(Sounds good y'all. Although I don't really have much say, being a sideline character and all...
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Now, what was happening... oh, yes...)
Krig peeked up over the black, grassy hill. He and the King had surfaced at the extreme edge of the dwarven caves, through an old abandoned escape tunnel, only two miles from Bazaal's stronghold. The fifty warriors behind them rustled and clanked in their armour, eager for battle. They waited for Krig's report.
Krig slowly climbed down back to the army, holding his axe in his belt.
"Many stinky mans. We fight now."
King Dorwain looked back at the warriors. "Are you all ready?"
A hushed whisper of agreement drifted back to the King. He turned back to Krig. "Let us not falter, then."
With a shout, his raised his war axe and leaped to his feet. "
Behind him, the fifty warriors and Krig roared in agreement, raising battle axes and charging headlong over the hill.
On the other side of the hill, the massive army surrounding Bazaal's fortress at least half a mile deep responded as one, and turned their heads to the attack. The party of dwarves poured over the hill, and into the field of undead, burrowing a path into the army. The black legions absorbed the comparatively small force like an ameoba absorbing its food. Soon, the dwarven force was deep withing the undead, surrounded on all sides.
Dorwain ducked a swipe from an undead. For creatures that had already died, he noticed, these undead were exceptionally fast. It probably had something to do with their proximity to Bazaal. Dorwain shrugged it off, and removed the offending undead's head from its body. He quickly checked around for more undead near him, and then turned to another dwarf, who was withdrawing his axe from the middle of a rotting torso.
"Dwin, the undead are closing in! They no longer guard their backs!"
Dwin nodded at the king. "Yes, m'lord." He reached behind his right side, and pulled out a rams horn. Raising it to his lips, he blew a single, clear note.
All around the western half of the army surrounding Bazaal's fortress, a distant noise went up, like the crashing of waves on a rocky shore. Slowly, above the hills, a line of black appeared, growing. The entire might of the dwarven kingdom rose, armour glittering from polish, axes waving wildly, and roaring the dwarven battle cry.
For an instant, the simple minds of the undead halted, and the battle stopped. Then, the dwarves struck, the sea of dusky brown armour colliding with the sea of dark black. Metal clanged with metal, and flesh. The sea of black roiled, and prepared to face this new challenge.
The body of an undead exploded, and Krig leaped through the space it had just occupied. Krig was in his environment now, the blood red of berserker rage seething through his brain. He dimly sensed a black armoured figure rise up on his right, and his axe blasted it into pieces, along with two others on his left. He hit the ground with a roll, ending it with an axe through another undead.
Krig sensed something behind him. He whirled, his axe begging to embed itself in rotting flesh. To his surprise, it encountered steel! He brought his axe back for another swing, but before he could execute it, an enormous hand gabbed his face and lifted him off the ground.
Krig tried frantically to hack at whatever it was that was holding him up, but he kept hitting a shield. Suddenly he stopped. He knew who this was!
The giant hand put him down. As it withdrew from his eyes, he saw that he was correct. A giant of a man, seven feet tall and four feet wide stood before him.
"Stor!" Krig cried. "Brother!" He moved to hug him, but stopped mid action and whirled around, chopping a minion of Bazaal in half. He turned back to his brother, Stor.
"Stor! Where rest?"
Stor pointed off to Krig's right.
Krig looked through the bodies gyrating in the dance of death, and saw the rest of the crew of the Ice Bear, huddled together, back to back, fending off undead right and left.
With a cry of joy, Krig leaped through the undead and took his rightful place in the circle, joined by Stor. Together, they waged war on the minions of Bazaal.
* * *
Bazaal leaned on his balcony with dry, leathery elbows and gazed out at the battle. Yes, this would be amusing. At least until he had more important things to do.
(The battle is joined.
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My mind is like a sponge, it soaks up a lot... but it leaks
[This message has been edited by Krig_the_Viking (edited June 25, 2000).]