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ForumsInteractive Story Board → The Shadows of Darkness.
The Shadows of Darkness.
2000-06-23, 6:20 PM #401
I like Paladin's idea. We can't really forget about Orca, can we? His idea doesn't really clash with the planned ending, just expands on what goes before. Although, personally, I think Orca should die in the big final conflict, in a fitting and noble way. Him just slipping away kinda lets the story drift, with less climax.

Woohoo, eleven pages!

[This message has been edited by Krig_the_Viking (edited June 23, 2000).]
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-06-24, 12:16 PM #402
That won't be nessecary though....from the theme I've been running from...well it could happen....I guess...but it wasn't what I already had in mind...and oh yea Merlin isn't a ghost...he is very much alive...just come back to life...but not alive....sorta...funny put it in simpliest terms, Merlin is alive, but part of a new type of creation (as opposed to this creation/created universe) made by the Nameless One (this world's version of God) and is immune to matter, energy, magic, the Force, lightsabers, everything....he just isn't part of that physical existence anymore...want more the last chapters of the Gospels and the First chapters of the book of Acts in the Christian bible that describe what Jesus was like after he came back and you'll get an idea (since that is what I based it on).
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

2000-06-24, 4:35 PM #403
(NSP: Hey y'all, I'll be writing up a good part from here until and through the next dark wizard we meet up with (whether that be Jaccik, Carnid, or even Raivus), so, unless you had a definate plan, I'll write the next part. Plesae though, if you have any good ideas on a special demise for any of these dark wizards, say so. I don't want to be controllative of the story *obviously I can't since it's Merlin who has the last call*. Thanks, and I hope you all at least add in an epilogue, if not jump in and cut me off here, heehee. But my plan should be good, honestly!)

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-06-25, 2:32 PM #404
(Sounds good y'all. Although I don't really have much say, being a sideline character and all... [] Now, what was happening... oh, yes...)

Krig peeked up over the black, grassy hill. He and the King had surfaced at the extreme edge of the dwarven caves, through an old abandoned escape tunnel, only two miles from Bazaal's stronghold. The fifty warriors behind them rustled and clanked in their armour, eager for battle. They waited for Krig's report.

Krig slowly climbed down back to the army, holding his axe in his belt.
"Many stinky mans. We fight now."

King Dorwain looked back at the warriors. "Are you all ready?"

A hushed whisper of agreement drifted back to the King. He turned back to Krig. "Let us not falter, then."

With a shout, his raised his war axe and leaped to his feet. "Fooooorrrrwaaaaaaarrrd!!!"

Behind him, the fifty warriors and Krig roared in agreement, raising battle axes and charging headlong over the hill.

On the other side of the hill, the massive army surrounding Bazaal's fortress at least half a mile deep responded as one, and turned their heads to the attack. The party of dwarves poured over the hill, and into the field of undead, burrowing a path into the army. The black legions absorbed the comparatively small force like an ameoba absorbing its food. Soon, the dwarven force was deep withing the undead, surrounded on all sides.

Dorwain ducked a swipe from an undead. For creatures that had already died, he noticed, these undead were exceptionally fast. It probably had something to do with their proximity to Bazaal. Dorwain shrugged it off, and removed the offending undead's head from its body. He quickly checked around for more undead near him, and then turned to another dwarf, who was withdrawing his axe from the middle of a rotting torso.

"Dwin, the undead are closing in! They no longer guard their backs!"

Dwin nodded at the king. "Yes, m'lord." He reached behind his right side, and pulled out a rams horn. Raising it to his lips, he blew a single, clear note.

All around the western half of the army surrounding Bazaal's fortress, a distant noise went up, like the crashing of waves on a rocky shore. Slowly, above the hills, a line of black appeared, growing. The entire might of the dwarven kingdom rose, armour glittering from polish, axes waving wildly, and roaring the dwarven battle cry.

For an instant, the simple minds of the undead halted, and the battle stopped. Then, the dwarves struck, the sea of dusky brown armour colliding with the sea of dark black. Metal clanged with metal, and flesh. The sea of black roiled, and prepared to face this new challenge.

The body of an undead exploded, and Krig leaped through the space it had just occupied. Krig was in his environment now, the blood red of berserker rage seething through his brain. He dimly sensed a black armoured figure rise up on his right, and his axe blasted it into pieces, along with two others on his left. He hit the ground with a roll, ending it with an axe through another undead.

Krig sensed something behind him. He whirled, his axe begging to embed itself in rotting flesh. To his surprise, it encountered steel! He brought his axe back for another swing, but before he could execute it, an enormous hand gabbed his face and lifted him off the ground.

Krig tried frantically to hack at whatever it was that was holding him up, but he kept hitting a shield. Suddenly he stopped. He knew who this was!

The giant hand put him down. As it withdrew from his eyes, he saw that he was correct. A giant of a man, seven feet tall and four feet wide stood before him.

"Stor!" Krig cried. "Brother!" He moved to hug him, but stopped mid action and whirled around, chopping a minion of Bazaal in half. He turned back to his brother, Stor.

"Stor! Where rest?"

Stor pointed off to Krig's right.

Krig looked through the bodies gyrating in the dance of death, and saw the rest of the crew of the Ice Bear, huddled together, back to back, fending off undead right and left.

With a cry of joy, Krig leaped through the undead and took his rightful place in the circle, joined by Stor. Together, they waged war on the minions of Bazaal.

* * *

Bazaal leaned on his balcony with dry, leathery elbows and gazed out at the battle. Yes, this would be amusing. At least until he had more important things to do.

(The battle is joined. [] )
My mind is like a sponge, it soaks up a lot... but it leaks


[This message has been edited by Krig_the_Viking (edited June 25, 2000).]
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-06-26, 3:21 PM #405
(NSP: OK, I did almost finish typing a post when my PC froze, so now everyone is getting the shortened version, heehee)

--Dwarven army is holding their ground. bazaal, unhappy that his army is being wasted like so, was about to call in higher minions, when Orca's army of humans, merfolk and animals steps in, creating a chaotic and sensless battle. bazaal continues to watch, leaving his higher minions in search of Merlin's party, while Orca silently creeps towards bazaal's Fortress.--

--Yimir, in a far away place, is sulking, building his rage against his father, Bazaal. He left to build up magic he figures his father doesn't know (such as instant teleportation). Yimir gets to a point where his anger is too much, and teleports to Bazaal's place.--

--Merlin and his party enter teh dead woods. All except Merlin, Kogi, and Antestarr are fearful of this place, whether because of strong memories or just feels creeped out. as they go over a hill, they spot a Daemon Lord. Several of the people, because they feel that the whole situation (present and future) is hopeless, they leave (all elven soldiers, and Randon). bug, and some others want to leave, but all except bug believe in Merlint oo much to give up. They ready tehmselves to face teh Daemon Lords *lets say 2 are there).--

(NSP: Anyone can take care of the fight against them, but I'd liek to introduce Carnid in teh Dead woods. I got something real good cooked up, heehee. Oh, and when we get to Bazaal's place, we see the chaotic war, where the people who lived in the ghetto are forced to fight (making it REAL chaotic, since they are of mixed people), group goes into Bazaal's place, get ambushed by Yimir, who gets ambushed by Orca. Yimir wants to kill Orca for killing his mother *Yimir says he'll deal with his father later* and they go off. They fight Raivus beforehabd *in the mountains* and they fight Jaccik again (oops, OK, they fight Jaccik, then Carnid, or Raivus. whateva, heehee). It'll all be goo, that's the point)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-06-26, 4:30 PM #406
(I believe Randon and his soldiers had left earlier, when they met the fairies, had they not?)

Krig stood back to back with the rest of the crew of the Ice Bear, an invincible ring of steel and flesh. They had hollowed out a hole of about five feet all around them, into which undead dared not tread, or risk being hacked into tiny little bits.

The cheiftan, Overhode, surveyed the battle around them. They had stopped fighting, as no undead were foolish enough to challenge them.

"Break!" came the shout from Overhode.

Almost before the shout came, Krig burst from the pack, flying into the fray, and scattering rotting limbs left and right. Stor waded in, towering a foot over most of the undead, using his sheild as a weapon almost as much as his massive sword. The elder, Gammel, skillfully sliced heads from bodies and left them at that, while the drunkard Øl flung his sword about and somehow managed to bring it in contact with undead. Overhode engaged in battle like the traditional Norse warrior he was.

Krig stopped suddenly in mid-swing. Something was different. He absentmindedly parried a blow from the undead he was currently engaging, and realized what it was. New combatants had entered the fray.

Krig finished off the undead he was working on, and whirled to the nearest familiar figure he saw, King Dorwain.

"King, people coming!" Krig could barely bring his voice under control, so great was his battle rage.

Dorwain streched, trying to see over the heads of the towering undead. Through the hacking and slashing dwarves and zombies, he caught a flash of colour.

Dorwain sprang into motion, cutting through the undead with as much haste as he could muster. He avoided prolonged battles, and concentrated on reaching the new combatants.

Finally, he burst out of a clump of undead, coming face to face with an enormous tiger. A second passed, seeming to be an hour. The tiger lifted a paw, and began to swipe at Dorwain. Dorwain desperately tried to shift himself out of the way, but he could tell he wasn't going to make it. He closed his eyes. The scrape of three inch long claws hit his right cheek... and stopped. Dorwain opened his eyes.

The tiger was on its side, and Dwin was rolling off of it. Dorwain sighed in relief. "Dwin, you just earned yourself a promo--"

Dorwain's voice cut out with a gurgle. Dwin jerked up and turned to look at the king. Dorwain was clutching his neck, eyes bulging. An arrow protruded from between his fingers, drenched in blood.

King Dorwain the Fifth of the House of Cromn toppled to the ground.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-06-28, 1:01 PM #407
(Nsp: Father, The sleeper has awakened! Well, maybe in a couple minutes. I would like to take care of the fight between the group as it is and the group of Daemon Lords( they're mine, you understand, mine, mine mine!). I'm working on the post, so bear left.)
2000-06-29, 11:56 AM #408
(Hey doods. whasup? I figger I may as well get in some of my ideas before SoD ends. I need to flex my creative muscle. So, here goes. To get in the mood for writing this piece o' mine, I listened to "Psycho Boy Jack" from the Fight Club Soundtrack. I highly recommend it.)

Kogi, upon seeing the Daemon lords, pushed Kennan slightly out of its sheath, and leaped onto the branch above. It wobbled a bit, but held his weight. The Daemon lords were, it seemed, conversing with each other. Whispers like "What're you doing up on that branch, Kogi?" and "What are those things?" Emanated from below him. Kogi hissed through his teeth, telling those below him to quiet themselves.

Kogi leapt down from his perch and pushed the group back, out of earshot of the Daemon Lords.

"Those things are Daemon Lords." Kogi told them as soon as there were at a safe distance.

“I seem to remember you telling me about meeting them on the way to my cave.” Gebohq said.

“What are they, anyway?” he asked.

“I only know what my parents told me. It was practically ingrained into me to avoid them like a plague. It is said that they were originally partly human. Bazaal, using his dark magics, warped a few of his minions. He created them as commanders for his hordes. They wear long cloaks, which are always black, and they hide their face. It is said that if you look at their face, you freeze completely. You can’t move, you can’t think. I guess that myth is false. I was cutting them down at the time, but their faces aren’t much to look at. It’s much like a corpse. The skin is drawn tightly to their face. You can see their bones. Their skull, however, is completely malformed. The jaw is pulled down, and has a sharp angle to it. It is marginally longer than ours.”

“That’s good and all except how do we beat them?” Geb said

“Well, before, I enchanted Kennan with a light spell, and surprised them. I basically ran up on them, and cut them down. However, I suggest that you use any long distance attacks you might have.” Kogi advised.

“Truth be told, I am unsure how I beat them before. It was probably luck.” Kogi continued.

Kogi looked up as if he had heard something, but then resumed rubbing his chin with thumb and forefinger.


There was a ball of information in Kogi’s mind. A problem to be contemplated and turned over and over until it was solved, like something stuck to the roof of one’s mouth that you keep tonguing and digging at, and it occupies all of your time solving it. This conundrum had been there for a while, since they left the Shadow Dimension. It was sitting there, like a dark ball that was covered in oil, so that when you tried to grasp it would skitter away. //It’ll come to me later. Right now, I have to fight the Daemon Lords.//


Kogi rose from his contemplation.

“It’s time to put up or shut up.” He said with finality.

“Everyone give me your weapons, I will put a light spell on them.”

They handed over their weapons and Kogi said the light spell. The weapons started to glow red, then yellow, then blue, then white. Kogi handed them back to their prospective owners.

“If anyone wants out now, ask. When you fight these things, you have to give it your all. Nothing half-assed. You have to bond body and soul to the fight and not give up until the last Lord is on the ground. If you don’t, these things will come back after you. They will never stop. You will die if you fight them without every fiber of your being, every ounce of skill you have.” Kogi said, with a stern look on his face, a look that meant business.

Kogi’s recent change in character got concerned looks from the rest of the group, who only knew him as a man of strict values and an intellectual. //It was time they knew me as a fighter.// Kogi thought to himself, a smirk on his face.

“What’s so funny?” Geb asked.

“Just a change. You thought of me as just a virtuous intellectual. I am that, but I am also part of the Kyouran. It is a society of assassins in my land. It is part of an…army. My father was also part of the Kyouran. My mother was a temple priestess who instilled my morals in me, and showed me the non-violent side of life. Thus my parents named me Kogishunjun. It means doubt, and unable to decide. I didn’t know whether I was to be a full-blown assassin, or a calm, gentle man. My parents foresaw this.” Kogi said, the thumb and forefinger back to scratching his chin.

The group was again shocked at this revelation. They didn’t know what to say and an awkward silence pervaded the area.

“Onto the fight then! Let’s go!” Kogi shouted. The rest of the group followed behind him. As they crested the hill, they could see the daemon lords. They were turning towards the group. They held out their arms, and fire shot from their hands. Not the neat, clean campfire, but the roiling, angry fire of magic. Kogi shot spells of lightning and fireballs at the attackers. Kogi looked over and saw Geb holding his own with a Daemon lord. Striking, parrying, slashing, leaping back. The dance…it had been too long since Kogi had seen the dance of oblivion.

“Well, my friend, it’s time to taste blood again.” Kogi said to Kennan as he unsheathed it.

Kogi came down hard on the nearest Daemon lord. He danced the dance of oblivion, and formed the ways. Firebird. Sunrise. Snow on the Mountain. He felt the cold blood of the Daemon lords on him. The first daemon lord fell. Kogi ran to the second. Fire At Midnight. The Reaper In The Field. The Daemon Lord crumpled. Kogi fought until his muscles burned and he was breathing thistles. He looked around. Gebohq had taken down the Daemon Lord. Sakana had taken another, and Antestarr was standing triumphant over yet another. // How many were there? // Kogi thought. He counted the black, misshapen corpses and counted 6 or so.

“You must clean off the blood! It’ll score your weapons and they will be forever poisoned and weak.” Kogi shouted to the rest of the group.

They quickly took the nearest piece of cloth and wiped their swords clean.


The black ball was beginning to show hairline cracks. It wouldn’t be long now.
//Stop tonguing it. It’ll do it on its own.//
2000-06-29, 1:14 PM #409
(NSP: ok, who do we want to see teh good guys battle first: Jaccik, or Carnid? Oh, and obviously if any of ya wanted to write something, PLEASE, by all means, interupt me. Im just doing this b/c I feel no one else will (though tell me if you want to do Carnid, I got some good ideas for him, hehe))
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-06-29, 3:05 PM #410
(Before this extremely cool story is over, we must show some more outtakes...)

from the Shadows of Darkness

Randon massaged the bridge of his nose. He was sitting on Sakana's throne-

*Randon holds out hand*

Randon:"Uh, guys, my nose is bleeding!"

*Five guys run out from behind the camera, and take Randon off screen*

Camera man:"Hey, watch it, ma-- AUGH! I got blood on my shirt!"



"Balthazar!" Merlin cries out in a loud voice.

"Who is it?" echoes a voice from the back of the cave.

"It is I, Merlin." Merlin answers back.

"You lie. Merlin is dead." the voice answers.

"Come out the shadows Balthazar and see the truth. I know you too well for I have not decived you. I remeber how pleased you where when I told Melichor to let you lead the battle." Merlin says with wise cunning.

The dragon steps foward out of the shadows -- and jerks to a halt. A grinding of gears is heard.

Merlin:"Uh... anybody got a can of oil?"

Technicians run out from behind the camera. Smoke starts coming out of the dragon's eye. Merlin accepts a jacket from a crew member, and walks off camera. The smoke starts pouring out of the dragon thicker, and a beeping noise is heard. Water starts raining down, and the dragon starts crackling with electricity.

Technician:"Oh, sh[bleep], it's gonna blow! Get dow-"


Two elven soldiers run by, screaming. One trips, and smashes into the camera, sending it flying. It comes to rest showing upside down feet clinging to the upside down earth.

Elven soldier:"Aw, jeez, sorry man! You okay?"

Feet in sneakers stagger past, upside down.

Camera man:"Ach, I be alright, just me leg!"


Ping is in the crystal cage, and Raivus paces outside.

Ping:"What is wrong with you?"

Raivus:"Wrong with me? What's wrong with you? Are you finally showing care, even love, to me? [insert maniacal laugh]"

Ping (with raised eyebrow):"You're mad"

Both stare angrily at each other.

Ping:"And I forget my line."

Both bust out laughing.

Raivus, wiping eyes:"Aw, man, I can't do this. Somebody get me a drink!"


*With Merlin, his friends, and the elven soldiers, K'Jar and Almisa lead them to the Fairies' entrance. They are all puzzled as they see what seems to be a line of fairies waiting to climb onto a dragon, who are flying up past the treetops. *

K'jar:"Where are you all going?"

Fairie:"Haven't you heard? All the fairies and dragons are going to Eversky. It's a place--"

*Behind them, the dragon rears up on its hind legs, and all the fairies fall off. The dragon jerks to a stop, and black smoke starts coming out of its joints.*

Director:"Not again! This [bleep]in' peice of sh[bleep] is a piece of sh[bleep]! That's the last straw, we're goin' CG on this thing!"

*Sprinklers turn on."

Director:"Oh, this is just great!" Walks out in front of camera. "What're you f[bleep]in' lookin' at? F[bleep] off!" Hits camera.


*Krig leaps over undead. He slashes, and two fall at his feet. An undead behind him raises his sword, and Krig spins--smashing his face on the undead's fist.*

Krig:"Aww! Me nose! Me nose's bleedin!"

*All the undead instantly stop fighting, and rush over to Krig."

Krig:"Watch where ya put tha' thing, ya bloo'y foo', yell put sumun's eye out!" *Walks toward and left of camera, shaking head.* "Crikey!"


My mind is like a sponge, it soaks up a lot... but it leaks

So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-06-29, 4:33 PM #411
(In our continuing series "Bread and Circus for the People," Kogi shows a new side: humor!)

Kogi leads the charge on the Daemon Lords, Kennan drawn, yelling a battlecry. His foot snags a tree root, giving Kogi a mouthful of dirt

"Ah, floggin snail.I hate manure." Kogi exclaims, after removing a healthy sized piece of sod from his mouth. He says "floggin snail" again. He looks around a bit, then his eyes widen in realization.

"Hey you! Yeah you with that dubbing machine!"

Kogi walks toward camera, and offscreen. Thuds heard in background.


Kogi approaches Merlin.
"I've got something I have to tell you."
"What is it lad?"
"Merlin, you've been voted off SoD."
Merlin looks indignant and stalks offcamera.
Kogi clamps hand to mouth, and starts laughing hysterically.


Kogi is fighting with a Daemon Lord.
A shiny wristwatch can be seen on the right arm of the Daemon Lord.
"Uh, hank, we can see your watch."
Daemon lord looks down, slaps forehead and starts cursing.


"My father was part of the Kyouran and my mother was a temple priestess. They named me Kogishuh----Kogishun--" Kogi says

"Ahh, shoot(mouths s***). Why do i have to be named Kogishunjun? Why can I be hank or Jack or John or something?"

Kogi walks up to Merlin.
"Merlin, I have a secret I haven't told anyone else. You will believe me, right?"

"Ok, what is your secret?"

"I see dead people." Kogi says, trying to keep a straight face, but he can't hold it and laughs hysterically
2000-06-30, 4:52 AM #412
(NSP: First off those out take where really really funny! LOL! Second I think we should deal with Jaccik, then Carnid, then Raivus. Jaccik could be interesting considering he is using light magic for dark purposes...but I think someone said Annestar (sp?) will take care of that, so I'll let him handle it. Also once we do take care of Carnid, let me handle Raivus (if that is ok) also, I have something planned for Yimir, but I won't be able to do it till after Bazaal's death... so don't have anybody kill Yimir... Thanks).
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

2000-06-30, 8:01 AM #413
(NSP: OK, Jaccik will be fought first. Anyone can take care of writing about the fight with him *I'll write it when I have the time, so if someone gets to it first, no biggie*. Just remember: Jaccik shouldn't die in this fight *go back to Bazaal's fortress* and it'd prolly be nice if he had some minions *though not nessesary* and Antestarr and Jaccik are on the same power level. I will take care of Carnind however, so don'tcha worry about that. [] Off to work now...)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-06-30, 4:27 PM #414
Here's what Krig looks like:


I drew it myself! []

My mind is like a sponge, it soaks up a lot... but it leaks

So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-06-30, 5:56 PM #415
After the fight was done the party continued onward... Night finally fell after a time and they sat about the campfire.

Ji'tory sat there looking sadly at the fire now... she had been noticing now more and more... she realized now how at other times the warmth of the fire and how it crackled with light and color would have been pleasing to her, but now...she found the fire was not so warm, its colors seemed duller, and she found no cheer... if fact she felt so empty now she felt she could simply breakdown and cry...

Ji'tory sat near Reyaun now and watched her saddening expression. Istinctivly he drew her closer, resting her head on his shoulder she began to cry. He stroked her head softly as her tears ran down her face and on to his tunic...

Nearby the camp in the shadows sat Merlin upon a flat stone looking upward into the starry sky.... he knew what Ji'tory must be going through... he looked up and paused and new what he should now do...

Merlin returned to the camp and sat down near Reyaun and Ji'tory...

"Reyaun and Ji'tory there is something I need to tell you..." Merlin began.

"What is it Merlin?" Reyaun asked.

"It concerns magic. Well first hand me Consilium ex Deo." Merlin requested.

Reyaun replied by drawing out the sword and handing it to Merlin. Merlin laid it up his lap and began to explain.

"Long ago on this world there was a seer named Alanon who saw the life of the Son of the Nameless One. The Son of the Nameless One was unique in all creation both fully human and full god. Though by nature these things are contridictory. . . . such seems to be one of mysteries of him.

Magic in our world is always drawn from the natural force, but always is that power shaped by our hearts, those you yearn to control and are filled with ambition and anger or hatred the power twists them and they use it for their own ends seeking only power. But those who use it for good seeking in love and learning with knowledge, I not weilding power to control, but that power used to benefit others there lies the good in magic. So that magic is and always has been an expression of ones humanity." Merlin said softly before the fire.

Now he pick up the blade...

"That is why this blade is so fitting a symbol, forged both of magic, and expression of man, and divine and expression of God. Yes... again a good symbol, human... yet divine....

I can still use magic.... and now it has been made know to me its fate... it is man's and all creatures destiny to become in the image of the Nameless One as they suffer the trials of life they grow closer toward him, so they become like him.

So magic is an expression of man's heart, and I am still human, but now I am more upon the road toward the Nameless One too. Just as the sword is a merger of magic and heavenly power, so must we be a light unto the world, where magic and power bows to love. So now magic that I knew is transcended by the Nameless Ones power, and just as we are his tools so shall the magic I knew be his tool as well. But at the same time I must not trust in magic alone, for it is but a tool, but trust in the power and the promises greater than all." Merlin finsihed finally.

All of them now looked and saw Gebohq standing at the entrance of his tent. Merlin knew he had been listening to the whole converstation.

"Merlin, if all you said is true. What does that mean your fate is?" Gebohq asked.

"Me." Merlin chuckled, "I seem to have been choosen to become magic's keeper by my desire to serve the Nameless One and my love of the art."

Then Merlin turned to Ji'tory.

"Ji'tory, take the sword. You were meant to weild it, that was why you weilded it then that is why it is yours now." Merlin said softly.

Ji'tory looked at Reyaun, Reyaun smiled and nodded knowing it was meant for her. Ji'tory paused and took the sword in her hands.

She looked it over... and she saw it shine in her hands in the firelight, it's blade smooth and beutiful.... and it was full...full of experince...she realized the numbness of experince had lifted with the sword in her was gone! She abruptly let out a half cry and burst of laughter.... and then she smiled and Merlin smiled softly too.
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

2000-07-02, 1:58 PM #416
(You mean... Gebohq's not the weilder of the Consilium eX Deo? That was... unexpected.)

Dwin held the King's head in his hands. Around him, the battle raged in slow motion, the clashes of steel and cries of the wounded muted to a dull roar. King Dorwain reached up with one bloody hand.

Dwin leaned closer. "What is it Sire?"

Dorwain struggled to speak, his voice gurgling in his throat. "Dwin... I have" The King broke off into a fit of bloody coughing. He haltingly wiped the blood from his mouth. "I have no heir..."

Dwin protested "Sire, you have a son! He is here with you!"

The king shook his head. "No... no. I saw him... killed with my own... eyes."

Dwin fell silent as he realized the implications. Without an heir to the throne, the kindom of the dwarves would fall into chaos, as it had three hundred years ago. Only the rise of the House of Cromn had stopped the chaos.

"What shall we do, Sire?" Dwin's face was pale.

Dorwain coughed up blood again. When he spoke, his voice was barely discernable from the bubbling of the blood in his throat. "I... will... name... an heir..."

"Yes, of course Sire. Who Sire?"

"Y... y..." Dorwain paused to turn and spit blood out of his mouth. "You, Dwin."

Dwin's eyes widened. "Me?" he squeaked. "Sire, I know nothing of running a kingdom! There are others who could run the country much better than I could!"

But the king did not reply.

My mind is like a sponge, it soaks up a lot... but it leaks

So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-07-03, 3:47 PM #417
I could almost say I saw that coming...

and about Consilum ex Deo. Actually the sword is intellegent, but it doesn't talk or anything like that or influence its weilder really. BUT it does not allow itself to be weild by an evil person or for an evil cause. Also mind you the swords powers haven't been fully explored in the story, I mean the weapon can shoot lighting bolts, it's very prescence unsheathed will blast lesser evil undead out of existance (though none of Bazaal's forces are lesser undead)! It also always inflicts a heavy bonus of electrical energy in every blow (one of the dark wizards was fried after Ji'tory plunged it into him earlier). It will shatter most swords and sheilds of lesser stuff (Reyaun's orginal sword was shattered into when Merlin weilded the sword in a test duel shortly after the sword's creation).
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

2000-07-05, 10:55 AM #418
(NSP: Where is everybody?)
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-07-06, 5:01 PM #419
(NSP: To reiterate, where is everyone? I'm stuck in the big battle, i can't really do anything till someone else does...)

My mind is like a sponge, it soaks up a lot... but it leaks

Member of the Rebellion against AC
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-07-07, 3:38 AM #420
(NSP: OK OK, sorry about that, I just been real busy lately. You'll see the Jaccik post soon now *I was hoping someone else woudl take care of it, but oh well*)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-07-07, 6:29 AM #421
*The fighters of good, having only recently defended themselves fom several Daemon Lords, only walked a few feet before sparkles of light were shining in front of them. It wasn't a warm light though. It was like cold snow that were piercingly bright. The sparkles group together, and a bright flash erupted in front of them. When the group could see again, Jaccik stood there with three dark clerics at his side. One that JK_Meteor immediately recognized.*

"No!" JK said in surprise. "Gebohq, quick, get aw-"

*But it was too late. As Gebohq turned to hear what JK was saying, the cleric familiar to JK shot out his hands towards Gebohq, and a stream of erradic sparkles flow quickly from his hands and towards Gebohq. Gebohq looked as if he was about to attack the cleric when he stopped, puzzlement written all over his face. He then looked at a tree, and thinking it was his enemy, began to swing his sword at it.*

"You will pay, Jelmask," JK said with boiling rage.

"You only have yourself to blame, Meteor," Jelmask chuckled. "You strongly urged the group to take the same route to His Greatness, after all."

*Some of the others shot glaces of "you betrayed us" to JK. Jaccik, having let the situation play out, now looked at Antestarr.*

"I know what you want Jaccik," Antestarr said, "the moment you came. Your lightshow does not frighten me, and I will not succumb to your level. I will not play your game."

"Succumb?" Jaccik snorted. "You would have to rise to my level, brother. And we will see yet if you won't play my game, as you so say."

*Jaccik lowers his arms, his hands curling into fists. The fighters had alreayd drawn their weapons and otherwise prepared themselves for defense. As a conductor rises his hands for a rise in the music, so did Jaccik do so. Four of the Daemon Lords that they had just fought raises from the ground, and began to advance on the fighters.*

*The group, without word, split into two. While the others fought the Daemon Lords, Antestarr, Kogi, bug, Shawn, JK, and Jason fought the dark clerics, having themselves a darkness within themselves they controlled. Ji'Tory stood by Merlin, unsure of where to go, when Gebohq stopped attacking the tree and headed for Ji'Tory, still confused as to who was the enemy.*

*As Merlin drew Ji'Tory away from the fights, Gebohq follwed them. Ji'Tory and Merlin defended themselves later from Gebohq, trying to set his confusion straight. As the others fought, Scout (NSP:whom, by a fix in this plothole, I decided that Dirtbag didn't scuttle off back at the Citadel, but instead changed back into Scout) felt the pain within herself tha she now associated with her transformation. Dirtbag took her place, and not interested in being in the middle of a fight, decided to hide someplace in the shadows.*

*Deja vu swept over the fighters that defended themselves against the Daemon Lords, but although there were not as many of the enemy, there were also not as many of the fighters fighting them. Also, one of the dark clerics would heal the Daemon Lords every once in a while, which made things very difficult for them. Jason, having made his first move, attacked the dark cleric that was about to heal teh Daemon Lords again, with a fireball.*

"Jason Argos!" Jaccik said, finally recognizing theformer dark wizard. "I should have expected you would do such a thing as to turn against us."

*As Jason was about to form a firewall around Jaccik, Jaccik used a paralysis attack, and Jason simply stood there frozen. Shawn and Kogi were attacking two of the dark clerics, while Meteor, in full anger, was attacking Jelmask. Antestarr, having puzzled his companions, was not using any magic attacks at all, simply trying to punch Jaccik. Having been telepathically linked, however, Jaccik could predict somewhat what Antestarr would be doing, and visa versa. Antestarr noticed how Jaccik was not keeping his full attention on him, but on the battle itself. Merlin and the fighters were winning, and Antestarr thought that something was wrong about this.*

*Before Antestarr could say anything, however, the Daemon Lords were struck down, and those fighters had helped the others in fighting the dark clerics. The two that Shawn and Kogi had attacked had been killed. Jelmask then pushed JK back and ran towards Jaccik. Jaccik looked at Antestarr, bruises all over his face from the punches that had landed. In a fashion similar to how they entered, the flash of light boomed and the sparkles drifted down to teh ground.*

"But how is that possible?" Kogi asked to anyone who could answer. "Teleportation can not possibly be used that quickly, unless..."

"Do not worry about that, my friend," Antestarr said. "That was but a distraction while they could turn themselves invisible to our eyes and slip away unnoticed. But I'm saddened to say that Jaccik won."

"What are you talking about?" Dragonfly asked. "I think we got teh good of them and scared them off."

"No," Antestarr said. "That was only the first battle between him. And now he knows how we fight, and will not only report that to Bazaal, but will be prepared next time we fight him. Those two that we killed were low level dark clerics, never meant to live."

"Damnit!" Shawn said,stamping his foor to the ground.

"Where's Gebohq by the way?" Kogi said "And Ji'Tory. Merlin? Scout?.." Kogi seemed to rattle off.

"Shawn was about to go kill something in his anger when they noticed Gebohq wielding his sword against Ji'Tory and Merlin. But he was sitting, holding his head, as if he was thinking too much. Merlin finally mentioned Tessa, and Gebohq seemed to be alright, standing up, clearing his head. The others were relieved to find the three of them, but then ralized that Scout was still missing. In a sense of deja vu to all the third war veterans, Merlin walked over to a shadow and put his hand in it, and as if pulling a rabbit out of a hat, pulle dDirtbag out by his tail.*

"Let go of me you ****ing ***! I'll **** all over your..." Dirtbag rattled off.

"Oh look, it's ratty!" bug laughed, noticing that his headache would still arrive.

"Jaccik most likely knows about the link between Dirtbag and Scout now, and will report that to Bazaal." Antestarr said sadly.

Oh great, just wonderful.." Shawn said.

*The group continued to walk through the dead woods, unknowingly coming closer to where Apathis commited suicide, and more importantly, where Carnid was waiting for them.*
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-07-07, 7:42 AM #422
(NSP:Yeah, that's the kinda stuff I've been missing [] )
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-07-07, 9:07 AM #423
After Dirtbag was caught he was forced (to retain his integrity from the forces of the gate) to return to Scout's form. The party continued to march foward into the dead woods. Now unknowingly reaching the place Apathis had fled to in his final act of apathy. Suddenly the earth shook and a dark shadow materalized before the party, first several memebers looked to Antestarr for confirmation if it was Jaccik. Antestarr shook his head, he didn't sense Jaccik this time.

The shadow now shifted, and party was readied for battle, as Carnid appeared.

"Perfect..." he said slowly, "...perfect.." Carnid said, "now is the perfect time..." a wicked grin slashed across his face.

He stretched out his hand, and the ground vomited up the revolting corpse of Apathis...sickening most of the party memebers, and throwing Gebohq in a state of shock.

"This puny one was not fit to serve us." Carnid continued, "so we left him to his own devices."

"You mean Bazaal let him commit suicide?" said Kogi in disgust seeing Apathis dishonorable self destruction.

"Fools!" barked Carnid, "you think I really serve Bazaal!"

"B-but you said we..." Gebohq siad finally recovering from his shock.

" are many..." said Carnid in an extremely disturbing manner that left many of the party members wondering if Carnid wasn't insane...

"Yes... you made yourself an abode for many." Merlin replied softly from the back of the party.

"Ahhhhh!", said Carnid hissingly "You know us well."

"I know you made a pact... to gain yourself the powers you now have." Merlin replied softly again.

"Yes. Carnid made a pact with us and we gave him the simple magical power to weild time." Carnid hissed.

"You came into the temple of his body. And now his temple is a house of darkness filled with filth. And your mouth is filled with lies, and you claim to forsee the truth, but your tounge is but lies, for you are part of the Father of Lies." Merlin bit back.

"Merlin...what is he?" Geobhq now asked with alarm.

"WE ARE THE DARKNESS!" the Carnid howled, he voice become savage and inhuman, his eyes turned yellow with vertical pupils, his teeth stood long and sharp, his mouth a pit of knives, and his tounge long and serpintine lashing from his mouth like a whip. And an aura of darkness sourounded him.

Everone drew back from the creature now.

"We are but the tendril of the greatest among the Fallen Gods! We are the finger and the hand of Baal!" The Carnid/creature hissed, "We work with Bazaal only becuase he serves our ends, he our pawn, and now we will destroy you!"

With that his hand stretched out and swirling energy lept forth. One struck Ji'tory and she fell to her knees, face wrinkeled and hair gone white, to weak to stand. One struck Geobhq and Kogi, frezeing them where they stood. One struck Antestarr making him seem to move in extremely slow motion. The party eruptied into chaos and Carnid stood laughing.

Then his eyes caught Merlin walking past the others, a calm amid the storm like a man walking on storm crest waters, shouting at Carnid amid the chaotic turmoil. Carnid stood stunned, he was unaffected by the flow of time!

"I serve the Nameless One, who before your master was made He existed. With out beigining. With out End. The Alpha and Omega. Eternal... beyond time itself!" Merlin shouted his eyes blazing. Then as if commanded Merlin stretched out his hand and there a was a wash of light... the chaos abated, and the aging affect on Ji'tory vanished, Kogi and Gebohq unfrozen, Antestarr returned to normal. And for an intstant there was total silence...

Merlin broke the silence, "The house has fallen, your powers done, this game is ended, His will is done." Merlin said feircely.

Carnid stretch out his hands to strike again, but instead screamed in helpless rage finding his powers no longer working. In rage he charged at the one he thought most vulnerable in the party in hopes of taking a hostage, Ji'tory. He raced past Merlin straight at Ji'tory. Merlin stood like a statue doing nothing. As Carnid advance he thought visciously of his 'easy' prey, but too late did he see Ji'tory's magically enhanced lightning fast speed with the blade and his charge ended abruptly as he impaled himself of Consilum ex Deo!

The creature let loose a savage howl, face up turned to the sky, fire erupting from his eyes and mouth as lightning crackled about the blade. Ji'tory withdrew it, spun about 360 degrees using the momentum of the spin to slice, like a hot knife through butter, through flesh, blood, tendon and bone of Carnid's neck! As the creatures head fell to the earth the head and body erupted into flames! All of the party memeber backed away...

With in a few seconds the body was reduced to ashes blowing in the wind.

Merlin, his back still to the events that had just happened said quietly with bitter irony, "Ashes to ashes...dust to dust..."

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited July 07, 2000).]
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

2000-07-07, 8:11 PM #424
*This whole post is a Non-story post*

Sorry I wasn't able to do the Jaccik post myself, but Geb filled in nicely using some of my ideas along with his own creative streak. Anyway, I think now is the time for a musical interlude...

"Wishing on a dream that seems far off
Hoping it will come today.

Into the starlit night,
Foolish dreamers turn their gaze,
Waiting on a shooting star.

But, what if that star is not to come?
Will their dreams fade to nothing?
When the horizon darkens most,
We all need to believe there is hope.

Is an angel watching closely over me?
Can there be a guiding light I've yet to see?
I know my heart should guide me, but,
There's a hole within my soul.

What will fill this emptiness inside of me?
Am I to be satisfied without knowing?

I wish, then, for a chance to see,
Now all I need, <desperately>

Is my star to come..."

-Lyrics to "The Boat Song" AKA "Wind Nocturne" from Lunar: The Silver Star Story Complete
Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt.
2000-07-07, 10:54 PM #425
The party rested after their fight with carnid. Ji'tory was sitting against an oak tree recollecting her thoughts from the fight.

"I feels good to kill. Doesn't it?"


Ji'tory spun around to see bug looking over from the other side of the tree. Bug flicked a piece of grass in her eye.

"Killing. You like it?

"No! Of course not!"

"Yeah, that's what everyone says. No one ever admits to it. They always do it for a better reason. Duty. Honor. Even in the name of the Lord. But they never will admit, not even in the least bit, that they enjoy doing so."

"So, you want me to believe that I secretly like killing and I am fighting this whole war just as an excuse to keep doing so?"

"Yes. That's basically it. It's not so much an excuse so much as a means of revenge."

"This war isn't about revenge! It's about stopping Bazaal from destroying the world!"

"For most people, Yes. For you, No. You hate Bazaal for what he did to you. This war is your way of finally fighting back. I saw you kill Carnid. You couldn't keep that faint smile off your face when he fell to the ground. Everytime you kill one of Bazaal's minions you are killing Bazaal in your mind. The question is what happens when you finally do kill Bazaal?"

"Listen Bug. I don't know where you get your crazy ideas about me killing Bazaal in my mind, but I just want you to know I'm not in this for revenge. We are all fighting to finally put an end to Bazaal's armys of destruction and bring peace to the world."

"Peace. Another noble cause to fight for. I have read how mind control works. I know you have memories. Oh, they don't all come back at once, it's sporadic. Sometimes they reappear in dreams, othertimes they can be visions randomly appearing throughout the day. I can't speak from experience, but I know it has to be scary. But now you can finally fight the monster in your dreams. He is real, someone you can kill. The question is, will killing Bazaal be enough to quench your hate? Will you be able to forget your memories once you see his dead body? You can pretend you want to kill him 'for the good of the world', but it comes down to the simple fact that you want to kill Bazaal for what he has done to you. So what happens afterwards? What if killing Bazaal isn't enough? Where will you take out all your anger and hate? You can't just keep it stored up inside of you. Who will you take it out on? Believe me. You are much more aware of your deeper thoughts when they physically hurt you.

"I can't undo what Bazaal did to me, and I would rather not talk about it. You can think what you like about me bug, but nothing you think can change the truth."

Bug stood up, "ok, I guess you are right. This conversation isn't going anywhere. But one last thing for you to ask yourself. If Bazaal was no longer a threat, would you still want to kill him for what he did to you?"

Bug walked away leaving Ji'tory perplexed with her thoughts.
2000-07-10, 5:46 PM #426
(NSP: So you all knew, I'm planning to post soon. But feel free to write too, this is great character time here! bug did good, you can do it too. Cya later.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-07-10, 9:08 PM #427
Antestarr sat upon a log at the edge of the party, staring out into the forest. //When one travels a forest, they see the trees immediately surrounding them. But there is more. The trees are but a facade. Beyond these trees lies the heart of the forest, nature itself. Everyone can see the outward face of an entity, yet there is always more to it. However, when that entity cannot begin to fathom it's inner self, where is it left?// Antestarr continued to stare out into the forest, searching for any source of light that may have been able to pierce the canopy above. The runes of his cloak began to glow a deep purple. //My place is not here. I am not of this world, nor are you, Jaccik. Interfering in matters here may have implications far beyond what any of us can comprehend. Yet, our arrival here has set into motion a course of events that cannot be changed now. I do not understand why I am, but I know that it is now my place to help stop the madness and take you back.// As these thoughts concluded in Antestarr's mind a voice flashed quickly through his head. I seemed to say "Destiny is not written, but forged by one's self." But the voice was not Jaccik, nor any other source of evil. It was almost comforting for a moment...

Jason sat down quietly next to Antestarr. "Antestarr, you seem disturbed. Would you care to have a wizard to wizard talk?"

"Not particularly, but if you feel that you must, then go ahead." Antestarr replied.

"Well, it's just... I've been thinking. Of all the wizards I've met, you seem to be the most... unique. Many wizards try to make their place known, strive to become the most powerful, spend years mastering new techniques, and in all try to make themselves look good. You, on the other hand, keep to yourself, balance you power, control powers that others don't even begin to understand, and work for the betterment of our group... no, all beings of this world. I would really like to know why."

Jason looked at Antestarr inquisitively for a moment. Antestarr though, then replied. "I have but one reason that brought me here: balance. I understand that evil runs rampant, and is on the verge of taking total control. I also understand that Jaccik has joined the ranks of this evil, and neither he nor I were meant to enter the affairs of others until we understood our true roles in the universe. In order to help restore the balance, I must aid you to defeat Bazaal and return Jaccik and myself to seclusion, so that your world may once again be at peace."

"No, I think it's something more, now." Jason said. "You may have joined to stop Jaccik, but I don't believe that you are merely trying to fulfill what you believe is 'duty'. In my opinion, you have grown your own will, and while stopping Jaccik is part of it, I think that you want to see peace just as much as we do. You may not realize it, but with us you have done much more than merely strengthen our group with your magic, you yourself have had an effect."

"How so?"

"Your ability, your aid, even your mere presence have all helped change us. Seeing you was even one of the reasons that I decided I could turn my back to Bazaal. You almost embody our hope, as you have shown that goodness can overcome dark magics, even if it is on a personal level.

"Please, let my ideas begin to flow through your constant thoughts. Perhaps I have helped you to get a new viewpoint on yourself."

Antestarr looked back out into the forest. As the wind blew through the trees, a single ray of light was allowed to escape into his sight.
Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt.
2000-07-12, 5:22 PM #428
[Well, Paladin's banned for a totally unrelated thing, and I feel the need to continue the story now, so I thought I'd use this account. Forgive me Kedri!]

The old Stygian capital wasn't anything like what it used to be. Mindless Zombies and Skeletons wandered around, doing seemingly nothing, while the intelligent Stygians were held in the deep dungeons of Fort Terror, an ancient Stygian fort now converted to an outpost of Bazaal. Burned out houses stretched out along broken roads, and the sky was a sickening blood red.
It was through this chaos that Orca strode as if he had no care in the world. Indeed, this strange approach seemed to assure him of safety from Bazaal's patrols who, as mindless as most outer patrols, had no clue what exactly to do.
Unfourtunatly, Orca wasn't the only one striding about the city. In fact, right behind him, the minor Dark Wizard in command of the garrison, Telyk Darkblood, trailed at a safe distance. When Orca paused for a minute by the castle gate, Telyk stepped out of the shadows, along with his guard.
"Orca! I knew you would come here someday. Its too bad you came alone, some support probably would be handy right about now." Telyk smirked, as more of his troops surrounded Orca.
"If you knew what you were getting into, you wouldn't be smirking so much." Orca warned him, but Telyk payed no attention.
"Advance!" Telyk cried to the troops, and they started to close in around Orca.
It was then that a terrible transformation swept over Orca. Suddenly, his form twisted and his skin cracked, and tree branches lept out in place of his arms. And yet, it settled down as quickly as it came, but leaving Orca completely different. Now, various twigs and leaves extended at strange angles from Orca's body, and branches and vines emerged from his back and swayed in the wind. A second pair of arms, two huge tree branches, hung from his body as well. But strangest of all was the sparkling medallion that now hung around his neck. Inserted in it were nine bright crystals, each a different color: Red, Dark Blue, Light Blue, Green, Yellow, Black, Orange, White, and one gem, the one in the middle, was simply indescribable. It seemed almost a mix of all the other ones, plus more, and it seemed to shine brillianty while at the same time shadowing the surrounding land.
The undead simply came to a full stop, staring at the creature in front of them. Telyk stared in fury at Orca, eyes burning in hatred.
"Perhaps now you see why I need no support here. Certainly not against you." Orca chuckled, and then he stretched out his hands, pointing them at Telyk. Before the dark wizard could move a muscle, huge vines shot out of Orca's fingertips and wrapped themselves around the dark wizard, slowly advancing toward his neck, pointed tips gleaming wickedly. The dark wizard stood there, paralyzed by fear, as the vines slowly cut through his neck. Then, with a resounding thud, the body slumped to the floor as the vines withdrew.
The undead simply started to flee, but, as they did so, a horde of demonic creatures stormed out of the fortress and quickly overwhelmed them. Having sensed Telyk's death, the demons had apparently freed themselves and taken the fort. Orca smiled as he saw his newest army awaiting his command. These demons would be perfect additions to his forces, for it would no doubt draw Merlin and his "holy army" like a magnet. At least, so Orca hoped.
-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

2000-07-12, 6:25 PM #429
(One small point, Orca, I believe the Stygians are extinct. Might wanna edit your post regarding that. [] )

Krig's axe whipped out, snatching off the head of an undead. Krig landed on the ground from his leap with a thump that was lost in the turmoil of battle. Krig rested briefly, his eyes and ears scanning the battle around him for possible attackers. The battle was beginning to take a toll on Krig, and there seemed to be no end in sight. For every undead he killed, there seemed to be two more to take its place. The dwarves were suffering heavy casualties. He wasn't even close to the Evil One's keep, he could only just barely even see it.

An undead approached Krig from the behind, and Krig whirled to tear apart its torso with his axe. He wasn't about to give up yet.

My mind is like a sponge, it soaks up a lot... but it leaks

Member of the Rebellion against AC
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-07-12, 7:15 PM #430
No, I do believe Merlin said they were all either dead, imprisoned or in Bazaal's service, well, Orca just released the imprisoned ones. But then, I've been out of the loop for a while, so maybe it changed.
-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

2000-07-13, 8:01 AM #431
"You've done well, Jaccik," Bazaal commended. "Your reward is presented before you."

*In the chilling and forebodingly dark chamber, Jaccik stood before Bazaal. Moments ago, Jaccik approached him with what he knew of Merlin and his company: their strengths, weaknesses, tactics, but most importantly, that Dirtbag was with them, and that Dirtbag and Scout were one and the same. Jaccik was content within himself, for he had his reward. There was nothing between Bazaal and Jaccik, and that's the way Jaccik wanted it. Jaccik knew that if Bazaal was not happy with Jaccik's performace, Bazaal would simply strip his life and power away and take it for his own. But having served Bazaal well, there was nothing to hold against Jaccik, and Bazaal knew Jaccik would serve better, for the moment, if he was alive. Jaccik walked away after being dismissed, happy that his life was still presented before him, to do as he wished with his power.*

*Bazaal, after having dismissed Jaccik, thought about himself. There was so much he didn't know, he thought. So much to grasp, and he had to have it all. He knew there was lands beyond, lands that he couldn't even comprehend. Unlike most of his subservient wizards, he knew that there was a Nameless One. But unlike all the ones that knew of the Nameless one, Bazaal knew that this One was simply someone with immense power. So many others were blind to it, and he could see it clearly. Bazaal would simply agin more than this greater one.*

*And the quickest way to do that would be to gain the powers of Hell. Its power was vast, mighty, and loud. And most importantly, it was easily within his grasp: within Dirtbag. The one known as Baal who controlled this power was an idiot, Bazaal thought. With his knowledge, Bazaal could make good use of its power and become unchallanged by anyone. Bazaal thought about Merlin. What a fool, bazaal thought, for merlin showed him a greater plane that Bazaal could rise to, a power he had not even believed existed. He would have his power soon enough.*

*Bazaal looked on out into the battle before him. They will be here soon, he knew it.*
*Within the Dead Woods, Merlin's company nearly slumped from exhaustion. In one day, they had battled several Daemon Lords and two dark wizards. It was late in the night, and they all needed to sleep.*

*While preparing the camp for the night, Gebohq's mind started to fly with thoughts in a contradictory fashion to his physical state. //I've had so many defeats, so many weaknesses I've found I've been prone to. Even in his death, Apathis attacked me and I fell with shock. I've failed to lead my friends into victory. I've been betrayed by Meteor, and have myself betrayed Tessa, who dwells in the fortress she so long ago grew up in. How will I ever know her true feelings?...//

*Meanwhile, Jason continued to talk to Antestarr, whom he felt he could connect to.*

"Antestarr," Jason began, "why do you think evil in the world is dominant?"

"Evil isn't as strong as it makes itself out to be, Jason," Antestarr said. "Evil is loud, it is not afraid of having to be modest, or considerate, or thougthful. One voice of evil can have as much affect as ten voices of good. Taking the dark path is easier, because it appears to be a shortcut through happiness and provides shade from the light of the sun. But that path divides farther from our course and grows darker as you follow it."

*Antestarr appeared as if he could have more to say when Reyuan walked up and casually talked to both of them.*

"Gebohq over there sure seems sad," Reyuan commented. "You know why, I think? I think it's because of that Tessa woman he loved so much. He misses her."

"Tessa?" Jason said, trying to keep his face from contorting at that name.

"Yeah," Reyaun continued, "Gebohq told me about her. Seems Apathis used her and then took her away. I hope he finds her."

"Me too..." Jason trailed off. Antestarr gave him a look of questioning, but Jason shook his head, and Antestarr turned over and went to sleep. Jason was trying to sleep, yet couldn't stop thinking about whether to tell Gebohq what Jason had done to Tessa himself...

*Gebohq had trouble sleeping himself. Though he was dead tired, his mind wouldn't stop dancing thoughts. Gebohq turned to look at Scout.*

"Scout," Gebohq wispered.
"Whhhhhhhhaaaaaat," Scout grumbled, having had to deal with this one too many times.
"You ever thought how much sleep is like death?" Gebohq asked. "I mean, you get all your good thoughts just as your about to fall asleep, and you forget tehm all when you wake up. It's like having your thoughts die."
"Then let me die already," Scout mumbled, and without realizing how true her words were said "You shouldn't cling to what you own. For a rich man to get into heaven is harder than walking through the hole of a needle...we...all..need to...move"
*Scout then fell asleep, and Gebohq continued to toss and turn, still thinking. Thunder clapped in the dark sky.*
*Ping and Pristine stood in a dark void, and a bodiless female voice talked to them.*

"You have been brought here to be given a choice," the voice said. "To live or to die."

"This is kind of creepy," Pristine said. After some moment of silence, Pristine continued. "But our friends need our help. I want to live and help them."

"You should know Pristine," the voice echoed, "that the two of you are on teh edge of wielding a power beyond your good intentions."

"I have felt it," Ping said, "and I agree. What lies ahead if we do not go back?"

"An afterlife of eternal love," the voice said.

"DEATH!" Pristine said with a scared voice. "I'm not ready to die!"

"Pristine," Ping said calmly, "you have to understand, when she said to live or to die, she meant our souls. If we go back, we risk killing our souls for greater power, for absolute power corrupts absolutely."

"Yes, you understand well, Ping_me" the voice continued. "yet it is not your fault this power was presented to either of you. You both were created in the eyes of the haughty, the rich, teh proud. That is why you have been brought before me, to present you the choice: to live or to die."

(This decision is to be made for Ping only, unless he does not reply by the end of SoD. I hope he will reply, for this was dedicate in memory (hehe, sorry, couldn't resist) of Ping_me and of the old ways of the Third War.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-07-13, 1:05 PM #432
(NSP: hehe, sorry i've been out of the loop so long, I couldn't think of anything to write. Plus Diablo 2 has taken up most of my time. By the way, my email address has changed. here we go!! ^_^)

Shawn tossed and turned in his sleep as flashes of lightning scorched the ground in the distance. Shawn was in the dream world that he so much remembered. // Oh great, not this again.// "Shawn, how have you been. It's been so long since our last talk." the dark voice said as Shawn turned around, readying his sword. "Bazaal, what do you want this time?" Shawn said with a degree of anger in his voice.

"Why to talk to you of course, and to show you an observation that I've made about you." Bazaal said. Shawn looked around for Bazaal but couldn't find him for the voice seemed to come from everywhere. "Well, get on with it." he said. A mist formed infront of Shawn and in the mist Shawn could see the battle with the bandits the had harrassed Lina. "I'm sure you remember this battle, it was the one that showed me what you were capable of. Such hatred as you killed two of the three." the voice boomed. Shawn stood there, full of remorse.

"It wasn't my fault, I told them to leave her alone. It didn't have to end that way." Shawn said.

"True, but you didn't have kill them. You could have just injured them and they probably would have left you two alone." the voice said as the mist changed into another vision. Shawn looked on in horror as that memory came flooding back.

"Ahh yes, the time that you turned on dragonfly. You viciously attacked one of your friends. You almost killed Lina during the battle but you cared enough for her that you took the full force of your own attack." Bazaal exclaimed.

Shawn dropped to his knees, remembering what happened, and what could have happened, that day so long ago. "And then there's the time that you almost destroied all of your friends. If it wasn't for Merlin, most of them would have been killed instantly." the voice said with satisfaction.

"What do you want from me!" Shawn screemed out. "Nothing more than to tell you that you are a time bomb waiting to explode. You will be the undoing of yourself and your friends." He said and begun laughing.

Shawn snapped awake in a cold sweat. He brought a hand to his face and wiped the sweat away. // He's right. Why didn't I realize this sooner. Bazaals not the threat here, I am. The next fight could very well be my last.// Shawn fell backwards and stared up at the roof of the tent, not able to fall back asleep. He thought about the things that he's done...... and the things that he'll do sooner or later.

"I can become enraged like Vegeta, if i smile, run...................very fast."
-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
"Semper Fi"

-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
2000-07-13, 5:16 PM #433
Merlin, unlike the others, had not gone to fact he didn't need sleep, though it was pleasant, but wasn't nessecary.

He headed out away from the camp into the shadows....

Finally he reached a place or rather a mass of chaotic writhing shadows.

"Ravius...come out of there..." Merlin said.

The choatic mass of shadows flowed into a single form, Ravius.

"A suitable form of travel. Yes?" Ravius said nonchalantly.

"For you...quite." Siad Merlin dryly.

"Well...are we going to fight now?" Ravius said calmly as if mentioning the time of day.

"No...First I will do this." Merlin said then he stretched out his hand and Ravius shuttered and several shadow like forms rushed out of him and then faded away going back to their repective plane.

"Are you quite done..." said Ravius annoyed.

"Not quite...first I had to remove that little infestation of those shadow creatures before you could take your destiny."

"Ohhhhhhhh...goodie!" Ravius said like a child ready for a cookie with his eyes wide..."Of course you know I'm still insane." Ravius finsihed eyes still wide in a doggy voice.

"Yes... I know." Merlin said softly. "why those above me and why the Nameless One wants this is beyond me. But it is something he wants as part of some larger plan I can not comprehend."

With that.... Merlin stretched out his hand and a gate opened and Ravius fell into that grey fog of seeming nothingness...Merlin seal the gate...

"Well that should annoy Bazaal." Merlin said with irony.

Ravius found himself in a vast grey void...and he felt as if he could stretch out...farther and he felt he could encompass a whole his mind..and the grayness took form, land, sea, air, chaotic and wild...

"THE POWER!" Ravius screamed throught his created world.

Ravius in his madness had given birth to the Plane of Chaos with his mind...making himself a lord of a new Lower Plane as the Plane Chaos sank from the middle realm of the Empty Planes down to join the other lower planes. Ravius now had power like a lesser Fallen God and immortal as the Gods below the Nameless One were...but his power was alone limited to his chaotic creation for that plane was now his world... and his eternal prision.
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

2000-07-13, 8:59 PM #434
(That was... fitting, Merlin. Heehee, Bazaal's gonna be pissed if he finds out that Raivus is now immortal and he's not... [] )
(Ah yes, if you guys ever reach the big battle, try to work Krig and his fellow Vikings in, if it's not too much trouble. He doesn't have enough contact with the rest of you guys... he's so sad... he feels left out...)
(Oh, yeah, and welcome back all you guys who were gone for a long time and returned for the conclusion. [] )

My mind is like a sponge, it soaks up a lot... but it leaks

Member of the Rebellion against AC

[This message has been edited by Krig_the_Viking (edited July 14, 2000).]
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2000-07-15, 9:57 AM #435
Britney Spears is hot...
Yeah I want some Cheesy Poofs.
2000-07-15, 10:53 AM #436
And you are a... well, we won't go into that.

*cracks whip*
Back to your writing. I'm dying to find out what sort of conclusion this will come too (and it's too late in the story to join).

It's good to have an end to journey towards, but it's the journey that matter's in the end.

Life is beautiful.
2000-07-16, 3:45 PM #437
Please disregard Gebohq's post about my characters. I know he had good intentions but it isn't what I intended. I meant for this to be a loose end to add to the flavor of the story as a parting gift to it.

I should make it known that these characters are "out." They should be mentioned or discussed only, not worked with. I hope that anyone considering working with them would honor my wish for them not to be worked with.

Thank you. -Ping_Me

[This message has been edited by Ping_Me (edited July 16, 2000).]
2000-07-17, 7:42 AM #438
More outakes:

"No!" JK said in surprise. "Gebohq, quick, get aw-"

*But it was too late. As Gebohq turned to hear what JK was saying, the cleric familiar to JK shot out his hands towards Gebohq, and a stream of erradic sparkles flow quickly from his hands and towards Gebohq. Gebohq looked as if he was about to attack the cleric when he stopped, puzzlement written all over his face. He then looked at a tree, and thinking it was his enemy, began to swing his sword at it.*

"Hey man, watch it!" the tree starts to say.

"Sorry," Gebohq says.

"You better be, or I'll sue..." the tree rambles on.
...*In a sense of deja vu to all the third war veterans, Merlin walked over to a shadow and put his hand in it, and as if pulling a rabbit out of a hat, pulled Dirtbag out by his tail.*

"Let go of me you ****ing ***! I'll **** all over your..." Dirtbag rattled off.

*merlin then takes a bar of soap from out of nowhere and shoves it in Dirtbag's mouth*

"That ought to clean his mouth..."
*Krig hte writer interrupts Geb's outtakes.*

Krig: Geez Geb, these are horrible.

Geb: What can I say? My typing skills are going down...down...down...
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-07-17, 8:52 AM #439
(NSP)OK, I guess that wasn't my last post... BTW, I don't think I'll be able to post here anymore.... I won't be online very often....
"Maybe you like rainbows"
I can't remember what to say!!!!
Click here for my homepage.
2000-07-17, 10:34 AM #440
(NS: Lol, Geb!)

Krig... continues slaughtering undead, wishing that something would happen... (hint hint).

[Hey, the Shadows of Darkness now has more posts than Saga of the 3rd War!!! Yayyy!!]
My mind is like a sponge, it soaks up a lot... but it leaks

Member of the Rebellion against AC

[This message has been edited by Krig_the_Viking (edited July 17, 2000).]
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!

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