A couple questions for you guys.
I got the ring(venomsomething?) as a quest reward from the Bruma quest where you have to deliver the ancient Akaviri orders and retrieve an Akaviri artifact necklace, but it won't let me wear the quest reward necklace. Perhaps it is higher level than I can wear, but I thought the rewards were levelled, so I may just sell it. Anyone else run into this problem with other items?
I have a question about armor. You skill up in armor and eventually get to a point where it says armor no longer encumbers you. Now, does that mean it doesn't decrease your speed anymore, no longer counts towards the encumberance of what you can carry, or both? If the latter isn't what it means, then Light Armor will be a hell of a lot better, even for a pure combat warrior.
Handy tip: carry a silver dagger(or the silver blunt equivilent) at all times. You never know when you'll run into a creature that can only be damaged by silver, enchanted, or daedra weapons. A silver dagger is just the most accessible and lightest option. I learned both those lesssons the hard way.