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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Star Wars Episode 7: A New Attack of the Empire Strikes Revenge of the Return of Jedi
Star Wars Episode 7: A New Attack of the Empire Strikes Revenge of the Return of Jedi
2014-04-29, 3:01 PM #41
inside llewyn vader
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-04-29, 3:05 PM #42
Originally posted by Krokodile:
Same goes for Alec Guinness.

Too soon man, too soon... :smith:
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2014-04-29, 5:10 PM #43
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
I have no problem with male/female black lead, if the story was originally written that way,

...Written what way?

I don't think they're going to have the same racist stereotypes in another galaxy.
2014-04-29, 5:12 PM #44
Also, Mark Hamill's looking pretty good since he hit the gym.

2014-04-29, 6:50 PM #45
Originally posted by Krokodile:
Same goes for Alec Guinness.

he is too dead to play gay obi wan

On a more serious note it will be interesting to see who of the original cast dies (if any)...IIRC Han Solo was initially supposed to die in RotJ, I wonder if they're going to pull anything like that here.
2014-04-29, 8:01 PM #46
Originally posted by Baconfish:
...Written what way?

I don't think they're going to have the same racist stereotypes in another galaxy.

You're correct in saying that, we don't really see that sort of thing in Star Wars (although some argue that gungans are a racist stereotype for black and asian people, but I find that sort of interpretation to be pure rubbish). I guess my argument would boil down to, that if your story was originally imagined with a white male lead, but instead changing it to the opposite for the sake of not appearing racist, is in fact racist. Anyhow, I have faith this will be great film.

EDIT: Isn't that picture several years old?
Nothing to see here, move along.
2014-04-29, 8:13 PM #47
Yeah I don't think that's currently what Mark Hamill looks like unless that was a jokepost in which case KUDOS
2014-04-29, 9:37 PM #48
I bet they're keeping one big cast member a secret. Like bringing Ewan McGregor or Hayden Christensen back as ghosts. Or Billy Dee Williams is the strange masked villain and saves the day.
Sorry for the lousy German
2014-04-29, 10:11 PM #49
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
that if your story was originally imagined with a white male lead, but instead changing it to the opposite for the sake of not appearing racist, is in fact racist.


Also, I remember seeing a picture of the Millennium Falcon set like a year ago or so. Yet a few weeks ago they supposedly released the first photo from the set... from a desert.

So maybe they have a proper non-CGI set for the Falcon or they don't. Oh well.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-04-30, 4:24 AM #50
I guess my argument would boil down to, that if your story was originally imagined with a white male lead, but instead changing it to the opposite for the sake of not appearing racist, is in fact racist.

It's actually not and if you think that you're out of your mind.
2014-04-30, 4:50 AM #51
This thread is in danger of turning into Tumblr.

Oy vey.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-04-30, 4:58 AM #52
Yet actually, Gold's got one point. It's possible that forcing a character to be of certain type just to please some interest group or whatever might be detrimental to the quality of the work if/when done by a hack writer.

But this is Star Wars we're talking about, no one's gonna be dishing out "ooh nice writing" awards for this one. Yet these casting choices don't surprise me one bit (whether when it's a question about Star Wars or action films in general). You'd assume they'd have progressed/reshuffled things a bit by the 2010s, but...

In other words: the black dude's probably gonna die first.

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-04-30, 8:04 AM #53
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Yet actually, Gold's got one point. It's possible that forcing a character to be of certain type just to please some interest group or whatever might be detrimental to the quality of the work if/when done by a hack writer.

This is the only point I wanted to make, yet words failed me. I feel that script writers already get their ideas limited, rewritten, cut, etc enough as it is. Imagine another case, where you write a script around a single main character, and an exec loves the script, but tells you to rewrite it to include a second main character, who is equally important, shares as much screentime, and is as strong as the main character, but must be of a different race or gender, and that's how a story gets ruined when it was originally conceived one way, and forced into something else because of meeting a gender or race quota.

Back on topic: Casting is still not complete on EPVII according to Latino Review (who is notorious for their terrible Star Wars leaks, but great at leaking Marvels stuff).
Nothing to see here, move along.
2014-04-30, 9:14 AM #54
Also, this was the Falcon "set photo" I was referring to

And here's the desert one
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-04-30, 9:20 AM #55
I'm 99% sure that first one is fake, rather, it's from that collection of "STAR WARS STUFF IN REAL LIFE PHOTOS" series from a year or two ago.

Edit: I was right. Actually from 2009:
2014-04-30, 9:26 AM #56

(Nice link, tho')
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-04-30, 10:42 AM #57
Originally posted by Impi:
Or Billy Dee Williams is the strange masked villain and saves the day.

My girlfriend said he had to quit Dancing with the Stars after like two weeks because of health problems, so I don't know about all that.
>>untie shoes
2014-04-30, 11:52 AM #58
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
I'm 99% sure that first one is fake, rather, it's from that collection of "STAR WARS STUFF IN REAL LIFE PHOTOS" series from a year or two ago.

Edit: I was right. Actually from 2009:

Second one is legit though, and it's an ATAT's foot in a desert. So... maybe the Empire's presence on Tatooine ended rather violently...
Nothing to see here, move along.
2014-04-30, 2:20 PM #59
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with male/female black lead, if the story was originally written that way, but the rumors I read was that near the final stages of the script some Disney execs basically forced the script writers to change the lead to a black female because of a lack of such a main lead in previous films, and that it might be considered racist/sexist to not do such a thing. I guess those rumors were unfounded as I see no evidence of that from this casting. BTW, I mean't gender diversity not sexual diversity (didn't realize they are not the same thing).

those rumors were probably conceived and spread by pieces of ****, hth
2014-04-30, 4:36 PM #60
Originally posted by Antony:
My girlfriend said he had to quit Dancing with the Stars after like two weeks because of health problems, so I don't know about all that.

I saw a little bit of this, he didnt have a lot of mobility. It was pretty sad although I would think for a movie they could work around this and still give him a role.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2014-04-30, 7:10 PM #61
He was having back issues, but that's definitely something they can work with in film. Especially since none of the ol' timers are probably going to be doing much action. They waited too long. They should have started this 10 years ago right after the last trilogy wrapped up filming.


I just hope with JJ behind the camera that they made him sign some type of agreement not to do any camera shakes or lens flares!
2014-04-30, 7:11 PM #62
unfortunately it's his winsome smile muscles that are affected most by his infirmity :(
2014-05-01, 12:04 PM #63
Originally posted by Tracer:
Yeah I don't think that's currently what Mark Hamill looks like unless that was a jokepost in which case KUDOS

That's from about 3 weeks ago, they assigned him and Carrie Fisher personal trainers ages ago.
2014-05-01, 2:00 PM #64
Originally posted by Baconfish:
That's from about 3 weeks ago, they assigned him and Carrie Fisher personal trainers ages ago.

This picture was a couple days before the casting announcement, and he doesn't look that good.

Nothing to see here, move along.
2014-05-01, 3:22 PM #65
Looks pretty much the same, it's just a ****ty photo.
2014-05-01, 5:30 PM #66
I have never seen a scenario where an actor ends up looking different onscreen than they do in random photos.
>>untie shoes
2014-05-01, 6:15 PM #67
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
This picture was a couple days before the casting announcement, and he doesn't look that good.

Because he hasn't shaved. You can definitely tell in that photo that he has lost considerable weight. For comparison...

Remember these actors get paid millions to prepare for a role. It doesn't matter if it's losing weight or gaining weight.
2014-05-01, 8:12 PM #68
Originally posted by Alco:
Because he hasn't shaved. You can definitely tell in that photo that he has lost considerable weight. For comparison...

Remember these actors get paid millions to prepare for a role. It doesn't matter if it's losing weight or gaining weight.

Quite right, and the beauty of it all, we haven't seen how they're going to touch him up with makeup. He'll look 40.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2014-05-01, 8:54 PM #69
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
This picture was a couple days before the casting announcement, and he doesn't look that good.

...It's a 62 year old man in a sepia filter, it makes everyone look jaundiced for Christ's sake!
2014-05-02, 6:44 AM #70
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Quite right, and the beauty of it all, we haven't seen how they're going to touch him up with makeup. He'll look 40.

He's not supposed to look 40. Luke was probably supposed to be somewhere around the age of 30 by the end of Return of the Jedi. This film is set to take place 35 years after those events. If anything, they may make him appear older on purpose by giving him a long beard or something like that.

I'm sure they don't want the actors to be fatasses, but there's nothing wrong with them looking aged, it would be absolutely idiotic to have the characters look young and vibrant for the sole purpose of nostalgia when it makes no sense in the storyline whatsoever.
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2014-05-02, 7:36 AM #71
Eh, if anything, I'd expect Luke to look like (old) Obi-Wan in the upcoming film.

And who's up for inducting TODOA into the new Star Wars canon? Anyone? Me? Me! Me... []
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-05-02, 7:45 AM #72
[CENTER]Star Wars
Episode VII

2014-05-02, 11:11 AM #73
Originally posted by Dark__Knight:
He's not supposed to look 40. Luke was probably supposed to be somewhere around the age of 30 by the end of Return of the Jedi. This film is set to take place 35 years after those events. If anything, they may make him appear older on purpose by giving him a long beard or something like that.

I'm sure they don't want the actors to be fatasses, but there's nothing wrong with them looking aged, it would be absolutely idiotic to have the characters look young and vibrant for the sole purpose of nostalgia when it makes no sense in the storyline whatsoever.

While I agree with your point, you were wrong about the age. In A New Hope, he's supposed to be 19, and in Return of the Jedi, he's supposed to be 23.

Presuming the 35 year jump, that should place Luke as 58.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2014-05-02, 11:14 AM #74
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Eh, if anything, I'd expect Luke to look like (old) Obi-Wan in the upcoming film.

And who's up for inducting TODOA into the new Star Wars canon? Anyone? Me? Me! Me... []

I'm up for inducting TODOA into an actual cannon.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-05-02, 10:39 PM #75
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-05-03, 5:33 AM #76
I really love when a movie can make the armchair casting directors and so on come out of the woodwork. I am excited about the part where we start going back and forth with utterly insane plot theories. Surely it's inevitable that someone will be dumb enough to suggest that Disney publicly disavowing the EU is a smoke screen and that this new trilogy will be some EU bull****, right?
>>untie shoes
2014-05-03, 8:06 PM #77
Originally posted by Antony:
I really love when a movie can make the armchair casting directors and so on come out of the woodwork. I am excited about the part where we start going back and forth with utterly insane plot theories. Surely it's inevitable that someone will be dumb enough to suggest that Disney publicly disavowing the EU is a smoke screen and that this new trilogy will be some EU bull****, right?

please mr. kennedy


please don't shoot me into a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-05-03, 8:38 PM #78
Originally posted by Antony:
I really love when a movie can make the armchair casting directors and so on come out of the woodwork. I am excited about the part where we start going back and forth with utterly insane plot theories. Surely it's inevitable that someone will be dumb enough to suggest that Disney publicly disavowing the EU is a smoke screen and that this new trilogy will be some EU bull****, right?

Unfortunately Abram's precedent with Khan in ST:ID makes that a small possibility. My theory is that they will take only what they consider the best of EU an integrate it into the new trilogy as backstory (character names, planets, etc). Anyhow, for now the rumors have only started, and they're ugly an insane. Let me post the recent rumors on EPVII, and then we can all yell about how stupid they are:[INDENT]
An insider on Twitter has revealed several tidbits about Star Wars Episode 7 ahead of the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT on May 4th.
[INDENT] The insider claims that:

[INDENT] - The full title of the film is ‘ Star Wars: Episode VII – The Order of the Jedi. The film was rumoured to be called ‘A New Dawn’ but that has recently been revealed to be an ‘in-canon’ novel to be released soon.
- Oscar Winner Lupita Nyong’o is also in the cast. She will be playing a character called ‘Asajj Ventress’. Nyong’o was not officially announced in yesterdays report but was one of the first names to have signed up after Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford.
- Daisy Ridley will be playing a member of the Solo Family.
- Max Von Sydow will be providing his voice only to a character that will run right through the new Trilogy.
- Luke Skywalker will be the ‘Obi Wan’ type character of the new trilogy. - Han Solo is the High Commander of the New Republic
- Leia is now the ‘Queen Regent of the Republic’ - The Big bad is not a Sith Lord

[INDENT] Its expected that the Title and Story details will be announced in a press release on Sunday May 4th. [/INDENT]
Nothing to see here, move along.
2014-05-04, 2:28 AM #79
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Unfortunately Abram's precedent with Khan in ST:ID makes that a small possibility. My theory is that they will take only what they consider the best of EU an integrate it into the new trilogy as backstory (character names, planets, etc). Anyhow, for now the rumors have only started, and they're ugly an insane. Let me post the recent rumors on EPVII, and then we can all yell about how stupid they are:[INDENT]
An insider on Twitter has revealed several tidbits about Star Wars Episode 7 ahead of the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT on May 4th.
[INDENT] The insider claims that:

[INDENT] - The full title of the film is ‘ Star Wars: Episode VII – The Order of the Jedi. The film was rumoured to be called ‘A New Dawn’ but that has recently been revealed to be an ‘in-canon’ novel to be released soon.
- Oscar Winner Lupita Nyong’o is also in the cast. She will be playing a character called ‘Asajj Ventress’. Nyong’o was not officially announced in yesterdays report but was one of the first names to have signed up after Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford.
- Daisy Ridley will be playing a member of the Solo Family.
- Max Von Sydow will be providing his voice only to a character that will run right through the new Trilogy.
- Luke Skywalker will be the ‘Obi Wan’ type character of the new trilogy. - Han Solo is the High Commander of the New Republic
- Leia is now the ‘Queen Regent of the Republic’ - The Big bad is not a Sith Lord

[INDENT] Its expected that the Title and Story details will be announced in a press release on Sunday May 4th. [/INDENT]

How are any of those ugly or insane? :confused:
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2014-05-04, 2:30 AM #80
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Let me post the recent rumors on EPVII, and then we can all yell about how stupid they are

Sorry, but that's exactly the kind of SW fanboyism that everyone hoped to avoid from this new trilogy. Yes, it's an exercise in futility and not actually your fault in particular, but still.

(Goddammit, Antony)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum

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