. Why don't we her here." Bazaal said with a vicious cunning.

Jason blushed.

"He. . ere." Jason stammered from the idea of bringing her to be with him. The woman he thought to be the most desireable girl he had ever looked upon.

Bazaal reached up and pulled back the hood of his robe. Jason was taken aback by the face he saw. Bazaal's high forehead and long combed back black hair (which Jason noticed has some grey). But most terrible where those eyes. Those eyes that wer like looking into the sky at the coming front of a thunder storm raked with lightning, that admited no reply or refusal.

"As you wish, sir. . ." Jason trailed off with a slight fear.

So Bazaal sent out his dark riders.

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited December 07, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited December 07, 1999).]
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-07, 6:18 PM #50
--OK, i've made up my mind, If you give me a pretty good discription of your charater from the story, I'll draw it and send it to JK Depot and put it up on my webpage (after i fix it up a bit [] ). just email you discription to me, and when I get it done, I'll send you a sample and you tell me if you like it or not, if you don't like it, just tell me what changes need to be made to it.

"I can become enraged like Vegeta, if i smile, run...................very fast."

"Semper Fi"

-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
1999-12-07, 7:12 PM #51
bug walks into the throne room wearing a pair of shorts and a smile face t-shirt.

bug: "hey Baz, I just got the battle reports, looks like orca fell for the trap. Oh, and about the new emblem for the flaming sword, well, I was thinking about also changing their name to The Flying Smiley Faces. How do you think that sounds?"

Bazaal looks at bug with his cold dark eyes. Bug suddenly realizes that Jason Argos is in the room.

(bowing at bazaal)
bug: "er... Sorry for disturbing you your greatness. Is there anything else I can do for you oh great one."

bug quickly exits through the nearest door before bazaal can respond

Good pitching can always stop good hitting and vice versa.
‹^› //‹{°;°}›\\ ‹^›
1999-12-07, 7:25 PM #52
Jessica, a young girl of 16, though still a girl in heart and mind, she had grown quickly and had the appearence of a woman. Jessica sat at the table of her parents home in a small, but pleasant kitchen. Her parents had gone to market to buy that night's dinner. Abruptly she heard a knock at the door and wondered why her parents were back so soon. She reached for the door and turned the handle as she opened the door.

"Dad? . . Why are you back -" she froze in mid sentence once she saw that fleshless specter of the dark rider, an eyeless skeleton swathed in black cloth. She backed away in terror and screamed.

Violently the skeletal hand thrust outward and grasped her wrist and physically dragged her out the door.

"No! Help me! Somebody!" she cried.

But no one was near to hear her pleas, so here pleas only fell upon the deaf nonexistant ears of the Dark Riders.

Soon she was on the back of a black stallion of a horse emraced by those deathly arms of the Dark Rider as it spirited her away as she cried in its comfortless arms.

An hour later she was thrust into Bazaal's throne room where stood Jason, Bazaal, and Ji'tory. Her face was wet with tears and she stood their terrified and vulnerable. As soon as she saw Jason she rushed over to him and clung to him as if her as if her life depended on it. Then she saw Bazaal and grasped Jason even tighter as she made a sudden gasp of breath in fear of that unloving power she sensed in Bazaal. She now looked up at Jason and with a fearful shock realized he wasn't looking at her with that mixture of concern and bravery to protect her she had expected from anyone she knew against something she sensed was so evil. Then she realized that he was in some way part of the reason she was brought here. She backed away from him quickly with terror in her eyes. She made quick glances between Bazaal and Jason.

Jason on the other hand was in a very different situation. Just having the most attractive woman he had ever known in his arms, made him feel hot and tingly. It was not a warm and fuzzy feeling. Not only that her fear and vulnerability made her seem all the more desirable. Though he felt confused as to why she seemed afraid of him. Afraid of Bazaal he understood, but of him, he wasn't like that.

"Jason. . . What's going on?!" Jessica said in a tremulous voice.

But before Jason could answer Bazaal began to speak.

"Now you desire freedom, and freedom only comes with power! Power over others. Power over her." Bazaal said with conviciton.

With that Bazaal made a sweeping gesture with his hand and Jason felt something like an energy in his hands. Jason suddenly knew he had power!

"Now stretch out with your mind!" Bazaal commanded.

Jason knowing he could, did. In doing so he could sense others in the room as he had not before. Bazaal gave off a sense of dominating consuming power, something Jason felt he couldn't challenge, in Ji'tory he felt a strange vacancy of mind which he did not understand, but in Jessica he felt a timid fearful mind, it felt weak compared to the power he now had.

"Now Jason, you have the power. Use it! You desire her, push your way into her mind!" Bazaal shouted.

Jason half afraid to disobey, half curious what would happen, pushed his mind into hers. Suddenly he felt a wrenching feeling where his mind met hers. Jessica cried out in pain, she placed her hands over her ears and fell to her knees.

Jason felt he didn't want to do this. Bazaal sensed it too.

"Push deeper Jason!" Bazaal commanded.

Jason paused, he felt this wasn't right.

"DO IT!" Bazaal screamed.

Jason, in fear, forced his way into her mind harder. Jessica felt her body start to go cold, he thoughts and memories fading.

"DO IT!" Bazaal screamed again.

Jason with one final motion, pushed all the way into her mind. Jessica cried out.

"AHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh. . . ." Jessica trailed off.

Her arms went limp and fell to her sides, her muscle relaxed. Jason felt that he had incredible power. He felt such freedom to move about with in her mind, he sensed such control. Jessica now stared foward with that same expression Ji'tory had.

"Now, what do you desire boy!" Bazaal said.

Suddenly Jessica stood up. Jason stood there blinking. He realized he had desired she get up and she did!

"Yes, Jason! Now you understand!" Bazaal said.

"Take me, Jason." Jessica suddenly said coyly.

Jason was shocked. He had just thought how he wanted her to say that.

"Yes. . . she is what you desire. Isn't she?" Bazaal said.

Jason felt the desire burn with in him.

Suddenly Jessica, with that same vacant stare, tore part of her dress so that her right shoulder was exposed. Jason had only thought that thought fleetingly for a breif moment.

"Yes Jason! Your ever desire fufilled!" Bazaal cried out triumpantly.

Jason felt the fire of his desire burn, he felt it like a compulsion. He felt he couldn't resist it! Quickly he placed his hand upon her bare shoulder, feeling the tender texture of the flesh. Now he feel another wave of desire, and with his other hand he reached around and forced her lips to his and kissed her with a burning desire. But he didn't stop there, he went further and further, until he had done the very same act Ji'tory had done with Bazaal countless times before.

And when it was done Jason look at Jessica, and for the first time now saw her blank expression of innocent expectation. Then he looked at his hands, which were shaking. Now he looked at Bazaal, then at Ji'tory, the back to Jessica, then faster still back to Ji'tory, only now did he realize the similarity of their expressions. Then he looked at his hands, then he looked at Bazaal.

"WHAT HAVE I DONE?!" Jason cried in terror!

"You have taken that step which you can't go back on." Bazaal said.

Bazaal now reached down and put his cold hand onto Jason's bare shoulder. It felt icy cold, and with a grasp so hard Jason felt Bazaal might break his shoulder.

"Now, you've found real freedom! And you can never, ever go back to your limited life again. Now you are one of us! Now she is forever your slave." Bazaal said with conviction.

Jason Argos felt Bazaal was right, after he had done this, what could he go back too.

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited December 07, 1999).]
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-08, 5:21 AM #53
-Shawn, if you had something else planned, tell me and I can change this. Yes, Orca is more powerful than Bazaal, the force is stronger than magic, and now that Orca has gone into his darker tendancies. *Shudder*. The second part was designed to illustrate Orca's abilities, not to make me the all powerful evil swatter, I just wanted to give you some idea. The thing between Apathis and Yimir would have happened naturally anyway.-
*Shawn, Lina, and Orca ride the Ice Pheonix and Fire Pheonix all the way up to the Buteo city. There they find the devesatated city under process of rebuilding, with a glorious palace standing in the middle, standing for the new era. Orca, Shawn, and Lina enter and go to the throne room.*
Orca-Hello, Dragonfly.
Dragonfly-Orca. Shawn. Lina. I didn't think I'd ever see you again.
Shawn-As I thought I'd never see you. Dragonfly, Bazaal is causing havoc on the world below. The humans are almost extinct...
Orca-And good riddance!
Shawn-.... And the Elves are being pushed back.
Dragonfly-Now, Orca, don't show such disrespect to our human friends. I assure you, I would help if I could, but any fight with Bazaal at this point would be futile.
Orca-Hmph! I guess all you goody-two-shoes aren't all your cracked up to be in bravery either! Having you with me would only encumber me. Goodbye!
*Orca makes a wild gesture and suddenly is gone. He is now in a cloudy, ethreal realm, watching over the world. His eyes dart back and forth, spotting evil. First, he is drawn right to Bazaal's throne room, where he sees Jason and Jessica. Next, his eyes jump to where Apathis and Yimir are trying to recruit more servants. And then, Orca's eyes zoom to the battle between the elves and the undead. Orca shifts his vision, looking down on the world invisibly, gliding effortlessly through the fight between the elves and undead, catching and destroying an undead arrow or two. He then shifts to Yimir and Apathis. Sneaking up behind Yimir, he perfectly imitates Yimir's voice.*
Yimir(Only it really is Orca)-Hey, Apathis, go back to Bazaal, he says he needs you.
Apathis(Only it really is Orca)-You dumb jerk!
Yimir(Only it really is Orca)-Your dumb yourself!
*Meanwhile, Orca bens their minds, forcing them to believe what Orca is saying is what they are saying. The two depart in a hurry, heading in opposite directions. Next, Orca arrives in Bazaal's throne room and rematerializes.*
Orca-So, Bazaal, we meet again.
*Orca notices Bug sulking out of the room.*
Orca-Bug! You FOOL! How dare you betray me!
*Bug draws his rail detonator and fires at Orca. Orca simply dematerializes and lets the rail slam into several skeletons on the other side of the room. Orca then rematerializes.*
*Bazaal turns around, taking down his hood.*
Orca-You, Bazaal, have commited more evil than anyone could ever do in a lifetime. Anyone but you. And I assume Merlin told you what awaits you in the afterlife. Not that I believe him, but if it is true... *Orca smirks* I'll be all the more happy to advance you on your way! But, theres not much sport in simply killing you now, is there? No, there isn't. Just in bothering you.
*Orca fires a burst of Force Destruction at the cieling, wrecking the fancy dark decorations.*
Bazaal-Orca, your disbelief is your weakness.
Orca-No, your belief is yours!
*Orca dematerilizes and rematerializes back in his fort.*

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

1999-12-08, 12:55 PM #54
Bazaal began to laugh after Orca left. He laughed long and hard. Then knowing Orca could hear him, he stopped and with a cold expression began to speak.

"YOU FOOL!" Bazaal said with deadly earnest, "you forgot the reason why dead jedi left. I have the power for my magic to go through the daker side of your force. Now that you've fallen so far into it YOUR MINE!"

Orca could hear all of this, and stood there unafraid, untill he began to feel something in the back of his mind. It felt cold, as if someone was pouring icy cold black viscious oil into his ear and into his brain!

Orca clutched his head in pain. And tried to use the force to push the dark cold oil of a substance feeling from his mind, but that only made it flow quicker.

"You could have served me well Orca. But instead you tried to fight me, ME, with evil! I only waited untill you had gone far enough, your attack on me and the showing of you faith in what you took to be your god like powers showed me you were ready for my hand to guide you!" Bazaal shouted triuphantly.

Orca staggered to the floor and fell onto the cold stone floor on his back. He found he could think, but he couldn't speak or move.

"Cause you wanted the power of evil, you thought you were like a god! I've shown you the real power Orca. Enjoy your darker force, as you spend the rest of your short life paralyzed!" Bazaal cackled! "Unless, you're still open for joining me. . . Join me and I'll unparalyze you, and give you back limited use of your powers, but any attempt to come back at me and you'll go straight back lying like a helpless baby on the cold floor!" Bazaal continued.

"Your choice." Bazaal said.

--Sorry Orca, I and several other people who are involved in writing this felt you had gone to far with your ominpotent powers that you threatened to basically make your self unchallengeable and out do the tale's villan. So I had to invoke that old thing from way back in the "Saga of the Third War" because I felt you were threatening to turn this tale into another "Never ending story thread" and kill any sembalance of good story telling and reduce it to going from one battle to another (like Might Morphin' Power Rangers. *Shudder*). I felt you left me no choice. Feel free though to refute this, and note Bazaal didn't kill you (just basically rendered your use of the force impotent, no getting around it. If you ceased to try to use the force you'd not be paralyzed anymore, or keep the use of the force and join Bazaal). I know you might rant and rave, cuss me out, perhaps make some kind of nasty hate e-mail, whatever, if you do I don't care. I didn't force you out of the tale, I just made it so you can't claim god like powers which ruin the tale (even God in the tale restrains himself to give even those who are evil free will in the hope of their repentance, no matter how unlikely). Bazaal doesn't have god like powers, he can't teleport himself other places, he isn't immortal, he isn't able to see all things (like Merlin's citadel is opaqe to him.) Nor does Merlin have god like powers, in fact he has no power at all, except to persaude, to guide, and of course being a ghost can't be harmed, nor can he touch or directly help others. (Anna couldn't wipe away Ji'tory's tears). And the only time he does if ever display power it is cause God choose to intervene and simply makes Merlin a tool of his work.

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited December 08, 1999).]
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-08, 1:49 PM #55
well, so much for our fish friend. []
‹^› //‹{°;°}›\\ ‹^›
1999-12-08, 2:06 PM #56
BTW, merlin you said that teleportation is impossible in this world. well, if you remember (yeah, right) I introduced it in saga of the 3'rd war. Here is the explination on how it works.

You need 2 sets of seven black magic stones. Both sets of stones must be placed evenly in a circle on a flat surface. To teleport from one circle to the other a wizard, (or anyone who knows magic) has to open a gateway between the two areas. The wizard has to maintain the gateway for it to exist, once the wizard stops maintaining the gateway it will collasp.

Remember, to teleport to an area it means someone has had to already been there to put down the circle of stones. This means you can't just go teleporting anywhere you like.

Black magic stones are expensive, and opening a gateway is harder than speaking Chinese.

Good pitching can always stop good hitting and vice versa.
‹^› //‹{°;°}›\\ ‹^›
1999-12-08, 4:19 PM #57
----Even Bug has restraint!----

"Whew!" Sakana said. He flopped down in an oversized chair in the middle of his ornate tent. Ping sat in his own chair that sat in the middle of the floor. By the door stood a pair of elven gaurds. One was a hulk who carried an oversized axe. The other was an average sized elf but he carried a wicked looking sword. Ping made a mental note to copy it into his sword type sometime for fun. In the center of the room there was a large table. On it was an equally large map. It displayed that area where the elves were camped. There was a long stick that stretched across the map that Ping took to be the front of battle. On one side the map was green with a forest like texture on it. All in the forest area sat small figures of elves with swords. They seemed to represent the elvish forces that were camped in the wood. On the other side of the stick was a horrendous scribbling. It was like somone had taken the flat side of a peice of charcoal and drew over the forest texture, completely blocking it out. It took very little imagination to guess that this represented the enemy advance and the detirioration of the forest behind it. A strange feature was the fact that there were small blue flags posted in many places across the map. Ping could not guess the meaning of those.

"It sure has been a long way since the North Wood hasn't it?"

Ping was startled out of studying the map. "Yeah. I passed through that area on my way here. Found that the giant ogre was still buried there." He said smiling.

Sakana laughed. "If he woke up he would be the least of our problems." Sakana hung his head low. "It's been a constant losing battle these long years. As you can see on the map we are outnumbered. But not out muscled. We will win, one way or another. As king of the Elven people I shall not allow the darkness to overrun our land." He said proudly. Ping wasn't convinced though. Sakana seemed sad behind his demeanor.

"What are all of these blue flags?" Ping asked.

"Those are a funny thing...." He said. "I don't even know why I keep them around. They mark the areas where a strange figure has appeared. He vanishes and appears from out of nowhere. You remember that travelling companion of yours you had so long ago? They guy who looked like a whale?"

"You mean Space_Orca?"

"Is that his name? I never got a chance to meet him. Anyway the figure that appears looks a lot like him except that he looks darker and evil. But it is him. There have been very frequent sighting recently. But today there hasn't been any. It's strange."

//Orca gone bad?// The question surprised Ping. //I supppose it could have happened. I never got to see any of them before I "Died". So far I've only met Shawn Templar, Linna, Avenger and Reyuan. They all said very little to me about the whole affair. I wonder about those two young elves...//

"They're fine." Sakan said casually while taking a sip of ale.

"Huh?" Ping said coming out of his thoughts. "You reading my mind or somthing?"

"No, no." Sakana said humorously. "Just a intelligent deduction. Actually I thought you were worrying about your freinds so I just said, "They're fine" So you wouldn't worry. Who were you thinking of?"

"Those two elves that were with me at the end."

"Oh! Sa'teyan and Randon. Quite a pair those two are."

"How are they?"

"Great. Better than great. Two years after the defeat, amid all the gloom and doom, they had their wedding. I still remember Herudo looking like an oversized gorilla in a tuxedo that day." He laughed. The big man standing behind Ping laughed too. "It gave people hope. Hope for life. Hope for happiness. It was a great day of celebration. Really it was supposed to be just an ordinary wedding, nothing special. But the entire kingdom took exception to it. It gave them an excuse to party, to laugh in their face of their troubles, to shrug off impending doom."

Ping smiled and pictured the day. Jubulant crowds come out in full force to see the wedding of the young couple. A lovely bride and handsome groom walking dwon the aisle amid cheers and shouts of joy. It was unusual, yes, but a people locked in despair will take any reason to be happy.

"A year later they had a son, isn't that right Airin?" From out of a dark corner a bright looking boy came out. Ping immeadiatly knew the boy was Randon and Sa'teyan's son. He had his father's hair and his mother's eyes. He looked to be about six years old. An odd feature about him was that despite his age he wore a short sword at his waist. He smiled happily. In SHARP contast to the grim soldiers that resided in the camp.

Airin came up to Sakana and stood next to him. He looked shyly at Ping as if he wasn't sure what he was looking at. "At the request of his parents, I'm taking care of him while they're fighting." He turned to the boy. "This is Ping_Me. He saved your mommy and daddy when they were younger. Why don't you go say "Hi" to him?" The young boy timidly came and stood in front of Ping.

"How are you?" The boy said offering his hand. Ping solidified his hand and shook the young boy's gently. "I'm fine thank you. Your father must be very proud of you." Ping marveled at the way the boy's hand was smaller than his own. How the kid's eyes shone with possibilities, like the dawn of a new day. He was drawn back to a time in his own life. A dark tunnel illuminated only by a glowing computer console. A group of kids sat around it watching a young girl type away furiously.

"Are you alright mister?" Airin said. Ping nodded and smiled at the boy. He almost wanted to leap up and perform that sword dance to impress him, like on his first day.

"It's time for sword practise." Ping turned and saw that the other elf had spoken.

"Okay Uncle Jar-Jar!" Airin said.

"Cmon kid, quit calling me that." The warrior almost whined. "I have that strangest feeling that that name has a bad connotation...."

Ping laughed out loud suddenly. The guy didn't know how close to the truth he actually was. He recalled that during the Trade Federation wars on the planet of Naboo, there was a Gungan War Hero/General who went by the same name. Ping didn't know much about him, but rumor had he was a bumbling idiot.

Together the warrior and the boy exited the tent and walked through the camp. Ping turned back around and found Sakana looking at him like he had gone mad. "His name is Jarcanan. He's one of the finest warriors on the force."

"Inside joke." Ping said simply.

Sakana dissmissed it with a shrug of his shoulders. "Anyway, please excuse the actions of my soldiers earlier today. People have become very untrusting of those outside their own race."

"No problem. I'd like to know somthing though. You've changed since I last saw you. Actually I only saw you briefly before the confrontation. Merlin didn't dilly dally back then. I was curious about your hair. And I'd also like to know how you knew where to find me in the woods."

"I'll tell you all of that. But first I have somthing I'd like to show you."

Go on! I'll buy you a puppy!
DCM 51

[This message has been edited by Ping_Me (edited December 08, 1999).]
1999-12-08, 5:48 PM #58
While were on the topic of power I just wanted to make clear what Merlin can and can not do. Merlin (and anyone else who is dead) can't touch anything, like as soon as Anna saw Ji'tory she rushed over to comfort her, though Anna couldn't even wipe away a single tear from her face. It can be a painful limitation being unable to touch things or others (I know earlier I said Merlin turned the pages of a book, please ignore that now, now that I've been working with it I kinda settled on the idea of those who are dead being unable to affect physically things in the world. Besides nothing came of that book bit anyway.) On the other hand this also means you can't be harmed by physical or magical attacks, or be damaged in anyway. It's kinda like being made of a different substance than the physical reality. Though people who are etheral (ghostly) can touch each other, like Anna and Merlin holdling hands). To be more exact the physical reality is like a shadow to the solid real heaven. (this is why Gabriel refers to it as the shadow lands.) Anyway, they can teleport (for lack of better word, cuase it isn't really teleportation since no physical matter is being moved). And move back and forth between the other etheral realms (heaven and hell) at will. So Heaven and Hell are solid to those who are there like the physical world is to the living, but earth the Merlin and Anna is merely a shadow or reflection.

I could give you an example to describe it (the example was by the philospher Plato). But I'd probably bore you.
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-09, 4:40 AM #59
-Well, Merlin, your actually wrong, I would never do that. I just want to talk about what Orca's powers really are. Yes, he has more raw power than Bazaal, but he hesitates to use in a full way, because he DOSNT WANT TO LOVE POWER MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE. He loves Arfrassa and Nature more than Power, that is his "weakness" in evil. I was thinking of having a scene where Bazaal confronts Orca, and manages to undermine all of Orca's powers by using this conflict. Also, I was thinking the following: Orca gets his powers lessened by Bazaal in forementioned way, Orca retreats to his tower and goes into a deep meditation. What Bazaal did is convinced Orca he loved nature MUCH more than power, so Orca's meditation makes the wilderness SLOWLY grow back around his tower, expanding. This is happeneing SLOWLY as the party reforms. Once they are ready for the final battle, Orca walks to Bazaal's castle, realizing this, and tries to draw upon his dark powers once more. As it looks as if hes about to incinerate Bazaal in his dark storm, the rest of the party enters, and Orca sees Arfrassa. This brings him back from his power surge, and he screams out, realizing what he has done, then falls uncouncious. Of course, I can take over main villan role if you guys don't bring Arfrassa. I'm going to assume that in that last post, instead of Bazaal entering Orca's mind, he did exactly what I described, undermining Orca's power.-
*Orca winks out of Bazaal's throne room, badly shaken by what Bazaal had said. Indeed, he was letting power take over... he was destroying himself, slowly twisting himself toward Bazaal! So, now, in his tower, he in disgust took down the remains of the dead wizards. He tossed them out the window, where they quickly sunk into the sand. Orca then stepped onto his throne, and slept, thinking. He woke up only a few minutes later, and then promtly entered a meditation trance. First, trees and vines started encompassing the room. A few days later, his fort's immediate surroundings were covered with a green dense forest. In a week, the desert was at least partially regrown. In two weeks, the desert was fully regrown. And now, at three weeks, the plants were starting to slowly creep outwards.*
-Please feel free to fill in what was happening to all of you during those three weeks!-

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

1999-12-09, 5:58 AM #60
"Ho, intruder!"

The woman named Scout looked up, and blinked. Where was she? She couldn't remember...

"You, girl, I said identify yourself!"

She realized she was in a forest, leaning against a tree. She looked at her hands, they were white again. Somehow the stasis spell had returned... if it had ever been disspelled to begin with. Looking down, she realized she was dressed in a futurisic looking jumpsuit, with some type of pistol holstered at her side. But how had they gotten there... the last thing she remembered was the assault on Bazaal's castle...

And then, Scout felt something sharp press into the small of her back.

"Don't move. Who are you?"

She froze. "My name is Scout. To whom am I speaking?"

The question went unanswered. "Turn around."

Obidiently, her arms raised, Scout rotated to face the other. Except there were dozens of others, all with swords drawn.

They were Elves.

The lead elf narrowed his eyes at her. "I don't think this is one of Bazaal's. Better take her to the king."

Scout gulped.
1999-12-09, 9:44 AM #61
--Orca, thank you very very very much. I was afraid you were going to do like dead jedi had done. What you did sounds great. I'm sorry if I was a bit harsh earlier (BTW Bazaal didn't take over your mind (not like Ji'tory anyway) just paralyzed you, that's it.) Anyway I'm really glad you did it this way, and I am sorry if I was harsh. Man, I've got to nip the Bazaal side of me in the bud sometimes. (remeber everything Bazaal does is something out of my own darker desires. Yes wicked, I know). BTW new signiture, might give you a glance at what I'm talking about.--

"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-09, 12:51 PM #62
Oh my! This post is like a short novel!
No chance for me to get involved at this stage!

"Rabbits will jump farther if you throw them..."
1999-12-09, 1:05 PM #63
Sure you can join Pengun. Just introduce yourself as a native of this world or something. Keep an eye on the main characters. (read at least from the begining of page one). And actually I am planning to write a book based on this. Loosely based in some places.
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-09, 11:01 PM #64
--Hey everybody, I want your opinion on something. I've created a message board (true not as nice as this one, with no signiture stuff [] , nor passwords either.) at my site. The message board is devoted to discussion of deeper topic (love, sex, meaning of life, God, whatever). And I wondered if any of you would like to continue this story there? It doesn't matter to me. Though Shawn since your creating pics for this story, I'll post them at my site as well if you want.) I hope you guys will stop by. I made the message board open to all topics, for the discussion of whats bothering you. Or humor. Or just what you want to talk about (since Juztyn pointed out my other post "SEX! I'm mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. . ." Was at the disscussion board and he suggested that this wasn't the place for it. So I reopened my old board. It's simple, but it's mine, and open to anything or problem you want to discuss. Kind of a philosphy/meaning of life/hopes and dream/experinces board. All are welcome. Please come. You can find it at .

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited December 10, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited December 10, 1999).]
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-09, 11:06 PM #65
Bug sits alone at the wizard's table in the main mess hall. He toys with the stainless steel spork as he eats some boiled carrots one by one. Jason Argos is standing in the middle of the room holding a tray of food, beside him stands Jessica wearing a very eligant white gown. Jason recognises bug and walks up to him.

Jason: "Is this the wizard's table?"

bug: "It wouldn't matter if it was. No one complains when you're a wizard."

Jason sits down at the table across from bug, Jessica sits down beside him.

bug: "so, you're the new recrute?"

Jason: "um, yeah. My name's Jason. Bazaal said he wanted me as a wizard. I joined last night."

bug: "I'm bug, nice to meet you"

bug looks over at Jessica

bug: "who's your lady friend?"

Jason(looking up from food) : "huh, oh, that's Jessica."

bug looks at Jessica. She stares ahead without looking at anything. He waves his hand in front of her face. She doesn't show any sort of respose

bug: "what's the matter with her?"

Jason(sharply): "Nothing! Why?!"

bug(with a laugh): "did Bazaal teach you that trick?"

Jason ignores bug and continues eating his food.

bug: "hahahahaha, boy, she's going to be really pissed at you when she wakes up!"

Jason looks up suddenly
Jason: "what do you mean 'when she wakes up'."

bug: "you are going to wake her up aren't you? Bazaal's the only who has kept anyone under control for over a week, and since he still hasn't released her we still don't know what the long term effects are."

Jason glances over at Jessica, he looks a little upset and quilty
Jason: "Is it dangerous to keep her like this? How do I release her?"

bug: "nah, it's not dangerous. If you want to release her, just quit imposing on her mind. It can be kindof hard to do if you have been controling someone for a while. It can become kindof like breathing."

Jason concentrates, he stares downward as he holds his head up with his hands above the table. Finally he gives out a dismal sigh, he looks exasperated.

Jason: "I just can't do it. I can't get out of her head."

bug: "here this might help."

bug gets up and stands opposite across the table of where Jessica is sitting. Grabbing her by the shoulders and shaking her violently he yells 'WAKE UP' in her face."

Jason gives a jump, and Jessica goes limp for a second. A second later she is awake.

"W.. where am I..." she stammers, "what's going on?"

bug notices everyone in the room is staring at them. He quickly regains control of her mind. Jessica sits back down in her seat and goes back to staring at nothing.

bug: "this might not be the best place. You want control back?"

Jason takes back control of Jessica's mind. Bug is amazed at his natural magical ability, "he has great potential" thinks bug.

bug "well, I gotta scram. I have to check out some happenings in a village near the human border. Remember to introduce yourself to Apathis, and by the way, I wouldn't try talking to Carnid. I don't think he has spoken in over a year."

bug dumps his tray and exits the mess hall. A short while later he is gliding across the ground on a magically powered hoverboard. "magic" he ponders, "how did I ever live without it."

Good pitching can always stop good hitting and vice versa.

[This message has been edited by bug (edited December 10, 1999).]
‹^› //‹{°;°}›\\ ‹^›
1999-12-10, 1:05 AM #66
Jason sat at the edge of his bed in his room that Bazaal had prepared for him. It was not an unpleasant room by any means. The bed was large and comfortable, with silk sheets, and a deep red velvety comforter. The bed had a wooden frame, painted a very dark almost black brown. It had four posts, one at each corner, that held up the canopy over head. The canopy was made of the same dark red velvety material. The posts of the bed where engraved with strange serpents each bearing the same kind of fruit which Jason didn't recognize. The room was basically a large box shape, with polished stone floor. and smooth walls. Across from the bed was a full length mirror that one could look into. But on a chair bettween the mirror and Jason, sat Jessica, in that lacy white dress. Jason at times could hardly stand to look at her, he felt like that now. So he sat there with nothing else to do, facing her, with his eyes averted. Finally he looked into her clear, but unseeing eyes. At which point he shut his eyes.

"God! What have I done to her. . ." Jason though aloud. "God. . . I can't even talk to him, not after what I've done. I wish there was someone here that could comfort me. . ."

"I'm here." Jessica said suddenly with a face full of concern.

"Oh god, no!" Jason cried, becuase he knew she was just acting as he wanted. Jason let his face fall foward into his hands as he began to cry.

She came over to him and sat next to him, put here arm around him, holding him as he cried.

"I'm here Jason. It'll be alright. I love you." she said with a gentle loving voice.

With the last words she spoke Jason jumped up as if he had been stung by an bee and spun about to look at her.

"BUT IT ISN'T REAL. . ." he began, he fell silent now that he looked at her, with her hands in her lap, with that same expression of innocent expectation, as if in daydream, as if nothing had happened at all.

Not wishing to look at her again he turned now to face the mirror. There in he saw his reflection. He remebered a fairy tale from his childhood, about a witch and her magic mirror, he wondered how far his power went.

He stepped foward and tapped the glass, and half to his suprise and half to his expectation, the glass rippled as if it were made of water. Now the image went dark, slowly a blurry area appeared, then it came into focus. He saw Jessica's parents, specifically her mother at the table crying and her father trying to comfort her, since they could only assume their daughter was with Bazaal. They probably thought Bazaal was doing something horrible to their child. Little did they know they were only half right. It was Jason, not Bazaal, doing the deed.

Now Jason shut his eyes not wanting to see them, and the image went out of focus and the mirror returned to normal. Jason placed his left hand upon the mirror and as he slowly slid to his knees his hand sliding across the surface of the mirror. Now that he was on his knees he began to cry again, placing his hands over his eyes to weep. Now Jessica got up and went over next to him, kneeling down with him, she put her arms about him, holding him as he cried, whispering sweet words of comfort. It felt good to him, even though he knew it wasn't real.

He thought about how he wanted to let her go. But every time he tried now, even if he pulled back in the slightest degree, it felt like trying to hold your breath. He couldn't sustain it. He had become accustomed to living inside her mind and having that power. Bazaal was right, he couldn't go back to his limited life, but oh what curse this freedom was to him. For it came only in controling her. He felt he just couldn't let it go.

Now he knew that not even bug screaming or anything else could wake her out of that state. He had become so deeply entrenched in her mind, that he could stand living with out her. He wondered if she would ever have free will again.

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited December 10, 1999).]
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-10, 10:50 PM #67
Gebohq sat in his refuge in the Misty Mountians. The rain was now pouring down outside his small cave of a home. His hermitage a simple home. A hearth with a fire that kept him warm. And a pot of stew hung over the fire. There was a small circular window near a ledge a little ways from the fire (Gebohq used the ledge as a shelf). Near by was a simply straw matress of a bed, that lay on the floor not to far from the fire. He had another matress of straw he kept set aside which he never used. He also had a table and at which sat two chairs, though he never had company. The table sat in the middle of the room, the beds to the back, and the fire a near to the table and a little to the right. Gebohq now sat in one of the chairs looking out through the circular window at the rain pouring down. Suddenly he thought he heard a faint cry, then he heard it again a little louder.

"Help me. Please! Is anyone out here!"

The voice was feminine, though Gebohq couldn't tell clearly if it was a girl or a woman.

Regardless, Gebohq stepped out into the raging storm, as lightning raked the heavens, thunder assualted his ears, and the rain drenched and nearly drowned him.

"I'm here!" Gebohq cried out!

"Please help me!" the voice cried, this time definately a girl's voice.

Gebohq rushed out into the ravaging rains and found a the girl out in the open, evidently the rain was so heavy she could see where she was. So Gebohq took her by the hand and lead her back to his hermitage.

Once there he sat her down in a chair near the fire to dry. Only now did he get a good look at her. She was 17 to 18 years old, with brown hair that went down to her shoulders, which was now soaking wet and plastered against her. She wore a cotton dress, which was badly torn and had been soaked by the rains. She had some cuts on her. Nothing bad, but it looked as if she had been knocked about and handeled roughly. She sat there shivering and looking about wide eyed.

"Are you all right? What on earth were you doing out here on a night like this? You could have been killed." Gebohq said with concern.

She didn't answer. Gebohq stared at her for a few minutes. She is beautiful he thought, he realized he had not been near a woman in years. He shook his head to clear his mind of such thoughts.

"Well, you can stay the night here. I have a spare bed. Then I can lead you out of the mountians. I'm sure you can find your way home from there." Gebohq continued.

With this she the girl's eyes went huge, and she fell to her knees and began to cry at Gebohq's feet.

"Please. . Please. . . I have no where to go! Please let me stay here!" She sobbed.

"Don't you have parents who are waiting for you. . . a home?" Gebohq asked confused.

"No. . . It's. . . it's. . .all gone." she said desolately, then she began to cry even harder.

"I don't understand." said Gebohq as he knelt down to her level.

She spoke still half crying, gasping bettween words for breath before another onslaught of her tears, "Bazaal . . .his . . his troops came and. . . and they burned our house. . . and, and they killed mom. . and dad." She began to cry again.

"I'm . . .I'm sorry." Gebohq said apologetically.

"But Please. PLEASE. Don't put me out! Let me stay here. I ran away from Bazaal. I was trying to escape. I got caught in the rain. PLEASE! I'll do anything! If I go out there again he'll find me. Please PLEASE don't make me leave." she cried.

Gebohq watched on in slight confusion as she continued to try to prove her worthiness to stay here.

"Look. . ." she began frantically as she looked toward the pot of stew, "I . . .I CAN cook. I'll make your meals! I'll serve you. I'll . . . I'll do anything! Just don't send me out! I won't eat much! I'll be quite! I'll do whatever you ask of me. PLEASE don't send me out!" she begged. Finally as if from exahustion she falls to Gebohq's feet crying, whimpering, begging to be allowed stay.

Gebohq, leaned down and put his arms around her to comfort her.

"I won't send you back out to that monster. You can live here from now on if you want. . . ." Gebohq whispered in her ear.

He paused unsure of how to continue, he hadn't had this kind of human contact in years! Let alone being begged by some young girl.

". . . what is your name?" Gebohq whispered gentlely in her ear.

Her voice tremulous and soft, "Tessa." she whispered back.

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited December 11, 1999).]
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-11, 1:31 AM #68
Gebohq was first awakened by the scent of food cooking the next morning even before he had opened his eyes. As he opened his eyes he saw that sunlight, what filtered through that eternal fog that wrapped about these mountians, flowed faintly in though the circular window. Now he noticed Tessa standing by the fire, carefully watching the pot of stew cook. He watched her there, as she stood there with her back turned to him, her hair was now dry, a soft brown hair brushed back. Her dress was now dry as well, though still quite torn and tattered. He could also see now from the dirt streaks on her clothing and skin she hadn't had a chance to bathe at least in a few days.

Suddenly she turned and realized he was awake. Gebohq sat up and looked at her. She for a moment look at him back, then she quickly looked away, as if she feared looking at him directly might be misconstrued as defiance.

"I've. . . I've made some food." she stuttered softly. "I'll go set the table." she finished quickly.

She quickly went for two bowels as Gebohq got up and sat down at the table.

She poured one bowl carefully as if not wishing to spill a single drop. Now she placed it before Gebohq, then quietly stood next to him, with one hand in the other in front of her, looking straight ahead, silent, as if she was waiting for him to finish eating, but absolutely not wishing to look impatient or in any way interupt him while he was eating.

Gebohq glanced over too her from the corner of his eye. He began to eat, then paused and finally spoke,

"Aren't you going to eat too?" he asked quietly.

Tessa took a few steps back with a look of total confusion. Then she paused and finally taking a few steps back again, she nodded obediantly.

"Of. . course. . Of course I was . . I'll just get my bowl." she said with an expression of confusion and quickness in voice that made it seem as if she were trying to quickly obey some strange order.

She quickly walked over to the fire, picked up the other bowl and poured some stew into it. Then she returned to the table and set the bowl at the table's edge. Now she stood there with an expression of panicy confusion on what to do next. Seeing her confusion Gebohq spoke.

"Just sit down at the table." He said softly.

"Yes. . .Of, course." she said again with an obvious attempt to cover her anxiousness.

She turned to reach for the chair to pull it back to take her place. As she turnd her skirt brushed against the her bowl of stew. It feel to the ground with a shattering sound as the bowl broke and the stew spilt all over the floor.

Tessa turned quickly and as soon as she saw the broken bowl and mess she looked at Gebohq, and back away from him and crinched with an expression of terror on her face as if she expected him to strike her.

"Please! I didn't mean it. I'll clean it up. It was only my food. I'll go with out eating. Please don't hit me!" she begged in fear.

Gebohq watched on in a stark realization that she had been some kind of slave and that she expected no less here.

"Sit down in the chair." Gebohq began softly.

She quickly and obideantly sat down in the chair. She began to stare at Gebohq with that same fear, wrining her hands in her lap as if she expected him to now do something worse than beat her.

Gebohq pushed his bowl of stew slowly toward her. She sat bolt upright in her chair staring at the bowl of stew as if it were some kind of torture device about to be used on her.

"Please. . .eat." Gebohq said slowly.

Tessa now looked at Gebohq in utter confusion, as if a total stranger had suddenly given her all his wealth. Then not wishing to disobey, she picked up a spoon and slowly carefully began to eat the stew. Making sure to sip each spoonful clean so that not a drop was left. As if eating were some strange order forced on her.

Gebohq just stared at her with a mixture of pity and abject bewilderment of what kind of a creature could do such a thing to a girl like her.

"What did that monster do to you?" Gebohq said softly.

She abruptly stopped eating as if trying to figure out how she should react, to what she felt was some kind of new demand put on her. Then noticing Gebohq didn't respond. She slowly went back to eating with more meticulous care than before.

"Just stop it." Gebohq said finally.

Tessa dropped the spoon from her hand as if it had burned her and froze. Gebohq realizing he had made a poor choice of words, paused, then finished what he was saying.

"You're not my slave. You don't have to act like this anymore." Gebohq said finally.

She sat there looking at him in total bewilderment hanging on his every word.

"Look." Gebohq said gentlely, "It looks like you haven't had a chance to clean yourself up in days. There is a small mountian lake nearby that I bathe in. We'll go there."

Tessa began to nod slowly, as if not wishing to disagree with any thing he said.

Gebohq realized it might be a little while before she could get over her servitude.

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited December 11, 1999).]
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-11, 2:15 AM #69
Gebohq had lead her from his hermitage, now between a break in a rock wall to a small stone vally with smooth gravel shores leading to an only slightly shallow mountian lake fed by a waterfall nearby.

Now Gebohq and Tessa stood there at the shore of the shallow mountian lake. Now Tessa simply looked at Gebohq, then to the lake, then back at Gebohq again.

Gebohq finally spoke, "Go on." he said gentlely.

She looked at him again then paused. Suddenly she reached for the collar of her dress and began to unbutton it with out shame.

Gebohq realizing what she was doing, promptly shut his eyes in disbelief that she was simply doing this right in front him. Then he finally opened his and was carefull to look only at her face.

She stood there now. Nude. With out showing any outward reaction of shame. Gebohq took a deep breath and with a motion of his hand (which he was careful to keep away from her body) said,

"Go on. Go on and bathe."

To his releif she turned and walked toward the lake, though pausing every few minutes to look back to make sure she wasn't doing anything to anger him.

As Gebohq now got a better look at her bare back, he now was suprised at how bruised it was, it looked like she had endured a lot of beatings. He even thought he saw one place that looked like it had been burned with a red hot poker.

He again shook his head sadly wondering what kind of monster could do this to her.

She had now, after many pauses, reached the lakes edge. She now looked back again as if unsure how to proceed.

"Go on." Gebohq called out from where he stood.

She knelt down and began to splash the cool mountian water unto her arms, now she looked back as if to check if what she was doing was as he asked.

"God!" Gebohq thought, "she's servile even in this!"

Finally Gebohq simply called out, "Enjoy yourself!"

Tessa glanced back with the most confused expression yet, as if he had asked some alien task. He realized she probably hadn't done anything for fun in years!

Now she turned back to the water and simply began to splash about in it. Then climb in deeper into the water. She began to swim into the deeper part of the lake. Gebohq knew the water was cold. Yet now Tessa was simply laughing. Just laughing! As if it was something she hadn't done in ages! Gebohq realized she probably hadn't laughed since she was captured, probably several years ago he figured.

Now she was swimming and splashing about in the water freely, not even looking at Gebohq anymore. But most of all Gebohq heard her laugh. An almost musical sound he hadn't heard in years! He realized that water must be frezzing cold, but she was loving it because she was simply doing something to experince life. Something he was sure she hadn't done in a long long time. He realized, perhaps he hadn't either. Now she climbed out of the water and put back on her ragged dress. She came back to Gebohq and stood there for a moment, just looking at him. Then finally she spoke.

"Thank you. . . for everything." she said softly.

Gebohq simply nodded and he lead the way back to his hermitage.

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited December 11, 1999).]
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-11, 2:38 AM #70
They now returned to Gebohq's hermitage. Once there she was much more light hearted than she had been before. Gebohq, after what he was quite sure had been nearly one of the most embaressing moments in his life, decided to sit down at the table.

Tessa on the other hand set about cleaning the place, not becuase Gebohq asked, but because she wanted to make her new home nicer. So she started to dust and put things in order. At one point she reached an old chest in the back. Curious she opened it and was suprised of find armor in the chest. She looked back at Gebohq.

"You were a soldier?" she asked.

Gebohq paused realizing she had seen his old armor.

"Yes, once I was a soldier. Once I was in the battle against Bazaal." Gebohq said quietly.

She looked at him with awe.

"Where you one of the party? Merlin's party?" she asked carefully and with intense interest.

"Yes. I was with Merlin in that final battle." Gebohq said with a quite sense of tiredness.

Tessa stared on as if she were looking at a hero.

Gebohq seeing how she looked at him became very uncomfortable.

"Please. Don't look at me as if I'm some sort of hero. I'm not. We lost that fight. Merlin died. And this world died too. And I'm sorry we lost, and now you had to pay the price of our loss." Gebohq said with bitterness.

With the mention of her servitude she suddenly looked as if she remebered a very unpleasent task. Then she looked at Gebohq. Then she paused as if in thought, finally her expression cleared as if either she had decided it wasn't something she had to do anymore, or else it was some task that was now a pleasure.

But Gebohq was now quite depressed by the reminder that he felt that maybe there could have been something they could have done to prevent these past nine years from happening. He almost blamed himself for this girl's servitude.

Seeing his expression Tessa came over to him and put her arm around his shoulders. Now she leaned foward and kissed him on the cheek. Gebohq realized that her hand was in the a rather inappropriate placement on his inner thigh. This made him extremely uncomfortable!

With that he gentlely took her small wrist in his hand and moved her hand away from him.

She now got up. Paused taking one last look at him. And then resumed cleaning his hermitage.

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited December 11, 1999).]
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-11, 9:25 AM #71
---Jeeeeeeez! Merlin's got his mojo working! Stay out of his way! LOL!---
1999-12-11, 10:09 AM #72
*Gebohq watched as Tessa continued to clean his hermitage, his home.*

//I don't know if I can handle this much human contact, nevermind the fact this girl has taken interest in me! It's just hero worship, she thinks she loves me, that's it. I mean, if she really knew me and who I was, a failure, she'd think otherwise. But I've never felt this way about someone either...oh god listen to myself! I haven't had human contact in nine years and just because I see someone I think it's my one true love. This is all so confusing, I don't know what to do...//

*Gebohq stood up from his chair and walked over to Tessa*

Gebohq: "I'm going to take a walk. I'll be back."

*Gebohq started towards the exit when Tessa ran to him.*

Tessa: "I want to come with you! I..I...I want to get to know you."

*Gebohq stared at Tessa with a look of bewilderment. Then he realized that she was only afraid that Bazaal might find her and didn't want to be left alone.*

Gebohq: "OK, come along then."
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-12-11, 10:17 AM #73
As the elves were leading Scout back to their base camp, she suddenly stumbled, and fell to the forest floor, seemingly unconscious.

"What's with this?" the lead elf groaned as he kneeled down beside her. "Looks like she's old cold, boys." Reaching his hand out to turn her face towards him for a better look, the elf had no time to react when her mouth suddenly opened, her teeth growing into insanely long daggers. He tried to fall back, but the mouth seemed to leap at him, and it sucked him in like a strand of wet spagetti.

As rest of the elves stood fixed in horror, the young woman before them seemed to turn inside out, the white of her skin giving way to a monstrosity of inky blackness and dozens of red eyes, which lanced out at them with innumerable shadowy tentacles and limbs, skewering them, goring them, and generally dismembering them.

When all of the elves were dead, the creature stood amid the bloody mess, grinning in sadistic pleasure. But it's joy was short lived, and it knew it.

Falling forward, the beast writhed in agony, struggling against the inevitable, but it was a fight it could not win. The blackness receding inwards and outwards, the mass resolved itself once again into the prone form of Scout.

Blinking as she awakened, Scout pushed herself off the ground. "I'm sorry, I must have..." She broke off as she spotted the bodies of the elves all around her. "What in the hell..." Not wanting to be anywhere near what had made the mess, she took off into the forest.
1999-12-11, 10:24 AM #74
*Gebohq and Tessa were walking down a path Gebohq had taken many times to clear his head. As they walked, Tessa stared at Gebohq's face, but Gebohq stared in no particular direction, as if he was pondering over something besides his surroundings. He realized that Tessa was staring at him and instinctively turned his head away, a reflex of his that he had trouble controlling. Not because of Tessa though, he wished that he could keep eye contact with her too, but because he just couldn't make eye contact. Perhaps it made him feel that people were actually taking an interest in him, something he could never cope with.*

Tessa: "Why won't you look at me? Am I really that ugly? Do you find me unattractive?"

*He had just realized that he had hurt her feelings because of his reaction to her. Gebohq then stopped walking and really tried to make direct eye contact with her. He noticed how beautiful her face was.*

Gebohq: "Oh no, not at all! I didn't mean to offend you. It's just...I can't hold eye contact like most do."

Tessa: "Why?"

Gebohq: "I...I don't know really."

*They continued walking for a while without saying anything, then Tessa spoke again*

Tessa: "Why did you not try to challange Bazaal again?"

Gebohq: *in an angry tone*"What do you think? Merlin died at his hands, do you really think any of us really had a chance?"

Tessa: "But you didn't even try. You just ran away and hoped to never be seen again."

Gebohq: "That's the point. Why should I die in vain?"

*Tessa looked at Gebohq in fustration as they hiked the mountainous path. Then Gebohq started to talk, not to Tessa but towards the direction he was walking.*

Gebohq: "I never really felt I was a part of Merlin's party. I felt as if I was encumbering them, an extra wheel."

*He stopped walking and turned to face Tessa, this time looking right into her eyes, though he wasn't really aware of it.*

Gebohq: "But I need someone else like you to come along. Tell me, do I sound insane?"

Tessa: *jokingly*"As much as any hermit."

*They both laughed out loud, enjoying the moment*

Gebohq: "Seriously though, what do you think of me?"

*She though a moment before responding*

Tessa: "You sound like a man who has been neglected, who hasn't been understood. You are the man who has been on the wrong side of life. But I understand you and what you feel. Now I want to ask you, what do you think of me?"

Gebohq: "Your a very kind person."

*Tessa looked dissapointed at his answer, and Gebohq knew why. They reached back to Gebohq's home as the night fell.*

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited December 12, 1999).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-12-11, 3:24 PM #75
-And elsewhere on the planet, in the middle of where the stygians once stood proud, the last remaining Stygian struggles to escape his natural prison.-
*Flaming Demon, the only Stygian left alive, continues to walk through the desert wastelands. The hot, sandy wind burns at his face, tearing at his firey flesh, tearing specks off of it. Large shadows move in the background, desert beasts of unimaginable size and destructive power, assigned to keep the former home of the Stygians a wasteland. Flaming Demon had been evadading them for months now, but with no luck. He had reached the edge of the desert a month ago, but the beasts formed a literal chain around, like mountains. No one could get out, and as such no one could get in. Flaming Demon could only call out one name through the night, repeadetly, hoping his old friend would help. Indeed, cries of "Orca! Orca!" had raised many a dreadful desert creature, and brought Flaming Demon into many a battle, but he still called, for Orca, his old friend, was his last hope for anything short of a very painful death.*

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

1999-12-12, 7:17 PM #76
Merlin and Anna watched on hand in hand looking down from a ledge to Gebohq's hermitage, where Gebohq and Tessa were.

"Tessa loves Gebohq, doesn't she?" Merlin said with softness in his voice. For it was not a question, but a request of confirmation from his love Anna.

"Yes. She is." Anna said with sympathy, "though she is still young, burning with that passion both of heart and of blood, and that she is torn bettween her love for her parents and her love for him."

"Are here parents still alive?" Merlin asked her.

"I don't know." Anna replied, "but we know one who does."

Merlin smiled at her wisdom. So out of habit Merlin looked skyward.

"Lord, are Tessa's parents still alive?" Merlin asked of God.

Then after a moment Merlin bowed his head.

"They are with God aren't they." Anna said softly.

Merlin nodded slowly for she had read him well. She came over and to him and put her arm about him.

"At least they are safe from Bazaal forever now." Anna said in small consolation.

"But now Tessa will have to learn that the last hope she had of seeing her parents alive is gone." Merlin said desolately.

"But now she has a new life to start again. With Gebohq." Anna said comfortingly.

"Yes. We must make that new life worth living, by freeing this world from Bazaal." Merlin said.

Then Merlin paused, and corrected himself. "Not by us. . ." for with that Anna had placed her finger to his lips to silence him as she knowingly finshed his sentence for him ". . .but by Him." Anna smiled. Merlin smiled too. For it was a releif being reminded that the final fate of this world was not in mortal hands, but in divine ones.

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited December 12, 1999).]
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

1999-12-13, 4:04 PM #77
Sakana threw back the sheet that looked like it covered a table, but actually revealed somthing quite different. Ping couldn't believe his eyes.

"Is that what I think it is?" Ping said slowly.

Sakana nodded proudly. Ping asked the next logical question.

"How did you get it?"

"Would you believe that Sa'teyan and Randon brought it to me?"

"How were they able to get it back here? In their weakened state."

"I'm not sure... But they did get it. It was just before all hell broke loose on the world. I thought they were gone for sure. But one day they showed up half dead, half alive."

They both looked on in silence. Ping walked over and absently ran his hands along the copper toned metal. It shone in te light of the tent. He remebered it in the darkness of the castle, there he was able to see it all so well. "What can you tell me about it?"

"I was hoping you could tell me somethings about it." he sighed. "Well, I think I know how to turn it on. I don't have the power of Bazaal, but I think I can do it. It's a catalyst for magic. It amplifies and modifies magical energy to fit what it was designed for." Sakana paused as he was speaking. "I tried to probe it with my powers, searching for traps around it, when I encountered a field surrounding it. Whenever I touched it I felt revulsion and I felt like I was going to be sick."

"Bazaal still has his dirty claws on her..." Ping growled. At least he doesn't have the operating mechanism.

"It seems that in order for it to work someone must be controlling it. There must be someone there to directly influence it." Sakana paused again. "I wanted to try to take control myself, but that would make her my slave." Ping jolted at the word slave. "I can't do that, not to anyone." Sakana continued.

Ping turned to face him. "Better your slave than HIS." Then he looked downward. "And I could never control her." He remembered Pristine on that day, the desire to both love him and kill him wrapped inside of her. "So what can you do?"

"I would take time, but I think I could modify it to accept no master."


"I don't know. All that I've come to know and understand about my power I learned with this machine. I'm still learning. I've been poking and prodding at it trying to figure out how it works for the last eight years. Maybe with you here now the work will go faster." He smiled. Ping nodded.

"Your Highness!" someone burst into the tent. "The 61st patrol found someone in the woods. A woman."

"Alright I'll be there in a second..." The soldier rushed out of the tent. "Seems like you're not the only one around here causing commotion. They would not come to get me if the person was not somewhat unusual."

//I wonder if it's anyone I know.// Sakana grabbed a royal blue cloak and fastened it around him. Ping moved to the entrance of the tent and opened the flap. "You're Highness." he said with a smirk, gesturing through the flap and giving a short bow.

Sakana laughed and proceeded through into the camp. Sakana held himself very regally Ping thought. He looked every inch a king. And people respected him as such. Servants and soldiers bowed to him as he passed. Ping even noticed the commander who had tried to apprehend him in the forest. She was bowing to the king. Ping looked back at her and she scowled at him.

The approached the edge of the camp where the 61st patrol was just emerging from the brush. Apart from the squad, four men carried a limp form between them, each carrying a leg or arm. As the trotted past Ping recognized Scout's face.

"Oh, good, you do know her." Sakana said after seeing Ping's facial expession. The commander kneeled before Sakana.

"We found her two miles east of here. She seems to have collapsed due to severe trauma and dehydration. We are going to take her to a doctor and keep her under watch. Also, Your Highness, the 45th patrol hasn't returned and it has been three days since it set out."

"Thank you, commander." he got up and left. Ping turned to Sakana. "I'm want to go watch her."

"I'm not stopping you. I'll be in my tent if you need me."
1999-12-15, 3:31 PM #78
Scout awakened feeling weak, so weak she didn't feel as if she could even move the smallest muscle in her body.

"I think she's coming around," Scout heard someone say from nearby.

"I could tell," responded another voice, this one familiar enough that Scout felt she could justify exerting the effort it took to open her eyes.

"Ping," she managed in a hoarse whisper at the sight of her former compatriot. Next, feeling she didn't have very much energy left at her disposal, Scout searched for a single, perfect word to ask what she wanted. "Explain?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing," Ping_Me smiled. "You were brought in by an elf patrol, unconscious."

"You were severely dehydrated and emaciated," the other being in the tent, an elfen woman that apparently was a doctor or a healer or something, explained. "How long has it been since you've eaten?"

"No idea," Scout managed. "Woke up in forest... met patrol... passed out... woke up again and they were dead... then I was here..."

"Wait, did you say that the first elf patrol was dead?" Ping interrupted.

"Yeah. Massacred. Blood. Gore. Horrible."

Ping looked sorrowfully thoughtful. "There was an elf patrol that went missing... that must be them." He looked at Scout again. "Do you have any idea what killed them?"

Scout shook her head slowly, not sure if she could say anything else.

"I think she needs her rest," the doctor said softly to Ping.

"Just one more thing," Ping replied. "Scout, where have you been these past nine years?"

Scout just looked at him with a mixture of surprise and confusion. "Nine... years? I wish I knew..."

[This message has been edited by Scout (edited December 15, 1999).]
1999-12-15, 4:32 PM #79
"Come on Dragonfly, you have to help us." Shawn said as he looked into Dragonfly's eyes. "I'm sorry Shawn, but my people come first. If we hide ourselves up here, and prey, then Bazaal won't attack us anymore. As far as he knows, we were all killed from his last onslaught." Dragonfly said with a stern voice.

Shawn looked around at the counsol chamber, wondering at how beautiful it must have been. He looked at Dragonfly with a hand streched out "Dragonfly, how long do you think that you can hide from Bazaal. Once he takes over this world, there'll be no place for you or your people to hide." Shawn spoke as he made gestures to everyone in the recked counsl chamber.

"Shawn, there is no hope in destroying Bazaal. We tried that once and look where it got us...." before he could finish Shawn interupted "Yeah, with you reunited with your people. If Merlin wouldn't have summoned us here, you probably would never have met your father and the rest of the Beuto. If you won't do it for Merlin, then do it for your father's sake." Shawn said with a bit of anger in his voice.

There were wispers in the room and then a long silence. "I'll consider your offer, but remember, my people come first. I'll provide you with some supplies and a room to stay in for the night. Shawn, you must stop living in the past so much. Merlin is dead, you have to except that." Dragonfly said with a lighter voice than last time. "After almost 12 years, I find it hard not to live in the past when the past has some of my fondest memories." with that said,Dragonfly spoke one last time "Shawn you and Lina will join the celebration tonight won't you?" Shawn turned to Dragonfly but heard a responce from behind him "We'll be there. But what is it for?" Lina said as she walked forward a little. Dragonfly looked at them and replied "Today is the day of life, we celebrate all living things. It will be huge, everyone in the city will be celebrating. There will be a huge ball in the main dome of the capital building. I was just wondering if you two would want to join in." Dragonfly waved his hand and Shawn and Lina was escorted to one of the rooms in the Beuto city.

Shawn and Lina found themselves in a fairly large room with red silk drapes hung over the window on the far wall. The bed was covered with red satin sheets and a blue blanket on top.

Shawn stood there in one of the suits in the closet. It looked sort of like a black military suit but no medals, the shoulders were decortated with various colors and a pattern. Shawn looked out the window and saw that the city wasn't lighted all that well (probably to keep hidden like he said) Shawn thought.

He heard a door close and turned around to see Lina standing behind him. She was dressed in a blue silk dress that had a slit, on both sides of the dress, that was about mid thigh down. "Well, what do you think?" she asked as she paraded around the room. Shawn stood there for a moment and then replied "You look great." Lina blushed a little and then walked to Shawn and looked out the window with him. She layed her head on his chest as they held each other. "We should head to the ball room, don't want to keep Dragonfly waiting." Shawn said and Lina nodded. They walked out the door and headed to the ball room.

------The main reason I haven't been writing much is that I had Finals to worry about but I exempted them. Plus I sorta have writers block but will try to work around it.-------

"I can become enraged like Vegeta, if i smile, run...................very fast."

"Semper Fi"

[This message has been edited by Shawn Templar (edited December 16, 1999).]
-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
1999-12-15, 4:40 PM #80
*whew* I thought people had given up on this story there for a while. Good job everyone.

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