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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Star Wars Episode 7: A New Attack of the Empire Strikes Revenge of the Return of Jedi
Star Wars Episode 7: A New Attack of the Empire Strikes Revenge of the Return of Jedi
2015-05-06, 3:47 PM #641
Yes. And that one person is one post above you.

[edit: damn 17th page]
2015-05-06, 10:59 PM #642
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
Yes. And that one person is one post above you.

[edit: damn 17th page]

Oh, right. He's creating his own videoconferencing software.

I nearly forgot that SF_Gold is capable of one-man workflow that makes Dr. Manhattan look like he has downs.
>>untie shoes
2015-05-07, 7:26 AM #643
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2015-05-07, 7:45 AM #644
FGR you ****nugget
2015-05-07, 8:55 AM #645
That should never happen. That was just bad FGR!

(Now that I am done being mad, I am laughing my head off.)
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2015-05-07, 9:05 AM #646
This thread is a trainwreck.
2015-05-07, 3:35 PM #647
Originally posted by Baconfish:
This thread is a trainwreck.

So nobody is interested in them Star Wars anymore?
Nothing to see here, move along.
2015-05-07, 11:43 PM #648
Originally posted by Jon`C:
You get promoted to management by being good at your current non-management job. Which, actually, is worse than promoting at random like you suggest.

Because engineers don't make decent managers?

Originally posted by Gebohq:
You beat me to the punch.

Originally posted by Antony:
Hogwash. Don't you guys know that elaborate software is routinely written by a single person?

Yes, it is. Very much so.

I mean actually sitting down and writing code
2015-05-07, 11:46 PM #649
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
So nobody is interested in them Star Wars anymore?

It's not like there's a whole lot new to discuss, until the film is released
2015-05-08, 8:06 AM #650
Originally posted by Reid:
Because engineers don't make decent managers?
Engineering and management are very different jobs with completely different skillsets. You can't use past job performance to predict how well a new manager is going to do.

I mean actually sitting down and writing code

Which comes after a buttload of teamwork to understand what to code, and before a buttload of teamwork to figure out it what was coded was enough, and is only solitary if you choose not to use pair programming.
2015-05-08, 8:35 AM #651
Originally posted by Reid:
I mean actually sitting down and writing code

Since Jon`C already said it better, I'll just add that, with your logic, a football player isn't a team player when they're actually on the field and moving about.

Also, I'm now curious about Jon`C's thoughts on the Agile methodology and what personal experiences (if any) he's had with it as far as its ups and downs. If you haven't had any, Jon`C, no need to talk about theory or data out there -- I'm fairly familiar with it.

Er... and uh... how that relates to Episode 7. Yes. <.<
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2015-05-08, 9:13 AM #652
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Engineering and management are very different jobs with completely different skillsets. You can't use past job performance to predict how well a new manager is going to do.

I don't think you're wrong, but I doubt that an engineer couldn't be a great manager with some induction into the position. My clients have engineers in management positions who are doing just fine in those capacities.

Regarding EP7, did anyone post the whole Vanity Fair photos? Why don't we talk about the rumors, speculation that is running around? Is Kylo Ren a Skywalker? Does Luke only appear at the end of the film for about 30-40 secs? Does Han bite the dust along with the Falcon?
Nothing to see here, move along.
2015-05-08, 11:22 AM #653
2015-05-08, 11:24 AM #654
In serious though, these Ace Attorney things only remind me that I still have Adobe Flash. In this day and age, should I just purge Flash from my system?
2015-05-08, 11:31 AM #655
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Regarding EP7, did anyone post the whole Vanity Fair photos? Why don't we talk about the rumors, speculation that is running around? Is Kylo Ren a Skywalker? Does Luke only appear at the end of the film for about 30-40 secs? Does Han bite the dust along with the Falcon?

I don't really think anyone here is that interested in discussing such things. I think as we've gotten older, that kind of fan-wanking, as fun and harmless as is can be, has seemed increasingly pointless to a lot of us. I think there will be interest in talking about things once there are substantial things to talk about, AKA once the film is released. How much meaningful, accurate, or interesting speculation can we really squeeze out of teasers and promo images?

On second thought, probably a decent amount, but that still holds little appeal for me.
2015-05-08, 11:55 AM #656
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Is Kylo Ren a Skywalker? Does Luke only appear at the end of the film for about 30-40 secs? Does Han bite the dust along with the Falcon?

We don't know, we don't know, and we don't know.

End of discussion.
>>untie shoes
2015-05-08, 1:01 PM #657
Originally posted by Gebohq:
Also, I'm now curious about Jon`C's thoughts on the Agile methodology and what personal experiences (if any) he's had with it as far as its ups and downs. If you haven't had any, Jon`C, no need to talk about theory or data out there -- I'm fairly familiar with it.

What data?

Most of my experience is in leadership roles. I've had good results with big-A agile. I've also had good results with scrummerfall. Process doesn't have much of an impact as long as you choose one that's not violently incompatible with your team and the product you're building.

Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
I don't think you're wrong, but I doubt that an engineer couldn't be a great manager with some induction into the position. My clients have engineers in management positions who are doing just fine in those capacities.

Engineering and management are very different roles and you cannot assume someone will be good at one just because they're good at the other.

The only thing you can say for sure is that promoting a great engineer will make him worse at engineering, because they won't have time to do the job anymore.
2015-05-08, 1:03 PM #658
I agree with the filthy, crusty sex-craved animal that is Antony. Speculation on this sort of things always turn out false and ruins hopes. Rumors for Episode VII have been going for more than a decade.

I just hope Massassi will stay online at least till Christmas of this year so we can end with b*tching and moaning (maybe even praising?) the new movie like manchildren. We gotta go out on a low, low note!
2015-05-08, 1:36 PM #659
2015-05-08, 1:42 PM #660
**** you, Echoman. I am not crusty.
>>untie shoes
2015-05-08, 2:12 PM #661
Originally posted by Jon`C:
What data?

Most of my experience is in leadership roles. I've had good results with big-A agile. I've also had good results with scrummerfall. Process doesn't have much of an impact as long as you choose one that's not violently incompatible with your team and the product you're building.

"Data" was not the most accurate word I could have used. I mostly meant that I've read other people's thoughts and observations, and I wanted to hear your personal experience versus you linking to others. I had asked because I consider myself an Agile fanboy, and since I also aim to look for the negative scenarios, I'm interested to figure out the whats and whys of when the methodology doesn't work, or where it lacks, as well as where it does work. Thank you for providing your personal experience.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2015-05-08, 2:53 PM #662
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Which comes after a buttload of teamwork to understand what to code, and before a buttload of teamwork to figure out it what was coded was enough, and is only solitary if you choose not to use pair programming.

Originally posted by Gebohq:
Since Jon`C already said it better, I'll just add that, with your logic, a football player isn't a team player when they're actually on the field and moving about.

I stand corrected
2015-05-08, 4:39 PM #663
Originally posted by Gebohq:
"Data" was not the most accurate word I could have used. I mostly meant that I've read other people's thoughts and observations, and I wanted to hear your personal experience versus you linking to others. I had asked because I consider myself an Agile fanboy, and since I also aim to look for the negative scenarios, I'm interested to figure out the whats and whys of when the methodology doesn't work, or where it lacks, as well as where it does work. Thank you for providing your personal experience.

For one, Agile is a family of processes, not a methodology. And most little-a agile practices are universally good, like CI and velocity tracking, even when (especially when?) you aren't using an agile process.

Big-a Agile processes are best when you can have relatively short sprints and can pivot quickly enough to benefit from stakeholder collocation. When tasks get too long/complicated your sprints have to be longer to mitigate churn in your burn down rate, and long sprints mean more risk which means more effort into planning and risk management - unfortunate, but software is still a business. A lot of agile junkies like to argue that big tasks/sprints mean your stories are too long, but IRL a lot of seemingly atomic development tasks just end up requiring a lot of planning and a lot of time, especially when you're dealing with changes to non-functional requirements.

There are also products where your requirements are negotiated in advance and simply aren't going to change, so adding rules and roles based on staying responsive to changing requirements is adding pointless make-work and cognitive burden for no gain.

Like I said, you have to find what works best for your team and your product. Being a die hard fan of Agile processes is fine, as long as you recognize that the appeal has a horizon.
2015-05-08, 5:12 PM #664
Originally posted by Jon`C:
For one, Agile is a family of processes, not a methodology.

"1. a set or system of methods, principles, and rules for regulating a given discipline, as in the arts or sciences."

A "family of processes" sounds pretty synonymous with a methodology to me. Could you elaborate?
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Being a die hard fan of Agile processes is fine, as long as you recognize that the appeal has a horizon.

Systems are rarely perfect if it they fall into human hands. I'm quite aware that I'm a comrade of the Communist party, and at the same time, I'm not about to die for it. :P
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2015-05-08, 6:07 PM #665
Originally posted by Gebohq:

A "family of processes" sounds pretty synonymous with a methodology to me. Could you elaborate?
process/methodology has a special meaning in software. There is no Agile process. However, there are many Agile processes (scrum kanban xp etc). Saying you practice Agile is like saying you play Sport.

Systems are rarely perfect if it they fall into human hands. I'm quite aware that I'm a comrade of the Communist party, and at the same time, I'm not about to die for it. :P
except unlike communism there is no perfect ideal software lifecycle that fails only through human imperfection.

If you're working on the f35 and gathering requirements every 2 weeks you are no joke doing your job wrong
2015-05-08, 6:18 PM #666
Yeah, alright.

Back to the actual thread topic, I do feel the latest trailer-teaser was the one they should have opened with first. I'm curious what my nephew and niece-to-be will think of Episode 7 and if they'll think of it any differently than the movies that came before it, presuming they get into Star Wars at all (the nephew isn't /quite/ old enough yet to be watching any of them).
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2015-05-08, 7:26 PM #667
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2015-05-08, 7:58 PM #668
Originally posted by gbk:

2015-05-11, 9:33 PM #669
Originally posted by Gebohq:
Yeah, alright.

Back to the actual thread topic, I do feel the latest trailer-teaser was the one they should have opened with first. I'm curious what my nephew and niece-to-be will think of Episode 7 and if they'll think of it any differently than the movies that came before it, presuming they get into Star Wars at all (the nephew isn't /quite/ old enough yet to be watching any of them).

I am increasingly becoming skeptical. I get the feeling the movie will be a big let down. Lots of things are pointing to Luke being only in one final scene (no action, maybe even little to no dialogue), Han getting killed towards the end of Act 2, Leia having a minor role (not to bothered by this). I know this new trilogy is about passing the torch to the next generation, but seriously, we won't get to see the big 3 in one scene again for a last time? That is an amazing let down and disappointment. A wasted opportunity.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2015-05-11, 9:40 PM #670
So what you're saying is that you're disappointed that the movie might not be 100% fan service, and won't give you exactly what you thought a new Star Wars movie should be?

I know that when I see a new movie, I'm usually really upset if it isn't just a bunch of stuff I've already seen before. :rolleyes:

Here's a swell idea, Gold: If you want to see a Star Wars movie that's about Luke, Leia, and Han going on adventures and getting involved in action scenes, there are three movies like that which have been around for a really long time.
>>untie shoes
2015-05-11, 9:44 PM #671
As the general attitude toward Star Wars changes from skepticism to optimism, based on numerous positive reports and every indication that JJ Abrams understands the world and is doing everything in his power to make a good Star Wars movie, our Mexican gangbanger-ninja-game-developer-travel-agent-videographer-software-tycoon is upset that it won't have enough action scenes featuring senior citizens.
>>untie shoes
2015-05-11, 10:51 PM #672
Or instead you'll see a film that sucked up to Harrison Ford (kill the character off, no shared screen time with Mark Hamill, make me the most prominent OT character of the film )just so that they could have Han Solo once again (because Hamill stupidly said he wouldn't do it without Harrison). Instead it should called STAR WARS: HARRISON'S EGO TRIP.

For what it's worth, I don't think the film suck. It will do fine. The tone is right, the visuals are correct, the action will be fantastic, and the story will probably be involving. I just wish the OT characters could have been more involved and slowly phased out in the next two films.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2015-05-12, 7:40 AM #673
I like how in one post you complain that the movie won't have enough of the original trilogy cast in it, and in the next you purport that the entire movie is compromised to appease one of them. Seems logical.

Also, you don't know what the tone of the movie is yet.
>>untie shoes
2015-05-12, 8:17 AM #674
Working you self into a damn tizzy like a teenaged girl waiting by a phone.

Son, you don't know **** about ****. And even if your "sources" (i.e. tabloids) aren't wrong this time, its just a dumb kids movie from a series that anybody with a brain already wrote off 15 years ago, so whether it's going to suck or not isn't worth having a public spaz attack.

bush did 9/11
2015-05-12, 8:22 AM #675
proton torpedoes can't melt death star beams
2015-05-12, 8:26 AM #676
I liked ESB, ANH, ROTS, ROTJ (yes, in that order) and from what I've seen of this film (as in, all of it, I am J.J. Abrams' Pet Finn), it has a lot of potential to be greater than TPM, AOTC and even ROTS.

If it won't be, shames will be had, and even if it is; I'll never feel ashamed over liking Star Wars.

Before any of that, there's TODOA.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2015-05-12, 10:05 AM #677
Originally posted by Antony:
I like how in one post you complain that the movie won't have enough of the original trilogy cast in it, and in the next you purport that the entire movie is compromised to appease one of them. Seems logical.

Also, you don't know what the tone of the movie is yet.

The tone is mostly dystopian. Nobody lived happily ever after. If anything, everyone lost more than they gained after Endor. Pretty much, ROTJ will become anti climatic. The Jedi rose only to be crushed (again), Luke went into exile, the skywalker lineage is again tainted by the dark side.

Killing off Han Solo isn't what is going to ruin the film (for me), because it makes sense. Harrison is old, likely to die before the trilogy is finished, his character's death at the hand of the villain is fine for bringing a sense of darkness and danger to the film, and will pull on the emotional strings of the audience. Maybe keeping Luke away from Han will make it even more tragic, as it gives him a push in the right direction to step out of his exile and take action. Who knows, if properly executed, the film will work, but at a first glance, it sounds dissapointing.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2015-05-12, 11:10 AM #678
no u
2015-05-12, 11:30 AM #679
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
The tone is mostly dystopian. Nobody lived happily ever after. If anything, everyone lost more than they gained after Endor. Pretty much, ROTJ will become anti climatic. The Jedi rose only to be crushed (again), Luke went into exile, the skywalker lineage is again tainted by the dark side.

Killing off Han Solo isn't what is going to ruin the film (for me), because it makes sense. Harrison is old, likely to die before the trilogy is finished, his character's death at the hand of the villain is fine for bringing a sense of darkness and danger to the film, and will pull on the emotional strings of the audience. Maybe keeping Luke away from Han will make it even more tragic, as it gives him a push in the right direction to step out of his exile and take action. Who knows, if properly executed, the film will work, but at a first glance, it sounds dissapointing.

Once again, you don't know what the tone is. I'm starting to think this is because you don't actually know what tone is. Suggesting that you understand the movie's tone based on a very loose description of the plot, and based on two trailers is absolutely hilarious. Here's an idea for you: Go read a basic plot synopsis of TPM, then watch the trailer for it and tell me what the tone is. You don't know what the tone is. I don't know what the tone is. Hell, Abrams probably doesn't entirely know what the tone is yet. I'm sure he knows the tone he's looking for, but that's not really how it always ends up. You'll know the tone of the movie when you're sitting in the theater watching it, and not one minute before.

Now, beyond that, you're talking about out-of-context plot points and whether they will make the movie good or not. And the suggestion that Abrams and Co will opt to kill Han Solo for practical reasons outside of the narrative of the film is utterly laughable.

The only part of what you're saying here that isn't dumb is "At first glance". That's all you have, Gold, is a first glance. What you're doing is setting yourself up to be disappointed. You're taking bits of plot, setting, etc... and playing a game of mad libs with them. You know a handful of details and you're extrapolating the rest, so you'll go into seeing the movie with this preconception of what you think it should be, or what you think it's going to be, and when it isn't that you'll end up pissed off.

This kind of baseless speculation is not only stupid, but it's actively detrimental to your enjoyment of the movie.
>>untie shoes
2015-05-12, 11:33 AM #680
Oh, and if you want proof of the idea that your baseless speculation is going to ruin the movie, I need only to direct you to the dumb **** you're posting here. You are already pissed off that the movie isn't what you think it should be, and you don't even know what the **** it is yet.
>>untie shoes

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