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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Star Wars Episode 7: A New Attack of the Empire Strikes Revenge of the Return of Jedi
Star Wars Episode 7: A New Attack of the Empire Strikes Revenge of the Return of Jedi
2014-06-03, 7:58 AM #241
it was the will of the Force, nub
2014-06-03, 8:17 AM #242
Apparently now we're getting some true Millennium Falcon shots
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-06-03, 6:22 PM #243
...and information blackout is on! Goodbye, Massassi. I am accomplishing this by putting you all on ignore.
2014-06-03, 6:56 PM #244
This is one weird looking X-Wing type.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2014-06-03, 8:46 PM #245

Looks more like a Z95 to me.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-06-03, 8:57 PM #246
I don't think that starfighter is functional. It has the engines of a Clone Z-95, but apparently the quad-wing design of an X-wing (notice the blasters) as well. The s-foils would never be able to open.
2014-06-03, 9:03 PM #247
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
I don't think that starfighter is functional. It has the engines of a Clone Z-95, but apparently the quad-wing design of an X-wing (notice the blasters) as well. The s-foils would never be able to open.

Unless maybe the rotation for the s-foil deployment is a track around the manifold of the engines.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-06-04, 5:15 AM #248
It's not a regular Z95, in any case.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2014-06-04, 7:52 AM #249
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
It's not a regular Z95, in any case.

Or maybe its just a newer more advanced standardized x-wing for the New Republic... maybe Luke traded his in for a newer one... and just MAYBE he might be forced to going back to his original OT X-wing.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2014-06-04, 11:39 AM #250
oh my gosh you guys
2014-06-04, 8:11 PM #251
Originally posted by saberopus:
oh my gosh you guys

Get out. If we can't have this debate on a forum for a site about editing Star Wars video games, where can we?!
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-06-04, 8:53 PM #252
One of the things that put me off of the prequel trilogy is the fact that it never established any iconic ship designs. I think it tried to show a gradual evolution, but it didn't really work, and most of the time it was impossible to tell what ship was on what side.

So I hope that's either a one-off Ugly or something that'll be in all three movies.
2014-06-04, 9:44 PM #253

I hope that somebody has an underlying vision for the new trilogy, so that we don't get a vacuum of creativity that just gets filled with rehashed props, plot devices, motifs, etc.. For this reason, it's probably a really good thing that they ditched the EU.

That said, we can probably count on having:

  • a John Williams score with no less than 50% rehashed from the O.T.. Not such a bad thing!
  • Apparently some kind of rehashed X-Wing? I think it would be cool if that was just Luke's personal ship or something, and the other pilots got something new and different.

Things I hope we don't see:
  • Rows of stormtroopers with modified helmets all shooting at once
  • A bunch of 12 year olds running around with kid-sized lightsabers
  • A second Death Star (Whoops!)

Things we probably won't have to see:
  • People in robes talking in a monotone in front of a blue screen?

That said, as long as they come up with some kind of distinctive, memorable plot, no matter how silly or weird, and the directing is good, it will still be better than the prequels, which seemed pointless and hence boring.
2014-06-04, 9:49 PM #254
Originally posted by Jon`C:
and most of the time it was impossible to tell what ship was on what side.

Plus, it was hard to know (or care) about the significance / purpose of the battle the ships appeared in in the first place.

It just seemed like 75% of the prequels were just CGI filler.
2014-06-05, 4:57 AM #255
It would help if the prequels illustrated a reason the care about the conflict. Disposable clones vs droids, with the Jedi counsel acting as some sort of space version of the IRS associated with the space Senate. Little guys vs the big guys, bad vs evil, nothing like that to help differentiate all involved. The war seemed like an angry blob of interested parties with smaller parties tagged along via contractual agreements (e.g. the CIS), with main players named as "Trade Federation" as opposed to the OT's "The Empire".

Would it be sensible to view the prequel conflict, the Clone Wars, as a warped echo of WWI...but in space?
2014-06-05, 5:11 AM #256
I've watched both of the new J.J. Abrams Star Trek movies and cringed whenever good ol's boy Nimoy showed up on the screen as the titular "Star Trek thing" Spock. I've been meaning to ask: should I be confident that I will not cringe into a paralysis state when the old actors (that's 'actors' with a 's') of OT show up in the new movies to drive the plot?
2014-06-05, 7:09 AM #257
This thread so reminds me that the things that bothered most other people in the prequels didn't bother me at all. But alas!

Here's hoping Dr. Who? will make a cameo in the film.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-06-05, 7:17 AM #258
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
It would help if the prequels illustrated a reason the care about the conflict. Disposable clones vs droids, with the Jedi counsel acting as some sort of space version of the IRS associated with the space Senate. Little guys vs the big guys, bad vs evil, nothing like that to help differentiate all involved. The war seemed like an angry blob of interested parties with smaller parties tagged along via contractual agreements (e.g. the CIS), with main players named as "Trade Federation" as opposed to the OT's "The Empire".

Would it be sensible to view the prequel conflict, the Clone Wars, as a warped echo of WWI...but in space?

One thing that's actually been much apparent to me upon rewatching the original trilogy and working through The Clone Wars is how vague/unsupported/justified the reason for the war really is. It's only "good versus evil" insofar as the Sith arbitrarily support one side and the Jedi arbitrarily support the other side. It's especially ironic/unsettling after the reveal that actually BOTH SIDES are headed by Sith Lords.

The Republic generates an infinite supply of human clones for the sole purpose of being slaughtered in battle, while the Separatists just use droids (or dare I say "drones") for the same attrition. Even with the EI/soulishness seen/simulated in some droids, that's still a pretty knotty moral discrepancy.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-06-05, 8:35 AM #259
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
I've watched both of the new J.J. Abrams Star Trek movies and cringed whenever good ol's boy Nimoy showed up on the screen as the titular "Star Trek thing" Spock. I've been meaning to ask: should I be confident that I will not cringe into a paralysis state when the old actors (that's 'actors' with a 's') of OT show up in the new movies to drive the plot?

I'm terrified that Harrison Ford is just going to sleepwalk through it like he has all his recent movies. :-| He's not a charmer anymore, he's a curmudgeon. Clint Eastwood Lite. Maybe Han Solo can wear a printed t-shirt under his iconic vest that says "I'd rather be in Jackson Hole."
2014-06-05, 9:32 AM #260
I read somewhere that he hasn't taken his role in Star Wars seriously since ESB.
2014-06-05, 9:43 AM #261
I like how people are always complaining about how the prequels are nothing but CGI and how they need more practical effects. Nevermind the fact that Mustafar was created with the largest miniature set in the history of film. Nah, it's all CGI, right?
>>untie shoes
2014-06-05, 10:04 AM #262
Antony, I know you don't buy all of what this guy says, but having just re-watched the the Plinkett review of RotS, I am inclined to blame the boringness of the CGI scenes on the direction as well.

Stoklasa uses behind-the-scenes footage to demonstrate that far too much of the prequels were filmed with two people sitting down or strolling in front of a green screen, with the CGI (and editing) created after, to accommodate the shot. The result is that the audience (and very often the actors as well!) don't really give a damn about what's happening around them.
2014-06-05, 10:08 AM #263
I don't agree with what he says because he's a pedantic jerkoff who is only popular because he's created a one man public echo chamber for the majority of Star Wars fans to hear someone drone on about how something they hate really is totes bad for all these reasons which make him sound super smart, you guys.
>>untie shoes
2014-06-05, 10:15 AM #264
Fair enough. Nevertheless, he does make some valid criticisms of G.L.'s style of writing / directing, giving short shrift to dialog, and then having the actors read it academically in front of a green screen.

Probably my biggest criticism of the dual on Mustafar would be Obi-Wan's finishing move on Anakin, which is clearly taken from Kyle's finishing move on Jerec.
2014-06-05, 10:19 AM #265
Interestingly enough, one of the movie's Stoklasa cites as having better used the location / set to create a more dynamic scene involving the actors is a J.J. Abrams Star Trek scene. :)
2014-06-05, 10:22 AM #266
I will concede that one can almost certainly take any film in existence and nitpick it to death. So the content of those Plinkett reviews alone isn't really a proof that 'teh prequels r suck'.

Nevertheless, nitpicking aside, his basic point (that the prequels were harmed because it seems like nobody really challenged G.L.) is kind of hard to refute IMO.
2014-06-05, 10:38 AM #267
The reason I hate his reviews is not just because he's a nit picker. It's because he's the polar opposite of concise. He drones on and on and on about it when he's just making the same damned point over and over again.

It's amusing to watch a guy a guy who can't seem to effectively get a simple point across in a timely manner criticize Attack of the Clones for pacing issues.
>>untie shoes
2014-06-05, 10:40 AM #268
Whoever invented the whole "Internet review show with a stupid premise/backstory" spiel needs to die in a fire, though.

* This Guy reviews 1985 VHS cassettes from South-East Asia, BUT HE ALSO HAS TROUBLE EXPRESSING HIS FEELINGS TO HIS ANTHROPOMORPHIC SUITCASE. And on tonight's episode, his thoughts on Star Tracks: Umpire Strikes Bat.

* Louis XIV has been revived as the chairman of the Liberal Party of Canada and he's having trouble expressing himself in the 2010s, which is why he'll critique reviews made by other Internet personalities. Today, he'll shed light on why and how Plinkett is mostly irrelevant.

* And from the people who think Div from Penny Arcade is funny: Krokodile XVII has to review mods for old games since otherwise his alcoholic lawnmower Orbach will sleep with his wife (and even then someone's gonna do her anyway). In this week's episode, Kroko proves why all the problems in TODOA can be traced back to the wrench puzzle.

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-06-05, 10:48 AM #269
Originally posted by Antony:
The reason I hate his reviews is not just because he's a nit picker. It's because he's the polar opposite of concise. He drones on and on and on about it when he's just making the same damned point over and over again.

It's amusing to watch a guy a guy who can't seem to effectively get a simple point across in a timely manner criticize Attack of the Clones for pacing issues.

Okay, you've made me feel a little stupider for having sat through all those reviews, but then again I'm pretty much a prime member of the target audience for his anti-Lucas circle-jerk. Think what you will of me for it, but I'm not ashamed to say that I enjoyed it.
2014-06-05, 10:51 AM #270
A guy creates a long-as-hell video droning on about something that a substantial portion of the population is likely to agree upon based on known strong feelings. The entire video is a giant straw man, yet people love it anyway because it supports their existing beliefs in a way that could most generously be described as extraneous. Video then becomes extremely popular and widely shared, while anyone arguing against it is treated like a pariah by the people who agree with the video-echo chamber.

Am I talking about Loose Change or a Red Letter Media review?
>>untie shoes
2014-06-05, 10:52 AM #271
It's cool, though. I agree. The prequels are bad largely because the original trilogy is different and good.
>>untie shoes
2014-06-05, 10:54 AM #272
You guys! I assume that Lucas is using a visual metaphor in this one scene of the original trilogy. Additionally, in this one other scene in the prequels, there is CGI, which makes visual metaphors impossible.

>>untie shoes
2014-06-05, 10:59 AM #273
Originally posted by Antony:
Am I talking about Loose Change or a Red Letter Media review?

2014-06-05, 4:45 PM #274
I'm totally with Antony on this. It's the kind of neckbeard pissnerd rage I can only tolerate for just about a minute or so. Yeah, the prequels were bad, but damn that guy is pathetic.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2014-06-05, 6:14 PM #275
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Whoever invented the whole "Internet review show with a stupid premise/backstory" spiel needs to die in a fire, though.

* This Guy reviews 1985 VHS cassettes from South-East Asia, BUT HE ALSO HAS TROUBLE EXPRESSING HIS FEELINGS TO HIS ANTHROPOMORPHIC SUITCASE. And on tonight's episode, his thoughts on Star Tracks: Umpire Strikes Bat.

* Louis XIV has been revived as the chairman of the Liberal Party of Canada and he's having trouble expressing himself in the 2010s, which is why he'll critique reviews made by other Internet personalities. Today, he'll shed light on why and how Plinkett is mostly irrelevant.

* And from the people who think Div from Penny Arcade is funny: Krokodile XVII has to review mods for old games since otherwise his alcoholic lawnmower Orbach will sleep with his wife (and even then someone's gonna do her anyway). In this week's episode, Kroko proves why all the problems in TODOA can be traced back to the wrench puzzle.


You are dangerously close to besmirching the good name of FILM CRIT HULK.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-06-05, 6:28 PM #276
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
I'm totally with Antony on this. It's the kind of neckbeard pissnerd rage I can only tolerate for just about a minute or so. Yeah, the prequels were bad, but damn that guy is pathetic.

Wait a minute--that's not what he really sounds like, since he's in character. But you probably knew that?
2014-06-05, 6:39 PM #277
"Internet reviewer with a backstory" is a conceit born of a wish to be making movies instead of making internet reviews.

Sometimes they make movies, too. Unfortunately all of the people who might make fun of them are in the marquee.
2014-06-06, 6:23 AM #278
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
You are dangerously close to besmirching the good name of FILM CRIT HULK.

I'm going to be honest here: I'm getting fairly tired of Film Crit Hulk having to throw in his 10,000 words of droning, repetitive allcaps in regard to every slight controversy the world of cinema sees. What's really remarkable is that his boss is capable of getting across the exact same point in a format that isn't painful to read and doesn't take as long to read as it does to watch the movie he's talking about.

Why do these people never seem to understand the concept of quality vs quantity?
>>untie shoes
2014-06-06, 6:26 AM #279
PREDICTION: Within the week Film Crit Hulk posts to Badass Digest a 10,000 word essay talking about why Tom Cruise is the greatest movie star of all time, and how all of the best stars in history were weird people, too.

Why? Because everyone else on the internet who is exactly like him is posting the same thing.
>>untie shoes
2014-06-06, 7:36 AM #280
Originally posted by saberopus:
I'm terrified that Harrison Ford is just going to sleepwalk through it like he has all his recent movies. :-| He's not a charmer anymore, he's a curmudgeon. Clint Eastwood Lite. Maybe Han Solo can wear a printed t-shirt under his iconic vest that says "I'd rather be in Jackson Hole."

I don't have anything against old actors, not at all, it's hard to watch something that plays out awkwardly. Especially if they haven't kept up with their craft and they are only there because you can't really replace them.

Maybe it will all be bittersweet in the end.

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