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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Thread of Oblivious Oblivion goodness
Thread of Oblivious Oblivion goodness
2006-03-26, 3:54 PM #281
Originally posted by Uberslug:
Everyone has it! Everyone! Everyone but me! Gnyaaaarrrggghh!

For what it's worth, I don't have it either. :p
2006-03-26, 4:00 PM #282
[QUOTE=IRG SithLord]what's the pros and cons of being a vampire?[/QUOTE]
This is straight from the game guide.

As a Vampire, you have a particular taste for human blood. Your abilities as a Vampire are directly tied to feeding on other characters; in short, for every day you go without feeding, vampirism takes a greater hold on you and turns you into even more of a monster. This means that the benefits you receive from being a Vampire become stronger, but so do the drawbacks. If oyu reach the end of the cycle without feeding, you're prevented from interacting with most other characters in the world.


Feeding has a direct effect on how much power you have as a Vampire. Below, the various bonuses and weaknesses granted by vampirism are discussed, as are the effects of feeding.


At its basic level, vampirism gives you bonuses to several attributes(+5 to Strength, Willpower, and Speed) and skills (+5 to Acrobatics, Athletics, Destruction, Hand-to-Hand, Illusion, Mysticism, and Sneak). You're also granted a resistance to disease and paralysis, and a small resistance to normal weapons. All of these factors combine to make your character a bit tougher than normal.

For every day you go without feeding, your boosted skills and attributes increase by an additional 5. Your resistance to normal weapons increases as well.


These bonuses come with a price. At the start, you'll only have a weakness to fire. Each day without feeding increases this weakness, and other drawbacks are introduced.

If you've fed within the last 24 hours, you're safe from the sun. Any longer than that, however, and you'll start burning whenever you are exposed to sunlight. Each day that passes without feeding increases the amount of damage the sun does; cloudy or rainy weather will help some, but you're in danger any time you set foot outside.

The worst part of not feeding comes after a full four days without blood. You may notice that for every day you don't feed, your appearance changes. Your face becomes gaunt and pale, your teeth start to look like fangs, and your eyes turn bright red. Well, you're not the only one who will notice these changes. If it's been long enough since your last feeding, everyone else will recognize you for what you are. Most characters in the game will simply refuse to interact with you, turning you away every time you talk to them. This can make playing the game difficult, as it prevents you from buying and selling, and sometimes prevents you from getting new quests.


For every day you spend as a Vampire without feeding, you are granted a new power. While they may not directly help in combat, each power has a specific use and can be very beneficial.

Hunter's Sight
The first power you receive as a Vampire, Hunter's Sight, grants you 30 seconds of Night-Eye[which is like wearing night vision goggles, but blue] and 30 seconds of Detect Life over a large area. Useful for carefully exploring dungeons, this power can be used repeatedly for a small Magicka cost.

Vampire's Seduction
The second power received gives you a high-magnitude Charm spell for 20 seconds. While it may not immediately seem useful, this spell has one very important function. Raising a character's Disposition to 100 will allow you to talk to him or her no matter how long you've been a Vampire. This spell helps you bypass the restriction placed on you for being a full Vampire.

Reign of Terror
Three days as a Vampire gives you the ability to silence and demoralize opponents around you. Particularly useful against fire-wielding opponents, this can be quite an advantage in combat.

Embrace of the Shadows
A full three minutes of invisibility along with 90 seconds of Night-Eye provides more than enough time to escape any combat situation. Use this one when you're in over your head and need to make a quick getaway.

Then it goes on to talk about advanced strategies which consist of sleep during daylight, never fast-travel because you might arrive during sunlight hours, use one vendor to make as many transactions as possible, do transactions during the early morning since that is the only time vendors are open and you won't get fried.

Pretty much the only reason I'm not going Vampire is because of the sunlight thing. Too much of an annoyance.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2006-03-26, 4:24 PM #283
Oh man, that just makes me want Oblivion more!
2006-03-26, 4:27 PM #284
[QUOTE=Kieran Horn]Pretty much the only reason I'm not going Vampire is because of the sunlight thing. Too much of an annoyance.[/QUOTE]Really, it's not all that bad. As long as you feed once a day (which is easy if you have a decent security and sneak skill) you don't take any damage from sunlight, although you don't get much in the way of bonuses.
2006-03-26, 4:30 PM #285
By feed, you mean on blood, right?
2006-03-26, 4:32 PM #286
I just became a vampire myself. How do we get rid of it.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-03-26, 4:36 PM #287
Originally posted by Jepman:
I just became a vampire myself. How do we get rid of it.

Oopsies. Was it an accident? Maybe you could just act like you weren't a vampire.
2006-03-26, 4:39 PM #288
Uber, yea it was an accident, I went into a cave outside Cheydinhal and well... it was crawling with vampires. And I have contracted the disease before I even noticed the tombs and realized these bandits had creepy red eyes.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-03-26, 4:54 PM #289
That is creepy.
2006-03-26, 4:56 PM #290
Yea, I did get shivers when I focus on that face and realized what they were.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-03-26, 5:20 PM #291
You can cure the disease for the first 3 days. After that you're teh vamp.
2006-03-26, 6:17 PM #292
Uber, yea it was an accident, I went into a cave outside Cheydinhal and well... it was crawling with vampires. And I have contracted the disease before I even noticed the tombs and realized these bandits had creepy red eyes.
You got the disease? Meh, that's no big problem. Just use a Cure Disease potion or spell or go pray in a temple.

Now, if you got the disease, didn't do anything about it, and become a vampire there is only one way to get rid of it: there is a quest you can get that has you collecting materials for a potion that reverses Vampirism. That's the only method.

If you want to get rid of your Vampirism, speak to a priest. That will start you on the path to curing it.

edit: took out potential spoilers
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2006-03-26, 6:31 PM #293
The thieves guild quests are awesomefun, so are the assassin quests. I haven't actually done any of the main storyline since ditching Sean Bean.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2006-03-26, 6:37 PM #294
I played my save game for fun and used a bunch of cheat codes to see what I could do. Went back to my original save and got all the way to secret red-robed cult's alter place where I had to fake my way in, and realized god-mode stayed on for even my saved game. Now I've got a corrupted game with cheats. The only way I could make a legit game, now, would be to restart. Hmph, moral dillema.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-03-26, 6:42 PM #295
Hmmm. At least now I know not to use cheats if I ever get Oblivion.
2006-03-26, 6:43 PM #296
Well, just turn them off when you go back to playing. I mean, I can turn them off now, I just have a bunch of stuff that I may or may not have been able to get on my own, considering I didn't die at all.

Actually, even without godmode: I haven't died yet. What happens? Restart?
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-03-26, 6:43 PM #297
So restart then. It's not exactly like the game isn't conducive to multiple characters.
2006-03-26, 6:45 PM #298
I want to play a bad character, but the game makes it almost impossible to kill anyone who gives storyline quests. What if you sell the amulate? Can you kill all of the important people then, and take a path of evil?
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-03-26, 6:46 PM #299
Find out for yourself. Why don't you just start killing people randomly.
2006-03-26, 6:48 PM #300
I did under the godmode game. All it does is knock out key-quest characters. They get up a few seconds later. That's stupid.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-03-26, 7:58 PM #301
How do you turn the camera to look at the front of your character?
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2006-03-26, 8:20 PM #302
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]1) Yes, you do need a new card
3) [url][/url][/QUOTE]

How come? It's just software. It'll be cheaper than New Egg because he works there.
2006-03-26, 8:21 PM #303
[QUOTE=Chaz Ghostle]How do you turn the camera to look at the front of your character?[/QUOTE]

Hold your mouse-wheel-button down and rotate. Or rotate your character in the inventory screen. There's possibly another way.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-03-26, 8:25 PM #304
Originally posted by JediKirby:
I want to play a bad character, but the game makes it almost impossible to kill anyone who gives storyline quests. What if you sell the amulate? Can you kill all of the important people then, and take a path of evil?

From what I remember in Morrowind, you could kill a required quest character, but you'd get a warning saying that you just killed a crucial individual and offer you a choice of reloading or continuing in the 'doomed world you have created' - or something to that effect.
2006-03-26, 8:30 PM #305
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
How come? It's just software. It'll be cheaper than New Egg because he works there.

The video card.
2006-03-26, 8:49 PM #306
Originally posted by JLee:
From what I remember in Morrowind, you could kill a required quest character, but you'd get a warning saying that you just killed a crucial individual and offer you a choice of reloading or continuing in the 'doomed world you have created' - or something to that effect.

Not here. Most of the time, the game will make the character "unconcious". It sucks, because you can't really be "bad"

I've already beaten the main quest, and I've been playing all the side-quests I can find. I LOVE this game. :D
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2006-03-26, 9:55 PM #307
Originally posted by Jepman:
Where the bloody heck is Ongar the fence?

Delayed response, but he's in Bruma. His house is in the sothwest part of town.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2006-03-26, 9:58 PM #308
Originally posted by Yecti:
Not here. Most of the time, the game will make the character "unconcious". It sucks, because you can't really be "bad"

I've already beaten the main quest, and I've been playing all the side-quests I can find. I LOVE this game. :D

I might have screwed up the main quest. I am supposed to read a book called "Modern Heretics" located in the Blade's library. The problem is in my lust for gold earlier in the game, I swiped every book worth more than 25 gold and sold them to First Edition. Now the arrow points me there to get the book, but the dude wont sell it back to me (its not in the list to buy merchandise, and I broke in to his place at night and couldnt find it either). Is my quest doomed?
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2006-03-26, 10:02 PM #309
kill him and see if it's on his body.
2006-03-26, 10:08 PM #310
That mystic's place gives awesome gold if you steal crap from there. Soul stones are worth like 50-200 a piece, easily.

Oh yeah, and sleep on the boat in the waterfront district for some fun and loot. Just make sure you've got some Restore Fatigue potions and an empty inventory.
2006-03-27, 1:45 AM #311
Originally posted by Omicron88:
kill him and see if it's on his body.

He's one of those "unconscious" people. I did try pickpocketing him, no luck there either. I even took his key and unlocked his chest with a hard lock on it with NOTHING inside.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2006-03-27, 2:25 AM #312
I have determined that the auto scaling system is absolute ****.
2006-03-27, 2:36 AM #313

Do you get to keep the powers from not feeding after you feed again?
2006-03-27, 3:48 AM #314
Originally posted by KOP_Snake:
Delayed response, but he's in Bruma. His house is in the sothwest part of town.

Well steal my pants and jump on my left nut! NO WONDER I COULDN'T FIND HIM!!!!
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-03-27, 3:51 AM #315
Go to your guild doyen, and ask about the thieves guild, then ask about fences.

They'll give you a list of the ones you can talk to and where to find them.
2006-03-27, 4:43 AM #316
Either I'm too new in the guild or Armand is a tight-lipped s.o.b. because I don't even have an option of fence when I ask about the thieves guild. :(


Btw, I just joined the brotherhood with yet another character, that place is awesome, second best part of the game. First being the arena.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-03-27, 4:45 AM #317
The easiest way to get into the brotherhood without killing someone easy is to do the gray princes mission.

When you fight him at the end of the arena, he's too depressed to do anything so you can whallop on him untill he dies. I'm just about ready to buy the house on the waterfront, so I can have a place to leave some of this crap behind.

Also, hit up the arena box, theres 500 gold in there. Also, you can get over 300 from stealing out of the imperial armory near the jail.

If you guys find any houses with some sweet gear post it.
2006-03-27, 4:46 AM #318

I forget waht town, but the blackwatch guild, or whatever.

There is a REALLY awesome sheild upstairs, and no one minds if you take it.
2006-03-27, 5:01 AM #319
Originally posted by Rob:
The easiest way to get into the brotherhood without killing someone easy is to do the gray princes mission.

When you fight him at the end of the arena, he's too depressed to do anything so you can whallop on him untill he dies. I'm just about ready to buy the house on the waterfront, so I can have a place to leave some of this crap behind.

Also, hit up the arena box, theres 500 gold in there. Also, you can get over 300 from stealing out of the imperial armory near the jail.

If you guys find any houses with some sweet gear post it.

Ah so you can weaken the Gray Prince huh. I went at it the hard way with my Nord and kicked his *** up and down and all over the arena, the odds were even in his favor. Still I prevailed. I'm pretty good in one on one swordplay. When I'm playing a sneak its another story though. But dagger sneak attacks (x6 damage) are bloody awesome. :D

As for the DB... I killed some guy while robbing his house and next tiem i went to bed I woke up with a creepy man looming over me in bed. He did a pretty cool emperor palpatine-ish impression with his voice and attitude. <3
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-03-27, 6:06 AM #320
That site is pretty good, but its "recommended" requirements are kinda odd and off the wall.

It said my GF6800GT absolutely met the recommended requirements... yet the FX-55 processor I have does not. The reason? Because its clockspeed is 2.6ghz instead of 3ghz.

I need to stab whoever wrote that in the eye.

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