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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Star Wars Episode 7: A New Attack of the Empire Strikes Revenge of the Return of Jedi
Star Wars Episode 7: A New Attack of the Empire Strikes Revenge of the Return of Jedi
2014-12-02, 9:47 AM #481
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
I really don't have to prove much more, the fact that the site you mentioned totally fabricated a story just because a competing site already had one (which turned out to be the real one) proves that they don't got any real insiders for Star Wars. Hell, I even came across a bad ass digest article where they admitted that making star wars had more information and details than they did.

You think that one of the most popular film discussion sites on the internet fabricated a story because they're afraid to lose hits to a fan-blog?
>>untie shoes
2014-12-02, 12:30 PM #482
Originally posted by Antony:
You think that one of the most popular film discussion sites on the internet fabricated a story because they're afraid to lose hits to a fan-blog?

Looks that way. Same day, same subject, different stories. One completely false. I'm guessing the people at badassdigest thought MSW was making their stuff up, and figured it wouldn't hurt to make stuff up themselves. Now it turns out that a huge amount of MSW stuff is turning out to be real.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2014-12-02, 1:07 PM #483
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Looks that way. Same day, same subject, different stories.

I never thought of it this way! That's surely the first time in the history of journalism that such a coincidence has transpired!

I'm guessing the people at badassdigest thought MSW was making their stuff up, and figured it wouldn't hurt to make stuff up themselves.

That's some nice wild speculation you've got going on there.

Now it turns out that a huge amount of MSW stuff is turning out to be real.

What? The trailer description they posted was accurate. There is absolutely no way to prove anything else is real.
>>untie shoes
2014-12-02, 2:22 PM #484
Having no reason to hate the new trailer, watching the painfully unfunny and pointless RLM video about it makes me think that the only reason I ever enjoyed Stoklasa's stuff on the prequels was that I'd already decided that I'd hated eps. 1,2, & 3, and just wanted reinforcement. I can only conclude that my amusement was not from genuine humor, but a spiteful sort of coping mechanism for my George Lucas hatred.
2014-12-02, 6:32 PM #485
Originally posted by Antony:
I never thought of it this way! That's surely the first time in the history of journalism that such a coincidence has transpired!

This isn't coincidence. It's simply an attempt to one up over someone else's blog. I won't claim that badassdigest is entirely like this, but when it comes to this film in particular, it's evident they're not in the know.

Originally posted by Antony:
That's some nice wild speculation you've got going on there.

You're stuck with either them not having real insiders and being fed B.S. and posting it or them making the B.S. up. What will it be?

Originally posted by Antony:
What? The trailer description they posted was accurate. There is absolutely no way to prove anything else is real.

They also confirmed that the SWU leaked concept of the dude with the crossbladed lightsaber and Revan mask was 100% legit, despite of a huge amount of people claiming it was false and fan made. There are other things that these guys were the first to report or confirm and hold on to fervently that the trailers revealed. Badassdigest doesn't really have that going for them.

Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Having no reason to hate the new trailer, watching the painfully unfunny and pointless RLM video about it makes me think that the only reason I ever enjoyed Stoklasa's stuff on the prequels was that I'd already decided that I'd hated eps. 1,2, & 3, and just wanted reinforcement. I can only conclude that my amusement was not from genuine humor, but a spiteful sort of coping mechanism for my George Lucas hatred.

RLM doesn't really have a case here, besides it's just a trailer. I wonder what the review will be once the film is released.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2014-12-02, 8:14 PM #486
You are a moron.
>>untie shoes
2014-12-02, 8:18 PM #487
First of all, there is absolutely nothing that suggests the lightsaber wielding character has a mask on, and second of all, stop acting like you're some kind of goddamn expert in the world of film journalism.

I'm more inclined to believe a website run by a writer who has a years-long reputation of reliability in regard to exclusive scoops than I am some cheap-ass blog that primarily reposts stuff from other sites.
>>untie shoes
2014-12-03, 8:37 AM #488
This argument is not as entertaining as I hoped. Perhaps you guys can spice things up by talking about each other perceived shortcomings in life or even in the bedroom.
2014-12-03, 9:00 AM #489
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
This argument is not as entertaining as I hoped. Perhaps you guys can spice things up by talking about each other perceived shortcomings in life or even in the bedroom.

Hero post!
Magrucko Daines and the Crypt of Crola (2007)
Magrucko Daines and the Dark Youth (2010)
Magrucko Daines and the Vertical City (2016)
2014-12-03, 3:14 PM #490
Originally posted by Antony:
First of all, there is absolutely nothing that suggests the lightsaber wielding character has a mask on, and second of all, stop acting like you're some kind of goddamn expert in the world of film journalism.

I'm more inclined to believe a website run by a writer who has a years-long reputation of reliability in regard to exclusive scoops than I am some cheap-ass blog that primarily reposts stuff from other sites.

I am not pretending to be an expert on anything, I'm just stating the undeniably obvious. Your moronic obsession with defending a website that basically posts anything, to increase traffic and revenue, is simply astounding, and is probably nothing more than just simply bias because you can't accept loosing an argument with me. You can't even seem to form comprehensible arguments to challenge my own, and have resorted to false assumptions. Why don't you actually go around and ask people on different movie forums what they think of the site, you'll probably be surprised that there is a large number of people who dislike some of the authors of badassdigest and publicly call them out on false journalism for the sake of driving traffic (namely Devin Faraci is accused of this).
Nothing to see here, move along.
2014-12-03, 4:12 PM #491
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
I am not pretending to be an expert on anything

Yes you are.

, I'm just stating the undeniably obvious.


Your moronic obsession with defending a website that basically posts anything

A website that posts a maximum of about 5x per day...

to increase traffic and revenue

I imagine their partnership with Alamo Drafthouse does that just fine.

is simply astounding, and is probably nothing more than just simply bias because you can't accept loosing an argument with me.

I'm biased toward my point of view? Man, you really should moderate a discussion between Jon`C and Wookie06 with observation skills so strong.

You can't even seem to form comprehensible arguments to challenge my own, and have resorted to false assumptions.

Please be specific.

Why don't you actually go around and ask people on different movie forums what they think of the site

For the same reason I don't ask the opinions of YouTube commenters.

you'll probably be surprised that there is a large number of people who dislike some of the authors of badassdigest

I absolutely would not be surprised about that, because I already know it. Strangely, there are a large number of people who dislike a large number of people. That seems to almost be a universal thing.

and publicly call them out on false journalism

I don't think you know what false journalism is... Either that or you're perceiving any inaccuracy as an outright fabrication, which is pretty tinfoil.

for the sake of driving traffic (namely Devin Faraci is accused of this).

That's really weird. A guy who primarily writes film analysis is accused of false journalism. So you mean there are people out there who contend that he is lying about his opinion on films? SCANDAL!
>>untie shoes
2014-12-04, 8:04 AM #492
I like this new Star Wars: Episode VII teaser trailer.

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-12-04, 9:54 PM #493
Like, does anyone know the name of those actors? I wonder what the plot is gonna be about now.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-12-05, 6:41 AM #494
Welp, seems as good a time as any to fess up... I'm Jason Court. It's me, guys. I'm back into acting, back into Star Wars. I bribed J.J. Abrams w/ some fine Pinot Noir (natch!) and I can be your hero again.
2014-12-05, 1:47 PM #495
Now that the teaser trailer is about a week old and has settled in, I will say I got more appreciative of the short preview after some time thinking about it. When I first saw it, I thought the brief beginning scene with the narration, an empty desert shot and that guy popping was awkward. Was it that guy who was awakening? Why start it off with a Stormie stumbling around? But any other teaser could have started off with a sci-fi spectacle, and I kinda like how the first thing to fire off the trailer is a character doing something instead of the effects; the desert in background is remarkably plain.
2014-12-06, 7:43 AM #496
Agreed, Echofella.
2014-12-06, 10:51 AM #497
2014-12-06, 10:52 AM #498

(N.b.: This post is a duplicate of a post that he has posted in the last five minutes. Sincerely, VBulletin.)
2014-12-10, 3:14 PM #499

(or more festively Echo-lalala-lala-la-la)
2014-12-10, 3:17 PM #500
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-12-11, 4:17 PM #501
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2014-12-11, 4:29 PM #502
2014-12-11, 6:13 PM #503
2014-12-11, 9:22 PM #504
What's with all this echophilia?
2014-12-11, 10:30 PM #505
2014-12-12, 5:48 AM #506
2014-12-12, 5:48 AM #507
2014-12-12, 6:25 AM #508

Quick, everyone complain about the names.
>>untie shoes
2014-12-12, 6:31 AM #509
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-12-12, 9:55 AM #510
Originally posted by Antony:

2014-12-12, 1:44 PM #511
Originally posted by Antony:

Couldn't be as cheesy as Hans Solo and Luke Skywalker, though.
2014-12-12, 8:56 PM #512
Finn is actually pretty respectable, and Poe Dameron borders on classy.

The real question is whether the Rebels will have made enough progress by this time to have non-male fighter pilots.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-12-12, 11:28 PM #513
In an American high-budget feature film?

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-12-13, 3:55 AM #514
Originally posted by Dormouse:
Finn is actually pretty respectable, and Poe Dameron borders on classy.

The real question is whether the Rebels will have made enough progress by this time to have non-male fighter pilots.

There's not going to be a female character apart from Leia and this Rey lassie that isn't a slave and you know it.

2014-12-13, 5:47 AM #515
You think they cast Gwendolyn Christie to have her play a slave?
>>untie shoes
2014-12-13, 9:36 AM #516
2014-12-13, 12:38 PM #517

[Also I have no idea who that is and never noticed her in the casting.]
2015-04-16, 11:10 AM #518

Erections have been strong in my family. My father has it. I have it. My sister has-

wait, what.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2015-04-16, 11:19 AM #519
His "sister" totally has it.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2015-04-16, 2:58 PM #520
my favorite part was when star wars flew into the engines of that wrecked ship! Han Yolo~~

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