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Anything Movies
2018-11-20, 8:31 AM #441
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Ohhh, no. Lucas might have been in charge on paper but it was never that way in reality. Chaos was in charge of the original Star Wars. Empire and Jedi were written, directed, and even produced by other people. George Lucas set the scenario and stamped his feet a lot, but many of the most beloved moments in the latter two films only happened because the cast revolted against him. And the original story Lucas had would be unrecognizable without his ex wife’s feedback.

A prime example: Irvin Kershner encouraged Harrison Ford to improvise after Leia told him "I love you" because "I love you too" felt awkward. Harrison dropped the "I know" line, everybody loved it because it was perfect for the character.

They also shot the scene normally, but in the cut they showed Lucas it had the "I know" line. Lucas complained and basically wanted to pull it from the film, only agreeing to keep it in if it tested well in prescreens. The audience near universally loved it, saying it was one of the best lines they've ever seen.

He did relent after that. It's clear if Lucas was at the helm, he would have forced the awkward, stilted "I love you too".
2018-11-20, 8:44 AM #442
He probably would have re-shot it with the line "Leia, if you follow your thoughts through to conclusion, they take us to a place we cannot go."
2018-11-21, 12:20 AM #443
The German translation perfectly captured the cringe. "Wenn du deine Gedanken bis ganz zu Ende denkst, dann führen sie uns zu einen Ort zu dem wir nicht gehen dürfen."
Literally that would be "If you think your thoughts totally until the end, then they lead us to a place to which we may not go."
This sounds like how someone might talk to a child in kindergarten. Which Padmé probably thought she did.
Sorry for the lousy German
2018-11-21, 1:02 AM #444
It did in English too.
2018-11-21, 1:26 AM #445
I'm drawing a blank on the prequels. I'm pretty sure I watched The Phantom Menace (was actually in the MSN JK days IIRC), but I'm unsure if I saw 2 and 3.
2018-11-21, 7:00 AM #446
I wonder how those lines would have played out if Anakin was more of a flirtatious goofball rather than a wooden robot. I remember from the novelization during that the "sand scene" Padme talking about swimming to the island in the center of the lake in her youth and laying on the beach, which provokes Anakin's stupid comment. I cant remember if she tells him this in the movie or if Anakin just gripes about sand spontaneously. But now I'm really curious if two actors with chemistry, and personality could pull it off.
My blawgh.
2018-11-21, 7:14 AM #447
With a director who works well with actors, yes.
2018-11-21, 8:52 PM #448
what a bunch of NERDS, would you guys have rather GL become a race car driver like he originally planned, instead of making SW?
2018-11-21, 8:53 PM #449
Also, the scene where Padme tells Anakin he's breaking her heart is comedy gold.
2018-11-21, 9:30 PM #450
You guys are breaking my heart.
2018-11-22, 5:47 PM #451

Is this proof that Disney is creatively bankrupt?

It doesn't even look bad. But like, another remake of a 90's Disney film? Is this really necessary? It's just playing off nostalgia..
2018-11-22, 9:58 PM #452
lmao John Oliver? Did they cast him as one of the hyenas?
2018-11-22, 9:58 PM #453
ohhhhh he's the annoying bird. OK that's perfect

Eric Andre's in the movie, lol
2018-11-22, 10:44 PM #454
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
lmao John Oliver? Did they cast him as one of the hyenas?

obv zazu
2018-11-22, 10:44 PM #455
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
ohhhhh he's the annoying bird. OK that's perfect

2018-11-22, 10:54 PM #456
How is that edgy? John Oliver is supremely annoying when he talks, so he's perfect for the role.
2018-11-22, 11:20 PM #457
He was originally voiced by Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean). It probably has more to do with the fact that he's a British comedian at the height of his US popularity.
2018-11-22, 11:23 PM #458
What's the point of this? I vaguely understand the other live action remakes because they're live action, but this is just a bad CGI reboot?
2018-11-23, 1:20 AM #459
"The Ballad of Buster Scruggs" is on Netflix. I enjoyed it quite a bit. It's a collection of six western shorts, each with a specific theme, presented as an anthology of old west tall tales. The first one is the worst one so bear through it (it's very silly). It's not bad, but it's silly. Also, Tom Waits is in it, so definitely watch it.
2018-11-24, 1:07 AM #460
The lightsaber battle between Luke and Vader in ESB is by far the best in all of Star Wars.
2018-11-24, 1:24 AM #461
Also in one of the special editions George Lucas made it so Luke is screaming as he falls in the cloud city. I think this is pretty solid proof he has no idea why Star Wars is even good. Luke is committing suicide in that moment, he didn't accidentally fall.
2018-11-24, 11:52 AM #462
Just make him scream NOOOOOOO while he falls.
2018-11-24, 1:22 PM #463
I really hope "NOOOOOOO" isn't my last word.
My blawgh.
2018-11-24, 1:42 PM #464
Who can say from this trailer, but the impression I'm getting is that these CGI Lion King characters are going to lose all the expressiveness in face and body language that is a huge part of what makes things like the original Lion King work. Oooof. Is that how it was in the Jungle Book remake I didn't see?
2018-11-24, 3:33 PM #465
Originally posted by Phantom-Seraph:
I really hope "NOOOOOOO" isn't my last word.

These will be my last "words":

2018-11-25, 12:01 AM #466
I'm planning to go like this, if someone could help me with that, I'd sure be grateful.

2018-11-25, 8:14 AM #467
These will be my last words
2018-11-26, 12:45 AM #468
Originally posted by Tenshu:
I'm planning to go like this, if someone could help me with that, I'd sure be grateful.

Worst death scene ever? More like the best
2018-11-26, 10:00 AM #469
Not fair, somebody edited in those screams, before they did that it was realistic
2018-11-26, 10:27 AM #470
2018-11-26, 11:45 AM #471
I gotta admit though I was in stitches at the thought that some director actually put those screams in the original movie.
2018-11-26, 11:46 AM #472
Also for some reason these videos seem much funnier out of context. Like that country thing Steven posted, I started watching the video for the original song, somehow it was less funny than just coming from out of the blue...
2018-11-26, 12:48 PM #473
Originally posted by Steven:
"The Ballad of Buster Scruggs" is on Netflix. I enjoyed it quite a bit. It's a collection of six western shorts, each with a specific theme, presented as an anthology of old west tall tales. The first one is the worst one so bear through it (it's very silly). It's not bad, but it's silly. Also, Tom Waits is in it, so definitely watch it.

I just finished Buster Scruggs and really enjoyed it. Actually loved the first one and wouldn't have minded a bit more levity in the rest of it. The last short was really great.
2018-11-26, 2:04 PM #474
They were all good, it's hard to pick a favorite. The one with Tom Waits was probably my favourite, but the last two (the Oregon trail and the carriage ride) were also great.
The first one was fine, I just thought the *very* end was a bit too silly.
They're mostly pretty dark which I kind of enjoyed.
2018-11-27, 5:33 PM #475
So I wonder if I'll catch flak for saying this: Return of the Jedi is significantly worse than A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. I wouldn't go so far to say it's bAaD, but it has some real faults, some of which I think presage problems with the prequels.

The biggest problem for me is the lack of emotional weight throughout most of the film. We get some real emotion with the throne room scene, but much of it feels more episodic in nature. Like the whole Jabba's Palace sequence feels more like they're just bringing the gang together for an adventure, there's no sense of real risk to anything which is happening. I guess Leia freeing Han was.. kind of nice, but it was more due to the emotional release that ESB built that makes it work, RotJ does very little to assist.

Another example is the speeder bikes. For some reason this scene has no tension. Each new thing was ten seconds of "oh no, something bad might happen" with it being instantly resolved, and no overarching emotional weight to any of it. It looks okay visually, but doesn't seem to have much purpose other than to be an action scene.

The film has a problem where characters are there only to be there: Lando, C3PO, and R2D2 stick out as having no actual place in the plot to get Han in Jabba's Palace. Same with Lando in the space battle (why is he an admiral??), and C3PO going down to Endor. I feel like Lucas wrote it this way for no reason but for the whole gang to be there. Which means he was basically out of ideas, but knew he wanted to have other meta story elements. Banter, mostly.

We don't need to repeat complaints about how stupid Ewoks are.

Lucas clings to nostalgia already in RotJ. Luke swings off the barge with Leia, the space battle has several direct callbacks to A New Hope. It's not as bad as The Force Awakens, but come on dude.

But yeah, so much of that film has no lasting impact or anything memorable to say. It all feels much more hollow. The places where it does work I think owe quite a bit to how ESB set it up, but then it just ties the knots and does nothing on its own.

I also feel much of the dialogue is the characters almost parodying themselves. The archetype of Han's character feels much duller in this film than in the past two.
2018-11-27, 5:37 PM #476
Also, best part of Dark Forces:


I remember seeing that as a kid and not getting why someone would say that. Now I know.
2018-11-27, 6:06 PM #477
Originally posted by Reid:
Return of the Jedi is significantly worse than A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back.

duh and/or hello
2018-11-27, 6:07 PM #478
Originally posted by Steven:
duh and/or hello

Hadn't seen it since I was still watching tapes on VHS.
2018-11-27, 11:31 PM #479
Originally posted by Reid:
So I wonder if I'll catch flak for saying this: Return of the Jedi is significantly worse than A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back.

This is not in the slightest bit controversial.
2018-11-28, 12:34 AM #480
Originally posted by Reid:
So I wonder if I'll catch flak for saying this: Return of the Jedi is significantly worse than A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. I wouldn't go so far to say it's bAaD, but it has some real faults, some of which I think presage problems with the prequels.

The biggest problem for me is the lack of emotional weight throughout most of the film. We get some real emotion with the throne room scene, but much of it feels more episodic in nature. Like the whole Jabba's Palace sequence feels more like they're just bringing the gang together for an adventure, there's no sense of real risk to anything which is happening. I guess Leia freeing Han was.. kind of nice, but it was more due to the emotional release that ESB built that makes it work, RotJ does very little to assist.

Another example is the speeder bikes. For some reason this scene has no tension. Each new thing was ten seconds of "oh no, something bad might happen" with it being instantly resolved, and no overarching emotional weight to any of it. It looks okay visually, but doesn't seem to have much purpose other than to be an action scene.

The film has a problem where characters are there only to be there: Lando, C3PO, and R2D2 stick out as having no actual place in the plot to get Han in Jabba's Palace. Same with Lando in the space battle (why is he an admiral??), and C3PO going down to Endor. I feel like Lucas wrote it this way for no reason but for the whole gang to be there. Which means he was basically out of ideas, but knew he wanted to have other meta story elements. Banter, mostly.

We don't need to repeat complaints about how stupid Ewoks are.

Lucas clings to nostalgia already in RotJ. Luke swings off the barge with Leia, the space battle has several direct callbacks to A New Hope. It's not as bad as The Force Awakens, but come on dude.

But yeah, so much of that film has no lasting impact or anything memorable to say. It all feels much more hollow. The places where it does work I think owe quite a bit to how ESB set it up, but then it just ties the knots and does nothing on its own.

I also feel much of the dialogue is the characters almost parodying themselves. The archetype of Han's character feels much duller in this film than in the past two.

Did you see the part where they had another death star?

Also, there are lots of hilarious scenes with lots of emotion: every scene with Palpatine in them.

As for the speeder bikes...maybe this was a little preview of things to come: "pod racing" -lite?

Anway, I always hear about how much better the movie would have been if the planet had been full of Wookies rather than Ewoks (as was originally planned).

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