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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Star Wars Episode 7: A New Attack of the Empire Strikes Revenge of the Return of Jedi
Star Wars Episode 7: A New Attack of the Empire Strikes Revenge of the Return of Jedi
2015-05-14, 2:30 PM #721
I honestly don't know why any of you try to argue with him anymore.
2015-05-14, 2:56 PM #722
Probably the most social interaction he gets
2015-05-14, 3:35 PM #723
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Probably the most social interaction he gets

Me or Gold?

Nevermind. Probably right on both counts.
>>untie shoes
2015-05-14, 4:58 PM #724
Originally posted by Antony:
Goddamn, man. Alright, I'll make this really simple for you.

You could read a detailed description of every single minute of the film and you still wouldn't actually know what the movie is really like until you see it. This is why we actually watch movies, instead of just reading plot summaries.


Am I to understand that you are incapable of forming an accurate concept of a film from a detailed description? Because I don't suffer from this ailment.

Anyhow, it matters not at the present. Come December, we will both see the film, and update our opinions.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2015-05-14, 6:45 PM #725
Oh, I wasn't aware that you were capable of having emotional responses of the sort brought on by the intricacies of an actor's performance, musical cues, cinematography, editing, etc... By reading a movie's synopsis.

So yeah, I have no doubt that you're capable of developing a detailed understanding of exactly what a movie is like by reading prerelease rumors.

Hell, man, using your powers you could probably tell me what the lyrics of a song are if I just told you it had a guitar solo in it.

If the rest of us had this gift, we could really save Hollywood a lot of time, effort, and money.
>>untie shoes
2015-05-14, 7:58 PM #726
I actually made some baklava recently. Look at this sh**.


It turned out alright but could use more internal cohesion.
2015-05-14, 10:05 PM #727
I don't want to know anything about the movie. I just want to show up and enjoy it. Reading the script, etc., is at best pointless for this purpose, and takes far more than two hours to do.
2015-05-15, 12:27 AM #728
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
I don't want to know anything about the movie. I just want to show up and enjoy it. Reading the script, etc., is at best pointless for this purpose, and takes far more than two hours to do.

This. I prefer to not even watch trailers or read synopses before watching a film, much less spoil the entire ****ing story for myself. This often results in me beginning terrible movies that I quickly discard, but it also sometimes permits me to be pleasantly surprised. I don't think that I could enjoy films nearly as much if I were to know much at all about them before watching.
? :)
2015-05-15, 6:28 AM #729
I don't really care anymore, as it turns out that in the time that it took me to not make my original piece of work due to not having money, it's already been done by many other people. So I just read synopses for most of the time anyway.

Like with the newest Dragon Ball Z film, it's not the kind of thing I wanted to wait and see only on BluRay in a year or so, so I just spoiled it for m'self.

But in any case, if you don't wanna get spoiled in any way, well, uh... don't.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2015-05-16, 1:32 AM #730
Speaking of things that never get done, here's Star Wars: Battlecry

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2015-05-16, 5:46 AM #731
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
Look at this sh**.

Gimme that pastry!
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2015-05-21, 4:11 PM #732
I had been avoiding this thread because I'm not interested in exposing myself to potential spoilers. I checked in awhile back and saw you guys had moved on, I think, to discussing the merits of capitalism so I felt safe to check back in. Then I saw the topic swung back to Star Wars and Ford's imminent death. I figured I'd let the hoopla die down but surprisingly there wasn't much. Are you guys just tired of calling gold stupid? I don't have any personal problem with him but I thought the comment about Ford dieing was way out there and surprised nobody took him to task harder than Jon`C.

Tangents that I could go on at some length about but won't:

I really loved Harrison Ford. Then he left me at the altar. I don't know how long the period was but from this vantage point it seemed that he pretty much simultaneously stopped making movies I liked, left his wife, and started wearing earrings. Perhaps he will return before his death.

About reading and speculating about movies before you see them, I remember reading the comic adaptation of Ep II before seeing it. I thought it made a great comic book but I wondered how it could actually be on screen as live action. What that film did well, it did very well. My opinion is that it is the weakest of the bunch although I dislike Ep I more and more each time I see it. The parts of that movie that always bothered everyone are starting to bother me more and overpower the parts I like. I guess that makes sense for me because typically, I'll use the movie Elektra as an example, a bad movie gets better over time for me because my expectations were so lowered that I forgive the bad parts for the parts that I like and the beginning of that film ties in with a great comic gimmick that series pulled. With Ep I, I always liked it for the parts that were excellent but that appreciation is fading and the bad parts stand out more for me now.

And just to bring this back on topic. Bacon.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2015-05-22, 8:56 AM #733
Originally posted by Wookie06:
I really loved Harrison Ford. Then he left me at the altar. ...he... left his wife, and started wearing earrings. Perhaps he will return before his death.

Trolling? Or can one seriously simultaneously entertain homosexual fantasies and also be homophobic?
2015-05-22, 9:02 AM #734
We've already gone through Gold and Wookie on this thread. What's next, The Koobie Hour?
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2015-05-22, 9:09 AM #735
Originally posted by Wookie06:
I really loved Harrison Ford. Then he left me at the altar. I don't know how long the period was but from this vantage point it seemed that he pretty much simultaneously stopped making movies I liked, left his wife, and started wearing earrings. Perhaps he will return before his death.

Nothing to see here, move along.
2015-05-22, 11:51 AM #736
It's simple, Gold. People like Wookie don't like anything that has changed in the last 50 years.
>>untie shoes
2015-05-22, 6:47 PM #737
Well, perhaps I was too harsh. I was looking at his film credits and there is a lot he has done in the past decade I hadn't seen or heard about. Most of what turned me off of him was a very boring interview I saw him give along with his odd behavior. I do notice he has been announced for the potentially upcoming Blade Runner 2. Hopefully they've reviewed the actuarial tables on that.

Also, how did the new kid infer anything homosexual or homophobic from that post? WTF?
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2015-05-23, 2:44 AM #738
I think Jones is referring to the idea that you had a man crush on Harrison Ford til he turned into some dirty earring wearin' queer.
>>untie shoes
2015-05-23, 5:19 AM #739
Originally posted by Antony:
I think Jones is referring to the idea that you had a man crush on Harrison Ford til he turned into some dirty earring wearin' queer.

You're reading into his comment. How I interpreted Wookie06's post is that Harrison Ford made some changes in his life around the time he started wearing an ear ring that also affected his decisions on what roles to take, his acting in general, and his public perception in interviews. So the ear ring wearing part is just a noted coincidental aspect of that.
2015-05-23, 6:37 AM #740
I'm sorry, but I have a hard time believing that Harrison Ford has ever viewed acting as anything but an irritating and miserable way to make money in order to fund his carpentry and aviation hobbies.

He just happened to get older, start wearing an earring, and slowly become less popular as younger men filled the roles he would have typically played.
>>untie shoes
2015-05-23, 12:11 PM #741
Originally posted by Alco:
You're reading into his comment. How I interpreted Wookie06's post is that Harrison Ford made some changes in his life around the time he started wearing an ear ring that also affected his decisions on what roles to take, his acting in general, and his public perception in interviews. So the ear ring wearing part is just a noted coincidental aspect of that.

For the record, I was the one reading too much into Wookie's comment. Antony simply (correctly) inferred my meaning.

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