Back where the writers write, Gebohq the writer starts typing furiously. CoolMatty the Writer raises an eyebrow.
Gebohq the writer: Oh, I'm just tieing together a few things before we see about getting more writers. Do me a favor and give the new guy the paperwork, will you?
He hands CoolMatty the Writer a stack of papers, then turns around back to his typing before CoolMatty the Writer can properly respond. CoolMatty the Writer rolls his eyes as he steps out, dumps the papers in a trash bin, and stops back at Liberius the Writer's desk.
CoolMatty the Writer: Word of advice, Liberius: Gebohq may be a mod, but he's also a little mad. As in crazy. So is this project. Try not to make too much sense of either, and you should be fine.
Liberius the Writer: Uh... ok?
A not-so-short time later, Dr. R. Deep and Qhobeg of Hero Force One fame monitor a number of high-tech computer terminals. Before them, within an even fancier and more cliched stasis tube, Highemperor bulges with power. A shimmering wave of static light falls over Highemperor within the stasis tube, and he sheds himself to reveal Al Ciao, weaker looking than ever before. The static light rises, and Al Ciao screams pitifully. The scream, however, transforms into an intimidating roar as he is rebuilt into Highemperor. The process presses forth, and with each pass, Highemperor grows buffer, smarter, and more charismatic while Al Ciao withers weaker, dumber, and with the charisma of a nerd. Highemperor's blue eyes almost radiate in godly white, while Al's eyes turn brown and bland. Highemperor's muscles become both statuesque and suave, yet Al actually begins developing a small gut.
Just as it seems Al will be stripped of his very life, though, the process jerks to a halt, leaving Al Ciao still very much present.
HFO Qhobeg: What happened? Why did it stop?
Dr. R. Deep: I don't know. Try it again.
A few button presses, and the static light sweeps over Al Ciao. He spasms in pain, but nothing happens.
Dr. R. Deep: Increase the power.
Again, the static light rises, this time more intensely. However, Al Ciao remains as he is.
Dr. R. Deep: Raise the power to maximum.
The static light shoots upwards, blinding the room. The stasis shuts down, and Al Ciao slumps to the floor.
Dr. R. Deep: I don't understand. This equipment should be more than sufficient to have done the job.
HFO Qhobeg: I have a theory, Doc. I think that, in the process of stripping away all of what gives Al Ciao any power -- what little he could do with his hair, his effectiveness with melodrama, even the strength and soul an average person would have -- he was left with only character. And with only character, however little, he suddenly becomes a rock for the story which cannot be stripped.
Dr. R. Deep: Is there no way Al Ciao could be removed from Highemperor?
HFO Qhobeg: No, I believe they are inseparable. So long as Highemperor remains alive, so will Al Ciao. The best we can hope for is that the kernel of character doesn't become stronger and possibly try to shed his powerplaying alter-ego, or for the process to reverse in character degradation.
Dr. R. Deep: Hmmm... perhaps this could be to our advantage. We will need a way to control the powerplayer, and so long as he remains himself, that may prove difficult. Having a way to force him into his alter-ego could be our control.
HFO Qhobeg: As a last resort, I would hope. Whatever we decide our trigger to switch him back will be, though, must be kept secret and inconspicuous, least it fall into the wrong hands.
Al Ciao lifts his head up weakly.
Al Ciao: What happened...?
HFO Qhobeg: Rats! He's come around.
Dr. R. Deep: Al Ciao, tell me, how are you feeling?
The Hero Force One doctor walks to Al Ciao, performing a cursory check-up.
Al Ciao: Weak. Not... not good.
Dr. R. Deep: You are suffering serious injury, Al Ciao. As perhaps the most skilled doctor in the world, I can tell you that no recovery will be possible. You will die in short time.
Al Ciao: I could powerplay, to save my life. No harm could come of that.
Dr. R. Deep: Do what you must.
Al Ciao: No, I don't think I should. I mustn't.
Dr. R. Deep: I'm afraid you have no choice, Mr. Ciao. We need your alter-ego, by any means if necessary. You can't resist. Any attempt to will require you to powerplay -- you won't be able to breathe much longer without powerplaying.
Al Ciao: I...
There is an awkward pause as an inner battle plays out in Al Ciao's mind. He then curls into a fetal position before transforming into Highemperor, who floats into a standing position.
Dr. R. Deep: Welcome back, your--
Highemperor: I know that you were unable to dispel my alter-ego. This was to be expected, if unfortunate. It is no matter, though, for your ceremony has done its duty. From now on, I will lead Hero Force One as Citizen Rex.
Highemperor holds his arms out, and a radiant light engulfs him momentarily. When it dims, he is now garbed in a white outfit more fitting of a United States Marine without the cap, his red sash now striped with white bars, and his cape blue with white stars. Highemperor has become Citizen Rex.
Citizen Rex: This attire will suit my new role.
HFO Qhobeg: Uh, yes, yes it does...
Dr. R. Deep: Thank you, Rex. We have a lot of work to do, I'm afraid, so we will meet you shortly in the briefing room. Qhobeg can show you the--
Citizen Rex: No need for that. I will begin my duty, alone until I say otherwise. Now to decide if arriving first as Al will merit the most melodrama...
Qhobeg gives Dr. R. Deep an uneasy look as Citizen Rex steps out of the room.
HFO Qhobeg: I hope we know what we're doing.
Meanwhile (NeS count: too high, it broke again), back in that dark alley, Tony the Poster stares wide-eye as the mystical swirl snaps back down to size and promptly engulfs Gebohq, whisking him away to the empty Arena(tm).
Tony the Poster: Well... that wasn't what I expected.
The mystical swirl moves over Erik and Vinny, whisking them away back into non-existence.
Tony the Poster: Nothing has changed. The reality check has been made. It's only a matter of time -- reality will ultimately come down upon all.
Tony the Poster stands his ground as the mystical swirl attempts to engulf him with no success.
Tony the Poster: We Posters cannot be swayed by anything so blatantly fantastical, writers! Better start practicing your straight fiction!
Chuckling to himself, Tony the Poster walks out of the scene. They mystical swirl, however, twitched, then magnetized against the wall at the end of the alley. Who should spit out of the mystical swirl but Gebohq's evil counterpart from NeShattered, Evil Geb, falling unceremoniously to the ground!
Evil Geb: Ow...
A decay-filled mass of pus and blood and ink soon attempts to slither out of the swirl.
Evil Geb: Oh no you don't, Ever-ending Plot!
Swiping with his dark blade, Evil Geb hacks at the disgusting mass back into the mystical swirl. Wielding what story he can, Evil Geb conjures a giant medieval double-door over the mystical swirl, throws a giant bar across it, chains it up, and holds it together with a large metal lock.
Evil Geb: HA! You'll never see the light of publication again, Ever-ending Plot! I'm finally free, HAHAHAHA! Hmm... but what now?
Evil Geb pulls out a script from his pockets and thumbs through its pages.
Evil Geb: Looks like I'm overdue for a vacation... to Disney World!
Cutting the fabric of the story itself with his blade, Evil Geb hops through the tear, zipping the tear up as if it never was. At the bottom of the giant medieval double-door shutting the mystical swirl closed, a decay-filled mass of pus and blood and ink slowly scratches across the ground...
Back at the Arena(tm), Gebohq stares wide-eyed as the Prince of Darkness comes down with all his fury upon him. Fortunately, for Gebohq, CoolMatty and Mustand are standing nearby, appearing to guard him against the ruler of Hell.
Mustang: You have done what you were summoned by the NeSorcerer to do, so begone!
Lucifer: I'll leave when I wish! Your NeSorcerer holds no power over me at this point now.
Mustang: Well, we did what we could -- good luck, Geb!
CoolMatty: Sorry, Geb, but I did what I had to do.
Mustang and CoolMatty disappear with his teleportation power, leaving Gebohq now very alone with an angry Prince of Lies.
Gebohq: *gulp*
Back at the Hell-bound midway station to the battle in Disney World, Mimiru and Subaru finally finish their song and dance.
TLTE: An enjoyable performance, but I have to wonder now if we're destined to remain idle in this particular hellhole.
Random Demon Commander #325: UNITS 23000 THROUGH 23050 ARE A GO!
Imp Medic: That'd be you guys! Try not to **** up!
TLTE: Excellent. I'll have to put my metaphysics knowledge to more use.
Losien: Has anyone seen Gebohq--?
Before she could finish her sentence, the NeS cast is hurdled towards the battle against Disney in Flordia. When Losien regains her bearings, she can find none of her companions in the chaos of the battle between the forces of Disney and the forces of Hell.
Losien: Well this is a fine start for my role as main character...
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