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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Thread of Oblivious Oblivion goodness
Thread of Oblivious Oblivion goodness
2006-03-21, 1:50 PM #81
I'm going to have to go pick it up before work.
2006-03-21, 1:56 PM #82
Oh ****ing jesus christ! I just found out it IS compatible with 2000! *runs out of the house half naked*
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2006-03-21, 2:21 PM #83
Gahh! Why must I be in Washington DC? Oblivion...
2006-03-21, 2:41 PM #84

I also want comments and secrets about gameplay.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-03-21, 2:53 PM #85
[QUOTE=Kieran Horn]Let me help you out there Freelancer...

I've never played an Elder Scrolls game, but Oblivion looks pretty awesome. Unfortunately, I'm still running on Windows 2000 and Oblivion requires XP. This bites.[/QUOTE]
Actually, the game technically runs on Windows 2000. The developers have been testing it, and they say that there's nothing to stop you from running it, though it's not OFFICIALLY supported. It appears to run, but might be a little buggier.

[edit]Well, I see I was a little too slow... Well, at least come back and put on your pants before streaking through your neighborhood. You won't be able to play Oblivion when you're in the police station that evening for indecent exposure. :p

As for pictures, those will wait until we've actually played the game extensively; obviously, if we're online here to talk about it, we're not playing it right now! :D

Originally posted by Roach:
This thread will be useless as soon as Offset comes out...

Not really; it may be as "pretty" as 3Dmark06, (not really, though) but it's currently little more than a tech demo; with that few people working on it, I doubt that it will come to fruitition, at least in this year. And it's a simplistic FPS, anyway, not an RPG. Only combat, not stealth, quests, dialogue, etc.

Originally posted by Daft_Vader:
Wow, the series is 10 years old:

You surprised by that? I've been playing for only half of that, though, when I picked up Daggerfall in 2000. Morrowind followed, and now Oblivion.
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...
2006-03-21, 3:04 PM #86
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Gahh! Why must I be in Washington DC? Oblivion...

Because they don't have games stores in Washington...
2006-03-21, 3:52 PM #87
Originally posted by nottheking:
Oh really? That was not what was said by virtually everyone, including BethSoft, 2K games, and every retailler I spoke with.

Some people might've recieved their copies on the 20th, if they had bought them online, though.

I'm afraid not. At least one local Gamestop here was selling copies. You just talked to retail people who have no idea what's going on.
2006-03-21, 3:54 PM #88
Originally posted by Roach:
This thread will be useless as soon as Offset comes out...

Offset doesn't even have a release date yet, not to mention it's not even an RPG.
2006-03-21, 3:54 PM #89
its amazing



America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2006-03-21, 4:07 PM #90
Post pictures or I will KILL you.
2006-03-21, 4:18 PM #91
Originally posted by nottheking:
Not really; it may be as "pretty" as 3Dmark06, (not really, though) but it's currently little more than a tech demo; with that few people working on it, I doubt that it will come to fruitition, at least in this year. And it's a simplistic FPS, anyway, not an RPG. Only combat, not stealth, quests, dialogue, etc.

They've now got Red 5 backing them, and a few new members on the crew.
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-03-21, 5:12 PM #92
Originally posted by Baconfish:
Because they don't have games stores in Washington...

Vacation. No PC except my Dad's laptop.
2006-03-21, 5:17 PM #93
Installing now... Reserving post for goodness. :p
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2006-03-21, 5:21 PM #94
$11,000 computer?
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2006-03-21, 5:23 PM #95
Both actually. I have the big rig hooked up to the KVM with no internet. :)
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2006-03-21, 5:24 PM #96
Originally posted by MBeggar:
$11,000 computer?

No, it was $10,500.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2006-03-21, 5:42 PM #97
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
No, it was $10,500.

No, he literally has an $11,000 computer. Trust me, I remember when he got it.
2006-03-21, 5:53 PM #98
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]No, he literally has an $11,000 computer. Trust me, I remember when he got it.[/QUOTE]
I'm not going to say anything. Not a word.

OK, I lied. WTF is in that thing? A 666.7 ghz cpu, a terrabyte of RAM, and some 3 gig of VRAM video card? Along with a petabyte (I think that's the term?) HD?
I had a blog. It sucked.
2006-03-21, 5:58 PM #99
666.7 Ghz. Hehe.
2006-03-21, 6:03 PM #100
I'll let Aaron tell you himself ;)
2006-03-21, 7:04 PM #101
this game is simply beautiful. i have everything on low because my graphics card sucks and it still runs pretty laggy because its so beautiful.

pent 4 3.6 ghz computer
1 gig ddr ram
128 mb radeon x300 gfx card

so yea the graphics card will be updated within a month and I can enjoy this. otherwise, its simply amazing. aaaaah so sex

those who wanted expansiveness, imagine a game world that looks real life with mountains surrounding you as far as you can see with forests on those mountains. perfect. despite my lag, all load times have been less than 5 seconds. I attribute that to my otherwise very nice computer. And unlike in Morrowind, loading only stops game movement when in the city or going into a house. When exploring, it loads as you are moving with lagging, its quite nice not having to stop the game in the middle of a forest.

im already grandmaster of one of the factions too (its new so I'll let you find out about it) :)

the first time I stepped out of prison and viewed the countryside my mouth literally dropped. Even on lowest settings, it looks incredibly AMAZING. PLAY IT NOW! I really enjoy the new combat system too. "power attacks" work nicely. Its the basic hold attack button and press an arrow key to do a certain move. AAH SEX
America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2006-03-21, 7:38 PM #102
Buy me a freaking Xbox360 and this game. Or a new Alienware desktop computer and this game, either choice. :(
2006-03-21, 7:43 PM #103
Or you could ditch both ideas, get a decent computer and this game.
2006-03-21, 7:59 PM #104
...and now it's nighttime?! What on earth happened? haha

The graphics are unbelievable, espcially on the huge high definition flatscreen I'm playing this on.

It seems that I have only scratched the merest surface of the game.... and it promises to be epic.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-03-21, 8:01 PM #105
I forgot to add, weather effects are awesome. When it rains, the wind howls and the trees sway. By the way, the trees look better than the ones you have seen in real life. This game owns your face and its mom.
America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2006-03-21, 8:21 PM #106

I demand they be banned if they post again without screenshots.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-03-21, 8:29 PM #107

If it has a bindable screenshot button, I'll bind it to the thumb button on my mouse so I can post some screenshots.
2006-03-21, 8:36 PM #108
Alright here is a little review after 8 hours of playtime (started 3 character for various tests)

Please note that there are no new screenshots yet from me because Print Screen doesn't seem to work and there are no fuctions in game. I'll figure something out.

Computer I am running on :

Amd 64bit 3700+
X1900XT (OC'd 665Mhz / 1470Mhz)
2GB Ram

Visual Quality :

Let me start this section by saying, "You will need a very high-end gpu to get decent visuals." I was maxed out, at 1600x1200, with 16x AF (forced in catalyst driver, no option in game?) on everything with my x1900xt and it ran silky smooth, except for a few stutters here and there. Make sure self shadowing is unchecked, it looks quite aweful (at least on ATI's.)

That being said, there are some ups and some downs about the graphics in this game. The parallax mapping on textures is trully amazing and used quite exquisitly, and the overall texturing in indoor areas (dungeons, caves, homes) is as great as you could expect from a recent game. Sharp textures, brilliant colors.

Now, about forests and outdoors. This is where the game gets a bit touchy. In your immediate area, the forests and everything is a true marvel. Simply breathtaking. You have butterflies swirling around bushes, grass and leaves swaying to the wind, soft shadows cast by the tree canopies, it all adds to the atmosphere. Where the outdoor's beauty fails is on distant land and mountain. Essentially, the textures loose all detail and become big blobs of green and brown. I'd say on the far away hills and mountains, its normal, you can't expect everything to run at full detail. Its when the LoD process seems to go awry and nearby hills remain huge undetailed blobs that it hurts. It doesn't happen so often, but it did as I neared some towns. That and the pop-ups when new areas load (ruins suddenly popping up ahead, trees shifting locatioins, etc) are the only environmental flaws that touched me.

Character animations are a tad stiff on occasion, and the transition between animations are most often inexistent, but that would be massive nit-picking on my part. The lip synch animations are a true marvel.

I played with HDR on, so i did not have Anti-aliasing or bloom on, and it did not bother me a bit to be AA-less. And normally, I'd be the first to complain. Speaking of HDR, its use is just perfect in this game. I heard a lot of people complain that there would be too much bloom in the game. Not quite so with the HDR option. Only reflective objects really bloom when the sun is shining down on them, or things that are close to light sources, but its nothing dramatic. Not anywhere near as bad as "bloom" options. :p

Combat :

All I can say is wow. This is a HUGE improvement from Morrowind, one that I praise greatly. The combat is much more involved now, where you are required to block, attack, power attack. As you gain skills in blade and blunt weapons you will gain new attacks, such as a spinning attack that will damage everyone around, and a disarm attack. For the nimble thief, once you get your acrobatics high enough, you can dodge attacks but using the jump button while holding down block. While some enemies seem simplistic, there are more tactics used than there ever were in Morrowind.

Its also worth mentioning that spell casting is also on a seperate key now. You don't have to seathe your weapon and "ready spell" like you did in Morrowind. You can simply tap the "cast" key and you will hurl that big fire ball, or heal yourself, or whatever spell you have selected, during your combat.

I think Rob, you'll enjoy the action in this game. At least I am.

Storyline and quests, spoiler less :

This game is extremely involving compared to its predecessors. I play 4 hours with the same character, following the main quest and it had me beating through a horde of twisted imp like creatures called scamps and dremora warriors, and working with some soldiers. Let me remind everyone that it took about 20 hours of gameplay in morrowind's main quest before it ever got that involving. Forget your little dungeon runs where you kill six Sixth House sleepers and a leader. You're going to have a whole lot more to do.

There seems to have been a lot of devotion into every little quest in this game. There doesn't seem to be as many "fed-ex" quests where you gotta deliver this and that to some such person. Most quests now have a more developped storyline behind it.

Radiant A.I. :

First of all, lets make something clear. Don't expect the A.I. to be like humans, and start giving you quests that were never scripted. I remember seeing a few people on the official forum saying things like, "Will some such start hating his neighbour and come ask you to kill him?". Thats not going to happen, if they give you a quest it was scripted.

What the R.A.I. was meant to do is allow NPCs to have goals and go about a typical life. They will meet one another and spark dynamic conversations, fishing for lines in a barrel of prerecored voice samples. Overall, it was also meant to simplify the programmers' task. Instead of having a whole string of scripts to get an npc to open a lock and move to a place, now they simply do "Open lock, go sit down" and the characters will do it.

Now. Does it do all that? Yep it sure does. Npcs will bump into one another and chat, you can get new quests from hearing them. Npcs will move about a daily life, going to the inn at noon for lunch, and closing down shop and going to bed at night. Some will train with others, some will steal stuff, etc. It succeeds at making the world feel much more alive.

--- I'm cutting things short for now, bed time for me, I shall continue once I find the time, if anyone else cares to pick up where I left off, you are free to --
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-03-21, 8:36 PM #109
Just about to go play.

Sucks for all of you that don't have this game.
2006-03-21, 8:37 PM #110
Originally posted by Rob:
Just about to go play.

Sucks for all of you that don't have this game.


Rob if you figure out how to take a shot, can you pm it to me?
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-03-21, 8:43 PM #111
BY THE WAY, I just needed to mention this before hitting the sack :

Character creation is awesome. They got it down pat by asking you different stuff through out the first hour of dungeon escape. They start off the game by having you choose your race, looks and name. After battling through a part of the dungeon, getting time to experience everything, you get asked the birthsign (gives a bonus or special spells), and near the end which class (skills) you want. Then once you reach the exit, you can go back and modify anything you like.

The facegen deal for creating your avatar's looks is really detailed. I managed to create a nord with my face (or very close too anyways).

The one part I find sad is the lack of modeled beards, but I they had good reasons. It was very problematic with their lip synch and it didn't move right looking like a wig. Not to mention it gave a lot of clipping problems. Perhaps they well eventually add them in a patch. *crossed fingers*

In the meantime, you can go into the "tone" section and add an 11 o'clock shadow, a goatee or a mustache. Nothing too fancy but it gives a great unshaven aragorn look. Or a plain mustache or plain goatee.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-03-21, 8:49 PM #112
Jepman, my friend already had NPCs attack him outside of town, and even one who demanded money from him. Have you seen anyone killing creatures on their own, or another adventurer inside a dungeon? (Bethestha said that you can meet up with fellow explorers and fight along side them)
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2006-03-21, 8:54 PM #113
Originally posted by JediKirby:

I demand they be banned if they post again without screenshots.

No see, my friends have it, so I dont have to see screenshots. So therefore no banninations will occour
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2006-03-21, 9:21 PM #114
All I can say is...Awesome. I've barely scratched the surface, as I've really been concentrating on advancing in the thieve's guild, but hot DAMN is this game sexy!
2006-03-21, 10:09 PM #115
Wow, I bought this game and my graphics card (GeForce FX 5700) is too amazingly ****like to run it at even remotely playable FPS. Bah
2006-03-21, 10:15 PM #116
Installing. Yeah, obie, that card, for lack of a better word, sucks. :\
2006-03-22, 2:15 AM #117
I picked it up today at CompUSA for $44.99. A STUNNING game and definitely worth the value.
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2006-03-22, 3:04 AM #118
Originally posted by Sol:
Jepman, my friend already had NPCs attack him outside of town, and even one who demanded money from him. Have you seen anyone killing creatures on their own, or another adventurer inside a dungeon? (Bethestha said that you can meet up with fellow explorers and fight along side them)

I haven't met an adventurer in a dungeon per say (I haven't gone into dungeons just yet, I normally keep that for a few levels higher) but I did meet one in an... hellish area who joined up with me.

Oh and might I add, Sean Bean does an OUTSTANDING job at voice acting. Just... wow.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-03-22, 4:30 AM #119
Originally posted by Primate:
All I can say is...Awesome. I've barely scratched the surface, as I've really been concentrating on advancing in the thieve's guild, but hot DAMN is this game sexy!

Where the **** is this garden you're supposed to go to god damnit..
2006-03-22, 5:05 AM #120
Rob - The garden is an over statement its actually a small lawn with a little hut and 3 people standing around.

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