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ForumsInteractive Story Board → The Shadows of Darkness.
The Shadows of Darkness.
2000-01-24, 1:46 PM #161
--sorry for not posting in so long, isp was giving me problems.--

Shawn stood on the outskirts of town watching as the Hell Riders crest a hill. Shawn turned to Lina

"Lina, go back to town and warn everyone of the Hell riders. Tell them to arm themselves and to stay in their houses."

Lina nodded and headed back to town. Shawn looked on as the Hell riders were half way down the hill. Shawn drew his katana and held it in one hand. He reared back his other hand and threw it forward; an energy beam shot from his hand and destroyed two out of the 15 riders.

//looks like things are about to heat up// Shawn thought as the riders approached, now 12 yards away. As rhe riders got within 10 feet of Shawn, they stopped. They stared at Shawn with their hollow eyes. Shawn grinned and put his sword on his shoulder. He held out his hand to them and motioned for them to attack.

"Lets see what you got." Shawn said.

The two riders on either side charged at Shawn waveing their demon like swords. Shawn jumped back as they brought their swords down, hitting nothing but dirt. Shawn jumped at the rider on the right and brought his sword down, spilting the Hell riders skull in half. The rest of the rider and his steed fell apart, Shawn turned to the other rider.

The commander of the riders motioned to the others to push on toward the town. Shawn watched as the rest of the riders rode past him and their comrade. Shawn turned around and saw the hell rider charge him. The rider pulled on the reigns of his steed causeing it to jump at Shawn. Shawn saw this and rolled foward. He held his sword up as the rider and his steed jumped over him. when the rider landed his steed broke apart.

The rider turned to Shawn and slashed at him, he blocked the attack and quickly slashed upward, cutting the rider in half.

"I'm not going to catch up to them in time." Shawn said as he begain running to catch up with the Hell riders ahead of him. "I just hope Lina can hold them off by herself."


"Are you serious?" a man said from with in the house. "Yes, arm yourself and stay in your house. They should be here and second now." Lina said. The man nodded and shut his door, Lina turned around and headed back to where Shawn was.

Lina stopped in her tracks when she saw the Hell riders entering the town. //Where's Shawn// Lina thought as she drew her sai like swords.
// If he's not here then......No,....He can't be!!!//

Lina looked on as the Hell riders stopped in front of her. Tears begain to form around her eyes, she closed them and yelled out as she charged with her swords in front of her.

The rider in front of her reared back on his skeletal horse stopping Lina in her charge. Lina looked on in horror as the rider brought his horse down knocking Lina to the ground. The rider walked up beside her and brought its sword up above its head. Lina closed her eyes, preparing for the sound of the Hell rider's sword tearing through her body.

She heared the sword hit the ground beside her and opened her eyes to see Shawn had sliced the Hell rider from it's right shoulder to it's left side.

"Did ya miss me?" Shawn said jokingly as he helped her up.

"It just caught me of gaurd thats all." Lina said as she picked her swords up.

"Well, I just dissassembled five back their. Just ten more to go." Shawn said

The riders, now more concerned with the two humans in front of them then finishing their objective, charged at Shawn and Lina. Shawn blocked the onslaught of attacks that two of the riders threw at him, he jumped up and landed on one of the riders skulls, crushing it.

Shawn then spun around with his katana out streched and cut down two riders behind him. Shawn fell foward as the rider behind him sliced his back. Shawn turned around, ran up to the rider and sliced its arm off. He then brought his sword in a downward slice and cut the rider and it's steed in half.

Shawn turned around as he heard their commander trout up behind him.

"It's your move." Shawn said as he held his katana in front of him.

Lina jumped back and rebound off of the house behind her and slashed through the midsection of the rider in front of her. She looked to either side and saw two more chargeing at her. Lina jumped up as they were approaching her and threw one of her swords at each rider. The swords spiraled as they found their targets and shot out their backs. The riders crummbled as the swords flew through them.

Lina landed and quickly picked up her swords. She looked up as one of the riders brought it's sword down, Lina quickly rolled to the side and sliced it's steed's front legs off. The rider fell foward and landed on one of it's steeds bones, destroying the rider. Lina grabbed her other sword and charged the other rider coming at her. At the last minute. Lina jumped up and spun around in mid air. She brought her swords down into the riders back, the rider crummbled as Lina jumped off.

Lina looked around and saw Shawn faceing the rider's commander.

Shawn brought his sword up, deflecting commander's hellish sword. Shawn brought his sword around and sliced at the rider horizontally. The rider brougth it's sword down and blocked Shawn's attack and then hit Shawn with the butt of it's sword. Shawn stummbled backward and quickly regained his berings. Shawn looked up as the rider charged at Shawn. Shawn grinned and held out his hand.

"Checkmate." Shawn yelled out as he fired an energy beam from his hand. The beam flew through the air and hit the rider in the head, shattering it.

Lina ran up to Shawn, "Are you alright?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm alright, you?"

"Yeah, lets tell everyone that it's all clear and head back to the citadel."

Shawn nodded and walked to the nearest house.

Sakana and the others were startled as they heard footsteps. Everyone drew their weapons and prepared themselves for a fight. They saw two cloaked figures walk into the room. The figures removed thier hoods.

"Shawn, Lina, glad you could make." Sakana yelled.

"Yeah, well, we would have been here soon but we ran into trouble on the way." Shawn said as he and Lina took a seat.

"Well, what did Dragonfly say?" Sakana asked.

Shawn looked up at Sakana and he knew what his answer was.

"I can become enraged like Vegeta, if i smile, run...................very fast."

"Semper Fi"

[This message has been edited by Shawn Templar (edited January 25, 2000).]
-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
2000-01-24, 5:14 PM #162
***Look out Shawn! I just left the citadel. Just replace "Sakana" for "Ping" and you'll be cool.***
2000-01-25, 4:07 PM #163
(NSP: Perhaps I shoulda made the Daemon Lords more clear. First off, Daemon lords are really not a pleasant thing. They wear cloaks of black and are generally unpleasant looking. They have eyes that make blood run icy, and should be avoided at all costs. Kogi could not avoid them because: A) they were on the path and B) there's not really any way to avoid them except by swingin WAY wide off your path. Kogi is not some maniac. He knew that they needed to be killed and he knew how to kill them. Like in the post, Surprise is the best thing to use against them. I hope that cleared it up a bit. Now, on with the shew)

A few days journey from the Daemon Lords, Kogi was met with a surprise. Another traveler! In good times, travelers were seen all along this road. This era could hardly be called good times by the furthest stretch of the imagination. Kogi knew that travelers oft brought news of the road ahead, if they were traveling in the opposite direction.
"Greetings, fellow traveler." Kogi said.
"Greetings to you too, sir." said the strange.
"I am Kogishunjun, but you can call me Kogi."
"Nice to meet a traveler this way. Name's Marquist."
"Good to meet you, sir. Tell me, What of Merlin's citadel and the road ahead?" Kogi asked, eager to know of the hero.
"You mean to tell me you haven't heard? YOu are from far off, boy. Merlin died. Bazaal rul-" Kogi bit the end off the end of the sentence
"Don't Ever say that name to me!" Kogi near-to-yelled.
"Err, ok. That wizard has won The Third war and murdered Merlin. It happened seven years ago. I am surprised you did not know."
"I can hardly thank you for the news you have brought to me. I really must be going on now." Kogi said.
With that, Kogi ran off down the dirt path. He needed somewhere to rest and think and re-evaluate his mission and reflect. After some time, Kogi could not remember how long he had run or how far he had gone. He finally reached a small pond surrounded by trees. He sat down hard, scattering dust. Kogi looked into the pool and remembered.
He was about twenty when for Third War. He was of the Hijonese, a people who were very secretive but knew about the outside world from those who left and sent messages back. Kogi had decided that he needed to be a part of the Third War. He educated himself on the hierarchy of Bazaal's armies, and possible strategies for fighting. He learned useful magic spells like wards, enchantments, and a few basic offensive spells. He knew that he would need a weapon and spent much time training in various offensive arts. He decided on a special Katana. Working the blacksmith himself, he formed a sword out of a light but durable material and which was about up to his waist. He took much pride in its making and was satisfied with the end result. All the village was out to see him off and he himself was very confident he would see battle soon. Kogi thought over it now, what should've taken him a handful of weeks had taken him seven years. He groped for details from his memory, but were fogged over. He saw the evil one- Bazaal- and a woman which seemed familiar but of whom he had no memory. He hoped that his memory would serve him better. With merlin dead, what was he to do, where was he to go? He wished he hadn't run off from that traveler. He wished he could've asked about what happened to Gebohq. He hoped he would find out soon, because his journey currently had no meaning.
// What is a journey without meaning?//
// Wandering.//
Kogi put his face in his hands and was tormented by his thoughts until sleep finally took him.

[This message has been edited by Arbiter (edited January 25, 2000).]
2000-01-26, 6:07 PM #164
Somewhere in a nowhere place swirled pure unexistence. It was not chaos because there was nothing to be unordered, and it was not the void of space because it had no color, not even black.

It was simply nothing.

But there was something within the nothing, and it called itself Scout.

Scout existed within the unexistance, and thus was all of existance, and yet, in the next moment, she was insignificant, as a light shone from far away. It was not cold in the nothing she existed within, indeed there was no real physical sensation, but compared to the light, the void of nothing was as cold as absolute zero. The light was peace, and love, and absolute unity, to a point where Scout couldn't understand it's purity from her own limited experience.

But she wanted to. Moving closer to the light somehow, Scout reached for it. But the light moved away. It longed for her piece just as much as she did, but unfortunately, Scout understood that it wasn't time for her to be inserted into the puzzle.

But then Scout realized that she was not alone with the light in the nothing. There was something else there as well. And opposite the light was a darkness, colder than the absolute zero of nothing, and oozing pain, hopelessness, and utter, complete solitude. And it was reaching for the thing within the void with her.

Before Scout could even begin to process what was happening, the thing that was with her in the nothing seized her, and penetrated her. She was dragged out of the nothing back into the something, and as she went, the thing came with her.


Scout awoke suddenly, cold sweat pouring from every part of her body. She sat up, holding her head, a massive headache pounding away in her skull. That had started to happen a lot since they got back to the citadel. She wondered if it was because the Dragon's help was unlocking memories her mind didn't want to remember.

Knowing she wasn't going to sleep any more that night, Scout got out of bed and walked out onto the balcony. The cool night air gave her a sweat-beaded body a chill, but she hardly noticed. The sky was starless, almost as if it were a shadow of the dying land beneath it. Almost as if was imitating the darkness she felt inside herself.
2000-01-27, 5:01 PM #165
The land was still somewhat desolate, it had not been too long since Ping and Pristine had left the Citadel. The land was brown but still was some vegetaion, if you call briars vegetaion.

It was getting late toward evening and the light was becoming dim. They walked together their combined light illuminating the ground around them. The night had an evil air about it.

"There's someone following us." Pristine whispered to Ping. Ping looked somewhat surprised. He refrained from turning around so as not to alert the follower.

"How long has it been following us?" He replied.

"Since it got dark. I think the light drew him."


"Definitely. His footfalls are heavy even though he tries to disguise them. He's good."

"How can you tell all this?"

"I was created with enhanced senses. What are we going to do?"

"Well together were more than a match for any of Bazaal's flunkies, aren't we? So lets just call him out." Ping said. He turned to the empty air. "Hey! We know you're there, you can come out! We're not going to hurt you!"

They stood there in the fading light and in utter silence. After a while a figure emerged from out of the darkness and into the light. He was average in size with long hair tied in a knot behind his head. He wore a long robe and had a katana tied at his waist. He stood at the edge of the light as if he was still unsure about the two luminous beings before him.

"As you have guessed I have been following you. I saw the light in the evening and decided to find out what it was. I'm wondering if you could help me."

"Well we're kind of busy at the moment..." Ping said.

"Just some directions will do. Do you know Merlin's Citadel?"

"Yes, actually, we just came from there."

The man seemed somewhat taken aback. "I don't really know whether or not I want to go there anymore. I heard upon the road that Merlin had been killed a long time ago. After that all hope left me." The man fell into silence.

Ping looked at Pristine who appeared sympathetic. Ping walked up to the man and smiled at him. "There is a group at the Citadel now. They are planning in the face of all adversity to overthrow Bazaal." The man flinched severely at Bazaal's name. "If you're still interested go there and join them. You're not far away now. You
ve just come a little far north."

The man gazed at Ping. "Thank you my freind. What is your name?"

"I am Ping_Me, just call me Ping. This is my love, Pristine." Ping said adding flourish to 'my love'. Pristine rolled her eyes at him and smiled playfully.

"I am called Kogi. May our paths cross again someday..." He said and walked back into the dark. Ping figured he would still walk for some time before he made camp. He turned away and walked back to Pristine.

"Why didn't you tell him we were part of that group?"

"Well, he might have asked to come with us. Since we're going to find the Sword, it is quite possible that we may face Orca. I'd hate to see that guy with his pride broken after running from that Fearblade. Besides it adds a little mystery to the plot!" Ping added playfully.

Pristine looked at him in surprise as if she didn't know what he was talking about. "Well we should go on now. There's a town ahead, that's about a good five hour walk."

"Right." Ping said.

They walked on into the night. It was strange walking at night without crickets or anything making noise. Just the occasional rustle of a scurrying, scrawny animal. Ping had noticed that the animals in the area were scrawny. For good reason. They had to adapt to an evironment that had changed radically in the last nine years. The air felt dry and stiflingly still. There was no wind here, a striking contrast to the rest of the desert in which the wind howled continuously.

Pristine walked silently. A little too silently. Ping wondered if anything was bothering her. "Are you okay?"

Pristine seemed to struggle with herself. "Ping.... Do you control me?"

"The assimilation with you allows me control over you. But I will not exersise that control. You are you're own person."

"I can feel you there... in the back of my mind. Don't get me wrong though, it's not a bad thing at all. It just feels like it did when Bazaal was my master... It just brings back bad memories."

"I can feel you there too. I've never felt anything like it before. It's like we're bonded together or something." Ping mused. "If it bothers you all that much I suppose you could look at it like we're married..." Ping was cut short by Pristine's body colliding with his own. He soon found himself on the ground face up, looking at Pristine. Her face was beaming and she was laughing joyfully.

"Do you really mean it? Do you think we're married?" She said hopefully.

"Well I suppose that technically we are. Among people marraige is a bond of spirit and flesh. Unbreakable. Each person is an inseperable part of the other person. They are a single unit and spend the rest of their lives together. Since we are both of the same "race" as it were, and we were united when I made the assimilation, I'd take a pretty good guess at saying we're married."

Pristine said nothing and simply gazed into Ping's eyes. She lay on top of him, closed her eyes and sighed.

"Ummmm.... Pristine?" She said nothing. "We have to get to the town? Remember?" Still Pristine didn't say anything but still rested on him. Such emotions that were inside her were indescribable. She felt swept away by them. She contemplated her short existence and all the things that happened inside it. She was newborn but still knew such happiness and sadness for an entire lifetime. It was mind boggling. She simply ignored Ping's words and tried to draw him closer to her, absorb him in a way, so she could have this feeling forever.

Rule 3: No Pooftahs!
Rule 4: I don't want to catch anyone not drinking.
Rule 5: No Pooftahs!
Rule 6: There is no rule 6.
Rule 7: No Pooftahs!
2000-01-30, 10:24 AM #166
NOOOO! I shall not let this story die! As soon as I am ready to write the next part of the story, I SHALL return!

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

2000-01-31, 11:33 AM #167
--The show must go on!--

*Within the Dead Woods, Apathis hid within an aclove of blighted trees and tired boulders. He felt annoyed by the pack of Daemon Lords who were hunting him, and they had no doubt been sent by Bazaal. Why they had been sent were for reasons Apathis didn't care about; only how to escape his present situation mattered to him. He knew the futility of trying to escape the wrath of someone so powerful though. Apathis flipped his hand up and sarcastically muttered "God help me." He slumped down onto the dirt ground.*

*Apathis's thoughts turned to reflection on his life: things like the past encounter with Gebohq, battling Gebohq nine years ago, and seeing him for the first time in these very woods. Just thinking about the past in itself was unusual for him. For what did it matter if he did this instead of that, or for what reasons? He thought to himself that he was more sure of his actions that anyone else. In such an indifferent world, what did it matter if you slaved to make right something that would inevitably be wronged again? That, he was sure, was the reason why there was no right or wrong. If there was, he reasoned, why are the things in life that are called wrong done as if they are right, and visa versa? Almost uncontrollably though, he thought of everything in his life: every moment, every action, every trivial thought, and began to see it in a new light.*

*Those feelings and fleeting thoughts that he had discarded in his mind and locked away was released, and a tidal wave of thoughts poured over his mind. Have I been taking the easy way through life? What if by not making a differnce I damned myself to a life after this which lacks the love I was so numb to before? IS there some greater force that makes this world thrive in unity with His tender, caring touch. Is there a God, and have I I've been so arrogant and childish to think He doesn't exist? The impact the wave of thoughts struck him with had battered his stone soul, and Apathis felt he was the dirt and mud that he stood on.*

*Tears began to run down his cheeks as Apathis relived his past. He felt weak, unsure of himself, alone in these indifferent woods. "You don't exist!" Apathis screamed with all his might, looking at no one point, as if everything around him was the one he was talking to. "I was, am, and always will be right! I'm right because there is no right or wrong!" But Apathis felt his conviction falter; he knew he was lying to himself. "I am not responsible for the actions taken on this earth!" Again, the lies were blatantly obvious to himself. He knew that he was a seed on this earth, and that he hadn't grown, but laid buried and unchanged. He was a rock, and now he was dirt, given the chance to grow for the better. The storm of confusion raged on in his mind, and the shadows of darkness spread viciously through his soul.*

*In his last effort to hold on to himself and everything he had once known to be true, Apathis shrunk into the fetal position, clutching his hands over his hands. Two stone hands of human height rose out of the ground, each on a side of Apathis. Mimicing what Apathis had done with his own hands, the judges of hell solomnly clasped Apathis' small body. The grips on life then sank into the ground, taking Apathis with them, leaving no trace or mark on the earth where he had stood.*
*The rain that was pouring outside echoed distantly through the ears of Gebohq, who was sprawled across his now unrecognizable bed, appearing much like a dead body. The room he was in was permeated with the darkness and the cold, and its thickness made Gebohq blind and numb. This could of been explained from the fact that it was night and the rain had chilled the air, but Gebohq thought he would probably feel the same way even if it wasn't.*

*Gebohq thought about everything that concerned himself. He questioned his actions, his motives, and even his own beliefs. He thought that if he stayed true to his morals, he could never stray too far wrong, yet he had been proven wrong by Apathis. Gebohq questioned his situation, but it was hard to think with so many thoughts conflicting in his mind. It would be so much simpler he thought if he didn't have to care about anything.*

*Gebohq straightened up from his bed, taking his hands and putting them on his forehead as if he could make the heaviness in his head disappear, if he only pressed hard enough. Knowing that would not help, Gebohq then ran his hands through his hair, pressing hard against his skull. Unknowingly, he had shortened his hair, making himself now resembling more like Apathis. Gebohq then slumped back down and not knowing what else to do in his insomniatic state, moved his hand around. Though his eyes had adjusted to the surroundings, Gebohq could not see his hand when he moved it in and out of the shadows of darkness.*

--So you all know, I have decided that for this story, Gebohq should be human. And his hairstyle had been upto this point a bowl-ish type long haircut, parted in the middle. And I know what you really meant Ping, what was I on? wish i could say I was on something...--

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited February 01, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited October 12, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited October 17, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited October 20, 2000).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-01-31, 3:31 PM #168
***Whew! Heavy Geb.
2000-01-31, 5:50 PM #169
The oarsman and Ji'tory finally reached the wharf. The oarsman headed into the wharf and retrieved some clothing for Ji'tory.

Now Ji'tory's memory at this point is very fuzzy. She remembers nothing of the nine years she was Bazaal's captive, and has only vague memories with massive gaps over the period of time she was with Merlin nine years before, one large gap was the entire time they were inside Bazaal's castle and the events that transpired there. The only memories she could recall clearly where those in the times before she met Ping_me, when she was still in the Elven military.

As Ji'tory was putting on the her other boot she listened as the oarsman continued his overly dramatic retelling of the folk legend Saga of the Third War. She found she couldn't remember nearly any of the events that had happened, so this story was totally new to her in a way, yet she didn't doubt it was true, vague memories of a dragon, and a kind old man, and a glowing man, and of the sunset in the Beuto city confirmed this tale was true. Not only true, but her story as well.

The oarsman had spoken extensively about their exploits. He spoke of Merlin too. "Merlin . . ." Ji'tory mused. From the portrayal the oarsman gave of Merlin, she reason he must have loved her like a granddaughter. She noted with odd discomfort that the oarsman seemed to stumble over one section of the tale concerning the night before they reached the human lands. It seemed as if that particular part of the tale hadn't been recorded very well over time, but she didn't bother to press it any further.

By now the oarsman had reached the climactic final battle, by now had become quite animate! As the oarsman narrated on and on, Ji'tory felt this vague uneasy growing sense of dread and she was even more worried sense she didn't know why! Now the oarsman came to the final scene in the battle telling how Merlin was lifted off the floor by Bazaal. Then the oarsman makes a violently overact slamming action with his fist, representing Merlin being killed! Ji'tory watched on and went cold and numb realizing what he meant. The next words the oarsman spoke only confirmed what she already knew. "And Merlin lay dead"

Now the oarsman sat their in the sunlight, smiling perkily, obviously proud of himself and mentally patting himself on the back for telling such a good story. Ji'tory on the other hand felt as if at any moment she could break down and cry and was fighting that reaction.

Then suddenly she realizes the implications of what had happened.. And grasping the man by his collar of his shirt demands that, "If that's true where have I been for the last 9 years?!"

The oarsman blurted out, "What?! Frag didn't tell you! You've been Bazaal's sex slave for nine years now!"

Ji'tory clutches her lower abdomen, realizing what's been done to her, and feels like she's been soiled on. She nearly begins to hyperventilate. Her face is goes pale, eyes wide, her lips parted in a sharp terrifying gasp, as she realized fully what's been done to her body. She breaks down and starts to cry, and climbs off the boat onto the wharf docks and runs into the crowds, half whimpering, half crying.

Now, with chest heaving and whimpering, she reaching an alley way, finally unable to hold back she doubles over and with a wrenching action that made her eyes wince with pain, her stomach heaves and she feels its content rushing into her mouth as she violently and uncontrollably vomits.

Shaking uncontrollably, still feeling the taste of her own illness in her mouth, she stands there in shock in a bent over position for a few seconds her chest heaving every few seconds gaging as her stomach heaves again, but nothing comes out since she had emptied her stomach. Then quickly backing away from her illness, half moaning half whimpering, she quickly backed up till she was against the nearby wall. Then she slowly slides to a siting position with her knees drawn up to her face, almost fetal like. For a few more seconds she sat there rocking slowly, her lips trembling silently. Then finally she cried out and began to weep freely, her body visible shaking with every sob.

Suddenly she noticed a man standing over her. All she could she was his white cloak, with its hood covering most of his face, what little she could see was the beard of a man in his early twenties. He knelt down beside her. She backed away from him frightened of what he might do. But he was too quick, and put his arms about her and whispered to her gently, "It will be alright. I'm here now. shhhhh. . ." Strangely she felt if this had been any other person she would have writhed to get out of his arms, yet something about his touch was so comforting and warm she didn't fight back and merely began to cry in his arms.

Finally, after a time she looked up into his hood, right at his eyes. "Who are you?" she asked in a sad whisper. "An old friend. . ." he whispered back with an equally sad yet knowing tone.

Then still a little while after that the man in white asked her, "Do you feel well enough to stand?"

"Yes." Ji'tory replied softly, but still shakily.

The man in white helped her up to her feet, but she found herself too shaky to walk, so she leaned on him and he led her to his home. After they reached the kitchen he helped her to a chair. Then a woman, wearing a white cloak and hood which covered her face mostly as well, the man in white gestured to the woman in white smiling and explained, "This is my wife." The woman nodded with a gentle smile saying, "I see our friend has arrived."

Ji'tory noticing how they wore the cloaks with the hood up at all times wondered why they did this.

"Are you part of a religious order of some kind?" Ji'tory asked.

The man in white chuckled, "You could put it that way. But I'm sure my child your tired after such strain of emotional torrent."

Ji'tory had to admit, she did feel tired. The woman helped her to the spare bed room and kindly, like a grandmother tucked her in. Ji'tory relaxed and quickly feel asleep.

She began to dream of a shady vale, and a day long ago when she failed a test against a man who glowed. Feeling her journey had come to an end, she only discovered it was about to begin. . . . . . . .

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited January 31, 2000).]
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

2000-02-02, 1:44 PM #170
--Check out my above post, I added more to it. And just out of curiousity, what kind of future conflicts are we seeing here? I can see conflicts between: Gebohq and Jason(Jason has Tessa) and Orca and Yimir(orca killed his mother). Any others?(not so obvious ones anyway)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-02-02, 3:13 PM #171
Ok, I'm finally going to write something
I last left bug hanging on to the side of a cliff with an annoyed Balthazar the dragon sitting in a cave up above.

"Help me!" yells bug. Gripping the vine for dear life the rail detonater strapped to his back begins to slip. The strap holding it on his back suddenly gives way and the rail detonater bounces and clatters to the bottom of the cliff.

Balthazar lets out a deep dragon like laugh and looks down at bug dangling along the side of the cliff. "This is an interesting situation you have gotten yourself into bug. Where were we in our conversation before you happened to fall? Oh, yes, I believe you were still busy insulting me and Merlin's ideals."

"I'm sorry I insulted you. Please, just help me down"

"I really don't see why I should. Even if I do save your life you'll just ungratefully go back to your evil ways."

"No! I promise! I'll reform. Anything!! just get me down from here!!"

"sorry bug, but I know you a little too well. Your kind can be a little hard to see through at first, but it's obvious once you know them. You'll say anything to get what you want. You've never had loyality to either Merlin or Bazaal. You'll just say whatever suits your purpose." Balthazar paused. "Now, I will let you up on one condition. You make an oath never to do, or work for evil again. Let me warn you, you will not be able to break this oath. I am the only one who would be able to remove this oath from you so decide wisely."

bug hangs on to the branch for several seconds thinking. Ok, he says finally. I'll take the oath. Balthazar reaches down and lifts bug up from the side of the cliff. Placing him carefully on the ground of the cave, Balthazar lets bug catch his breath.

"Now, the oath. Repeat after me." Speaking in the dragon tounge Balthazar begins reciting a binding oath from memory. As bug repeats the words he can feel the oath take affect in his mind. When he is done speaking balthazar looks down at him. "Now, the test. Throw a fire ball at me bug."


"just try throwing a fireball at me"

bug begins to form a fireball in his hands. As he aims it to throw it a sudden pain goes through his head. He collaspes and clutches his head, burning his scalp in the process

"ow ow ow ow ow"

--------- sorry I'll continue this in a little bit
‹^› //‹{°;°}›\\ ‹^›
2000-02-02, 3:15 PM #172
[all double posts ought to be burned at the stake]

[This message has been edited by bug (edited February 02, 2000).]
‹^› //‹{°;°}›\\ ‹^›
2000-02-03, 2:39 PM #173
More and more barren the land became. Eventually even losing it's sandy reddish brown color for a dull grey. Ping knew this land from a far gone time. Nine years to be exact. Along the sheer cliffs on the edge of the sea Ping and Pristine made their way upon forgotten paths. Where, now anyway, even goats dared not roam. For it was Bazaal's territory here. Nothing grew, nothing lived.

The wind ripped at both of them as they stood looking out over the blueish gray of the ocean. Dark clouds billowed with unnatual quickness in the sky, like huge wool packs heaped up in picturesque disorder.

Ping continued to look out at the sea, a hopeless expression crossed his face. "Urgh, why did I come here?" He picked up a rock and chucked it over the cliff's edge. "Do you know where the lake drains out at?" he asked.

"I don't think anyone knows." Pristine responded.

Ping sat down on the ground. "Suppose we should have rented a boat...."

Pristine put her hand on his shoulder to comfort him. She too now looked out over the sea. However her eyes did not linger there long. Along the beach, well off to their right, Pristine caught a glimmer of white. She kept her eyes trained on the spot where it had been and focused. Again she caught a white figure walking along the beach. Her hand that was comforting Ping now shook him to get his attention.


"Look at that."

Ping stood up and looked where Pristine was looking. He caught it too. They both looked at each other. "Let's go." Pristine said.

Together they scrambled along the paths that traced the edge of the cliff, down to the rocky beach below. All the while they tried to keep the figure in view. They passed behind a large rock spire and lost sight before they reached the shore. They both ran out across the beach and looked around in all directions. "Okay. Where'd he go?" Ping remarked.

"Looking for someone?"

They both jumped in surprise and whirled around to face a white robed man. To say his robe was white was a complete understatement. Immaculate was a better word. Ping wondered if this guy makes a killing in the laundry detergent industry. "We saw you on the beach..."

"And you came down here...?"

"Yeah... why did we come down here?" Ping said to Pristine in confusion. They had both felt that it was as good an idea as any.

"It matters not." The robed man said. "I believe you are looking for something."

"...Yes...yes, we are." Pristine said looking at the man and then at Ping and then at the man again.

Without further ado the man proceeded to kneel on the beach and stretched out his hands across the ocean. For awhile nothing happened. Ping began to wonder if the man was disturbed or something, but he said nothing about it. Before too long a small point of light appeared on the horizion of the sea. Both Ping and Pristine looked on in intrest while the man remained as he was. The point came nearer and as it did it took on the shape of a sword. A sword they knew too well. Both Ping and Pritine looked on in complete dumbfounded amazement. A bright white light filled the air as the sword revolved on its axis and floated through the air. It swooped up and dove into the ground blade first so it stood there at the feet of everyone.

Can we say flabbergasted? "Wha.... what.... who..?" Ping stuttered. He shook his head and collected himself. "Are you somesort of wizard?"

The man, now standing, paused in thought, "No, not anymore anyway."

"Who are you?" Pristine asked.

The man smiled, brought his hands to his hood, and slowly drew it back.

[This message has been edited by Ping_Me (edited February 03, 2000).]
2000-02-03, 4:14 PM #174
The humidity in the cave sat on Kogi's skin like a wet towel. Kogi knew he would have to move soon. He had met that man, Ping_me, on one of his forays to see what he could get off of the vegetation near to his current residence. He knew he would have to get moving soon. He could not sit around, waiting for who-knows-what to show up in this cave. A leatherbound book sat a bit off to his side.
//My spellbook. My father said that my skill would increase.//
Kogi remembered that he had only known a sword enchantment, a fireball, and a lightning spell at which he wasn't too adept. He now knew, after his journey, a locate spelled, and a basic phasing spell and a couple of other useful ones. Kogi's eyes closed, his brow wrinkled in intense concentration. An image formed, blurred at the edges, and none too steady a connection. He saw a man, kneeling in the gravelly dirty of what looks to be a cave situated amongst tall mountains. The man was looking skyward, a rictus of grief contorting his face. Kogi could feel his presence, a flame, flickering violently, threatened by a heavy leaden presence. The flame was strong, though, stronger than most he'd seen.
//He must be a hero....most likely the Third War. What could happen to such a man to make a death wish come to him? Who is he?// Kogi's mouth muttered a few incantations, half expecting them to work.
// This is a real gamble, i could really mess myself up if I cannot control it-//
A name popped into his head //Gebohq! Him? I thought he was dead. Must have quit himself of the war and all people.//
Kogi had seen it before. Participants in bloody wars, after they were over, tend to disappear, just quit society, because of the sickening ability of humanity to fight over the most meaningless things, things which don't make much sense sometimes, and veterans jsut decide to quit, leave it all behind, as it were.
// I need to get to Gebohq and quickly.//
Phasing made Kogi sick to his stomach. Spells never usually made him sick, but phasing felt like being slowly lowered into oil-slicked waters. The sickening filth would seep into every pore and would make his mind reel and misfunction for hours, even days after the spell had been cast. He would need to rest before the spell, need all his willpower and strength to not go mad after phasing. The image in his mind shattered, but the knowledge stayed. Gebohq. He needed to see Gebohq.
//This will probably the hardest thing I have done. Phasing just my body is hard enough, but Kennan, and the book, and the bedroll-those things will take virtually all my being and all my strength to move at the same time.//
Kogi rolled out his bed, and closed his eyes, hoping for a good rest and a clear mind in the morning, when the phasing would have to be done. It could not be delayed any longer. He needed to get to Gebohq. Kogi fell off into sleep, the blackness of deep sleep swallowing him as if he had jumped off into a deep crevasse, plunging fast into nothingness.

[This message has been edited by Arbiter (edited February 06, 2000).]
2000-02-04, 10:00 AM #175
As the hood was drawn back, he no longer looked like a young man, but they now recognized him for who he was. And with outstretched arms and a face filled with mirth he laughed for joy. Laughter which was both and expression of joy and giving thanks and praise for what is given to us.

And he cried out in a loud voice, "For what is death?! For even THIS shall pass away!" And they knew it was Merlin!

"Merlin! . . . Are you a ghost?" Ping_me asked with shock.

Merlin shook his head. With that reached out his right hand.

"Touch my hand." Merlin said calmly.

Ping_me hesitated, the reached out and found his hand solid.

"I am no apparition. I am real and alive." Merlin said with all to happy patience.

"But . . . .How?!" Ping_me exclaimed.

"How is a child made? How does a flower grow? How does life exist at all? It isn't dependent merely on nature but on the creator who sustains." Merlin replied.

"Regardless, thank goodness your back! I guess I should fill you in on what has happened. . ." Ping_me began.

"No need. I've been watching." Merlin replied.

"From where?" Ping_me asked.

"From eternity. Which lies beyond the past and the future. With out beginning, without end. The Alpha and the Omega. Which people only know in the present." Merlin replied rather mystically.

"Well then. . . .I guess our first order of business is to get Ji'tory back." Ping_me said resolutely.

"No need. We have Frag to thank for this." Merlin said as he gestured behind him as he stood aside for the couple to see.

There stood a little distance away a woman in white with her hood drawn up as Merlin had been, standing next to her was Ji'tory. Ji'tory now recognized Merlin and ran to him as fast as she could. She reached him and embraced him nearly crying.

"Merlin. . . Thank God. . . .I thought you were dead!" Ji'tory said as she embraced Merlin holding him tightly as if almost afraid to loose him again.

Merlin held her there for a few minutes. Then looked her in the eyes saying softly, "While it is true I am not what you call alive, it is death that has passed away, not I."

After a few moments Ji'tory stepped back from Merlin. Then Pristine asked the question that had been in her mind since Ji'tory had arrived.

"Merlin, who is she?" Pristine asked gesturing toward the woman in white.

"Why don't you ask her yourself." Merlin replied simply.

By now the woman who had been walking toward them the whole time this had happened, now stood at Merlin's side. She too drew back her hood, revealing a kind face and blond hair that fell down to her shoulders. She smiled and said, "I am Anna."

Ping_me blinked. "Merlin's wife?!" Ping_me asked with surprise.

Anna nodded in reply.

After Ping_me drank all of this in he began to think.

"I can't wait to see the look on Bazaal's face when we storm his castle!" Ping_me said aloud.

"Ping_me. . . ." Merlin said patiently.

"He is going to be sooooo sorry he messed with. . ." Ping_me continued.

"Ping_me." Merlin said forcefully.

"Yes?" Ping_me paused confused by Merlin's tone.

"It is true, Bazaal's reign is now coming to an end, by his death or repentance. . ." Merlin began to explain.

"REPENTANCE! How can you even think of forgiving such a creature!" Ping_me stormed.

Merlin remain patient.

"Ping_me, you remember my wife was killed by Bazaal, as was I. And he raped Ji'tory, who I love like a daughter, countless times. How much angrier do you think God is who love every human being as his sons and daughters for every person great and small who has been harmed by Bazaal!" Merlin replied sharply, "Forgiveness doesn't mean injustice goes free. If Bazaal repents he will still have to live with all that he has done. And true repentance doesn't mean simply feeling shameful, but it is the desire to change oneself, to turn from evil, and if possible repair what damage has been done. I was not sent back to conquer an enemy or a nation, I was sent to heal this world. For our real enemies are not simply men who do evil, but the evil itself, which is being taken care of by a power far beyond either us or Bazaal."

"Then what are we going to do Merlin?" Ping_me asked.

"I was saying that Bazaal's reign is coming to an end, by his repentance or death. But if it be his death, it will not be by my hand, but by his own hand. For evil destroys itself." Merlin finished.

Now Merlin and Anna drew their hoods back up. Merlin knowing they wondered why, he explained, "Not everyone is yet ready to see what you have seen. And it will serve a purpose to keep our identities hidden, so that at times to challenge those who knew us before to think in a new way before they know us again. Go back to the citadel and tell them what you have seen. . ."

And with that Merlin and Anna without sound, nor flash of light, nor fading, they abruptly vanished.

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited February 04, 2000).]
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

2000-02-04, 7:06 PM #176
Sakana awoke; there was someone walking by out in the hall. Sitting up quietly, he wondered if somene had invaded the castle. After all, it was the dead of the night, who would be up?

Silently, Sakana climbed out of bed, and padded to the door of his room. Pressing his ear to the wood, he heard the contining soft footsteps further down the hall. Quietly as possible, he opened the door and poked his head out. What he saw made him sigh in relief.

"Scout!" he whispered harshly at the girl. She looked back at him in surprise. "What are you doing up at this hour?"

Looking slightly abashed, the white skinned girl started walking back toward him. "Sorry," she whispered back. "But I can't sleep. I keep having nightmares."

"About what?" Sakana asked.

But Scout just shook her head. "I don't know, I can't remember them when I wake up, and I always have this pounding headache afterwards, like something in my mind is forcing those memories under." She sighed, and ran her hand through her hair. "It's really kinda starting to wear thin."

Sakana started to respond, but a trickle of red on Scout's forehead caught his attention. Reaching his hand out, Sakana touched the spot, and rubbed his fingers together. "Where's the blood coming from?"

Concern on her face, Scout started to reach up to the spot Sakana had touched, but paused her hand halfway. "Yow," she hissed, looking at her hand, where a long, thin gash ran down her ring finger and onto her palm. "I must've cut it on my sword when I thrashed my way out of bed a few minutes ago. I didn't notice it before, I guess, since I don't get cut too often these days."

"Better wrap that up," Sakana told her, as he started to lead her down the hall.

"No, I can do it," Scout insisted. "You go back to sleep. Sorry I woke you."

Sakana almost pressed the point, but after a moment, he simply shrugged. "All right, but at least try and get some sleep afterwards, okay?"

Scout nodded, and started back down the hallway. Watching her go, Sakana briefly wondered why a sword empowered against the undead would work against the curse placed on Scout. But it was late, so he shrugged, chalked it up to the mysteries of magic, and forgot about it. Turning back to his room, Sakana shambled back to bed.
2000-02-05, 3:31 PM #177
//Meteor looked up. It was raining meteors!! 'I need to escape alive!!!' He thought. He started runned..... The meteors were hitting the ground..... They were hitting closer.... Closer!!!//

Meteor jumped out of his bed and started running. Then he saw Scout. 'Look out!!' He shouted, 'Or the meteors will hit you!!!!' He jumped and knocked Scout down. At that second, a meteor hit where Scout had been standing a second ago.

(*A few minutes before that*)
Yerif looked at the rubble of Meteor's house. By now, it has stopped burning. 'He escaped.' He said. Yeci, his ally, said, 'Even worse, he has a sword and is at Merlin's Citidal.' Ortcele (their leader) said, 'Yerif, maybe he'll leave if you scare him enough, or try to destroy his friends. Yeci, guard the area around Merlin's Citidal. If he leaves, destroy him. I'm going to tell Nytzujrha.' In a flash of lightning Ortcele disappeared, and Yerif and Yeci started walking in the direction of Merlin's Citidel.

(NS: Nytzujrha, Ortcele, and Yerif and Yeci are a group of guys who learned how to use dark magic so well that they could turn their bodies into fire ice electricity etc. Nytzujrha is the biggest leader of them all, he has 4 lead workers, and Ortcele is one of them. Each lead worker has 2 small workers, and Yerif and Yeci are the 2 small workers of Ortcele. Their plan is to attack just after the final battle, when everyone is weakest. But they also hope to weaken everyone before the battle, too, without anyone knowing. The reason they want to destroy Meteor is because he knows where Gebohq is, once (if) Gebohq joins Meteor and Sakana and everyone, Nytzujrha will probably try to weaken Bazaal's army (or maybe he'll try to destroy bug))
(NS: The 'meteor' is a trick, a hologram or something)

[This message has been edited by JK [Meteor] (edited February 18, 2000).]
"Maybe you like rainbows"
I can't remember what to say!!!!
Click here for my homepage.
2000-02-05, 3:38 PM #178
(NSP: ROTFL!!!! I just noticed something: Please don't ban me for this, but Nytzujrha, spelled backwards, is [sp]pronounced[/sp], 'Our Juztyn'!!!)
"Maybe you like rainbows"
I can't remember what to say!!!!
Click here for my homepage.
2000-02-06, 4:32 PM #179
It was near midday when Kogi decided it was time to phase. Decision is not quite the right word to describe how it came to Kogi. Kogi felt it was time. The urgent need to reach Gebohq told him it was time. Kogi blinked slowly. His eyes closed, and his hands came together as if in prayer. The slowly moved forward, palms outward and thumb sand forefingers forming a triangle. Kogi's breathing slowed and synchronized with the motion of his hands. His hands gradually sped up, breathing still synchronized.

Dust swirled around him, and blue light shone in Kogi's mind. It was clear and pure, and had a brilliance that could not be described by the human tongue. This light held for a precious few seconds, then the inky black stole over it. Kogi's breath caught. His concentration faltered, and the blue light dimmed and was almost lost.
// Don't think about it. You must silence all thought.//

Kogi's eyes clenched and his jaw muscles became like walnuts. The blue glow strengthened and the blackness stole over it once more, like a sickness or disease, malignant and uncontrollable. Kogi's mouth worked the words of the spell- they ran together but carried a deep bass power. The blue sphere, now completely black, swirled closer. The words kept coming, bringing the orb closer, calling it, wanting it. The blackness consumed Kogi's consciousness. He went closer, no longer in the physical plane, and, like when he had phased before, was lowered slowly through the blackness, it's viscosity was like reaching into a pond with a top layer of scum. The thick, syrupy vileness that covered it went quickly into his skin upon contact. he could feel it, in his brain. Seeping in there, staying there, twisting and maddening his brain. Insanity would be paradise next to this, the excruciating, infinite blackness, the apathy, the anti-emotion. He was going to scream, and probably never stop, when he broke through the layer. His mind was bathed in a healing light. His mouth worked the words, but this time no sound came out. The blue sphere was now silver, as if it has always been that way. Inside the sphere, he could see Gebohq's dwelling.

//Leyas arcanum vitaeus.//
The words sounded in his mind and he moved, as if jerked by an invisible rope, toward the sphere, and into it. He faded out of consciousness. Anyone observing him from on the road or nearby, would see that he was there one moment, a light shone to make even the most resilient person shield thier eyes, then he was gone.

Kogi awoke in the same sitting position in which he had phased- one foot on one thigh, the other one under the opposite thigh. Rain matted his hair, and trickled down his face, and onto his clothes. He was sitting in a mix of mud and gravel. Up ahead, was a cave, undoubtedly Gebohq's. Feeling for his book and Kennan, he got up off the ground, ran towards the cave and called for Gebohq.

Kogi: Gebohq!! Are you there, sir?

A shape came out of the cave and a voice called back, a little bit of consternation and hidden pain in it.

Gebohq: Who are you and who sent you?

Kogi: I am Kogishunjun, from the East. I request haven and audience with a hero of The Third War!

Gebohq: You've come to wrong place, I'm no hero.

Kogi: We need to talk. I have much to tell you.

Kogi and Gebohq locked eyes for a long minute and grudgingly, Gebohq lead him into the cave.

2000-02-07, 3:07 PM #180
Kogi: "Sir, I must talk. There is much I need to know."

*Gebohq looks at Kogi wearily.*

Gebohq: "Yeah, whatever..."//What is he doing here? How'd he get here? And he's being awefully straight foreward....makes me wonder...//

*Gebohq looks past Kogi, not real interested in what he has to say. Gebohq actually hoped that he'd leave soon, he really had no time for people like him. He started to dwell over the events that had happened a few days ago, those scaring memories.*

Kogi: (grabs Gebohq by the shoulders and shakes)"Pull yourself together, dammit! You can't spent the rest of your foresaken life in a cave!"

Gebohq: (low voice) "Oh, so what do you want me to do? Selflessly die for a lost cause?"//Doesn't this kid have somehting better to do than to torment me?//

Kogi: "What happened to your bravery? Your courage? You're not the Gebohq I've seen and known! *Kogi attempts to provoke Gebohq to change his attitude* Just a deflated husk of a man! Too weak-minded to leave his cave. A limp, weak kitten."

*Meanwhile, Gebohq has obviously tried to tune Kogi out. Kogi sees Gebohq's attempt and draws closer to him, getting right in his face.*

Kogi: "That won't work!...Look inside. You'll see cowardice and....a pathetic man."

*Gebohq felt indifferent about what Kogi had told him. Kogi's face lights up, as if struck with a revelation, then looks at Gebohq with false conviction.*

Kogi: "Maybe that is your punishment. You get to sit here alone, swallowed up by grief. *more compassionate tone* I agree, there's a time for grief, but you have to pull yourself together!"

*Being blinded by his own self-harassing, Gebohq did not see the point Kogi tried to make. Gebohq only saw what he had been through; tunnel vision.*

Gebohq: "Easy for you to say. You never fought in the third war. //Try to keep yourself level-headed. Having some stranger blow your top wouldn't be very prudent* "You never failed to uphold your principles. You've never let your mistakes hurt others. I shouldn't deserve to harm others again." *thinks about Tessa....about how he selfishly left the party arrogant he had been.....*

Kogi: "You don't have to fight in a bloody war to know courage! People make mistakes! Yeah, sometimes they hurt and even kill people, but you have to accept them as mistakes, and move on. You defend yourself, not lash out, not murder, defense!"

Gebohq: //How the hell did I start spilling out my innerself to this total stranger? and how does he know so much about me? !!! How stupid of me, I shoudl of figured it out long ago. He's one of Bazaal's croonies...hoping to get me all worked up! But how am I going to work my way around this...//

*Gebohq was about to to deliver a talk to coax the truth out of this stranger when Kogi spoke up.*

Kogi: " think I am one THOSE vile things. <Kogi is stunned> Sir, I assure you that I am only a great admirer. How can one let one's hero wallow in self-pity?"

*Gebohq's jaw drops down when he heard Kogi say what he was thinking. His mind had solely started dwelling on that though and never heard what Kogi had said afterwards.*

Gebohq: //Wha--! Is he some mind reader or something????// "How did you know that?" Gebohq said with an accusing tone*

Kogi: " I worked a "Knowing". It is a spell from my land. I know your thoughts. More like a report on you...I know what you think I am, and, sir, it pushed bile to the back of my throat. One of those twisted humans, indeed!"

*All the new events that Gebohq had just witness put Gebohq into a state of confusion. Being only able to see down the tunnel of the darkness his mind was in, Gebohq could only come to one conclusion.*

Gebohq: "LIAR! Get away from me! I won't hear any more of it!"

*The whole thought in Gebohq's mind of Kogi being a spy is blown way out of proportion, runs out of the dwelling. Sighing as if he were wasting time doing such thing, but also fustrated at the difficulty of his task, Kogi ran after him.*

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited February 08, 2000).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-02-12, 4:38 PM #181
This story must have its rightful place at the top. I'd continue, but I don't have anything to type really. Someone continue the legacy! Heehee...
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-02-13, 8:33 AM #182
I'll write more tomorrow prehaps, I'm very busy today.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

2000-02-13, 9:33 AM #183
Ping, Pristine and Ji'tory all walked along the beach back to Merlin's Citadel.

Just then Ping tripped over a hidden rock in the sand. He fell into the surf, making a splat noise.

"You okay?" Pristine said, helping him up.


From behind them they all heard a screaming and shouting noise. They all turned around to see two figures running down the beach toward them. They watched in bewilderment as two elven soldiers in armor ran past them and continued on completely oblivious to Ping and company. They smelled as if they done something unspeakable in their armor as a result of being frightened.

"I wonder what that was all about?" Ji'tory commented.

Ping rolled his eyes heavenward....

_-_-_-_ I had to write something! Don't hit me! _-_-_-_

[This message has been edited by Ping_Me (edited February 14, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Ping_Me (edited February 24, 2000).]
2000-02-13, 1:12 PM #184

[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited February 14, 2000).]
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

2000-02-15, 3:33 PM #185
Kogi took off after Gebohq, but it was a short race. Kogi had built up his legs after walking for so far, and Gebohq's relative inactivity gave Kogi yet another edge. Kogi caught Gebohq's wrist and whirled him around.

"Why do you insist upon torturing me?" Gebohq yelled, not showing a bit of exaustion form the chase.

"Your torments come from within, not from me! You just sit here and wallow in self-pity about everything you should have or could have done. The past is past!" Kogi retorted, holding gebohq by the shoulders and eye-to-eye with his hero.

"What do you expect from me? I'm not a hero, just human. I'm not perfect" Gebohq said, frustrated.

"You have to accept your mistakes as human too! Let them Go!" Kogi was near to pleading

Stumbling, Kogi said "Think back to The War! How can you say anything, especially your role, was not courageous or brave in that war?"

//Me? Courageous? Brave? Am I.....of course I'm not. And even if I was, what good would that be. We lost, and I ran away when i should of stayed. I didn't even have the comfort of knowing I defeated Apathis....he came back and took what meant most from me// Gebohq thought, now a bit confused.

"I-I did what anyone else would do." Gebohq said, after a period of slience that seemed to last for hours.

"What? Run away? Cower in terror? Turn white as fresh milk? or yellow as the sun?" Kogi said, with almost a sneer.
//I probably shouldn't have baited him like that, he'll probably just feel worse about himself because of that. I don't want to make him feel worse, i want him to accept! Move on, like he should have a long time ago.// Kogi thought.

"Yes...I ran away from my problems. It was foolish of me, and arrogant. I didn't think about trying and saving others. No hero would have done that." Gebohq admitted, though still a bit wary of what else Kogi could do with his "Knowing."

"Yes, Gebohq. You have seen the truth. Yes, it hurts, and probably will for a while, but you're a hero, remember? You have the courage to get through it." Kogi said, confident Gebohq was going to leave his past where it was and belonged, in the past.

"Heh. Right, courage. You mean ignorance. To be able to not think about what's happened, what you've been faced with. Courage. What a bunch of crap that is." Gebohq said, with a sarcastic tone, and a humph.

"Although running from one's problems never solves them, it's something people do. Sometimes, bad things happen to people, hard things to swallow, and they just have to drop things and come back to them." Kogi advised.

"...but it still didn't make it right....<a long pause>..I guess I just don't think I'd be able to motivate myself. Not after what happened to Tessa." Gebohq said, looking at the ground.

"What happened with this Tessa?" Kogi inquired, a bit curious about what else had happened to this already troubled soul.

"Yeah, you don't know about Tessa." Gebohq said with a sad smile.

"If you think it too hard to put into words, you could think about it and I could work another Knowing. As much or as little as you would like to say" Kogi said.

"Not three weeks ago, Tessa stood outside my dwelling, in the pouring rain, needing shelter. I took her in, I cared for her, like any other good person would(said because he doesn't believe he's special in this thought). I took care of her and she started to care for me in return. We grew to know each other more, and to start to love for each other." Gebohq remembered that time with happy thoughts still, but knew of the black storm clouds about to come.

"Then the dark wizard Apathis, who I thought was dead, entered. He made me realize who tessa really was//did he? how do I know he wasn't lying?//, he didn't. he tricked me. I rejected Tessa for something she...never did." Gebohq realized, finally.

"Yes, The Evil One's minions are known to be particularly misleading and, in fact, leading you without our your particular knowledge of it. But you cannot blame yourself for that." Kogi said, trying to be helpful.

Gebohq looks up at the sky and a single tear falls from his eye, and Gebohq's hand comes up and swipes it away, trying not to acknowledge its presence. The moments of silence stretch, but neither of them feels a tension to continue.

" thoughts became clouded. All i could think about was "how did he come back?". Gebohq could barely eke out the rest of the sentence.

"That is a wound that would fell most men. But your fiber held strong. If you were a lesser man, you would've, well, given up." Kogi says, speaking truthfully and trying to help Gebohq.

Gebohq was about to question Kogi's praising out of instinct, but Gebohq looked into his eyes. And they showed true honesty. It was a new sensation, having no doubt that someone other than his love truely liked him. He looked at Kogi with understanding and smiled warmly. Kogi smiled back. Kogi smiled and so did his soul, for Kogi knew, without any spells, just knew, that a new bridge had formed between Gebohq and he, and that a diseased black boil of guilt and shame had been scraped off Gebohq's conscience.

2000-02-16, 2:14 PM #186
*Yimir stood with Bazaal as the messanger in front of them finished reporting Apathis' suicide. Bazaal was infuriated that he couldn't have killed him first, but Bazaal also knew that his former second-in-command was also his only recruiter. With Apathis gone now, people quickly lost interest in willingly working for him, and he had to resort to brute force once again. Yimir, Bazaal's only son, had moved up the ranks to fill in Apathis' place, with bug now in third. Bazaal had been teaching Yimir all that he knew, save the deepest secrets that would always keep him above everyone else, and he intended to keep it that way until his death, which he had already pondered over. If he could harness the powers of hell, the powers that Dirtbag had shown him, he could live forever.*

*Yimir had been watching his aging father though, and the secrets Bazaal thought he only knew had now been seen by him. Yimir was silently growing in power, rising even above his father's, and he knew that he could take over his father's place now, but it would be more difficult now. If he kept silent what he knew and gained even more power, he could overwhelm his father by surprise and take his place. Soon he thought, he would be ready soon...*
*Avenger sat under the stars feeling isolated and lonely of friendship. He had not done much in nine years, when Gebohq left them. It seemed as if all purpose had left in trying once his best friend, who taught him to take meaning in everything, had abandoned hope. With the arrival of JK_Meteor though and his strange prophetic ways, Avenger grew hopeful again. He had to hope that this mysterious newcomer would bring the answers soon.*

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited February 16, 2000).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-02-19, 12:02 AM #187
(I said I was going to update sometime)

Balthazar silently through the chilly night air with bug clinging to his back. Far below them the barren wasteland under Bazaal's rule drifts by. As greener and more friendly lands come into view bug remembers the better times they had. Feeling a pinch of regret he thinks of the long dead Merlin.

// Merlin gave something to fight for. // He fought for a cause which was more important to him than his own life // I betrayed him. I betrayed the whole party. // They gave me their trust and I betrayed them.... // Come to think of it, that really wasn't a very nice thing to do. // Oh, well. What's done is done. I might as well make it up to them some other time. // I wonder if any of the old gang is hanging out at merlin's citadal. It should be about breakfast by the time we get there...
‹^› //‹{°;°}›\\ ‹^›
2000-02-21, 1:43 PM #188
Hey, how's everyone coming along in their story anyway? I mean, you all haven't lost total interest have you? If its getting close, let me just remind you were fairly close to finishing this story. I mean, all we got left to do is get the party together, go after Bazaal and have him try to obtain control over hell, which will end up dragging him down. At least that's what we had planned I think, right? I'd be writing more, but the only stimulation my character has had is with his enounter with Kogi. I threw in the fact that Yimir is still around too, so all of you go ahead and build in some twists with that guy. I've been informed that arbiter wanted Avenger kept alone though, he said he had plans for him, what plans I'm not quite sure yet.

Hope to hear from you all soon.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-02-22, 4:53 PM #189
I think the problem is that we've just run out of things to do. That and we have lives beyond the board and it takes time to articulate a good post. Mebbe we need more battle?

Nice looking level, but how does it play?
2000-02-23, 12:45 PM #190
Count yourself lucky if you didn't see this post. It would of permenantly burned your eyes, heehee.

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited February 23, 2000).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-02-23, 2:57 PM #191
Kogi: Have at you!

Kogi's left hand is gripping the sword hilt and his right is palm-outward and abutting the end of the hilt. Kogi rushes toward Gebohq, who has a sword and a small buckler. Kogi quickly switches the sword to his right hand and slashes at Gebohq, deflecting the blow easily. Kogi strafed to the right,and quickly slashed again. Gebohq deflected the blow again. Kogi kept on him, though, striking, and moving, then striking again. Again and again, his blows were deflected. Kogi, quite annoyed, decided on a full-on attack. Rushing forward, Kogi slashed again, both arms exerting as muhc force as they could muster. Gebohq's sword came up, again, face contorted in a grimace of exertion.
Kogi remembered what his grandfather had said // Depending on the circumstance, you must be hard as a diamond....//
//I will bend like a reed in the wind..// Kogi thought. Kogi pushed forward on his word with all his strength, and, knowing the reciprocation would come, bent as the reed does in the wind. Gebohq fell forward, face first into the hard dirt. Gebohq turned over quickly, but Kogi's sword was already at Gebohq's neck.

Kogi: Do you submit?

Gebohq: Never!

Gebohq was bringing the sword up, but Kogi's foot was quickly on Gebohq's wrist. Kogi gave Gebohq's neck a little nick.

Kogi: That was...unadvisable.

Gebohq: Ah! My neck!

Kogi: Do you concede?

Gebohq: Yes! Geez, let me up.

Kogi grabbed Gebohq's forearms and hoisted him up. This was just practice for the inevitable confrontation of Bazzal. Neither man talked of it, though. Training was necessary and, well, educational.

Gebohq: Agh! Look at my neck! I'm bleeding everywhere.

Kogi: Bah! You've had worse shaving.

Kogi sheathed Kennan in its scabbard, and walked to the nearby rock. There were waterskins on the rock, and Kogi gladly gulped down the nice, cool water of the stream that flowed nearby.

Kogi: I would've figured that you would've known about that technique.

Gebohq: It's hard to formulate battle plans while exerting yourself like that. You've got your mind on the sword.

Kogi: Ah, well, better to let the muscles think of the sword and the mind to think of the next move.

Gebohq: That's a valuable lesson to learn. You've got first class swordsmanship, Kogi. Really, you do.

Kogi: Thank you. It is good to be back to the craft. I studied under the best swordsman in our village. He fought in a war before either you or I were born. He learned from the best, and he said i was his best pupil. But I am tooting my own horn.

Gebohq and Kogi sat down in the shade of a nearby tree, and laughed, tlaked and joked until the sun was a blazing yellow ball over the western horizon. They went back to Gebohq's cave and awaited those who would surely come for them.

[This message has been edited by Arbiter (edited February 23, 2000).]
2000-02-23, 3:47 PM #192
There we go!

2000-02-23, 4:44 PM #193
(Want more action, heh? I'll give you action, yeah, I'll give it to you! Er...whoops, lol. Anyway...)

*Deep within the dead woods, Yimir sensed the spot where Apathis died, and made his way over there. Yimir was standing on the very spot where Apathis commited suicide, contemplating what went through Apathis' mind before doing such a thing. He continued to look down at the ground, then started to talk to the ground as if Apathis could hear him.*

Yimir: "After nine years, I finally have my rightful place in second-in-command. And you have your rightful place, six feet under!"

*Yimir chuckled at his own joke, but no one was there with him to laugh along. Knowing full well that it was a bad joke, he stopped laughing abruptly and started to think about raiseing Apathis' body out of the ground and desecrating it, to let out his new anger. Struggling with the thoughts in his head, his anger manifested in raw magic and a powerful shockwave was sent around his body, taking out nearly a mile of trees.*

*Thinking more clearly, he decided to practice the darkest magic he was gradually learning elsewhere. He closed his eyes, drew his arms inward, and the little darkness around him swirled around and towards him. The blackness surrounded him, the darkness grew smaller, and then dissapeared along with himself. Soon he thought, with enough practice, he'd be able to do this and other techniques only he knew with unimaginable power and speed. Then not Orca, not even Bazaal could stop him from taking his rightful place as ruler of all.*
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-02-23, 5:15 PM #194
Meteor jumped up and ran, trying to find a place that would be guarded from the 'meteors'. He found a room and jumped into it. //GEBOHQ!!!!!!!// He thought. //I have to...... to... what am I thinking?// He looked around. //Gebohq? What does that mean? Where have I heard that name before?//

This wasn't the first time he had 'heard' the name Gebohq..... But now it was more desperate....... and closer.......

//What to I have to do?// He wondered, //I have to........ GEBOHQ!!!!! I have to... leave Merlin's Citidel and go...... What?!?//

He was so surprised he forgot everything else for a second.

//I can't!! The meteor's destroying my house can't've been an accident!! If I leave I won't be safe!!//

He looked around the room. It was all dark, except for a glow of light from around a corner. He walked to it.

//Hey, it's my sword.// He thought, //I must've forgotten to bring it with me.//

He grabbed it. Suddenly he wasn't afraid of leaving anymore.


'GEBOHQ!!!!! I have to leave Merlin's Citidel, and go to Gebohq........' He had wrote.......

He was now out of Merlin's Citidel and on his way to where it seemed that Gebohq must be. He had wrote a note and left it in the room, telling where he was going.

He was thinking about this when he suddenly noticed that he hadn't been watching anything!! He looked forward and froze with terror at what he saw....... Two skeletons were charging at him!!

//This may be the first time I have to use my sword, JK// He thought.

He tried to move but he couldn't.... He was too scared!! He closed his eyes and tried to forgot that 2 skeletons were charging..... Then he grabbed his sword and looked.

"What happened?!?!?" He wondered.

One skeleton was burned into ashes, and the other was only millions of pieces of ice. Standing above them was a person wearing dark cloaks so that it was impossible to see his face or any of his skin.

"Hello [Meteor]." said that cloaked person, "You're lucky I happened to be here when the skeletons attacked." Meteor asked, "How did you know my name? Who are you, anyway?" The cloaked person started walking towards Meteor and said, "I know alot about you, [Meteor]. You're going to find Gebohq. I can help you get there."

//Whew!! This is really Lucky!!// He thought. "OK!!!" He said out loud as he sheathed his sword.
"Maybe you like rainbows"
I can't remember what to say!!!!
Click here for my homepage.
2000-02-24, 9:43 AM #195
Orca slowly regained counciousness, his eyes slowly coming open. Nothing changed. BLIND! Orca's mind screamed, but, no, his eyes were fine, it was his surroundings. It was pitch black, and the only sounds were small, distant noises of scavenging animals. Orca reached up to his face and found it was coated with blood. Not only his, but the blood of many others that seemed to be all over this place. A thought finally struck Orca as to where he might be: Bazaal's torture chambers.

It was just then that he heard another, much closer sound. It was the sound of heavy boots crashing down upon the bloodslick floor. Orca propped himself up to a sitting position, and reached for his lightsaber. He found only a broken shell. The sound was coming closer. Orca slowly took out the broken lightsaber and tried to ignite it. A small light seemed to eminate from the handle, but there was no blade. Orca held the handle of the lightsaber out as a candle, now seeing the source of the sound. Dressed in a huge black uniform with patches of victim's blood was a human Dungeon Gaurd, one of Bazaal's most ruthless and terrible squads. They hated bright light, and they never moved out of the dungeon. But very few had escaped it ever since they had moved in. Orca stood up slowly, feeling every muscle in his body aching, and assumed a fighting position. The Dungeon Gaurd approached, holding a wicked cutlass drenched with blood alongside a terrible sacrificing dagger. Orca steadied himself as the Dungeon Gaurd came within range.
"Prisoner, Bazaal wishes to see you." The gaurd grunted in his almost inhuman voice.
"Tell Bazaal that I'll be dead before I come before him as a prisoner!" Orca screamed, and jumped at the startled gaurd. All his years of training had, surprisingly, never prepared him for someone such as Orca. Orca muttered magic words as he sprung and flames shot from his hand. While the armor protected the Dungeon Gaurd from most of the flames, he screamed so loudly the whole palace could hear. Orca grabbed on to the Gaurd's arm and twisted it to an unnatural angle, forcing him to drop his weapons. Snatching up the Cutlass, Orca decapitated his foe, and then slowly chirped something in the language of Dungeon Rats. The large, overgrown rats scurried toward him and, upon command, led him to the exit. Standing there was Bazaal.
-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

2000-02-25, 5:17 AM #196
"So, Orca, we meet again." Bazaal hissed, his eyes staring at Orca. He was flanked by at least twelve more members of the Dungeon Gaurd, and Orca knew he stood no chance.
"Yes, we do. I hope that you are here to apologize! You made a peace treaty and then broke it!" Orca almost screamed at Bazaal, trying to sound like he had been sincere with the treaty.
"Well, well. I think you're all too trusting. You thought I would keep the alliance and...You trusted the sword would be lost! You know what? An old friend of yours, Ping Me, has the sword by now! He got it back! You should have given it to ME when you had the chance!" Bazaal shouted down at Orca, eyes glowing fiercly.
"You would have killed the world with it. I have great power, but at least I don't try to destroy EVERYONE with it!" Orca replied, his voice reaching a terribly angry and high tone.
"Ah, but Orca, you don't see the truth! We, together, could do absoulutly ANYTHING! You simply must join me!" Bazaal stated, attempting to convince Orca.
"No, Bazaal. You represent total evil. I represent only partial evil balanced with good!" Orca responded, and then, in a swift motion, shattered the bloody cutlass he held in his hand. Bazaal stared down.
"You are weaponless now. Helpless." Bazaal chuckled, looking at Orca.
"You are incorrect, Bazaal. I will never be weaponless with the Force and Magic as my allies! I possess the True Power of the two mixed! I can show you!" Orca shouted at Bazaal, and lighting bolts shot from his hand. Bazaal erected a shield around himself and the nearest Dungeon Gaurd, but three other Gaurds were electricuted. Then, Bazaal withdrew a long, pointed sword that Orca regonized.
"Yes, this is Fearblade! You see, Orca, I have great power now! I have deprived you of your magic weapon and made it mine!" Bazaal screamed, and charged at Orca. Orca simply stood there as Bazaal tried to impale Orca. Instead, it slid off the ripped skin, as if it were simply a child's toy, and right into Orca's hand. Orca swung it with all his might, but Bazaal ducked and the blow instead decapitated a Dungeon Gaurd. The rest of the Dungeon Gaurd felt the Fear Aura and turned, running desperatly. Bazaal smiled at Orca.
"You are a more formidable opponent that I thought. This never happened. Our peace still exists." Bazaal stated, then disappeared. Orca slowly exited Bazaal's citadel and headed for his tower.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

-Space Orca
Space Orca's best qoutes:
"The Force is strong in you. The force of my lightsaber coming down!"
"A planet of pokemon? Don't bomb it from orbit. A few might survive. Get the Death Star in here!"
"Hmmmm... It looks like my Lightsaber needs a little repair work. Know of any lightsaber repair shops in town?"
"Luke Skywalker drew his lightsaber... and turned it in to the art teacher"
"Pokemon is spelled S-T-U-P-I-D!"
If you have any more funny quotes, just send them to me.

2000-02-25, 8:21 AM #197
Ping_me stared up as he saw the massive skeletal dragon and its rider begin do descend upon them.

"Oh crap! Not again!" Ping_me shouted as he jumped up.

Ping_me got his sheild up just in time to block the incoming dragon's fire as it made a strafing run on them.

With Ping_me taking up the rear guard postion and keeping his sheild up to block the fire attacks, he, Ji'tory and Pristine ran for cover behind some ancient rock spires carved out from centuries of rising and falling tides.

Once Ji'tory was safely behind the rocks Ping_me had an idea. Together he and Pristine levitated to the top of two spires (one a top each spire). The dragon flew bettween the spires and they had their chance. Quickly Ping_me and Pristine jumped and landed onto the dragons back. In one fell motion Pristine beheaded the skeletal rider and Ping_me shoved his sword into the dragons ribcage. The dragon howled in pain, but its howl collapsed into a crackling echo of itself and the light went out in its eyes and it began to deteriorate in flight. Ping_me and Pristine jumped and landed safely on the ground, turned and watched as peices of the decaying dragon skeleton spew itself on a trail along the beach.
They returned to Ji'tory and together they headed back toward Merlin's citadel.

(Can somebody tell me exactly who is at the Citadel? I've lost track. I need to know before I can continue.)
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. So then it is no longer I that do it, but sin that which dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me."

~St. Paul to the church in Rome recorded in Romans 7:15-20.

So that we are set free from sin by Jesus, so we celebrate his birth on Christmas. Remeber this day with joy, when the angels sang, peace on earth good will toward men.

2000-02-25, 12:12 PM #198
I should be there eating breakfast []
‹^› //‹{°;°}›\\ ‹^›
2000-02-25, 1:46 PM #199
Sakana is there, Scout is there, and I think JK(Meteor) is there.

"Oh crap, not again!" I'm gonna make that my signature.
2000-02-25, 2:44 PM #200
I left, on my way to 'rescue' Gebohq (If Avenger doesn't).
"Maybe you like rainbows"
I can't remember what to say!!!!
Click here for my homepage.

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