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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Anything Movies
Anything Movies
2019-07-10, 9:50 PM #761

enjoy your new stormtrooper, nerds.
2019-07-10, 9:53 PM #762
Hey look at me I'm disney, I'm gonna put a bunch of fine lines on **** and film it with digital cameras and then screen it using digital projectors, this is fine what the **** is signal theory
2019-07-10, 9:54 PM #763
Which one of those bottles of scotch are you tasting tonight?
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-07-10, 9:56 PM #764
I don't think I've ever been more certain that I don't want to see a movie. I'd rather watch 50 Shades of Grey than see the next Star Wars movie.
2019-07-10, 9:59 PM #765
The pan and scan dvd release will be SPICY
2019-07-10, 10:19 PM #766
Looks like you forgot to mention that red + stormtrooper = much badass. Once you factor that into the equation, all is justified.
2019-07-10, 10:19 PM #767
Solo is the first Star Wars film I chose not to see in the theater which was due to how bad TLJ is. TLJ and Solo are the first two live action video releases I've not yet purchased. The Force Awakens was the first one I picked up used unless you count the first Star Wars film I picked up in a pawn shop on VHS is the early 90s. If several reviews from sources I trust are good enough I might consider seeing the next film in the theater.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-07-11, 12:32 AM #768
Even if the movie comes to Netflix or Prime I will still probably pirate it out of spite. And that probability depends on whether I'm curious enough to want to watch the movie.
Sorry for the lousy German
2019-07-11, 3:42 AM #769
I still haven't seen TLJ, Rogue One, or Solo.

This, from a person who has been posting on a Star Wars forum for a decade plus. Jesus.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2019-07-11, 9:37 AM #770

After I said it I had to see it. Kind of fitting that both are now milked-to-death over-designed franchises.
My blawgh.
2019-07-11, 9:39 AM #771
Originally posted by Phantom-Seraph:

After I said it I had to see it. Kind of fitting that both are now milked-to-death over-designed franchises.

temporal antialiasing would smear out those lines real good
2019-07-11, 11:00 AM #772
sith trooper more like **** pooper amirite lads
2019-07-11, 2:48 PM #773
Does pretty much every piece of new Star Wars property have a new type of stormtrooper?
2019-07-11, 2:49 PM #774
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
Does pretty much every piece of new Star Wars property have a new type of stormtrooper?

Gotta keep merchandise fresh.
2019-07-11, 2:49 PM #775
I watched Once Upon a Time in America. Lasted almost four hours. I thought it was worth it, but the finale was kind of confusing to me.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2019-07-11, 2:56 PM #776
Originally posted by Reid:
Gotta keep merchandise fresh.

I guess. Rogue One had a stormtrooper that was specialized for nice, sandy beaches.
2019-07-11, 3:18 PM #777
I wish they had a stormtrooper that had another stormtrooper inside, and then another inside that one. Like those Russian dolls.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2019-07-11, 3:39 PM #778
I want a stormtrooper that is also cute. A Cute Trooper.
2019-07-11, 3:49 PM #779

2019-07-11, 4:23 PM #780
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
I want a stormtrooper that is also cute. A Cute Trooper.

Stormtrooper neko-tan says fascism is great, execute the impure
2019-07-11, 4:24 PM #781
Originally posted by Reid:


nobody wants a pink stormtrooper, get out of here
2019-07-11, 6:33 PM #782
Originally posted by Jon`C:

Damn they're so wrong though, I'd love a Star Wars game where I could rock it as a pink Darth Vader, slicing people while taunting them on the mic.
2019-07-11, 6:45 PM #783
I’m almost more bothered by the name. The name applies the same basic principle as the design. (“Oh, you like Yoshi? How about a blue Yoshi?“) It’s like a rainbow bagel. Take two incongruous things and mix them together.
former entrepreneur
2019-07-11, 6:48 PM #784
Originally posted by Eversor:
I’m almost more bothered by the name. The name applies the same basic principle as the design. (“Oh, you like Yoshi? How about a blue Yoshi?“) It’s like a rainbow bagel. Take two incongruous things and mix them together.

Oh yeah? well they'll ALSO be clones of Mace Windu, and Kylo Ren and Boba Fett are going to have to team up to beat them because they ALSO fight with FOUR-bladed purple lightsabers.
2019-07-11, 6:49 PM #785
Billy Dee Williams will be there too. Not playing Lando... as himself. The producers forgot what character he played in the OT, but the fans seemed pretty upset by the fact that he wasn't in the last two so they'll throw him in there
2019-07-11, 6:50 PM #786
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-07-11, 6:51 PM #787
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
Does pretty much every piece of new Star Wars property have a new type of stormtrooper?

Well, actually, even the very first film had a variation. The Sand Troopers. Of course some of the variations aren't really ever justified on screen but the very concept of these variations is an OT concept as well as a practical one.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-07-11, 7:06 PM #788
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Well, actually, even the very first film had a variation. The Sand Troopers. Of course some of the variations aren't really ever justified on screen but the very concept of these variations is an OT concept as well as a practical one.

The variations seem permissible and even, well cool when they’re justified by their environment. Like the STs who ride the speeders in RotJ. Or the Snowtroopers in ESB.
former entrepreneur
2019-07-11, 7:42 PM #789
pink vader

this variation seems justified

2019-07-11, 7:59 PM #790
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
this variation seems justified

Maybe even sexist to exclude it!
former entrepreneur
2019-07-11, 9:23 PM #791
Originally posted by Eversor:
The variations seem permissible and even, well cool when they’re justified by their environment. Like the STs who ride the speeders in RotJ. Or the Snowtroopers in ESB.

I actually don't understand this post. If what you mean is some variations are obviously justified and others not, I don't know which ones you might consider not to be justified.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-07-12, 9:20 AM #792
Originally posted by Wookie06:
I actually don't understand this post. If what you mean is some variations are obviously justified and others not, I don't know which ones you might consider not to be justified.

If I had to guess, it's that they're cool when they're justified by their environment.

Such as frost troopers needing warmer clothes, or scout troopers wearing Star Warsy dirt bike helmets. But Sith Troopers just look different to be different and edgy.
2019-07-12, 9:22 AM #793
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
this variation seems justified

This has alot of production value. Surprising for a TV show
2019-07-12, 10:12 AM #794
I saw Midsommar, which is billed as a horror movie. I read some opinions that it wasn't sufficiently scary. I'm not really concerned with categories in this context, and I don't get disappointed if a horror movie isn't too scary. However, I can understand why some might feel let down by a movie that's categorized as horror if they go in expecting and wishing to feel horror.

Anyway, I absolutely loved the movie. It's gorgeous, atmospheric and very evocative. Its pace is unhurried, but it felt just right to me. The story is basically about the relationship of a young couple, but it's quite textured and offers a lot to think about and interpret. I have to mention the lead actress, Florence Pugh. I don't think I've ever seen her before, and she was phenomenal in this movie. She communicates her character's emotions very effectively, and while it's mostly distress, the performance is certainly not confined to just that one note. I feel like many of the scenes in this movie will stay with me for a very long time.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2019-07-12, 7:14 PM #795
Originally posted by Reid:
But Sith Troopers just look different to be different and edgy.

Well, I'm guessing that they're red for the same reason previous red guards have been. Also, that picture is apparently a toy so maybe some of the edgy texture will be more subtle on the actual costume. I don't know.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-07-12, 7:53 PM #796
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Well, I'm guessing that they're red for the same reason previous red guards have been. Also, that picture is apparently a toy so maybe some of the edgy texture will be more subtle on the actual costume. I don't know.

I like how every patch is carefully chosen to be linearly independent, guaranteeing moire artifacts no matter which direction the stormtrooper moves or the camera pans. You can really tell they put a lot of thought into it.
2019-07-12, 9:01 PM #797
In other Star Wars news George Lucas very recently approved a screening of a nearly completely unmolested film print of Star Wars. It did have the Episode IV added to the opening crawl but this is seen as a huge turn by many as he has always been very adamant about the special editions being the definitive versions of the films.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-07-12, 9:40 PM #798
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I like how every patch is carefully chosen to be linearly independent, guaranteeing moire artifacts no matter which direction the stormtrooper moves or the camera pans. You can really tell they put a lot of thought into it.

Why would a costume designer know anything about something with "effect" in the name? They're costume designers.

Originally posted by Wookie06:
In other Star Wars news George Lucas very recently approved a screening of a nearly completely unmolested film print of Star Wars. It did have the Episode IV added to the opening crawl but this is seen as a huge turn by many as he has always been very adamant about the special editions being the definitive versions of the films.

Maybe we'll get a 4k release of the theatrical cut of Star Wars. One can hope. I'd pay upwards of $40 for it, maybe more.

Hey, Star Wars was another film where they tampered with the color grading!

At 2:03 you can see how they added too much blue! History is a flat circle.
2019-07-12, 9:59 PM #799
The last time I purchased Star Wars pre-Disney on video was DVD special editions and prequel trilogy DVDs. I would have purchased them on BRDVD but they included crap OT original versions (if they included them at all). I wouldn't be surprised if there's a bundle of all nine films that include original versions of molested films. I also wouldn't be surprised if they Harry Potter it and never give the fans the bluray bundle they want.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-07-12, 10:07 PM #800
Originally posted by Wookie06:
The last time I purchased Star Wars pre-Disney on video was DVD special editions and prequel trilogy DVDs. I would have purchased them on BRDVD but they included crap OT original versions (if they included them at all). I wouldn't be surprised if there's a bundle of all nine films that include original versions of molested films. I also wouldn't be surprised if they Harry Potter it and never give the fans the bluray bundle they want.

Wait, they never release a bluray bundle for harry potter? Why the f not?

In any case, my guess in Lucas stipulated in the contract that the latest SEs of the OT are the only ones that can be sold, or something, idk. I doubt we'll ever get a true theatrical release. So in that regard, Harmy is a god, and if you're savvy you can find very good versions which are as close as you can get to 1080p unaltered OT.

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