Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
I don't think that starfighter is functional. It has the engines of a Clone Z-95, but apparently the quad-wing design of an X-wing (notice the blasters) as well. The s-foils would never be able to open.
I could swear I've seen some EU ship designs that had something like that and just split the engine cylinder down the middle. They have some options to work with.
Originally posted by Antony:
I like how people are always complaining about how the prequels are nothing but CGI and how they need more practical effects. Nevermind the fact that Mustafar was created with the largest miniature set in the history of film. Nah, it's all CGI, right?
I read that article too, and it was pretty dumb.
Yeah, some of the stuff people thought was badly-composited CGI turned out to be badly-composited miniatures with a ton of CGI lathered on top of them, it doesn't mean the complaint of FX abuse isn't valid. And when they didn't bother to build a single set of clone armor for the prequels, you can hardly argue that there wasn't some pretty egregious abuse of CGI. There's some SyFy-grade FX work on Geonosis, especially.