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Anything Movies
2019-01-15, 9:16 PM #601
My favorite parts were when Lando Calrissian referenced the early Calrissian novels. Thinking about the lighthearted high space adventures of a swashbuckling petty criminal was a pleasant change.
2019-01-15, 9:33 PM #602
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I’m watching Solo on Netflix now that I don’t have to pay Disney directly to see it.

I nearly reneged on my "I'm not gonna watch TLJ until they've changed the director's name to me and given me his profits from the film" policy when I saw that the bluray for TLJ was on a sale. But since it was 7.99 EUR instead of, well, 0.99 €, I didn't.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-01-16, 2:37 AM #603
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Wow this movie is dark. Crushed blacks dark. Not sure if they did it on purpose to cover up their prop quality or if it was an accident.

Didn't look like any effects to me. Looks like they used zero artificial lighting. All of the lighting was whatever was on set. When it worked it looked pretty good, actually, felt pretty natural. But at times it was bad. The mines on Kessel are a good example, I couldn't tell what the hell was going on.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
Do you know what else is dark? Making a caricature of feminism and the civil rights movement. That’s pretty ****in dark. I guess that’s one way to get in front of that Star Wars SJW stuff. Pretty consistent with selling fascism to kids too, so good job staying on brand Disney.

When Social Justice Droid appears is when I turned on the film.

I don't think this film was intended for kids, though.
2019-01-16, 3:10 AM #604
So, thoughts on the film.

I liked everything at first, up through the train. It felt kind of Picaresque, in a way. Each new conflict felt plausible. It was paced decently. Characterization was pretty good. I liked the fake out introduction to Chewbacca, even if Han speaking Wookie was cringe. Some **** was stupid, like why his name is Solo and why he calls him Chewy. Just leave **** like that out please. It's unnecessary. But the lead is surprisingly good at doing Han Solo without giving a Harrison Ford impression. I also felt Donald Glover did a pretty good job.

I liked the setting on Corellia. That felt like a real Star Wars setting. Also liked seeing the few glimpses of the Empire not shooting people, but it was only kind of good because it wasn't really fleshed out.

Social Justice Droid is ****ing dumb.

The film has pacing issues after the train. Suddenly the adventure slows down. The Kessel thing felt way too drawn out. Particularly when they're flying away from the maw and C'thulu was trying to eat them. The tension they were going for was too strong and just wouldn't let up. I clapped my hand to my face when, after dropping the super fuel stuff into the gas tank the exit started closing on them. Like, give it up, we know they get out, throwing on another layer of tension makes it tedious.

I hate the way music is used in the sequels. When Han flies the Millennium Falcon into the rainstorm, the music is straight ripped from Empire Strikes Back. It's a clear nostalgia tone. But it's like listening to a crappy remix of a song you like. At times they use music which deviates from normal Star Wars, which I appreciate if it wasn't in line with the terrible crap Hollywood does:

I want the Millennium Falcon to blow up. I'm sick of that ship. Please stop using it. Every Star Wars film has to have a tedious, long section of that stupid ship flying around through ****. Just stop. It's played out.

I liked that Beckett's betrayal was telegraphed and easily predictable, but also predicted by Han Solo. I thought that was a pretty clever writing trick, as I thought I had outsmarted the writing but it had outsmarted me. So good job to whoever wrote that. I guess it only works in context of me assuming the film is going to be extremely dumb, though.

CGI Darth Maul looked very phony.

If this film is about Han learning to shoot first, then doesn't that **** up George's Special Edition edits?

We know this film was massively redone. If I had to guess, I think the beginning section, up through the train, and the ending after bringing the space NOS back to Dryden were done by the initial directors, and were the best parts of the film. I think the middle is where it was reshot because this is where the tone changes most, has the most pacing issues, and feels weird. My guess is someone didn't approve of what the original script/film ended up being, and the original director wouldn't budge. But what do I know, I'm probably wrong about all of this, it's a speculation.

Also the "maybe someday you'll join the Rebellion" thing, please go die.
2019-01-16, 3:17 AM #605
So basically if you ignore the middle section of the film, it's probably the best Disney Star Wars film yet.
2019-01-16, 11:31 AM #606
Second best. Having watched it a few months ago, I think, the only thing that seems memorable is how mediocre it is. I noticed last night that it's on Netflix now so I may watch it again. It took me awhile to work up to watching TLJ again which I think I already mentioned earlier in the thread.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-01-16, 4:14 PM #607
I can imagine Kathleen Kennedy finally getting around to watching the Solo movie last weekend. "That balding dirty ******* Ron Howard," exclaims Kathleen, "I put him in charge so this movie would focus on the galaxy's first feminist trans-robot and she just dies in the mud!" She later on admits she wasn't quite sure who Han Solo really was ("Wasn't he the one with the laser stick?") but stated she was alright with putting a female's perspective into the space ship, allowing it to escape an alt-right-black-hole or whatever.
2019-01-16, 5:49 PM #608
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Second best. Having watched it a few months ago, I think, the only thing that seems memorable is how mediocre it is. I noticed last night that it's on Netflix now so I may watch it again. It took me awhile to work up to watching TLJ again which I think I already mentioned earlier in the thread.

Definitely mediocre, but at least it's unpretentious.
2019-01-16, 6:11 PM #609
I will watch it if I ever need surgery and am anesthetized.
2019-01-16, 6:20 PM #610
Eh, its a decent/good Netflix watch (how I watched it too). You can also adjust your screen brightness for you viewing. You can play it while doing something else.
2019-01-16, 6:20 PM #611
Did you guys know Lucas asked David Lynch to direct RotJ?

I'm really disappointed this never became a reality.

2019-01-16, 6:41 PM #612
I would definitely watch alternate universe Star Wars where Kyle MacLachlan was cast as Luke.
2019-01-16, 9:23 PM #613
I still can't really stand these Star Wars spinoff films. I was permanently appalled by the 2008 Clone Wars thing, and so far I haven't heard of anything in the new spinoffs that would have done anything better than that filth.

In fact, I only went to see Rogue One in the theatres for the TODOA scene (which was merely nice) and I actually contracted fever for the first time in 5-10 years in the process. Boh!
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-01-16, 10:23 PM #614
i'm just going to leave this here

2019-01-17, 7:32 AM #615
That reminds me, it took Tommy Wiseau like 14-15 years to get a movie made about himself.

It's soon been 14 years since I made the burgerboy comment. Where the hell is the damn FGR biopic?
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-01-22, 6:09 PM #616
Okay, so google suggested this story for me. Basically someone whining that it's product placement for Disney. Whatever. But then there was this:

Really, if that last movie weren’t so damn good, we’d be a little concerned about Disney running this thing into the ground as hard as possible.

What the hell film is he talking about? Solo? TLJ? Huh? Sarcasm! That's it, it has to be sarcasm.

My son was watching a bunch of Marvel films over the weekend and Guardians of the Galaxy 2 seemed more Star Wars than Star Wars is today. I was thinking maybe Star Wars should just be absorbed into the MCU. Couldn't get any worse.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-01-22, 6:28 PM #617
Dude did you watch Thor: Ragnarok? That movie was more Star Wars than Star Wars. And it was so good!
2019-01-22, 6:43 PM #618
I think we talked a bit about that earlier. I thought it was a little too funny too often but that's me being over critical. Yeah, we liked it. I actually have all of the MCU films on bluray.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-01-22, 6:44 PM #619
Originally posted by Wookie06:
I was thinking maybe Star Wars should just be absorbed into the MCU. Couldn't get any worse.

Actually, now that I think about it, combine this thought with Thanos' snap of the fingers...
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-01-26, 3:49 AM #620
Today I learned Tatooine is literally just the name of a city in Tunisia near where Star Wars was filmed.
2019-01-28, 10:32 PM #621
I watched Hell or High Water on netflix.
It's a Very Good Movie™

I tried to watch Polar on Netflix, but gave up on it.
It's a Very Bad Movie™
2019-01-28, 10:36 PM #622
I didn't bother to sift through it, but a cursory google search reveals a Trump haiku Twitter account.
2019-01-28, 10:37 PM #623
(Unfortunately, the haikus on that page are terrible.)

Edit: although some of these are amusing.
2019-01-28, 11:10 PM #624
2019-01-29, 11:11 AM #625
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
I didn't bother to sift through it, but a cursory google search reveals a Trump haiku Twitter account.

I'm not sure what that has to do with movies
2019-01-29, 12:58 PM #626
You're right! Into the trash it goes.
2019-02-28, 1:02 AM #627

So.. what.. I don't.. what?
2019-02-28, 1:12 AM #628
First, watching this feels like a bad acid trip, what the ****.

Second, it's impressive how much work this took yet how crude it is. You'd think they'd take the effort and learn how to do stop-motion which doesn't look like crap (not that stop motion ever doesn't) before trying to emulate a ****ing feature length film using a digital camera.

I'm so impressed, disappointed, confused and amazed, all at once.
2019-03-20, 7:45 PM #629
Well Disney did it.

All hail The Mouse!
2019-03-20, 9:03 PM #630
Homer Simpson, Iron Man, Wolverine, Buzz Lightyear, The Predator, John McClane, Sterling Archer, and Kylo Ren, in: The Avengers 6: Reloaded
2019-03-20, 9:16 PM #631
Originally posted by Reid:
You'd think they'd take the effort and learn how to do stop-motion which doesn't look like crap (not that stop motion ever doesn't)

Hey screw you, Wallace and Gromit are great
2019-04-12, 11:51 AM #632

Is this a joke?

TIE fighter flips aren't cool, that **** is maximum cringe. Like, The Matrix came out 20 years ago. Nobody is amazed by green screen flips anymore. We all know how it's done and it's not interesting. Plz just write convincing characters and an interesting plot.

But.. "no one's ever really gone".. then ****ing Palpatine laughing? That's a ****ing joke, right? It's not too far from April fool's, right??

In any case this does not look all that good to me.
2019-04-12, 11:58 AM #633
Also Rise of the Skywalker , this isn't where they retcon The Last Jedi and make Rey a ****ing Skywalker , is it? The only thing worse than ****ty writing is wavering on your commitments.
2019-04-12, 12:18 PM #634
I hope it’s finn
2019-04-12, 12:21 PM #635
I'm guessing they're worried that this film will do poorly, because Bob Iger has announced an indefinite hiatus on Star Wars films for the foreseeable future. It's amazing how poorly they handled the IP. You'd think Disney would be able to work with Lucasfilm to make something great.
2019-04-12, 12:21 PM #636
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I hope it’s finn

Same, **** it. That would actually be interesting.
2019-04-12, 1:02 PM #637
It will be BB-8, through adoption.
Or Chewie, because he took Luke's last name when they got married that one time.
My blawgh.
2019-04-13, 7:37 AM #638
I kinda want this film to be all about the Resistance lightspeeding (kamikazing) ships into First Order ships over and over and over again given how effective it is. If people signed up to pilot the galaxy's slowest and most venerable bombers, surely they can get some to do complete suicide missions (droids can't do them obviously...).

The purple-haired lady really was woke. She had a revolutionary idea.
2019-04-18, 4:47 PM #639
Just watched The Godfather again. What an incredible movie. Another movie I couldn't fully appreciate until now.
2019-04-25, 2:27 AM #640
I watched Avengers: Infinity War so I can have some context since some of us from the department are seeing it tonight.

It was meh. It seemed like everyone was blowing it up to be the greatest film ever. It was decent, but ****ing long.

Of course, I have the usual complaint of it not being interesting to see Special Effects Man fight Special Effects Boy using the Special Effects MacGuffin which is now more powerful than the other Special Effects Weapon. All guided by the most banal predictable musical score setting the tone so you can know which Special Effects are stronger.

Anyway, one prediction is that Thanos is going to regret killing Gamora and reverse time himself. More likely, since everybody lost the plot stones by saving other people, which is presented as a weakness to Thanos' amorality, they'll flip the script and it will be the collective valuing of human life which will prove to be stronger in the end and beat the bad guy. This would make a very satisfying Aesop's Fable style ending so they'll probably do that.

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