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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Anything Movies
Anything Movies
2019-10-09, 8:58 AM #881
no whats a YOU
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2019-10-09, 9:04 AM #882
2019-10-09, 9:33 PM #883
2019-10-09, 9:34 PM #884
When Liam Neeson is too old to jump a fence so you shoot it frame by frame with claymation
2019-10-10, 7:15 PM #885
Originally posted by Reid:
Huh, that's surprising. Most opinions I've heard were positive.

Maybe it's an expectation thing. When you go in not expecting much, and it's decently okay, you're satisfied.

I would go in expecting quite a bit. I've heard nothing but praise for the film although not from people I know, just from media. I know the volproms were using the film as a tool to bash incels but that's really an outlier.

Did anyone watch the recent Rambo? I went to it for three reasons. First, it's Rambo and I really like what Stallone has done with his two iconic characters. Second, human trafficking is a subject that deeply concerns me. Third, all of the crazy review bombing.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-10-10, 7:29 PM #886
Originally posted by Wookie06:
ah, some hip new back-talk from all of the white supremacist forums.
2019-10-11, 7:03 AM #887
I made it up. I have no idea if somebody else already made it up or not. I figured if The Young Turks think "involuntarily celibate" is an insult then the opposite thing that would make their heads explode would be "voluntarily promiscuous".
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-10-11, 7:07 AM #888
That definitely wouldn't make anybody's head explode.

Incel can be a kind of annoying term, but it's not used to insult the incels for their celibacy or whatever, it's used to insult them for all the ****ty views that characterize the "incel community" (who gave themselves that moniker, btw).
2019-10-11, 9:36 AM #889
It probably would annoy TYT though. So self-righteous. After Cenk's nephew's revolting rant about Dan Crenshaw I started following them. I can't imagine white supremacists say worse things than those people.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-10-11, 10:04 AM #890
They're clueless and irritating but lmao at white supremacists not saying worse things, that's the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard you say
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2019-10-11, 11:05 AM #891
Originally posted by Spook:
They're clueless and irritating but lmao at white supremacists not saying worse things, that's the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard you say

They also, specifically, say volprom. While I’d never suggest white supremacists are the most creative people on earth, I’d also never say that about Wookie06.
2019-10-11, 12:04 PM #892
Originally posted by Wookie06:
It probably would annoy TYT though. So self-righteous. After Cenk's nephew's revolting rant about Dan Crenshaw I started following them. I can't imagine white supremacists say worse things than those people.

Yeah I really agree. If there's anything you can say about the Nazis, and oh boy do I hate Nazis, but they sure were right about communists, women and ***s.
2019-10-11, 1:32 PM #893
Originally posted by Wookie06:

Originally posted by Wookie06:

"Clickbait: The Show" vs. literal gangbanging skinheads. Lol, what is this, the Jerry Springer Show?
2019-10-11, 1:35 PM #894
Originally posted by Jon`C:
They also, specifically, say volprom. While I’d never suggest white supremacists are the most creative people on earth, I’d also never say that about Wookie06.

Do they really? Well, goes along with my theory that if you can think something somebody else has likely already thought or done it. And so I'm guessing I'm not the first person to come up with that theory either. LOL.

Anyway, I'm sure white supremacist rhetoric can be vile and I will concede that it's possible some of it could be worse than the stuff TYTs say publicly.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-10-11, 2:11 PM #895
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Do they really? Well, goes along with my theory that if you can think something somebody else has likely already thought or done it. And so I'm guessing I'm not the first person to come up with that theory either. LOL.

Anyway, I'm sure white supremacist rhetoric can be vile and I will concede that it's possible some of it could be worse than the stuff TYTs say publicly.

Oh, sure. In my experience white supremacists usually prefer gross dog whistle stuff like spending 8 years emphasizing Barack Obama's Muslim-sounding middle name. They're all cowards, after all.

Pardon me for my vile rhetoric about white supremacists.
2019-10-11, 5:34 PM #896
So, wookie, since I'm somewhat familiar with TYT hatewatchers: is it the fact that TYT likes to rag on white people for shooting up schools? I agree that racebaiting is a petty and cheap way to get clicks, but do you really feel that much comradery with incels just because you belong to their racial tribe or something?

At any rate, I think you just like the attention, because you and I both know that progressive vloggers don't exactly pack the same punch as those who talk about gassing and hanging non-whites, when it comes to vile rhetoric. And frankly I'm not sure I want to know too much about the inner workings of the mind of somebody who thinks there is some kind of equivilance (Trump's "both sides"?).
2019-10-15, 7:01 PM #897
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
So, wookie, since I'm somewhat familiar with TYT hatewatchers: is it the fact that TYT likes to rag on white people for shooting up schools?

I've hardly watched any of their content. My following them, to the extent that I follow them, was as I already stated due to the vile comments made about Dan Crenshaw.

Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
I agree that racebaiting is a petty and cheap way to get clicks, but do you really feel that much comradery with incels just because you belong to their racial tribe or something?

I actually didn't remember what incels stood for until they used the term and explained it to criticize Joker. I think it's a dumb term. I'm pretty sure people from all races have problems getting laid.

Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
At any rate, I think you just like the attention, because you and I both know that progressive vloggers don't exactly pack the same punch as those who talk about gassing and hanging non-whites, when it comes to vile rhetoric.

Well, I don't ever hear anything about hanging or gassing people. Thanks to Jon's research I guess you can go to stormfront. It does seem that progressive rhetoric is getting worse. It seems to be more acceptable to openly say certain things about abortion and eugenics than in the past but they do keep their racist beliefs much more quiet although I'm sure that most people that identify as progressive would be appalled to learn of the movements racist past.

Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
And frankly I'm not sure I want to know too much about the inner workings of the mind of somebody who thinks there is some kind of equivilance (Trump's "both sides"?).

Okay, my statement had a very specific context and if you aren't aware of the comments about Crenshaw made by the punk nephew of Cenk then that's what you're missing. Now, if you want to take a hard stance that there is a worse comment made by some white supremacist than Cenk's nephew praising a jihadist for penetrating Crenshaw's head with his genitalia then I won't argue that point. It's all vile rhetoric however one is made by a fringe group virtually universally condemned in civil society.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-10-15, 7:36 PM #898
Nobody loves blackface more than a white conservative, nobody hates blackface on Justin Trudeau more than a white conservative. Yawn.
2019-10-15, 8:58 PM #899
Like, there’s a fascinating discussion to be had about that problematic history of progressive movements. The successful division of white middle class second wave feminists from the black civil rights movement, even more modern issues like transphobia among LGB and feminists, just to offer some examples of the interesting things that we could discuss. But I just don’t see any point having that discussion with someone who doesn’t believe any of it actually matters and is only interested in using an alleged racist past to make a bad faith argument for his own racist present.
2019-10-21, 10:23 PM #900

So, the plot for this movie was leaked. I've read it. It sounded super dumb. Many people online refused to believe it, citing how absurd much of it was.

Well, this trailer directly confirms lots of details from the leak. So.. yeah.
2019-10-26, 11:12 AM #901
I think I watched a video about the leaks. Fortunately I have a very bad memory for stuff like this. Unless a spoiler is major, like Han Solo dies or something like that, I'm bound to forget it. Mr. H Reviews is pretty good about crapping all over a lot of stupid film making decisions. I'm still somewhat optimistic that this last film won't be worse than the two that came before it but I still think it's a really sad sendoff to the classic trilogy. When I think about the machete order for watching the films many people will say to omit The Phantom Menace. I would say just go ahead and watch it first but omit the final three films.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-10-29, 8:10 AM #902

Hmmm.. looks appeciably worse here. The action looks corny and a bit stilted, though it appears to be steady shots so at least there's that. But unfortunately it looks like Disney is literally incapable of anything original.. apparently freezing in carbonite is now just a thing bounty hunters do when it's clearly implied to be dangerous and untested in Ep. V.

Whatever, I'll still reluctantly watch it at some point I'm sure. I'll find a way not to pay Disney a cent though.
2019-10-29, 8:22 AM #903
I dunno, it looks like a Star Wars to me.

Whatever, I'll still reluctantly watch it at some point I'm sure.

Or why don't you don't.
2019-10-29, 8:23 AM #904
But if they dont do things from the original movies how will you remember you like star wars?
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2019-10-29, 8:33 AM #905
Looks like a visionary new series.
2019-10-29, 8:34 AM #906
I mean, don't get me wrong, when I saw the Bossks, I clapped. I also sez "Holy ****!" when IG-88 was there. When a woman finally appeared 2/3rd of the way through the trailer I rolled my eyes at that ***** Kathleen Kennedy. When LANDO showed up I was like wtFFFFFFfff.
2019-10-29, 9:00 AM #907
that was a bad post
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2019-10-29, 9:08 AM #908
Originally posted by saberopus:
I dunno, it looks like a Star Wars to me.

Or why don't you don't.

I probably wouldn't, but I know too many people who would, and I'd rather not be left out of the conversation. I'll pretend not to dislike it to keep social peace and will voice other thoughts online, as I do now.

Originally posted by saberopus:
I mean, don't get me wrong, when I saw the Bossks, I clapped. I also sez "Holy ****!" when IG-88 was there. When a woman finally appeared 2/3rd of the way through the trailer I rolled my eyes at that ***** Kathleen Kennedy. When LANDO showed up I was like wtFFFFFFfff.

I clapped when I saw these things TOO.

Originally posted by Spook:
But if they dont do things from the original movies how will you remember you like star wars?

Yeah, you know I wasn't sold on this Star Wars IP whatsoever until I saw something which reminded me of the OT. That was the moment when I awoke out of my diabetic coma and smashed that 'like' button. I may have clapped a bit.

Originally posted by Brian:
Looks like a visionary new series.

That's good. The trailer was only a cause for concern in my eyes, not a death knell at all. I have a bit of hope that the show will be pretty good though.
2019-10-29, 9:49 AM #909
You guys are weird why are you clapping at trailers

Do you clap when the store has your favorite Gatorade? Fools
former entrepreneur
2019-10-29, 10:21 AM #910
Originally posted by Eversor:
Do you clap when the store has your favorite Gatorade?

Yes. Seeing purple gatorade makes my day
2019-10-29, 10:37 AM #911
When I saw the purple gatorade, I gasped and teared up!
2019-10-29, 11:29 AM #912
Originally posted by saberopus:
When I saw the purple gatorade, I gasped and teared up!

but do you clap mother ****er
former entrepreneur
2019-10-29, 1:27 PM #913
Originally posted by Reid:

Hmmm.. looks appeciably worse here. The action looks corny and a bit stilted, though it appears to be steady shots so at least there's that. But unfortunately it looks like Disney is literally incapable of anything original.. apparently freezing in carbonite is now just a thing bounty hunters do when it's clearly implied to be dangerous and untested in Ep. V.

Whatever, I'll still reluctantly watch it at some point I'm sure. I'll find a way not to pay Disney a cent though.

I dunno, it sounds to me like you're looking at the trailer, looking at Star Wars, through tired eyes. It sounds like it's become a sort of... thing... a problem... a thing... whereas I actually think that trailer looked bloody awesome.
2019-10-29, 5:19 PM #914
It looks better than the Rise of Skywalker for sure. I mean, it looks like it at least tries to treat its source material better than whatever the hell the last sequel trilogy dumpster fire is doing.
2019-10-29, 5:27 PM #915
I just realized that the bald guy shooting all those lasers is Bill Burr.

Honestly, 14-year old me (think roughly when I first made my Massassi account...) would have thought it would be so awesome for a bounty hunter, non-Jedi focused show to come out. Something about a seasoned veteran of the seedy underworld of Star Wars, like my man Kyle. Now it's a reality, it just took the franchise to crap the bed first. But it's here!
2019-10-29, 6:23 PM #916
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
I dunno, it sounds to me like you're looking at the trailer, looking at Star Wars, through tired eyes. It sounds like it's become a sort of... thing... a problem... a thing... whereas I actually think that trailer looked bloody awesome.

No, don't get me wrong, it looks like possibly the only good Disney Star Wars thing so far. I'm just nervous seeing things like the carbonite because it might mean you'll get scenes like "Us bounty hunters started doing it after the LEGENDARY bounty hunter Boba Fett captured Han Solo with it at the cloud city!" You know, the kind of obnoxious OT references we're hoping this DOESN'T do.
2019-10-29, 6:26 PM #917
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
It looks better than the Rise of Skywalker for sure. I mean, it looks like it at least tries to treat its source material better than whatever the hell the last sequel trilogy dumpster fire is doing.

2019-10-29, 6:59 PM #918
Originally posted by Reid:
No, don't get me wrong, it looks like possibly the only good Disney Star Wars thing so far.

Solo and Rogue One were both okay
former entrepreneur
2019-10-29, 7:28 PM #919
If those two are a binary thumbs up or thumbs down I’m going thumbs up on both of ‘em. Thumbs down for Ep 7 and 8
former entrepreneur
2019-10-30, 7:02 AM #920
Same. I have plenty of criticisms of those two films but they were generally "not bad". Not Bad Thumbs Up.

Ep7 and 8, I did like plenty of things about and generally enjoyed watching them, but although they may be "not bad" in similar ways to Rogue One and Solo, they are sort of hamstrung on a fundamental level. Unfortunately.

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