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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Star Wars Episode 7: A New Attack of the Empire Strikes Revenge of the Return of Jedi
Star Wars Episode 7: A New Attack of the Empire Strikes Revenge of the Return of Jedi
2014-05-21, 4:43 PM #201
Just stumbled across this:

I'm almost hesitant to read it because it may make anything that is actually written for the script pale in comparison.

When the alien walked by in that video did anyone else immediately exclaim: pity the gelf!
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-05-21, 8:47 PM #202
Originally posted by Dormouse:
Just stumbled across this:

I'm almost hesitant to read it because it may make anything that is actually written for the script pale in comparison.

When the alien walked by in that video did anyone else immediately exclaim: pity the gelf!

I read them... they are pretty bad. They sound more like fan fics than actual Star Wars plots.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2014-05-21, 10:26 PM #203
While browsing the Wookieepedia article about a book I read as a kid, "Tales from Jabba's Palace", I learned that there is a genre of music in the EU called "jizz".


2014-05-22, 12:42 AM #204
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
While browsing the Wookieepedia article about a book I read as a kid, "Tales from Jabba's Palace", I learned that there is a genre of music in the EU called "jizz".

As far as I recall you should already have learned that from said book. There's a nice story about the band in Jabba's palace.
Sorry for the lousy German
2014-05-22, 9:23 AM #205
In my innocence of youth, the word didn't stick.
2014-05-22, 9:35 AM #206
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
I read them... they are pretty bad. They sound more like fan fics than actual Star Wars plots.

I thought they sounded like the usual SW EU drivel (not counting that one of them actually was a plot from one of the lower-end SW EU works). So you know, like bad... fan fics.


Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-05-22, 2:01 PM #207
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
While browsing the Wookieepedia article about a book I read as a kid, "Tales from Jabba's Palace", I learned that there is a genre of music in the EU called "jizz".

Thanks for making me choke on my coffee. Dafuq? Hahaha. Wookieepedia troll?
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2014-05-22, 2:01 PM #208
"She's got that jizz."
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2014-05-22, 5:56 PM #209
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
Thanks for making me choke on my coffee. Dafuq? Hahaha. Wookieepedia troll?

Not a (Wookieepedia) troll. The term is also in the Star Wars Encyclopedia (according to Wikipedia). I haven't checked Trollopedia, let alone Jizzopedia.
2014-05-22, 5:58 PM #210
The only thing better than jizz wailers are jizz whalers, whose noble profession has provided the cosmetics and fragrance industry with prized cetacean cum for centuries.
2014-05-22, 6:01 PM #211
I learned a new word today.
2014-05-22, 6:29 PM #212
And then this happened.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2014-05-22, 6:58 PM #213
Non-trilogy stand-alone Star Wars movies? What? I guess Disney is trying to follow the Marvel formula?
2014-05-22, 7:02 PM #214
as it should have.
2014-05-23, 2:45 AM #215
Originally posted by Alco:
Non-trilogy stand-alone Star Wars movies? What? I guess Disney is trying to follow the Marvel formula?

I think it was shortly after they bought Star Wars that they announced that they wanted to release a new movie every year.
Sorry for the lousy German
2014-05-23, 2:46 AM #216
John Boyega and Daisy Ridley posted some new pictures and videos:
Sorry for the lousy German
2014-05-23, 10:39 AM #217
I really hope they go for a distinct visual theme for the new trilogy. The original Star Wars (especially ANH) had an endearing sort of rustic quality to it. Droids and vehicles had a certain junky feel to them. In the prequals, the screen was invariably clogged with a nauseating and ugly rainbow of neon colors. I particularly dislike seeing more than two lightsaber colors on the screen at once. More so if the people wielding them are little kids. Constantly turning their backs to their opponent and dancing around. YAWN

In fact, I think it would be cool if they tried no force, no sabers for the first round. At Nar Shaddaa. (And make the main character Kyle Katarn.)
2014-05-23, 1:12 PM #218
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:

In fact, I think it would be cool if they tried no force, no sabers for the first round. At Nar Shaddaa.

2014-05-23, 3:45 PM #219
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
In fact, I think it would be cool if they tried no force, no sabers for the first round. At Nar Shaddaa. (And make the main character Kyle Katarn.)

So this film would take place before Kyle found a lightsaber in his garage?

Also: I've never agreed more with a comment in my life.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2014-05-23, 3:54 PM #220
Well, I already hate gbk's avatar almost as much as I hate Alan.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-05-23, 4:05 PM #221
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
In fact, I think it would be cool if they tried no force, no sabers for the first round. At Nar Shaddaa. (And make the main character Kyle Katarn.)

Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-05-23, 5:15 PM #222
Since Disney plans to put out a non-trilogy film every year, there's no reason in my mind not to have a Dark Forces movie. After all, putting out such a movie would be an incredible springboard for marketing a Dark Forces 1.5 game. What did Kyle do between the destruction of the Arc Hammer and the beginning of Jedi Knight? I'm guessing the Arc Hammer was destroyed sometime between ANH and TESB, and JK is supposed to start a year after RotJ. Having introduced a new generation to the world of Kyle Katarn, Disney could make a game to go along with the movie.

They could also make another movie, also taking place between Dark Forces and Jedi Knight, that targeted towards women. It would be a romance between Kyle and Jan. In that movie, we'd also get to meet Jan's girlfriends. Those characters would form the basis for a new TV show, called "Sex and..." wait, what's this? Wookieepedia says Kyle proposed to Jan several times between JK and JK2? But she said no every time, fearing that "each day together could be their last?" That makes absolutely no sense. In "Team America: World Police", Gary only has to promise Lisa that he "will never die". After doing this, she makes love to him.

Maybe the moral is that any EU tie-in will need some massive retconning in order to get rid of various absurdities. For example, who knew that Kyle, and not R2D2, stole they death star plans? Were they a different set of plans?

Maybe it would be better to go far back enough in time, so that nothing has been written to be contradicted. We could have a 10-year old Kyle played by a 10-year old Jake Lloyd type person, and have him race swoops and interact with another CGI mentally retarded blackface alien. Or how about a 10-year old Scarlacc. I would love to see a movie about the Scarlacc's childhood.
2014-05-23, 5:24 PM #223
And speaking of the Arc Hammer, that Al MacDonald comic totally rips off Lucasarts for inventing hammer-shaped space stations.

I at least thought the Arc Hammer was cool looking.
2014-05-23, 5:35 PM #224
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
In fact, I think it would be cool if they tried no force, no sabers for the first round. At Nar Shaddaa. (And make the main character Kyle Katarn.)

I'm feeling that jizz.

That would be the most epic thing ever.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2014-05-23, 8:22 PM #225
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Since Disney plans to put out a non-trilogy film every year, there's no reason in my mind not to have a Dark Forces movie. After all, putting out such a movie would be an incredible springboard for marketing a Dark Forces 1.5 game. What did Kyle do between the destruction of the Arc Hammer and the beginning of Jedi Knight? I'm guessing the Arc Hammer was destroyed sometime between ANH and TESB, and JK is supposed to start a year after RotJ. Having introduced a new generation to the world of Kyle Katarn, Disney could make a game to go along with the movie.

They could also make another movie, also taking place between Dark Forces and Jedi Knight, that targeted towards women. It would be a romance between Kyle and Jan. In that movie, we'd also get to meet Jan's girlfriends. Those characters would form the basis for a new TV show, called "Sex and..." wait, what's this? Wookieepedia says Kyle proposed to Jan several times between JK and JK2? But she said no every time, fearing that "each day together could be their last?" That makes absolutely no sense. In "Team America: World Police", Gary only has to promise Lisa that he "will never die". After doing this, she makes love to him.

Maybe the moral is that any EU tie-in will need some massive retconning in order to get rid of various absurdities. For example, who knew that Kyle, and not R2D2, stole they death star plans? Were they a different set of plans?

Maybe it would be better to go far back enough in time, so that nothing has been written to be contradicted. We could have a 10-year old Kyle played by a 10-year old Jake Lloyd type person, and have him race swoops and interact with another CGI mentally retarded blackface alien. Or how about a 10-year old Scarlacc. I would love to see a movie about the Scarlacc's childhood.

Do you really think that Kyle Katarn is going to have any place in anything? Much less his own movie? The Arc Hammer, Kyle and Jan's romance [targeted at women, yeeesh], 10 year old Kyle? Nobody except some of us dorks with a deep history in this tiny corner of SW could possibly care. And most of us don't even, at this point.

Also, damn you for suggesting a "Jake Lloyd type person" and a SW film starring a child at all.

Though, as I approach the end of your post, I feel like maybe you're being silly and I'm just missing it... 10 year old Sarlacc...

Now I don't know what to think :P
2014-05-23, 8:44 PM #226
Hey, I was just trying to give Disney some ideas. That doesn't mean they are good ones. And it won't be my fault if Disney makes another movie about a little kid. The blame for that would fall on the shoulders of `ol George, for setting the precedent. Nevertheless, something tells me that no matter how bad Disney screws things up, it couldn't be as bad as what Lucas did with the prequels. Just like Obama is afraid of being perceived as "weak" on the terrists, Disney probably won't turn star wars into a musical.

Anyway, I thought the preferred style of posting `round these parts was to play the idiot almost seriously enough to fool the reader. The more people that miss the joke the better, since greater confusion only gives you the upper hand in the inevitable protracted debate to follow.

In all seriousness, well, I guess I would personally would like to see an actual, serious Dark Forces movie (not what I wrote in that post). Maybe it would be best if they went back and forth in time, to talk about the origins of the Valley of the Jedi. It could kind of be like Lord of the Rings in that way. In any event, to make it any good, they'd have to add a bunch of new backstory. I don't want to just see the games depicted. I suppose there are those three Dark Forces book that were written in the `90s (I haven't read them).
2014-05-23, 8:51 PM #227
Also, I didn't really care for the story of Jedi Outcast. The ending felt weak, and it seemed like a much less ambitious multimedia project. I liked the days when Lucasarts did things in-house, and brought on all sorts of artists and writers to make a comprehensive experience. I mean, the in-game cutscenes in JO just seem lame compared to the FMV cutscenes of JK.

I never played Jedi Academy, so I actually don't even know how they wrapped up the series.
2014-05-23, 8:52 PM #228
Also, one more post and I'm there.
2014-05-23, 9:06 PM #229
Also: I wouldn't mind seeing a 10-year-old Sarlacc. Yes, Kevin J. Anderson wrote a story in "Tales from Jabba's Palace" about its origins. What I want to know is why it it looks like a vagina, and what it does if any sand gets inside it. (Or a Jizz Wailer. Did Max Rebo ride Jabba's barge that day?)

Edit: since I don't want to increase my post count, I'm just going to write all future posts inside this one as an edit. Bookmark this page.

Edit: yes, this means you'll have to see that cringe-worthy first paragraph every time.
2014-05-23, 11:49 PM #230
Despite playing through JO multiple times, I hated the story and all attempts at trying to bring romance in (the lame animations didn't help). And while JA's story was the same old EU drivel, I still maintain that it was still nice enough that all chronologically post-JA works just suck arse.

As for non-trilogy SW films, I guess they can't go worse than The Clone Wars (2008) did. OHHH TEMPTING FATE THE FORCE.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-05-24, 3:13 PM #231
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
turn star wars into a musical.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2014-05-24, 4:23 PM #232
Did I just see Chewbacca commit suicide against the stage floor by bashing in her own head?
2014-05-24, 5:25 PM #233
If Kyle Katarn ever shows up on a movie screen I'm coming after you with a rubber hose.
>>untie shoes
2014-05-24, 7:48 PM #234
I thought the storyline in Jedi Outcast was pretty good up until they revealed that Jan wasn't actually dead. When you thought she had been killed it raised the stakes in a good way and also made you wonder if Kyle was going to turn to the dark side.

Anyway no Jedi Knight film could ever compare to editing the game's FMV clips together.

[INDENT] If Kyle Katarn ever shows up on a movie screen I'm coming after you with a rubber hose. [/INDENT]

what does this mean

also GBK what the hell is wrong with you
2014-05-24, 8:08 PM #235
Originally posted by Tracer:
also GBK what the hell is wrong with you

Blame CoolMatty.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2014-05-24, 8:12 PM #236
Originally posted by Tracer:
what does this mean

I'm thinking that was directed toward me. Though I'm not sure about the rubber hose part... sounds like sex offender material.
2014-05-25, 1:31 AM #237
37 years since Star Wars (IV: A New Hope) premiered in movie theatres.

And what a better way to commemorate it than the mixture of 2009 graphics and editing with a 1997 video game engine?
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-06-02, 11:41 PM #238
The rumors, it turns out, are true. 12 Years A Slave star and Academy Award winner Lupita Nyong’o is joining the cast of Star Wars: Episode VII. In addition to Nyong’o, Lucasfilm announced today that a familiar face from HBO’s Game of Thrones would also appear in director J.J. Abrams’ upcoming Star Wars film.

Nyong’o and Gwendoline Christie (aka Brienne of Tarth) join previously announced cast members Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Andy Serkis and Max von Sydow. Also appearing in the movie will be original Star Wars cast members Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniels, and Kenny Baker.

“I could not be more excited about Lupita and Gwendoline joining the cast of Episode VII,” Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy said in a statement. “It’s thrilling to see this extraordinarily talented ensemble taking shape.”

What roles the two women will be playing aren’t known, but the addition of Nyong’o and Christie addresses earlier complaints from fans about the lack of female characters in the cast for the movie that was announced back in April.

Star Wars: Episode VII is currently filming, with its release scheduled for Dec. 18, 2015. Lucasfilm has not said whether or not this announcement means that the core cast for the movie has been locked, or whether more actors have yet to be cast in the movie.
? :)
2014-06-03, 12:12 AM #239

P.S.: I was just watching some `ol JK FMV on youtube. Can somebody tell me how Kyle survived being hit by TIE Bomber ion cannon fire?
2014-06-03, 7:04 AM #240
Trick question. TIE Bombers don't have ion cannons.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.

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