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Anything Movies
2019-01-03, 12:43 AM #561
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:

das racist
2019-01-03, 9:30 AM #562
das the joke
2019-01-03, 12:36 PM #563
Also, I'm really getting annoyed by YouTube's algorithms these days.

1) I open a YT video. It might be something like "how to peel a tomato" or "here's Moogin' to you, kid", doesn't even matter.
2) On the right side of the screen, within the "recommended videos", there's something pertaining to The Last Jedi. Even though I usually try to use YouTube in "private/incognito mode", I guess having checked something Star Wars related in normal mode just brings up TLJ on YT at all times these days.
3) 9/10 times, I check the user page of whoever had made the TLJ video, and notice that his TLJ videos have millions of views, and the possible other non-TLJ videos have, like, 3.

(And yes, of course the TLJ videos are complaining about something)

I still have no interest in seeing the film, though. Nice try, YT algorithms trying to market the movie to me! Hoh-hoo!
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-01-03, 1:14 PM #564
Why TLJ was the movie we needed now (for ducks) (a woman ruined it because she has a vagina) [scowling drawing of man in corner of thumbnail]
2019-01-03, 3:56 PM #565
They made a terrible movie and then somehow made it alt right to criticize it. Kathleen Kennedy is probably funding all the hate videos so she can discredit OT fans that hate the new film because it's simply awful. The Last Jedi is so bad, in my opinion, that is has become a sort of litmus test for a person's intelligence. If you like the film then I figure it's likely we don't have much to talk about. Whether or not you like the film but compare it positively to Rogue One, I move to an area of the room with a higher concentration of oxygen.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-01-03, 4:27 PM #566
Two things.

1.) yes that’s what all movie studios are doing for all bad movies now.

2.) but that said, basically everybody still making Star Wars hate videos are ****ting up the place with “SJW”, dog whistle misogyny, and chauvinism. So while you don’t need to be alt right to hate TLJ (because almost everybody does) it’s appropriate and accurate to talk about the fact that the alt right is the only group that thinks it’s still important to ***** about.
2019-01-03, 4:52 PM #567
I actually don't get any TLJ hate videos suggested now. Primarily I used to get two particular YouTubers suggested to me. One I subscribed to and one I don't believe that I did. The one I subscribed to I don't believe is alt-right. I haven't watched enough of her videos to tell to be honest. Her channel is Mindless Entertainment. The other guy is kind of a get rich quick sort of guy that always has a Lamborghini in the background. He's not really a get rich quick guy but that's the sort of persona. Marketing and stuff sort of thing. Anyway, I was actually looking for reviews after I saw the film because I had some conflicted thoughts but I never really got into the hate videos and I haven't noticed them in my suggestions. That reminds me. I have a screenshot to upload.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-01-03, 5:19 PM #568
I thought that after more than a year, I would warm up to TLJ. But the more I think about that movie, the more I dislike it. I do like the Kylo Ren actor, Adam Driver, more from what I've seen so far... that's a positive. But I felt they completely wasted Benicio del Toro.

The casino parts are really off-putting as a whole the more I remember it. Preaching that sort of message with cartoony and patronizing caricatures of profiteers makes me want to take a shower, seriously. The ridiculousness of the scenes felt like it was a way for the criticism to be insulated from being pointed at Disney. Rian, why.

I've warmed up to Rogue One. I still wish it didn't suffer from studio meddling.
2019-01-03, 6:17 PM #569
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
I thought that after more than a year, I would warm up to TLJ. But the more I think about that movie, the more I dislike it. I do like the Kylo Ren actor, Adam Driver, more from what I've seen so far... that's a positive. But I felt they completely wasted Benicio del Toro.

Pay close attention to the acting whenever Rey and Kylo interact. Adam Driver's acting is just better than Daisy Ridley's. No offense to Daisy Ridley as a person, from the two seconds I've seen of her speaking she seems like a fine person, but her acting is amateurish. She can only manage a small range of facial expressions with very little subtlety, and overacts scenes far often. Like when she says "you've lost, I've found Skywalker", the delivery is just forced, unsubtle and.. bad.

Adam Driver is what makes Kylo Ren work. His deliveries have a large degree of subtlety. I can often infer inquisitiveness, hostility, amusement, other more nuanced emotions in his delivery which add a bit more texture to his character. You're given more to chew on.. because Adam Driver did half of the writing in his performance.

I used to think I liked Kylo Ren as a character. I realize now I just like Adam Driver as an actor.

Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
The casino parts are really off-putting as a whole the more I remember it. Preaching that sort of message with cartoony and patronizing caricatures of profiteers makes me want to take a shower, seriously. The ridiculousness of the scenes felt like it was a way for the criticism to be insulated from being pointed at Disney. Rian, why.

California rich white liberalism. Rian's social justice is the kind which only has a surface level understanding and depends on archetypal moustache-twirling economic villains than on a nuanced understanding of economics. I think the only people who found it convincing are the sort of people who think that's how our world works.

Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
I've warmed up to Rogue One. I still wish it didn't suffer from studio meddling.

It has problems, too, but at the very least you can't say it's pretentious. It achieves what it wants to be. I'll never get over whoever acted/animated Vader though.
2019-01-03, 6:20 PM #570
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
Also, I'm really getting annoyed by YouTube's algorithms these days.

1) I open a YT video. It might be something like "how to peel a tomato" or "here's Moogin' to you, kid", doesn't even matter.
2) On the right side of the screen, within the "recommended videos", there's something pertaining to The Last Jedi. Even though I usually try to use YouTube in "private/incognito mode", I guess having checked something Star Wars related in normal mode just brings up TLJ on YT at all times these days.
3) 9/10 times, I check the user page of whoever had made the TLJ video, and notice that his TLJ videos have millions of views, and the possible other non-TLJ videos have, like, 3.

(And yes, of course the TLJ videos are complaining about something)

I still have no interest in seeing the film, though. Nice try, YT algorithms trying to market the movie to me! Hoh-hoo!

The critiques on YouTube are so bad, too. People completely misunderstand why TLJ sucks. Though I'd take a criticism video over a defender video. The defenders of TLJ are the most braindead for sure.
2019-01-03, 6:24 PM #571
Originally posted by Reid:
I used to think I liked Kylo Ren as a character. I realize now I just like Adam Driver as an actor.

NB this could also be half how well Rian Johnson works with actors. I don't know his reputation for working well with them and don't care to, but that might factor into the performances.
2019-01-03, 11:49 PM #572
Originally posted by Reid:
The critiques on YouTube are so bad, too. People completely misunderstand why TLJ sucks. Though I'd take a criticism video over a defender video. The defenders of TLJ are the most braindead for sure.

Come to think of it, I've never had a TLJ defender video appear as a recommended video on YouTube - especially after watching "Dog chases its own fart in a sandcastle" and forgetting to turn off autoplay before that.

But yeah, a few years back (in most cases) you had to intentionally search for "annoying videos that are about as scathing and creative as a CS forum in 2001" to get these - not have YT automatically "recommend" them to you.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-01-04, 1:12 AM #573
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
Come to think of it, I've never had a TLJ defender video appear as a recommended video on YouTube - especially after watching "Dog chases its own fart in a sandcastle" and forgetting to turn off autoplay before that.

But yeah, a few years back (in most cases) you had to intentionally search for "annoying videos that are about as scathing and creative as a CS forum in 2001" to get these - not have YT automatically "recommend" them to you.

I'll tl;dr it for you: he takes a bunch of the weakest complaints about The Last Jedi and tells you they aren't bad. For 50 minutes. I can't recall any point of substance.

Re: youtube, yeah, we should all be concerned that big tech companies are seemingly fine with their platforms sliding content into political loonie land. Facebook and Youtube both do this. Is there something systemic we don't understand here?

I wonder if the serious part of the flat earth thing comes from people sliding into recommended youtube videos about it.
2019-01-04, 1:16 AM #574
The Last Jedi was good because the alt right hates it
2019-01-04, 1:26 AM #575
Also can I complain about the trend in Youtube editing of people cutting to something "sad" for humorous effect, usually with Simon & Garfunkel or Sarah McLachlan playing, and repeating the gag like 4-5 times in the video to make sure it's progressively less funny?

Like @7:42 in that video. Must not be my humor style. Didn't laugh, just is awkward and unfunny to me.
2019-01-04, 1:34 AM #576
Also, the worst defense of TLJ is that Holdo's actions aren't confusing, they actually are super logical because if you imagine she has reasons that weren't shown on screen, it makes sense. People actually argue that. That Holdo was worried about a traitor on board. He argues that in the video. I find this whole thing baffling. If you have to invent plot points to make the plot logical, then the film pretty much objectively failed.
2019-01-04, 1:34 AM #577
Originally posted by Jon`C:
The Last Jedi was good because the alt right hates it

Oh yeah. This is the subtext.
2019-01-04, 1:40 AM #578
Was Rian Johnson really clueless about Star Wars, or was he actually the nerdiest Star Wars fan ever!!! We justify everything in The Last Jedi by citing examples from 40 year old Del Rey books written by people who didn't give a **** about Star Wars either [1:40:33]
2019-01-06, 3:18 AM #579
BTW, Aquaman had this song in it:

I don't have anything creative to say. What were they thinking?
2019-01-06, 5:15 AM #580
Originally posted by Reid:
Re: youtube, yeah, we should all be concerned that big tech companies are seemingly fine with their platforms sliding content into political loonie land. Facebook and Youtube both do this. Is there something systemic we don't understand here?

In 2004 or so, all this present-day Internet crap existed in badly drawn webcomics (or their rants) on Keenspace OR on Counter-Strike forums and whatnot. Luckily, nobody really read them and you had to be some kind of a loon to even find them in the first place!

Nowadays YouTube just hands them to you regardless (hence my post).

I guess the silver lining is that in most of these "hey look yet another TLJ rant" cases, their other videos have about 0.5% of the TLJ videos' views and their Patreon pages are followed by 10 people at max. But since they managed to succeed in me making this rant, well, damn.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-01-07, 12:11 AM #581
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
In 2004 or so, all this present-day Internet crap existed in badly drawn webcomics (or their rants) on Keenspace OR on Counter-Strike forums and whatnot. Luckily, nobody really read them and you had to be some kind of a loon to even find them in the first place!

Nowadays YouTube just hands them to you regardless (hence my post).

I guess the silver lining is that in most of these "hey look yet another TLJ rant" cases, their other videos have about 0.5% of the TLJ videos' views and their Patreon pages are followed by 10 people at max. But since they managed to succeed in me making this rant, well, damn.

Yeah, it's concerning. I wonder the effect this is going to have on the next generation, who instead of being ignored to play PlayStation and smoke weed and being ignored to watch YouTube and smoke weed.
2019-01-07, 12:12 AM #582
BTW, why aren't more action movies made like the Bourne Identity? ****'s really good.
2019-01-07, 9:50 AM #583
Probably because the intersection of people who enjoy protracted sequences of tedium and people with highly discriminating taste is small.
2019-01-07, 11:52 AM #584
Because it's hard to find a whole crew of cameramen with Parkinson's
2019-01-07, 8:24 PM #585
^ +1
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-01-07, 8:30 PM #586
btw time to back up your G+ posts before they shut it down in a few months... to all of you that use G+ (i.e., nobody)
2019-01-07, 10:56 PM #587
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
btw time to back up your G+ posts before they shut it down in a few months... to all of you that use G+ (i.e., nobody)

The only people who used Google+ were Koobie and YOSPOS, and none of that stuff needs to be backed up.
2019-01-08, 12:29 AM #588
Originally posted by Steven:
Because it's hard to find a whole crew of cameramen with Parkinson's

Yeah, directing can be obnoxious at times. That's also why I mentioned the least offensive film of the series.

Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Probably because the intersection of people who enjoy protracted sequences of tedium and people with highly discriminating taste is small.

Not sure what you mean.
2019-01-08, 12:32 AM #589
Originally posted by Reid:
BTW, why aren't more action movies made like the Bourne Identity? ****'s really good.

Not even Bourne Identity managed to make an action movie like Bourne Identity. Especially the third one sucked major balls with the shaky cam just for the sake of using a shaky cam.
Sorry for the lousy German
2019-01-10, 8:23 AM #590
Shaky cam's a Greengrass thing, the first one doesn't really have it.

The fourth one is a big ol' cliched snooze.
2019-01-12, 2:20 PM #591
Originally posted by Reid:
Not sure what you mean.

Is there an incentive for Hollywood to make a really GOOD action movie, when the kind of people who like action movies seem to be OK with Hobbits fighting sharks with laser beams attached to their heads?

For example, if a really good human drama is made, you'll probably get rave reviews from intellectual and literary types in some pretentious publication. But what's the metric for a good action movie, besides audience satisfaction? And what if the audience is mostly OK with Transformers or Avatar or Star Trek: Beyond?

Maybe the best action movies are low-budget cult hits, like Terminator or even Star Wars? (OK, this last one was not exactly low budget.)
2019-01-15, 12:38 PM #592
I’m watching Solo on Netflix now that I don’t have to pay Disney directly to see it.

Heres some of my hot takes.

Wow this movie is dark. Crushed blacks dark. Not sure if they did it on purpose to cover up their prop quality or if it was an accident.

Do you know what else is dark? Making a caricature of feminism and the civil rights movement. That’s pretty ****in dark. I guess that’s one way to get in front of that Star Wars SJW stuff. Pretty consistent with selling fascism to kids too, so good job staying on brand Disney.
2019-01-15, 12:54 PM #593
Maybe I'll get around to watching that trainwreck (heh) this week.
2019-01-15, 1:02 PM #594
Originally posted by Reid:
Maybe I'll get around to watching that trainwreck (heh) this week.

D: thandie pls no
2019-01-15, 1:03 PM #595
Originally posted by Jon`C:

Do you know what else is dark? Making a caricature of feminism and the civil rights movement. That’s pretty ****in dark. I guess that’s one way to get in front of that Star Wars SJW stuff. Pretty consistent with selling fascism to kids too, so good job staying on brand Disney.

what, you don't think it's lol when the oppressed are a little too strident in their demands for equality?
2019-01-15, 1:10 PM #596
Star Jedi Wars
2019-01-15, 1:11 PM #597
****in' Sarlacc Jawa Womp-rats
2019-01-15, 1:20 PM #598
Originally posted by saberopus:
what, you don't think it's lol when the oppressed are a little too strident in their demands for equality?

Obviously, being oppressed is no excuse for violence or back-talk, they should work within the system and vote for change
2019-01-15, 1:24 PM #599
Originally posted by saberopus:
what, you don't think it's lol when the oppressed are a little too strident in their demands for equality?

Ben Shapiro OWNS libtard with FACTS and LOGIC
2019-01-15, 9:11 PM #600

under the brutal and unyielding yoke of the order obsessed fascistic Galactic Empire, which is somehow more tolerant of widespread organized crime than the Republic.


which is great because otherwise Han would have been a drug smuggler, and that isn’t as family friendly as smuggling space-plutonium and giving it to a bunch of terrorists.

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